ppinpfppi R 1 -t " *5. * . -» * ' J '--^r.-. •^•-•Y----- t> -t r--,; FiwgawiflSSFT' Mite#; PiRMM annual farm income of $110,900,-1 and perhaps a 090. The total (or the state ' la \ tl^lalk $500,000,000. The farm mortgage - titty ADVISER'S ! judged by the aise of the tomb- .• ' . . En-):ratg-,\iHonng iu the local cemetery. OOHllEirrS , ' j We took a short side trip one \ Iday back through a ravine to visit debt is $28,000,000. flrtniam Tammeus. Farm Advisor) Calvin Coolidge's birthplace andj Farms sell by cow capacity, not t. m, ______ I last resting place at Plymouth. Vt. acre. A thirty-cow farm k Whe grave is very simple, with wjj| have perhaps sixty acres of In Cnina. I am told, 3 per cent a rather modest tombstone, and tjnajjie Utad and thirty acres > of Of the arable land is occupied by was conspicuous only by the three; pasture, with the rest woodland. I'(rave .yards. They bury their dead evergreen bushes planted around; A, „„„„„„ _* n the best land so they will fare it in the little hillside cemetery.: nr„L.h® „?J» t Thnmai well In the after life. Another cas* } About half of the stones were Bratt,eboro' 1 met a Mr. Thomas Where ancestor worship works a those of Coolidges. The town had liardship on those living. •„ a population of perhaps 150 and a,ki- «*•«•«- *--<»• "e" s 'Hpfllttle pasture in -- mm- . who owns farms just north of town. He has purebred Holsteins. . • - H a r e ' O a k # t * • ; ' Western industry has been hampered by the scarcity of low-cost coal which would be made into coke. Utah has abundant coal, but it has a high percentage of waxes and oils which hamper the coking process. It' has been found that soaking the coal in ethyfene dichlori4f vtU recqoYf tfce*« substances. • v - : sixth on this farm. It was settled i by a Thomas in 1794. ! We visited the National Holstein j More than nine billion yards of. V fmtches, 1 was asked on our trip w"'-5 born upstairs in the back i, east to not© the difference in the His fattier was the storekeeper at tombstones in different that time. _ _ mrens. Mr. Hughes, my traveling The population of the state is i Association ~ office' at"~Brattleboro 9; , tompanion, -prosperity of 360.000 and there are 95,000 cars.ian<i the National Ayrshire office! cotton cloth were produced in this ftn agricultural area con best be!There are 16.000 farms, with an at Brandon. We signed the guest' country in IMS--a huge ribbon that , book, so we are now registered at I would run, back and forth between the right place. County Agent Bill j the moon 21 times! Stone of Windsor county, whose, . f j Time far « complete GOINfiM? is at Woodstock, told me j there were more Jersey cattle ,.'i registered in that county in 1948 ' than any other county in the U.S. Tip far Hensewif^ Slip a discarded pillow case over the end of the ironing board when All of Vermont needs potash and jroning articles that are not colormuch of it r.eeds phosphate. Very This keeps regulaf ironing little needs lime. They raise corn ^oard coverclean. to rest the land from potatoes and » fiay. The corn is put in the silo , _ . ,. . except for the few who have poUl- Complete line of Beebe livestock p-y and hogs. Where they have remedies at Wattles Drug Store, %^lfalfa, they get two crops of hay Mcllenry; , • t-tt mmM (v This Year Rid Yourself of PUT.OFF.mS. err YOUR SKELLY FALL-WINTER CHANGE-OVER TODAY! This year rid yourself of PUT-OFF-ITIS and give your car the attention it needs . . . complete Skelly Winterizing service... TODAY. We miss nothing ... motor ... radiator ... transmissiondifferential. . . chassis . . . and a host of extra free services for happier wintertime motoring and Safety. Your car will leave our station in tip-top shape--ready to stand up under cold weather and bard driving. Your satisfaction money- back guaranteed. Freund Oil Company IN Frent Street Phone 2«2.W^ MeRem*,IIllneTt I * "7fe tffetc^mc Sipt $ati( Stxoiee - BEAUTIFUL - LEONARD HEIGHTS WE ARB NOW OFFERING URGE CHOICE HOME SITES FOR ONLY $650.0* With Sewer and Water Mains, Part with gravsl streets, Gas, Electricity and Telephone available. RESTRICTIONS TO SAFEGUARD THE OWNER TERMS AND GUARANTEE POLICY PON'T DELAY - THEE ARE STILL ^ A FEW OF THESE CHOICE LOTS LEFT- .• NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT Toncquiro tho site for the home you plan to .btiiid W Office oiion daily except Thursday . ..UPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY ---- FRED BUCK APPRAISER ¥ Phone Orvstal Lake 1026 '• 400 Virginia Street, The Short of It H very short man married a widow who was much taller than he and much larger. A few weeks after the wedding one of his friends noticed his glum look. Z; Friend: "What's the matter? Isn't your wife agreeable?" Man: "She's kindness itself." Friend: "Isn't she a good housekeeper?" Man: "None bettor in the world." Friend: "Then .what's the matter?" Manf "I'd be perfectly happy If people would only slop calling torn •the widow's mite.' " ANYTHING TO OBLKUC The tired store clerk had pulled down blanket after blanket until only one was left on the shelf. Then the customer remarked, "Well, I don't really want to buy anything today. I was only looking for a friend." , "Well, madam," said the exasperated clerk, "I'll take down the last one if you think he's in it." 1 Untftrplfcf OivrityiMiftt Rugged electron tubes are indispensable wherever electronic equipment Is used under severe conditions of vibration shock, or acceleration. Important in the development of such tubes are methods of testing for sturdiness and durability. These methods are now being studied and developed st the National Bureau of Standards as part of a comprehensive tube ruggedization program under the direction of I. L. Cher rick of the bureau's electron tube laboratory. One phase of the project consists of a survey of the actual operating conditions for electron tubes in various kinds of commercial, industrial, and military application^. ; This study provides a practical i basis for the design of test equip- | ment to simulate the hazards of j actual use. j In addition to working out ade- ; quate test methods* the bureau is ; developing new kinds of rugged 1 tube's. The design of these tubes j is based on an analysis of the ways in which ordinary tubes fail under , test or in service. A detailed knowledge of operating conditions and j tube failure is thus a useful guide ' to the design of tubes that will be ; Strong • enough to operate properly under severe ' mechanical abuse. ; Some tubes may have to withstand j great extremes of temperature as • well, but in any case the mechan- : ical design of Ct rugged tube is I Strictly governed by the required | electrical properties. I The bureau's facilities for testing ! the ruggedness of electron tubes now include vibration apparatus, mcchanical resonance testers, highimpact shock machines, and highspeed centrifuges'. Some tests are i conducted with typical electrical potentials applied to the tube elements so that noise modulation, short circuits, and other effects £an be easily studied. Destructive field i conditions can be reproduced - through the proper choice of vibra^ tiOn, impact, and acceleration tests. fceeerg Temperatares According to the U. S. weather ibureau, the highest temperature , ever recorded was 13t degress F., i recorded at Azizia, Libya. North j Africa, on Sept. 13, 1922. The record low, of BO degrees below zero ' F., was registered on Feb. t a6d ?4 at Verkhoyansk, Siberia. ' Livestock Many esses of nutritional deficiency in livestock are caused not by failure of owners to provide adequate rations, but by the animal's failure to make proper Vge of its feed. • • i' ; Popular Vegetable T&e cowpea Is much more poptilar as a vegetable in the southern. United States than elsewhere inthe oounry. The Black'Eye is by far the most important edible variety of cowpea. V When coating a redm. the tellies should be painted firtt--going across the short way of the rooni* In painting walls, you start in ail upper corner and work downwaid. Flat, paints are applied with semicircular strokes. Varnish anil enamel ate flowed on «mb Wen strokes. Remember that roomAl be painted should be well ligntra and well ventilated. Also that gboi brushes %re as important si good paint and should be carefully handled $nd well cared for. jpeokiag a fun-flavored, att browned steak, cook it M a corf* stant and moderately-low temper* ature--about 350 degrees. - • Oonrrplete line of Reebe IlvMtntft remedies it Watties Draf Store. &U» ifenry. ! N*tif L CHRISTMAS IS COMING . . Be Smart -- Sttop Early . « Practical -- Buy For The Hoto*-'.' ' ^1: Sifidl deposit will hoid any article ©! funUt^ilre^. for Christmas delivery. ; JACOB JUSTEN SONS FURNITURE STORE Iff S, Green Street « McHenry Telephone 103-RSafer Explesives A WWW explosive made of hydro gen peroxide, glycerin, and water is as effective as nitroglycerin, yet not so dangerous to handle. Try the Window Ah inebriated man was trying to get into his house without success, $thei3 8 passing policeman asked if he could handle the key for him. "Nope," the drunk replied, "I can hold the key, but the door keeps iwinging open." ---- i' SLASH COSTLY FUEL BILLS! •c ' Z6u#et<uic ' - > V Take Year Choice ^ Absolutely: "Isn't nature wonder. ia?" ' Nobody: "How is that?" Home: "She gives us all faces, we can pick our own teeth." 1 Ain't It the Truth* "What do you think of the two candidates?" f t "Well, the more I think of them the more pleased I am that only -one of them can be elected." Time to Check Up Wife: "Do you know that you haven't kissed me for six weeks?" Prof, (who is absent-minded): "Good Heavens! Who have, I been then?" "LIT UP " •MM Rope and tie your cooking troubles during Old Stove Round-Up! . Accurate, automatic oven heat controls oiV thi# Universal gas range assure you of perfect baking results every time. You and your kitchen will keep cool, too, because the oven and broiler are surrounded by super thick blanket insula* tion. A flick of the wrist lights any burner on the range ... broiler, oven or top burners. Yofct get just the shade of heat you want immediately, too, because all top burners have click set settings. ® You'll like the easy - to-clean whirlpool smdketproof broiler the two roomy service drawers T. . the removable oven bottom for quick cleaning .,. the twin lamps and minute minder . . . and the electric convenience outlet. This Universal gas range has all those extra features of service and convenience. * Look for tho The "CP" trademark identifies a gas range meeting the high requirements of the American Gas Association Laboratories. If the range you buy has the "CP" trademark, you knefw it will have: automatic lighting on all burners . ... a smokeless broiler ... a giant top burner for faster cooking . . . simmer-save, vitamin-saving top burners .. . non-tilting oven racks ... super-insulation . .. automatic heat controls and many other extras. Look for the "CP" seal and you'll be sure of getting the finest of gas ranges. ~ Two motorists, not quite as sober •s they should have been, were driving along a highway that paralleled a railroad track. Suddenly isn express passenger train roared tast them in the opposite direcon. ^ "Say," said the driver after a moment's reflection, "did you notice how that village was all lit up?" T- "Yeah," said his companion, "agd.the first house was on fire." yglfll efflMNEY SWEEP tee the difference, save the iiTf difference--when you Oi dean oot dirty, dangerous, beat-stealing soot with H(|^ tTOftOillf I Sweep.' Get Liquid for oil icrs and kerosaoe hewers; get , improved iWir for coal and wood furnaces, fireplaces. • Both easy to use! , POWDER 1 * » i * » . $ . « • site i i i i i i.a* i i i • i • tit VYCITAL'S Hardware SWt Metal Shop 4 TUESDAY EVENING NOV. 22nd. -O Dreesed Turkeys, Ducks and Geese Come and Get Your Thanksgiving Dinner MILLERS CORNER 2 Miles East of Richmond on Route 173 h- 4 [ Special Mnounctment! Since Time Began _ They called the first woman on farth Eve because when she came ~1han'» day of happiness was drawing to a close. This One WiU Slay Ton Then there was the chorine who was put into a private room in a hospital because she was too Cute lor Wards. S-- this beautiful now Universal got nmgm amI many offcors erf your cfoaJor's or our mnfft tHm. 4 WESTERN UNITED 6AS AND ELECTRIC COMMNt A-Lass! What a fun-loving girl I thought; She's Just the type for me. Alas! My savings!. My bank account! What a fund-loving girl is she! Starting SATURDAY. NOV. 19 RIGHT! Talkative Lady: "A big man like you might be better occupied than in cruelly catching little fish." A n g 1 e r : "Perhaps you're right. But if this fish had kept his mouth shut, he wouldn't be here." Heme Pasteurisation Milk can be pasteurized at rifle and a cooked taste avokted the milk is heated in a clean ontalner to Just 165 degrees, and m left-to EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT :* Featuring DICK HEUSER'S MUSIC MAKERS BRIDGE BALL ROOM McHENRY