*.1 THE McHBH&Y PLAINDKALXK PIAMEALER I rick's church on Nov. 11, 1924, by (Rev. M. J. McEvoy. Their *tt<in- ^Uil , _ dants were Mrs. Arnold Reinhart, JNMUfced every Thursday at Me- young and Mr. and Mrs. Mrtrjr. III., by the McHenry Pub- J j0hn l. May. Ml>Ut Company. Inc. Editor--A dele f'roehlieh Iflttnl ar second-class matter at the pOstoitlce ft McHenry, 111., under ttkt act of May 8, 1879. Qne Tear ... Mrs. Joseph Wagner Is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Young. The Wagners and their four children reside in Mill stream subdivision, Maple avenue. I Entertained « Past Oracles .... 0. E. S. Had . *2.;>0 ; The Order of the Eastern Star held annual election of officars on Nov. 8, with the following named to hold office during the next year:' Mildred Howorka, worthy matron; Herbert Howorka, worthy paton; Elizabeth Bohr, associate matron; William Hoeft, associate patron: Myrtle Harrison, secretary; Kth<l Holly, treasurer; Milded Rochelle, conductress; Alico Hocft, associate conductress. Before the closing of thP books. Worthy Matron Elsie Reiker gave a brief but interesting review of ithe- successful year just finished. I It brought back many memories ; of happy occasions, with, a note of rolls, milk. Serving will begin at IWSBK8USOTT0N pm' • * • Wf3?v;i^TS P.T.A. SpoBMn . Thanksgiving Party t I Everyone is invited to the Thankagivtog" party >to be held on Friday evening, Nov. 18, at 8 p.m at the Cherry Valley school, spon sored by.thr* P.T.A. There will be tarda, bunco and b cake walk. with prices and lunch , served There is no admission charge. VOWS EXCHANGED" v • SATURDAY, NOV. it St. Mary's church was the scene it a lovelf wedding last Saturlay morning at 9:30 o'clock when Keglna Kuehler'n . r - Engagement Toll Mr. and Mrs. feeorge Ktreblei of Waukegan announce the engagement of their daughter. Regina, to Harry A. Henning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Henfllnf J. licntiin of Pistakee Lake. CAPACITY CROWD WITNESSED CLEVER THREE - ACT COMEDY Modern. clever and full o humor--that was the junior play { Fox River Valley RvW.iL, sadness at the passing of Officer "Mother is a Freshman," whicl { entertained the Past Oracles club Margaretha Spurlinp. " I was presented at the high schoo i of McHenry county at the home of; At the close of the*- meeting, re- [ auditorium last Thursday evening I Mrs. George Johnson last Thurs- freshments were served <by the) A cast of fifteen, under thf J day afternoon, when a 1 o'clock ,male committee composed of Dr. I direction of' Miss Kathleen lleen J lunch was served to seventeen , w. Klontz. William Rgchejle'and' Pr<v^Pted the popular play to t NOVSMBEX BXIDK I guests from Algonquin, Crystal, Herbert Howorka. I Lake, Woodstock and McHenry. | *. > The December meeting will be a j Past Matrons , -.... ' v*1 j Christmas party at Crystal Lake, j At Martin ~:_x • v | The Past Matrons Club, No. 547, * prt*** •* t /J1 -1., ;0,E.S., Will meet at the home of I Baptised Sunday, I Mrs. Clinton Martin on Monday i The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I afternoon, Nov. 21. capacity audience ant' drew thf applause of the crowd for theii realistic, portrayals. The youthful mother t<fe*ri Einspar) who stole the affections o< Professor Michaels (James Sales),| front her daughter (Nancy Siemon), headed an excellent cas< which included Sharon Sells, La Neita Crowley. Rita Uolger, Cellr Page, Diane Bacon, Sally King Mary Kay Freund, J3ob McCulla John Knox, Du&ne Schmidtke Mrs. Moljie Clvens . and ndL. Donald, and Miss Ann Frisby were guests in the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago on Sunday. George beheld visited his daughter, Mrs. Laura Kenuebeck, in Chicago last week. Mrs. Eleanor Donnelly of Vermillion. S. Dak., and Mrs. Leslie Nielsen of Rock Rapids. Iowa, vif»!ted their sister, Mrs. Virgil Prine, last week. Weekend visitors in the Prine home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullin and d« lighter, "JacV, of Darlington, Wis. Mrs. Fred Chase and children of Lansing, Mich., are visiting her parents, the Louis Althoffs. Mr. Chase was a veekend caller here. James Winkleman of Beloit col- , j lege spent Saturday with his fcar- A veering of interest was cnts. * solemnized at Christ the King { ^r- and Mrs. Ralph Smith and church. Wonder Lake, last Satur- ( family of Chicago were visitors in day morning' at 10 o'clock when-"the Art Smith home last weekend. Miss Kay Sullivan, daughter of i ^r- ar>d Mrs. Walter Manning Mr. and Airs. R. C. Sullivan of' *nd children of Oak Park visited Condor Lake, became the bride McHtnry Relatives last weekend, of Mr. James Stilling, son of the i Jftcob Buss of Chicago visited in .iiss Shirley Weber, daughter of .:gen •Stilltftgs. of Johnaburg. Rev. I Mchenry over the weekend. rfra Catherine Weber, became the F»" Jal!K's A. Vanderpool of£|e|at- ^ MrL and Mrs. Elliott Tlmme of ^ November 17, 194^ ABlBRtGAN NANKING IN ACTION«5 .4 * Norman J. Freund was baptized J at 11 o'elock at St. Mary's church, j Announce Betrothal . Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. The i QJ Wonder Lake (Jlrl I child will answer tp the name of i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross of "Garry Lee'. Sponsors were Miss "Wonder Lake announce the en- Donald Fi'ennd aTid" Boh Doerr- Joanne Freund. aunt of the baby.! gagement of thelr- daUghter.! I ° ieind and "ob Doerr , and Walter Manning, a great: Ardell, to Kenneth Brand, son of I uncle, of Oak Park. an{1 j,ir8 Adam Brand of Mci Following the service, dinner Cullotn Lake. " > was served at the 0 home of Mr. • * « | aad Mrs. John R. Freund, paternal! pM Hellenic Oroap I grandparents. Attending were Mr. I wm ¥„ ri*.. 'aad Mrs. George Witt, maternal .. . * S „ ) grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- „ ^ |^e meeting of the Pan » ter Manning and sons of Oak Hellenic society, it was voted to; Eva Unti, Nancy Nelson. r Park Jay Seymour of Chicago con«nue holding meetings alter-; Ann Bolger, Betty Schmitt, Marj land Miss Gertrude May, Joanne "ately afternoon and evening for;Ann Wiedrich, Delores ., aannda uDiiaannnnaa rFrreeuunnda o01f MMccHtieennrryy. !, everymonoere amn oonpthpso ritnu noirtyd etro taot tgenivde ;; CI)huaanrlpo ttAe ndBreo8nid ,J aCmlaerse nGcere eTnh( elBe1n1, i M.L. .-i P„J ^ i Part of the time. Anyone joining Weger and Harve- Williams. ' Sl ^nrJlBv : before Feb. 1. 1950, shall be con-; Between acta, the girls' octet ! tv>T v«11 Pv ramn r N A i Bidered a chartcr member and will j composed of Beverly Schwerman. i. n 2 Sjf '! be excluded from paying the ini- i Mary Ann Wiedrich. Gerrie Aevsr- • X h fS , 1 ^ . 1 t i a t i 0 n f e e " i m a n , B e t t y S c h m i t t , S a l l y K i n g • q? Kpr iiJLh(.2 i rs; W F' Br,8sendon a"d Mrs. Charlene Grosso, Rita Bolger and } S •« f™iR- Borland both of Crystal Lake, Joan Freund, sang "lie Coppal were appointed program chairmen Moon", accompanied by Rosemarj and Mrs. Neldermeyer of Wood- Iloherty. Two members of thf stock was named membership; junior "class, Mary Ann Weidricb chairman. and Duane, Andcsas, also sang The next meeting of the group! "Memory Lane," assUted by the will be held in Mcllonry Legion octet. hall on Dec. 12 at 1:30 o'clock. It i fe'd. Almost stealing the show was t dance by three fraternity brothers Bob McCulla, Duane Schinidtk< and James Sales, whose antics lef the audience slightly less thar hysterical. Understudies for the cast- werf Man Rogers are asked to bring goods to the • locker not later than 9:30. Mrs. 1 Peter M. Justen is chairman of iV the sale. «. • • * -- • Ceaple Obserrei ; SOver Wedding m^x?avy hou0rlnf ^r; and Mrs. i will be a dessert, with a fashion THEATRIC AT TTTQTni? V Ed N. Young on the occasion ofjshow following. Twenty-five cent ff;"1 I their wedding anniversary gift8 are requested for the child - MADE WITH "DEATH wwaass hheelldd aatt tthhee JJoosseeDphh WWaagenneerr ren»B grab bag. ' OP A SALESMAN" ' home on Sunday, Nov. 13, the ' event being a surprise arranged i for her parents by the hostess. A 5:30 supper waff served to ! the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jack i Shetterly of Franklin, Ohio, Mrs. t Catherine Young and daughter. Attend" Anniversary Meeting of C ourt i The rar« combination of a grea» Mrs. Ella Buss and, the Misses I*14* and a performance IF Mildred Kinsala, Genevieve Knox; rreat'ng theatrical history in and Laura Weber attended the Chicago. dinner meeting commemorating' ^"e Play i® "Death of a Sales Rosina Mr. and Mrs. Arnold the thirtieth anniversary of the;,uan • by Arthur Miller. 1949 win i Mr. ands Mrs. William j inauguration of Court Aurora^ C.! ,ler the Pulitzer Prize, thi Young and Mrs.^Tillie Smith of | n of A. last week Tuesday even- Dr*ma CHties Award and . Elgin; Mr. and Mrs J°hn c, f1- Majr- ling. The birthday dinner was held other honor that can be bestower Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, J at the gjjy qiuj,? Hotel Leland, ur°n a dr8ma. The performancf Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and Aurora, with state officials, pas- ithat has exc5t«d the interest of I tors from Aurora and grand re- Pl!*yeoers throughout the countrj gents from the nine courts in is that of Thomas Mitchell in th« >ride of Mr. Thomas Sutton; son i ed at t'10 rjtes. •f Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Rt. dev. Msgr C. S. Nix officiated at McHENRY COUPLE ^^>3 h«.tlup«?1Krlte8'T"'- \ . « ! RR^'U^NED PROM ' Miss Weber was charming in a MjrnmilTn vhite satin dress with long sleeves WJLJI/IJNV* TKIP nd fitted waist. Her three-quar^t ^ • ' - er length ve;Jl was held in place t Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reinboldt y a halo^of seed pearls and she are now. at home in McHenry, 'ore a t>earl necklatee. Her bridal having returned from a wedding ouquet was made up of white trip through the South. The nums. couple* was married on Saturday, Miss Barbara Freund, a close Oct. 22, in St. Francis Catholic friend of the bride, acted as maid church. Humphrey, Nebr. f honor and bridesmaids were The lovely bride is the former wo cousins, Miss Joyce Weber Miss Dorothy Fuchs, daughter of nd Miss Lucille Weber. They Mr. and Mrs. John Fuck**, and the ere all attired similarly in gowns groom, is the son of Mr And Mrs. f lime green satin, with fitted John Reinboldt of McHenry. aists, ruffled, cap Bleeves and Miss Fuchs was radiant in a •et inserts at the neck. They wore white slipper satin gown, with Vreen feather headpieces and car- neckline trimmed with beads and led yellow mums. , pearls. Long pointed sleeves fast- Little .1-year-old Grace Weber, ened at the wrist. The fio'or length iece of the bride was the lovely skirt fell in a four yard train and 'ower girl, attired in a white her full length lace-edged veil atin dress. She wore white baby fastened with a crdwn of beads nums in her hair and carried a and pearls. The shower bouquet olonial bouquet of white flowers, of white roses was, tied with a Charles Sutton, the groom's large white how from which fell rother, served as best man and streamers, with white mums atlobert Freund, the bride's cousin, tached. as groomsman. Little Jon Meyer, She wore. a rhlnestone necklace, er cousin, was, ring bearer, wear- a gift of the groom. •ig a white suit and black tie. I The bride's attendants were her "shers were Arthur Miartin, his sisters, Mrs. Joe P. Wemhoff as ousln, and James Freund, cousin matron of honor and MIBB Dolores f Miss Weber. iFuchs,,as maid of honor. Both For her daughter's wedding, wore taffeta dresses, Mrs. Wem- Irs. Weber chose a mink-colored hoffs in orchid and Miss Fuchs in illle dress and yellow tearbse nile green. Bridesmaids were Miss orsage. Mrs. Sutton wore a green Patricia Muemann, the groom's^ repe dress and similar corsage, niece, and Miss Joann Reinboldt, Dinner was served to fifty his sister. They wore gowns of uests in St. Mary's-St. Patrick's yellow taffeta fashioned like that chool hall at noon, followed by of the matron of honor, n afternoon and evening recep- Paul Fuchs served his brotherion and supper for 200 friends in-law as best man and Tom Huend relatives. mann, a nephew, was groomsman. The newlyweds are now enjoy- Ushers were her brothers, Fred ng a wedding trip and upon their and Walter Fuchs. | Oak Park spent the Weekend with her parents. the C. J. Reihannpergers. ^ Mrs. Hattie Relchow of Chica* go was a weekend visitor In the Robert Thcmpson home. ' Master Sgt. and Mrs. Doherty and baby of Topeka. Kas., have been visiting his parents, the William F. Dohertys. Sgt. Doherty is leaving for overseas service In Japan. Mt s. George Johnson and daughter. Marguerite, Mr. and Mia. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger visited in Elgin one evening last week, where they helped Mrs. Ada Smith observe her ninetieth birthday anniversary. The Misses Clara and Lena Stofjel, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Peter M. Justen have returned from a trip to the Ozarks. MISS AGNES MILLER MARRIED IN LOVf&Y CANDLELIGHT RITE A very beautiful c&ndlelight service took place at the Community Methodist church last Thursday evening when Miss Agnes Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Miller, became the bride of Mr. Karl Fredrlckseii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fredlcksen of Norway. Rev. Wayne Price officiated at the 7:30 nuptials, which were attended by many relatives and friends. Music for the wedding was furnished by Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan, who presided at the organ, and Mias Nancy Rudin, friend and former classmate of the bride was vocal soloist. The charming bride wore a white ttatiu dress, styled with Chinese collar, cap sleeves and eturn they will reside with herl M!TB. Fuchs, the bride's mother, Icovered Bati« buttons down the nother. (was attired in a black dress with front- She wore white satin , daughter of Waukegan; Mr. and » Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, Mr. and ; Mrs. Art Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and Mrs. Helen . t B. Young of McHenry. „ „. 'Eleanor M. Klein and Ed. N. t | Ypung were married at St, Patm \ MMimiiiNuiHimimH(aiHiiiiir.uiNiiimtiiimiitniH»r i PHONE 3 2 SIILIIS B WOODSTOCK,I L•L. The former Miss Weber 'is av silver trim, as was the groom's graduate of the local high school mother. Both had pink carnation vith the class of 1947 and has corsages. een employed at the Oaks. A reception followed the servridegroom completed his studies ice, after which the couple left the Rockford diocese present. Rev. ro,e °' Wly Lonian. Star-crossec I v®th the class of 1943 and Is now on a wedding trip. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer of Henry was' giiest speaker. Mc i sales!nan who is the centra11 ; character of the play. Mitchell'f - | enactment of the famous role sMrr W. S. C s. Dinner ' '" i audiences to an ovation of un At Greenwood > • iprecedented proportions, eacl The W. S. Cf S of the Green-' n'ght at Chicago's Erlangei wood church is sponsoring a tur-, theatre, where the play is belnp key dinner and bazaar at the ' Presented. Greenwood Methodist church to-' Word of the caliber of Mitchell's mployed at McHenry Recreation. TERWYN SCHMITT IARRIED TO ELGIN 5IRL ON SATURDAY St. Mary's church in Elgin was mitts and carried a satin muff trimmed with Hawaiian orchids. Her three-quarter length veil was held in place by a white satin tiara with seed pearls. Miss Betty Nielsen, friend of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Miss * Joann Durland and irCh to- Z? Mitchells I he scene of a pretty weddine last at the Rlverside Manufacturing day, Nov. 17. The menu includes ^ e .has BPread through-1 ;aturday morning at 10 o^clock Corapany here" dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, I ? . l e c # ountry at a rapid rate.l vhen M Merwvn Schmitt «nn The «roo'« is a graduate of the peas, cranberries, relish plate, j ° judf'r™ th« ¥» orders be- J? and Mrs John R^chmltt It 0debo,t- Iowa- schoo'» a"d i" «« pumpkin pie, mince pie, coffee, !'n« received by the theatre! • • -u M • JO?n "• senmitt of __ _ from cities as far distant as Seattie and Miami. Virtually everyone! tpntllliniHIUIIUIIIIinillllllllillllllllUlllllllllllllllinU jwho is planning to visit or pass] through Chicago seems anxious FBI. - SAT., NOV. 18-19 Matinee Sat at 2:S0 p.m. Gene Autry --• In . "LOADED PISTOLS'* With His Horse CHAMPION Chill Wills Jack Holt -- Co-Hit -- , . fOERONIMO" ' With fr1 Preston Foster Andy Devlne .I? t • Also Color Cartoon i' ' ^ "Mouse Mazurka" 8lTN. - MON., NOV. 90-81 ^ Matinee Sunday at 2:30 p.m. She Stars of "A Letter To Three rhes"! #aal Douglas Linda Darnell In "EVERYBODY DOES IT" FHItaring Celeste Holm TI E. - WED., NOV. 22-28 ~ Beloved Belinda Talks! Jane Wyman s in "KISS IN THE DABK^ . with Wayne Morris ny -•--**prHENRY, ILLINOIS FBI. - John Land SAT., NOV 18-1# Diana Lynn Marie Wilson "MY FRIEND IRMA" News and Cartoon-- ^ SUN. - MON., NOV. 20-21 Paul Douglas Linda Darnell "EVERYBODY DOES IT" World News and Cartoon TI ES. - WED., NOV. 22-28 Robert Douglas Helen Westcott (1) "HOMICIDE" Bandolph Scott Ella Balnes (2) "THE WALKING HILLS" to see the noted actor In this, hip most famous role. Chicago's drama critics have been enthusiastic about both thf plav and its star. Claudia Cassldv of The Chicago Tribune hailed hit as "a great actor". Ashton Ste vens of the Herald-American acclaimed the play as a "whooping hit" and characterized Mitchell'f interpretation as a "performance to remember him by." Robert Pollak of the Sun-Times said the p^ was "the most exciting theatre ir town" and called Mitchell's performance a "shattering, tearing interpretation , of a gargantuan part." Sydney J. Harris of the News urged his readers The bride is a graduate of St. Francis high school with the class of 1940 and later took a sec- M,ss Na»cy Carey friends and retarial course from Oxford Insti- formtr classmates of Miss Miller, tute, Chicago. For six and one- were bridesmaids. Miss Nielsen half years she was bookkeeper at cho8e a B°ld satin gowu, while the Central Garage, McHenry, and M*98 Durland and Miss Cai'ey wore has more recently been employed >>ronze satin. All had matching satin headpieces trimmed with satin roses. Albert Albertson of Wonder Lake, cousin of the groom, served his city, claimed "as* his ""bride *aRed 1,1 carpentry with his a» best man and groomsmen were Miss Gladys Burnell, daughter of 'ather He served with the army and Fred Svob°da, the Maurice Burnells of Elgin. | t0.r ™.ore .than, thre« years- much */}?» Mill t groo,V: The altar was beautifully dec- ?J[ thls t,me in the European M,11er 8 mother was atirated with white mums 'and i th®atre" I Lit " & br,OWn dre98 wlth lighted tapers Those from this area to attend ge accassories and wore a Given in marriage by her father w®ddin* were Mr. and Mrs. f/ camellias. The closest the radiant bride wore a candle- iJohn Reinboldt and daughter, Jo-1 ?"®lative of the groom present was light ivory satin, styled tith long1 Ann' Mr and Mr8-, Joe Huomann,|1},« grandmother. Mrs. Elaine sleeves which fell in points at the iMiss Patrlcla Hueiilann. Tom Hue-1 «°n'Jn 9 thl°' Norway. who will vrist. a nylon lace yoke mann' Mr and Mrs.' Walter M. j in this country on a visit ind skirt which fell into a Smlth. Miss Barbara Smith, Mr. I"V1'} ^ov- 30- She wore a black ong, cathedral train. The veil of and Mrs. Steve Schmitt, Mr. and i co1 dress and a camellia cor Uusion was of satin, trimmed vith seed peart s. Sbe carried a Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss -Marie 8a®e- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund, .'sews bis not tc I ,'7 "" . Ul ueacocK Diue DOPUAUPUIH nvRTntm miss the play and said the actor I ? carrying a colonial bouquet PERMANENT EXHIBIT <•-- « ..I 'i pink roses, carnations and ily and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs and family of McHenry. white prayer book upon which IMr" and Mrs" Matt Schmitt, Mr. .vas placed a spray of white roses1 am* Mrs" ^°hn Welngart and famwith white satin streamers. She <lv M" anA *f'"0 W"'", vore a pearl necklace, a gift from he bridegroom. Miss Murine Burnell acted as naid of honor for her sister, atired In a gown of peacock blue FAMED DOLL HOUSE TO BECOME MUSEUM'S scored "an impressive success." William Leonard of the Journa11,?Ji8s Bltty,,1 Burne11' an of Commerce hailed the play af I vhIitt » m u Dorothy both "one of the theatre's greai I °f,Mc";e"ry' slster of the events" and "a stimulating 1 e bridesmaids. They theatrical treat" and credited I r^°8e gowns f«chsia and silver Mitchell with a "magnificent per-1 --.re8p. y> and niatch formance.' tomlng Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24 Matinee at 2:30 p.m. Alan Ladd 12 CHICAGO DEADLINE" STARTING THI RSDAY i In Color i Susan Hajward Robert Preston | "TrLSA" . \ ( ' iittinmiiiiuiiiuiifiiiitiiiiiiifiiiiffiiiMfiMiiriiMd* i uiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuii r- ALONG WITH OUR REGULAR MENU WE ARE SERVING TURKEY DINNER With All The Trimmings Thanksgiving Day At BUCK'S TOWN CLUB SERVICE FROM 1 UNTIL 10 P. M. RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED AMONG THE SICK i M " M ' 1 1 | . • > ng poke bonnets. They carried •olonial bouquets of roses and 'arnations and mums and wore 'earl bracelets, gifts from jride. the Little Sue Kellermann, cousin of he bride, was the flower girlf Math N. Schmitt underwent sur-1 %GaJ"'ng ^jgo.wn sty'ed like that gery at Victory Memorial hospital I, j*™*. nia*d of honor and carrying in Wauk< gan this week Tuesday.! . ,2? "'led with flower petals. Mirs. Rose Marie Lee was a I .8![?oni yaa attended by medical patient at the Woodstock I Ard BU8S- Jr., of McHenry, a hospital last week. I • /? ' as best man, and his Gene Wagner underwent sur-1 ° „ rj;„>f~f°'d' and James Milgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. R. J. Sutton underwent surgery I last week at Alexian Brothers i hospital, Chicago. THE PROCEEDS from the Business Men's Annual Carnival are used for civic and charitable projects Do your part. Donation of 25c per person asked at the door Dec. 8th Colleen Moore's "Doll House", now on exhibit* at the Museum of Science and Industry, will eventually become a permanent acquisition of the Mupeum, according to an announcement from the former movie actress. Mrs. Homer Hargrave in private life. Mrs. Margrave revealed that she has provided for this by a change in her will. A reception followed the service in the church parlors for the couple's friends and relatives. They are now enjoying a wedding trip and after their return will make their home in McHenry. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1946 and has been emw ployed at the Betty Nielsen dress shop for the past three years. The groom came to this country from his native Norway two and onehalf years ago and is employed as a carpenter for his uncle, Ivor Fredricksen, contractor, at -Won der Lake. TEEN.Ar.E rijFB Another large crowd of teenagers was in attendance at the square dances held at the Legion Home last Tuesday evening Snon- "Although the Doll House has sored by the McHenry Business now been on display for only a] Men's Association, in 'cooperation week, we already consider it one with other civic grouna it of our most important exhibits promises to he one of the moat TIE M0IE WE PR0DUC6 THE MORE WE CAN 3IARI Everybody benefits under our American way of life. We produce twice as much today as we did in 1910. And income per household has jumped from under $2400 to about $4000 (in dollars ct similar purchasing power). But it takes labor, plus management, plus bank credit, to get these results. By pulling together under our free enterprise system--workers, Businessmen and bankers can make production hit a new peak. cttENRT STATEBANIt^ Member Federal Reserve System / r - . - 'ft '• Member Federal Deposit ^nsuranco Corporation BIBLE HURCH Tears of joy and repentance are evi.dencfe of real revival in the Evangelistic meetings at the McHenry Bible church, 102 S. Green ptreet. Evangelistic Ed. Lawfer and Soloist Jo Anne Harnden will be with us every night at 8 p.m. except Saturday but including Sunday, Nov. 20. Groups from two Elgin churches ;will be with us, as well as guests from Chicago. Everyone is urged to atteud, especially the unchurched. The Sunday School is growing rapidly and if there are any who are not going to a Sunday School, we have classes for you. The adults are especially urged to come to the adult Bible class taught by Pastor Liberty at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Nov. 27, the Hawaiian trip from the Moody Bible Institute will play and sing for us in the Sunday school and Worship services. They will have complete chaVge of the evening service as well. "You're always welcome here." DONALD LIBERTY Pastor. * CARD OF THANKS We woufd like to take this opportunity to thank our mai^T friends for ffowers, gifts, cards <Sf~ congratulations and other remembrances on the occasion of our silver wedding anniversary. Mil. AND MRS. Geo. R. JUSTEN 27 CARP OF THANKS T would like to thank my friends^ for the many prayers, gifts . and cards that were sent to me during my recent illness. JAMES KATTNEft / •27 J CARD OF SHANKS i tn this manner I* would like to ! thank all my friends anji neigh---- ! bor^ who sent cards letters, gift* ;and offered help during my recetit" i stay in the hospital. I RAY HORENBERQER m . ... 33 " Services Held Tdday Fcr James Bell Of Richmond ATTEND CELEBRATION Among'those rrom here who attended the golden wedding celebration of the Charles Fretts in Aurora last Sunday were Mr. and Mr*.. Ferdinand Frett, Susie and Millie Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughters, Lena and Clara, Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mrs. George Schreiner. Miss Rose Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller. • James Bell, CS years old, life- : long resident of the Richmond , vicinity, filed Monday evening at 6:15 o'<j|pck at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. He had farmed I most of his life and for two yeafa I was a mail'carrier. M ! Survivors include the wido#, ™ ! Margaret; two children, Mrfc. {Ethel Hunter and Harold Bell of ! McHenry; one brother, Lester, of jAntioch; and an uncle, Fred Bell, of Spring Grove. I Funeral services are being held i at 10 o'clock this (Thursday) I morning from St. Joseph's church • in Richmond, R:;v. Fr. Frank Mili ler officiating. Burial will be in [St. Peter's cemetery, Spring Grove. NOTICE City water will be shut 6tt at about 9:30 a.m. Friday, November IS due to cleaning of standpipe. JACK "SMITH Supt. of Waterworks City of McHenry Bead the Want Adf. Complete line of Loc's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug 8tore, Me Henry. 8-tt lllllllllllinnillllllllllllllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIItllllllllHIIItlll The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FBL - SAT., NOV. 18.19 - (Double Feature) William Boyd In "THE DEAD DON'T JIBEA9P Howard Duff Shelly Winters in "JOHNNY STOOL PIGEON" SUN. - MON., NOV. 80-21 Sunday Cent. From 2t4S p.m. James Cagney Virginia Mayo tn "WHITE HEAT" A mOvIe unequalled for sheer, I>u|se pounding excitement -- er a cousin, were groomsmen Mrs. Burnell worfc a dress of blue velvet, with black accessories ind a corsage of yellow rtiums. Mrs. Schmitt wore a peacock blue Iress, black accessories and a similar corsage. Dinner followed the ceremony at Sunnybrook Acres, Elgin for the immediate families and the bridal party, and later a receptlon was held for 250 guests in the St. Charles American Legion Home. The couple left on a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in the former Nimsgern place on Green street. Mrs. Schmitt Is a graduate of St. Edward's high school in Elgin and has been employed at the Joseph Spless Co. The bridegroom is a McHenry high school graduate, served in the Pacific theatre during the war and is now employed at th« Buss Motor Bales. because of its tremendous appeal," said Major Lenox' R. Lohr, Museum president and a former McHenry resident. "Our steadily rising attendance has shown that it's largely a problem of getting people here the first time. From then on. they are steady visitors. The Doll 'House, with its great emotional appeal to people of all ages, should prove one of our biggert attractions in getting these flist-tlme visitors, who will thus learn of our achievements in educational and scientific exhibits." Valued at $435,000, the Doll House, in reality a fairyland castle which began as a childhood hobby of Miss Moore, has been exhibited during the past fourteen years in 260 major American cities, where it has been seen by more than 15,000,000 people. Its showing at the Museum Is the first time that no admission charge has been made. t , Subscribe lot The Plaihdealer. popular undertakings of recent years. NOTICE tthhi£r!dl e iWUebdInaersyd-.abyosa rdo f meeaectBh °mno nththe at the city hall. •H 'i'l'B1 •!"1f»it..Ifcit. t ' • ' » H f I f t I'M BIRTHS Mm 1 w.!. 111 e t IIH Mr. and Mrs. George M Whiting are the parents of a daughter, born Nov^ 9 at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago. Paternal grandparents are Mr. apd Mrs. W. E whiting of Crystal Lake and the maternal grandmother i8 Mrs. Mona Liston of Maywood Mr. and Mrs. John Wise are the parents of g daughter born at the Woodstock hospital on 10. *»fa^.Cla,U8 wlU arr've at Pany Delicacies.- November 26Ul V - 28 TI E. - WED., NOV. 22 - 23 Dorothy Lamoar Sterling Hayde* In "MANHANDLE" VARICOSI VKlNSf • We faiM&re BAUER * BLACK Elastic Stockings ... Lightweight, cool, two-way stretch . . . They give effective sup- -por yet are not conspicuous wider sheer hosiery. THIIR* - FBIh NOV. 24-26 Matinee Thanksgiving Day Regular Saada*. Schedule and Prices. Alan Ladd June Havoc Hi "CHICAGO DEADLINE" A picture teeming with tense suspense of the unexpected. mtuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiittiiiiNiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiifiiiiiiii i BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY All Fisk Early Fall Hats on Sale $1.95 Also a new line of holiday hats ELIZABETH PICH McHENRY. ILL. I* V :r-i