Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1949, p. 10

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w-m ' .44'^ f .•"l ^vfWV !w» •f^0- 5>"' JT VTr"^ #* f*,,- 4* • •'v Jf4f« high, and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and i Mrs. <\ I-. Harrison gav« the les- George Shepard, low. son from the study hook, "It* The Home Circle will meet tn Hgion at the Grass Roots". Mr*. ? » , 1 I the George Shepard home Thurs- j Clayton Harrison told a story ia 111.!••••••••• ! day. Dec. 8. Mr*. Viola Low will t'le Woman of Scripture series. 1 ! The ne«t meeting will be a pot-> S RINGWOOD " TM MoHtKltT PtAIMT^lAI.Wt ^-fi.4 \F ' * •- VM.» «***• ; W I Thursday, November 24,1949* i . (by Mr*. George Shepard) or1! uck dinner in the church hall. lira. Peter Sebastian enteftainth# women's Five Hundred help serve ^r. and Mts. Joe Carney oi,,. „ ... Bell wood have purchased the , et' l«v*Uh Airs. John Hogan as Warburten house. Mrs. Carney is ,no8,ess- ' a sister of.. Mrs. Rov Neal "-"Theyj The W.S.f.S.will sqrve a cafe- \ 1 toria smmpr in th« <>hni«i>h Kuh •,V|i expect to sell iheir home in Hell Robert K. C. NOTES Enamel far Trim Semi-gloss ena.nel, which does not reflect «uch striking highlights as the high gloss type usually employed (or kitchens arid bathrooms, is generally preferred for'the trim in the living, dining and sleeping rooms of a household. Both types are easy to keep clean. Went to Mrs. •»»*<-•! Jn^ * ' t J ' . . . - T h e C o m m u n i t y c l u b m o t a t t h e The Commnity crub. Will meet 8cji00i house Friday evening. Mr. Sunday evening. Nov. 27 at the Simon of Carey. 111., state patrol- Methodist church. A pot luck man> was the speaker of the eye- •appeT will b" served. nilig. * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley en- The »W.S.C.S. met at the home tertained tlip Fit> Hundred clnh of Mrs. Clinton'Martin Thursday at their Prizes T. Butler you may » v " •••' - i ii.u ™..,, „ r . » conscience aannda sktiuufifi vyoouurrsseeluf in - hom«. Thursday evening. Nov 17. A pot-Jiick dinner was " 1' k >d Hl ^ -,0/ . r>sta] the traditional wav. Don't get too were awarded to Mrs. H. served at noon. Mrs. Berg led In ,(A d ' MirriLn stuffy though. Remember -we in er and Weidon Andreas, a Thanksgiving worship service. Thursday Llgl" America have a great deal to be Ws Alice W:wa«;:i;#teiior ••t tha,,kI^1 fT; Z' ?n ST8hlS 6od lein Thtirsdav - " •! according to the teaching of our Mis Mm. McCannoh and Mrs.' ^"rch, without fear of persecu- <i;ar Here were visitm« »t AV.«J u?ith?r race< color nor creed REDSTAR INN lVi'moles South of Richmond on Hwys. 12 and 31 All home cooked foods served every dayexcept Monday From 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. > ' v Sunday Special Dinner Menu" Served from 1 p m. to 8 p.m. You and your family cannot afford to miss the McHENRY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIOTION CARNIVAL Thursday December 8 ROLLER RINK Oft HIGHWAY 31 * 7:00 P:M: TO MIDNIGHT Music -- Entertainment -- Prizes -- urprises -=-- Proceeds for Benefit Fund - Donation of 25c requested at door M fact that >Thanki* Day falls on Nov. 24. there no Table ponference on pineapple salad, individual salads. lhat We ^an't imagine homo made pies and cakes, toma'o fnyone belnf 8° absent minded a« and fruit juice, coffer and milk. ' con^ up i f L°^ g . Mrs. Lizzie Miller of P.uchanan. » >«*;eUnK on the fourth Thursday Mich., is visiting her sister. Mr*. °f this 1 !"°"th Ho™1 er' t as is Vit»la Woods, in the horn-, of Mrs th« »f Thanksgiving, Peter> Sebastian ^ you may remain home with a clear Mrs. Floyd llow .oui ian ^a3' thankful for; wp can worship God . ; Klgii """" JI"" Mi if)si;ar Berg visitors at Wood- , , , , • sti/r'k Fridav ' are a hinderancg to- a man earn- ' ' Fred Wiedrich. Jr.; left for a HlF an 1 hon*8t ®B Cath" business trip to Albert-Lea, Minn ^cs'. ?u. a, en ^ °n 1 Sunday ™i-io - Thanksgiving Day and give thanks Mr« Tnhfi ifniron to God for the favors and blessj Charlotte., were Elgin 'visitors i j^! Jested upon us during the Fridav. east year. Air." and Mrs. George Shepard t,ur next regular monthly meetwere Woodstock visitors Fridav ing win be he,d Thursday, Dec. morning. : and wi^ be known as grab ha# Quite a few from her? attended n|Sht Ky«rv member is asked to the turkey dinner at Greenwood, bring a Resent not to exceed a Thursday evening .dollar for the grab bag, and you : Mrs George Shenard suent'?'U1. haVe a gift to get in on the UVednesdav in th? JV1.n A?n^r !festivitieB Sounds like a lot of 1 hont" af Hebron 'dn A.Wr ;( ow„ mt, clkrMms, Mrs. ftose Jepson returned homP m k° °'8«, ^ th® .\Vednesdav evening from Arm^ I P . ^ ^ -y°U strong 111 where she visited in had better circ,e the date now on the L '"ofTor daughter! lira! , JOUr -- >°« "» "« ">«• Ansel Davev. and familv. OUR KNIGHT OF THE MONTH Mrs. Nellie Blackman is visiting iChosen this month' for * a big with her sister in Kenosha. round of applause is our Chancel- Mary Ainger of Hebron spent 1 lor- Anglese. And a very Saturdav with her grandparents Pleasant task it is for us to give : Mi and Mrs. George Shepard ' ; this bit of public recognition to I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane Sr of a fine Catholic gentleman. Since ! Mundelien spent Sundav afternoon ,becohlhlg a KniKht back in 1930, ' in tire home of their son, Mitchell no one has a lnore outstanding i and fanfily. ' I record of service to th® council 1 Mrs. Marie Wegner and sons than C,arence- Through the years ! ! s p e n t S u n d a v w i t h r e l a t i v e s a t ; h e h a s s e r v p d i n t h e c a p a c i t y o f ' .Milwaukee. [grand knight, financial secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni visit- recorder an(l chairman of numered relatives in Chicago Sunday. ! ous committees. And he has served Mr. and Mrs. Glen .lackson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son, Delmer. of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Frev and son. Herbert, of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Lojv--Iwnne. Glen' Wattles of McHenry spent , Sunday in the C. L. Harrison .home. Mrs. MaymP Harrison of Mc- Hi|h Grade Cotton Grade is the biggest single factor in determining the value of a bale of cotton. It can be kept high by proper harvesting and ginning. • „* Lrjring Hem Hens will lay about 30 to 25 per cent fewer eggs during their second year than they did during their first j fleadacbe "Cares" f Among the "magical" cures for headache, a frequent symptom of poor eyesight, were: the binding around the head of a snakeskin or a rope by which a man had been hanged; the grasping in the hand of scraped horse-radish, and the snuffing of powder made from dried moss found growing en a hum«k skull. Build up Litter ( When the. pullets are being put . in the laying house is 'A good time j to start the use of built-up litter. Poultry specialists explain that a thin layer of fitter is spread over *the floor and as it breaks up another layer is added about every two weeks. I 4 Appalachian Trail | The Appalachian triil, etxending. * 2,050 miles from Mount Katahdin, • Maine to Mount Oglethorpe, Geor- ; gia,- is a public pathway through 14 ! states that rates as one of the seven wonders of the , outdoorman's ; world. ' Italy's Need Italy is extremely short of fuel and mineral resources. Before World War II, this country Imported more than five times as much coal and nearly ISO times as much crude oil as it produced. Egypt's Orchestra# ^ Egypt's love of great size, which Shows in her huge pyramids, sphinxes, and temples, was also - >few York's Streams Rivers in New York state flow in . spninxes, ana lempies, wai «»u Various directions, but all finally carried out in her orchestras and reach the Atlantic. The principal choruses. Egyptian orchestras streams are the Hudson, Mohawk, sometimes numbered as ipany StS Niagara, Genesee, St. Lawrence, 600 players of harps, lyres, lutMR, Susquehanna and Delaware. : pipes, and metal rattles. J FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request ' • '--v Place orders early and avoid rush. ..;„Barn Lime and Chips for Driveway^ ^ V CHARLES FREUND, Owner *Vf 4t)l W. Waukegan Road . - / : : McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' Tel. 86-W or 412 J splendidly. The most recent in the long list of servics tendered the council by this indefatigable brother is the furnishing of our new club rooms--a formidable job tiday, prices being what they are. However. were we asked to note the most* outstanding trait of our good brother, we would without hesitation say "reliability." What an immense load is removed from the shoulders of a grand/ knigfc£, when such a man handles some Henrv snent Ip'nhaass>ee o0f1 iKv.. Cc.. wwoorrnk,, aannda wwhheenn iItttt-- dauehter Mr.'j r- vll* telligence. tact and stick-to-itive- M1111 m 111 m i n i n 11 m 1111 i t .i H i |i 'I ,|i •! 1,11111. h. YOT'R8 BIG TURKEY IN CHOICE POOD BONI'S W< )RTH $50 NOW GIVEN AWAY - WITH KArERY PUR0HA8E OF A NEW -GENERAL ELECTRIC HOME FREEZER daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. i Mr. and Mrs. peorge Shepard ] were visitors at Elgin Monday. Joe Lynch of Chicago. Mrs. j Olive Dahl and Bernice Harrison : of Elgin were visitors in the Clay- | ton Harrisoq home Sunday, j' Misses Carol Harrison and Suj Ran Muzzy of Champaign are exj pect. d home Wednesday for j Thanksgiving. ' Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew j Butler, of McHenry and A. , W. j Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and , Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond of Glen I Ellyn spent the weekend in the ! Weidon Andreas home. -- I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy ofj Woodstock and Edwin Benoy. of i Washington spent Sundav in the Paul Walkington home. The in- i fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walk- i lington was baptized "Thomas ! j Alan" at the Methodist church that morning. , | Mr. and Mrs Clifford Stock of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. j and Mrs. Weidon Andreas. [ Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegani j spent Saturday in the Fred Wjed- i rich, Jr., home. j Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, j Alice, spent Sunday in the Henry j Hinze home at Crystal Lake. j Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughter, | Lu Ann. attended the Weber- I Birchfield wedding at Antioch i Saturday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of j Rockford and Mr. and Mrg. Ben ' Foute and son of Spring Grove J spent Sunday with their parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. 1 Don Smart of Waukegan, Bill < Smart and George Wiley of Evait^ ston spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, jr., home. Mrs. Ed Bauer and family spent Sunday in the Marvin. Aisneau home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and ness arc added virtues how much more smoothly does this work be come for all concerned.\ .Thank you. Brother Anglese, flapkfriariy jobs well done. Complete line of Leie1* p'dultry remedies at Wattled Drug Store, McHenry. g-tf f Subscribe for The Pl&indeaJer. Scmia AT THE-- TODDLER SHOP 312 ELM STREET Every Saturday Until XMAS From 10 to 4 BE SURE AND COME TO SEE HIM mKa GASOLINE? We have one of the nation's finest gasolines sold at a legitimate retailers price, we cannot offer you price but^we can assw%^u ^f itft qualiyt and iong milage per gallon. . , , h - • \ - TRY-A-TANK-FULL-TODAY . I^^iluollr, berviM'-end wi ' COMPLETE LUBRICATION - ^ SPARK PLUG SERVICE BATTERY SERVICE ANTI-FREEZE--:Permennat or Alcohol TIRES - BATTERIES and ACCESSORIES Atlas Tire Sale 600x16 4 Ply $9.95 Plus Tax Schreiners Standard Service Front and Waukegan Streets West McHenry, 111. Phone 344 * Looking for m Doctor may bo difficult, too • • • • Know where,to find a good Doctor? Well, this is Open Season for searching. Make inquiries and locate your man befort an emergency arises. Saves time ..; and may save a life! And . when you do call your Doctor-- bring his prescriptions to this Professional Phar- ' macy for safe compounding^ Bolger's Drug Store PHOJiE 40 McHF.MlT family were recent visitors friends at W'auconda. of Complete line of Lee's poultf* remedies at Wattles Drug Store, M& Henry. • , J g-tf 1 • • • • • •» Adttrtittmtnf ONLY $5.68 A WEEK 175.00 DO WIT Full Price $319.00 >«thln§ filit Ugh food cost* like a llirlfty Oeneral Klwtrlc Home Kree/er: and if you buy onP right now, you'll *a»e $50 In fowl bills at the very beginiilnp! Today and for a short time only ne're yhhiir a hip holiday turkey plUN all sorts of other highest-quality froxea foods with each Home Freezer pur- " chased at onr store. Your heautifnl, dependable and convenient <.-K Home Free/er enables >oa to buy good food In large quantities when prices are lowest and «|«ality is bent, lour family eats better, too and eniovs all their fatorHe dishes In season or out! See this handsome (MI '111011cy.sui*r at oar store now. IJURRY -- Offers Ends Dec. 24th ^--mmmi--» i&-, \ Rom where 1 sit... it/ Joe Marsh. • * Watch Out For The Symptoms! Electric Shop MoHENRY, ILLINOIS ft M<41M 'K1 i|i 4- 4' <i <it * <• 4. .liiti .t. a a. •} f; |i Laughed out loud when I heard Hoot Davis was down with Chicken Pox. A man of forty-five catching, a kid's disease! So I went to see hini, armed with jokes about "second childhood", but forgot them fast when I got there. Hoot looked terrible and had quite a fever. While we talked, I come to think of how Chicken l»ox it a lot like other "diseases"--diseases of th« character, such as intolerance, • self-righteousness or just plain igadults they're ten timet as bad-- *5" f,n be mighty "contagious." From where T sit, we should all watch out for tA "symptoms"-- little things like criticising a person's preference for a friendly glass of temperate beer or ale. We've seen personal freedom wither away in other countries, when individual intolerance was allowed to get out of hand and become a nation-wide epidemic.' - £ norance. They're cxcus^ble in chifcj \ -dren, but when they come out in V Copyright. 1919, United States Brewers Foundation' om (V Ever JSJumbrred Avtovn the happiest Cadillac owners are many, many dealers who sell and service other wellknown makes of t?ars. They feel perfectly free to avail themselves of Cadillacs because they know that all the world holds Cadillac in a.class apart. Hence, it is no reflection on the cars they sell* when they seek, for themselves and their families, the exclusive advantages which "the Standard of the World" provides. This, of course, is the greai^t. compliment J>ia^tbr car ever had--and the respect upon which it is founded has been fifty years in the building. Throughout all this time, there has been the strictest adherence to the highest ideals of engineering and production. Not once has the inflexible rule of quality been eased fpr a single day. It is a wonderful thing to own such a car. It is a wonderful thing to drive it--to relax in it--and to have it as a cherished possession. All in all, it enhances, the enjoyment of the whole day's activities. We think you would sense all this--and more--after an hour or so at the wheel. Why not come in some day< quite soon--for a ride that's a;revelationfshould be happy to have you anytime. • OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET PHONE 17 McHENRY, ILL. if'v

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