Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1949, p. 2

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. - i u v, • •-? Ts Aj, .,-• £>*"? ,J/- • 1 * - » » * , * " . ' • f ' v v * , » t » . y v - - " ; • • ' • v « * • i-.;•»(• •' *' T ' ' ' f 1 NOVEMBER BRIDE ffftbtt*ed every Thursday at Me Henry, HI., by the McHenry Pa¥> llefclng Company, Inc I : ®t. Mary's Catholic Church Uamca: Huiidnv: 7:00, 8:30, 10:,00, 11:30. Holy Days: 0:00, 8:00, Week Piiys: 0:15 and 8:00 First Friday: C:30 and 8:00. OonfesKionR Saturdays: 3:00 p. in. and 7:00 p. m Tliurpdn;' before First Friday After 8:00 Mhmi uu Thursday; StOO p. m. aud 7:00 p. m. \lsgT. C. S. Nix, 1'Hntor Editor--A dele Froehlieh Miirj Ann Kosiltn "T* m. To Wed On Nov. 2S *j*r\ 'i'f , j -v- > v£.,> 5 Eaterel ai neeoml c1rs8 matter at ffce poatotfice sX 11cHenry, 111., uuder the act of May 8, 1S79. One Year MHD7ustainine;. * I * ffkmld/ I uHBKBKB personm Miss Eleanor Edstrom antj Miss Eileen Smith have returned from a trip through the East. They Yisited New York City. Washington, D. C., and other points of interest enroute. Mrs. Alida Mead visited her sisters, Mrs. Peter 11. Webw and . Miss Claa Schiessle. last week. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Johnson •pent the weekend with relatives Id Evanston. Mrs. Henry J. Stilling and Miss Margaret stilling visitea Mr 8. Robert Crichton and intant aauglitfcr in St. Anthony's >Rockford. on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. AutcmKoslba of Chicago aud Indian Kidg(\ Won-1 df>r Lake, anuoune^ .the. marriage of their daughter. Mary Anne, to Mr. Paul E. Steller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steller of Chicago. Tho wedding is taking place on Wednesday. Nov. 23. at 5::!0 o'clock at St. lied wig's Mission church in Chicago. I'\eninar Itrldire • ' • • ~ At Nchnefer Home Mrs. H. it. Se-hacfcr vas liostiiss to the Eveninpt Bridge club when members met ist her home *n Wednesday evening of inst weeli. Prizes were merited by Mrs. N i c k e l s and - M r s . G f o r g , U o i n . Mrs. Nickels wiH, club next. , Future Tenchers Man Mcftimf St. Patrick's Catholic Church M*Mcg: Sunday: 8:00: 9:30 and 1^:00. Daily Mass: 7:00. Wei'* l»nysr 7:»h» and 7:301" First Fridays: 7:00. ' •* Umtrilimcij at 7:00, <1 firing < t h e 7 : 1 0 m a n * , 7 : 3 0 aud 8 . * MRS. ' JfEEIVW SCHMITT •-* |/-JSaturdaye: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and ;0joforo her marriage on SatiiMv 7:00 '» 8:00 !'• m - ami on Thura fliiv vN.ovvt-- ^it -Soti .-Maty > a chi urqliir* •t, ; day» before. First Indavs:. ..4:00 trt g.p ,a m4 7;00*to 8;00 Th(« last meeting of the l'^ufure '"-•RV11- 'he son of Mr. a^id : (i. in. ' v Teachers of Anferica wns hVlti on. John li. S^mitt of ^McHenry, this 1 ^ Kcv. EdwardC. C6akley, Pastor. Tuesday. Nov. IS. in Woodst()rk.; attractive Viiide T.-as Mish filadvG. at which time a movi,v was shown .of K} i Tj7 eo„pl(> jn > 2i6n Evangelical Xtttharaa Cfctircb Swimming and a pot-juck supper , .-!• a,Ur*h of tl.o Lutheran Hour) followed. The next county nieftt- ^ 408 John Street ing will be held Feb. 7 in" Crystal Lake. .. \ . ' St. John's Pla»s '• For Social Party ' - A social party sponsored Ivy the societies of St. J oh l thP Haptist hospital, chm-oh Qf Johnsfcurg will he held on .Sundav eveninir. Dee. 4. at tli St. Mark's Church Scene West McHenry, Illinois, j ; Sunday School: & a. ip. I il^nnday Worship Service! 10:1;' • - a: in. Of Lovely WeddinjiNov. 'm"ted " For information phone 681-R-l.. In a quiet but pre tty ceremony j Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. . .*1 OF CI 'NLAXVR'OT ..1IIII<A]« Victor Miller socbiid black accessories ajid a to whits' orchid corsage. Her only Mrs. atterudeht Was a close friend, Mrs. and Ethel Conway, who chose a beige Mrs. George suit, winter white hat. black at--' you a ltd your fatnily to come and worship With us. , ! . i ' " Wayne B.-.Priec, Pastor. Wattman, Mrs^ Roland Watt man a j oV i()(.k luncheon on pink hat Md little son Mrs. George Schmitt TuesUav. Awards were made •nd boi and .Irs. Carl Schmitt of i\[rs prank Kimniermann. Chicago spent a recent dav with 1Urr%. o'lirien. Mrs. Keck the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr?,'Herbert Freund. Mrs. George suiP wlni7r'whu7 h-iPhiack""^ ' ' McHcnrj- BIWe thurch . CUrfmilor was . r«en, "*»-'« -•-««*-»»<> <"*<* '^da^ble'Soof?^^ visitor in the home of her sister ° ™]< ... « . "frr>' Conway served the groom., WorsmD ll a m and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tenth Aiini^rMry '8Vonovi"g"tl.e nuptials, a break- Evangelistic, 8 p.m. . Mortiz. in Ottawa. (elebration Sunday fast served to the bridal Wednesday at 8 p.m., Prater Jack Stelen of Chicago called on llcHenrv relatives one day this past week. u ~ ... . _ of Mr. „r.'id Mrs.- Joseph T r.-..0eO Re2I,,ler. was a Chiea^ clair in Waukeirai, last Those who attended the tenth party at tho Oflk Tark hotel, after M«etinS wedding anniversary celebration which a ?mall reception for a fow You're ^always welcome here. and relatives' was #o caller on Thursdav. , .d Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 MF . Petit- friends Sunday there. { £erf.11 StP 1?,1on H. Freund. Miss The-couple left on a short trip, „ „ „ w v; Bertilla ,j Freund. Mr. and Mrs. A. returning to McHenr>' on Sunday. ,• --«---McHeni y, Phone 53-W f- Freund and daughter. Dorothy. The fir t of the week they left for Marian and margie. and son Don- California, wherp they will reside. Matching Thread HHb® sure of having matching aid". "Mr." and "Mrs? ArthupTonya'n ad for rehemming or mending, and daughters, Julaine and Terrv. 'RAVMn'NTl WPP'ii'M'PPO ravel the chain stitch sometimes Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund »"'l uvTnTiT»T« ' -jjtouRd in the hems-of ready-made daughter. Darlene. Mr. and Mis. fil'IOYISG MONTH 3 "***" garments and wind it gn an empty Volnev Brown and sons.' .Tommv TRIP TO f!AT TPOPNTA Spool. - and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer" UALirunniA - ., Smith. Mr. and Mfs. Ralph Freund. ,, . „ , all of McHenrv. and Mr and Mrs ! Mr' and MVs- Raymond Wegener, - , - Del Freund 'and sons. Dennis! ar* .joying a month's weeding ' • •MpiilHUWii Michael 8nd Stephen, of Waucon- 11 •« California since their mar- Tobacco has ranked as one of <la- 1,11,1 Hermann. Jr.. of Crystal rlap^ 111 r 1°3 St' Pcter'R church the most important crops in Mary- an<* r>ick Frett of Wood - tBnn M l*8- l.nri ™ ™"L stock. Henry Wegener of Volo, the lBjglesidp man claimed as his bride Miss Dorothy L. tiharrey. da ugh lllae fat News St. John's Catholic Ch Johnsburg "ttisses: • 7* Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and ll^OO^ '--1loly Daj's: 7:08 and 9:00; '" 'Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 0:35 and 8:00. • Confessions: Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Biitsdh. aMwmmiMiiwNniRtiiiimtttrrtnicmMiiiitiiiuiiiivii > PHONE 3^ SniLLEg St Peter's Ca'holic Ohorch, Spring Grove ter of the O. J. Charreys. of Volo, M"8808: , ,, a tu n'ceremonv Derformed i... 't11 Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and.11 iQfl. A southern newspaper recently Geore? SeharK L nf ^ i Holy Days: 6:3tf and 9:00. produced an edition that contained ohnrch Schart, na^tor • of the Weekdays: 8:00. « cinnamon-flavored advertisement ThP ' prettv dark-haired bride First -Friday: 8:00. a baker. do2s Dounced on mm .. „» .. i Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:1§. Thursday before First Friday-- - 2:30 and 7:15. l,0|___ ipu_ . • dark-haired bride baker. The dogs pounced on wore a gown of oyster white satin ! the papers when they were de- and a French illusion veil and carlivered and chewed Ihem up. ried white orchids with stream»rB of stephanotis. Her maid of honoT Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Christ The King Mlsijtn Wonder Lake THl ttS. - FBI. - HAT NOT. 24-25-S8 Alan Ladd In "CHICiGO DEADLIHE" C'O'HIt William Elliott in "THE LAST BANDIT* MrHEXRT, ILLINOIS Was Mias Sallv Clark of Chicago lilllt!imi.'MtllllllHlllill!ll!iimillll!!lil»l«l!HfllllHimii :eiid bridesmaids were* Doloras I Irfi?nric «»f Chicago hud Marion • Wegener of Ingleslde. All were i attired in gownn of jpeacock blue Masses: |and carried rust mnms. Masses: LeRoy Wegener served-as best: Sunday; fcOO --~--r " -man and groomsment were Ray Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. on^an Jaines Wegener both Confessions: jof AfcHenry. Sunday: Before each Mass. I A reception was held at the Vil- Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to ; la. Hotel Resort at Pista'kee Ray^ 7:45 • following the nuptiftls. Catechetical Instruction: ! The bride attended Our Lady of Sunday: 9:00 a. m. ! Grace and St. Patrick's schools in .Chicago, while the groom received-- [his education at St. Peter's Jn volo and Grant liigli school , Fox Lake. I FBI. - SAT., NOY. 25-26 ' '. In Te<'hnlcolor Snsan Haj'ward Robert Preston ! -TILSA" ! Cartoon and Novelty Rev. James A. Administrator. Vanderpool, in SUN. . MON. Jina Andrews NOV 27-28 \ Marts Tomb •SWORD IN in _ THE SI N. - MON., NOV. 27-28 In Technicolor iohn Wayne Joanne Dhi f{illK WORE A VELLOW \I - t* • RIBBON" World News and Cartoon DESERT* Starts TUESDAY, NOV. 2» Jame* Carney Virginia May# la "WHITE HEA1« TI ES. - WKI).. NOV. 29-30 In Technicolor 'ord William Holden Ellen Drew (I) "THE MAN FROM. COLORADO" Jimmy Lydon Lois Collier ' ®id other activities Gospel Center Whnder Canter, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) Services: Sunday-Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 £ m. Susday Evening Service 7:45 p. m. * .,r „ , .. , Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 »«c. 25. Pointing out that laBtU. m. ' !m1IO,2 t'lere Wf,re almost j Bring the family with you to 8un ' and son? 1Sf nno011^ ,u,^r< "lasis,; day School and Worship Services. I tmhee ddiisspeaassoe, tthh e go^vnoewrni»o r -oeaxsperse sosf- Ii ,There is a place and a welcome foi •ed confidence that the'public will buy Christmas Seals ! Proceeds from the support th ENDORSES StAL SALE Governor Adlai K. Stevenson i has issued a statement endorsing I the annual Christmas Seal Salp1 which has just opened throughout II"ll inois and will continue until I everyone. Efctra! ferr f'- Added • March of Time Presents Extra! "FARMING PA¥S OFF" (2) "MISS MINK OK 1»4»" STARTING THURSDAY In Color Rsindolph Scott Jane "CANADIAN I'ACI generously.1 sale of seals! case-finding, nursing, of} tubercu FBANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. losis associations in every county of the state. /- [HniiMiiiinniiftimiiHiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiii The Beautiful MNNiaiHIUUUIHHltlUIIUtllllllHIIIUIIIHIIIIIItHIIISHItltl j IIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltHI' ^ ^ Q CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. j McHenry CoN. Leading Theatre J SflUTDOOr"" BT. I20&2I | IN APPRECIATION Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Sundav. Public Worship, 0:80* Church School: 10:30. ' Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eveuing, Eev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. St.. Joseph's Church Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Daily: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. The weather lias doinoiistiatcd tliul wiuler arrivwl and your I* siinily Outdoor Tiioatn? dosed for tho season. has lias Till RS. - FRI., NOV. 24-25 MaliiHH- Thanksgiving Dag Regular Sun da v Schedule and Prlees. Alan Ladd June Havoc hi "CHICAGO DEADLINE" A |>irtur<> teeming with tense suspense of the unexpected. fc- >:*- We are very grateful to th'e many families who ^ wake our theatre an entertainment habit and w»« « are anxious to express our appivcaation ty each an<l i ^eveiy patron. » { * ' ' " * * lit -,?10 mana£cment pledges its(||f to the continued pblicy of presenting the finest motion pictuie entertainment for the entire• (luring the season of <1^50. We will re-open on or about April 1, 1050. Family Outdoor Theatre SAT. ONLY. NOV. 2« Dennis 0*Keefe ' . I n "WALK A CROOKED MILE" j SCN. - MON.. NOV 27-2S Sunday Con't From *2:4."» p.m. Hnin|)hrey Bogart i Alexander Knox | in j "TOKYO ROSE" ; Bogiirt's in Tokyo, buttling a hew I kind of nnderworld. •4$ llelvidere Road (iravslakt^ 111. TI ES. WED. - THl'RS^ NOV. 29-80, DEC. 1 Burt Lancaster J Paul Henreld - in . '•ROPE OF SAND" HUtltHIIIUIIIIIIIIIttlillllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIillllHHIlttl St. Ann's Episcopal , Holy Communion and Sermon: 11:00 a. ni. Church located three miles out on Dean street, Woodstock. Carbon Monexide Carbon monoxide poisoning is a rather common cause of poisoning and prompt first aid may save a life. The syrfiptoms are dizziness, headache, and coma. Treatment consists in getting the victim into fresh air quickly and calling a physician. In the meantime start artificial respirjtUon. Hailstones Hailstones are made of layers of compact snow and ice, formed about a central core like an onion. They are built up like this through the freezing of rain drops and successive gathering of coatings of snow and frost. -- Im{*oved appearance, comfort and performance mark the new 118$ Mercury shown here in the popular six-passenger coupe modeL riisiingtiifching front end has been re-styled by tying in oblong chraM lurking lamps with the grille. A new nameplate is mounted on a chrome sir.|> replacing individual letters. All interiors have been planned la htt/iiiaiMzittg, contrasting tones of broadcloth that give the psnstmgtf . cr.aipaituicnt a true customized appearance. The 110 horsepower V4i clique si»*£i-porates a number of mechanical changes resulting in addedec .<:c4ny and smoother performance. ' 1833 -- 1949 RECEPTION NOV. 27 & IN CHICAGO HONORS K CHARLES F. KRAUSEJ Kiiuio by A. Woiwi'ok, Mi'Henry CHARLES W. (*00DELL Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon for Charles Wayne Goodell, for thirty-six years station agent and telegraph operator at the Chicago and North Western depot in McHenry. He died in the Woodstock hospital on Nov. lfi following an illness, of mly a week's duration. Tien Ellyn Man To Seek District Seat In Congress i Robert L. Farnsw-orth of Olen Hllyn-i 111. has announced his can- "^idacy for the Republican nominition for U. S. Congress from the fourteenth congressional district, comprising the counties of McHenry. Kane aud DuPage. Mr. Farnsworth, 40 years of age, narried,/with two children, is a ifa-lon5^^ resident of Glen Fllyn 4e is running as an independent candidate, financing his own .ampaign. He is pledging active •epresentation in IJ. S. Congress 'or the people of the District and iaa promised to take definite 3tands oh controversial lssUe3 which may arise affectiiTjg the peoples of this district. For many, years active in realty management, both governmental md private he is conversant with problems ()f housing and labor. He s also president of the United 3tates Rocket Society, Inc., a wt-for-profit rocket society, and s well informed oh scientific thought and progress. Progressive Republicans in McHenry are urged to contact his campaign headquarters at 524 forest Ave.. Gle» Kllvn. 1088. Over 1,000 Attended Pinemoor Opening Inclement weather proved nof ietterent to the crowd of several hundreds which attended the recent grand opening of th„ Pinemoo" r hotel dicing *ruom and lounge in Crystal Lake, owned by HjTnie Riehl of that city, former ?wner of the McHenry Cleaners. tUd managed by Harry Schnell. The two men were oftered congratulations bv morP than l.OftO oersom who crowded into the cocktail lounge, dining room and other main rooms of the building. Where ther^ were no people fhere were flowers, congratulatory telegrams and flowers which which had been sent to the two men. Both Mr. Riehl and Mrs. Schnell have established a policy of courteous service and fine "foods at moderate prices. Tubilee Stock Show Announcement has been made of the rtiarriage of Miss Ruth 'Lindsay. * It. K.j daughter ofc Mf. and Mrs. John R Lindsay of Colby, Wisv?.until recently residents of West'Mciienry, and Mr. Charles F. Krause, son of Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Krause of Chicago. They were married in a candlelight light, service at the First Congregational church irr Champaign by the Rev. Theodore Frank on Oct. 22. " The pretty bride wore a creamcolored suit with white sheer silver blouse, toast accessories and r» corsage of red roses. Miss (iwen Marsh, a close friend of the bride, was her only atteudent. She was attired' in a teal suit and wore a corsage of talisman roses. Delvin . Carey of Champaign, roommate of th© groom, served as best man. Mrs. Krause is a graduate of McHenry high school and the Swedish- American .Hospital School ot Nursing in Rockford. She also took special training at. Illinois Neurosychiatric Institute and the Neurosurgical department of Illinois Research hospital in Chicago. At present she is affiliated with Doctors Nagel and Murphy in' Chicago. Mr. Krause a radar technician with the mr.rine corps during the war and spent thirteen ntonths in th£ Pacific He received his education at South Shire high school and Wilson Junior college n Chicago. At present, ha is a "unior in electrical engineering at the University of Illinois Open house for the couple will ')(* held at the home of I;in parents at ,lfi3!» Kast 74tli street. Chicago, an Nov. 27, which is also th" -)irthda> iiliiiiveiauiy of tile briue. SEEKS INVESTIGATION . Ex-deputy sheriff Charles Corey last week issued a statement In which he said he had no quarrel with the state's attorney's office, the judge or the sherriff's office in regard to his dismissal from office on Tuesday. However, he denied every allegation and. charge made against him by the six teenage boys who were on trial for burglary last wteek, each of whom accused Corey of saying he would see that they would stay out of the penitentiary if they would admit the robberies. The former officer said he would welcomfe a grand jury investigation of the entire matter and believes that lie entitled to this in order to cjear his name, ' - AMERICANS are thankful every day I of ^he year for the m^ny good ^ things they enjoyi but one day ii especially get apart to give thanks; in .fullest measure. To observcf this tradition, this bank will not transact business on Thanksgiving Day. ; ... « .A*' • 7:< :v1 v ^ M Mission Cmsaders Will Sponsor Choir Residents of this area will have an opportunity to heal* the famed 70-voice Lutheran choir Of Chicago Sunday, Nov. 27, at 3 p.m. at the Arlington Heights township high school under the sponsorship of the Lutheran Mission Crusaders. Directing the choir for this free will offering concert will be Prof. Gerhard Schroth, who also directs the St. Louis symphony Orchestra. He was leader of the massed choir flbf the Lutheran centennial a year ago at Soldier Field. The sponsoring organization is a group of Lutheran laymen interested in the promotion ot mission work. lIiMnuerif oi Ziuil Llilliesnn church in McHenry also belong to the Lutheran Mission Allergy in Animals' Antihistamine drugs are being used on an increasing scale by veterinarians to relieve allergic condi To Open November 26 Farm folk will take over f|hica- ^ to for eight days during the com- } 'ng fiftieth anniversary International Live Stock Exposition, &"hlch is slated for Nov. 26 through * ec. 3 in the Chicago Stock Yards.! Several hundred thousand rural I visitors are expected to attend ! the big agricultural show. It l8 th^' biggest event held here during the [ rear Activity is,rolling to a. climax to! make the golden jubilee show the; 'ilggest in the 50-year history of the International. The manage-' ment is pressed to house the huge 1 turnout of livestock and crops that has been listed for exhibition. Air Pollution Visible smoke is* only a part, and a largely controllable part, of the overall enigma of atmospheric pollution. Devices for collecting fly ash, dust, smoke, and cinder particles are in wide usage--at least, by the big. economical fuel user*. •FOR THANKSGIVING v Chocolate Fudge CUKAM TURKEY CENTER IN NEW YO^K LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW / ^SPECIAL CANDY M3&. VOOGrS CHOCOLATES Hand Dipped and Rolled Full Pound : 89c " JOHNSON'S FLAVOR TOASTED Antt-Omelce As far back as the thirteenth century, London had an antismoke regulation. As long ago as 1924, some 50 American cities had them, and in 1949 it is a rare city which does not. have an ordinance aimed far smoke abatement. NUTS VERY SPECIAL BRIDGE MIX Half Pound 70c 7. AT ! BOLGER'S McHENRY STATE BANK ' V.-4 . * ., J!. »•*' Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Inaurance Corporation V CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of thanking the Rhythm Rascals, those who made posters for us and the many others who aided in the success of' last Sunday's Btyle re rue. McHENRY COMMUNITY P/T.A. 28 < . ' ! CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the McHeliry fire department for . its serves and to fronds and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended^ at the time, a.iid since, the fire wtltch partially destroyed our home. | ms amfUjmsoHN } • : FAM?iS« "Origin of The word pumpkin is derived from the old French term pompioti, meaning to be eaten when ripe. In modern -French, pumpkin is potiron: (URI> OF THANKK * I would like to take tills opportunity to thank the many friends who sont^ towers, gifts, cards and letters ana who visited ine air* : ing the time I was confined to the hospital and since my retnm home. ; j; Mttfe. OEORGJ5 LINDSAY j OF THANWr ~ ^ ^ We W-ish to express our siuofrto thanl^ *T?i" Miss Rfarjorie ' Ybung and her dancing school, Mrs. Albert Barbian, Miss Betty Nielses, j the Woodstock players -of the McHenry County Theatre Guild, <Vy- | cital'8 Hardware, the • McHenry I Community high school,Cliff | W'l?<>•>'« Radio Shot),4" the Local * Cleaners, all mothers for their co- ; operation and Jittle yodels for j their splendid performance at lastj j ftunda^'s, Htyl^: ^ revue. We , ap^m-" j elated the kindness,of everypn^ so ; very much. ' ' j THE TODDLftR &90P Closed® Tliauksgiviag--Mi-Place > kitchen ahd -bhr will: be <4osed all !day and 1 Nov. 24. evening. Thanksgiving, "DARK Of THE MOON" Daring Exciting You'll never forget it! Broadway' comes to McHenry equity this weekend. Curtain: 8:30 p. m. Woodstock Opera Hon# Tiokets: 90c7 $1.20, $1.80 Adults Only Photo* 1290 - m«: W oodstock Players f Diamond and birthstone in heavy gold setting. ,$32.50 Genuine dark tan cameo in I4K masculine setting. • $17.95 Emblem cpuntersunk in black onyx $27.50 For a liiiiited tinie only--A -6j>jocc^ct of A^ailaoe Silverware; a $7.95 Value for only $5.95 vith each purrliase mad«' in our store. We've got a gift for everyone--Prom Grandma to Junior.Use our Christinas Lay-Away-Plan. 514 West Main Street Tel. McHenry 12S-J

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