Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1949, p. 3

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24. m§^ ^T^vTjt^»*w* MipH!>^" •.»wji'V ? till nnmiiMMMHiM limi ;f|t I > I I H I H I I I Il i t! ••••• (Vy Viimm Bella) li*' . Aaxlllary \\| 1' i • $ .. ^IM Snrhf Grasps* a J M VNto Lake ©» Tuesday, Nov. $9, vail women Of thi district are invited to ata mating at the Legion hall ft* imstruction about tbet hospital Auxiliary sewing project.' Tm Women's Aaxtllery of the Wf9lltoek public hospital, form- SfTeral years ago .for the pur- " > Of providing the hospital with m items not included in the fly budget. has already purttaatd incubators, ice machines, a S-washing mashine, and numer- <ftker things for the hospital. WOlften of the Auxiliary ^Htlarly operate a bookmobile be comfort of the patients, ling a cart of late books Kb at regular intervals. ;--Qw of the fund-raMsg projects •tjie Auxiliary is the gift shop, JrAtM in th-s looby of the hosftal. This ship features dainty for hew babys. their and other women made by rolun- }time I UVn JtMiMil, and are ' tr afaifeftrs of iftllUiry. the hospital Sewiag groups have bteu orgau teed in neaily every part of the [county with the exception of Won- | der Lake. It is hoped that several {groups will be formed following the meeting 011 Tuesday evening. ! For those willing to sew for the {Auxiliary, it is stated Uj^t all I materials are furnished. There is no expense involved;, only one's is donated in this service. Funds derived from the shop I are currently being used to dec- I orate the nurses' hom? and make lit more attr^cti/^. Funds are also 1 being bankecH^owarl the new : wing planned tbr the hospital; a ; wing to be tar mothers and child- ; ren exclusively. i Mrs. Libby Kepan Is chairman : for the Auxiliary here at the Lake land anv further details can be secured from her. Tuesday at 3. Support your lpcal 1 hospital; the next patient may j come from your home. Meeting Sandal , . v, , _• To OigaalK the jFIre Departmeat ^ " j Have you heard about the fire ' protection unit being formed at •Wonder Lake? Full dteta\!s will,bo 1 given at a meeting on Sunday. Nov. 27, at 2 p.m. when members of the Chamber, of Commerce, a i Chicago underwriter, and the ! chief of the Fox Lake fire depart- ' ment will speak. ; Fire Captain "Bill" Wright is j very enthusiastic about the firo • truck purchased recently. It is old GRAND OPENING s Wednesday, Nov. 30 _ K5ENE and WALLY $ [Formerly Anderson's Bar-B-Q Wlattr is umiif I (M) ; ifs ht§Jh' y$ir 1 / • ynt ckaife ever w&y! MOW Sty at SKlltY ttJiyl di Oiftttg'wlse . .wimertie your car NOW, and save yourself time, trouble, money! Free your tar of summer sludge and sluggishness ... assure yourself quick starting, smooch motoring, maximum econ* ofay. Our complete service includes motor oil change, radiator protection, approved lubrication throughout. Come in todsy; your satisfaction money-back guaranteed! vV. . .<<>,•> P 4 t' r S k i FreuodOil Company Street" title 202-W McHeary, Illinois HiMmm Sfpii fMi Sinici m _ Solve, Your irt Problems Here! v. •me* r Portraits make perfect Christmas gifts. Theyspan the distance of time and spac. - Make an appointment todav * . . \Z CAMERAS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES H our large stock does not satisfy'your needs, wo obtaia anything in still or movie equipment. WORNttCICS STUDIO PHONE 276 . McHZNRY, ILL. i . : but serviceable. It is now undergoing a complete overhaul and checkup so that it will oe ready to go to any fires that occur in Wonder Lake. It is a known fact that most fires can be brought under control if equipment reaches the scene within the first few minutes; the fire truck here could at least keep a fire from getting out of control until the truck from Mc- Henry aVrives. Since the new fire department is fundless, several members paid for protection for "A years in advance, making a grand total of $80.00 but this amount of money will not pay for housing the truck, overhauling or operating. A charge of $2 for protection is being asked for Chose who wish the service and the money will be used solely for upkeek. If you cannot attend the Sunday meeting but want your name on the fireprotection list, boxes have been placed in all the stores for this purpose. Or you can sign with Mr. Wright or with James Selsdorf, secretary of the fire department. Three 4-H Girls Merit Honors at ' ' Achievement Day » ' „ At the annual county Achievement day for 4-H members, held last Saturday at Woodstock Community high, the senior club at Wonder Lake, the Busy Bumble Bees, had three members receiving honors. About 600 were present at the high school, where a program was followed by games in the gym. ? Of the • eleven chosen by the state as outstanding state members was Sharon Grace Sells of the three B's, and she was also chosen among the state project honor membersx the county out-, standing members, and the county project honor members and will receive for leadership. She will also attend state leadership camp at Bloomington. 111., in the spring with Geraldine Cromier, also of the Three B's, as alternate. Geraldine Cromier was listed as a county outstanding member and as a county project honor member. Peggy Selsdorf was also listed among those given project honors. All of these girls will be among those given project honors. All of these girls will be among those entertained on* Dec. 3 by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce at a banquet and program. Two other members of the BuBy Bumble Bees were present at the Achievement Day exercises, Mari-' lyn Stromstedt and Jacqueline Donash. Two of the Handy Helpers, the junior club, were also present: Helen Armstrong and Sandra Sells. " mfiiwf-- 11 1 '1 W} new gym at Me^fjpr *jgb school was need for th* Otg ttfae on Saturday tor the ope^ta^ ft ffc* basketball season. All the gam« were awed by KB beauty. ,The shining floor hurta Ik* {with its polished glare; |UM tremendous site is awa-inqpiriaf. ; The bleacher seats recede fcafo the wall and a special ajtelM j houses the band.--Kstber S>teiale | was one of the envied bich agM»l ! girls from here who attended ) homecoming at the UrimriMy of Illinois.--Mrs. Wilhelm Martin is j In Chicago where she recently un> derwent three minor snngical ; operations.--Indian Riggers wfco {attended the tail festival e« the beach (and later at the Legion hall) said that it was lots of fun.-- jThe senior bible class from the : Gospel Center went pheaaaat huntjing on Saturday at the lack boshbough farm near Woodstock. GOSPEL CENTER JfftWS We would remind the readers at this column of the Thanksgiving service to be held at th« Center in the evening of Thanksgiving Day at 7: SO o'clock. Nothing ootid be more appropriate than that of coming together on the day of this, our great national holiday. !to offer thanks to God. the tpurce | and Giver of "every true an{ perfect gift." It was in jthat spirit I that the founders of our nation (celebrated the day more than 200 j years ago. Certainly we, as a j nation, have no less reassn to V* thankful to God today. We are favored and blessed at no other people in the world. So we ajtte^d to you, our friends and neighbors, WONDER BATH The Modern Way to B^the Dogs - Oats. Shake it on-- Rub i nti -- Wipe It OFF. Kills Fleas - Ticks - Lice Odors ^ BOLGEKS DRUG StORX McHeary, IIL DISTRIBUTED BY R. J. M. SALES GO. Barllngton, Wis. - DEALERS WRITE Indian Ridge Student At Reception For' .a President Truman If Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Swensen of Indian Ridge are walking just a little more proudly. you can scarcely blame them. Their twenty-year-old daughter, Marie Naoma Sweosen, was rhosen recently to attend a reception where she was commenue*}; by no less a person than Harry Truman, president of the United1 States. The meeting occured when President Truman visited St. Paul recently in conjunction with Minnesota's observance of her 100th anniversary. Miss Swensen, completing her third year as a political sciencelaw major at St. Olaf's college, Northfield. Minn., played a major part during the 1948 campaign for United States senator of Herbert Humphrey. Minnesota legislator As president of the League of Women Voters at the college. Miss Swensen's reputation grew to such proportions that Senator Humphrey extended her the speciaf invitation to ihe reception for the president. Miss Swensen has distinguished herself in numerous ways, most recent when she addressed are Minnesota Department of the American Legion ^Auxiliary on "The Future and Advantages of Girls' State". Marie has served as councilor for *Yhe Illinois Girls' State for the past two years and has been a Legion Auxiliary member in Maywood, where she was graduated from the Proviso high BChool in 1946 as an honor student. Leadership comes naturally at the Swensen household. Her father, who is connected with the U.S. Naval Ordinance Plant at Forest Park, is past commander of the American Legion, an organization with membership of 800. NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL WILLYS-OVERLAND MODELS? 'JEEP* PANEL DELIVERY •1,436.00 DELIVERED PRICE Including Federal Excise Tax McHenry Garage TELEPHONE 40J ^ 604 Front Street McHenry, IIL a cordial invitation to thisservlet of Thanksgiving. There will be a brief informal program with a social hour and refreshments. For pext Sunday, Nov. 27, we hid you welcome,to Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m., Morning Wor- *iP service at 11 .o'clock and Evening Service at 7:45 p.m., when Rev. -Peter Tanis, Manager Of Boy's Haften at Richmond! 111., Will speak On the subject "Juvenile Delinquency." Rev. Mr Tanis is widely known for his work among the leu fortunate in society. He has a • vital message for our day. Be sure to come to meet and to baar this outstanding speaker. * - • GeSiess ef Freedem upraised torch of the Statue Of Liberty is familiar to millions, not maqy know that the Godof freedom holds the Declareof Independence in her other or that the broken chains of tyranny lie at her feel •SlHMHMaiMriSiaMriNBilSHMaaBSSaSlia a a Spsrt f What's the national sport? In the United States the answers to such a poll would put baseball and baseketball at the top. ^Not so in the British Isles, Italy, Uruguay» and about 50 other countries from arctic Spitsbergen to Australia. High on the list, if riot at the top, would be soccer. Some foreign teams toured the U. S. last summer, demonstrating their brand of play. So popular is soccer in many parts of the world that it often stirs spectators to a state of nearhysteria. In ' Buenos Aires, Argent i n a , r e f e r e e s s o m e t i m e s a r e hustled from the stadium under guard lest they be manhandled. Enthusiasm In Italy rivals the best the world series can offer. HlriNiMMM probably osmixchad by tfcn used as a face powdei by the Orapfc damsels, npisned- up wifit fids pointed critieisan about B.C.: "You dye your hpir. hut you will not dye your old agar nor will you stretch the wrinkles out at your cheeks. Do not th«n plaster the whole of your face with paint so that you have a mask not a face., lor it is no use. Why, are you mfd? A paint and wash will nerer make a. Hecuba, a Helen of Troy." Order your rubber stampe ait The Waindeale*. ; the --tartobfls has xeplaced the Mrs# and buggy, the automatic washing machine has just about put the washboard out of business. But. nothing has as yet been found to take the place of a dog ia the heart of a boy. ft. • ' .. 1 •' f •Hi1". - • • aff : m • i ":: t-'ji Mere than a million matches ( are given away with tobacco purchases every hour in Ami V.& ".il '-3s More than 900 different cotton picXing machines have been roistered at the U.S. patent office! -x. Lame Pigs /erysipelas is i cwwnon ] cause of lameness in pigs. This Christmas Give is. REXAIR t " The Water Machine Extracts and traps Household Dust in a bowl of WATER-- Exclusive with Rexair. Washes air, humidifies, vapor- Ikes, does all vacuum cleaning1 work and even scrubs floors. The Christmas gift with year around health insurance for the reoeiver. Order now to insure Christmas Delivery CARL BARNICKOL McHenry 646-W-2 Chicago Ra-8-0864 BE A WELCOME GUEST THANKSGIVING DAY 1 .. t.® 1 Vt lb. Gardenia Assortment of hard and soft delicious candy dipped in light and dark chocolate Only $1.35 2 lb. Mum Tin filled with all your favorite pieces Only * • 306 W. Elm Street Phone 235-M Freshly r6aated SnpreHfte Mix With Pecans Cashews, Almonds and Walnuts, , X ' lh.. $1.J5 Antonson's Candy Shop Highways 120 and 31 McHenry, III. % Store Hours 10 to daily except Thursdays 6 to 10 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE WILL BE OPEN* THANKSGIVING DAT 9 to 1P.M. P.S.--Order your Sbnutleff Wisconsin lee Cream Specials earry. Phone 235-M ' / \ve are taking time out from their labor#*vto ax press thanks through prayer and thanksgiving. And along with these personal expressions of gratitude, we would like to add a special message of thanks to all our friends, both old and new. . THANKS to all of you who have bought neM THIS YEAR to thank vou for... ' • ' reward ia the complete sjrtiafaetioo your myr ' Chevrolet will bring you. THANKS to our many service customers, for the confidence you have . f r • • shown in our service method#. We are proud of the fact you like the way we take care of your car. We are happy that you keep coming back to rig when it needs attention, because we want yoar- CJbevrolet cars and trucks from us. We appreciate your choice, and know you will find true driving „ enjoyment in the extra-value Chevrolet offers. THANKS to those of you who have placed orders are waiting delivery. Your patience and your lovaltv to the Chevrolet standard will find a sure car to give you perfect satisfaction. THANKS to everyone who has made this one of the greatest years in Chevrolet history : : . in new car sales, in new truck sales, in service. Youi preference has proved again that Chevrolet if the car America likes best, and we thank you fof it : V '- CLARK CHEVROLET SALES *HONE277 . w-- - McHKNKY, ILLOTOIS A. CORNER ILL. 31 AND ISO ; s , 1 4r± :-4 ' I V: - a . t V t ' A ' . ' i ' i r s - H

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