Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1949, p. 6

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* *\ -*#*" p . « ~ .*\ * ^ j - r' * AltOOND --COURT HOUSE VERDICT A iwry in the county court be- JfOTIC* II was aBno* need by J. Whrte Porter, associate rent director of be Woodstock rental area, that t win be appreciated if all land- j ords cofhing to the rent station j ti McHenry City (It'll on the first .nd third Wednesday of each' nonth. between the hours of 9 i.m. anud 12 o'clock noon, will' fore Judge Henry L. Cowlin last cindly bring their copies of the thurgdav returned a verdict of egistration statement i*rt*lnfcs: |W0 in favor Gf Charles H. and o the property they expect to to-! Dorothy Eldridge and the HomlUtre about. --------- --"jOwners Loan corporation in a ---- ----. j condemnation proceedings involv- !»Pg 'the village of Richmond. The -village of Richmond, ; through its attorney, Charles i Smith of Harvard, filed the suit for the purpose of condemning a j piece of property on Rt. 31 with- I in the village limits. The property sought by the village is to be used j for the widening of the highway [dlid construction of a new bridge jOTer Nippersink creek |. In the «uit. which took up two j days, the defendents contended {did not need the property because a new bridge, is not needed. 1949 Queen Of Marine Day and her .• COURT of HONOR will preside over the, MARINE DAY BOOT* McHenry Business Men's 'jm&zs,.- www * )t -* *! Tbondsf, Ifovvmlcr H11 COMING EVENTS Ay"T/OU i\ i"in urn $ utidd if CARNIVAL jDecembfir 8th. Roller Rink Hundreds of interesting Photographs on display Worship of the Moo# / Among ancient peoples of south- «rn Arabia, the moon god was the supreme deity rather than the son I god so popular in other places. In these hot desert lands, where the aim's rays sear and burn by day, night offers the pleasant time tor travel ahd toil. Hence worship of the moon grew up with the nomad's use of it to light their way and to future time and datef by its phases. « * Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Villa Hotel Dining Room at Pistakee Bay OPEN ON Thanksgiving Day, November 24 Dinner Served From 1 to 8 p.m. Fair Comparison "jsHE REGULAR SATURDAY night * fight over bis pay-envelope had reached * dim a* when he snarled disgustedly, "Aw, you're an angel." For the first time it) her life she was at loss for words. She recovered her equilibrium -after a few seconds, though, and gasped, "Of all things. One minute you're arguing with me and the next you suddenly call me an angel. What's the idea?" He explained, "First, you're always up in the air. Second, ygu're always harping on sometfung. Third, and far from least, you never seem to have anything to wear." SURE CUBS ^ IfOTMBtar 9S St. dart's Court. No. 059, Meeting. November N Square Dance -- Sponsored by St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P. T, A. -- School Hall -- 8 to 11 p.ii. December 1 C. D. of A. Social and Business Meeting. Community Methodist Church Basaar and Bake Sale -- 1 p.m. to 9 jMn. --r Church Hall. Pll,i,lmo. * * .i. ^ ' <?»>'. it was voted to buy material Church ~ Lutheran and t^a|Ce curtains for partitiono_. , ing off the basement for Sunday KVAnm>i<<f!n r School classes. The pastor made Evangelical Lutheran. MJsston jthe report that Mrs. Corkell of ifecemhe i R,n' i Orchard Beach has offered,to . . ! supervise the making of these FH. 5*!?168 curtains if the teachers and others ium ms School Auditor- inter-^Bted in the Sunday School Concert ^ i,88i8t her. It is needless to Oruoi.i d...*.. vr ii. *> say that «re took her up on her SSnpnonncsnorroeHd Kb ot ! ^ Pavilion-- • 0fi»r and a schedule of time for v St. John's Church small item that they would like to donate for this sttict She also wants> to thank all the officers and members for the wonderful cooperation that she has been receiving. The program that followed the tage. It should be remembered that these youngsters always sing better when their parents ana friends are there. There will be a special Thanksgiving service in the church this Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. The Thursday meeting !n charge of!theme will be "We give" Thanks, Mrs. Howard Fike was centered; How ?" For the Advent season bethe theme, "Get acquainted I ginning next Sunday, the meditawith your church." Raymond Horenberger, Jr., gave a report on the youth organizations tnat are in the formative stage, their plans %At the Sunday School board of I and needs. Mrs. Beverly Rourk [education meeting last Wednes- ~ * helping with this project will be worked out immediately after Thanksgiving. Anyone desiring to offer his services, please contact the pastor. veceraoer 7 A very interesting and informa- St. Mary's-St. Patrick's ScUool 'tive meeting was held by the P.T.A.--3 p.m. W.S.C.S. last Thursday afternoon. December 11 ^ Final arrangements for the annual a a i 'i no dinner thiB year but Circle 2 December 6 Annual Christmas Party Sponsored by Riagwood Home Bureau Unit-- 1 ^0 p.m.--Ed Alderson . Home, Rt. 120, West McHenry. j December 7 1 .. y's- P.T.A.- "Your wife used to be so Now she seemi quite Smith: nervous. cured." Jones: "She is. The doctor told her her nervousness was a sign of old age." PITZEISrS NURSERY Corner Wilson Rd. and 111. Rt. 120 2 Miles East of Volo EVERGREENS "" SHRUBS .TREES LATOSCAPIMi Route Two .Round Lake, 111. Tel. Round Lake 3570 Mix Up Mother was instructing little Gertrude in regard to her manners, as she was being dressed to return her friend's call. "If they ask you to dine, say, 'No, I thank, you; I have dined.'" But the conversation-turned out differently from what sh? had anticipated. *• "Come along, Gertrude," invited her little friend's father, "have a bite with us." "No, thank you," was Gertrude's dignified reply, "I've already bitten." I t M l MM! 1 1 M H HM 1 I 1 1 i l l I f I I * THANKSGIVING Evenly Matched A grinning crowd stood around the two unconscious men lying on the sidewalk. y "What's the matter here?" de* manded a policeman who toad rushed up, attracted by the crowd. "Oh, nothing." replied one of the bystanders. "A real estate man was trying to sell a lot to the motor car salesman who was trying to sell a car. They were pretty evenly matched, for they both dropped from exhaustion at the same moment." 117 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. I CENTURA CLUB 86 Proof $3.8* - $2.43 - Pint $1.23 - Vz Pint " IMPERIAL -- Blended Whiskey 8fi Proof $3.47 - 5th $2.19 - Pint $1.12 - Vi Pint •o, The newly rich woman was taring to make an impression: "I clean my diamonds with Ammonia, my rubies with Bordeaux Wine, my emeralds with Danzig Brandy, and my sapphires with fresh milk." "I don't clean mine," said the quiet woman sitting next to her; "when mine get dirty., I Just thro* "tfiem away." Should Improve , "My husband is so careless of his appearance. It seems like he just can't keep > buttons on his clothes." "Are you sure, it's carelessness? Perhaps they are--uh--well, sewfcd on improperly." "Maybe you're right.. He is terribly careless with his sewing. '• NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BLENDED WHISKIES- • SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN -- 86 Proof SCHENLET'S RESERVE -- 86 Proof CORBY'S RESERVE -- 86 Proof 1 MOUNT VERNON -- 86 Proof 90.5 Proof " $3.94 6th $3.94 5th $3.45 5th $3.29 5th $4.25 5th FAMOUS WINES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY DINNER VIRGINIA DARE Deeanter*5th PADRE PORT 5th MOGEN DAVID 5th .7^".;.".. ITALIAN.SWISS COL^NT 5th .... SPECIAL "Father Is pleased that you are a poet." said she to her new heart in /barest. "I'm glad," retorted the boy friend. "Is he a lover of poetry?' "No," confessed the sweet young thing* "but my last boy friend he tried to throw out was a wrestler, MARCA PETRI Red Wine y2 gal. . $1.15 CLUB COCKTAILS Manhattan Side Car 7 Martini Old Fashion Daiquiri JlEADY MIXED" SCOTCH Black & White Teachers Haig & Haig White Horse Johnnie Walker Vat **Ct a BOLGER'S 111 u 1111111111 n tin 11 tit 1111111 m 111111 n i m» ONE VIRTUE A bad, bad man was shot In a s&loon brawl in Cripple Creek, in the old days. They buried him; then everyone stood around the filled grave expectantly, waiting for someone to say a few good words for the deceased. All tongues were silent. At last one man, who had known the deceased longest, lifted his hand. "Friends," he said with heartfelt feeling, "ol' Jim used to shoot a mighty good hand at marbles, as a kid." V vnTHwr ii : ... . High School Christmas Choral.,Mizaar Wer* made There wil1 be ; December 12 ; thiB yea Auxililary Christmas Party ! wi" have a refreshment booth and ' " •- ' {they afe planning to begin fierv- 1 ' i i-nj; by 11:45 a.m. in order that^hp Tabercnlosls In Monkeys i f*"clh!1'8 W'1G defir° 'une,h ,wi" be _ ... .... to return to school in time Tuberculosis is responsible for j for their classes. The other booths about 80 per cent of all deaths of will open up at 1 and stay open monkeys in captivity, a veterinary ; until 9 p.m. Circles 1 and 3 will medical publication reports. The j have variety and baking; Circle heavy loss is traced to the fact that j 4, variety; < the Choir Mothers, monkeys have practically no resist- j candy and "Duz-its"; a joint booth ance to this disease.* X-ray diag- Hnnnofiro'1 0,1 ™,m "C!,- nosis, commonly used by physicians to detect human cases, is said to be impractical in monkeys. Instead, veterinarians diagnose it by means of a test performed on«the upper eyalki sponsored by all will be the "Silent auction". Mrs. Barger has asked that the lidies bring any tions will be centered around the figure of our Christ. We should remember Christmas means nothing unless Christ is in it, in fact ;e! unless he is the center of it. Let's gave a report on * the Sunday; make this the greatest Christmas School. Several very interesting; season we have known by making factswere learned at this time, it really Christian. "See you in Over 100 youngsters and young • church, Sunday". people attend our Sunday School, but with all these pupils in some eleven classes we have only three parents teaching. We need interested parents to help^as teachers and assistant teacher^' There is a great field of opportunity in Our church for this work. Our parents owe It to themselves and to their children to become actively interested in our Sunda^ School, by| enough becoming teachers and: leaders of those who are the fu-1 ture of our church. The final ! paper was read by Mrs. Fike jon j the parsonage project This wasj f i l l e d wjth i n t e r e s t i n g facts andj was an attempt to correct any J false impressions tha!t seem to be held, the main one being that we are not building a $22,000 home as some seem to think. Among the new groups started in the church is a young people's choir. Harold Wilier has consented to lead this group and he is interested in getting some young men of high school and post high school gs^p. Last Sunday the Junior and Cherub choirs sang "Praise the Lord" and they did a very fine job of it. If you were among the absent it Was to your disadvan- Tbe Altai mountains which help to form the northern boundary between China's Stnkisng province snd Oular Mongolia derive their name from the rich gold deposits they hold. Altai is from a Mongol word for gold--thus the "Ooldei^fi Mountains." . Medlciae Bottles Transparent tape put Over HM labels on bottles and jars of cleaning materials, cosmetics and medicines will keep the labels from being ruined when liquid is splftfcj er drips over the edge. Alligator gift certificate in jiif nay clip in plantation box "Sistag" Saves Patat Surfaces which are relatively porous soak up large amounts of ordinary paint. Sizes or sealers have the faculty of "bridging" the pores, or filling them at the surface, thus reducing the suction. As a consequence, these compositions are helpful in saving paint and in producing uniform appearance. The process of using them is spoken of as "sizing" or "sealing." REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS THE SMALL STORE WITH A BIG SUPPLY Community Auto Supply Routes 31 and 120. Phone 778 ALLIGATOR MHWtAH • *10.75 to *42.75 |l Gift certificate enabling Mi • to select his own Alligator Raincoat. Handsome money clip in » which to carry his currency Presentation box which hi can use later for cigarettes, jewelry, etc. 2 3 McGEE'$ is the't?me to get ready--for getting the most fun, the most use out. of your Buick in the months ahead. •Quick-trigger starts, that is. A lively, quiet motor--a chassis that rides you in lazy comfort, without squeaks. -And remember the days getting shorter you'll want your lights bright and "on the beam." Roads will be wetter--so be sure your tires ha%e good, safe treads, and yOur brakes are adjusted for smooth gentle stopping. Skilled in the special care of Buicks as we ar£, knowing your Buick and the factory-engineered methods of keeping it always at its best, we can give you all this surely .and inexpensively.. Drive in this week. Time's coming when we'll be crowded with rush "orders--and it's easier to give you -the best service in a hurry when Our. schedule is open. Just tell us you want -pur quick but thoroughgoing check-" ,iip on all the points listed below. Leave your Buick in our hands, and our special brand of Buick care will relieve you of any car-worries in the coming winter months I MAKING THE WEIGHT ENGINE Children at Play When a child plays house or store or airport, he clears up ideas and gets information. It is hir>w*y of interpreting and understanding the world. 3-way preparedness checkup NO* Ad|us( valv« tappst clearance Clean and r*-oil air cUanar Cheek oil filter element Adjust carburetor for best economy Tighten cylinder head Drain, flush cooling system Inspect all hoses, tighten joints Determine antifreeze requirement!* IGNITION-ELECTRICAL Clean, ad{ust distributor points Time ignition for peak performance Clean and reset spark plugs Check battery--refill--dean off corrosion, coat terminals Check generator brushes, charging rate Check headlight alignment and brightness BODY-CHASSIS Fill steering gear housing with lubricant Inspect and peck front whee| gearings Inspect front brakes Check car heeler fer winter we Check steering alignment Bumper-to-bumper IUBRICARE, including trouble-preventing inspection R. I, OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 'iiifetf. •VsiiiiriL -

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