•j * , « ; Pfe ,19® • * 4 #-•*'*' *?" v '• 'J* ' '" -.y • '1* 'I* •••4»4»jw|Hk I RINGWOOD .>*111111M 111IH 1111 •< 11 (by Mrs. George Styepard) -llftlgwftW Home ftfclfi will hieet in the home of Mrs. George Shepard, Thursday, Deo. 8. Mrs. Viola Low will be 'as^stant hostess. Community Night was observed at the Methodist church Sunday evening with a pot-luck dinner in the church dining room. On Dec. 15, the organization of the Ringwood Methodist church will cooperate in putting on a | carnival in the church hall. Plan j to come for fan. Xmas gifts, | homemade candies, cookies and a pood supper. S. W. Brown spent Thanksgiving Day in the home of his son, Lenard, at Clarendon Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Majrwood spe!U Thanksgiving Day in the Clayton Bruce home. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni splnt ! Thanksgiving Da>- with friends at j Crystal Lake. j Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison Bpent Thanksgiving Day in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ardin Frisbie. and family. Mr^ and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and daughter, Phyllis, of Woodstock, ftfr. and l Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family of Armstrong, III., and Mr. and Mrs ed relatives at Sycamore Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler at* tended a family dinner in the Harold Stanek home at Woodstock, Sunday. Mrs. Mike Shafer, Mrs. Wm. Hiller, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. Alvin Freund and Mrs. Leo HillUoCr^ HtrEnnrpStxr nrlfiAiTlrMl UlEtAttLTKwB Paul Norman and family of Evan- . shooners at Oak Park ston spent Thanksgivingn>ay with snoppers at oaK rani, I Mrs. Rose Jepson °w Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenner and son of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, x Carol HarMson (ft Champaign, Glen. Wattles of Mc- Tuesday. Susan Muzzy and Carol Harrison of Champaign are spending their Thanksgiving vacation at their homes here. Nancy Cristy of Madison is IlXv and and Mm mnk| ! Harrison and family spent' home here. L. M I L L I N N Formjpy Barnard's Mill North End of fonder Lake at the Bridge TELEVISION COCKTAILS &IQUOR - WINES COMPLETE . T DINNERS SERVED^ J" From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY WE CATEK TO PASTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond 312 t j Thanksgiving Day in the C. ; Harrison home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hawley spent Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent with flrsv Betts' mother at Mc- Cullom I>ake. Mr. and Mfh. Frank Adaips and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams at McHenry. Mr and Mrs. („Clarence Adams and family were supper guests of her parents, jyir. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. < ' Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family of Armstrong. 111., spent from Wednesday until Sunday afternoon with her mother. Mrs. Rose Jepson, ' " Mr. and MrtC ' Frank Kinet of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs,. Edward Ferjancie of W-alshville, 111., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and family of Huntley spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Christy. Guests in the Clinton Martin Hgme on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Griswold Lake. Ferol Martin of Chlmpaign ard Mr. and M«- ; McNiel. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Sunday in the i Marry Beno.^g, home at Crystal Lake. ' »• Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon !and daughter, Phyllis, of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Rose Jep- Inunvne to Colds Attempts to pass colds around the animal world have failed completely. Only three--man, the chimpan- . zee and the orangutan--have shown ; any tendency (6 catch cold. j Beef CMtfi The weight of a b£cf calf at1 ing time is directly related to tlw milk production of its mother. Therefore, a cow whose calf is un* satisfactory at weaning should bf culled f#pm the herd. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. and $2.00. Wattles Drug 8toT«C 35-tf Thanksgiving Day with Miss Mae; Wiedrich. V Thankseivine Dav with relatives I Guests in the Oliver Laurence It rrvsSl Lake r6latlV68 home on Thanksgiving Day were ThanSgivfng Dav guests in the Mr and Mrs Kd VVkk of Chioaj , r plrloS bi! w re Mrs ! *°' Mr and Mrs Robert Van ' h!!!L Ih «!!• I. I Du«en and daughters. Mr. and '1 Verne, onff iMScHpenvry, FplioI>hd PpeiaStt; 'Mrs- "Curly" Wilson. Barbara. Jf,annett and Milton Laurence of oi f Greiein wood, Gust Pearson', .M. iss Et,l,g in, MA,~r.. a„ nd. Mrs.• .u..m . Brennan i , Lonna • Breiv eri ia. nd Wayne Fo„sjs . and faminl-y,, and Russell iL aurence;• A, ir., an.d. Mr» s.. . W, el_d o, n Andreas . n" « and familv visited relatti.v es . - a.t of McCullom Lake. . x. ! La(iranRrv f«r- Thank^iving j ^ ^ ISJKTMS*OF ^HN,I MRA lhe Clayton Bf»ce:^c«Adam.v^..r ^ ^ Charles, were . visitors at Bflvi--1 Sunday in home. Mr and Mrs Wm. Heine of dere Fridav Chicago; Mr. and Mrs, Oliver} -;f_ „ Ainger and son. Elbert, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Marchin and ; -„A ,,, I daughter of Chicago spent Sani. and Mrs Alan Ainger and family <»r Hebron speiit Thanksgiving] d Mrs Pa^ ^ , fanil»v spent' Thanksgiving Day ! Ant och v.si'ed h^^ mother Mrs !w,th her Parent8 and Mr^ i Jte"n n^ie hBalcono, WTednoesd, ay,. iI S c h m i d t , a t T w i »n L a k e s . DU4 I ]\rr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and i „f prvJ^, L fli family of Rockford and Mr. and Mr i A?r« ! Mrs. Ed Peet spent Thanksgiving ' d | Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foute 0„L, A1. , land sons at Spring Grove. ^ Mrs. Nellie Blackman left Sun- ZJlfhi* « , dav for a visit with friends at1Zn* ,rt | Douglas, Aria, and with her Mr and Mrs. Walter Wiloox of daughter at Los Angeles. Asat For ALL PICTURES SNtMSCD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake, spent Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and children spent Sunday in the Bsatty-Low home. MV. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich KING SIZE Q U .A L. I T V SNAPSHOTS TAtBt/M 4 PER ROLL .J. MMnWMCMMtrMr. l2£X.FHM694-t6£X.&* WATTLES DRUG STORE 515 Main Street McHenry Phone 450 D?n Edward and family and Mr and Mrs. M. MM r?s. hmil/ BNJ eatty and MMVrs.. * Wie•d ri_c h and daughter of Har- 4 ^ » i*i Viola Ijc>w and son. Robert, spent Thanksgiving Day in the Glen Mr. k.h p„t, ir Jackson home at Richmond. and daughter and JMiss. Jteia..n' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and sn#nt 7hanksBrivlng • family visited her parents. Mr. and Be"8, spWlt TnanKsgiving W Mrs. Dale Thomas, at McHenry jon Thanksgiving Day. i 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson jand daughter spent Thanksgiving I Day in the home of her sister at ' Harvard. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington | and family attended a Thanksgiving Day dinner and reunion of | the Benoy families and their fatljer. Edwin Benoy. of Washington in the Greenwood church hall. Mrs. Ed Bauer and family spent Thanksgiving day in the Alfred Kattner home at Solon Mills Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent' Thanksgiving Day in the ViviaW Austin home near Genoa City. Mi. and Mrs. Dick Oidson anil family spent Thanksgiving Dajr with her parents, Mr. and M,rs, Arthur Diinou at Ostend. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller aniC L&unily spent Thanksgiving 1>«£ with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sclimitt 'at Jolinsburg. ! Thanksgiving Day guests in the- I Jay Cristy home Were Mr. and i Mrs. Harry CriBty. daughter, ; Alice, and son. James, of Netfr ! London, Wis., Mr. atid Mrs. Wm: Wight of Milwaukee, Nancy Cris- ! ty of Madison and Mr. and Mrs. j Kenneth Cristy and soil Jerry. I Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and ' family spent Thanksgiving Day* i with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. : Earl Ka'ie, Sr.. at Mundelien. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughters. Susan and Jean, visit-' BRIDGE BAIXR00M SATURDAY, DEC. 3 9 p. m. Music by Dick Heuser's Music Makers Food --- Prizes Gift Problems Portraits tnako ppffect Ohrislmafi • ' Thry spanjflistancc time and Mako an appointment iosdl^r OAMKRAS, ^LMS ANI> mn'Pr.HJB If our largo stock does not satisfy your needs, we can obtaiw anvtliinsi: in still or movie eqtupraent. WORWICK'S STUDIO PHONE 275 McHENRY, ILL il Get all. yes till. IT'S 50 WAYS NIW FOfSO From its stylish new hood ornament to Its new shock-moonted rear bumper, the new '50 Ford is packed with quality Improvements. Drive in comfort on a foam-rubber cushioned seat ... listen to the silent, secure door locks . . . hear how noise gMs shut out of the silent, sound-conditioned "Lifeguard" Body. IT'S THE ONE HNf CAR IN THE 10W-PMCE fill# Only Ford in the low-price field offers you a V-8 engine-- the same type engine you find in America's costliest carsl ft a 100 h.p. engine that delivers "go" at a touch. Yet its quiet whispers quality. The "Six," too, is a 95 horsepower package of power surprises. One ride will cawviwce you--nothing but a '50 Ford will dol •_ = = you wantlnfhe 0 FORD) in your Mun with a futiM* bdtt hi h«ar... MdfMl mmm0. at ypw DEALIR'S BUSS MOTOR SALES 63I MAIN ST. FHONB L McHENKY, iLtniOIS " PI i (KOWt HOMETOWN Mother and Dad holding secret conferences--Junior being very well behaved--Christmas is definitely Wits way! We think that this Christmas will be one of the biggest and happiest ever. And to make it extra merry, we've stacked our shelves to the rafters--^ filled our showcases 'till they're fairly bulging with nationally known brands of "just what you've always wanted". Now the only question is, how to take the hustle and push--the fatigue and short tempers, out of your annual Yuletide shopping tour. We'vtnr suggestion. Shop at home, where you will be served by friends and neighbors--where you will be served best, because your salespeople know you! Shop at home because you save time and money--and still can obtain anything and everything that's available anywhere else. Shop at home because you are supporting the merchants who are supporting YOU-- through their interest in better schools---better churches--better public services. And on Christmas Day, let's all go to churchrich in the knowledge that this Christmas, by shopping right here, we've contributed to a better Holiday Season for ourselves--and a better community for all! ^ ' McHenry Business Men s Assn. McHENRY PLAINDEALER