every Thursday si Me by th« McHenry Pub- ^ampany, Inc. MHor--Adele Proehlich ftltml w seeood-class mutter at tto towtotriee ti Meftenry, 111., uudei *• Mt of May 8, 1879. Om TW $2.90 fit ltr*r Tiltlrti th,e rc«M wMldtac of h«r Cam* IM» lee. < j nephew, karl Fredrtcksen. I\>x River Valley camfr. R. N. A. j Other gveiti included the will hold its rbgoltr meeting on: FredrickMD^ two children, Mrs. Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. Blaine Justen of Mclienry and in the Woodman hall in West Mc- Ronald Fredrtcksen, a student at Beftry. boctoi tiour will follow the j a military school at'Lake Ooncva; buboes* meeting. f " » w | ••I.t«f.' .a nd rf*i~t 's. CJiack M•l Uewy ar--c ^|il«o Mrs. Fredricksen's parruts, enjoying a vacation trip through ^lr. and Mrs. lv.ir Laraeu. and his the East and South, with New iister, Mrs. Anna Pfoiftcr, of. Vprk City uud Miami as destination points. They had Tha:iks flaochlr ( lib lans Xmas Party - The Canadian Pinochle club (net at the home of Mrs. George -Miller on Monday evening. Prizes tvere awarded to . Mrs. Frank vfMmme.rman. Mrs. E. R. Sutton. 3btrs. Clemens Adams and Mrs. fJeorge Miller. Lunch was served ifet the close of the evening. Plans 'ylrere discussed for the Christmas farty. which will be held at the ome of Mrs. Harry O'Brien. D. ®f A. Begins • V-.« '•$'•«* Toantameat :r~ The Catholic Daughters"' of America will start the whiter card ipurnameht following the business ineetiig this Thursday. Dec. 1. in '4he K. of C. hall. Mrs. Clare Miller And her committee will serve Junch. River* lew Camp To Elect Officers Riverview Camp, R. X. A. Observe Kleventh bedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freuud ^nicago . . i- - celebrated their eleventh wedding1 A huge three-tier anniversary giving diane? with Mr. and Mrs anniversary at their home on Cry- cake, decorated in silver leaves Rav Hermance of Richmond at stal Lake Road on Thursday night. an(| centered .with a large 25. oc- the home of'the Harney Horges at Forty friends and relatives were , . , * . ', .. . present to eijoy cards and lunch cuP»e« the place of honor on the Sarasota, Ma. The Horges formerand to present thr* couple with u 'a^'iv Kntertainin^nt included j.- |jVP(i in Richmond variet-- of lovely gifts vocal and accordian selections. The cotiple v.-as married in Paul's Lutheran .Pan! and Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1924, the bride Overtoil were Thanksgiving day Mr. aud Mrs. R. I. Overton and Altar and Rosary Christmas Party : 'T7". "*• -- yrr,\' -- " - Th annual Christinas part v of e Hilda Israeli. RUeKts in the B. A. Cook hom«-in the Altar and Rosaty Rodalitv of Jile\ c;Am: l?t un«J ^"V," Elgin St. Patrick s church will be held «° Uyv ti,"° }»-* JL_h Murnhv of OBOrMto#11 Monday evening. Deo. 5. at 8 p.m. nni' *?aS8 lat/r decided to "u«h Murphy of Georgetown iinn tthhee cchhuurrcchh hhaallll.. TThheerree wwiillll bbee ,nako their permaaaat resi- Iniversitv spent the holidays with a fifty-cent gift exchange. >'ick Miller is chairman of committee, to be assisted by Mrs.. An.ia Miller. Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Jake Stoffel aad Mrs. Charley Miller. > . ;• • • • • - M™. !de,M* the his parents here. Miss Donna Hermance of Richmond is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Miller. " Miss Nancy Carey of Loyola wril couple nil AniiONMre Itetrnthul of Alice Parkburst Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Simpson Paikliurst of Woodlawn Park, Mc- University spent the holiday Henry aid Chicago announce the weekend with her parents, the ' Woman** Clab Plan* * engagement of their daughter. Walter C'nrevs. . v. ! For Christmas Part* » 'Alice Duskiu, to George William Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalhi spent Frid3v Dec 9 "is the date I Sc,,ny'ider of Webster Grove, Mo..'the holiday with relatives in selected by the McHenry Womr.u's j "j*. «? J*** P'f«» Woodateck ' ° Club for its annuar Christmas 1 nn 111 tbe Fil*8t Meth°d«8t church i Mr. and Mrs. George Miller call-- party for the children. This vear's!of A C'!lkaK°- . , , ! ad on Elgin relatives Thanksevent will be held at 2:30 o'clock „ ».,g,;adua 1 Un^ '"i?"1 Biving afternoon. in the new Legion Home. Each ' °'Tt ^Jool. Miss Park- Mrs. Clarence Keinfreid of member is asked to bring a gift hurst attended the I niversity of ftf.adison. Wis., is spending a few Illinois, Judson college. and the Marion, days with her daughter, Mrs. Herb Chicago Reih«nsperg«r, ami n^tkiag the acquaintance of her new grandpon returning from everseao son. with Mrs. Carl Weber playing 'Pervic<>* Schneider attended Mr. and Mrs. Claronce Anglese nla anV) Mro lV\nu1H the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and daughter, Kathleen.'visited in for each child who accompanies ,,n.Iols' ller Alabama, An appropriate program for the j AVj!der,<y °[ '"e Ar)sholiday season will be presented J 1 >,<m retui ung from familiar carols and Mrs. Donald ,l""1 "J1 «» ruisonrgn uaugnter. Kathleen, visited » st^rv a,,d 1he Chicago Academy Of Fine Morrison. 111., a few davs the last . ' I Arts. of the week. Stewart telling a Christmas Any member who desires mtv brine ; . ... . . ' ®' wee't- •i, wrapped gift for the Old Peoples ^ e couple will make their Mjss Julia Foley of DeKalb and flnniA f r\ ho /liutf am PKi-iat home in Webster Grove, a her brother. Maurice, who is atsubuib of St. Louis, where Mr. teuding Western State Teachers Schneidrr is engaged In com- colleg;> at Macomb, spent the holiday vacation with their mother. Home, to be distributed on Christ mas. M*s. Hugh Murphy is chair-1 18 man of the party. She will be as- mercIal art work ) • _ ... sisted by Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. Mrs. nrTUTpnan u a t - w Carl Weber, Mrs. E. G. Siemon, j RED PALUOH hold election of officers at the Mrs. Jules Gonseth. Mrs. Wallace I AND ALFRED YOUNG meeting schwluled for Tuesday Dobyns. Mrs. I>alton Harding.' oL evening, Dec. J>. j^Mrs. William Seeberg. Jr.. Mrs. MARRIED NOV. 26 *> u .V/,, (Albert Purvey and Mrs. Leonard : wnfw « hodl P. T. A. iMcCracken. . j . St. Mary's church was the scene wni Mwt December * , • • • 1 St. Marv's-St. Patrick's school j Celebrate Silver *3P.T.A. will meet next Wednesday. Wedding Aan!vrfsarT at 3 o'clock „ on Wednesday, j ^fr an<i jyjrs jvar ©ec. 7. at the school hall. The observed their silver .>cuuihk «u «S»th. Brade students wfll present niversary on Nov. 22 by entertain of Mr. Alfred Young, son of Mrs. ^nortnin Hread as their conn- i iiip thirty-six friends and relatives • Helen Young of this city. Rt. Rev. wvUon to the program. | at a dinner and party held at th* j Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at th< Mrs. Eleanor Fole; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson {Hid Miss Maud Granger of Mc- • Benrv and Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Alexander of Hebron were visitors ih Janesville. Wis., on Sunday. r .71. .viar; s cnurcn me Mr. a--nd, *M r"s•. Joseph "M*•. «F•r' eund I of a lovely wedding last Saturday a .,d daughters spent Friday in El- Jmorning when Miss Winifred ® ^ tPlialllluAckh , d<lan u•< g<vhk »t e^ r of Mr. and Mrs Fredricksen Anthony Paluch of Riverside & Guests in the Paul Yanda home _ , - -- . „ . u c n o r n i v e r s i o - o v e r t h e T h a n k s g i v i n g w e e k e n d wedding an- Drive. McHenry, became the bride were . r and MrR ^ank Dobler - -- of Minong, Wis., who arrived Wednesday evening to spend the holiday. Andrew Worwick was a dinner guest. Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mlrs. Thomas Thonneson left last week for St. Petersburg, Fla . where the.- will spend several months. Thanksgiving guests in the . Mothers of the sixth grade stu- Wing and Fin club, Sullivan Lake. 19:30 o'clock double ring ceremony. wents will act as hostesses, with included amoflg the guests were j Miss Paluch was radiant in a Wrs. Martin Wegener as chair-. Mr. Fredricksen's mother, Mrs. gown of white satin, with long *nan" j Kline Johansen. of Norway, who j sleeves and peter pan colar. She. | left o;i Monday for New York to, had a long train and liar veil was ii--•!--IIWllllllllllllllWllimwiiiilMWiiiiiMiiMiw ! coninlptp are first part or her i held in place bv a headpiece of - ~ --- - Jong the bouauet Rohert Thompson home Mr. . and Mrs. Harrv Alnvnnrlor - . jtt luca- Thorn'j»on and daughter, Ksv, of Miss Ly°nsv Mr. and Mrs. George K«)ltz, Jr., daughter. Judith, soli, George. Mi*, and Mrs,: r. Way^e Flor.-' and Mrs. Octavia Thompson and Lorraine of 'NaperviHe. John Scheid and daughter. i PHONE 3 p ws WOODSTOCK, ILL. jong trip across ine ocean. Past! satin bells. Her bridal bouquet l -inompson nome were M f8 years. Mrs. Johansen has spent i was made up of white mums, tied nnd MrB* Harry Alexander^L ^he last three months in this | with satih ribbons. ' 'bron. Mr. and Mrs. Ttrpfe country and attended two import- ! Miss Joau Massmami of Chicaiant events in the lives of her fam- [go, tho bride's cousin, and illy, the Silver wedding observance i Anna Marie Paluch. her sistei* [ served as maid of honor an0 • '••»IWI»IMIIIHUa»IIIBMIIUIimi«IM»W i;'r de TS'i?ia of Trt; XdlEm, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT^ DEC. t* j FRI. - SAT^ DEC. 2^ • i . j <htJliee Saaday at 2:50 pan. : Randolph Scott Jane Wyatt Mlchaid Coatc Jack Oakle j "CASADIAX PACIFir' '• I Jlewn and Carto<tn •THIEVES* HIGHWAY" -CO'Featare -- •• Tim Holt . •era SMUGGLERS" . Jrx. - DEC. 4^ I_i. Ifetinee ttnadar atStM Xatarc Laeflle Ball 1 . Llibeth Scott • la • . * %4«T LIVING" Blarts TI'ESDAT DEC. «tli « -ROSEAN>A MeCOY" OTNmtnillllKHniUlltlllllllHIIIHtHillltHHNWtU j mrs. • MOK«» DEC. *-* JjLlaa Ladd Boaaa Reed "CHICAGO DEADLIKfE" » World Xm and Cartoon TI ES. . WED. • THFRS^ DEC. ••7-8 Gloria DeHavaa Toai Drake i "SCEJiE OF THE CRIME" Cartoon Hi Color • "Jerry's Diary" Pete Smith - "Let's Cogitate" rose, with bustle effect, brown „ . velvet poke bonnets with feathers Ren®\ Vlfiited Waukegan relatives aQntldll lblWroAIwMMn ImV\ uffs Mwa iI tA1h _ ros_ e_ sprays. Otl. . I ilfl H k Rf iV 'in ? rfn V VT ... _ - Donald Paluch. the bride's' MrS-\Nellie Bacon iind Miss hrother, served as best roan, and f.in «, v tipent {holiday*ip William Stefmel, a frieud. was the We8t°n ,Bacon Soiife in.jQ^. Mtfl 1 Tiklro on Thanksgiving day. Mrs^ Neliie Bacon )ind grooinsmkrtT Breakfast was served , guests at the Paluch home following the service and at 5 o'clock stal Lake thirty J®roes Winkelman of Beloit colspent the holiday weekend with his parents. eighty-five friends and relatives ~ Miss Mary Jean Doherty- of gathered for the wedding receD- KOBarv_ college. River Forest, tioi_ ^anksgiving holiday and The Youngs are now at home in veeke Fox Lake, where hP is em~pioy^d ,^.ra; ^rtis Westfall of, Chicago by the telephone company. Both „ * . hftr mother, Mrs Simon *b ri•d• e and- groom are 1947 grad.u Stoffel, on Thursday. ates of the McHenr*- high school ®. Edlt" GearV o' Wauoonda and since that tiroe th« new Mrs. an! and Mrs- Dontf^ M6yer Paluch has been employed In the a sn^nt Tti«hir»rriiri.0 local telephone office For her daughter's wedding j FRI. - SAT., DEC.* 4.10 iltan Cagae? Virgiala Majo ! "WHITE HEAT" I Cartoon - Sports • 'Spills ft Chills' Cartoon and Kovelty "Hat Air Races" IIIIIHinHIIHIItlllinHlltUIHHIUUUIIIIllllIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMII an.d family spent ThahkngiVing ltn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter Mrs. "Paluch chose a honey-color- Jeft Sunday for a few weeks' trip ed satin dress and wore a corsage,to M,ami* Fla. of yellow and brown mums. Mrs i ^ ,,an Peter M. Schaefer Young was attired hi a honey- , ,r and Mrs- , Joseph H. colored crepe dress and a similar ^.dams attended the "silver wedcorsage. , °tlJS anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. -- Arthur Kaiser in Woodstock last ----(-Saturday evening. --- . I Thanksgiving guests in the |Jo8eph H. Adams home wer,. Mr. * j*Dd Mrs. Walter Grube of Chica- 1 "]*°- Mr* and MrB- Arthur Wagner C Meeting A SoCial and Business j Cafhe^Iie^wkgner^of Gmyslakei Community Methodist Church of*" J^hnsburg ^id" Mrs^^nnl I •t. Xary's Catholic Chutth Masses: ^ - Sunday: 7:00, «:80, 10:00, Holy Days: C:00, 8:00, 10:0(| Week Days: 0:45 and 8*0. i First Friday: 6:30 aiid 8i0t>. Confessions: Saturduys: 3:00 |>. in. and 7:00 |>.«. Tliursdn." before First Friday i After 8:00 Mabs on Thursday; 3:0" p. in. and 7:00 p. m. Al-gr. C. K. N ix, Pnst^jr. , St. Patrick's Catholle Chufci' Masses: ^ 3 Sunday: 8:00: 9:30 and 11:90. .Daily Mass: 7:00. vW«*k l»rtvs: 7:«m» mid 7:30. ' Fint/ Fridays: 7:00. % <ty!tribuit)U ut 7:00, duriag the 7:10 uiass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to^5:00 p. m. and . 7:00 to 8:00 p. in., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. 2ion Evangelical Lutberan Oharch {The Church of the Lutheran Hour^ 408 John Street West Mclienry, ilUuois. Sunday School: 0. a. m. ; . , ' Suijday Worship 8ervie,e: • 10:lfi a. m. ' • Younrj cordially invited to attend, our services. ' * / For information- phone 681-R-l. ... Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. ' [' Community Methodist Chtttcfc' y* Cbureli S«*tiool: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m,. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of montli at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and Worwick Photo I worship with us. / i Wayne B. Price, Paetot. 31R AND MRS JOHN STEUE A lovely wedding ceremony per- McHenry Bible Church formed at St. Mary'« church on 102 S. Ciroen Street (Pries Bligt) Thursday niorning. Nov. 17. united I Sunday Hible School, 10 a.m.. in l'lnrriage "Ciiarlene Williams of Sunday Worship, 11 a. in. Mcit^iiry and John Stege of Bal- | Evangelistic, 8 p.m. boa h '.and. Calif. The couple wMl > Wednesday at 8 p.m., Prayer Worwick Photo Till: KARL FREDR1CKSENS her marriage in a amlie-1 ^-ht service at'the Methoui? t i-huich on Thursday, Nov. 10, tlii.v lovely bride, shown cutting xvwdiEfi citke* with her new hus- !jv^ /Miss Agnes Miller, and Mrs. B«fi K. N3WLYWEDS Hk^AMEftlCAM aANKIiro IN ACTION**ii - •: * '#•£•* ITS TODB MONET 'You have the right to boss your own money. You can spend it all, give It away, or bank softte of it for the future. But you make your own decision. Maybei you take for granted this right to spend or save. Some people do. But let's remember that it's a right we enjoy because we live sunder the free enterprise system--die American way. In a communistic country, you would have to spend every cent to keep M '••fl McHENRY STATE BANKr |f Member Federal Reserve System If ember federal Deposit Insvranes Oorporatioa i •rgfi..ri . .-O -11'4-4-i H'I'l'I'M AMONG TfiE SICK i Meeting. Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 53-W reside in the west. Rtd Bloed Cell Count Made Of Hiroshima's Survivors Blood of survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima now shows little difference from the blood of persons in a nearby Japanese city who were not exposed to the bortib. Studies were conducted on a group of 924 Hiroshima residents who had suffered epilation (loss of hair) at the time of the bombing, an indication of exposure to relatively large doses of radioactive wkws. For comparison, studies WTEire also made of 935^residents of the city of Kure, 18 mws away.-- **These studies have revealed only a very slight reduction of the red blood cell count in the Hiroshj^ a residents." investigators rejpoitf. "This could be an effect of the ic bombing, but nutritional differences between the two groups could have been a factor." Studies conducted immediately after the bombing had revealed that many of the persons who had lost their hair were also anemic. "It may be presumed that many of the peopl- included in the later study had low blood counts following the bombing," the report added, "but had made an almost complete recovery from anemia in the internal Mtw«en the two studies." Once an individual was. selected j 7:45 for observation, a detailed history [Catechetical Instruction: with emphasis on the individual's I Sunday: 9:00 a. m. CARD OF THINKS wish to take this opportunity to thank fric' ids and relatives for gifts, cards and felicita- H'•>>M-Hft": tions on the ocasion of our silver 1 ^ rt wedding anniversary Nov- 26- : S- "a Lawrence has been a These remembrances were greatly medical patient at the Woodstock rppreciated. ho^pit-al. MR. AND MRS. ANTON MEYER Mrs. Itobert Krisby, Sr., has Spring Grove, III. i,een a pktient this week at Vic- ' 29 tory Memorial hospital, Watlke- ' -------- | ^an< . ('ARB OF THANKS > Charles Kunz has been a patient ;|W ivould like to take this op-j at the Woodstock hospital thls^ *«••«>, ipoHunltno ttSk «r" W.5S Si1 ie,r. for floral Off.rliigs. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible | car(j8 0f sympathy and the many St. John's Catholic Church Jrahnshntg Masses: Sunday: 7?00, 9:00 and llt90. Holy Day«: 7:0® and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00.' First Friday: 6:36 and 8:00. ---- Confessions: KnturdayH: 7. SO to 8 and 2:30 to S. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Blitscfe. ~ 8t Peter's Cs'hollc Church, ; Spring Orovs Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 snd 11:00. Holy Dsvs: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00.' . Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:lS. Thursday before First Friday-- - 2:30 and 7:15. Kev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Other kindnesses extended in onr bereavement. They were all! greatly appreciated. i THE GOODELLJONES FAMILY i 29 1 Need ruh(t«r avais)ii| Tlie PJaindealer. .*• . New York Sabway =3ha= New York board of transportation reports that any one of its two-track subway lines can move 100,000 people an hour in one direction--equalling the capacity of 20 automobile super-highways. Buy your Christmas our stores and save. Gifts at 11 29-3 * „r---jjfcrist The King Mission Wonder La ke Masses: Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. . Confessions: Sunday: Before each Mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to nuifiinRnnttmiiHiutiiiiiiiiiuiiiimtitiniuiHiiiiniiiiHi The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 1 McHenry Co'*. Leading Theatre COMING EVENTS WATCHES RINGS WALLETS ____ ELKCTRIC SHAVER PEN and PENCIL BETS CAMERAS COMB and BRUSH SETS TIE SETS DIAMONDS WATCHES BRACELETS L" NECKLACE PEARLS COMPACTS DRESSER SETS Bazaar and Bake Sale -- 1 p.m. t)o 9 p.m. -- Church Hall. December S Christmas Bazaar -- Church. Adams of McHenr.. Mrs. Leigh WiUianis of River- ! side Drive was hostess at a real Lutheran , country Thanksgiving celebration j I?1 honor of her house guest, Mrs. BAB 71 KINGS JEWELRY Fof The House 21ARO -- TELEVISION -- SILVERWARE ChriBtmas Sale -- Given by Zion Olga Walbere of Dorhv rn E^ngelkal Lutheran Mission [ Other guests were Mr. and Mrs ~ D^Xr S1 am- «,Ufm %er7' Mr and MS ° Horn™* DanCe~MCHenrr Legion|^on.as Ryan^and Mrs. Hay©? of \ ^tcraii b Craft Siilc --• Dickow's i Mr an*J Wra rharUo tj* t Auxiliary" Sl>0n80red bv ^onjand family spent the Thank spiv" Auxiliary, tag weekend at the home .of Mrs. m-it "ecemoer 4 • • , Logan's mother. Mrs Smith McHenry C$ioral Club Christmas Morris, 111. Concest -- High School Auditor-1 Mr. and Mrs lURl. Concert. Social Party at Nell's Pavilion- Sponsored bv St. John's Church. ^AAnndd 'ELlle ccUtioanm Po' ff ROOffffiiAc 'e rsM .e Ctlng 'jw iIl)ll ckm ak« the«r fir«» Makers MeS'ta" Va'"y °"nP' «• N *••:««»• «'?»« Annual Christmas Party Sponsor- night0 I)en ThereaffeV rmtby "on,e Bureau | orchestra will appear at' The I HomeT Rt 120,Ve?f ££? j every Saturday evening: December 7 School at Joseph J. Miller . wer«» Thanksgiving dinner guests 1 in the Dr. J. C. Purvey home in ! Crystal Lake. -- .8:30j Church v Mc- Choral •Stefani. 514 Wast Main Street Tel. McHenry 123-J McHenry St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P.T.A.--3 p.m. Choir Mothers' Meeting p.m.- -- Methodist Parlors. December 10 Gifts To Yanks Dance Henry Legion Home. December 11 High School Christmas December 12 V.F.W. Auxililary Christmas Party. December 16 W. S. C. S. Christmas Party --- l | pan.--Methodist Church Parlors.. December 18 Christmas Program of the Primary Department, Methodist Sunday School -- 4:30 p.m. December 86 St. Clara's Court Christmas Party. December tl New Year's Eve Party -- 10 p.m. --McHenrv Legion Home. Weed Cdntrol Both lime and phosphate help indirectly to control weeds by stimulating the growth of grasses and legumes. Clean Septic Tank If your septic tank has not been inspected for five years, better take a lodk inside. It may need cleaning. n 21 Billion Passengers Transit industry reports that in 1948 more than 21 billion passengers were carried on the nation's buses, trackless trolleys, streetcars and subways. The iAeal gifts for all the famil can he found in our gift-laden Stores. 29-3 position at the time of the explosion, signs and symptoms of radiation sickness, and associated shock, was obtained by a trained interpreter. Subjects were examined for red and white cell count, hemoglobin, plasma protein levels; and as many other determinations as circumstances permitted. Rev. James - A. Administrator. Vanderpool, FRI. • SAT*, DEC. 8-8 Double Feature Ted Donaldson An tn TRUSTY'S BIRTHDAY* Itenald Woods li "BARBARY PIRATE" L-P Gas Serves MilHomt Taming tfc® "wild gases" that were once a major headache and waste product at the nation's oil fields and refineries and putting them to work, the liquefied petroleum gas industry has made a. formidable contribution to the conservation of natural resources and brought city comfort and convenience to millions in rural and suburban America, in areas beyond the gas mains. The L-P Gas business achieved its greatest growth during and since Worlj} War II. Its spectacular progress is largely attributed to a band of "little fellows"-- inventors, chemists and engineers. whose ingenuity, resulted in a series of discoveries and patented inventions that made the new fuel commercially practical. < Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Laki (Nonsectariao) Services: ' Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. i tiuaday Evening Service: 7:45; p. m. | Prayer meeting, Thursday8:00 j p. m. « i Bring the fatuily with you to Sua- > day School and Worship Services.! There is a plaeo nnd a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. SI N. - MON., DEC. 4-o Snaday Couf. From 2r46 p.m« GROOMING ESSENTIALS Judy Garland Fred Asfclr* In Rlngwood Church Blugwobd, 111. R«NMlay: Public Worship, 9:30. ' Church School: 10:30. i: Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve* aing, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. "EASTER PARADE** (Technicolor) ItH stir fond memories. TUE8. - WED. . THURS., DJ£C.*7.8 i1 , Glean Fori -Jaaet Leigh In T^fTHE DOCTOR AJiD THE GIRL" PHOXE 40 " The Md rcfreiluuni litf ' fresh Itreety fragrance of . SPORTSMAN Shaving Lotion - will pleas* the most exacting asaa you know. Distioetly maseuliao vjttiiledly correct--it will help him look and feel hi* very keit la stunning •porU-in«)iira<l bottles 4 om. $l.SO> 6 •*. $3M. Decoy Shmvimg Bowl $3.50. Bolger's Drug Store XcHEKX¥ umiimniininiiuiMiwniitniiMiHiiHiuiiHitiiiiiHiiira i St. Joseph's Church | Richmond, Illinois : Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. I Daily: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. • St. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal [ • Church j h .Crystal Lake ' • |Sunday: t*:<W» n.in. lloly Eucharist. | . ] 10:00 Sunday School. I Alcoholic Patients. : ,\t ttio. Mission House cxccpt on Haw York hospitals treat -nearly-, j third Sunday of the month when j twice as many alcoholic patients as | there is "Family- Eucharist' at the : do those of any other state, a na- i church. . I tion wide survey of 6,276 American i 1 u Moyn,,» ,t\r,a-ver8 l*x , Mejd-i cali association regis,te red. .h oa- ii eept on first Sundav of the month, v*,.„ thero h Chorn*, Euchari„t. pitals show. The survey was com pleted by the A.M.A. council on Week Days: Holy Eucharist .-it 0:30 ii.ni. on P raver Book Holy medical education and hospitals | Davs.» as an initial step in the study of the problem of alcoholism. An estimated 3,000.000 persons in the United States are excessive drinkers, and iiearly one fourth this number are said to be chronically alcoholic, the report points out. Statistics for 1947 of the 1,718 hospitals which reported that alcoholic patients are accepted for treatment that hospitals in the state of New York admitted 12,175 such patients. California ranked second with 6,101 such admissions, Illinois third with 4,938, Michigan fourth with 4,225, ynd Pennsylvania fifth with 3,658. Read the Want /. NOTICE St. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Dolo Avenue a id Oriole Trail Rev. Dnnalrl Piatt. Priesi-in-Charge Mrswion House, .'l.'il MrHenry Ave. Sunday, Dec. 4, II Advent: !) a.m. Holy £ucharist. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Choral Eucharist. Tuesday, 'Dec. 0: ' S p.m. Finance Committee. Wednesday, Dec. 7: 8 p.m. Choir Practice! Friday, Dec. 9: 1 p.m. Annual Bazaar Of St. Mary's Guild. Join our Christmas Savings Club. McHenry State Rank. 29 Open For Business Dec. 11949 Smart Set Beauty Studio RIVERSIDE HOTEL Offers a Special Get Acquainted ' S A L E MACHINELESS PERMANENTS $5.00 and $6.50 GOLD WAVE $7.50 and $10.00 Including Shampoo and Styling Alice Ularie (SWp owner in Chicago for 12 years) will be happy to Welcome all her new customers personally. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY T.