Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1949, p. 5

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* Becnnse of the great number of 'Classified a da which appear In the Plaindtaler each week, we have f«Md it impossible to keep books on such small account*. Dunfore, in the fa tore, only ads which dfcar* paid for before this section J ef. the paper goes to press at 10 I ^'eleok on Wednesday meanings | be printed. ri r -rto the lanrtj--ht Inh. #he» food' fellow* meet) all iiads of wines uf pddtap goods to take otat at the loweM 513 Main street. AI Phannentfttll, prop. 23tf FoillAlX -- Aprons, rugs and other gift articles. Call mornings or evenings. Mrs. Ensign, 301 Main street, MeHenry. *29-2 FOB E -- 6 Tear crib, maple, ronaition; $15.00. Call 58-J. •30 FORSALK sbss" FOR SALE --Spring Grove, 111., 0 roam home, electricity, plumbing, stoker heat, in good repnir. To settle rstnte. Call J. K. Carey, Wllot 7-iUM. " *2»-S #. S. N<>. 1 AFfrLE* 91.SB per tra. • Sweet \ Cider and Apple Batter KOSSLBY lEx ORCHARD S. W. Corner of goate U. a. 12 aad III. AS Niar Lake Zurich, IA OR &ALE--8-picce dining room jot., witli la file pad; also rug :< nd liail. Call t'.S;; \V •_> or »>t»0 It 1. "29 :: \ "WOULDN'T A GUARANTEED . USED CAB BE A PERffHOT XMA8 GIFT FOB THE FAMILY?" - ; vJ'ASH - V or - KA$Y TBftifS • DODQji Custom Hedim „ - Really a host buy. . •. -* 1 >< >1 ><; K 4 I»oor HedaM ^rV ^ . Top value, low price. " ;=4i7; FOIlF> ^'.iiicr l>rl;tixp f'oaeh . Real economy here. f: PLVMOCTII Spee. f>eLjixe > Sedan- -l*on't overtook this- one. * HOIKS K 2 Door Redrut • ' , V <)!if of (Hiit better buys 4(5" « <?U EVHOLKT Sport S«'iln-rt H:id cxlrn Npociiil eye. 42 FORI) Knjirr lVLnxe Coaeh 4t NAKH 4 Door Medan 40 I'LYMOI'TH Chil. Coupe FOKD "«.V' Coach VLUS OTHERS. ALSO TRUCKS 2'OB SAU5 Throe-Peland China bourn. I'itone S27-J-1 *30 FUR &ALE -- Antiques, yctijir choice of lovely Xmas gifts. Crystal, silverware, ehina, old lamps, clocks, Miscellaneous itettos. Clothes for the family. Formal*. (This clothing in good condition). Open daily 1 pan. - 10 p.m. except Sunday, 11 a.m. - 6 p^m.. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta ltd. €^onsigntne. it and Resale and Antique Shop. Vt mile west Terra Cotta factory which is located on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake, 1346 R-l. 30tf FOB HALF. --• 50 fryers 4 to 6 lbs. Rudolph Mlonskia on Route 31, Crystal Lake Rood. Next door to greenhouse. *30 A. 8. BI.AKE MOTOR SALES , fc.\KT PKARI. STRKKT Mi"!<"iiv I'hone 156 Ft R SALS --- Htnall upright piano, i" very gortd condition * #35. Oall 134-M A *30 FOR SALE -- 4 room modern year roil- d home, hot and cold running ^ water; aluminum storin windows *,{^nd screen combination, y> basement, immediate possession, $800 down, location Wonder Lake. Write Box 100 care of MeHenry Plaindealer. *30 FOR SALS -- Spotted Poland China boar* and gilts. Phone Richmond 796, Frank Jung, Boute 2, x' *30-3 roR a axe -- One pai£%tiite fanti'il Pigeons. Phone* McHenrv ^01-J-L ^ p ^ *30 '•'OB 8 -g -pipeo room suit, tilt Back chair am ottoman. Very good conditoin. Prone 120-R. -- ' 30 FOB SALE -- Unfinished 6-rooms; garage; cement basement; lot about 68x000 feet; one block city limits of McHenry on U. S. 31. Price $4,300. For appointment call Jacob Frit* in Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37. 30 j FOB SALE -- 8 piece dining room ! set; buffet, table, and 6 chairs. I Good condition. Phone 497-J 30 FOB SAIiE~-Aouth Wind (fits auto I heater.'Call McHenrv 5S2-M-2 after ;p.m. 3d M>R HALK--Johns-M^nrille Horn* Insulation, installed by The Wali- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. 8tilllng, iicHenry 18. 40-tf {FOB SALE -- Infants' wear, cost- ! ume jewelry, ceramics, bone china lamps, glassware, ideal Xmas gifts; ail moderately priced. The Hem slev Gife Shop, opposite depot, Fox Lake, 111. 85-tf MISCELLANEOUS SALE OF HOUSEHOLD , FURNITURE -- Piano. Davenpdirt. chairs, Wal uit dining set, beds; twin and full size; dressers, ruBj^ pictures, Jamps; in eta! wardrobe box. 1 solid mahogany rocker, 1--9x12 Chinese rug and 1 pr. binoculars. Phone 30 i Homes -- Garages -- Iqpulation -- | Boofing -- Combination Windows ;-- Siding and Bomodeling. i SPECIAL I Will build seven room ranch home j fully insulated, £5,995.00. Easy terms. AJR8PUN IKBULATION CO. Free Estimates. Phone Wonder Luke 698 after 5 p.m. *30-4 <* J46. VOB^^OS^-TrV'i •* taste tested fruit delivered prepaid by express, *4.50 per butibW, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines. 4U of one kind or assorted. Send ^lleck with order to D. \V. Malloy, Lake Helen, Fla. 07.4 BAR© jJNS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES; McHENBT. McOULLOM LAKH WONDER LAKE. FABMS, OHOlCf; LOTS. BBPOBT PBOPV3BTY, BUSINESSES KNOX REAL ESTATE. 40r> RICHMOND « f> a n PHONE MeHENBT 4217 11 tf W8 SALE--OENERN+OR«I tarters, fuel pumps, distributors wltage regulators .md ignition i>:irts 6r Ford and all other cars. Reaco •les & Service, LilymOor, Fred i. Iroboda, Prop. Tel." M(-Henry J83. 47-t* AOCOUNTINO. BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SKBVIOE Records installed and maintained. Income iax service by appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Cop-. Militant. Phone Fox Lake .">9<;2. .'iOtf LLEOTBIO PROBLEMS? --Do you have ele trical problems? Let Bob j solve them. No job too big or too [small. Cell McHcury 569 R 1, 30 ] BEAUpr SHOP --.Permanents and hair tintiug. Riverside Hotel, pboue j McHenry 348. 30 ' COMPLETE TBHE SEBVICE -- Tree Feeding -- Trees SPBAYINO Weed Control Fly and Moequitc ANDEBSON TREE SEBVICE 519 Waqkegan Boad - McHenry 724 15 tf WELLS DBrfiT.BD OB DBIVEN WATEB STBfttK ~ We sell, repair j and iustall pttmp. BUI Bacon, £06 Main 8irMt, MeHenry. Telephone 167. $5*tf JR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. AD-: UPHOLSTBBDfO--There is still v hNG MACHINES. Hervicc on ell j time to have your chair or davenlakes. Also ribbons for all makes; {port upholstered before the holiearbon paper. L. V. Kittz, Clay St..; days, rhone Vic's Upholstery 8er- Woodstock. Phone. 549. |-tf j vice, Pistakee 551-R-l. *29-2 11 ii i'»t» i * t m 11 m m ih hiimouiiKiM I»11 »• Helen Weber Says: HOLIIMfS mix ^ »Sv>^^vXviv>5ffi iiai _ * vMyMKort • F0UMD "T'BWSftp ids*; „ .. ***»* [FOUND --- Man's watch, owner can For ectimates: Tel. McHenry 8>W var(1 t. .... ,. or Woodstock 1359-W bv ^ent.fieatio-u 2g.0 'Pho-ie MeHenry 664-M-2. *30 AUCTION! BRING TOm PHOTOGRAPHIC, PROBLEMS TO US--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to i large murals, or free hand oil; paintings. Copying and framing. ; ------ -- CAMERAS. PROJECTORS* FILMS I Chandler A Elfers, Aacttoneer* A N # S U P P L I E S . . . W O R W I C K S j " " " STUDIO, 117 Riveraide Drive, Mo* 1 On Gruii Hill Road, being 2H Henry Phone 875. 40-tf j miles southwest of Lake Villa, 1 % 'miles north of Grub Hill. 1 mile jeast of Highway ^9. 2lk miles we««t of Hipliwav 21. :? ^ miles 3£KVICB typing - Mimeographing Addressing Prompt Service - lleasonable Rate* ' northwest of Round Lake, on 847 Washington Street, Boutc 14! I... Woodstock ,7£M. Saturday, Dec 17th CCOtttED SEWER? huve the. electric rod cut out the obstruction. No dlfrglng No lawn mess Commencing at 1 o'clock K and M Lnneh Wagonl; CATTLE (iofrnsfj famtly <h>nt^ Mir, . years old, milking good; Sept c Tanks and Grease Tiraps registered Holsteln cow, 7 years C, eaned, I Unit and Repaired. old, milking good: Hoi. heifer, 1st Modern Construction. ealf.« milking arood, Swiss family Competent Engineering. heifer, 1st calf, milking good; ^ou™ .y S®? ^?.v' Black cow, 2nd calf, iiiilkinir aood; Lbertyvtlle Tel. 1S46. 47-tf s outHfan^llne Gn^rnscj heifers (1 GARBAGE COLLECTING - Let u~* i x H"rr,l' ?. ,,rwl>5 « outstanding dispose of your garbage each week ' '•olfcteln hellers i«pen> t 2 Holor oftener if desired Reasonable! "*dV for ] rates. Regular vear round route ? ,.r 'n n ' faced John E. Hill, P.' O. Box 2'4. Mc Z" \ Henry. Phone 365 tf )n.M 1 ra I , 1 f- °Wn; } reg. Holsteln bnll calf, born Oct* EXPEBIENOED ober 8, 1949, named Peck King LANDSCAPING--TBEE BUBGERY PMiperor Wililflower \o. 10S299«. AND REMOVAL -- INSURED Wnl-Co.-Farm hln» Rnby FREE ESTIMATES Trltomla > o. JWWV!, Do in Peck J.'W. RAYCBAFT, P. O. Box 163 E"M"M"or Wlldflower So. 287421", Phono 298-B -- W. McHenry, HI. T- B« an" Bangs tested. 45 tf HORSES Hay saddle mare. 7 < years old. gentle. KOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER pMiS rh„,„ w„||0 ,„w „„„ W ornnmt.jitnl iron niiKng. M.»- 9 ,.holcr pl t Hampshlri. Rllt: i-ellanous and structural steel. Let Tnl. -,4 v, us figure vour job big or small. ohl iT T, N<>w Hmnp- A11 work done bv "skilled crnfts®^^ hrn^ ,'aym<f 2 pP,,aeJ men. Your inquiry will receive ?1?r,LeKhorn hena' P°°d la>'er8; 3 prompt atention. Phone 617-M-l. ! 8 , Schroed^r Iron Works, Route 31. j f EE,> ~ 1°° bushels oats. 300 Smiles sonth of McHenry. 20-14 i bushels corn. 20 tons 2nd cut al- -- ------ falfa, 10 tons 1st cut alfalfa, 100 EXPERT . PIANO TUNING AND ! bales straw. BEPAIBING -- Work fully guaran- 1 Usual Public toed. Also used pianos for Mile, i Company Terms. E. Zaboth. Oall collect, Lake Zur- ' Aacttbn Service :tl02. 15-tf ! BERT J. GAIIGER, Prop. GIFT SHOP This Xnias shop at llomslev's, see Public Ant'tion Service Co. Clerk Northern Illinois' greatest display j Telephone "Burlington, Will* 866-W of C'ostume Jewelry; Junior Snow i Buits and Toys; Rteautiful Lamps; j Imported Ceramics; English China : Cups and Saucers; Crystal Clear! Glassware. A wide varietv of mod ! eratelv priced gifts for all the fam; ilv. Hemsley Gift Shop, Pox Lake, 111. Opon from 9 to 9 until Xmas. 29-3 LADEN ACRES FARM II DISPERSAL H. W. Chrlstensen, Auctioneer hp A ft ivntiTA it> • . Located on Kllbourne road ~ «ighfst 'a,i. (Kenosha county HlKhway H). beh! lC a e8nI*i1 d> TTl 'i°rT r*' in« 1 mU* north'of Russell. 111., Ji~h* S 11 j d *• load. Day miles east of Highway 41, % Pan WW is tty9jan. K mlle north of Kenosha county Call Wheeling Rendering Works.. Highway Y. on Wheeling No. 3; wterw charts, | --- s--- - Saturday, Dec. 10th HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned | Commencing at 12 o'clock ky Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie ; Bl IjLS -- - Jio, 1 -- Herd Siret Huff, Prop. Tel. Mcllerry 290. 29 tf I Ladac King Bessie Beautv Bnrke H«462'-. Rorn March 22, 1917, WINDOW SHADES--OB VENE- Sire: King Bessie K. 0. of Raven- TIAN BLINDS--New line of rev glen 7&0474. Dam: Model Beauty movable slat and Rauflex orgiuart , Burke (39S9S6 C. H. B.) 2498034. blinds and tapes, Bon«k»med " a'ljd '4 yrs„ 906 days. 2x, I2«3r».0 I6s, "sl\ani/.ed Acme metal. Sterling IWW lbs. B. F. Window Shade & Venetian Blind No. 2 Herd Sire: Lochlnvar Co.,, 5640 W. Division street, Chi- Bnrke Beauty Inka. Born Jnly SO, •'•:ago. Phone Columlnts l-f<743 oi 194H. Sire: Bancroft Acres Beanty 'McHenrv 651-M1 Fri. evening, Sat. Lorhlnvar 9<ir»9H0. Dam: Same or Sun. Free estimates. All work iabove. One-half Interest In his guaranteed. One and two weeks'; grand sire sold for $13,000. iervice. 27-tf No. 3 - Bnll: Lochlnvar Home stead Fobes. Born Jnly 10, 1949. Sire: Bancroft - Acres Beauty Lochlnvar 96A9S0, Dam: King LEGALS ON ROL Chandler ft Elfers, Aactionoen STATE OF ILLINOIS j '* COUNTY OF" McHENRY )s> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY. ^ WALTER SCHAINM, Plaintiff, ^ VB i' EDWIN G RELLIHEN, it tl.. Defendants. ^ No. 6123 N O T I C E Affidavit showing that tko "<•- fendant, EDWIN G. RELLIHEN,..,. „ . ,. , „ MAY E RELLIHEN. DELLA i " .. . T One-quarter mile south of Grand ,$Ave., 3 miles west of Gurnee, seven miles east of Lake Villa, two miles east erf Highway 45,. seven miles north) of Libertyville, on Sunday, Dec. 11th Commencing pt 12 o'clock K and M Lunch Wagon CATTLE - 9 CHOICE HOLSTEIN COWS (1st and 2nd BRANDT, PETER H. BECKER, with calf at side, 6 recently fresh, AL C qMlTH THtT«5TITP OR i 1 ^ 1 I>Urh*m 2nd SMITH, TRUSTEE OR | n|f heifer, springing. 2 Holsteln TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN: heifers, 1 dae In JiQinary, other In NATIONAL BANK OF WTOOD- early spring. 2 growthy open jrenr^ STOCK, and "UNKNOWN OWN- ] llnir Holsteln heifers. 6 Holsteln ERS" reside or have gone out of j heifer calves, average age iVt this State and on due inquiry can- months old. This Is a heavy pronot be feund so that process can- dicing herd. Average yearl/ teat not be served upon said defen- 3.7 per cent, and calfhood vac* daiits. having been filed in the clnatlon has been practiced for office of the Clerk of this Court, | several years. T. B. and Bangs notice is therefore, hereby given tested. to said Edwin G. Rellihen, May E. | 6 GOOD KITES -- Will be brell Rellihen, Delia Brandt, Peter H. bv sale time. Becker. A1 C. Smith, Trustee or! 'MILKING EQUIPMENT Trustees of the American Nation- i Surge milk machine. 1 single unit, al BAnk of Woodstock, and "Un- complete; McD 4 can milk cooler: known Owners", defendants, that 9 milk cans; sterilizing tanks; etc. rtte plaintiff in the above entitled HAY,. GRAIN AND FRfiJ) -- cause filed his complaint in said bushels corn; 700 bushels cause on the 23 day of November, oats; 10 tons baled alfalfa and 1949. and that said action is now clover hay: 3 tons baled oat hay; pending and undetermined in said 7 tons baled timothy hay; 200 court, and that you, the said de- bales" straw; 20 ft silage fendants. must file your appear- MISCELLANEOUS - 300-chick ance in said action on or before electric brooder; 16 cedar poststhe third Monday in the month of 30 steel posts: new hav rope; hay December. 1949, and in the event fork etc. you fail to do so default may be! TRACTOR AND FARM MAentered against you. CHINERY J. D. Model B trac- R. D. WOODS, tor on good rubber and 2 row cul- Clerk of said Court tivator. McD. 7 ft. tractor disc: • ] (Official Seal) Hoosier 7-ft. grain drill: wagon 1 Publish Dec. 1. 8 and .16) and end gate seeder: McD. mow- ;r >er; McD side delivery rnke: McD. PUBLIC NOTICE ihav loader: 3-sec. wood drag; 3 Notice of Proposed Chang* ; i sec springtooth: McD corn plant- Tlie I'l'BI.lC SKItYK'K COM- ler: McD. silo filler; rubber tired PA^ OF NOKTHKHN 11,1.1 wagon and rack; lime sower; NOls hereby gives notice to the McD. manure spreader; bob Miblic that it has filed with the sleighcultipacker. lUimis Commerce Commission on ! '>ece«iber 2, 1949, a revision of its: ii'i'ig practice to provide post •nrd billing primarily for resident- ! ?!il and smaller commernitil custom , rs. : Further informa|ion may be obtained with respect thereto either Urei-tly t'rom this Company or by tddiv»sing the Secretary of the T Mlnois ..jriiiueree Commission at >i»rin>rfieli, Illinois. T'sual Public Service Co. terina. Ernest Champney, Owner Public Auction Service Co. Clerk. Phone 8M-W, Burlington, Wis. City Council Proceedings COUNCIL ROOM November 21. 1949 .un T ChatDR° ^llS" meeting X , r .H"V '"ter Mayor Fround presiding. Alderf cL^iy Uu,iXtt™n otUco men Althoff. Anderson, PI'BI 11™ NFBVIPP OOVP1MV Ereund. Blake and Vycital. I- M1It hIl, v'\5OMV, NY Motion bv Freund, seconded by Of Northern Ihnms Vvcital. that Hebron came to town Tuesday night with a basketball team that had many of the actions of the Green Giants of old-' 'Twas not only their actions bat their ability to swidh 'em through the nets that swamped Mcll?nry*s Warriors (4 to 36. Hebron wasn't hitting too well in tke early part of the &ame, but sank sit ptiints before Thies dropped in a free throw to get McHenry in the scoring column. Miller got the first basket for McHenry and went on to score 10 points to lead the home club. Sorry. But, there Isn't much to be said for the home team's play. Hebron had a big edge in height and once th^ir defense was set, you couldn't break through with a bull-dozer. The Warriors only chance was a fast break. Paul Judson, brother of thf famed Howie, was the ball haiftl ler who set up Hebron^ piavs. His passing was plenty good and his own 14 points aided the cause. Bob Nichols led the scoring with 17 points while Dave Nichols made himself prominent on rebounding besides sinking 13 points. McHenry's J.-^'V,,.; team wetit down 51 to 37 If the curtain ^ •> BASKETBALL 09 ttlfli ~ ' The scores of Nofembor tM were as follows; Teams 1 and 2, Oirls Tenaio: Team 1: Dottie Stecki. Capt., 1; Merle Wolf. 1; Darlene Laraen, f; total score, 8. Team 2: Gertie Hyat^, Capt., - Toinette Wieler, Beverly Honek, Jtlan Stilling; total score •. Teams 1 and 2: Boys Teams, (S and 4 didn't play). Team 2: Bob^Kaox, Capt.. Bob Morovec, Sid Sutherland. Windy Hagherg.l; Howard Knox; total' score 2. Team 1: Len Wolowic, Capt., « .Hank Burgett, Walt Nickels. Bob Lowe. Tony Freund. Al Swanson; total, score: 0. Our Just For Fan Roller Rink is growing quite popular theae days. We had crowds from Kenosha, Waukegan, Elgin. Woodstock, Crystal Lake. Antioch, St. Charles. Round Lake and Chicago besides our local crowd skatg here this weekend. Dorothy Weber's excellent organ playing adds greatly to the enjoyment of the skaters. To keep the crowd; in hand we have six very good-, skate guards who are. Lennie, Pete, John and' Frank WolowiC, Eddie Drews and' Al Swanson, nil* jolly and make It pleaaant for na to have a good time. FG :.2 raiser. Hebron Halstead :^.UL Bob Nicholn ...• Dave Nichols .. Paul Judson ..... Elliot J. Judson Phil Judson WillabraTid Totala McHenry Thies Hiller I Miller Laures 1 McCulla f Jackson ..................... } Do well 1 McCracken Totals 14 Score by Qnartnn: Hebron McHenry PiP l A thrilling list of budget priced gifts can be found jn ,onr, giftfilled stores.•" -,M. 29-S 15-29-42-64 5-14-23-36 McIIenry'a stores are filled with Christmas Gifts from Santa's workshop. 29-3 for sensitive murrsitMr By C. G. Bennett the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Vice President . Motion carried | Reports of officers and committees were received bv the C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phono 20S-W .r>26 Washington St. Bessie Homestead Emily 24187l£ ' Woodstock, I1L Classified good pins. S years old '•' ".J ttr a mwOrt " ' £*' days, 8410 lbsM 4.4% WANTED 366.4 lbs. B. F. -- 24 REG. HOLSTEIN COWS WANTED--Watches and jewelry to, Carryfng the better blood lines of repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So the breed; such as Triune, King CJreen street, McHenry. (Front part Bessie Ormsby, Primrose, Forbes Boautv Shoppe.. ^ - ' Admiral, Rag'Apple, DeKoI, Hengerveld. Pagan ok. Home. t' i "la ir ^ wAMi<r>n n « „• .--1 gerveld. ok, Inka. WAN 1 ED Raw Furs. Highest stwMl< Lochlnvar, Etc. prices puid on mink utid musk- REfilSTFRFI) HOLSTFIN rat Market prices on otlier furs HEIFERS, born from Dec. S, 194H Walter Ackcrmann Rt. 1 < >ynua !t l l r f l n K h 0<U ,94ft, and rHrr}[ni( Lake, ill. I hone 13QS-M-.. .j m iblood lines of above. 1 10 HEAVY PRODUCING GRADE SITUATION WANTED COWS. SITUATION WANTED -- Married man desires farm job on salary or share basis for 1950. Lifetime cx- I perience. Lloyd Westerdale, Deer- ! field, Illinois, Lake Forest 793-Y-4. i *8^, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Ladenson, Owners '(9mm, Wrny, Wadsworth, I1L, hi Charge Pedigrees SITUATION WANTED -- Baby \ PB,>l]r AnrtJon Service Co., Clerk bitting or house work. Experienced.,! Bnrllngton, WIs^ 866-W Mrs. Anna Voss. Phone McHenrv ~~ 'liSlt-l. ^ ITUATION WANTED -- Marriert .1:111 desires job on dairy or feed in« farm. Write Box C care of »!< TIi-m v Plaindealer. 30-4 1950 CANDIDATE LOOK CLEAN-CUT IN mo/COMFORT Tb* |UMt, IrllktMt, MMoa of tl* |tw <•••><• a ap*rkllas i*d tpotlMi k*ck|i«w' to play fMr iMMtati k»lt*T tlw ar. T* tin |M» UMI-- tktac* iMklt Uilr fcaot. let m etaaa tM fee m, na Nwwr ttoU "lite 1M1 teak tM sM* M |Mi *f UiM vUm im first g*t tlM. INd OIMTIM, ayotttaa rm^m, el«u «pi*|4i «ai slip 4owar«. will Mf torn, hell4ay« mmm %rlfhS, mm4 i*t jw fkarted o«t rlfit far in m Tnt, WANTED TO BUi WANTED TO BUY--We have cam iUV' .h fi»r r»-s< rt« nroix-rtien, howl' and fnmm, JACOB FBIT2. REAL TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHeury 37. nr I'll 1...go, I ii! F02 RENT tOOM *OB BENT -- Room for otiple. Applv .lohnsburff. "Ben Ton van. *29-2 BENT -- Modern new furn- .shed apartment, 3 rooms, heated, refrigeration, year around. New building, reasonable. Phone 3433". Lftkeview Hotel, Fox Lake. 30-2 fOR BUNT -- Unfurnished five un apart meiit in McHenrv. In- ,,f. 'fvd Miller, phone 218-J evenings. 30-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenry. III. uounced his cahdidacy for the ROBERT McCLORY Robert McClory, village attorney of Lake Bluff for the past uine years and active in Lake county Republican circles has an HELP WANTED -- A voting Republican nomination for repre- . mJt sentative iti the next General As- McHenry Cleaners Phono 164-M 1M Ete 8C (Mm W«kr, Her. L ' tL I. *.'a 1 Jti-a. OCuUIUV C 1*1 lilc ItcAl uviirrfti AO general cferieal tork Typing de : from, th^ eighth ^natorial iirable. Good starting salary and excellent emplovee benefits. Call McHenrv and Boone cou t.y. «w iL jti«a and Is presently representated \ IIa \ ^ b:n by Nick Kller of Waukegan and tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ^'.Harvey Pearson of North Chicago. Republicans, and Thomas A. Order your rubber stamps at Tke j Bolger of McHenry county, Demo- ••it 1111 m 11 »i 1 in •1 1 > 111111«>1 1 > m n 11» 1 1 1 n1 1 Plaindeaier. •' crat. N0TICE -- »J«ce of filing application for Council. . ft* ^ Convenience Motjon by Althoff. bonded by as a .Freund. to pay thee American penalised Carrier under the pro- National Bank and Trust Comp- ™ ,I,U1fr ois Truck Act- any $2307.00 repr e a e n t i n g O UIH M Ir MAy CONCERN: J2000.00 funding bond. $300.00 The Undersigned applicant lierebv interest and $7.00 Service Charge, i^es notice that there has been Motion carried. • >!ed with the Division of Motor Motion bv Anderson, seconded rimers of the. Dopartmcut of Pnb- by Blake, to pnrcbaso three new >.*• «ork« and Buildings of the street light clocks. Motion carried. ^t.'Hi' of Illinois an application for Motion by Vycital, seconded by 1 Certificate of Public Convenience Blake, to accept the written reaig- "1 Necessity or Permit as a nation of Alfred Tonyan aa Alder- - I>e('inliz»>d Carrier with base point 'man of Ward No. 1, City of Mcprincipiil nl,ice of business at Henry. Motion carried. "Mi-Hciry, Illinois, for authority Motion by Althoff, seconded by » transport bv motor vehicle the , Freund, to adjourn. Motion car- ' illouing commodities: Raw milk^ried. in farms to dairy receiving sta-! OBOROE P. FREUND. j Mayor. All parties interested in this ! EARL R. WAL8H. ^plication and public hearing to ! Oity Clerk. V held thereon may obtain in- • orma-tion relative thereto, by ad-I Everv Item in our stores marlretyiun the Chief Clerk. Division i veloualv--importantly chock full if Motor Carriers, Ridgelv Build- of good value! So hurty on down ;ng, Springfield, Illinois. Anv par- I Christmas shop early end shor 'ies desiring to oppose this ap- j leianrelv - lovingly! 29-3 N ation shall so notifv the ap- I ••licnnt and this Division in writ- ! ' "nt Permanent Wave Kita. 11.26 • mc within five dsys after receipt and •f.00. Wattles Drnjj Store. 16-tf •!' thin notice. 1 HATED t Ii is fitk dav of Decern •1 A. D. 1949. HAROLD W. SMITH. Applicant. Address: R. F. D. No. 1 McHenry, Illinois. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of John James Bell lb-ceased. Notice ia hereby given to all •ergons that FeSruarv ft. IPSO, i- 'i- claim date in the estate of James Bell, Deceased, pend- 'ig in the County Court of Mcfenry County, IHinois. and that aims may be filed against t hi- .» I estate 011 or before saiil date sv 11hont issuance of summons. MARGARET BELL. , . „ Ekecntor. •R.\Oi\ ,1. KNOX, Lawyer Lake, Illinois. Ofv» ht (ragronei whtraymr th« goctj /I MCHN Baslctlwll Schedale , Hnday, Dec 9: McHenry at Whitewater. Tuesday, Dec. |J: McHenl* »t Harvard. Friday, Dec Mi-Henry. FViday, Jan. 6:, McHenry Marengo. luesday, Jan. 16: Woodstock at •McHenry. ' I*: Lake 16: Burlington Friday. Jan. at Ale Henry Tuesday, Jan. 17: Hebron. Erid»y. Jan. 20: Elkhorn. Tuesday, Jan. 24: McHenry. Friday, .fan. 27: McHenry. Friday, Feb. L$: McHenry. Tuesday. Feb. 7: Burlington. Friday, Feb. 16: McHenry. JJtedjieBday, Feb. at St. Mary's. Priday, Fteb. 17: Lake Geneva. Friday, Feb Woodstock. v Gepeva McHenry at McHenry at Deiavnh at Whitewater at ^Harvard •McHenry at at Mareng* at 15: McHenry McHenry at McHenry |»l Saturday. Dec. 17: County tournament at Richmond. Dec. 26-27r2S: Mooeeheart DtviUtional. ParfsM Pane Ftacoa When you give her this skifc der golden metal perfume container, you give her fra- ?ranee wherever she goes, uch an enchanting Lenthiric gift, nestled in its sparkling Christmas bow V bough. And so practical too--its glass lining, leakproof construction. And see-it comes filled with her favorite Lentheric perfume. So pretty, so practical, so purse-proud. With Tweed or Gosifetll, IMS' With MBraele or Shanghai, $2.50 With Dark Brilliance, $S^0 plus um. Bolgcr's Drug Sim McHENRY. ILL. STAMP our T» All of ua can help stamp out tnberculoala, a eommunlcable diseaaa which is killing at the rate of one p«rton ovary 1} mtnntaa, by buying and naing Christmas 8aals. Theee Seal* support the year-round tuberculosis control work of the National Tnberculoala Aaaoelfttkm and It* 1,000 affl. llatea. Buy and Um Christimu leals Loading sti* and heenly 1 specialists agree Aattho 1 naeolaaayoosiaeliceoa sensitive o> drysUasioha millions o< women ol theix dsasi »ad beauty. AR-EX Beauty |ids are specially compounded attosl te> iurious irritants to coahat dry or sensitive skins No wondas Doc toes everywhere recommend them. B youx skin is dry or sensitive ymm will delight at flie resells from f fine, AH-EX Beauty Aids NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 IkHENRY NOW IS THE TIM£ TO FIX UP THE HOUSE FOR FAIL , . Custom Made . . . , - v ; Slipcovcn - Onrtaing Pillows Valances Bedspreads OoT&icos ^^---- Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY V SERVICE Community Interior 904 8, Green 81, Phone McBenry 480 "J iM -*4 J/'* . A v' *s J ACCURACY GUIDES US "Rx" lit your phjrsician's prescription blav* a symbol that stands for the Latin word "recipio" and which means "take thou<5 You can be sure you're getting just what the doctor ordered if you let us fill your prescriptions, because accuracy is our guiding factor. NYE PRUG STORE PHONE M PHONE 40

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