Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1949, p. 8

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r/Tf »-Vfr ' • 1 V*'. V; 0: ": jugfC' • V"U'•tKrX^":v- * I'M* JlcJi*AJ&k MI»III>HHHM» EiMiWOOD lipnnnniini ***** Mr*. G«orce Shctfara) V • *1 _ **. * < ; « , »> ' T, ', - •«,;»* '•^•v.: ^ ?-* &-<r"?&; ;»* " Buick from Stem to Stern Mra. E. E. Whiting «itertaln«Mi Women'H Five Hundred club fc«r home Wednesday A 1 4«Mevt luncheon was ser- Prlses were awarded to Mrs. lift Low and Mrs. Lester Carr. /TIW pupils of the Sunday school ftrade school held a joint program* in the church Friday evening. Old Santa Ut«r« to greet the children. * Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Cai aey have _ from Bellwuod to the Wain home that the; iWenil> hatted. Mr. and Mrs. War bur have gone to tn:tke their honu the Kast. "'Quite a few children around £lngwaod have" the mumps. Christmas day- gueesis in tlu Q«qi-j;S Shcpard home were All and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family, l|r. and Mrs. Oliver Aiager and ton, Elbert, of Hebrt :i. Miss' )'nthe Osborne of Chicago and >lrs. Clara K. Foster of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison ajtent Xmas with their daughter Mm. Ardin Frishe. and family :»i Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr si mi Mrs. Fred Wiedrlch, , Sr., spent ,1 Qiristman I)av with Miss Mae Wiedrlch. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck aud family sp«nt Christmas Day with her father, Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Christmas Day with Iter mother, Mrs. Hunter, at Hartland. , „ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Epx River prove, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Reicki of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe and Miss Oora Walters of Crystal Lake spent Christmas [Day with the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Rose Jepson is® spending the holidays hi the Paul Norman Some at Evanston. Mr. Mrs. Vtster Carr spent Wednesday Evening in the Andrew Hawley tome at Fox River Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and laughter and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City, V. W. Smith and S. W. Smith and ri. W. Brown spent Xmas d*iy In the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Xma^s day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. - j ' Mr. and Mrs. vV el do"n Andreas and family spent Christmas day with her parents at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Xnias Eve with their mother. Mrs. Vioia Low, and grandmother, Mrs. Emily Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family and Mr. and Mrs Al- Vta Benoy spent Monday evening to the Roy Benoy home at Wood stock. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Xmas Eve in the Harold Stanek home near Woodstock. Xinac day «u«st* in tfee- B«atty- Low home were Mr. and Mrs. El- 1 mer Olsen and sons, Harold and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Hulein, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Every aad son, Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Mer-^ riB Christensen and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and daughters, Cindy and Kathy, of Richmbnd, Mr. and Mrs. irvitu Herbert of Burlington. Cecil Allen df Twin Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montknye and sons of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fr<\v and son, Herbert, of Blue Island and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalke of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Walter f low were callers in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and • family ate Xmas dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mr$. Dale Thomas, at McHenry. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin, Mr. : and Mrs. Henry Hinge of Crystal [ Lake , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond | Harrison and son, llowu.u i,n, •. [ and NAil Harriou. [ sic and son, Richard, spent Xmas day with Lena Peet aad daughter, f Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family ppeat Xmas Eve and also , Xmas day with his parents. Mr. fc and Mrs. Earl Kane. Sr.. at Munl delien. Mrs. Stanford oj( Minneapolis is S spending the holidays with her liter. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, and This sturdy looking bumper and grille combination graces the front end of the complete line of 1950 Buick automobiles. Other distinctive tea* tares are the full taper-through front fenders, wrap-around bumpers with bomb-shaped bumper guards housing the parking light and direction signal indicators in front, and back-up lights in the rear, and identifying name plates on the front fenders. The cars have completely new bodies, and a new and more powerful engine is under the graceful hoad of the new sedan shown above. Charles Smith of Crystal Lake anu Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan and family spent Xmas day with theii parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lctanie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith spent Xmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hoffman and daughter, Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan anu family and. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner, and family spent Xui*. with their parents. MY. aad Mr* "harles Acker man. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Troon of Crystal Lake called on. her sister. Mrs. Lena- Peet. and also Mrs. Luella Stephenson, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bte.inau aud family of McCullom Lawe spent Xmas eve iu the Freu iiediich. Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spen; from Saturday until Monday evening in the Fred Weidrich, Jr.. home. Air. and Mrs. C. L. Harriaon and daughter, Carol, and Mrs.. Etta 'A'.itties spent " Monday " in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adanis and family spent Xmas eve ••fas' '.v'nuis day in the Daniel Miller •>onie in Spring Grove. Xmas guests in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home were Mr. and Mrs Misses Carol Har. :st»n alia-MI- ,an Muzzy of Champaign are homv> or the holidays. • Mrs. Lilian Conwav spent Xmas .lay with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown of Clarendon Hills spent few days he past week with Ins father, S. \V. ijrown. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Pugni ate vmas dinner with his mother and lister in Chicago. On Su.iday veiling they visited relatives at ..tike Geneva. r Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ritt aud son if Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Uetts. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Ka ! Je'tts and family"^spent Xmas day with their parents, 4Mr. and Mrs. .varl Betts, Sr Mr. and Mrs. John Siiiitli visited relatives hi Chicago on Christmas day. Xmas guests of Mrs. Marie W'egner and sons were her chihln and families. Miss Toni Wegner, R. N., ot Evanston, Miss Agnes Wegaer of Elgin, Mr. a - Sirs. Perry and family of Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Wegner and family of Woodstock.. Mr. anu Mrs. Boh Dawson and Victor Wegner of Waukesha. Mr. aud Mrs. W ilbur Benov ami family of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs '!!; f Says *n.r:c*n. Will U*| r» L«u,? Wkn ITI-1M N V/«ll in 2SB9W. , of Richmond,' •; ••; DOB Smart and sons, Bob and Bill, of Waukegan, Jack Ulkhoru. ivir. and Mrs and daughter. Janet Mr. and Mra. Phelps Saunders a#id •aughter of Sycayioi\ . Asott I 804$ A. D«. the United St a tea .'will >chied. Jr., of Spring Grove and | bo able to support 306 million peoir. i'i»d Alis. t'luiiles Brenn^n. j pje on a sraJc e'riht times better Mr. anu Mrs. ( kr.vmo Adums J than we live today, providing that °f ^'ngwo°<'• ^r' a,l,f j- we keep ouft individual cntcrnrire M r s . A l b e r t A d a m s a n d s o n . J n u : i , • . . . j - 4 . , of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs, j, a®c0r^nR./0 3 b00k . , i, * .Uiu, i'iCinily of Johns- : by Dr. .Harold G. Moulton. presi- Fr««klla aM Ctoy Thursday, December 29, .iik Benjamin Franklin «d<l«t) to 0»e young, growing city of Milad&liiai , _ : the improvements of pavfcd itreets, A hus.ircd years from n*m> th better lighting, and street cleining. He organised the first fire company there and reformed the police force. Moreover, he established the first library, the first academy, and was instrumental in founding the first hospital in the city. Fraftklin was always interested in city-planning. His earliest concern in civic welfare was the danger of fires in the unprotected. wooden town. He recalled with "approval the volunteer fire companies in Boston, where he was born. To think with Franklin was to act, and. according y. he wrote a letter to himself ard published it in his newspaper, the Gazette. This letter, which purported to be from an elderly citizen, discussed the Protection of Towns i •, M, . : >•• , „ . , from Fire, and stie. .ni prevention .-V^pr£*'ed !°^.-?** scl™'fic a^ul\. of blazes by caution in carryi„i: ittul^y J^psdh spent "Xmas with tu,'v Id imprrtve the position co,j# and'licensmg ChiiU'r'cv clattvep ftt Wauconda.. 'K+": . of Wo.rkr'rs-... as.-they- • h*v*. m.- th^r<;i.: . •:••.. --- /, United States^". * J y ^ •--;--v • /.'Application -of; aciento' 'jtfr." fawn* Coagestiea ^ ing. mining, power production, and ^ ^ ^ • esUte values trausfortation, growth of corpora-. tions where people can pool sav-, ings te accomplish' big projects, and bank credit i.Md sound current Canakiete iiae of !>*'• poalto re K)«WM at Watth'M Drug Store, Me Need, rubber staun.8? The •Plaiadcrtlef, J dent, Brookings foundation. After studying progress made in Amcrica since 1830, Dr. Moultor. decided the secret of economic progress lies in increasing production and lowering prices. In that urg spent Monday in tht> K »l! ' Uie ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and i: i j i \ .. M ci'au .»ii t>. iiwtu , ortei' of ilockford and Mi;, an.I a s. Ben Foute and sons of Sprins » i.ove spent Xmas with their i . . . , s * . arents. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Peet. ,"^y. he satd, consumpJon of goods Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown of is expanded because more people 'iarendun Hills spent, Monday; can buy , h his father. S. W. Browa: i Communist theories are errone- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diioo-ii of; pust PrMuj'llon holds, because Ostend spent Monday ^ with, tht'ir ; Kar| jv[arx did not reaUze that im- AIIX. Dick. Oldson. aad ! famliy.. •p? • Bocrtdi+Uf KeHMMii Located ^ / 3 Miles South of Fox Lake, " llilfliles North of Volo on Route 12 lttdividual runs for dogs. * ; Box 617 INGLSSID9, ItL. ptume 633.-M-2. Order u$ Driver' Training Course* Replies received from 46 states and* the District of Columbia in a. recent survey conducted by the research division of the national education association for the national ^cjes ha\)e aljL^combined.- to commission on safety education in- Marx wrong, he finds. ** • • dicate a total of 4,635 high schools ;- , in the United States now offers t i» ~ u, ,' r' courses uV driver education and | 3 training, includinlg both classroom and behind-the-wheel training. The number of high schools offering auch courses ranges from 10 in Tennessee'to 600 in Illinois. A" total of 3,190 high schools reported they offer driver education courses consisting of classroom work only. In this instance the range is from no schools in several states to 450 schools in Illinois. .Downtown have dropped almost 33 per cent in the last 1© years, due to traffic congestion, the American Automc bile association reports Bottom Step Press winter weight woolens with a #oolen cloth. An old pantleg^-if j ; you're sur£ it's all. wool--makes a | good one.~ Stitch a section, 15 by i 24 inches, free from seams, to a ! : piece of cotton, same size, from j which all dressing has been re- ; moved. To ifse, wet cotton fabrtp, lay wool, against garment cover \frith wet cotton cloth, and press, i The woolen cloth holds the steam ' and aids in raising the nap of the garment. FaUure to see the bottom step on ^ the cellar stairs may result in a ' twisted ankle or a bsd scare. If the last step is painted white, how ever, it can been seen pi a inly am accidents will be avoided. Happyi New Year Yi II 1 READY-MIXED CONCRETE Speeds work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality work 9 Fast, prompt delivery, any time, aoy place. • No mess to clean pp; dumped exactly where wanted. • "Mix" accurately proportioned for your job. -- #Full strength, reliability and uniformity ia every load. -- #Low price delivwad--*a# gamble on cost. WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and Greasing DRIVE INTO ' BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. l£lm St. McHenry PHONE'811 we also have Anti-Freeze of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service * You and yo^r builder will both benefit by using our Ready-Mixed Concrete. Phone us before you build McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street McHenry. ill. daught Stroll: COMPLETE TREE SERVICE SPRAYING TREE FEEDING * Treet ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 539 Waukegan Ro&d DR. HENRY FREU OPTOMETRIST At LH? S Green St., McHenry, (Closed Thursday Afternoon®) Eyw lixamini'd -- Ula«N« Pitted '* VlKtfal Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analyst* Hotitf Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 Saturday Eycningn: 6:0(1 lo 8:30 IMIONK MrHKNKY 452 1950 - "Brighten Up The New Year With Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices the riniini ot bells announcing another New Yaar we extend hearty tmt withe* to all of our Custom Made ... Slipcoveri Pillows Bedspreads Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE To everyone ... a most happy and prosperous New Year. May the best of everything be yours. CINEMA GRILL "Where Oar Friend* Bring Their Friends After The Show*. Andes Pecanettes give you a real latte thrill To you, our many frientt Bft« tfcro th« mell-in yAurmoulh milk cheeotM# •d into plinvp, juNibo T«» pecan h<im fn>ln4 with rich, hoitery, golden caramel. There you haev At #ne awl only, the inimitable, Andee Prranrilta.w paaV of perfectiM m eandt^. Treat yourself and customers, we extend sincere wishes for a moat happy and prosperous New Year. OWJMXCCMJL AfouAice'd HUPPY & LEO'S (Jroeerj and Market Shop. McHenry 724 TRUGK End New * Weed Control * Fly and Mosquito FAX^WlLL FOOD SHOP Koj-Al Corner Lake Community Interior ~^04S.Green^t: Phone BficHenry 490 PASSENGER TIRES We Have a Complete Line of Snow & Mud At the beginning of this New Year we thank our friends sincerely for their continued patronage and good> will, and extend to them our wish for happiness and prosperity Gladstone's TIRE CHAINS " TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZES ' T BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent"diicount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. 1 Methanol Anti Freeze In Your fontainer $1.00 per gal. WALTER J.iFREUNt) PHONE 182 McHENRY, ILL. j Tirea -- Tubes -- BatterifB -- Acccasariaa tire and Tube Vulcanising I Kcycle Repalrinf All Work Hone 294 f ^ -- OPEirrfESlNGS AID We»t McHenry if:

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