Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1949, p. 9

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* s sp >' • * •' * , December 29.1949 Watches Youngsters Carry On CHILD KILLED En route to a neighboring store to purchase a Christmas gift for a school bus driver. Frank Anello, 19. of Wooddale, was killed Tuesjday afternoon when he darted in front of an automobile on Addison j road, south of Irving Park boule- | vard, on the outskirts of Woodj dale. Frank was taken to Du- . page Memorial hospital in Elm- j hurst but was pronounced dead on arrival. His body was removed to J. C Gails & Soa funeral home in Bensenville where Allan A. Myers, deputy coroner, held an inquest. FIRST FORM .... L. TThe first Farm Housing Loan in Illinois was made on a 1»<1 acre tenant-operated dairy farm in Kane county, Robert C. Becker, county supervisor of the Farmers Home Administration In Woodstock, announced this past week It will enable the Arthur Nelson of Elburn, to enjoy a home and a newly paint- CHICAGO, ILL. -- Bashful, 22-year-old Shetland pony owned by i Curtis* Candy Farms, is no longer in the farms' six pony hitch, ivyig up to his reputation as the "best wheel pony that ever stepped and out of a ring," however, he visited the International Live . oek Show to watch the present team, composed of Kia sons and feaghtera, go through its paces. Bashful, in recent years called vatpectfully "Pappy Bashful," received Ms 20-year pin from Otto Stfcnering, president of Curtiss, this fall and retired to the pasture the company's farm near Cary, III. Son of King Larigo/a national n at the Panama exhibition of the early 1900's, he can look a colorful career during which he has traveled 18,000 miles and participated in hundred^ of performances at horse shows, fairs, war bond rallies and other special events. He can stop jriag, now, about the gray hair at hi* temples which has had be touched up with black hair dye the last few years, and he wont in to watch his weight so closely. Till now he has had to. keep down a trim 550 pounds. Eight of his sons and daughters are carrying ' in the show ring, and he has two "little ones at home who also the teams of the three Curtiss hitches when they are eld enough. Language of Science ICnglish is now the leading language of science, putting German find French in the background, ac- * tording to a survey made by Fletcher S. Boig, professor of ThemisJiry at Northeastern university, Boston, Mass. Russian, says Boig, was of very slight importance 90 yefcrs ago as a scientific lani «»«gp but now is a serious con- ^ tender for honors' : as the leading foreign language. Among countries publishing scientific periodicals and Articles, the United States has a comfortable lead, with Britain, France, Russia and Switzerland fallowing in that order. Germany lots lost ground, as has Italy and Russia. Fifty-seven per cent of all icientific articles are now published in English. French, German, ftussian and'Italian, in that order, - _• account for the remainder. ' Famous Men from Ohio :'Ohio is a stdte of scientists. $fcomas A. Edison and the Wright tirothers, Wilbur and Orville, were Qhioans. The refining process of <jharle s Martin Hall made possible the aluminum industry. Charles F. Buah was widely known as an eleetrical inventor. Charles F. Kettering is known as the inventor of *" automotive starting, lighting and. Ignition systems. Thomas Midgley, Jr., invented ethyl fluid for automobile gasoline. George Sperti is #»« discoverer of biodynes( cellular jpietabolic factors) and the inventor of the Sperti sun lamp. Karl T. --Compton is head of the research Ind development board of the na- "tyonal military establishment. These -era representative Ohio scientists. Milk In 4011th Auumts New Keenonie Impertaiiee Dairying is playing *n outstanding role in the national soil conservation program. In a southern county where cotton was the main crop, today dairying is the major enterprise on 100 farms and is a $1,000,000 industry. A recent study of an average group of 10 families in this community shows that their farms pay 6 to 10 times more taxes than 10 years ago. A significant fact is that nine of 26 children in a group of the families have become partners with their parents in dairy farming, 11 have married and gone into dairying themselves and three are still living Kt Rorhe and going to school, fti. H. Brightman, executive secretary of the dairy institute committee, told a senate committee. Only three of the 26 have left the community. A similar study of 10 families in a nearby community that depended largely on cotton showed very different results. Only eight had married and settled in the community and only two were still at home And going to school, but 28 had left. And there *ete no father and son partnerships.^^ Test fer Dranktn Driven May Cit Highway AeelienVt Drunken driving on the nation's highways may be reduced with the aid of an improved method of detecting alcohol in the body which was reported to the American Chemical Society at a national meeting. A paper describing the application of the new test, which was said to possess somewhat greater specificity than conventional methods, was presented by John W. Sease, William H. Harris, and Sigmund Jaffe of Wesleyan university. Middletown, Conn. The importance of a highly accurate test for intoxication is emphasized by a recent survey which, according to the National Safety council, showed that 1? out of every 100 automobile accidents are caused by drunken drivers. Used throughout the summer st the Connecticut state hospital laborator/ on all legal samples submitted for alcohol analysis, the new method converts ethanol, or ethyl alcohol--the type used in beverages --into a. compound called ethyl nitrite. Only ethyl and methyl (wood) alcohol form * nitrites which are gaseous at room temperature. All other alcohols form liquid nitrites and do not interfere with the test. The nitrite gas is purified and its amount then determined by colorimetric means. The test's results for urine alcohol have been exceedingly good, checking well with established methods, and permitting alcohol concentrations to be measured even in the presence, of substances that interfere with conventional methods, the paper said. The report termed results with blood "less satsfactory," with the nitrite method giving results 10 to 15 per cent erroneous when checked with present methods. ed farmstead. Recent legislation authorizes the Farmers Home Administration to make loans for modernization, repair and construction of moder- * telv. priced new farm homes, an.1 >r the construction and repair ol other farm bulldm&s. Loans bear per cent inter^i and mw be amort 'ed ov« r a lxriod of troi.i five to thiri.-'.nrtc >ears. To be eligible, applicants must meet two basK requirements: (i) be an owner of a farm, and (2) be unable to obtain the credit needed through existing institutions on a satisfactory basis. Housing , loans do not necessarily ha\> u» 1 be secured by a first real estate 1 mortgage, in fact it is anticipated that the security for such loana, ! in most instances, will be second j mortgage liens. Th* owner must' have a mortgageable eqjiity as determined by normal agricultural value appraisal. The Woodstock FHA Office, 'ocated la the post office building, services the five-county area of Lake, McHenry, Boone, Kane and DeKalto counties. Ginseng Ginseng is found only In China and North America, growing on wooded hillsides. About 50,000 pounds are dog each year, over half of this being found in western North Carolina, parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. v;iM • It takes about S) million acres of lush wheat land to produce the 12,- 500,000,000 pounds of flour used each year in making bread and other bakery products. The bakers of America use 290.00fi.OOO bushels of Wheat annually. Order your rubber stamp* at The Plaindealer. CLERK CANDIDATE Paul V. Wunder of Joliet,' clr» I ?uit<- -clerk of Will county and! secretary of the Uinois County | )fficers Association, has an- | noudced his ca ididacy for the ^he- ! publican nomination for clerk ofj the appellate court of the second I district. There are thirty-two j counties in the second district," j which covers the northern or ap- i proximately one third of the state, except Cook county. YOUR INCOME 1 due on your return. Form 104« Filing Requirements - v . j (the white form) must he paid in A citizen or resident of the U. S.. | full with your return. Yoa may whether single or married, havi i£ a gross income of $600 or more f n* 1949 must file a federal income tax return. Although most of your federal tax is withheld from your wages pay in cash, or by check or mopev oraer. Checks, or money orders should be made payable to "Collector of Internal Revenue." Do not send^ currency by mail and do not send one check to each payday or paid on your dec-1 cover payments on several dif- SKF.KS RE.ELECTlOX Announcing his candidacy for Reelection in November 1950, subject to the April 11 primary, Vernon L. Nickell, state ^superintendent of public Instruction, recently addressed a large home town audience of Republicans on educational problems confronting the State of Illinois. Mr. Nickell, a life-long Republican, was born in 1891 in Eellflower, III. He spent his entire life in the field of education, rising from rural school teacher to his present public . office, to wh'ch he was elected i:; 1942, and which he assumed in 1943. He also has served as pri.i^ cipal in a Champaign city elementary school and junior high school, and served for thirteen years as superintendent of schools in Champaign, from 1930 to 1943. He j holds degrees from Illinois Wesleyan, Illinois State Normal, and University Of Illinois. laration of estimated tax ea.h quarter, the law requires you 10 file an annual return to determine whether you owe more tax or should get a refund of your overpayment. If your earnings were less than $<00 in 1949 you should flle a return, because you may be entitled to a refund. No refund will be made unless a return is filed. Try to avoid the last minute 1 rush by filing as soon as possible. Returns for the calendar year 1949 must be fl^ed between Jan. 1 and March 15, 1950. All returns should be filed at the office of the collector of internal revenue, in your district. Do r.ot mail your return to Washington. Any balance of tax shown to lie ferent returns. Be sure your return is properly signed. is a joint return be sure both husband and wife have signed. Blank returns have been mailed to each taxpayer. But if you need additional forms you can get them at the office o* any U. S. collector of internal revenue. Please do not forget that you must attach to your tax return every form \V-2 that you received from your employers for 1949 for salaries or wages. To prevent the loss of thefjp fonhs you should pin or staple them to your return. File early if you expect a refuiuL The office of the collector of internal revenue for the first district of Illinois, comprising the northern twenty six counties of Illinois, Is desirous of giving file taxpayers ever*^,. possiWe assta- ^ tance'in preparing and ftting tkeMf ^ income tax returns. . ^ For this purpose, in additlea te * the main'office in Chlcage at Uie J U. S. court house build!ag, Dear* j born and Jackson streets, braaefc J offices are maintained at strategiB A points if) Chicago as well as 111 ^ most of the country towns. Each {*A office is manned difHit by a staff ty collectors, who are qualified to help yon with income tax problems. The office most conveniently located to McHenry is located aj 103 EaBt Jackson street In Woodr stock. It is often from 8:30 aA to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Fri- •; day. well 31 Fast Werk of the American pace's most oft-purchased .articles, bread and the daily paper, are produced by 'round-the-clock industries.. Most of the baking industry's products are made, wrapped, distributed, and sold within 24 hours. Ne Referee fer Boxiag "Boxing" is s term used by painters to describe the process of mixing paint by pouring It from one bucket to another several times to assure uniform eoniistency snd smoothness. JOIN US AT THE TOWN CWJB Vanishing Horse Kansas is losing its horses and mules taster than the country as a whole. From 1920 to 1845 Kansas horses decreased by 68 per cent, mules by 82 per cent. IHne Whale The giant sulfur-bottom, or blue whale may be 100 feet long and weigh as much as 150 tons. This is about 50 times more than an elephant. Even the newborn baby whale sometimes weighs eight tons, which is heavier than two large elephants, according to the World Book encyclopedia. Frem Cheese Whey " A successful method of making sherbets from cheese whey, in which whey solids sre used to replace the non-fat milk solids that are normally used, has been snnounced by the U.S. department of agriculture. Tar Heel Cora Crap • The Tar Heel corn crop for lt49 was estimated at more than * I million bushels--the largest In' record. .. Icicles a Hazard A number of persons are killed at injured every winter when falling Icicles impale them. Home and building owners are warned to keep the deadly winter weapons cleared away from entrances and walkways.-- ' • • George Itepplewhlte George Hepplewhite was gp a •practical cabinetmaker and design* er. and his furniture was a refiner ment of previous styles. He was particularly famous? for his chalrt and sideboards. Today his style* and adaptations are the most popH ular of all those produced by. ths 18th century niasters. We will be serving Turkey Dinners and Plate Lunches New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Party Favbrs for Everyone. ' A Bring the gang along for a New Year's Eve filled, with fun. Buck's Town Club 201 Riverside Drive CREAM F0R5>/&SKIN NYE DRUG STORE Origin of "Hoodlum" ; A reporter's poor handwriting is ^sponsible for giving our lan- i j|uage the word "hoodlum." During ' the gaslight era in San Francisco a reporter wished to coin a name for a gang of thugs. The leader of the gang was s man called Muldoon, 90 the young journalist took the name and reversed it--making it "Noodlum. There were no typewriters in those days and the typegetter couldn't read the reporter's fcrawl. He thought the word was "Hoodlum." The name caught on, and "hoodlum" is now commonly lifted When referring to a ruffian. Virgin Timber Paradise • The Great Smokjr- mountains of North Carolina, with 200,000 acres Still in virgin timber, contain the# most exterisive stands of virgin red spruce and hardwood forest? in America. Pa.'--eager Trains Need rubber stasipsf Order at fhe Plaindealer. Passenger trains on railroads of the United States perform a transportation service esch hour of the day and night equivalent to moving the entire population of a city of 4,100,000 inhabitants for a distance of one i^ile. Al's Welding & Repair Service General Radiator Repair Service , Gas and Oil Tanks Welded and Repaired on or off car, truck or ^racton Peeled Apples Although it may take more time to peel apples before cooking them tor apple sauce, the flavor of the sauce is generally better. •*> L & H TELEVISION EMERSPN and MOTOROLA SALES -- SERVICE Phone 403 * 604 Front St or 653-R-2 West McHenry, Illinois A SURE WINNER. I|T EVERY CLASS BUILDERS CLUB CIGAR America's Finest 10c Cigar. Buy them by the box and save. - * Sold at Bolger Drugs, Nye Drugs and various other places in McHenry. Scott Cigar Company Distributors Phone McHenry 12 mtf:- MS TO KINGSI2E Q U /V l_ I T V SNAPSHOTS values ulmq WITH SOLIUM RINSO WANT ALL PICTURES atiMseo AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Bead the Want Adfc WITH CAKE IMMtOVEIt SPRY M. TIN PASTER, RICHER. SUDSIER LUX LARGE SIZE I VIM* Mrs SKIN CLCANER LIFEBUOY » 25c KPm*E mRt <ROLL smi QMflCM69*m' e/m6m£Xter. em9of. WATTLES DRUG STORE 515 Main Street , , McHenry Phone 450 HOLLYWOOD'S BEAUTY CAM LUX BATH SIZE Yesjt looks like a LASTS LONCift good year ahead. Our sincere wish Pipe Thawing LARGE ALEX WIRFS for you is that it will be the biggest and best yefc WITH CANNON TOW& 601 MAIN STREET MoHENRY ILL NICKEL'S HARDWARE SILVER DUST-- FOR HEAVIEST FAMILY WAftf SURF LARGE SIZE SAFEST FOR HANDS BREEZE URGE SIZE store Bw Ok It's time once again to extend greetings to our customers and friends whose patronage and good will means so much to us. May yours be a New Year filled with everything) of the best. WISHES McGEE'S REALLY CLEANSI GOLD DUS 117 S. Green ST. McHenry, also automobile motor blocks and boilers welded. This little fellow is skating in with our greetings to you for a very Happy New Year. GEORGE R. JUSTEN AND SON Farnitare aai Faaeral Directors This New Year bell rings out our sin» cere wish that the coining year will bring you complete happiness. May the best of everything be yours. CITY COUNCIL

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