Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1949, p. 10

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,* f f . .;»•«* Wy* »*£/' £ V ™ « * » £ . . * # • » . r > s v * * * & t % v n • H > n r v . l i f e " t * 1 ^ -y> * • " „ •*•'* •*• • . "« " - *•/• *£"" f't***-.' i .*4 f'i. .;-3f l" •«' 'w -.f•c.. . Thursday* D«eembti- 29, fJcw Glass Backboard^For CoIlqe Play •••+•+•• i Carol Anderson haye m unblehiji »hed Attendance record. ^ ^ i On Friday afternoon, the Com* Tf VllQwF mun.tty Club gave the aimiuil Christmas party for the children* With a full stocking for every u&ild. The murals made by .the young.iters exulted a great deal of comment. " '»•••• m Vaneese SMlal Natn Dame caters as well as college Mum throughout tfce natio* pa entering their first seaso)nn of play witfc the newly required Mmrds. Pittsburgh Plate's RK backboard is Ming tasted wj Nnpoutrfe Duaaomwe flnoooormnoeenu, , 1(1l.. tMoI rr•.#) Jvoohiun Frvorlcejry*. Bnowb W"»r•*/y». T»o«m• lohnaon, Leroy Leslie and captain Kevin O'Shea. Madt of half-inch Herculite iuDact-resisting glass, the RK backboards give spectators * full view of the basket from any angle. Vr ?/.',/ i\ r i l l HLH ^uikiLjif Mll|'|ll< •" nho attended. The thanks of the entire congregation go to those wlio gave the lovely poinsettian for the service, two came with ho names attached. The first meeting of th*. Choir Mothers for the new calendar year will be held at 8:30 p.m.. Jan. 4. in the church parlors. At this ; meeting the following will take office: Mrs. Rurton French, president; Mrs. Wayne Price, vice j president; Mrs. Karl KrukOW, secretary; and Mrs.* Herman Christmas is past for lt»49. we Dowe. treasurer. Mrs. Byron •till hear the stfainB of Chrftt-' Hitchens. Mrs. Fischer, and MfS. m*.<? carols as the kiddies play ! Price are hostesses for this meet - their new records but somehow' ingthis music does not fill us with Vow have probably noticed the the ex|»ectation that it did onlv a > activity by the church. The basefew days ago. Perhaps it is be- ! nient of the new parsonage has caiuse the true meaning of Christ- been excavated and, weather permas has eluded us. The event that imitting, the concrete will be took place on that first Christmas ! poured this week. eve centuries ago is * unlike a'ny Let's start the New Year right other event that ever took place, by. attending church Sunday, and its meaning cannot be oiirug- [ --" • hged off or silenced as we silence' radio of re<; >d after the day i^ past. It took centuries of preparaM--- tkrn to make man ready for the revelation of God's plan of salvation for all tpen, «nd then oaly i a few received It. * " As Christians we believe that When the light of God came into i the world in Christ, on that holy night of long ago. the day of the Lord came for all time. And fur- , thermore, we believe that the innocent Babe who lay in that manger in Bethlehem even now Stands at the doors of our- hearts Waiting to IK? accepted. And the message of Christmas isn't just one day but 3f.5 days of the year. Christmas means that Qod sent His Son into the world to overcome the darkness of evil. I This darkness was to be shoved ' back as men werq^aved from fear and hatred, from lust and desire. . "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. full of grace'a.idtruth--" and as we behold Ills" MATTER OF KNOWLEDGE Before another column reaches you., a round half century will have passed into what Omar ^riyain so poetically called "yesterday's seven thousand years." Do we start this next fifty year.j with good resolutions? personally, I intend to start my ChristiuaB chopping early >enough ;«> get it done; say about tomorrow. (livery year 1 am doing it the night before. Christmas and, lo'mitter how careful I am. there tomes to u\to one present for r.iiose doaor I have no return gifl.» Another resolution* 1 intend to make is to try and entertain some of the nice people I owe invitations to. instead of putting It off fvom month to month until the next fifty veara are used up. 1 shall map out a plan (of cleaning nj\, that is) so that I can invite folks in. Oh yes. and I'm ^oing to write letters, dozens of letters and find out what everyone whose letters I don't answer is doing. And I'm going to he neater. I may even throw out some of those gpod magazines 1 have been saving sinee year before last. Then I am going to start being more patient. When my husband or children yell at me, I shall not yell right back. 1 shall, instead, fold my meek hands in my meek lap and raise my meek eyes and answer mildly. (What's that one about a soft answer?) I'm going to start right in with my ironing, not just pick out the thing* on top of the basket and leav« some that never get picked out bntil next spring. (I'll start right in at the top and do them in the order in which they coine-- right to the bottom.) I intend to defrost the refrigerator ovi time, too and do my mending instead of hiding it in dra#era*, get up the first tlm? the alarm rings; and improve in many other ways. (How DARE you say it won't be long 'till; I'm myself again!), . . . , The little Girl Scottts braved the fceather .of last Thursday evening and sang carols around the Jake. Mrs. Vera Henthorne assist Scout Leader Dell Tallmaa in driving them around. Following their sing, they were given hot cocoa and cookies at the home of Mrs. Barney Donash in Hickory Falls. The Harrison school news makes mention of the fact that second and third graders Kathy IVfajercik. Dick Selsdorf, Kurt WeiFenherber, Gall Cannon and the Spuehr twins, Susan and Leo, h«vve been neither tardy nor absent, this year. In the seventh and eighth grades Dorothy Bott. Nancy Bott, Virginia Audino and Mother: "Where is Jimmy this afternoon?" Dad: "If he knows as much about canoes as he thinks he does, be is out canoeing, but if he doesn't know any more about it than I think he does, he's swimming." glory we shall begin to understand the Christmas message. The light of Ged came into (lie world in Christ, but it illuminates only ~ -- -- those who open their hearts to it. Complete lin* « f Lee's Christmas as a dav may be remedMsat Wattles Drug Ht«r«t, M over, but we must remember that Henry. $.« the Magi didn't arrive at the side of the Christ until twelve days later and then they presented their gifts. May we ever keep the Christmas message within our hearts and lives, allowing the Light of the World to shine in and through us out into a world of groping men. remembering the words of our Christ. "Let your light so shine that* they may see •our good Works and give glory to Hod." Tour pastor would like to thank Realtors, Subdividers and each and everyone of you that had TWnlnnore nf a part in making the Christmas). • VL Services meaningful and inspiring. , Lily L&kg those who took part and those I " ' 1 ' '• BEST WISHES for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year lion S. SEX k CO. MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION PRAOER BEER FRED BOWMAN, prop Fiah Fry on Fridays ?r Auto Radiator Service , HAMIL'S GARAGE now has a complete set of test tanks, boil out tanks and flush out system. If your radiator needs work done, roding out, boiling 0«t, flushing out or repairing, new cores or rebuilt radiator*. Phone 682-W-2 Route U. S. 12 Volo, Illinois FW5E PICK UP and DELIVERY ft . • -HAMIL'S GARAGE ' , •1.; ' Route U. S. 12, Volo, Illinois Midnight m?s<> at the Christ the King church was very well attended. About as many protestahts as Catholics turned out for thi^ . observance# Geraldlne Cromler sang a solo and the ' children's i choir made its first appearaace. ) ' BKIEF1ES A report coin* irom Oregon 'that former residents, Dick and Hard Von Bampus, are the pare its of a son. their third child, on Dec. 21.--Wonder Lakers, Mr. and All ;,i. .louies Camen of Hickory , Falls are also the parents of :i son, born Dec. 20. Carl, Marilyn aud Bobby Stromstedt welcome this little brother.--Skippv Noren is home for the holidays from his studies at Lawrence college. - Don Grill is also renewing all his old acquaintances in his former , haunts in Woodstock .--Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins are enteri tainltig Mrs. Watkins" »'.*<-> Little H&rry Davidson is looking 'Ffcie after his first few months at hoarding school in the west.--Joe and Virginia Monteleone were J visitors at the Lake over Chvivi mas, making calls on their friends, i--HitrR. Elly Vioty was takea to 'the Woodstock hospital on Dec. j 2t, following a collapse at her i work • Pel Woodward ts home ; again looking taller aftd vary handsome in his Uniform. :;r. Gospel Center News We wish to extend to all the ) readers of Gospel Center News ;our sincere wishes for a truly ; Happy New Year. Our earnest j prayer fnr you is that. God's best j might your portion. ' - Our Watch Night Service 'on |New Year's ftve, Dec. 31, will be«- jgisi at 11 o'clock, to continue into jtho first hour of the year 1950. We believe it most appropriate (to occupy ourselves in he last hour of |949 and In the opening : ulomentp of the New. Year witli j giving thanks unto God and td j implore His blessing on our livet ' fn the year, which is still like • j sealed book to us. We welcome jnne and all to this servioe. ; We invite our friends and neighbors to worship ^flth us the first [Sunday In 19H0. The order of ser j vices will be'as follpws: Sunday I Bible School at 10 a.m.. Morning •Worship Service at 11 and Eventing. Gospel Service at ,7:45. Th<» ; pastor will be preaching. Mtss iMargaret Kott and Franklin Anderson Will also have some part iri the services. Jack Loshbough in j charge of the musical program. ( With next Sunday, the un , Week of Prayer will be ushered ilh, week when believers in God, world over, will give themselves :to prayer. We of the Gospel Cenj ter , are setting apart four evenlings for special prayer':: Tuesday, Wednesday and Prtdajr. evenings, the meetings are (o be held in vavlotis homes (specific announce* III^IIH from the pulpit). The Thursday night service tp held in the Chapel. I' ^ KARE HON0H The name . i'aut Ackermaa was Inscribed oh the record of liwv Ncoul Troop 1R8 at Crystal Liike IHS< week upon a page »<'l- 'Join used; he became an Kaglu Scout. So rarely is this rank bestowed that only two or three men before him have wan It in the whole history of Boy Hcouling in Ciystal Lttk". His in mediate predecessor, Ar/ie Nelson. • MI Kaicle Seoul AT >• .mi Christmastime inv 1947. attended **° ' ln condition and til jo ofler hKs congrateven retains tensile strength, ac- „|^j<OUs cording to a report by the archaeo* ' v logical curator at New York's museum of natural history where thf mummy was recently flown for e» eetttnon PtnivliH RttmMy itoMiia Ttatlli StvM|#l» Cotton wrapped around a Peruvim, mummy buried 3.000 years amine tion. Dr. Junius Bird, the museum curator, said that great quantities of cotton cloth were used in burying the mummy, believed to be that of a high priest of Peru who lived during the advanced, ancient Chav- : in civilization of the central Andean ' region. j One cotton swathe measured 11 > feet by 87 feet and there are ten ; pieces 9 by 16 feet. There are smaU quantities of unspun cotton but for ' the most part the cloth is of plain weave and undyed, most being | nearly white with some quantities : also of dark brown cotton. There is ; no evidence, the curator said, that any preserving solutions had been used. "Nearly two-thirds of the cotton .yardage is still in good condition," Dr. Bird said, "and there is lots of tensile strength left." He explains that disintegration was most pronounced in the cloth close to the body. Large, oval rotted spots indicate where there had been contact toith body moistures. "Where preservation is good," Dr. Bird said, "the fabric did not break, not even in the creases." It is pointed out that the cottoi recently unearthed with the l>eru»t vian mummy is among the oideit cotton to be discovered on this cort* t tinent. However, well preserve! I cotton has been found sea'ed in th»| tombs of ancient .Egyptian pharaohs dat&g a«. ftr back as 2,000 B.C. Sabot Missile Cdntet " Vernon ou the Seine, no*. -r» j or ted developing as a key centei fir French guided missle research; has long enjoyed a reputation 6i being the typical "little town ol France." Off the beaten track yet convenient to important centers. Vernon would seen) to promise the seclusion and quiet military engineers seek for their work. The town is situated on the south bank of the Seine River, in a heavily-forefted, little-visited region of Normandy. The coast pleasure towns of TrouviUe- sur-Mer and Deluville and other Norman spots overshadow jN as tourist attractions. Drive Carefully Though careful driving should bf| a habit every month of the ytar, caution takes on emergency status during the winter months when wiow and ice multiply motoring naMria. BtfjCiftK WTI* The miliiMUUie pieside,«ti .of the Oakii MaaM&cturiug Company at Crystal, i:d «ttiii Fi Uessey, kiUed flimtelf last week' Tii' se a., wiih u ,410' gaigc shotgun. Ac- :®rdlng 'to' a hy his m^Jd, Mr. ilessev wt»s hi liln room at the ti.Hiev She heard th ; Hunt and called Dr. A. V. Limlberg, wlip took the ialnred n').t > t >.o:isclouM man to Sherman tioepitfil, Elgin, where lie c.ed : t ubuiit 7 p.m. The7 shooting took plj«e around 3 p.m. , Before l>c died, Mr. Bessey told a nephew that he. was despondent \|£er Me death of his wife. 8he died ott A9r.ll 5, 1JI48. They had no child* reh. JOSEPH X. WAV SHE &. , AtMirxMi-U*' ' p: aitkeu"'^ Httad 'ttFl) UM -1^. WEST ' Mrflcnfr ""'y';' .-jIUirattM m Cltlea 4fa January 1 of 1M9> It out of every 100 Americans . lived 00 the (arm. Before World War IL about M out of every 100 bved on U»1 Need rubber '"be PlnindeNler 1 Complete line of Beebe livestock 1 remedies at Wattles Drug Store, ! M« i|cnr\ g-tf The Vitia HoUl Dining Room and Bar will be closed New Year'9 fey* and Hew Year's Day. t HetH the Want Ada. i 0ET IIP A PAftTY R)R OAK PARK HOTEL'S (P1STAKBE BAY) ' 1 ' |NEW YEARS EVE PARTYf .. . • . * / AiND PT^ATUHiMrQUR Whenever you iat any time of the day or night yod can get one of our taxis for immediate, service by calling 718. CALL a j McHenry Cab Phone 723 J6TH ANNUAL NSW YEAR'S DAY 0 O'CLOCK BREAKFAST . ' ' • • / * ' • ' LUNCH iiOH t For t ho W ocken d " N0ISKMAKKR8 The bell* ring out our Mincer* witlrthat yourt will be » niosf happy and prosperous New Year. May the beat of everything be youra, our loyal friends and juatomera. . • ° • • 1 Lucille Pillar - JEANETTE'S STYLE SHOP ... .and at the same time we'd like to thank our friends and customers for --their continued friendship, patronage, and goodwill May the best be your$ during this coming year- V W. B. BJORKMAN AND SON HARDWARE finest Sales With a happy Chriitmas behind us all, wf wkat to extend to you our yatmest faf ^happy and successful new yest^v rH"? ~n We've made many friends during the past year, as we know you Jiave. And we look forward to meeting many new friends in 19S0. Accept this message as out cordial invitation to make this jour headquarters for friendly, honest Ford service. Our policy of seeking new ways to assure you better, more friendly service is not our "New Year's Resolution"--it is a continuation of our aim to give you the service you have every right to expect. We look forward to the coming year--and to* a great many Wore yearsas a time of undreamed of opportunity. And with Confidence, we send you our personal wish that you share ia the :lood times that are ahead for all of us* . : ' v . . ^ • BUSS MOTOf^ SAttS 531 MAIN ST. * PHONE 1 McHENRY, ILLINOIS ,¥ • IJ U* ; ( i l l N D L 1E--W ORE BM Ah I f t tilARLfift S. PARKfeR. (Joslyri & l'*rker) Office Mourn: V\ediiesdn> Afterno ««--I Offit-e--K'whr Supply CiapM^ ".12. <lr Street, Wt*l Atrjltfrf i 1 1 i « n e -- M ' H e n r v I 8 i ' > ; » ^oodetock I1SS s[T i| '.j -J- 1.•M I 'V-* :;vi ••W -*T7l FOX ELECTRIC SERVlf!« WONDER LAKE It. I. RINGWiKN). II-L ^ Electric Wirimt Motor Repair* Pumpe Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4«t ERNON KNOX , ; f 511 or n ey - A t- La w :£r^"V Cot: clllfi and Elm su r . Tuetday and Friday AftewiMef-Sff1 Other Days Bv Appoint1>e«t; Phone McHenry 43 •. 1 '-- . --. WANTED TO BUY" We pay $6 to $25 for Old Hor*^ leas for down horse* " »tfl|:. MATTS MINK RANCH John«burg • Spring Grove Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DE tiOt;8. HORSES AND CA We pay pho«» eharfad A. P.FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors trucking. Hydraulic And Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- fel. 204-M . McHenry •^1 E. E. PKASLKE, D. C. Chiropractor 190 S. (jrfNi St., McMenrjr , Office Moars, Hail) except Thar*4*1 ft t« 12 IsW to J / . MOIL« Wed. mid FriM CTcaliir- a 7 to 9 w Phone McHenry MS.R McHENRY FLORAL CO. Plione 404 v One Mile South of McHenry On Route SI Flowers for all occasional mU* LL CLASSES OF • INSTRUCTION * ^ Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Play^ir. formerly with Anton Weeks, Cutin Loma, Ray Koble, Grift Wllliaiut. Jhicago and Oriental Theatroi, irganizing fall classes. Call Mi* Henry 68S-J-1 for appointment and interview. "lephone No. 300 I'OFFEL & RBIHANSPERGfcH kmuranee agents for all elassea •( 4i otnperty in the best eompanltar - . West McHenry, Illinois 1 1 1 -- INSURANCES EARL R. WALSH 'ire. Auto, Farm & Ufe Inaurantt Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES ' When you need insuraaeo of any kind Phone 13 or 118-M •reen & Elm McHenry TeL Wonder Lake 4U DR. R. H. WATKIN8 Dentist •--Office Hours-- '"^lilies.. Thura., & fet ' ,S a. m. to 5 p. m. CVtaings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, 1Q, FRANK S. MAY N Trucking iand--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravft Light Excavating -- 1 isiralsna , Truck for Hire Phono McHenry 580-M-l R1 McHenry VL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Eleetric Portable Welding Acetylene Weld^ig and Cattiac . ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-r or 464 . M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jg» Attorney-at-iaw HOVa Benton St. Plione Woodstock ISM Woodstock, Illinois i DR. MARTIN R. STOMX CHIROPRACTOR 4 •ffice Corner Green it Kin Ta< s., ThnrN. A Sat. Tbnrsdsy^ 9:30 !• fitSO TsesdafH and SatordnyH to 8 Tel. McHenry VSS WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. S. VANCE -- McHenry 61-J . M9 South Green SU McHenry, Ifl. 4and Limestone VERN THELEN . -- Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire ^aL McHenry 688-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172. Rt. 1, McHenry ^ DB. H. s. FIKE \i Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Hone* Tei. McHenry 31 **ffice Hours: lp. m. to 2 p. • Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment 4 - DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry . Office Honrs t 10 a. m. to fc n. m. . - °"«SA> ? Krealmg* by appeintme^ta oalj^ | /•I

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