w aster for 1950 meuBi'F ctaife llllllg Willi*. -a. •-'••• '• ..y m - . U I .fi _ • " /k '•• /,« X .5,S >' . * • Vl ,» ^.ii'Aw'su-" S~ +A*. '-\kA -4 *, ... tfv \T- *i ^ / >Ht • ., fV.&t " , 4 t . « \ \ e i e c e i v e - i a l e . l i e r i i o i n a p r o i u i.ient farmer ia Chi ibuau coutiij, lieaiu oPtlie . j.-l»ean couati}, asRiug oil;- bujAiKiii ol (lie it.Il to Uvi away wuii ni(. (ax «n oieu. lie went on about iue prosperity ui.u tile soy beau had brougut to Illinois ami wiun a t>ri.u cu. ••<unio; the oh'u nmuuiuciuier is ol Urn soybean blower. 1 i>ay 'piiooe.,'. If gullies are piospc ii>, i n«> * e liu ni u«imu iiu-ie. iue; will i h«.\e all the money irom that pi tib^ei'ity 111 gully ImIik., of the 'local national or state bankri il .in'/ (uuiiHuc to play Santa Ci.tUW lO lliy V> 1,41 U che;;;> f,pi euu lot;- i»r«vc. ; Why Uoh' t liost* lei lows - w tUEo '•!' • i'he. ( il v (ii octal iii\ " bu.M a beauulul lake , in 1!>__1 .;y (laiaui^ UP l'»e Sangiaiitwa i iVei* lb furnish !i,'\ ril-v &n »<ie<ifcafe'*V;4er supply.; Tod;i0: ,jf5 per ce:it ol' the original •' iUiL'ily oJ l-iiiii lane ha- "Tops in the Buick line for 1950 is the stately ' Roadmaster six passenger sedan. Inches ^ ..i' a! !i „ ~ At- L 1. ' «k Aitr MAttr nAMtf anil i%f. *-v *r*LB VI ;n . wi %uv uiifciiuu iupa ill U1C 0U1VIW uuc 1U1 I»7«;v l& Uic SUIVCiy lUMUiIMOVCA 9AA flcvwu. unaac» li;lH(y .u,;,i '"he ua.i ">•'ii Hiorter than its predecessor the car hgsa more powerful engine, a completely new body and ^"^1"" features a one-piece curved windshield. Note the full taper-through of the front fenders, the ; .J'oi^ikv wrap-around bumpers,. trurtk and the quarter panel, permitting the est smack OJH ut' (lie uoridV bie^d .basket 10,11 to, lWi, -according to'% ;y: "The Story of Ji l.ake," a dynamic '•* : ^ 3,.spacious irunK ana tne narrow rear quuuer puuci, U , vreai' window to, conie well abound to the. side providing bett.er rear vision foif the driver, • -•• ••' "• - .=--^ j'\.Cu;<vy C'< l (:'l "ji:'!?!»• ' "V; Btd-Mtkinf Should Be Artr And Aid t« Rtstful Sleep Bed making techniques the WHtkprU^".iw lX wl,eI> the. Department of Aftricul- ('o,Uvk<- of Akri<?u»tu»-e t i. , ' .^iVt'rs,t> ol Illinois, e\- ture keeps it on file for five vear«. ur KO»»d' rccurds will aeaitt tension soil (onuei va.ionisl. 1 per- j,ru>1. wi,ioh it is Ml„ rth 1,1 *»°"n cunt or the « ap.u it> 1««| each archives forever. , * 'ost many s hwidr-ds Mf year. From 1937 to 1910, the rate , t! , ,v ' uollars. Most people without the ocauiamng tecnniques run Uli of till' in was accelerated u» l.'i .^!l ,tl,e nVa fK," \ « [j'pori i,u linafioa lo, keep books and with gamut from "once around the bed" * ent and since ISM a to A.« per- ~ul J"• '"u ' ,.1?!lb,, 1 ,c la, Mcllenry ,H sio.noo or more per year income to not n k| jt t - - • • • county. \ou will lli«n.De at»lt. to could well afford to pav someone * a • u' • i, "t \ ««e what we. ua<> your inoiiev for. «u keen his records Ftilur* to s"rvey ° Amencan homeniakert. the giowinAr'oj^ Th,r,' a,e t,otw: Sl,,'l"'ise8- to me muVrstand' depreciation. costs *^ost <* the homemakers interi „l 7 it r • oyocH.18 is all hi at it.;i^. i>ci-hapa you won't be nianv dollars too viewed were quite squeamish about have rS k "U°' ^ , lute,VK!<sd w,,OWKh to be »"' li. I«ed. ,r,Ui I|lillof; K;i,.|u R<HM>r(1 book, leaving the beds unmade altogether Dairv' f nmirii. . „ iu ' ,, A year a»'° 1 .available at, our office makes the ! because of the damage it would do hatid! unm i,Sb".U •« 1,'t rol,nti' 0,'°U'-e v-^1" !» '"b very easy. All you have to1 fh"" Ol Hiaiiv ruiliLii* acres of uifnlf'i U:Ol,ail Uis u 1 Po» opeunig have is a will to turni the habit ladmo, "icU diver bromeKrll and 'l ^ »'iBU,ok il for » w"-;» of n.akii.K jour eutriea in it regu- a,,M I 88w a manure spreader ell- larlv i, *' ^ . ° ,ei. knuIs Of soil C()hserv- graved on it with tht. words "Nua- s»aw»fl riim i «n l»„ ('•minto 1 m iii>, c;op>. in tact, the more con- uit...- •ii'ikiitiii fu. iiiion i tiiitiichi 4.^ toim tftii bw (.uuut^J -AS I IfiitfiNM 6t««raci m 2d Per Gent in Year The spread of accident and health protection through voluntary group insurance plans increased 26rc last year and has more than doubled in the past five years, the Life Insurance association of America reports. These percentages are based on total premiums paid in the United States. Substantial gains were also made by the other forms of group insurance. Group coverage as a whole, •s measured by total premiums paid in the U. S.. rose almost 20 per cent in the single year 1948 and was two-thirds greater than three years before, according to the Association which has just completed a survey bf group insurance coverage of all U. S. and Canadian life, accident and health and casualty insurance companies. Group annuities to provide retirement pensions for worker groups showed a rise of 20 per cent in the year and group life insurance rose 14 per cent. "The remarkable strides made in recent years in extending pretection to the workers of the country through these voluntary plans is a demonstration of the rapidity with which both management and the workers are meeting their needs through the channels now- available," the association commented. "In the past five years, the number of persons covered has more than doubled for hospitftl, sorgical and medical expense coverages." i c:ops. iu fact, the more con- Idea around thP edge. I thought, inSVTh? it rale d tb0 dairying on a par- t " ' e d a i r y i n g o n p a r - "" WW oonndd ee rr wwhh oo ii ss kkiicc kl dlii ii iuus mn icc \MiuOwW ,"" " , * B pal d a"d J ?" Mdl !'h' jp'f »'i soil it'used to be when vou wanted f.^V4C?a °", ,S nwessar.' thut to get your mode ol' t.-ansportateceived tlie monev or can be to their reputations as housekeepers. Even more important, however, is the damage it would do to their families' sleep. - Tightly drawn sheets and "hospital" corners are not a finicky housewife's quirk, they're a real •minted in the year you actually J aid to restful sleep. Many of the -t lid of it, but once - you inakt j interviewees objected to the amount Si" "xur choice yon must follow It, UVI1,.1,kir.a enter- uou" .started, yOW picked up the 4 1 . is true s^Ucii uuU sturted whackin'. Now o eoniaigariue farniiag. you just turn it on and Mop ou " It seems to me a federal tax is the ^Urter. r „ nccessai \ on oleomargarine ^ to Tiie geruiiuation of our .Miiore Mysterious White Bags era 'of the i , i • •. le, ,0^U" lju,lt>y is verv low. because of the In travelling about the country, peaamg requiaftcr tlu-v h• i'• i«i'ihhI'^ 11.l'ai'Vt>.st seas9.11 last summer' coup!- one may oecasionally notice white' site for yood quality sleep. When ductive lives, farms and 1 m-opriUos e«e«l , witnh, 1a vYt,' iy1 dt.rryV growin,I.Uu *se*a?-' bbaaggss aattttaacchheedd ttoo ttooppss ooff tthhee ttrreeeess,, ! aa wweeaarryy sslleeeeppeerr ccrraawwllss iinnttoo bbeedd ttoo producing the soybe.;,^^ ^ and occasionally a red one. These -t h/H be ^ wearier when of time consumed each day in making beds, but it's well worth it. ' Much worse than wrinkled sheets, however, is lumpy bedding. Good quality bedding is the first requiare used in connection with spray ingOperations from airplanes. The white markers outline the area to be treated, while the red ones are warnings. They might show the proaching the end of a run and snould get ready to turn, * a**.8' ul.»cribe mnm. . T•h -eM P- tni•i*i*'d> e<a•le*r•. >* producinj; the soybe:,,is necessary th.-» same probh.-::i. *Mave' \o'u t'ri"d to make the oleoi;uiryai-i«t<.. Soni«»- > ou>• s •' \\ ^ v-<ll t(; "glad 111" sei • i da* soon Decatur ivsidents Avill ^los to the tnat> laboratory ° x ihemseives heavily for aavonc who-wishes tests iiiade Mlin,fW^Wat4,r, SUPPl>' ,0°- Uraic in about a quart after you i»' i^nr^ 01 J Wa^ '° . ^ave have ( Inaued it. .Vou will get pur- _ _ _ tn 1 1'Lmv, llUI;i °'1: r,ulV is to iL-v ui,u g«-i'iiiini.iioii report. The presence of a trout stream, for exket \Vliv •I'il-' ihl HU- ' nia!" ('illy rORt wi" bo 'or lios,af:i>- ample, where the insecticide should hHeel op wwi tthh 'thmis -jo!b ol? 0s u'p paor rmtien' g' ' a° Vour neighbr oe cr e nwt -l iys ns'tt •a ttendn t,l . f t t i f n o t b e d r o p p e d S o m e t i m e s o n e r n- u"VJ,eu' oomeuraes one Indurlry for'"the n.cm,,. you V^,,,uia SL urnHege of perpetuating it? lllld >ou lt.,)olU;d Wm ,ou woull, These ,el1 the flier th« he is ap- Consei vationists ol thi? _ ^^he-fax collected. This Cxmsenation >ervic> tell m<. that is a careless haiuillng of. the truth. ,..?i in'®' • "d fl".'n'elK 1,1 ce"- Congress appropriates a fund i inio*8 growing soybean:- rogulurly to.nnvard informants to 6,1 a n>w- .Tills is a-.lite gover?mieiit~«m-this. Whfn tire n u- ®?ce'cri'-ted duplication of person reports to a doputv col- MH,'y ."f th^ (0,t011 sou,h lector he iU handed an application' where the philosophy of existence form to fill out statin# his 1. asons ofnni !'»n'<,','IKa|,"-v; •he gov- for believing the person in ~quesinment keep us. V\'P can't." The tion is-.i't [tayiag sufficient tax. If only mistake 111 that deal was that h,. is found to be right h,, will Hi!'. ®®vori",,euf didn't have a tax receive a reward based on the on cotton years ago to pay for it correctness--of his report. Mie ... .. . . amount of additional tax collected. The dilapidated historic old etc., but ft is not half or any set mansions of the south are grim amount. It the cougressionai apevide^ ce of the adage, "You can't propria110.1 is all gone, he doesn't your cake and eat^it top." get an.vtiiing. | TH- „ Income tax reporting time is at I he a.inual report of the farm hand. Our office will do returns adviser pnri assistant farm adviser on an apiiointnient basis starting is now complete. After completion. Jan. L'. We attended a two-day one copv stays in the county and school recently put on by the colwo go to the College of Agricut-elector of internal revenue and' 'Hie •lire 8t Urbanu. Th(-> college sends me cop." to Washington. D. C'., he gets up if his beddi^ « of 4he sagging, lumpy variety. . Level, well constructed bedding, is not only essential to restful sleep support, but it adds greatly to the appearance of the bed. Mnering coi ners on a good bed is eatier, too. However, comfort is the main thing--and a good bed, properly made, is well worth the investment and the bedmaking- time required. Order your rubber' a tain pa ut Tilt j^Iaiiideiiler. ...... FLOOR TILE ASPHALT and RUBBEE ^ aliio ' / . PLASTIC WALL TILE * J. M. STANGARONE 661 J-l or 196-E McHcnry. IU. The famous 0il-0-Matic L#v Pressure Principle with its two source air supply enables Oil-OMatic to burn these new "Cat" oils with the same ease and effikciencyasanyof tht morecommon owner looks forward to these better ne4r fuels wirh\ complete confidence because OiI-*p-Matic has the beft^'digestion" oijfo oil DU^Mffsi Oil Bl KNKR tow nissini «M SIALID THRIFT UNIT ITHENNES (HLICOt •0& So. tireen St MeHenrj, III* I'll OK If Mi K HELP ASSURE IT TOO! BE THRIFTY IN 'SOIiy letting your idle "cash"' funds work for you. Saved with us they can add to your incone every six months. It's an easy way to earn a safe profit ! It's a ftaaible way to invest; start CURRENT KATE Ptt ANNUM hmrft ItMivtl by January 10th Sara frwa III *1 Yew MwAir Federal Savings and Um lnomiw Cafperetfee MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION - MARENGO. ILL. Sodium Hydroxide Sodium hydroxide (caustie soda, lye) and potassium hydroxide (caustic potash, lye) are sometimes used in paint removers, drain pipe cleaners, or solvents. Both of those chemicals are caustic poisons and-great care is netessary in their use. The wearing of suitable goggles, rubber gloves, protective aprons and footwear will prevent many injuries ordinarily received in the use of those chemicals. The federal caustic poison act requires that products containing caustic soda or caustic potash be labeled "Poison," with direc tions for treatment of external anc internal injuries caused by thosi chemicals. These labels and direc tiona should be carefully re fore any such product is used. fientfclitit1 ftstarfcr Wihi Stoplights and SpeHfceats , Twentieth - century cohtrivancAl are catcbing itp with Venice's singing gondoliers. The latest mechanical innovation at Italy's multi-colored island city is the installation of traffic lights On the Grand Canal. But this now development is by no means th# •only recent worry of the celebrated gondoliers. In late years thoy have had an unhappy run of vexations. For a while after World War II gmphlbious jeeps of the U. S. Army sped through the canals and mado a nightmare of the gondoliers' profession. Later, when moit of tlM sold itrs went home, there was scarcely any passenger business at all, for the tourist trade had not yet revived. The brawny boatmen were reduced to hauling freight or running an unprofitable ferry service across the Grand Canal. Then last year somebody thought of using water skis for walking a* the canals. Tfce Ideg caught 6a, became a tad, and the gondola business took another note dive. But the loudest postwar protests by the gondoliers has been directed against the steady increase of streamlined motor boats that churn through the winding Waterways and crowd the slower-moving gondolas to the aide, sometimes threatening to sw,amp them. This 00mpetition, gondoliers com* pliin. Ii itnperlling their posilibit aa masters of the Venetian lagoon, and cutting into their businois. The single-oar boatmen, some descended from generations of gondoliers, are not taking all this lying down, however. One of th#lt more ambitious schemes for countering the growing speedboat men' ace is the gondoliers' school which opened last year. At this institution each student Nk expected to learn to convert® In th.-ee languages: the history of Venice: the development of its 177 canals and more than 400 bridges; and everything interesting about the famous sights of the anclen* dity. Such knowledge, the school hopes, will make the grmdeliers ir resistible tourist guides. COUNCIL ROOM December iS, 1>4# T*o City Council metf^ in jtfegttlar j A„,*c5ntly dlI5gt!^. semi-monthly meeting with Mayor scroll of the book br Hi Ground presiding. Aldermen pre- Isaiah is believed, by $e#t: Althoff, Anderson. i>iak«, scholars, to present the te*t Freund. V.veltal. Absent :Aone» to Christ at Nazareth, as r«M Nlutiuh by t ycltal. .seconded fey St Luke This oidest knjiMnr BU» Wsdbilllgl manuscript and two other scrolls, with which it Was fOuMl> was recently placed On public exhibition. for the first time anywhdMI in the world, at the Library gress. raowentti- ..•"raund. that th« nlnutes »>r thi laft i.ieetng oe npjn \. • .«ai| Motiou carried. Mition by Althoff, teconded by Ulake. to Instruct the City fl«rlt to write to the Illinois Commerce CoumilHsion to request notitica- ,tioii of dates of hearing regard- ~ v- 'ing Cliigago A Northwestern Haii- School Work -V ; Way Cohnjany C-ase Nv. 3»t)ii l>1 • More than B0 per cent of i ch»lf» the nrntSf of application tor school work dcjiesds on his abfi't* •auUiority to distontiaiie trams I>27 to see i^op'rity-- | and 696 and. further, that a rep- . •-/ A ?•. | tesentative of the citv Council .. ..... •' '»1 jOieet with representatives of the ' McHenry Husfncss Men's Aasoc'.a' l ttou and the McHeiiry Townshij {Associatiou, Inc. - to disi'iiits aiiy necessar.- action, ^lotion e.arrWu ? Motion by Proofed.' wecoiui-'J i»; jVvcilal. to divect a letter signed ^ I by Mayor Freund to the Couuly i Hoard ) of .--McHeiify.. County,, care Of R. D. Woods, Clerk, ami cop.} 'of the letter to Math N. Sclimitt. Chairmaa of the County Board requesting action on necessary rc- Rllra to the bridge crossing' Po> tV«r at P«a>l Street, McHearj. Motl0& carried. Officers, city commissions aii'i committees reported oir activities ia various departments 1 Th« Athletic Field Pleld Com mittee reported that lights had been installed and that the uew ice-s^atiug pond wa.i In read lues.; lor due. I Moloh by Althbff, seconded by 'Jlndettwn, to adjourn. Motion i carried QKORtiK P. FRI2UNl>1 I KAfcL H. WALSH. Mayors ; City Clerk. 'Y's r JAMAK# HAtCMi Need mbner stamps f OrdtT Plata Agricultural Limestone Best qaalttv froai oar Mct'oog Oiany aow arallaM^ «| nor fox Lake pit V IVI wiles norm of Fn Uke on V. K IS. fhene LIBKRTYVILLE 7M Coosum»ff[Comp«ny MOM INCOMI: T. •HM ws 1MB UMLI w« 5*yBu2t6*5* «s? COSY UBS: HcHENRY MILLS KcHOKT. lit. SPEEDY,, by McHENRY GARAGE . MttTlC-XCANOO^ AS MR AS I UKC IN A r LOOK, CASINOVA NO MATTER VOURSOSS SAID WU*RE JUST MV BOSS SPOKC VERV HI6HLV OF ME TOOAV ME SF.iD! A M A LOOK,# VOUNG MAN WHO WOULD CtO FAR. j CAR SBRVtCBD BY NICK MILLER S IPHENRYGMAGt Twooai* ERCFF«RINO COSTS Willys-Overland Sales 604 FRONT STREET Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 it Slack "CAT" (at n*w CATALYTIC fv*l •)!« or* calUd) ar« a rtiull of n*d*ni rcHning m«lh*dt Th*t« ««w hatltr but (urdir-lt-kum *iU *ff«r a kifktr I.T.U. canlenl per gaHan. Yd M»i« ^raaiviii h««f cantenl it k«- yand th* reach *f HM ar- PHOXE 81i 11 If - Ufc * k"- With the sands of time starting on Mlother New Year we extend sincert greetings to all of QUT friends and customers. t; P. M. JUSTEN KURWITURK 00 yet, once again we extend New Yemt Greetings to you, our friends and customers. May the coming year bring you happiness and prosperity." NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGEJifY fiBB* At the stroke of midnight we extend best wishes to the folks in this community whose patronage and good will means so much to us. Happy New Year everyone. _ VYCITAVSf With the gayety that heralds the close of an old year and the start of a new we extend best wishes for happiness and prosperity to our friends* HARDWARB SHEET METAL SBOF OVKKTON CADILLAC PONtUO OO;