Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1949, p. 2

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m i. , v*": "Crv*r*»-' -vs, . -«r^4. - <* " ' i, '.'.%V;.- v>" V ' T£LAi • '«•"• - i^'AsC* *5* ' : ». . % - 4. *• *>. ^ nm» ^littfuip ' tftobltahed wry Tksndty at Mf Bury, 111., by the McHenry Bak* 4 ItihtiiK Company, Inc <e Editor- Adele Froehlu-h BEiyn/^ ,SHOOT 5fe^ BURIED IN HARVARD tentermj st fccoimI claftM matter at Mm postottico vX Mvileury, 11L, u»d<r tike net of May fl, 187d. r •a.r.D :! Aunoune Marriage iOf Edith Matzat 11 Aiiiiounvenieiil lists; ;been•, made 'of i he niiii 1 (age on Saturday, Nov •gfi, of Miss Euith Matzat, daughter ipf Mr. ;md Mrs. Felix fttiatzat of 'MtCsUlom Lake, and. Air. Joseph •'Robert Sohiifer. The couple was ?pmrriefi in a formal ceremony in i|2hj'caft«>. followed by a breakfast *for the families at the House of: ^Pierre. Sine their return from »• ihoneymoon Lri^> into Wisconsiii. fthe newl.vweds have been residing "to Chicago. Jep«on-Jones Nnptinls Told < 'Mrs. c J Jepaon of Ring wood btuiouno< the marriage of her daughter, Virginia, to Mr. Colsou Jones ol Kingston, Mo., on Nov 26, 1918. Miss Jepson was graduated from the McHeHry Community high school ami from the tvanbtoti School of Nursing. Her husband i.-- a graduat> of the Kingston high school and >pent four yearts in the armed forces. - Ttte nowlyvedb are residing ii. Chicago. • Ltgion Auxiliary Christmas Party A six'i t Lusiuuas uiccting ot t.i Ameriran Legion Auxiliary wa; held on Monday, Dec. 19, guest for the evening being Harold Vycital He announced the New Year's Evi party which th Legionnaires ar<* spon.soruig and also thanked tb. ladies of tbe Auxiliary for theii cooperation in past undertaking" Following the meeting, Mrs Ethel MeUee led the members in Christmas carols and Santa Glaus made bis appearance, distributing gifts to all. Games pioviued enter tainmem, after v. liicli a hoiida. lunch was served. ' t>rkwiild>Kell«gi Snptinls Dec. 24 Miss Zena Mae Qriswold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griswold of Woodstock, formerly ol McHenry, became the brid^ of Mi Gari ivvllosg, son of Mrs. WUIlaii Sclinetter of Pell Lake, Wis., las Saturday morning. The Rev. A. J. Taveniur, pastor of the Methodic church of that city, read l hi double ring Btervice which was performed at 10 o'clock in thi vhjircb parsonage. The bride, a graduate of the WoiHiHiotk high Bchool with the class ol 1945, lias been employe by the Illinois Bell Telephone Co Mr. Kellogg attended the Adams. Wis., Kchools and is employed b> the Condon Motor Express Co. oi (Jlucago. ;.th« couple will reside in Woou .flock following their return frou __3L_38ti;tUiinf, trip. v Entertained At BMhilaj Party Miss Reno Seneid entertai:)<»! nviKbbors amd friends at at* < e jOyahle party held at her home Green street Tuesday evening, tit- Occasioii being her birthday uiuu Versary. Ca>-ds -*ere Which tho KUe^t. of iioi'iii opeir ii bor. lwvelv gifts ana then. s<:i*ved • » <fcli«iou« lunch, ^rtze winners it: t'ards Wf-r • Mck M. .fusion, Jo .1: Blake, Frank Blake, jiaytue Bu.Ss and Julio Stilling. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.. Joi.n fllakt. Air. and Mrs. Frank Blaki Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, Mia- Clara Stoffel, Miss Mayme Bu-^ Miss Julia Stilling and Bliss Ber KamJlj Reanloa At Xil?er Home A family reunion was held a) the Joseph J. Miller home 01.^ Christmas Day. Present were l)i and Mrs. .1. C. Purvey ;tr.d chibi" ri?T». Patti. J0K.1, Jr., Mtchnvl.Ma'-v. LVnu and Peggy, of Crvstal Lakt- Mr. and Mrs. V.'illiani M.or-^au an_a dc^tigUt'T, Jeaiiiti-. ol Klkbtn n. W-is.. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald .f. Ml! Ivr aud cbildi'/n. Cai<".! Ann" and (}«rald, Jr., iiVriy Miih i aad Uo'i Backer of McHern v 4 * ' « AMouu<e linf^affincat Of »oris Aan Oeffllng Mr. and MVs, George Oeffling of Johasburg announce tbe engagement of their daughter, Doris Ann, to William Schabow, Jr.. son of the senior Schabows of Chicago. No wedding plans have been made. • • • Hvtwhlal P. T. A. T* Meet J^ul 4 St. Mary's-St Patrick's sobool P.T A will hold its next meeting on "Wednesday, Jan. 4, at 3 o'clock in tho school hall The pro-rain Will include so'ips avid rf peot>le ijn o'hrr lands' l>> of tb" fourth grade. A .n< iai hour wUl follow, with Mrs. Steve Wijas aa chairman, assisted by mothers of sixth grade pupils; howf BI REAr The Ring wood Home Bureau unit will hold its next regular meelng at the MeHenry high schtxil at 1:30 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan. Roll call will be answered wfth 'The Color I Like To Wear". The major lesson, to be eiven by the home advisor, will he "Choosing a Practical Wardrobe". There will at so be a *ewin>r demonstration. IK. lUry1! Catholic Chuith ••asses: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. lloly Days: 6:00, 8:00. 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First l-'ridav: <^:30 H»id. 8:00. Coil<\'H«i^t8: 3:00 |». 111. and 7:00 |». 111 Thursda;' before First Friday: Alter 8:00 Mass on Thursday: 5:00 p m. and 7:00 p. m. Mtgr. C. 8. Ms, Pastor. Benny St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00: 9:30 and 11;00. Daily Mass: 7:00. Week . " on :i'nd 7:30^-- -^ First Fridays: 7:00.--J----±- * dist^iliuted at iJrvit, 7:0t);-EdufH»„ ' " the 7:10 uias^,. .7::30"and .• Confefiiious: :. Katurdaj-s: 1:00 to" 5:00 pV m.. aiv! 7:0Q t<i 8:J,W ji. a ,011 Ttuir- .djiyjj beforo'.'F^rat. FritliiA'S::.^:^1 v (v S pi; 8,:Q '"'v;;*'., ' Rev. Eil«?« rd O. Con k I^y, I'sstor . Zion Evangelical i/ut&erftn tJUqr.-' 'I'fie t I'aircli of flu - r,iitlii-r:iir Ilour ) * 408 John Street '"y--,1],,' Weill McHi'iiry. I! , Svh»ol:;9. a, in.. ^ N"ui day Worship Service^ 10:1' nV iu.', .'" r : • Ymi ax.-."-<H>rdi:i 1 Iv in vitod to itrteiid nir forvii'es. " » Rev. Carl A.^Lobitz, Pastor. -Community Methoaisf. Chn;cb 4 Cluireli Roliool: 9-30. Morning Worship: 10:4,>. Junior League: 7 p. ni. Official board meeting oil secoii i Wednesday 0/ month at 8„p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family V come and -vuridiip with us. .•* Wayne B. Price. Pastor. MrHenry Bible Church Hi'i S. Green Street v Pries Bldg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. 91. F.v,in«elistlc, 8 p m< Wednesday at 8 p m.. . Prayer Meting. j 'i ou re always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 53-W John's Catholic Church Johnsbnrg Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 Holy Days: 7:0# and IM"1. Weekdays: 8:00. ^ First Friday *>-• 15 and 'onfesaions: • Haturday*: 7. <0 t«» X and to H Thursday -before l-'lrxt Triilav 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch. 8t Peter's Cs'holic Ohaich. ^ Spring drove Masses: 1 Sunday--8:00, 10:00_a«d 11:0o Holy bays: 6:30 and 9-0»» Weekdays: 8:00] First Friday: 8-00.-- ' ' ^ • Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15: - Thursday before Fir«t Friday 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L nalcidcii. Pastor. Christ The Xing .Mission Wonder Lake •VI a sees: * *lasses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10;00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. onfessions: Sunday: Before each Mass, Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 7:45 "itechetical Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. m. Rev. James A. Vanderpool, Administrator. Gonpel Center Wonder Center. Wonder Lake (N oiisrelarin n)' Sorviecp: * u Suiidiiy Bible f^rlHiol:- 10:<Mi a. .in Mor'iiug \YnrnhiM: U :iKl n.' n. Sunday Evening • Service: • 7;4~i I' Prayer meeting. 'I'liHrsday S:»«' -. (A. Bring the family with y<«u to Hun ] By Richard Hill Wllklnsoa BENNY got a big kick out of eavesdropping on _the sheriff. It smacked of adventure and the wild life he loved. He got a bigger kick when he heard Sheriff Conrad mention'Slick Dearborn. ^ Slick Dearborn was the smartest outlaw with whom Conrad had ever had to contend He was Benny's 3- Minute idol, for he repre- Fiction sented the danger- ous freedom of which the boy had always dreamed. One day three weeks ago Benny had seen Slick in the Faraway Saloon, and something about the worshipful look in the youngster's eyes had attracted the outlaw's attention. Benny had b'een almost speechless with gratitude when the outlaw spoke to him. They had a long conversation, and^ when it was over Benny knew a sense of importance that was alfrnost the fulfillment of his dreams. » Ear glued to the side of the , building. Benny held bis breath while Sheriff Conrad and his .deputy, Joe Hicks, carried on their low-voiced conversation. At 4 o'clock that afternoon Benny drew rein in the secret canyon where Slick was hiding. He gave the secret whistle that he and the outlaw had agreed upon, then waited breathlessly. Mnutes passed and'nothing happened. Benny moved down the canyon a ways and whistled again. Suddenly two men emerged from behind a boulder. One of them was Slick Dearborn. Benny 'shouted at them. "Slick, I just heard the sheriff and his deputy talkin'. They found out it was you who held up the bank last ^eek, an' they know you're hidin' up here an* they're comin' to get yuh." "You come with us," said Slick shortly. "Nemmine keepin' guard," Slick called, and the other outlaw slid" back to the ground. "We gDtta get out of here and git fast. Kid, did anyone see yon leave town?" "No, sir. Not a soul. I done Jest like you told me." "Good. You're comin' with us." The second outlaw came from behind a screen of bushes riding one horse and leading another. Slick swung aboard the extra animal. Thdre came the sound of a shot The second outlaw uttered V scream, clutched at his breast and pen, MRS. R. .1. MiLLLR Family and friends mourned the mtiiuely death 011 Dec. 12 of Mrs. t. J. Miller, 32, wbo passed away 11 Wesley Memorial hospital, Jhicago, following a long period f poor health: Services were held t St. Mary's church, McHenry, itii burial in St. Joseph's ceniedry, Harvard. M. B. C. NEWS 3* Donald *G. Liberty, Pastor: *. ftveryohe waB glad, to jsee the dsoa Trio with us Sunday. It vas a great treat to have thf<m inging and playing for us. These oung folks really love tbe Lord. Wednesday at 8 p.m. will brtng he resumption of bible study on lie Book of Romans and a tipie of irayer fellowship. Saturday the watchnight servc- e will be from 10:30 to 12:05. v'e shall have Communion and iay the new year in. T1 Sunday, Jan. 1, 1950, the 11 a.Ai. orship service me ;sage by , the astor will be ."Resolved,,. A?t e, "Resolved." At 8 p.m., Efaiiin.. Evangelist Ed Lawfer and nger Joanne Harnden will re- .irn for one night. "You're always welcome herd." • Adv. At four o'clock that afternoon Benny drew rein In the secret canyon where Slick was hiding. plunged from the saddle. A second shot followed, and Slick's mount went to its knees. ' OLICK, SWORE VIOLENTLY as ~ Benny crawled up beside him. "You damned little rat! Thought you said nobody followed you out of town?" "Honest Slick--" "Shut up!" Suddenly Slick seized i:iy School and Worship Sexvu-uv him around the middle and leaped. »tere is a jilact- and a wofcouie f 'veryone. FRANK W ANDERSON Pastor Bingwood Church Ringwood, Dl. Sunday Public Worship, 9:30. "T'hurch School: 10:30. ('heir RehenrMaJs: Wednesday .-vi '»ir. . : itt'v. Htevi'iis, IVisUir. St. Joseph's Church U!« hmoiid, Illinois Sunda\: S:00 and 10:00. Di'iily: 8:00. Fr Frank J Miller, pastor. ft. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Church Crystal Lake Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 1-0:00 Sunday School. At the Mission House except on third Sunday of the month wbeji there is "Family Eucharist" at the rliurcb. 11:00 a.m. Morning prayers except on first Sunday of the month, out of plain view of the two com ing up the canyon. The pair reined in. holding their fire as the outlaw, using Benny as a shield, began shooting rapidly. Sheriff Conrad and Joe' Hicks, sensing the bandit's purpose, flung themselves from the saddle and scurried for shelter. , Benny suddenly understood the purpose he was serving, suddenly \ knew that Slick was using him as : a means of protecting his own hide. "Slick! Slick! Lemme go. They'll 'blast me down in cold blood! "Shut up, you rat" Slick brought the barrel of his gun down crushingly on "the boy's head. Benny j gasped, struggled feebly, then went limp... When Benny opened his eyes he found Sheriff Conrad and Joe Hicks bending over him. "Feeling better kid?" "Ye-e-ss. I'm all right. Where's -JSlick?" ' %» «." "Taken care of.'* Sheriff Conrad eyed Benny intently "Listen, Ben Ord« r yo«* robber stampr at Thf "Phundeaier. - * •<$» •s3£; " *>•* 30 a.D^." on Prayer Book Holy 'MVS. hen there is Choral Eucharist. Week Days: Jloly .Eufharist_ at ,'ny. you better get home before your maw begins to worry. You can say you helped us run down Slick Dearborn. Fact is, you did. When we saw you talkin' with him three weeks ago we figured somethin' like this, which is why we did some NOTICE f't. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Dole Avenue and Oriole Trail Rev. Donald Piatt. Pricat-in-Cliarge Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave. talkin so you^ could lead us to Sunday. Deo. 4. II Advent: 0 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 10 .a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Choral Eucharist. Tuesday, Dec. 6: 8 p.m. Finance Committee.' Wednesday, Dec. 7: 8 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday, Dec. 9: . 1 p.m. Annual Baraar • of Mary's Guild. St. where he was ','Gosh!" said Benny. There were tears in hrs eyes. For the first time in his life he realized what a perfeltly swell guy Sheriff ConradSWas, Released bv WNC Features C ARD OF THANKS * In this manner we would lifce -) thank the many kind friend? ho sent flowers and cards and ho visited Mrs. Evelyn Schaefer uring the time she was confined 1 the hospital. We greatly apA reciated these remembrances.. IRVING SCHAEFER; MR. ANI) MRS WM. 'J. MEYERS ANI) FAMILY Potato Salad . If you are short on celery when making potato salad, add celery salt to the mixture instead of ordK , nary salt. Helfht of Durability - Leather soles made by the aij-| cient Egyptians, Greeks, Hebrews and Romans have survived for cen-i turies to remain in good conditio^ until today. IlllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIlili HAPPY NEW YEAR To all onr friwuls and loyal matrons, with a wNh that we majj oirtit upon yonr constant a/tHH-j 'aiif-e, at our theatre, throughout! 1950! ' ^ '! P H O N E 3 ^ , ILLEg Pvt. George Oeffling Is home to enjoy the Christmas and New Year's holidays with his parents. After his leave, he will be stationed in Georgia. l/uMduy guests in the Nick B. Freund home were the Merle Blower family of Fox Lake, the Floyd Freund family of Woodstock and the Victor Hunt family of Hartland. Jacob Buss of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mayer of 31c- Cullom Lake visited their daughters In Chicago on the holiday. Ed. Walsh of Chicago spent Sunday in the Robert Weber home. Miss Lttcy Howdea is enjoying a vacatiou- wlth friends in Daytona Beach, Fla. The Misses Josephine Guercio and Julia Foley, students at De- Kalb, are spending ihe ^ holiday vacation at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling spent Christmas with his father, Clarence Martin. Guests in the home of. John Scheid and daughter, Relia, last Sunday were John Molldor and Mrs, Mary Cook of Mundelein, Mr. and Mrs. Christie Burns of Wau^ kegan and the Misses Julia Rose and Margaret Stilling. Miss Dorothy Justen of St. Anthony's hospital, Rockford spent a few days last week with her parents, the Nick M. Justens. Other holiday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin and baby of Wonder Lake, the Elmer Justen family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and son, Earl. 1 Miss Nancy Carey, who attend! Loyola University, is spending the holiday vacation with her parents, j the Walter Careys. Guests in the Harold Phalln home on Sunday were Mr. an<( Mrs. Harry Lawrence and Mrs, Cecil Minneau of Chicago, Mrs. Mollie Givens and son, Donald, Miss Ann Frisby and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Rockford watf^a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger last weekeftd. Robert Patzke, who has been confined to Hinea hospital, spent Christmas at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phannenstill and son of Chicago and 'Mr. and Mrs. George Haldeman of Woodstock visited in the John Phannenstill home last Monday. The William Salzman family of Woodstock were visitors Christmas Day in the Peter Weingart home. The Oliver Stratton family of Woodstock spent the holiday in Toni Permanent Wave Kits. gl.SSS tind $2.00. Wattles Drug Rtor,> 35 »• (iillllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllliiniiiiiiitiii Colon y (the Arnold . Rauen home at ! Plstakee Bay. | Mir. and Mrs. Peter Seyl, Jr., ar« , enjoying a few weeks' vacation 1 In Florida. Mrs. Kathryu Schreiner left last j week Friday f&r a visit with her nieces in Kansas City, Mo. Martin atra Daniel Cooney,, who are attending the School of Mities !at Grand Forks, tf. Dakota, spent 1 the holiday with their parents, the : Martin Cooneys. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalin spent ; the holiday with hev pareuts in ; Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson tand Miss Maud Granger spent the weekend visiting in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron. 1 Mrs. Curtis Westfal of Chfrago and d ughter, Dorij of New York, were holiday guests in the home of the former's mother,, Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Christinas gue'sts Li the home 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Diedrich and son, Paul, Mrs. Anna Adanm, Air. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes ' and . sOns, Jimmy apd Jackie, Mrs. {Anna Diedrich and daughter, Vati, i all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs.- i Michael Thill, diaughter, Janice, ^tid son, Daniel, of Aurora: and I Miss Marion Watzo of Chicago. 1 Capt. and Mrs. Norman Mom igren and baby of Panama City, I Fla., have been spending the week j With her mother, Mrs. Flovd Covalt. WINS APPOINTMF.M Dr. Alexander Leschuck of He- : bron has been appointed medical ' and education director for the Mercy hospital free clink-s which 1 are affiliated with the Stritch school of medicine of Loyola university. Announcement was made, > this past week by Dr. James j. I Smith medical school dean. Dr. • Leschuck. i i his :iew assignment. | will be responsible for coordin.if? I ing the medical activities of this large clinic and integrating it with the teaching program of-tin? Stritch school. ^rhserioe for The Piaindealet* I CABD OF THANKS • 111 this manner I wish to thank a)l of mv friends and relatives who sent me cards and letters^ during the time 1 was confined to the Woodstock hospital. They : wero very much appreciated. ':•» •; MUS. ART STILLING ^ Poles and Piling The western red cedar pole Industry has always been important in the Northwest because of the great demand for the durable, straight, easily-climbed, slim .pole I of Western red cedar. McHKNRT, ILLINOIS FRI. . NAT.,' DEC. 80-81 Betty Hntton Victor Mature "REI> HOT AND BLrE" News and Cartoon > Special JUNGLE TERROR • : ^svy. - MV)N^ JAN. i-f In Technicolor Mark Stevens Jane Haver "OH for BEAUTIFUL IM)LLM World News and Cartoc<a t Complete line of Beebe livestori .•"inedies at Wattles Drug 8torn "Henry. Golf Balla Many Golfers, like -boating addicts, clean up and put away their equipment for the winter. So what do they do with dirty golf balls* Experts recommend washing witfii 'ing oat the old • Ring In the new At Our A L A N K W Y E A R ' S E V. E M I D N I G H T S H O W ! • aturday Night, Dec. 31, 11:30 Doors Open 11:15 p.m. ' • Admission (>0e To All Incl. Tax ' FA\ORS and NOISIIMAKERN POR ALL John AVayne in I ^ "SHE WORE A YELLOW j RIBBO>" ! with Joanne Dm John Agar The Technicolor Hit -- Extra -- Tlire«. Stooges In 'All hummed Up' Conniinnity Sing 4 j - FRI. - SAT„ DEC. 30-81 Matinee Sat. 2:30 p.m. ; Roy Rogers in "DOWN DAKOTA WAT* ' | In Trucolor 1 Co-Hit -- I (ilenn Ford Evelyn Keyet* in "MR* SOFT TOUCH" SI'N. - MON., JAN. 1-2 j Matinees Both Days at 2:30 n-m.j^ John Wayne h. V • "SHE WORE A YELLOW V RIBBON" A By Technicolor ^ with- •loi-nne l)ru Join Agar STARTS TUESDAY, JAN. 8 Paillette (ioddard « In . , "ANNA- M-'CASTA" and » Ronald Reagan in -XKillT US TO- NIGHT" Mon. Jan. 2 Matinee Con't. 4 p.iu. ' ~ Tl ES. - WED., JAN. 8-4 Cathy O'Donnell • Farley Orangey (1) "THEY LIVE BY NIGHT" Variety Show Roy Bolger -- Gil Lamb Joan Davis Leon Errol t Frank Carle and Orchestra I (2) "MAKE MINE LAUGHS" STARTING THURSDAY Ltzabeth Scott Don DeFore "TOO LATE FOR TEARS" llllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllillillllllll Complete une of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattler Drug 8toT%. il, Henry, k • ««WHbe fot The Pintndealer AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTiON=Bjfc!i We hope yoar New Year will be; as full of good cheer as a glass of champagne -- and even more" sparkling! Floyd Coleman's OLD TWON TAVERN Mixed Drinks I ^ AMERICANS KNOW IOW T0 BANK THEIH MONEY There are almost 50,000,000 thrift accounts In this country. In a single year, Americans added 1 billion, 100 million dollars jo these accounts. This is future spending power in reserve. Meanwhile, these funds help provide new tools, new plants, new and better machinery -- more jobs and greater opportunities for all. When you deposit regularly at the bank, you not only help yourself and your family -- you help to make the American way of life even better than it is. McHENRY STATE BANK r* Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation £\ ,riiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiuiuiiHiiiiiiiniiiiHii'tiiiiiiiiiii, The Beautiful EL T0VA CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHnry (o's. Leading Theatre FRI. - SAT., DEI'. 3«-81 (Double Feature) Lon McCalHstcr Peggj Ann Garner In ~ "THE BIG ( AT" (In Technicolor) Tim Tloll . Martha Hyder hi. "RUSTLERS" SUN. - MON. JAN. 1-2 Sunday Con't from 2:4.'» P.M. Spencer. lYacy Kutherlne Hepburn In ; "ADAM'S RIB The Year's Great Comely Hit. A\0> TUES. - YTF.D. - Tlll'RS. JAN. 3-4-5 Beatrice Pearson Mel Ferrer "LOST BOUNDARIES" A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL" •MiiunmiiiiiiiiniiinuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiifiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiH*** A ^ ^ May every day of the coming New Year be filled with happiness, good health and prosperity. This is our sincere New Year wish to each one of our many friend*. McHENRY FLORAL CO. 1 Mile South of Mi Hetiry on Route 81 PHONE McHENRY 4414 """"""""7 ' ~ C L E A R A N C E DRASTIC REDUCTIONS COATS Formerly Up To $79.80 KOW M5.00 • $35.00 • 125.00 DRESSES Formerly Up To $25.00 NOW $10.00 - $8.00 - $5.00 feettif, Nielben DRESSES and ACCESSORIES RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILLINOIS f-t 1 s brush, lukewarm water, and soap. iiiillllHIIIIIIIHIllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllHHinnn

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