29,1949 M i EARL R. WALSH Christmas was merry--a merfy whirl. m «cH*mtT plaoiduijr Tor two years a-ruimia' we didn't get a pair of socks. One fellow saw to it that we got some high class classes for serving drinks ^nd paid us a visit to be fcure we knew how to use them. Jteld Santa must have a wonderful memdry. Every kid we meet ;o£ just what he ordered tor S"ir istmas. It's plain nonsense to'worry so much about the selection of gifts. It*a always Just what the recipients always wanted anyhow. Now, if we can get hy New Year's Day all will be well. On Christmas, people try to see how uMch thev can give. Come New rears and they try- to see how mttch they can take. . " Fred Meyer, a fellow with- ideas for sports promotion, wants all Foresters to get their entries in for the third Annual Bowling Ijpurnanjent. Entries close Jaa. 7. In looking over bowling scores you will see some good ones, but cast your eyes at that 657 rolled Ml Herb Fantus. Hup Smith's 628 and Ed Peisert's 626 are further evidence that McHenry has some nifty bowlers in the ranks. When Joe Regner stepped on one of these talking scales recently the weight needle refused to work and out came a voice "One person at a time, please." Well, that's what we heard! Had a nice note from "Ma" BAnich. Says she enjoys ^ "Daily Jroups" each Week. " BOWLING NOTES -- McHenry Recreation -- Majors -- Carlson Oil, 2--Blatr, I. Cynowa, 525; R. Peiaert, 504; Krause, 203- 522. V Old Bridge, 3--Prager, 0. Kiusala, 200-535; E. Peisert, 211-580; Rodenkirk, 50.1. Clark Chev.. 2--Fox Novelty, 1. Bennett, 211179; Low, 201-522. Morhciser, 504 f V. Freund, 207-555*. Comm'l. -- Kleinhan8 Bldg. Service, 2--McHenry State Bonk, 1. G. Kleinhans, 525; K. Foster, 210 202-690; L. Thennes, 500. New Era, 2--Al's White House, 1. C, Corso, 521; |t. Weber, 615; 8. Miller, 235-607. Charm House, 2--Schafcfcr's Market, 1. C. Erhardt, S16. McHenry Laundry, 2--Walsh Insurance, 1. L. Adams, 203-209-57(. Wonder Lake -- WAL. Builders' Supply, 2--Lake View Into, 1. Mill Inn, 2*--Voider Lake' Repair, 1. B. Stilling, 211-544. Bolaine Grill, 3--George's ' Repair, 0. A. Repan, 526. Lake Appliances, 2--Lake Ury Cle^n^rs, 1. A. Aregger, 216-505; M. Hansen, 502. As the new year approaches, WE RESOLVETO think highly of everybody (feven barbers and druggists). To arrive early at basketball .feames. To eat Jess. (Less than a horse, Quit Is.) ' To:; take a score .hook and writin' •pad to the next tournament. :(£Joipe of us had to borrow supwes from "Put and Take", the of county sports writers, ut Richmond. Toi > help Verne Harrison get free Some night so he can see a asketball game. Not to get that look on our map "when we see the girls wearing Straw hats and toe-less shoes In zero weather. A request has come in, asking that we reprint the following, which was listed in resolutions Averal years ago: m' PROMISE YOIRSKLF Toi be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. TO look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work #only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about yourself. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater artiievei ments of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself tha. you have no time to criticize others. be too large for worry, top noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happv to permit the presence of trouble. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bygone Byword Even in 1883, "Where did you get that hat,?" was a favorite remark directed to anyone wearing an oddlooking chapeau. In that year the^ question was asked in a play written by Joseph Sullivan entitled, f Where Did You Get That Hat?" The phrase soon became a popular byword. Subscribe for The 1'iaindealer. V. F. W. BellHops, 3--Dog Faces, 0. Conway, 512. Fly Boys, 3--Swab hies, 0. Smith, 240-583; Kinsala, 203-556; Gctncr, 205 212 569; Priee, 509. K. of C. -- Steffans Jewelry, 2--Wall Fill Insulation, 1. H. Steffan, 536. Barbian's Grocery, 2 -- Buss Motors, 1. L. Stilling,- 539; G. Barbian, 525. Early Birds -- Peterson Boat*, t--Rolaine Grill, 1. L. Repan, 432j A. Ross, 523; E. P e t e r s o n , 4 6 9 ; * B . J u s t e n , 4 2 0 E . Peisert, 444. Freund Oil, 2--Stilling's "66", 1. N. Larkin, 449; R. Freund, 186- 436. A. P. Freund & Son, 3--McHenry Cab, 0. D. Schaefor, 451. Co-ops, 2--S. H. Fretffid & Son,^ 1; D. Smith, 437; B. Freuad, 421. Business Men -- McHenry Plastering, 2--Frank & Frieda, 1. ^ Mosey Inn, 3--Ringwood Electric, 0. McHenry Recreation, 2--McDonald's Tavern, 1. Eil Pieroin, 510. Freund's Dairy, 3 --' lfeCullom Lake, 0. ; * Johnsburg -- W. Smith's, 2---B. Miller's, 1. J. Jackson's, 3--G. Jack sop's 0. J. Jackson, 213-57& - M. Schaefer's, 2 -A. Jackson's, 1. P. Freund, 201-50t>. 8. Freund's 2--L. Smith's, 1. 8. FreuBd,r6fe ,f- Kite OWls -- : ^ v Hettermann'a Tavern, 3 Drugs, 0. R. Stilling, 4*4. Mi Plaee, 3--AI's Virhitehouse,0. E. Rand, 430. The Pit, 2--Landl's, 1. Jeannette's Style Shop, 3--Me- Hcnry Sand & Gravel, 0. 8. Weber, 460. . PALACE Old. Timers-- Blake's, 2320; Rogers, 2223. Cristy, 500; Blake, 521. Thurlwell's, 2403; Downs, J3S7. Nimtz, 218-532; Thurlwell, 618; Downs, 502. Majors-- " McHenry Lumber C§* S; Downs Nash Sales, 1. ^ Budler, 213-681; Downs, 224-526} Steffes, 224-558; Schlitt, 532; Barth, 200-514; Crouch, 203-572} Peisert, 234-234-626. - Blake Motors, 3; Carl's Service Station, 0. J> Rodenkirk, 209-554; Blake, 203- 505; Bud Miller, 515; Smith, 201- 205-222-628; Rosing, 202-560; Jus* ten, 637. : \ Thursday P. ILr- '• ' Legion Auxiliary, 2; LeGreca's, Cardinal Store, 3; Smith's Nook, Tavera-- vv- ' Fox Hole, S; Park PBb.fr. C. Quintan, 531. Norsemen, 2; Snug Harbor, 1. Sarge, 584; Garner 103; < S. Meath. 205-538. Lanal's. 2; Hoots, 1. A. Noonan, 510; Arregef, Bit; Herb Fantus 233-223-2ul-657. Old Bridge, 2; Sportsmen, 1. C. 0. F.-- Steffan s, 2298; Blake's, 2152. -L. Thennes, 202-510. Smith's, 2335; Stilling's, 2134. B. Kreutzer, 215-594; L. Smith, 503. • o'clock t. 0. F.-- Thennes', S489; Freund's, 2169. Geo. M. Freund, 557; Gus Freund, 546. Winkej's, 2493; Stilling's, 2400. Leo Heimer, 550; Ernie Freund, 514; H. Conway, £24-528; H. Schaefer, 201-527. Sert «f The department store salesman said afterward he thought it was too good to last When the lady came in to look at some ridios he showed ber a fairly cheap model. "No," she said, '*1 want something a little more expensive." But the $100 model be showed her next didn't suit ber. Thinking of a fat commission he escorted her to the $600 model. He beamed happily when she said that that wa« just what she wanted. "And before you send it out'* she instructed him, "please have it converted to gas." It's truly a peck of fun wishing you a Happy New Year. LAY'S TAVERN Ttua Lay, Prop and thanks to the best people an earth, our customers who have been most patient and considerate during the past try ing weeks for our personnel. Thtinks agaia All of us at thj» ™faiUa SUofi Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. SKATING NSW* < . '•%£ , (by Anne Gehrl> V •>'* Ik' huge crowd was roller' Ikating Sunday night for the gala celebration of Christmas. Christmas is really a colorful teason at the rink. Quite a few we know hare received new roller skatea for Christmas and are anxiously waiting to try them out. The rink will be open Saturday afternoon for the younger crowd, com« down and learn on those new skatea and have loads of fun. The New Year's Eve party will be Saturday, Dec. 31, from 9 p.m. till 1:30 a.m., with favors aud noise makers for all. Dorothy Weber will have quite a tfiw special numbers to play tor the occasion. HAPPY NEW YEAR! rm ON REMOV1N HOLIDAY CANDY STAINS GIVEN WBONG UNI DOn't get discouraged if ' your child gets candy stains o^ those new party clothes. Some easy-todo steps will get those stains out at home, says Miss Florence Kbg, textiles and clothing specialist, University of Illinois College of Agriculture. For a candy stain which contains sugar and no fat, use water. Dip a toothbrush into lukewarm water, and tap the stain with th«> brush to get the water completely through it. Then dry with -a chamois. i "Always work with the grain of the cloth," Miss King cautions. Follow th« lengthwise or crosswise yarns while tapping the Water into the cloth while dry~ ing K. If the 8tain is sugar and ~*fat (such as fudge), remove the sugar first, following the above pro-i cedure. Then, to remove the fat, tap the stain with carbon tetrachloride or other solvent, using a toothbrush and the same movements as above. To prevent a ring, dry the cloth with a chamot*, ; r , Wees ffer Apples " No other fruit equals the apple in the variety of its use. Apples are a welcome addition to any salad, may be dried alone or with onions as a Vegetable, used as a meat accompaniment, preserved in butter, chutneys, or cider, and offer almost unlimited possibilities as « desert The honeymooners were so lost in each other on the train that the conductor finally had to tap the young man on the shoulder. "May I have your tickets?" ha asked politely. The young man fumbled In his pocket and handed the conductor his marriage license without looking at it. The conductor looked at It and smiled. "You certainly got a ticket for a long journey," he conceded, "but not on this line." Marengo Loan Group Declared Dividend ^ At their recent meeting, the directors of the Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association declared a dividend in the amount of 3 per cent per annum payable on all savings accounts for the period ending Dec. 31. This is the same rate of earnings as has been declared by the directors for over the last ten years. The total amount distributed to all savings members accounts during the year will be more than $41,000. F. R. Kelley, the managing secretary of the association, stated in announcing the dividend, thai the association was in the strongest position it has ever enjoyed. During 1949, 110 home owners In McHenry county have been granted mortgage loans for « total of over $500,000. ;..?r ^ a? FAMILY GATHERING : ' deal Over Waterways ', . - In 1947, some 95 million tons, or five per cent of the national outjput moved from the bituminous mines by inland waterways, either froto on-the-spot waterloading or after intermediate trucking or short distances by rail hauling. In 1W proportion was 8 per cent. Largest BM H»T world's largest bell, welding about 200 tons, is the '"Tsar Kolokol" at Moscow. Cast in 1733, it is 20 feet high and 21% feet In diameter, and stands on a granite pedestal inside the KremUn walls. An 11-ton chunk broke Cram Its mouth a few years after It was .cast. leaving an entrance to As bell's interior which in Tsarist ?5 served at times as a chapel. DANCE THE BRIDGE e DICK HEUSERS MUSIC MAKERS FAVORS DANCING Starting at 9:00 p: m A family gathering was ht^d at the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon on Mai-.i street last Sunday, with more than thirty present. Enjoying the holiday together" were Mr. and Mr£ H. L. Damn. Wilfred Damn and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Damn and Royit? Damn and friend, all of Kenosha, Wis.; the L. p. Mitchell and Carl Iliatt families of Waukegan; the Henry Lang family of Hammond, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. H., M. . Rapp and daughter of Arlington Heights; Bob Bacon of Chicago; and Bill Bacon and Mrs. Leila Howard of McHenry. Afghanistan "Pass the biscuits, Mirandy"-- but not the kind they make in Afghanistan. The staff of life produced there is so tough and leathery that it is used ss » plate for other foods, and pieces of it are folded to form spoons for eating soups*- • -• One has to be i •ociating with outraged MBit. Although these little snimalS it* sponsible for some of tbe fur coats, they are quite when aggravated and, to many par* sons, the scent is more nauseating than that ef the skunk. New Year's <T "ttf Saturday, December 31 si1 --for yon and your friends, right here where New Year's eve promises a wealth of gay entertainment, fine food and drink and much good cheer) f < FREE LUNCH PARTY FAVORS HANK'S FIRESIDE INN Rt. 31 RINGWOOD ILL Wag 9mt a* I* ** CUSTOMERS' CORNEK Wis! Isv Tsar's rsseliHsas skssli is si AftP sdspt ts asks yssr ssrt yssr*s tlwppii| bap* ttmvm you any ausiraatioiia to malm regarding the quality and varieties Sf the food we stockT How ean we imprava the aarvice k» your atoreT What more CM we DA that will keep you saying "I can truat AAP't Hi sfcsrt, Is tbsrs saytkisg ws ssa Is la IfM Is asks yssr UP a bsttsr plsss ts shspl Piaaae write: Customer Relatione Doml, AAP Food Storee. UO Larin Avonuor Now York XI, N. Y. CRANBERRIES CALIFORNIA 3TRESH DATES CALIFORNIA TOMATOES LIS j.t. 1 lb. cello bag 19c 1 lb. pkg. 25c o*. Cin 25c MICHIGAN JONATHAN .APPLES ........ COLORADtV "ftBD McCLURE POTATOES : 4 lbs. for 29c 10 lbs. for 45c DAIRY FOOD VALUES! FESTIVE HAMS from A# 49c LB. COOKED OK SUNNTFIEVJ) mao n». MICKELBKRRYS FRANKFURTS MICKELKMY POWK. AIL MILK OR DARK m •44 '•• •m te/mtut ot BORMN-S CREAMY EGG NOG WISCONSIN FANCT SWISS CHEESE SUCCO. QUICK MSLTING CHED-OF-SIT „ QUART JQr ..BOTTLE (PLUS BTL. DEP.) =i.69c 2Lo1:, 73C A&P COFFEE! MILD AND MELLOW COFFEE Eight 0'*lMk ,£SSc RICH AND FULL-BODIED COFFEE Red Clrels iA L| 63e VIGOROUS AND WIMEY Bekar Cefffee ,U65c lb. 49c SAIISME UHKS . •.. AtP RSM SV»«CSfieif>t SKI BRAND NEMHM APPETITES • 441 FXTRA STANDAWl4 OYSTERS. . . . . . BAKKKY FOOD VAI Vm JAHC PAIM POTATO CHIPS JANS FARKET POTATO STICKS ~ HoRLO W MAlVH SANDWICH BREAD ^Itc 75c ASSORTED BEVERAGES! LOTS AND LOTS OF GOOD FOOD AT AAP! YUKON 6LIIB SINSM All Citft SO»A . KOLA UMl RICKEY 3 74-OZ. AF, BOTTLES Li9 CASE OF II WE v. (FTUS STL OCT.) JWPf RAM) COCA COLA COTA. SSVSHOf MISS'S ISu ITLS (PLUS BTL. DE 5 2Se (PIUS BTL DEP.) 6 25c (PLUS ITL. DEP.) 6".V?!:29f (PLUS BTL DEPJ COLD STREAM BRAND Pink SalmM ... SERVE WITH CRACKERS Maine Sardines CAMPBELL BRAND Tomato Soup .. AUNT JANE'S CANDIES Dill Stripe AIANT :&«ic mmonvm ..TIN Sic MA BROWN . . " t o1 S i S w M t n c k l M . -CREAM STYLE 3 tins 32c Golden Com AGAR BRANO .....Si 35e Lnacboon Heal LOOK AT THESE GRAND VALUES AT A6P! I7c *S5S« S1« : i h - ruin iittei ... -- - Yl-OZ. • 'e JAR AMERICAN FAMILY BRANO AtMOOR BtAND KMLEIUM • ^ 3%-OQL V R V I R I • TM Zt LABNDBY SOAP ...»3 ^ 25* 'FOR YOUR DtSHESI _ 19* DREFT A FAVORITE OF THOUSANDS .* • • K6. •ARCS CLOTHES WHITER lumHTE. •ffr W 9 9 W FKGw "OUZ DOES EVERYTHING* •iANT BUY THE ECONOMICAL GIANT SIZE • • • - WCG. lANQUET BRAND w __ CUTS GREASE MWEIFHCISSEE .. '."S «• UM SOAP RIG. EASY ON HANDS a • e • CAKE fT CLEANS ANO CLEANSI A GRAND VALUE * » • m 21' LAVA SOAP MILLIONS FRASI • .2»27# FOR COOKING OR BAKING SPRY 3-LB. » • * • * » T I N FOR YOUR LAUNDRY ^ 81* DDZ FOR YOUR DISHES •••••••• KG. V-E-L--IT'S SWELL vaaavi VEL. . . - . w » . . .rT65V TIDE A VALUE GIANT TIDPS IN. DIRTS OUTI • • e e e e a KG. OXYKN.. . . . . . . . 74* AJAX CLEANSER 2~*s 25* HIGH IN OUALITY 74* DEL RICH MARGARINE. 32* CHOCOLATE. VANILLA.-.EMON, BUTTERSCOTCH It* HEMEL PIMMS • •. CLEANS WITH MIGHTI AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES . GARDEN BRAND TEA NAPKINS . GIANT 9 • KG. • • • • e KG. A FAVORITE FOR PARTIES PEArS ICE CREAM .. ..r 29* 1 SERVE MANY WAYS. CONVERTED ' UNCLE BEN'S RICE . . . - 18* l-V,' n: s . . ' \ •• /> \ ! • » - - ..-J A