M TT.' 4^V--~ ~'-vi£**?"* > cl n< ^\w{Af. .i 1 ' 'Mil •' / ^ ^>s .(. ^ ".- '-' V -\rs • . i \ ~ ,..L .'.-. : & i'i~.\ -Vl> ••T:..2f:^.. "Vv ^ ^ .'1! P-* •» , . : • ; ;.,. • >*,-r'>', - V- '.' I'A- ^ f e - v future of ptrnm, prosperity and well-beiag! *. Depot Ons Unti &ti \ •. ' • V.. ' 5 : ; Y : - ; • ' ^ v " - ? : - ' ^ • ' • • , - - - v r f ^yr'VV';, V;,..w:,:.- ....-V ;•*., Nt>l </tAR y°u onr friends and patrort%ONCf Ti n GS ^ also wish that 1980 bring* f JWi the best of everything! " ^ ;; P> PMU^:rvi£ I Y'ft" A. ?-S- • v "i'y. V '-'.r •:-": '? ;.:, -..;• iv-^i ^•vvr, ..'<, \i ? a s ¥ i y s o .«rt. By f our many thinks lor your urfhg 1949. PANTRY DELICACIES 134 Riverside DHve M f t y t h e in on a magic carpet of happiness and well being. fereen Street 1950 •••* ...--• - *y ' .• V• 4 • - . . . .. *• '" •* *•' bit wttn . sincere hope for 4 bigger avl better year to come! BABUL'S OARAGE Volo, Illinois 7/! To oiiir frtefids fcnd patron look forward happily to you again during 1950. 5 A 10 We V<*50 Joy to You! Joy to Yours--during the forth coming Now Year! Here's a sincere toast to all of our friends -- for a grand New Year ahead! May m baby New Year grow try to be a Year of peace, health wid prosperity for all! . * We greet yoawith a of the health. perity the New Year . ' -si ^ JV; i V ' " r , : ' J ,vi;; ••'•,• ; . vornmumiy jsuto supply %A'rmU- X ^T7 ^/950j C Rts 120 and 31 each leaf on the 19f>0 ral»nbring with It a day. of gc cheer! our ^godd wishes tor the Mm# all! Green Street Barbers Joe, Larry and Irving , * ' ] 'h\\S^ Greetings and Best Wishes for a Nifty 1950. May your every wish - granted. BRITA'S RESTAURANT Riverside Drive il r w b r l w i i t k l t s i ^ .i 11' •' :;<• s;-' Way. the turn tff our bring only turns to the all of your activities. Carey Electric Shop .... 119 Green Street • & & • ' *iwWA» ; , i-" ft. Debutante Beauty Salon PA'S TAVERN :v I9?G> May the entire community carry the joy of the moment through the New Veyt , And good cheer! May this be a year or well being for all you hold irJ , Our wish is that the carefree joy " -d yo7r rri^1 °f th-e-NeW Y«w Marion's Beauty Shof Riverside Drive s.%* •» . . . with the hope and faith*that 1950 will bring with H happiness and peace for all! ^ iSIOHT'S RECRIATIfil? £ It Is our wish that the passing of time will bring you only Increased prosperity aftdijoy! i NOONAN'^ JEWELRY Eddie's Sanitary Service Phone MojUnry 290« Greek Street As a rocket seeks a ceiling to the sky, HO shall our efforts to serve you be unceasing in the months of the year to coineh >> \ ,<• • I { Al's Welding and Repair •. -- Service Main Street . WALTER J. FREUND Tires and Batteries IK Joy and good health too--to you and our wonderful friends and patrons! FREUND OIL CO. 401 Front Street fl*rt/»au " pIKIINSi Riag out the old! Ring in the new! With fervent wishes for good lack and prosperity far all! PINE TREE TOWER Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowles •Mhv the second half of this great Century briii o^y peace and progress. GAMBLES "The Friendly Store" . Next to Bank f hone 459 GREETS May your well and Joy be inscribed in tlie fook of the New Year! M. B. UPHOLSTERY Mitchell %kowski II f I BESTWISH&f To all of our friend' "d patrom may we greet youa !a'n during the New Year. f. r ALBERT KtlDSi News AgH The turn of t)>e Decade comes on a note of cheer. Ilappy New Year to everyone! . >\ STEFFAN'S JEWELRY Main Street As Church bells herald the arrival of a new Decade, we wish you a'.l {Mil. best of everything. Barbian Bros. Grooery and Market Riverside Drive V C hr ) As Father Time iorerti the Hour (iluss once again, we wish our "patrons a Happy Happy New Year. PARK PUB Frank Holt, Prop. Green and Peail Streets We usher in tlie mid year of our Century with a sincere wish for peace and good will for all. Palace Bowling Lanes Green Street , It is our wish that each grain in the sand of time is one of joy and goodness for one and all! Dr. Robert W. Donnely Chiropodist PLACE "HIV# May the disappointments at'd sorrows of the old year ring oat with the coming of th« Ntv Yw. Freunds Shoe Repair Green Street Our thanks for your patronage in 1949. Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year! FREUND S DAIRY McHenry "»errn May 1953 bring New Happiness to • \ * • all of our friends, every day that it is with us! ' vtMsaftmct • ii i- Hate*ii ksnii iumm« the arrfral or a New Decode. May it Mac yoa Health and Happtaaaa. HOOT'S TAVKRM • W*-'"' ' "V* . f reen Streel * * V # V