Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1950, p. 2

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mm •"> upV \ \ > AF Y v' iprp ^'•""* j '4 i• • A'*"", ^> Vv.t.; ^it ' VnbHslied every Thursday »t Me Henry. III., by the McHenry P«bllahtng Company. Inc. Editor- A dele Froehlich Enterei u second-class matter at tie pcntoirice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879, One Year $2.50 ?* oosjemes ,v!3i|hir and Rosary • v V Pistl»o»es Meeting1 • The meeting of the AJtar and Rosary Sodality of Pnfh'j18 church, scheduled for Jan. 9, has been postponed to the first Monday in February. Febfi. . Clrelc 1 At , Bond: */»>.:'< .U:'-V";v <1, ^Circle 1 of the W. S. C. S. Will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Jan. /10. at the home of Mrs. Fred Bond at Columbia Park Subdivision. with Mrs. C. C. Hoyte as cohostess, The meeting will begin With "a " dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock. • • • • Aanotwcf Bethrothal Audrey Korbyaa Mr and Mrs. Walter Kurbyun of Lilymoor announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Roberta, to Robert C. Miller, son of Mrs. Anna Miller of WeBt McHenry Miss Kurbyun is employed at the Jjocal Cleaners aad the bridegroom-to-be at the McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. No wedding date has been set. L • CTrrles Plan Fvtare Meeting Circle 3 of the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church will hold its next meeting on Wednesday. Jan. 11, at the home of Mrs. C. H. Duker. Mrs. Frank Rourke of McCullom Lake will entertain Circle 4 on the same date. * • • - Barbara Frrnnd To " Marry During1 1K0 Announcement has been made ' by Herbert H. Freund of the engagement of his daughter, Barbara, to George Gilpin, son of Mr and Mrs. J. Walter Gilpin of Greenwood. The exact wedding date has not been set bnt probably be some time next summer Hobbs-Lams Entrapment The correct use of cosmetics enhances an individual s appearance, yet many persons, lacking the deft touch, apply layer attar layer of some cosmetic preparation, forgetting entirely the fundamental principles of cleanllneas first and the beauty objective of suggestion rather than obvioasaass. Many people do not realise thiA the skin is an important organ of the body, in fact it is the largest organ, weighing just about twice as much as either the liver or the brain, according' to the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society. Its surface area is from eighteen to twenty square feet. The skin la punctured by millions of tiny holes or pores, some of which are ducts or canals of oil nlands, while others are ducts of sweat glands. The Bkln has a great supply of blood vessels. Onethird of all the circulating blood of the body is found in the skin at one time, it is . also well supplied with nerves and nerve endings, and other structures. If one were to examine a piece of skin the sise of a postage stamp, under a microscope, one would find about three million cells, a yard of blood vessels, four yards of nerves, about 100 sweat glands, about fifteen oil glandB, an aver~ age of ten hairs, and about twenty-five nerve endings for the sense of touch, two nerve endings for feeling cold and twelve for feeling heat. Actually, the skin Is a ihirror of the health of the rest of the body. In fact many internal diseases are sometimes diagnosed because of the changes seen in the skhi. This accounts for one reason why the care of the skin is important. On the whole cosmetics are not harmful, provided that the true health of the skin, coming from within, is maintained. It is Interesting that it was as recent as 1938 that a law was passed making it illegal to sell cosmetics under conditions of fraud, misrepresentation or containing dangerous ingredients. Some individuals may use certain cosmetics without any harmful effects; on the other hand Mr. and Mrs. Harold HoMn announce the engagement of their daughter, Catherine LaVerne, to Robert Charles Lamz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lams of Crystal Lake. No wedding date bah been set. if * • * Madden-Wllder ; Huptials Dec. 2t * Announcement has been made the marriage on Dec. 23 at the ^Community Methodist church of Miss Patricia Madden of Johns* i burg and Mr. Charles E. Wilder of Fox Lake. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wayne Price at 4 o'elock in the afternoon. At tendants for the couple were ; Johanna Lynch and Harry Crow --Jtey. Subscribe for The Plalndealer. .others using* the same cosmetics .whether it he cream, lipstick or ' powder, may react noticeably with skin eruptions, rash eczema, and other uncomfortable irritations. When this occurs, very often the real cause of the trouble la the | individual's sensitivity to certain ingredients in the cosmetics used, i Provided there is no individual allergy or sensitivity, a lipstick* I or a pomade, for example, may provide a protection to the weather elements. Lips do not contain the natural protective pigment which produces the tauning of the skin and which is normally found in all skins. For this reason, lips are susceptible to sunburn, even though they cannot be tanned the way the rest of the body can. A coating, whether it be lipstick or Lome other lubricant, is a useful preventive against drying and cracking. The same understanding Should apply to powders and rouges. Ruling out the possibility of sensitivity or allergic reaction, powders should be used judiciously. fc» selecting, it is better to try the powder on the face "not on the back of the hand where the skin texture is different. Face powder has little to do with the formation of blackheads, since these blemishes are really accumulations of dried fat or sebum in an opening of -the oil. gland. Without exception, It Is impor- •tant to cleanse the skin before retiring, allowing the oil and sweat glands of the skin an opportunity to give off their secretions normally without obstruction. Creams do not nourish the skin, since the true nourishment comes from the blood within. , Cosmetics are all right, provided thev do not produce individual irritation. Bear in mind there is 'no substitute for adequate rest, a well balanced diet and careful attention to the general hygiene of the body. Judging Fish Fresh fish can be identified by bright, clear, full and bulging eyes; reddish-pink gills; scales that stic$ tightly to the skin snd are brightcolored with a characteristic sheen; and firm and elastic flesh. MoUlt&Y ' v»i^i'iriif Thursday January 5,1950 Miss Leila Mfrrell of Woodstock •pant the N<v Tear weekend with Mrs. Annabel Alcher They were Chicago callers on Friday. Cone and Get h Hie dtener had not satisfied the guest's lusty appetite. It had been Just a dip of this and * dab of that. At the end of the meal the host politely asked the guest to do him the honor of dining with him again soon. ' CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity of thanking friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, spiritual bouquets. do tations of cars and other kindness?) extended in our bereavement. We ar« especially grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer and, Fr. IRVING SCHAEFKR £ ' .VIR. ANI) MRS. WM. J. MEYERS ANp FAMILY. • *84 "I'll be glad to/ "Let's start now." the guest said. .. ^ /Tewl Pualshmeat •TEltt^r. tomorrow's our Sth wedding anniversary. Don't you think you better go out and kill a chicken?" asked the farmer's wife. "Why kill a chicken tor what happened 28 years ago?" : TAHD OF THAXKS I would like to take this meanB of thanking all those who sent me cards and gifts during the time I was. confined to the hospital and during my convalescence at home, •fcr* EUGENE B. FREUND • CHORAL CLUB PARTY | Mrs. Ida Quinlan. accompanist for,. Andrew WorJ,ick the McHenry Choral Club, and ler' AMrew wo,»ICK Adele Froehlich, director, Weert e co- • Owen visited Paul Yanda at hostesses at a party they gave for Paul Yanda, John Drey miland Harold the- ;W: veterans' Moaday. hospital at Downey «nK«. *>h«i for Hii> PtofndNrfd, JUST WANTS IN Edna: "You musn't be discouraged. In this world there's a man for every girl and a girl tor every man. You can't improve on an arrangement like that" Paarle: "1 don't want to improve on 11 I just want to gat in on it" , f ABD OF THANK* T like to take this opportunity to thank friends for candy, cards, flowers and visits during the time 1 was confined to the hospital. These remembrances were greatly appreciated. *34,...... MRS LOUISE SKjBLLEY >V.'£ IN MKXOBIAX ' - In loving memory of Mrs. Math (Eleanor) S'hmitt, who passed away one year ago, Jan. 6, 1949; Gone but not forgotten. S^SJtiOVING HUSBAND •34 . / AND CHILDREN Atcan U.S. army engineers completed the pioneer construction work cm the Alaska highway, a 1,800-mile artery from Dawson Creek. British Columbia, to Fairbanks, in seven months and 17 days. , tlvbseribe for The £<aindealer. . .. ! . ; The MisBes Maurie Taylor, T*jrry Miller, Pat Huemann and Jeri Einspar saw "Kiss Me Kate" at the Scheubert theatre in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and daughter, Terry, visited in the Dr. Jnck Purvey home in Crystal Lake last week Wednesday. Stored Oral* Bugs are likely to cause serious losses in stored grain unless cofr; trol measures are taken. _ Bead th« Want Ada ttufc members last Thursday evening at the former's home. At least forty singers packed their way into the Quinlan residence where, tor part of the evening at least, they became self-appointed critics of" recorded music from their last program. The rest of the evening spent itself all too rapidly in the^" enjoyment of planning next spring's concert and of eating up potato .salad, scores of wetners, buckets of hot coffee and big j.iutea filled with cake. (by Phil Wheelock) s|psiNd \\ r f* ///^ I PROMPT TAXI StWiCil .Phone us or hail us . - No matter, the time of day or night . we're always at your ready seryic* to take, you safely and quickly to\yotfr deBtinatidBk ^ McHenry Cab . Phone 723 I HO, OUH AMERICAN STSTEH ISN'T PERFECT BUT. ' g. It's the bcstysystem in the world! We Ameri- C&ns are a long way from Utopia. There ire ups and downs in prices and jobs. The housing problem still exists. But the American way has given us the highest standard of livjpg known to man And we are free men -- free to solve our problems ... to correct our faults. Working together, Workers and management, business and banks can Achieve greater good for all concerned. Let's continue to work together, so we can all share together. McHENRT STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i i • v • ^v IRlFBiahds • WHITER, WHITER SOAPS AT NATIONAL FOR WELCOME WINTER SAVINGS it The weight of the medicine 111 your prescription may weigh less than an ounce bnt yon know it'|s measured accurately if we fill the prescription. ' Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE DRUG STORE tMycwidlwH PHONE 28 HcHENBI IVORY SOAP OR SWAN SOAP Uhtie SftfAt UMitc • CAMAY SOAP Kirt's Castile Lax Toilet Saap LUX FLAKES P&6Sm» Cashnera Baa^ael America* Family Ivory Flakes Sick Arrow kiffoa Flakes d(K69M0~65 | ft*** fifit IDE SUDSER Fab, Sarf, Das. Val, tlasa Jtipar Sods. Silver Dast, Oxydal 49 Hi e one fine car in the low-price field Pi BUSS MOTOR SALES 6SX KAHf ST. ^ _ » VBONa 1 McHBTOV.' ILLINOIS A . . it Will Opsn Toor ey«s |M * rKT et Vi x*** :: P.UIV+*0**- SUGAR%# Gold Medal, Ceresota | or PILLS8URY @Iflou> 545 PtiLSIVIIY, SOLD MESAL er t ERE SOT A FLOW ^ lM F«|i 6RANHUTU BUT MMR .. II ^ #• MUMttlVS PHMST A . WASMSIHW-WIISOW WNITI ^ K PIE CRUST MIX . .2~29c NAVY BEANS . . .2%25' NH *I«rrAKJ SHO«TINIM6 WA«WWIM<-WIU9W ^ Mf M SIM W CRISCOorSPRT. .l-7r GREAT NORTHERN!£25 B 0H twtm m<T*KI SNOCTIMIN* ^ MtTA >l«t SWO«T JA. ^ .. mm. • m n - 39s » SWIFT'NING . . . .S - 6 9 * WHITE RICE -IS* 2^25 L ** ^ * MDwnifM •••--. WAIMWM-WIUOtl iAMI 1 PURE LARD . . . . LIMA BEANS. . -19 ^ SWAMeO VITAMIN INMCMI9 A _ * m. nnaa '•u. uitrj ^ 4i e. CANS ***** SUMS STM8M... 2 £ 23* mwS mu. i l f r r w i i m u T t r u M . . . i t 1»* •MMt Wr» *>+*, i fS| IWq'lMO. KITCNEN KLENZER . Z ^ li* UQVIO STAMN. .... Z 21' Mr * CWto* A 1A_ AAl m » *Ml« . I*. . . JkV» SWIFT'SCUAHSU. Z ^ Mi FLIEOY WHITE.* 15* T27* liM W M. A' AJ. tar mtt* I•••»!•• J>, SAMBO eUANSIlt . 3 t Z4 CLWALESE ^ If MAX CLEAMEA . . Z IV OAKITE CLEANER. . Z Z5 NaNeseTc Top TPlant Sliced HUE BREAD l-Lb. 4 AC Vlfesils (irltM fv«peret*4 NATCO MILK 10c •WHTE nnna • ^ 4 f c Tti ess f**c1 w TiSMp mcY »•* Good C eakers---Oakota Re4 POTATOES^ MK ISG IJI STALEY'S SWEETOSE Uu45 ColHeieU i Mm a PASCAL CELERY • 1? C M Niiy ANJOII PEARS I-2S* (••r* hMf Mmm CUCUMBERS MM! NHI RCD GRAPES 2-29* h"». M»M MUSHROOMS = 29* Mhnh »>«•» A g| pa IMCN CARNTS Z 15« hM| t«m A J • YELLOW OMOHS 2 ^ 15* WAFFLE SYRUP... r18« CtlDAflY'S SLICED DRIED BEEF 29« sARsrs prcmium , „ unclc scn-s 4^* CHOCOLATE . . . X 37c CONVERTED RICE '&117* DR. MICtS AA. AMERICAN SBAUTY --LONO OR A A* VANILLA EXTRACT " 39e SPAGHETTI 2 ^ 29c CALUMIT 4*. STAiCY'S A , IL aA. BAKING POWDER - 12' CORR STARCH 2 tt 23* rV.O^MY APa S-MINUTC AA. COFFEE CAKE MIX"*? 25* CREAM of WHEAT?? 30' wna (tut *• mhte Msec SWIFT-S CHOPPSD AA. RALSTON S AA. MEATS for BABIES ^ 29* BREAKFAST FOOD *? 26* SWIFT'S STRAINIO M(AJ'S a COCOA FLAYORSO CSSIAL AA FOR BABIES 2 ^ 39* COCO-WHEATS. ^ 29' nuntg 1 9 5 0- WILL SERVE YOU- AND SAVE YOU- THAN EVER B £ F 0 R t

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