Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1950, p. 4

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lit. Marys Catholic Church IMM: Snndsy: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, U>30. Holy Pays: 6:00, 8:00, 10:«&, Week Days: tf:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confexsioni: Saturdays: 3:06 p. in. and 7:0$ p. ra. v Xhurada." before First Friday: V. I. F. (9 o'clock)-- 1 Stillihg's, 2509; Freund's 24«3. I (Jus Freund, 215-200-573; Hesjter, 201-215-604; C. J. Stilling, 1537. Thonnes'. 2391;" Wlnksl's. 2353. .Joe Regner. -tefeMftf.?,;;**)* I Thennes, ,623. .' >rV-' One of Two Sedans in 1950 Chevrolet Line IRBW is d: EASIER flti iC. 0. F. (7 o'clock) i Smith's. 2297; Blake's 2872. , B. Kreutzer, 203-545. - SteH'an's. 5371; Stilling's. 2207. %ftor 8:00 Mass on Thursday; j . L. ' Their.ies, 236-510; 1). Weber, :00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msirr. C. S. Nix. I'-iator. Si. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: .. ', • ' 1,200-521 ; H. Stilling, 525. Void Timers--. Thin-Swell's. Steffan, 201-5*1; 2376; Rogers. 2148. Sunday: 8:fl0; 9:30 ftnd Di,\ Savlef. 510; Rows. 523;: Daily Mass; 7:00; ? , , TDurlwoll. "IS. » - Week Dstys: 7:W :nid/?;30i V- Biak<\».;2475: Downs. 2295; , • i First Fridays: 7:00. . , l.vteiseri,. 515; itowns, 541; • J. - distributed :»Y. f>:.Suyfciv ,2^'fl.»01i\Cristy. 541; Rlak*, :*• ""'the 7: 10 mass,.7:30. an# 8.;: ;.,520.- • -V.; Confessions; - « j ' ". \ < * J. 1 c Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p. in. aj»dj|.fyy_ ""I t ' . . ,7:00to 8:00 j>. m„ and oiiThuVs- \\ alhh 1 HsnVant-tf, " 2; Lee and . jiays before. |~rst Frid«y~s: .i.OO^j.jj. 5:Q0r vp..iiiid ,7 :00 to ,8:0'!?^ Jf Wjfcer. 209-543;/ A1 Schaefer, - v- "»• ;•../^m^oVi; •&v'wrigitt,.-i:i*?.,H.stei--. • Bet. Edward -Ooak-l.e^,'Pastofe;,."J fes,/55ft';i '• *f ytrr-vx" • , . KienUer'*, *21 MqHeHi'y Stale ;£\- \ ®on Evangelical Lutheran --CkW5ril£; Bank: '1'.' -.•£/'« ' '• jf*-.-1 (1-ho rhUrcli of tlio I.u!Iieraii iioflr.) | Palijch,204-542;i/5ijones,.. .565-;^; JrV'v 40fc John Street' .'••"v'vi'jKreiitier, 514; Hacdiiv 524: Rogers, .v;.. 'West MeHenry, lUiaois^ • Schaefer. 512. . .. j ^ Sunday School: 9 a. nCV7-"^ ;i!"'• Hank's Fireside, 3; Kl'ick 1 ; Sunday Worship Service: 10:13'Motors, 0. •« a. m. * i - B. Brennai^. 51ft; II. * Brit*, 534.! You ar-c ordiallv invited to attend Alt-Gee's 2; tternie, 1. i ] Pyritz. 204-512; Rojift 24«^i577; Loblte, Pastor. Iiarlow. 221-536. • ! ^ ' The Styleline. one of two Individually designed sedans ^hieittation are some of the eiterier improvements. New which have achieved immense popularity with Chevrolet CI owners, will have new beauty, in I960. Improved grille more UstfAU or*u- modek. INCOME TAX our services. Rev: Carl A. Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. . Junior League: 7 p. m. j Official board meeting on second ^erB Wednesday of month nt*8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your fa mily <-oi worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. The Personal Exemptions present federal income tax Thursday P. M.-- • i. - . . . . Cardi'nal. Store, 2 : LaOreca^ 1, !,a" » Personal exemption Legion Auxiliary. 2. Sportsman. 2: Norseman, 1. •Dillon. 201-520. Bark Pub. 2; Landl's. 1, .Mie'yers. 505; Fantus, 524. - Fox Hole, 2; Hoots Tavern, 1. . A. Noonan, 202-513: J. Widen, MeHenry Bible Church 20.M94-216-613. 103 S- ftreen Street (Pries Bldg.) Sunday Bible School. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. • Evangelistic, 8 p. m- Wednesday at S p.m.. Prayer Meeting. • You're always welcome here. 1 • v Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. -BARIfPTRAu. Mailing Address: .McHenrv Bible Chu-t-h, P. O. Box 232 MeHenry, Phone 53-W of tor the taxpayer ana an ad dilion:il ^000 t'or the taxpayer's spouse, if the spouse has no gross income and is not the dependent of another taxpayer. Kiuli person who has attained the aye of 05 years beforq the end of the year will receivo an additional exemption of $000, which is treated in the saine manner Snug Harbor, 2: Old Bridge, 1. i°UH l,,'w <»dimuy exemption. A F. Sihmitt, 202-509; Meath, 514; I -'married taxpayer can claim the old WiHilock, 510. , ' ! ;IS" exemption of his spouse on his Some high class 1>owling over *«'l,!>™te return, if she has no gross the holidays. Nnmes like Earth, "9 «<»t „the dependent Rosi;i.u and Widen stAnd out. ON RjOLLER SKATES (ftv Ann Gehri) otr another taxpayer further exemption m* $000 is allowed to each blind taxpayer who may also claim an additional exemption ot' #000 for a blind spouse. The same rtties govern the allowance of the exemption for the blind spouse as govern the allowance of . « . | the ordinary exemption for a In spite Of the foggy, wet ; spuuati.. . This itlind exemption reiweather, fhere was quite a big place* the deduction -of-$500 allowj'tiowd at the roller rink this last c«l- each blind person under the weekend, and a good time was had i1'01' law." by all. There were quite a few • The exemption allowed for each good^ skaters from cut of town' eepcndeiit uiider the present law is hoi ping cheer in the New Year. No The tests foi\ dependency are tht* same as for the - 1948 return. It is to be noted that dependency • It John's Catholic Church Johnsburg 'Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. i Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00.. Weekdays: 8:00. 9^ First Fridajr: «J:.W and 8:00. "Confessions: Saturdays: 7.*10 to 8 and 2:30 to 3 i louder this is the best rink with Thursday before First Friday- j40 miles of MeHenry. 2.:30 and 7:30. t Welcome home l)o'n Fluger, , i ainiot be claimed for a person hav Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch. ibope you had a pleasant time in ing income of *500 or more. It is j California with Bob Hirschmugl t<» be .'noted further that the old Peter's Ca'hoUc Chaxch; bis family. Also .bom© ia |^ a~id blind exemption^ do Spring Orove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11100. Holy Days: «:."«) and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: «:00. - Confessions: < Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before, First Friday-- "I; 30 and 7:15. j >v |fev. Joint L. Daleidea, Pastor. Woody",- who was spending his vacation in Florida. All who want to play basketball wi'u have to have their toe-stops checked, as the floor seems to be getting scratched up. Christ The King Mission Wonder Lake '.r; L , Masses: Sunday: 8;#0 and 10:00," ^ ' - Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: • Sunday: Before each Mass. < Holy Days: 6:15 and 7;i W ' 7:46' <^7 Catechetical Instruction: • ' • Sunday: 9:00 a. pr> Power for Steel Can Nearly 237 million dollars was spent last year for electricity and petroleum products to power the nation's streetcars, electric trolley coaches and buses a distance of more than three million miles. i Cora Hybrids 1"" & University of Illinois tests j corn hybrids proved better for --f silage than open-pollinated varie ® ties. apply "to dependants. Income Splitting The present law gives husbands ;;nd wives in all states the light to •ile joint returns on which their combined net income and" their coin bified exertiptions are divided by tw^: the t-ax is then computed on iialf the income and such tax multiplied by two. In order to split the income it is necessary for a couple to file a joint return, because the gross income of the husband and wife must be totalled. Their deductions must l>e totalled. The net income is then divided by two and the ta x is computed- on. half of the net income. allowing one-half of the combined exemptions. This Result is multiplied by tw.o .in order t,o ob tain the tax on- the combined infamily df Greenwood will be inand Miss Helen Gutenshoii, come of husltand and wife. Tl\,is method of computation cannot be used on a separate return.' » • - Standard Deduction, The standard deduction (thtf tO per cent of adjusted gross income allowed in lieu of actual dedue tions) has been increased by the present • law. Under the prior law the maximum, standard deduction was limited to $500. In case of a joint return of married persons or the return of a single person the maximum standard dcductiou is increased to $1,000. Married persons filing separate returns are still limited to #500. ,»The standard defluction on a joint return or tlic return of a single person thus becomes 10 per cent of the adjusted gross income, but not to exceed $l,00n. 9 Percentage Credits The Revouie Act or 115 .r does not reduce either the normal tax rate or the surtax rates. It achieves a reduction in tax rhe percentage cr-dit allowed :1: ,.hrv«,anth^niums gainst the tentntivc-iiorinal tax and ! t-.' * 4j • , • ' •> . , surtax. The credits now are: If the DaV,J ^ Ser™d*lB broth" tentative tax is; (1.) Not over.! ?r a8, be®f ,,ia^ and U8J®™ WB5e $40o. 17 per cent,of the tentaive. 5f.r and Clarence tax. ('2.) Over #400 but not over 41- ot $100,000, $68.00 plus 1L' 'per .cent The bride's mother chose a red of excess over $400. (3.) Over black print di'ess, with Mrs. $100,(100, $12,020 nhr-' 9.75 per cent ^a'tired in a pastel pink of excess over $100,000. je*ev dress. Both wore white A limitation has been set tO'l carnation corsages. the total amount of tax. Ih no case j "reception for relatives and may the total tax exceed 77 pefc j cfo»;e frienus followed the nuptial cent of the income. _ ' |St-.vic» in the church hall. L,-- ' • j The newlvAveds. vbo met while Weak Calves ~~ lut'.nding BfRoit college, left oa a Calves born weak may be, <ma* >sho1^x weddi"S triP anl are now It has been announced that the Jewel Food store, which is scsduled to open in Crystal Lake soon will contain all the newest features in food store developments.. Fresh meats are delivered to the store daily, received in the same -condition as in any service market, that is, whole cattle, sadj dies, halves, etc. These large com- ] hiercial cuts are then processed j at the store. Jewel does net han- 1 die aay froten meats. i The market will be air conditioned-- both the cutting room land packaging room. Cuistomers 1 can watch the packaging room j staff work--it's separated from the sales area by a glass partition. I Once packaged, the meats are then placed in self-service, ie- ! frig^rated meat cases. The cuts of meat are separated within the cases and the cases are labled so j the customer knows where to find beef, pork, lamb, etc. The cases are inspected to assure turnover many times each day. All cuts of meat, poultry and seafood are ready for th*. customer's .glider basket. ~ If the customer does iiot see what she wants, the market manis on hand to take requests i for special cut&--these are handj led in a few minutes by the packaging room staff. This remodeled Jewel will open with self-service- ready-packaged fresh fruits and vegetables. Most „Fr i.e nd.s 1 of, .t.h.e AA rdin Ft-r.i,s ,b,i e1: all of the merchandise .w.i l„l be i Pipe f«r Planblnf %ie-half inch pipe, either coppei of fVlVanized, is generally used fti plumbing within the house. Bofoe exporter* prefer smalt appleir- so 19m unit e«*r tittt bf l«lNr when sold *t retail overteai. • . , : , Tmck |«et(eriiig ' , Show Cards .. Window Le^fctong" -r: i Silk Screen Printing ^J Scotchlite Reflective Signs fr'. 'ei. SIGNS PRONE 440-R FOX STREET hevrolets also offer increased power and comfort with the PowergHde automatic transmission as optional e^u^> ;,S•vjjffiwi <tr;. GUTENSOHN FRISBIE NUPTIALS PERFORMED IN WISCONSIN CHURCH packaged in glistening cellaphane A . i A separate packagaing staff htndterested to learn of the* m«m1age ,PS this department aTld the pac^. oji Dec. 2i of their son, Frank, aKjnR is done right at the store. The exit door is equipped with am. roScs Attending the bride were hfev fister, Syl/ia. and the groom's sis;er, Ann. Both were attired in . . .; gowns of veliow faille and car- , .. . . by szzr?.** o, y*,„„ Whu.! of labor statistics compiles data, and in 1948 the $72.57 average weekly earnings (including absenteeisms Farm Service Way U C T I O Henry A. Freeman mid Kugeae Fredrick, Auctieneers The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on tb farm located miles East of Hebron, 111., on Highway 173, or 3 miles West of Richmond. 111., on Highway 173. on THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 ' 1950. Sale to start at 12:00 o'clock Noon ^ 20 HOLSTE1N CATTI .E 18 MILCH COWS -- 6 are Springing, 12 are Fresh; 2 Bl'LLtt, 3 JtAn "'S--l Gelding, age 8 yews, wolgfct --, . , ... eight 140# lbs. A well matched Wj team. Hi POULTRY--85 White Leghorn Pullets. POl'LTRY EQl'Il'MKNT- l brooder house, 11x13; 2 brooders, electric, capacity 500; 2 chick feeders, laying nests. MILKING E(jriP.HE\T-rDe Laval milking machine, 2 unit; 14 '00 gal. inilk cans. 2 pails. 2 straitiers, wash tanks, water heater. FEED--200 bushels oats! ** TRACTORS, TRACTOR EQUIPMENT--Minneapolis-Moline O tractor* on rubber, with starter, ligh&. power lift cultivator; Mini apolis-Moline 3-14 in. tractor gang plow, o'n rubber, John Deere 7 tandem disk, John Deere 8 ft. field digger. Gehl B silo filler, McDeOting corn binder, John Deere 7 ft. power mojver, Papec silo filler, U. fc. grain blower. FAR3I .MACHINERY --*4ftcT)eering 6 ft. grain binder, McDeering fi ft. mower, grain drill, disk, 6 ft., with slider, grass seeder, 16 ft. grftp°- ple fork, cultipacker, 4 section Lindsey lever drag, 3 section drag, McDeering sulky cultivator, walking plow. New Idea manure spreader, Ott and part time workers) ranked a rubber; McDeering corn planter with fertilizer attachment, wood whe^i close second because of lessening-1 farm wagon, New Idea high speed trailer wagon, on rubber; flat hay daughter of Rev. and IVlrs. S. C. a majHC carnet to eliminate (ruteii8(,hn ol Harvard, The bride s . j08tjj-ng o{ bundles to get out. Just lather performed the 2 o clock step on thg carpet ,n fro„. of the 18 MILCH COWS- # are Sprlugln set vice in the First Congregation- j d0or an<>--predtd, If Opens for «ltl aild 12 months old. 2 HORSES al church ot Antigo^ Wis. !you w 1 1400 lbs.; I Mare, age 10 years, wei Mi:»s Gutensohn. was charming This ultra-modern store is dein a gow;i of ivory taffeta, fash- : signed for easier shopping--all ioned with long sleeves, fitted the latest food store developments 1-oujcf. and long train. She wore a are installed to give the customer fingertip veil and carried a bou- efficient speedy service. c7u. i of v-hi^p chrysanthemum? ^ Highest Hourly Earnings Bituminous coal mining in the U.S.- suoports the highest hourly coal production. liberty Bed Ameriea't most famous beB. the Liberty Bell, weighs 6>fc tons, little ' more than one-fourth the swinging weight of the largest of 72 bells in the carilllon tower of H.-va-H New York's Riverside church The rially helped during the first few Ajrg Frisbie graduated in June latter- * «iant «mong tuned bells, j days of their life by the adminifctra- of thjs . flQm Belolt ftnd jg | it dwarfed by several centuries old 1 tion of blood transfusions from the >„W)iOVed as social science in- b®11' of Russia and the Orient, cow and by feeding the colostrum st.uctor in the Harvard junior rack, 7-16; triple wagon box. milk cart, Jamesway silo cart, bob sleighs', 3 tanks, dump planks, Johnson 20 in. power mower, baud mower, snOV fence, rubber tired litter carrier.- ^ 1937 Packard 4 Door Sedan. HOUSEHOLD GOODS --Maple top dresser, twin brass beds, table. Florence oil burner, dining room table with 6 chairs, dresstnet radio, beds. Universal gas stove, kitchen table and chairs, studio couch, dining room tablc and chairs. 2 piece living room set, 2 occaqidwC chairs, piano, 2 end tableB, 2 end tattles, 400 lbs. potatoes, MoRfffefe wood and coal range. , v, Usual Illinois Farm Auction Terms. - OTTO PIERSON milk, using force if the weak calf high school. Mr. Frisbie graduated | will not take it alone. The con- from the Woodstock Community tinued feeding of any surplus rfiilk , high school in 1945, served with from other cows will aid materially the navy rauar service during in providing nutrients to the weak World -War 11 and is majorfclg in animal. v 'geology at Bc'oit, where *fll ^ jgvurinatp In 1950. ~ --r--j.' Synthetic BeWns There are approximately 30 types of synthetic resins now in use hwthe protective coatings industry. Most of them are used in what we Call specialized products finishing. This means everything from the tiniest to the biggest items of everyday necessity which are made for and sold to the American^public. - a Bob Kc*fe» Lake Geneva, Wis., Phone 4493, Sale VaM|fr • Henry A* ^reema^i, District Representative, Phon- 1S2, Hehron, IU. « , .. .. A : Sherman Alleli. Lake Geneva, Wis., Cashier Plain dealerUF ^ * * | tW"!1 •l-X-X-v-X- ->^v v •HK"! I Mantega Collecting turtle eggs* along the shores of the Orinoco river in Venezuela is big business. Gathered by Indians living in the watershed of the river, the eggs yfeld an oil called mantega. This oil is preserved in jars and sold commercially as a fuel for lamps or a seasoning for f<jod. Rev. James A. Administrator^ Vanderpool, Gospel penter JlOnder Center. Wonder Lake , ; (Nonse, tnrinn) 'Services: . » Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. nii - Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. . Suaday Evening Service: 7:45" p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday - 8:00 p. m. 1 Bring the family with you to Sun 1 day School and Worship Services. ! 'There is a placfc aifd a welcome for-; everyone. i FRANK W. ANDERSON, \> - ' Pastor. " Bingwood Ohurcb Ringwood, I1L Sunday- Public Worship, 9i30 Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve ' Ring, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. S"r' SL JosephN Church Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Daily: 8:00. FY. Frank J. Miller, patftor. Sir Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Priest-in-Charge Mission House, 331 MeHenry Ave. 8uud%ys: "9 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 10 a.m. Sunday School at the Misakyn House. On 3rd Sunday of the ironth at Church for Family Eucharist. 11a.m. Morning Prriyer except for 1st Sunday of the month and . holy days wtoea tUtre ia UaL>_ Kucharist. Sermon and Choir. Holy Days (Prayer Book). 6:30 air.. Holy Eucharist. Open Pit Iron Mine world's largest open-pit iron mine ii at Hibbing. Minnesota. Since stripping started there in iiw. more material has been taken Irom the pit than was originally •xcavated in building the Panama _ iMenta of Owls ' . Owft have other talents beside tttoir ability to see in the dark. IN* are swift as swallows in flight*, and a» sensitive to sound as » radio »00«1 ving set THE NEW Open Center Tractor Tires NOW ON DISPLAY ^ ^ MR. FARMER f - v Stave your tractor ready for spring by having your tractor tires vulcanised retreaded now by the Firestone Factory Method. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! See Us For Your Tire Needs. % ' SPECIAL: 600x16 DeLuxe Champion Tire Only $14.85 We have a Complete Line of Snow and Mud Tires. TIRE CHAINS TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZES BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery^ * ^ Methanol Anti Freeze In Your Container $1.00 per gal. i-. -• " WALTER J. FREUND Ttreo -- Tubea -- Batterioo -- AcceaaorWa Tire and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Gnarantead Pkw »4 '* , West MeHenry OPRN EfEKIKOS AND^SFXpATS '

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