Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1950, p. 5

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|Annift* ftawiurj? ft, lttft CLASSIFIED SECTION • mm * > ; Tin : , .?* r " ^ V; </• ;*5^. *Y>J"*'|^r'*;T^iT-f t \s" •;"'*..": l O.,.,,* "• -w.-, - - -'-• / . m SALS -- Guaranteed rebuilt motors; Ford, Chevrolet, Ply. i month. Dodge. Pontiac, OMimo> 'bile. Chrysler, De Soto, and Buick. ' Community Auto Supply. Routes j 1 SO and M. Phono 778. S4 DBAO AVQtALI -- Highest etil prices paid for cows, horses aai] "ogs; no help needed to load. Day' •i'ld night. Sundays and holiday*.' -- ___ a 11 Wheeling^ Rendering Works. v given • small boy • pass to the hthMtel The manager of the Orpheus bad Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36-tf of*the great number nt lad ads which appear In the aaler each week, we have ffiai it impossible to keep books •B such small accounts. Therefore, to the future, only ads wfclcli an paid for before tUs section «t the paper goes to press st 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. 70KSALB IroK SALE -- A Healthy borne-- Fith Resair--the Water Machine f- Cleaner --• .Humidifier -- Vapbrlzer. Carl Barnickol, Box 211, jicHenry. 34tf SAJ.E -- 1948 Willys Overnd Jeep station wagon. Qverdrhre, quick excelleration a;id 'peater included. Excellent cori- 1 * dttion. Phone Waucouda 3773. *34 FOR HALE -- Year round home and lot, in Wonder l^ake; Shore Hill Subdivision, Beach road. Inquire next door. Albert Kolar. •34 to* SALE -- Pontiac 6, 2 door Mdau in good condition. Wilson's Radio Shop. Phone 469. 34 FOB SALE -- Two-piece living room suite; tilt-back chair and WINDOW SHADES OR VSNEottoman; wry good condition. Tel. TIAK BLINDS--X?w line of re MflF»nrv T-O-R. 38-2 movable slat and Bnuflcx orginal „_,,Nq TN ?L»uivi>«<r blinds and tapes. Bonderized and _ ^lNS^-TO PCTMANJira K:ilvani^d Acme im.ta] Sterling 801CBS- M^f!^fTl.*cCULLOM Window Shade & Venetian Blind WONDER LAKE. FARM®. Oo ^o W IMviaiar'v/Zt T £SF£ JSSUt^JSR ^ ^ 22' ESTAK^^RICSMOTO Mc Henry 651 Ml Pri. evening, Rat. n TOM MS "' Sun" Prec estimates. All work <21-J, McHMtfy. to. ^ lw° "SS FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Horn* c. J. H. DIEHL Insulation, installed by The Wall- Woodstock Piano Tuner * FJ11 Co For estimate call Leo J. Phone 208-W .-,26 Washington Si Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf 30-tf Woodstock. 111. FOR BALE -- Infants' wear, cost WANTED uae jewelry, ceramics, bone china lamps, glasnware. ideal Xtnas gifts: tit i-kt tt« t\ t7~7~r . ... . all moderately priced. The riem' ^ and jewe^ t. slev Gifc Shop, opposite depot. Pox T n?air , , N°°na / n' H# Green street, McHenry. (Front parLake. III. 25-tf of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IS t' MISCELLANEOUS WASTED - Baby sitter from 3 TAWTmno ansvrpr 7~ P-m- to ~ p.m. Transportation fuif- JANITOR - i« <•!« nn nished. Inquire at Farmhouse TaVwoodwork. fi «m, Wind-.WK, • wttlls em •uid all fitl:0"" odd Dattv week - , c h monthly or •»<": tM v. n 1>RKSSFS WASTEIV -- High i We priop.«. V*f *It; n V Jaiiltnr Serv s< hoo! organiiatio.-i would like to i<»e. lion O^vrijy, Mg'. PtVi1 M llenrv 430-J. borrow or rent street dresses of 32tf periods 1918, 1927 or 1935: alio shoes of the same periods FOR SALE -- Two good used adding machines. Also on? adding /toachim? on cash drawer. C. F. no^ley, Rt. 1. Crystal Lake 1303J1. ' . *34 FOR SALE -- Black Angus corn fed steers, for good locker beef, whole or split. Bill Hertzherg. Telephone Riclunond 849. *34 FOR SALE - - Two sets skiis and boots from VL & A; used once; men's or woman's; sise 6% to 7 and 8 to 9; f 16 each set. Call McHenry 651-R-% »34 $0R (SALE -- 1949 Willys Overland, 2 W. B. 1 to.i pickup expres. truek with removable top. Full price $860.00 Telephone McHenry 7M-R. .34 FOR SALE -- 4 room framed cottage at Ro>und Lake. Immediate possession. 1 block from transportation. $1,000 down, balance |S7 per month. For further information call Chicago. Nevada &-10855 or Humbolt 9-1181 & SALE - Storkliiie baby bug* gjr, bath table, play pen with pad and baby scale. Phone McHeary Wl-R. 34 tf FOR SALE-- Your Last ('hance to buy a 70 foot choice building lot, elec. and pas. located 1 block ^from St. Patrick's church. Full price $500 with guaranteed policy and deed. Terms. The Kent Co. Phone 8. 34 ^flANOS -- 40 Miles from High frriees. January Clearance Rales --. WJ" arid "used, Spinets and Grand Pianos -- all can he bought at fatamendous savings. Call Elgin 780, DAVID E. STAliK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago and Union 8ts„ Elgin, 111; 33.4 rftR SAL'S •-- Beer •» for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, como to the flportsman's Inn, where JgOod fellows meet; all kinds of ^Viiuw afid package goods to take out" at the lo.,»st prices. 513 Main -A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf SALE -- Evergreens, trees, abs.* Free estimates on lahdseaping. Pitzen Nursery, Jtound Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilsoh road. go^f FOR^SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formals. "This clothing JO good condition." Miscellaneous items. "Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.' Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 * Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rond. Consignment and Resale, y4 mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is on* Rtv 31, Crystal Lake 1346 R l. . /; - 32tf M>& SALS--TYPEWRITERS, AD WfO MACHINES. Service on all takes., Also ribbons for all makes; •arhon paper. L. V. Riltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf IOR SALE--Generators, armatures, _tarters, fuel pumps, distributor* feltage regulators and ignition pnrts Ford and all other cars. S*aco «1m A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. fvoboda, Prop. Tel.* McHenry 183! 47-tir ELECTRIC PROBLEMS?--Do yon Please address Vocal Department, have electrical problems! IiCt Hoi) McHenry Community High School, solve them. No job too big'or too McHenry. . 34 ( ' n i l McHenry 569 R i 32-6 SITUATION WANTED SAW FILING ~ Hand, ba^d circular and crosscut saws. At Peterwin Boat Shop. Route 120, McHenry. Illinois. SITUATION WANTED -- Married man desires job' on dairy or feed- •34-4 'nK farm. Write Box C care of NUHenrv Plaintfealer. 30-4 Smart Set Beauty Shop -- Riverside Hotel McHenry S51 MTTATIOS WANTED Young Will cut and curl to ple&se you. niarried man wishes a part time v 34-4. job in the mornings for 4 or 5 ;------ ---- - ; hours. Phone McHenry 543-W-2. PAINTING--Decorating and paper *34 hanging. Thirty years experience. , Free estimates. C. Gustafson, phone SH"! ATIOK McHenry 665-J-|L WASTED Male *33-2 .bookkeeper and accountant, university educated. Full time. 20 ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING years experience Write care box AND TAX SERVICE Records 82. r »34 instal'icd and maintained. Income tax service ,bv appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Pho»e Fox Lake .ri96l!. 30tf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE -- Tree Feeding -- Trees 1 8PRAVINO Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ^ ANDERSON TREE SERVICE POSITION WANTED -- Couple desire full time caretaker positiou in McHenry vicinity. One child, school age. Reliable, with refere^ ces. Tel. McHenry 662-R-l. 31 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have casl buyers for report properties, homes 119 Waukegan Road - McHenry 724 <*nd *arms JACOB FRrTZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago. Lincoln 1333. ?-tf KINSET ft BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - Remodeling Cabinet Work WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT - Reliable For estimates: Tel. McHenry 893-J i couple employed in McHenry or Woodstock 1359-W' , Hosiery Mills, want bouse or 29 9 apartment tn or near McHenry. __ 1 • ---- 1 Unfurnished, prefer 2 bedrooms BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC but can manage with one. No PROBLEMS TO US--We can de- children. Wili furnish references, liver anything from a snapshot to!Call McHenry Hosiery Mill, 850-W largo murals, or free hand oil {after 4, 34 paintings Copying and framing. 1 „_. ... , CAMERAS, PR0JFCT0R8, FILtfS ! HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- WANTED -- Women and 40_tf ' girls., 200 North Riverside Drive. ] McHenry, 111. 22tf Henry. Phone 275. EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND, REPAIRING' -- Work fully guar.111- HELP WANTED -- - Women and teed. Also used pianos for sale. *ir,B wanted fcr telephone survey E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zur work in your own home. Good pay. ich 3102. 15-tf No experience necessary. If you ' • • have t pleasant voice write Robert MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE W. Slimmer, Sterling North West - Typing - Mimeographing Agency. 2763 West North avenue/ Addressing 1 Chicago, 111. Prompt Service - Reasonable Rate." H7 Washington Street, Route 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 1462-M. LOST GARBAGE COLLECTING lOtfjLOST - Man's Swiss movement I watch; shockproof and watera- , Let.u» , proof; thought lost in Hoot's Tav=- dispose of your garbage each week, ,ern or poBaibly between Palace or oftener if desired. Reasonable Recreation and Hoot's Taveril. rates. Regular year round route 1 Qreen street. New Year's Eve; ohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc rPWar(j Hoot Noonan. 34 Henry, Phone 365- tf -- WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SVSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 1«7. 25-tf CLOGGED HEWER I Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Enaineering. Lake County Sanltaiv Co.. Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf ?tAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned hy Eddie's Hanitarv Service. Eddii Huff. Prop. Tel. Metier rv 200. 29 t f l I I l t"i »l HIIIUIIH i »4 » | l i I 11 i »l Helen Weber Says: POR YOU IN Uncle Sam Says show lor doing a little wflffc m him. The lad came in the next to thank the manager "How did you like the AwrT" the manager asked. "Swell!" said the boy eatMlStMticafly, "but I liked the maflelCn best" "You did, eh? Dfdn*t youtfke Die acrobats?" ^ "Oh, yes, ttiey were all right, but I think the magician was very good." "Uh-huh. And what did you think of the trained seals?" "They were all right, but they couldn't compare with the magician." * ".Well, I'm glad to heat' that* because this is the magician right here." HE'S IN "Have your fiancee's people accepted you yet?" "They sure have. I got bawled out yesterday for using the guest towel." Knew His Boss •The newly-elected mayo* was holding his fir^t press conference. "Win you," asked one reporter, "consult with the interests that control you before making any big decision?" "Of course," he deftly replied. "But why bring my wife into this discussion?'1 Fashion Note A young newlywed, who had re cently arrived in a small town, was trying to gain membership in the local sewing circle. She was advised of the various diplomatic pitfalls which apparently made her a little apprehensive. "But wHat shall I wear to make a good impression the first day?" she asked a leading member. The member set her quite at ease. "Oh, just come in an open throat and a back suitable for knifing," she Said. . JOHN AND DELBERT GIES AUCTION WOllam, H. Russell and . William B. Nulllvaa, Auctioneers Keep It Healthy Butcher: "Here, madanfe ltf a nice home-cured ham." Mrs. Freshwed: "But 1 want one that has never been ill." v IT CAN BE DONS' Dugan was hailed into court for beating his wife with an oak leaf. "How can you bring a man in for beating his wife with an oak leaf?" asked the judge. "Well," said the cop, "it was an oak leaf from the dining- room table." Chain of Events "Your face is clean, but how'd you get your hands so dirty?" "Washin' my face." >> 44 The Finest and Safest In Dry Cleaning Serdces. Try us now and be among ouij many satisfied customers. ^ Horatio Alger's, favertte theme was: "America is the land ef opportunity" and I am sure he would agree te another important factor the cornerstone of security In the future la the cultivation of sound saving habits. Right now, In this new year UH, you can take advantage ef one ef the safest, rarest opportunities to save ever offered--U. S. Savings Bends. You can buy Savings Bonds en the Payroll Savings Plan where yea work, or tf self-employed, the Bond-A-Month Plan at your bank. Jast think, 19 years from1 now, you will begin receiving $4 for every 93 Invested today. Sign op now for one a( these two safe and sure ways to frovlde futuie secsilty. ' ' S Trtaiatrj Dtpmmttmt RaO Servioe ~ Approximately 1,200 freight and passenger trains start their runs from ail Over the United States every hour of the day and night. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes can be used to make pie, custard, cake, desser' puffs, and even cookies. McHenry Cleaners Peprtar Misconception j Most octopuses are about the Size V Phone 1M-M IQS Elm of a man's fist. However, this creaftc. ea Weber,* Mrr ture has a horrible appearance and j * " I the largest octopuses may reach Li. - 1 » feet from tiirte^Q& drTbe ien- It't""1111"1 ' ' ' 1 11 HI nit n n II III Mlltt I "'•* FAIR QUERY A city boy, visiting his country cousin, was walking through a pasture when he heard a buzzing sound. "Come away from there!" the cousin shouted. "It's a rattlesnake. If you go riear it, it will strike!" "Gosh," said the city boy, 'Skt they have unions, too?" ' ill Mill I Where Credit Is Doe The patient did an awful lot of panting before he managed to squeeze past the crisis. "That was a close one," admitted the doctor. "If you hadn't such a strong constitution I doubt very much if I would have been able to pull you through." "Then just remember that, doc," wneezed the patient, "when you're making out the bilL" • No Trouble at AO I die will you visit, my grave often?" asked her hM«franri looking tor sympathy. "Of course, darling," she replied gently, "I'd have to go there anywav to put flowers on it." Started For many years Americans have •ung of Greenland's icy mountains. Aside from those lying along the Island's shores, however, no one has seen them. Interior mountains. If any. are covered bjr the Greenland icecan. • The undersigned, having fully decided to quit farming, will sell at Public Auction, on the farm known as the August Schuettler Fann on the Hartlund Blacktop Road, 1 mile South of Hartland, 4^4 miles North and West of Woodstock. 1 mile North of 14 from Pierce's Corners* on Saturday, Jan. 14th " I960 commencing at 9:Sfl A M., the following described personal property, to-wit: As this Is a large sale It will be ueccsarj to start on time. 183 HEAD of LIVESTOCK .'oatMing of 16 Milch Tows, of .vhich .14 will either be fresh or rlose springers by date of sale. Jlolstein Bull. IS months old: !•» omlnjr 2 year old Heifers, lired; # prlrtg Heifer faltes; H Spring mils; i etihes, 3 months old. ihls is an outstanding dairyof ows and right ready to go to •tork with, including » number of high class bred heifers. All catle are T. It. und Ibings tested and »III be its represented hy the own- •r, o^ money refunded. IHM3 . - 15 Brood Sows.' bred; 40 feedet • igs weighing about 125 IbR.; 22 eeder pigs weighing about «0 (>«.; 21 feeder pif>s weighing ilMiut 4ft lbs.:l Hampshire Roar •IAY, GRAIN, CORN and SILAGE 200 bushels ear corn; 2640 bales tlfaira hay; 280 half* bean hay; J00 baies Canary Grass; 200 idshels outs; 10 ft. silage in 16 ! t. SilO. MACHINERY McCormick Deering F 20 Tr§c- 'or on rubber, with cultivator; Massey Harris Tractor on rubber, villi cultivator, will handle 3 bof mil plow; Oliver 80 Tractor on ubber; John Deere 2 bottom 14 nch plow; CaK«> 2 bottom i^u-V • low; MoConni.k Deering 2 bot- '>111 lfi in<'h plow; Massey HurriK • ft. Power Mowef1; AieCorinicH .Jeering R ft Qiiack Digger; John >eere Corn Rinder; John Dee;e tundle Loader; International iVagou Hitch for Corn Rinder; ohn Deere £*. ft. Grain Hinder; •olin Deere. MH'UIre Spreader on ubber; McCormick Deering 42 in "'omblne and Pickup,' 3 years old; 1. I. Single Row Cora Picker, tew; Wards ir. in. Hammer Mill; ft. Gruin Drill; 1 , Uormiek Deering single cultivaor, new. , tusker; 7 ft. disc; 8 ft. disc; Mccormick Deering 8 ft. Lime ••Spreader; Silo Filler; Grain and •orn Elevator; McCormick Deerng side Delivery Rake; John ">eere corn Planter with fertilizer ttachment; 2 Silage Carts. iMILklKM SF KOI IPHENT iliernational MUking Machine, •ump and motor; 3 Double Universal Milking Machine Units; Surge Klectric Hot Water Heater; •Sterilizing and washiiig tanks, pqfls, strainers and milk cans. •!a"ny other articles too numerous i> mention. « The Mnior Portion of This .Ma hlnery «nd Kqnipment Has Reen 'urchtised Within the Last Two Yean, and is In the Best of Con- •ilHon. As This Is A Very Large Sale, It Will Be Necessary To Start Promptly At »:80 A. M. All Ma- "hlnery, Feed and Small Equipment Will Be Sold Before Noon. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR , 1 ACCIDENTS SENECA CHANGE' WILL--~ FURNISH LUNCH . TERMS--Credit will be extended bv payment of 25r< in cash, with balance payable monthly in six Installments at 6rJ. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. JOHN ANli DELBERt GIES, Owners First National Bank of Woodstock. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Cprporation. HARRY KAMINSKI AUCTION William H. Rassell and William B. Sullivan, Auctioneers My tenant huving leased a Jarm on shares. I will sell my livestock and feed, and some machinery 011 the farm formerly known as the \Vi11ianh Desmond Farm. Two miles West of 14 from "Bubbling Over", 61!' miles North and West of Woodstock, 8 miles South of Harvard. 2 miles East of 23 from unbam Corners, and 7ft miles North of Marengo, on Saturday, Jan. 7th 1»60 commencing at 12 o'clock, the^fol* lowing described personal property. to-wit: 55 Head of Livestock consisting of 21 choice Holstein cows; Pure Bred liolstein cows with papers complete; the follow* ing are the names of the Pure Bred Holstein cows; Heifer; tfbole Canary Maplecroft, Sire. Jack Fohes Moole; Dam Tietert.ia Canary Maplecroft. Heifer; Ormshy Canary Pontine ( orndyke; Sire, Mllco Manawa Star; Dam, Colle Canary Deacon. Heifer; Deets Moole Fobes Tletertje; Sire, Jack Fobes Moole; Dam Pride Beauty Tletertje Deets. Heifer; Inka Pontiac Canary Dekel; Sire, Mllco Manawa Star; Dam, Delight Inka Canary, neifer; Canary Inka Corndyke; Sire. Mllco Manawa Star; Bam, Bur-ton Inka Catoary. The-above •> heifers are bred to the bull Barrevllle Burke Renown; Sire*, Curtlss Candy Renown Lyons; Dan, Bess Bnrke Jtutlli;-- . • 2 Pare Bred balls eligible for registry 5 g yearling Holsteht Heifers; 8 Holstein ealves; 2 Hoi. sleln Heifers S months old; 11 Dumc Gills (Bred); f Berkshire Boar, eligible to registry. The abo>e dairy rows are all yoang, good producers, and 16 of them are either fresh or close springers. The major portion of this dairy are first and second calf heifers 1 purchased a year ago In November after baying the farm. This Is a choice dairy of young cows and I am satisfied buyers will be well pleased with them, and if It were not for devoting my fnll time to my Chicago business, I would not dispose oi them. HAY, GRAIN, STRAW, SILAGE AND EAR CORN 30 tons of baled alfalfa hay; 700 bu. oats; 400 bales of straw; 2f> feet of silage in 14 ft. silo; 2400 bushelB of ear corn. MACHINERY Case VAC Tractor and cultivatoK 2 years old; E-Z Flow Fertilizer spre&der (8 ft.) like new; 8 ft McCormick Deering Windrovfer, (new); 10 ft. McCormick Deering, Broadcast seeder with grass seed attachment; IHC Tractor plow. 14 in.; 4 section drag. MILKHOrSK EQI'IPMENT 2 Surge uTiitv; 2 wash tanks; 1 Surge hot water heater; «13 milk cans.. The above machinery and equipment is all in first class condition and wll' be as represented. rER.MS- Credit will be extended by payment of 26', in cash, with balance payable monthlv in six installments at 6' ,. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. HENRY KAMINSKI, Owner First National Bank of Woodstock. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. - ; Read the Wftnt Ads IMHKHillllllllllMiiilUNHIIUIIUHfHimilglH'lNIHUUIt- The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL McHnry to's. Xcndhig Stag* FRI. - SAT„ JAN. «-7 * ^ (Double Feature) Warner Haxter " Anna Lee in "PRISON WARDEN** Charlie Rugfrles Peggy Ann Garner • hi "THE LOVABLE CHEAT" SfN. - MON. JAN H-t Sunday Conf. From 2;4» p.m. Boh Hope Rhonda Fleming In "THE GREAT LOVER* He's a one-man riot as a cut-rate rasanova. Tim - WED - THI RH. JAN. 10-11-12 Sally Forrest Keefe Brasselle In "NOT WANTED** •iiHIIIINilllHINIIIIIIIItllllllinilllllllllHINIItlHINIIIMt' Ihcre teemed to be something different about Trixie, the performing dog. The owner spoke to the trainer about it. "Yes." the trainer began to explain. "You remember that brown ring at the tip of his tail, don't you?'* "Oh. yes. of course," said the owner, "I knew there was something missing. What happened to it?" "I guess^ had him trained too well," replied the trainer. "I was taking him for a walk without his leash when he spied a cat. He started after it and soon they were both going around the block so fast that the block seemed to be just a tree. Suddenly the cat dashed across the street.9 A truck was coming down the street ar.d. instinctively, I yelled to the driver to 'Stop.' Trixie heard me and thought the command was meant for him. He stopped so fast that the ring that was 011 the tip of his tail -ni^"-::eiic'ii^ies*:- Ms Cooked Chicken " Approximately one pound of cooked chicken without bone may be obtained "'froi^-;^'ittt^.fw|^^i;; pound chicken.' iiiiHininiiiiiiiiiitHniiiiHiwHiiiinimiiiiiiiutHiiiiiiiiiH DRI. - SAT„ JAN Matinee Sat. 2:30 p.m. IASbAi -Plus * Gene Autry and Champien in "THE BIG SOMBRERO** In Clnecolor ' Also Color Cartoon • •; ~STN.-r- MONTTA N 7*15" Matinee Sunday 2:Sil p.m ir~~ 11 IIU -- * ...JAM - -oawma j WYMAH ^ M0R6AN 1 ^ The Lady Takes A Sailor; y. JOSEPH Z. WATINNP Attorney-at-law * Waukegan Rmi (RFD Bm I McHENBY. ILL,. i«me McHenry 4M-W HIGHEST CASH PRICKS paM far « Dead aiul Crippled Herses, Cattle ind Hogs Sanitary Power Leading- -Tankare and Meat Scraps far sale. Phones Arlington Height* 116 or McHenry 3M4. Reverse , Charges. Palatine jtenderhig Serf- * >ce. CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (Joftlyn & Parker) Office Honrs: Wednesday Afternoons--lM-SHN Office--Koehr Supply Company, »42 Mi-n Street. Weat McHenrv 1 hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 FOX EI.ECTRIC SERVICE •'-.^1;; WONDEIf LAKE %, RING WOOD, Electric Wiring Motor Bep«ura Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4#* VERNON KNOX' " " Attorney-At-Law s • • Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHegfy Tuesday and Friday Aftirnsmm Other Days Bv Appointmaat Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay 16 to $25 for Old Hi 'ess for down horses tad cattfth MATTS MINK RANCH Inhnsburg - Spring Grove Read Phone Johnsburg S14 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLB We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONS . . Excavating Coatraetara • ' Trucking. Hydraulic and Crane Serriee --ROAD BUILDING-- Fel. 204-M McHeary, A «. B. PEASLEE, A, CV f ^ Chiropractor 120 S. (.reen St., McXeaiy Office Hours, Dally except Thursday # to 12 l:Stt ta fr Mon^ Wed. and FrL, Eveakf 7 to • Phone McHenry 2»g.R STARTS TI'ES. JAN l»ili V BOS RHONOA HOKFIfMNK fr ^ Atm _ miii«iiii!Mnnii*i.iiiiiiiiiuiii;tiiiiiiii*iiiif!!:!Uii.. ;rm COLONY THEATRE .McHenry, Illinois PHONE 2S4 FRIDAY - SATI RDAY, JANTARY « Llsabeth Scott and Don DeFore "TOO LATE FOR TEARS" Cartoon - News and Novelty feCXDAY - MONDAY, JANUARY R - • Bob Hope and Rhonda Fleming -THE GREAT LOYER" World News • (artoou in Color . r , " V- J: sfji . . . b a t w a a n h a r two l o v e s . . . McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile South of MeHenVjr" On Route 31 "i ',.r Flowers for ^11 occasiewl FALL CLASSES OF INSTRI'CTION Karl F. Knauer. Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, OMB Uma, Ray Noble. Griff Williama. . Chicago and- Oriental Theatres, organizing fall classes. Call Mc- U Henry for appointment and uiierview. relenhone No. 300 STOFFEL & RKIHANSPERGfcrt Insurance agents for all elaaaaa ef ' property in the best ramnarfiw West McHenry. IUinein INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Pirt, Auto, Farm & Life I nam in Representing RELIABLE COMPANtti:f: When you need msuraaea of any kind ------ , Phone 43 or 11S-M ^ Ureen & Elm Mclmr, (fy Tel. Wonder Late 418 . DR. R. H. WATKINS ' Dentist --Office Hours-- Tues., Thurs^ Jk flat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appein Lookout Point Wonder FRANK S. MAY Trucking )and--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry SeO-M-t R-l McHenry TIES. WED. JAN. 1«. 11 TktfiMShoes T ^ TECHNICOLOR Presented Once Nl«rhtly at STSO P.M. ANTON WALBROQK • MARiUS CXMUNG MOfRA SHEAREE Imsfc Mamwlihrt M^aam-jUhrt iMMnyimml h^^LsAsaiTckrim Vritta MniailnM If Bdml fM ai hmc hvlviv A Mda m lb Mn • A1 Arftar ta* rmaMM • I* fa* lin Iha Mm All Seats Reserved Seats New en Sale at the Box office STARTING THURSDAY FOR THREE DAYS Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn "ADABPS RIB" \L'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St.. McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acctyleie Weldr«ig and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator*- ' Phone 615-W-l or 4f4 , j M HENRY, ILL. ^ WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Attorney-at-law lioy, Benton St. - -1' Phone Woodstoek 13S4 Woodstock. IlHnois 'DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR A .••lee Comer Green * CMk Tees„ Thurs. A Sat. Thnrsdsy^i 9M to &»M 4|iesdnv« and Saturdays to 9 • Tel. McHenn 438 ~ WELDIM: Maintenance and Cmitrwtlm Portable Equlpmaat 1-^1- Ht. E VANCE -- McHenry "W Sooth Green St, McHenry, IB. ^aad VERN THELEN Trnckine Gravel Black DST Truck for Hire "teL McHenry 58S-R4 er aaa-H-1 Rox 172, Rt. 1, McHewry s DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Ot Highway 31--Office T«i. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. n. le 2 p, gf Except Thuratagrs Evenings by Apulatmea^'M DR. R. DeROM|t -- Dentist -- * 120 Green Street Phone 292-J Office Hours: II a. m. ts I y. except Wednesday. Offtee elaaad •ill d»« Wednesday. Eteaings by appointments ea4p>

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