Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1950, p. 7

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^Ararsda;,y , January 5,1950 m*>?. 111 » 1 I 11- H-IH' RINGWOOD •i»l 11111111 1 1 111» HIOM A;-" iNr Hri. George Shepard) ' t •' • •. " > M Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams and ma, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and son, John, of McHenry and Mr. fpnd iVfrg. Irving May and family of Jobnsburg spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence /dams. Mi s. Ro3e Jepeon spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Roland McCannou, at Woodstock. Mr. Stam of Milwaukee will •peak in Muzzy's hall next Suuday afternoon at 3 o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. Aadrew Ramaker iind family of Thor, Iowa, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dfloy Neal. ^Ir. and Mrs. George Shepard were .dinner guests of Mrs. Clara Fost. pr at Richmond Sunday. ".•'•j Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent tlhp weekend in the Louis Hawley lome. 8,. W. BroWi) and son, Lena^d, #nd wife were visitors at Park JUdge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler •nd sons of McHehry sftent\KrHay evening it the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ayauiis Kfcutertained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Con- Aon of Richmond and Mr.and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family of Spring Grove oil Monday. • " Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldsjjri and family attended a watch niglit ' Service at the Gospel Center at Wonder Lake Saturday ewning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sliuetze and daughter, Ruth of Milwaukee spent thri weekend with her father, £hr. Wrn (Hepburn. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O^ffliiig Vnd family of Johnsburg spent Moaday evening in the Leo Hiller home. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter. Marian, were visitors at Woodstock, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tollefson of Marengo were visitors in the Win. McCannon home Wednesday. Mr. aqd Mrs. Frank Adams were ^visitors in the James .Rainey home 'at Genoa City Thursday afternoon. - Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Andrew Hawley Were visitors in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and family of Johiisburg spent Wednesday in the Leo Hiller homo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, spent Thursday evening in tlie Cora Walters liome at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs- Harold Wiedrich aad family of Harvard were visitors i>i tbo liome of his mother, Airs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Satur- ' day afternoon. Mr. and ^irs- Harold Jepson and family of Ouiufee spent Sunday %ith his niother, Mrs. Rose Jep- •on. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt and family of McHenry spent Thursday evening in-the Leo Hiller home. " Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Ka'.ic attended a New Year's Eve party in the Chester Colby home at Solon Mills Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Arsueau of Richmond spent Wednesday eveuing iu the home of Mrs. Ed Bauer. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rattray and family. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Ebol and family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel of Algonquin and Mrs. . Aiarian Schweni'h and daughter of |lva:ihoe si»e'it Thursday eveuing i in the Wtldon Andreas home, j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Ivane attended : their cHrd. club meeting, iu the ; Walter r-'Wilcox home near woodstock, A\c<iaesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Xordnieyer of, AVaucoiida and Mr. and Mis. Rntfsell .\ irdmeyer of MUiidetieh 'spent Wednesday afternoon wffli: •:Mr«. Ed: llauer and family. ' • Mr. and Mi;s. Weldon Andreas spent the Weekend in the Clifford isttxfe. iioiive at Woodstock. •* .'li^tier and .family sppui 'New Ye'ai'.s Eve . i'u the Marvin Ar neau lioino at Uiclimoud. Air., ami Mrs, Ray Peters of La^te <!-enev-a' spoilt Thursday veiling in 'the B. T. Butler home." Seme larian Everett Hiller or Mao land and his parents, Mr. and Airs. Win. J. Hiller of Jolnisbtirg, spent Saturday afternoon in the .Leo Hiller home. Al'iss Alaria'i Feet of Elgin spent the weekend with her - mother-, Airs. Lena l'eet, and Alice. I Air. an 1 Aliys. Leo Hiller and family vvt;re Sunday diuaer guests in the *Beu Freund .home at Johns-' burg. Air. and Mrs. John Cristy and' '.family and Don Fritz of Huntley. , Afr. and Mrs. Jordo'a Fosruin ;md family .of Richmond. Air. Welle and daughters. Shirley and l)arlene. of Crystal Lake spe it New , Year's day with Air. and Airs. Kenj neth Cristy and sons. Nelson and Jerry. They also celebrated the birthday of John Cristy. Air. and Airs. Frank Martin of McHenry i were supper guests in the Cristy • home. Mr. and Airs. Wilbur Beno> and daughters of Klkhorn were callers at the home of their grandparents. Air. and Airs. S. W. Smith, on Sat-- iurday.7-- ' ; . i Kenneth Cristy,.Jr., of Waupaca t -- spent the Christmas holidays with rhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keu- ' neth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith Bpent Friday in the home of their son, John Smith a id wife. Miss Nancy Cristy of Madison, Wis., spent the holidays here with her parents. Air. and Mrs. Jay | Cristy. } Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, and (daughter, Jean, visited relatives ! at Marengo Sunday,... | Alisses Susan Muzzy and Caroj Harrison returned to Champaign i Tuesday to resume their studies. New Year's day gueUs in the : Roy Neal home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney and Mr. and Mrs ! Andrew Ramaker and family. I Mr: and Airs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and daughter. Alary, Air. and MTB. | Jack Lenard and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, spent Sunday in the | Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mrs. Wiedrich remained for a visit. , . Fred Wiedrich, Jr., a';id daughter. Alary, and Airs. Jack: Lenard and family were, visitors at Elkhorn Monday morning. . "Pigskin" •The terM^'pigskins" for" feoti&ills is ieally a misnomer, since nearly i all are made of the same material • as fhee soles: tough, resilient cattleh i d e. 'eiptciailly " embossed or : printed. i y i ?For Basement Floors^ i For the basement floor that Is j not plagued by dampness, you ; have o the choice of several types , of coaRngs: a porch and deck enamel, chlorinated rubber paint or cement dye. i For Sunlit Room : As a wall color, blue is used to | the best advantage in rooms that l i-ecfeive sunlight. NOTICE ' My office will be closed l from January 5th until April 10th 1950. Dr. C. W. KLONTZ £0 Opening Soon! Your Crystal Lake Jewel Tat 207 East Brink Street Is Almost Ready! We are happy to tell you Crystal Lake homemakers that your new Jewel will open soon. It will be ona of the finest, food stores in the country. All^ the latest food store developments will be included. - ' i f •t: "" c.yi« A * * m m nm O R«ady-Packdged Self-Service Meats -- • Ready-Packaged Self-Service Fruifs and Vegetc^blef * v • The Finest in Groceries >: i • Friendly Jewel People • Extra Wide Aisles • Daylight Bright Fluorescent Lighting • Streamlined Easy to Reach Shelving • Six Efficient Checkout Counters • Rock Bottom Prices ^ V Watch for Grand Opening American Motoriiti' Drive More GuMjf* le'tVer Living for More People! American motorists are tatfnag to drive more safely, according to the 1949 edition of the National iafety CouncH's statistical yearbook, "Accident Facta." The 1948 traffic volume was the greatest in the nation's history--8 •er cent greater than 1947, yet the nilenge death rate--deaths per 100, >00,000 vehicle miles--was the low- •st in the nation's history. The 8.0 rnte was 30 per cent lower than the iverage rate of 11.5 through World \Var II. If the higher rate had irevailed last year, 14,000 more ives would have been lost. Hoxicver, there still were 32,000 raffics deaths in 1948--only 700 ewer than in 1947. IVA EUUNO PEEMITS ; twB TumoN nATE l lPOE COLLEGE VETS | The veterans administration ruled j recently it has a right to pay . higher college tuition rates ^or ex- OI's than the colleges are legally permitted to charge. I The decision means millions of j dollars for state and eitv operated ' schools, which may be barred by state law froin charging tuition : fees or arc limited in the amount j that can be charged. ! The general accounting office, "watchdog" on government, spending, had challenged some VA tuitioi payments to these schools. In one test case involving tlie University of Wisconsin an c estimated $7,000,000 to 8.000,00(1 rn payments . Egg Cartasaa "Medium" on the egg carton refers to Mm. never to quality or jrade. Tungsten Fields the richest tungsten field In the North American contineift fl located in North Carolina, was at stake. \ , „ The VA attributed the accounting office's action to a ^misunderstandjjng" of*VTA regulations concerning the tuition payments. VA has been paying higher tu- 'ition fees to some schools because of the heavy cost of teaching great numbers of vetera'is. The (*1 bill of rights also requires the veterans administration to pay tuition whether or not the school is legally permitted to charge it, VA said. \ Primarily, VA sjvid, the ruling by Adininistrator\('arl Gray holds the VA has the rightM"*? pay so-called "non resident" tuition i"ates for. (*1 students even though the veterans are residents of the state in which they are going to school. r Subscribe for The Plaindeatar. - Order your rubber rlau<ps at The j Need rubber (tiBpff Order PUimlealnn •• s -v.'v / The Pluindoltr. 1 '!•!>> I mm* WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and Greasing , DRIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St ~ McHenry PHONE 811 We also have Anti-Freeze of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service 4MU> Btrtbday Bahia, Brazil, celebrated ita 400th anniversary in 1949. The city, founded in 1549, is known throughout the world principally for its • c o p r a ' e x p o r t S v ' ^ C ' - ^ v • MOSEY INN RINGWOOD T • TELEVISION ' FRED BOWMAN Fish Fry on Fridays I; 4<SPEEDY,V iwe sewice DeRARTMewTofJ suIBC-bot r NICK MILLERS MCHENRY GMU6f by McHENRY GARAGE CCRfAlMLV FIKEO 1HIS CAR ASCOOOMMH speech-TMIS PouflH COOMTRV ROAD PPOVES IT. 604 FRONT STREET uic « Hey' will voo please CKTjSStUn ?3*rT k8E61e"N 0l 5F O*L*LASOSW WIM6 e ^TOfOSN/ WELL HOW'D I kTMOW SbU WAMTEO UD 6tT 8Vtoo WERtHT AOlHd Diamond T Trucks Willys-Overland Sales PHONE 403 FRIDAY EVENING SPECIALS 6:00 P:Wt to 9M P:lk 30-P9lished Hardwood Clothes Pins •v" ;J.h; White Poi celain Coffee Pdt -- 10-Cup Sixe / » SPECIAL 89c Dennis Coffee Cups -- Hog; 16c? 8PECIAL 7c Wall Paper -- Bargain -- Regular Stock Paper -- Your CLoice of Pattern -- Enough for Average ,v Room 1„ S1.98 S^ep In1 Our Store for Friday Nigh^Specials OPEN 'TILL 9 P. M. ALTHOFFS HDWE. Phone 284 West McHenry iSDia PWFVROI FT JCK MAwaA •• POWER automatic transmission ' . •' • • • OtfmuUm D* Ltua \fZHS7J. .andMnest.. .atZowest Cost/ Chevrolet for '50 brings you the best of everything at lowest cost. .. greater beauty . . . finer performance with economy . . . outstanding driving ease, comfort and safety! __ Here, in Chevrolet for '50, are the finest values the leader has ever offered to the motoring public. These thrilling new Chevrolets are available in 14 surpassingly beautiful Styleline and Fleetline body-types. They bring you a choice of two great engines and two great drives--the Automatic Power- Team* and the Standard Power-Team--described in detail below. And they also bring you quality feature after quality feature of styling, riding comfort, safety and dependability ordinarily associated with higher-priced cars, but found only in Chevtolet at such low prices and with such low cost of opefation and upkeep. Come in. See these superb new Chevrolets for 1950--the smartest, liveliest, most powerful cars in all Chevrolet history--and we believe you'll agree £ they're FIRST AND FINEST AT LOWEST COST! ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR TO OFFER A CN0ICK OF STANDARD OR AUTOMATIC DRIVING THK AUTOMATIC POWKR-TIAM* (BuBt by Chmvrolmi--Provmd by , ~ - Cfovro/ef--Exclvsiw to Chmvrolmt) NEW POWl-RGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION-/** Inest Automatic Driving (with no clutch pedal--no clutch pushpg-- no gearshifting). It combines with ChevroIetVnew Econo-, •liscr High-Reduction Axle to bring you an entirely new kind of oriving . . . low-cost automatic driving that is almost 100% •ffortless it's the simple, smooth and thrifty automatic trans-' mission. NEW 105-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE (with tower-let carburetor and Hydraulic valve-lifters). Here's the •lost powerful, as well as the most thoroughly proved engine, in fre low-price field . . . giving performance extraordinary . . . together with traditional Chevrolet economy in over-all driving. iflptifrnfi on D« Luxe Modal* at Extra Cost THI STANDARD POWIR-T1AM {Ovtskmding for Standard Driving Eato . . . Ptrformomco . . . tmd Economy) HIGHLY IMPROVED. MORE POWERFUL VALVE-INHEAD ENGINE (with Power-Jet carburetor and larger exhaust valvesU The fine standard Chevrolet engine now made even finer . . . giving you more power, more * responsive pickup, greater over-all performance . . . plus the outstanding economf for which Chevrolet has alwavs been noted. THE FAMOU# SILENT SYNCHRO MESH TRANSMISSION (with Extra* Easy Hand-E-Gearshift). Long recognized, by automotive engineers and the motoring public alike, as the pattern of smooth, quiet gear transmissions . . . assuring extremely simple and easy gearshifting . . . in fact, owners say easiest car operation, oe*t to automatic driving itself. America's liest Seffer JlSgglllF ^ mertcas CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 v- . McHENRY, ILLINOIS CORNER ILL. 31 AND 120 \

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