Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 13

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uary 12, 1950 THE PLA1NDEALER t • , . Jv,^V '^,- -j-T7 • -*- - - „ ^•' - 'r"'V '""'*• ' . -!. - • • Page~Thirtai|i • ;^W.,V,. January, UHA JaB. l.--Orton James Crane, 43, w4H the first death reported in McHtnry for the year. Jau. 3--Rev. M. L. Aldridge. 56. .'ormer pastor of the McHenry Universalis! church, died in Woodstock. JaU. 6--Death claimed Mrs. Matli N. Schmitt, 68, who passed away unexpectedly after a few hours illness. The same day Peter J. Lay, 64, of Spring Grove, died. Jan. 7--John Bushaw of Rockford died suddenly. Jan. 9--An illness of several months ended in the death of John Matcheh, Sr. Jan. 13--John S. Dickson died at his home on the Mcllenry-Crystal Luke blacktop road, where he had resided for three years. Jan. 17--Frank L. McOmber. an early resident of .McHenry and long a businessman in West Mc- Hfeliry, died i-v California. He was returned here for burial. Julius Swelgart of Chicago was buried in Woodland cemetery here,, , Jan. IS--Harry B. Nienstedt, 61, of Woodstock, father of Mrs. Elmer Freund,. died. : . • 4 Jan 20--Mrs Christine Mar-.' quurdt 95, one .of McHenry s earliest residents, died in Chicago. Jan. 21--Friends were saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Josephine Barrett SchiHo in Baltimore Md. • Jan. 24--Frank Fleischfresser. 76, died wheif fire broke out in hif Chicago home. He formerly lived at Lily Lake. < ~ Jan 27 Charles Rietesel, 71. sign painter in McHenry for many years, died. The same day , Mrs. Anna Strueh; for forty years a resident of McHenry. died in New- York City. Jan. 29--Mrs. Frieda Wilson, 64, a resident of McHenry for ten years, died. Februarj, 194# Feb. 1 -Death claimed Mrs. Marguerite Marks, 49, of Spring Grove. Feb. 2 Mr*. Minnie McDonald. 66. well known here. died, in Woodstock. Feb. 3 Last rites were conducted for Ll. John (). Buslee, 21. of Chicago, who was killed in Germany in 1944. Feb. 4--Mrs. Mary' Elle'a Harrison, a former Ringwood resident, passed away at Crystal Lake. Feb 7--A lingering illness ended in the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, 48, of Lilynioor. Feb. 15--Last rites were concfUctfed in Woodstock for Albert Freund, son of the late Albert Freund of McHenry. The marine was killed in 1944 at Cape Gloucester, New Britain. , Feb. 17--Funeral' services were held in McHenry for Andrew Kearns of Chicago, an» early resident of this community. Feb. IS--Albert "Jack" Johnson, owner of the Richmond Gazette, passed away after a long illness. Feb. 20 Mrs. Catherine I. Maber. nee Knox. 75,. died in Chicago. Feb. 23 -- County residents mourned the death of Charles "Duffy" Leonard, 69, well known auctioneer. Feb. 24--Death claimed Henry "Boots" Kemke ot Skokie «nu diaries Pearson, 71, of Crystal Lakl. both well known in this vicinity. Fsb. 25--Harry M. Chubaroos. a resident of McHenry many years ago. died in Buffalo. New York. Mathias Lieser of MeCullom Lak< passed away the same day F«jb. 26--William J. Marz, oper ator of a Johnsburg tavern for twelve years, died following a niost*-twenty'years published'John C. .Jollify, 58," of; Iitof of tlie ^Vf cHen rPla imii?aler;.':'' Jmke, a former McHenry pioneer resident of this vicinity, died in Fox Lake. The same day death claimed John H. Huck. 78. in Crystal Lake. He operated * a grocery store here for many years. April 16 -- Graveside services were held for Cheryl Ann Boehmke. 6-day old daughter of the Donald Boehmkes of Island Lake. The jame da.1 Mrs. Caroline Anderson, 94. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward St reed. April 21 -Friends mourned the death of Hilary Durland. April 26 -- One.,, of the oldest pioneer residents of Ringwood Mrs. James C. Ladd. 95. passed away. ' April 28-Charles Pumphrey. a resident of Oakhurst for many \ears, died following surgery. The same day death claimed Frank lleil. Sr., of Marathon. Wis. Percy, Gliddon. :'.9, of Lena. 111. at one rme pharmac ist in the . Bplgei drug store here, died following an auto accident.- April 29 A lingering illness proved fatal to Miss Hazel. tiis of Pistakee Bay. t. - April 30 WVIrs. Gunda Borre-of Richmond, a former dent, died > - - May, u>4» .VIay 5 The entire community joined In .mourning the death ReV. ,F'r.".:A. J. Neidei t. for eleve years pastor of St. John's church. Johnsburg. The *aine >iy.:.iH<a..~:;. claimed Frank G, Schrei -ierf al editor May />k -Fred, Wiedrich. Sr., ot Ringwood ydied; the Woodstock hospital%it; the afe* of 75. . . M'av 11 George 11 Daniels ot Chicago, father of Dan Daniels ol McHenry. passed away at»; tin Woodstock hospital. The same da. Fred Jlolger. 75. passed awav a; his home" in Forest Park ~XTrs Dwight Harris. 54. died in Day tona Beach, Fla. May 17 Death claimed Michae" E. Cleary. SO. who had spent hi: youth in this community, lie died in Springbrook sanitarium. May IS Anthony Grosso.. 21. died at his Wonder Lake home following an illness ,^-of several months. May 19 John V. .-Freund o' Johnsburg died suddenly of heart attack. May -31 William D. Forem- • of Pistakee Bay died at the age of 70. lie was a 50-vear resident o' the 15av'. The same day William Kattner. Sti, of Spring Grove, passed away. .Ill ire 1949 June 4-- Fred Klejnhans. 77. a resident for ten ye-yrs. died" at i home east of McHenry after a long illness. ; June S-- Thomas Dowell. S5. • lifelong resident of the commu'v' east of here, died after a short, illness. June 10 Mrs. Willirni Huff. died at her Gurnes home. Friends were saddened hv the untimely death of a young inothe of seven children, Mrs. Antho'.r Hertel. 36. June 11 Death c laimed John H Feltz, 56, of Woodstoc k, for ma'r years a.McHenry resident. June 15 Fi iedrich llotze c Volo died following a long jllne.' i The same day , funeral seryic' ; we-e held for tallies T j of Racine. Wis., husband lat<- Clara Bennett ; Julie 20--R.i m Joseph, about 7 owner of the Flu-sum farm in • West MclTenrv. passe:! awar ele*. Calif Aug. 25 -- George Steinsdoerfer. 63. died two days after a suicide attempt at the home of a daughter in Waukegan. The same day funeral rites were held for Fred T. Colby. S3, a pioneer resident of McHenry. Aug. 26--John Meyer, a summer eside.1t of the Johnsburg cofti- ,iiunity for twenty-five years, passed awav. v September,' 1949 Sept. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth StiHHkg. died at lier home- after two ceks' illness. Sept. 2 Funeral files were held or Dr. Henry Vaupell, 73. retired 'hicago physician and property kviierjn this area lor many year.*}. Sept 3 • Death claimed Mrs. 'ai l>ara Huemann, 80. after a v'-.-gering illness. ^.epi. •"> Roger Timothy, 64 reks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freund. died. "Sejtt/; 0 William Lipson, 68. .Ml, nl' ii lic>art attack at his sum- • r home at Lily Lake Sept. s -Mrs. Dora Behrens, 82, an.".'hurried in- Chicago.. She was sunnnei resident of McHenry. lie - sjinie day the four-day-o!d angliter of the Clarence* Youngs, ill ("larict"* died, in the Wood- Mock hospital. . ,Sept 1 I Mrs l>oca Schimriiet. i." whc» '\y1tli: !iec husband liad •crated lavei is in this area for veral > ears, passed a way after"', yeral: months' .'-illness. m 4'sj^u*-,-\wA*v' killed when his, car ruck by a fasf NOrth .Westi iK "_at. tli^ . (*i«ystat thke rossing. ' ^ . . i j t. # 19. - Albert N. Miller. 6K. ed i.i Tulsa, (ikla.. where lie had yed for many years. He formerly vned grocery store in Volo. r-'eptJ2" Death claimed Oorge a lifelong resident, I away after a long ill - sanie day Phillip Banpassed away unexpectedly- art attack at his home fshurg. 2:', Frank -Niesen died Ungearing illness "ht the r7. The infant ;on of, the Kreutzers, Terry 4 Lee. June 24-- Friends were shockec at the uncxi)"Cted death of Ha' r* Fredricks. 51. a fifteen-year resi dent here Death also clti ined M' Vera Maiman of Wauco-ida. . June 27 A marriage of n:•>' A I than fifty-Wo"n"e- yegr^s was broken '-by-the passing of Jo-iepli StiMn' . 82. Mrs Helen M Liptrot die'd f- "'lowi;ag a lingering illness I Ju*i^ Paul .la toS"W^"D'"H^Vrd'"swMhiw. V1"of °.,to Kh;n,ri .f .vy'; CO. of Spring Grove; also pas^" lfo v.-ing a three nrmths illness. away. Feb. 28^--John A. Hagberg of Chicago, father of Winfield Hagberg of McHenry, and Mrs. Cathertpe Behm. 56. mother of Mrs. Victor Miller of McHenry died. March, 1949 March 1--The Johnsburg comniuuity was shocked to learn of the unexpected death of Mrs. George Michels, 45. March 4 -Guy R. Buck, 65, a resident of Sunnyside Beach , for jdenlv" at the'honie of h!s dmr ma^y years, died in Chicago. |Mr8 Ted oraham. upon returning ""Ti ho 1 . - 'i\f. v"T tan . of a "ar J Kept. Iter a ge of Mliain i a few hours after birth. Sept. 24 Robert J. Ninisgern., it retired fireman, died in Wau- •>gan. Sept. 26 Death claimed the •onth-old daughter of Mr. and rs. Howard Ensign of Mill- ' .m h. Carolyn Ruby. Sept. 30 -- Gordon Stringer, Jr., •i of a former McHenry teacher et) in a Milwaukee, -Wis., hostal. rf4#«-t«ber, 1949 i)ct. Paul Borre. 30. died in -- .: A^i'Jlkr_gaii sanitoiium after an ' less ol six y*ars. .et. ' 5 Mrs. Frailk Freund. a .' "orig n- icicnl, t! «d. after a ering illness. The' same day ---Ht.c laiiueti .John Becker, a -part ;;ie rc-dcient. for twenty years an.i liM'-maiieut resident for another . *nty. - Oc t. 7 Jol, ! Patterson Coulson, died at il1 ' htnne of his dau'/her. Mrs. He'en Anderson, at otii^ Day fami, Oct. 10 .Edward Herring died at '-i.hoim at Islitad Lake the same ay that Marv Ellen Cobb, a for- »?;' resident - parsed away in 'Jiicago. t Oct. 11 McHenry lost three eminent residents: John Stoffel, cat merchanT for half a century; rt;. !tn-!|. .Miller, .a local resident >r mniiv ears; and Rev. tieorije i:.^Jl>:ies uf "ed liiiixster and fornr«r editor. (•>c-t. 14- A lont? p >:-iod of ill •\ Ith ended with, the death of e'ir'y Passfield. successful farmin \ <do area for many yea. s. • was SS veai'v old. Oct. 15- -Mrs. Barbara Kattner of > ing Grov,, ; t the home of laughter in Tampico. 111. The Hie day friends received word ,. . B unk of Ciiicaso, formei; loc: "ident. "ft. 11) passing of her son.- Charles Kunz^ Mrs. Ella Lawrence, 67, died unex-i pectedly oft a heart attack whilef attending • his wake. Dec. 9 -- John Phalin, pioneer resident of city, 89 years old. died at his home on Richmond Road.£ The same day death claimcd Adolph C. Well, rather of Mrs i. James Smith of McHenry. Dec. 11 -Theodore Clirlstensen, 73, of Pistakee Bay, paRsed away in the Woodstock hospital. Dec. 12 Friends mourned the .eath of Mrs. R. J. Miller. 32. Dec. 13--Mjlchelle Paillette, the nfaat daughter of Dr. and Mrs. "aul J. Justen of Chicago, passed i way art the age of six weeks. Dec. 17---Mrs. Augusta Blitsch, 3. mother of Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch of St. John's parish, Johnsnrg, died following a short ill- Dec. 22--Wilbert Swahson, 55. f Lily Lake, died while enroute 0 Hines hospital. He was a dishled veteran of World War' I. Dec. 24 -- Death claimed Mrs , .. 'Ovelyn Schaefer, 37, of Waukegan, 1 native Of Johnsburg, and Fred H. Hoeischer of Elgin, brother of ;: George Hoeischer of McHenry. Dec. 26 -- Jacob Wentworth, 8ti,f i; who spent Ms early life here; passed away in a Belvidere hc»u-- pital. ' MANY YEAR MAhGAHKTHA MFURLiMU . MRS. KV'A VVliliEU • 'V--" - *' •' 1 ,Wi„. BM, .Inly, 1919 July 2 -. Fi-'t -ids mourned <' death of Jacob Prefeld. 7i\ follt)- ing siirperv. Death also clainn Peter E. Tairath. 7<. father '<• Mrs. Krma Buck of. McH'wv. II died in McHenry. July 4--Dr. Charles Treat. >: well known county physician fe. more than sixty years. died ir Sharon. Wis. July 5- Edwin Bissell diedd MaVeh 5- Services w.ere held in from the July 4 weekend spent Chicago for William N. Funk, father of William G. Funk, of Mc- Hefiry. March 6--John E.,* * "Bevo" Freund,. one of McHenrv's best Crystal Lake July 8- Joseph Miller. Jr.. Richmond, well known - in community was killed when th< , . . ... ; tractor he was driving tipped ove known residents, passed away Rnd crushed him beneath. iSLl ^m'1?688 T, no I ,ul>' 3 Funeral services werr S ^Uiia^i Devore, 99. held in . Woodstock for Mrs. Wrii rss'- ,n • '•-- - 2Mar;chresae.t "82 , a. rTesid"en"t of the harre Pa Kalian Home for the Aged at. JtiC i«- -Funeral services w-er. Hstakee Bay. died 'in . the Wood'- held i i Chicago foY Mrs Job' stock hospital. March IS -- McHenrv's oldest tnirriage was broken by the death of William Tesch, 85 . Adelaide Lu' Gallagher Greenleaf, 60 an old tb&e resident, died in Florida. ^March 19 -Charles E. Jogensen, 65r of Long Lake was at rest in IjtoHenry before burial services, 'jdarch 24- Mrs. Elizabeth Wieke, .resident of Fair Oaks, was killed in the crash of two autos which occurred near Arlington Heights as slip and her husband were enroute W visit friends in DesPlaines. "• M*rch 25--Patrick Sullivan, 59, (»f fonder Lake passed away un- «fc»eetedly of a heart attack. ^ ,Mar<di 26--William Whiting, a lifelong resident, died at 72. .»*• " April /"."-April 1--William Medley of |^and Lake died. April 5--Henry G. Grosmann, 81, • fiwninitted suicide by hanging at Ills home at Island Lake. It was -ftfo second attempt to take his life. April 10 Friends mourned the TOtimely death of Warre i Howell, wfeo died of a heart attack while pn a business trip to Pennsyr- Wria. An old time McHenry resi ment. Howell's Villa was named Iritis family. April 12--Mrs. Eva Will Weber died at the age of 81 at eer faille north of Johnsburg. K April 15--Joseph Miller, 88, for Mrs viynn'. k ope time resident of th Fox River, near McHenry j Jul- 10 John Nuber. 7(1. die'- i unexpectedly at the home of hit daughter in Woodlavn Park. He was a resident of Chicago. July 2'i Friend < learned with sadness of the passing of David Pavne. 83. at a Gary, |nd.. hospital July The ('iftir(. coiuiiiunit >oined the .family in mourninc tin it'iHmelv death of Mrs. Herman Nye. 44. Jul;- 2^ . A lingering illness toolthe life of Mi's. Margaretha 'Rpu* "ng, 69. .Tub- :',i -- Kenneth C Reed. -11 died ln Berkeley. Calif. and hi: body wa r< tin-nnM f,> hurial here Anenst 1919 AUK. -1-"-P:ttsv H<*ndrif*kson. 11 of Rentori; Wash., drowned as she \v;iditm in ;i river near her bon,,.. Sb- was a uninddaughfer of Math N SchmtTt of -- 1 llnvnld* '. Altinan. 39- •"•mknovn here. (»ied in an au'< "par his home in Oxrtard. '"«• 4 , Alfred F N'eeh died at l>is .homo Pt Island Lake at the ":p of The same dav funeral ""v'c "'fro held for a summcf "eKir'eif r\t the M Reis,® 86 K. C. NOTES .1 "l What's Coming i ^ ^ N(^w we have entered the setfiblid half of a century which so far has been of the histoj-y-makiiig brand that many of us old-timers who were^round at the start didn't etfpect. Prior to 1915, everything seemed to go along at a mild even pace. It was one of those periods that caused the dissatisfied ac tionseeking type of person to remtik that nothing ever happens.' Then, as if in answer to such complaints, things began to pop. Two world wars, more devastating than any previous one. sandwiched by the worst economic- depression, became realities. There has been a lot of progress In surgery, medicine. communication, transportation, and means of enjoyment and convenience, but sad to say, not much advance,, if any, in the spiritual condition of* the people throughout the* civilized v.orld, counts. Lets all hope and pray for considerable -improvement in the latter with the beginning of the Holvg Year just ushered in by our Supreme Pontiff. Pope PiUt* All. !\ext Meeting All member < are urgently requested to mak0 every effort to attend the January meeting tonight. Thursday.. Many imuortant oi-ics stud our agenda. Your experience and wisdom in helping us arrive at conclusive decisions would be appreciated. Here's hoping you have inclufcd regular attendance at all mewtings among those New Year resolutions. If ou make the first, you'll not mis • tli(J others, that we can guarantee. Start the New Year right, be at the meeting tonoght! - •' Wboojis! . ' • . Our 1'ncle AM:e says thrit ringing out the Old Year is a wonderful idea, only he wishes the i ringing would quit the next dav * G'Bye. MRS. HERMAN NYE MRS. FRANK FREUND MRS. R. J. MEIUKAY MATCHE N JOHN MATCH EN- CHARLES KUNZ ALBERT VALKS .MPS. H ill 1-..MANN Frederick Sli^elian, 64. A, at his home in Mineral . Mellenry._ after a li'agerag illness. ( t ,The oity mo«»"ned the ath of Nicholas F. Freun.d, X.", ie of Mc Hen i y's most respecte fsidents. • Oct. 23- Injuries sustained in Ml in the bathtub of the John '^atchen, Jr.. home prove! fatal :eir iwo and one-half year el lighter. Merikay. ' / ---etr~2«-- Miss Ellen "Atfin 'Nell" herty died unexpectedly at the . cit 9C :it. at her home o-i Cou reet. She was^McMenr;oltleg died at the age.: Of >9 at «ome" of a daughter. Mrs. Han lannon. in Lilv Lake. >o»cnii;ei, 19*8 Nov. G-- Harry Daniel. 69, of gelside died following a lont' ilness, Nov. 7 Death claimed Mrs rices Nauglitbn. SO. a rhsiden' ;.Ringwood for a few- months. Nov. 9 Louis H. Eisenmenger . at o'ne time ow-ner of a meat Lket in McHenry.- di Fro m shipbuilding and sai the Great Lakes. Capt E. B Ward turned to iron ^and steelmaking. A onecr in the iron industries of Detroit and Chicago, be rnrr?# the fH'st ::eomfnefeia4-bc~setncr "^eel ir \,,f. je Friends to le^rn of • b® of Albert Vales, voodstr>ck hospital. 1" -Lucius- T Ershiiie, usband of the foi mcr Aniel: ;v'i<rer of McHenry. died, une- •iectedlv of a heart Attack at Sout " d. Did. Nov 14 IH.ath claimed Mr 'lien Bolder of Woodstock. 84. ^'1 mcr local resident, and Ludw 'Veimd. 50, a native of Johnsburtr Nov. 15 Charles We vne Good 11. for thirty-six years st ttio: "'it here, died after a week's .ill ess. ' . Nov. 23 A heart attack p"ove Jtal to -Edmund GennTiH. 35. <( " 'ler of the Just Fo- rmrrol!" ink. ' A 1 Nov. 25 "Arthur W, Hctoper. fo 'any years a McHenry resident, lied after a short illnes t .. "i> J'rn Hi>!«n. '.V',:ias8, f> of Lily I^ake. died, a suic ide.vlct-'m . '""f same »Ta"'v -vices" \\«»re he|< ^ ^'r;-,. Uitdi- 'ol'"son No\^ 27 Win Docherty, OH • Fox Lake Vista, prs <ed av if""' a linger'tig Plucks. Nov 30" RoV't WrU'ht a long time resident 'of McHenrjv died after- a linneririf 'll'.tess i ° December.- 19|J> foiniiiunity, Anna ,h'(' ^ha-. h s Kun^. 33 died at, .. Woodstock hospital aftev a long •:erica at V.r--irdo<t» Mjih' MltS. BARBARA KATTNER L. FRANK T1H KI.W I:LL JOSEPH STILLING MRS. ELLA LAWRENCE AiiSS ELLEN 1)1)1 lEXtTY MRS. Kl.iZABhTll ST1LLJ NNO HARRY Dl'RLAN I > FRANK M I" /.'AY LUAiLLI.t . t,i -. >i )|-;LL >TOOasIOCK liospit.'ll j'fter ds were shocked J^The same day death claims j nnf>yt»oeted,death ed'Frarik J." Tbtirlwell, 7o. I Sr.,'63. Dec.. 6 -Just a. day after the j .WILLIAM Ti;S('ii JOHN PHALIN ^RANK G. SCHRELNER JOHN H. STILLING AilS. MA i ll N. SCHMITT r.r

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