Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 5

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-I {yifsyi,1 *7'"" T" • liil gifg ,&*r h. 4flMppi. ..., m if •'|j Thursday, January 12, 1950 4 * r ^ i - y - ' . * ' * m 1 \ THE |fotffcfukt 4^^<D1ALU i ^ > . ; •4 '. <?<••>'• CLP >5 IF! EC SECTION pom SALE -- Bed davenport. Very freammable. Call 247-R evenings, j 35 i Betwn of tke great number of clawtiled ads which appear la the Plaiedealer each week, we have foaad It Impossible to keep books oa nch small accounts. Therefore, In the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock an WednMday mornings will be printed. FOXS SALE -- Rloomfield regular Ply aad . , waxed stave silos. Waxed inside for ANDfeRSON TRSE m' , acid erosion. Waterproffed and * 519 Wankegan Road i white enameled coating on the out- ' side. 10% discount till Feb.' 1. ! ---------------- • Earl Paddock, McHenry, 111. Phone ! >VHf'-r>' 88.w. »J5 OOMPLETB TBBB BBBVKJI -- Tree Feeding -- - M'_ Trees SPRAYING} Weed Control lfoaqnito KVIOB McHenry 724 15-tf FOR SALS FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case b^er of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Tun, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines apd paokage goods to take out at the u>»,est prices. 513 Main t-, street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf i' ?FOR SALE -- A Healthy home-- ; with Rexair--the Water Machine , '-- Cleaner -- Humidifier -- Vapftj^ orizer. Carl Barnickol, Box 211, J McHenry. 34tf ;t; : ! FOR SALE -- 1949 Custom 2 door KIK8BT * BENSTBH Carpenters -./ Homes • Remodeling Cabinet Work sedan Ford. 23,000 miles, excellent ;>*. wrtimates: Tel. McHenry 8M-J oconnllddiittiioonn., epqnuilillpinpieind wWilftKh eAvVeArryvtfhhiinnigt 1 trr * A • m* hut kitchen sink. Call 356, George Worts, Jr. Can In> seen at Wort's Service Station. *35 or Woodstock 1351-W VOR SALE -- Bay mare riding librae and tack. 8 years old. Very gentle. For information phone Mei'on rv ""SR2. *35 FOR SALE -- Duo-Therm oil burner, like now, complete with pipes and tanks. Call 223-W after 7 p.m. *35 299 EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. K. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zur ieh 3102. . 15-tf MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Typing Mimeographing • Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Ratec ;47 Washington Street* Route 14 FOR SALE -- Fotir Pedestal drop ' Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 1452-M. leaf t«Ule. Full extension lift". *80.50. 'Tele. <13. P. M. .TFSTKN FURNITURE CO, W. McHenrv. ' 35 FOR SALE -- Plastic mat reus covers. $3.35. Plastic Pillow covers. 85c. Tel. «3. P. M. .TUSTEN FURNITURE CO. W. McHenry. 35 FOR SALE --- Storklltie baby bug* J-- .--»- -- --------- gy and baby scale. Phone McHenry FOR SALE -- 2 pc. living room 861-R. * ' 34tf , set • 0x11 broadloom rug with pad: --; lamp tables; 9x13 rug with pad and PIANOS -- 40 Miles from High .* po. chrome kitchen set,. Very Prices. Januarv Clearance Rales -- i reasonable. A. Stilling. Phone Mcnew and uned-, Spinets and firand ! ITenrv 297-J Pianos -- all can be bought at ^.tremendous savings. Call Elgin 780. DAVII>. K. STARK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago and Union Sts., • Elgin, 111. 33-4 FOR SALE -- Boar Pigs, around ; 200, lbs. Ham|uihire and spotted "• Pollnnds. Win. iStaines, West McHenry. Phone .">46 R-2. 35 eNOW IT'S YOUR MOVE FOR REAL RARGAINS IN • Guaranteed Used Cars and Trucks FOR SALE -- 1947 - 4 door, Dodge eustAni deluxe. Finest car made by Dodge it> '47. Braiid new tires. Car is like new. Single owner, low mileage. Very special for this practicallv new car. Only $1,145. Phone McHenrv 303 or Ringwood 404. • 35 FOR SALE -- Jonathon and delicious apnles, $1.50 per bu. on^ Robert "Raird's Farm. Phone rns W-1,' *35-2 47 PLYMOUTH Spec. DeLu^e Se- IFOR SALE -- Women's beautiful dan. Beauty - comfort - real j Clinton watch, ruby-dinfnond studded; % size bed. and springs. Mack coat, fox trimmed size t4. McHenrv 634 R-2. *35 economy. * 46 Dodge 2 Door Sedan. Economy and Satisfaction here. 46 lilTICK 4 Door Sedan. High j -- Quality, Low Price. 'FOR SALE -- Mink pelts, resdy to 48 CRONIjKY Station Wagon. Ideal I be made into scarfs; $20 each. Tel. for Utility nod Runabout. 41 DO I Hi 10 Town Sedan ; 41 'PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan 41 NAi>H "Ambassador" Sedan. ,40 CHEVROLKT 2 Door Sedan = 39 FORD Business Coupe McHenrv 582-M-2. *35 FOR SALE --• ^Ilaiui carved, downfilled loye seat: covered in beige I mattress; excellent condition. $75. 1 Carl Rietesel, McHenrv. 35 38 DO DOE 4 Door Sedan 37 FOHjD "85" Coach , ; Plus More Models ;hh1 Many Trucks ~XTS.BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. Pearl St. McHenry Phone 156 FOR SALE -- Altenti'in Handy Man--This week's SPECIAL is a "1x132 choice Ijuikling lot with 24x 24 concrete block foundation; well on it; resdy to build on or can be enlarged. Located two blocks from St. Patrick's church. Price for lot, foundation and well, $725 this week only. Terms can be arranged. Best l»uy we can .offer and only one of its kind. Call us today. The Kent -- Evergreens, trees, j phone McHenry 8. 35 TOR SALH -- White birch fireplace wood, any length. John E. Ducev, Phone 16, Richmond, 111 *35-4 FOR SALE shrubs, Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. --- * 32tf TOR SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formals. "This clothing in good condition." Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. .Consignment and Resale, % mile west. Terra' Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 32tf FOR SALE -- 26-inch train case, lihio and white check with white leather binding; used once; perfect condition; will sell for $10. Write Dot Hi in care of Plaindealer. 35 FOR SALE -- Eight piece mahogany dining room set; Duncan Fyfe; very good condition. $150: Tel. Wonder Lake 646. 35 10-tf OARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let 11, dispose of your garbage'each week or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates, Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf PllUlP allfflAW 1 tltntv JitlwltPlI Ell VOGEL, Aaetteit WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair :1 "d install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf CLOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. - No digging No lawn mess Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitaiv Co., Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf MLAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned hy Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHerry 290. 29-tf NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Earl" R. Peterson and Bob L. Peterson under the name and style of Peterson Boat :uid Motor Company ift dissolved and terminated as of January 9, 1050. Earl R. Peterson will continue the business as sole proprietor from and after January 9. 1950, under the name and style of Peterson Boat and Motor Company, Not Inc. 35 ACCOUNTANT Available Now For Income Tax Returns Part of FrJ! Tinsr- P.ookkeeniitg Audits '••-* Call: 291 or Write: E. Roenau 308 S. fireen St. McHenry, 111. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf Solon Mills, Phone Richmond 264 The farm being sold. I have decided to quit farming and will sell at public auction on the old Schetd farm located on the North aide of Griswold Lake, five miles Southeast of McHenry on the 'East River road, and three miles South of Lily Lake; on SUNDAY, JAN. 22 beginning at 13:00 o'clock sharp the following described property: 31 HEAD of LIVESTOCK rsnslsting of SI head of Holsteln milk cows, mostly fresh aid close springers; i yearling Holstola heifers; S heifers, 4 to • Months old, vaccinated; 1 two-year old bred heifer, vaccinated. This is an extra good herd of cows and yoa are invited to look them over before the sale. MACHINERY ,McD. 10-20 tractor on rubber with front end plow'lift loadfer; 1946 Ford Tractor complete with pickup plow and disc, cultivator, mower, drag, seeder, and pickup box; McD heavy dutv hay loader; McD corn husker; Rubber tired wagon with corn box; Iron wheel wagon and box; Cultipacker; 1935 Chevrolet L. W. Base truck; McD side delivery rake; McD c8rn binder; McD rubber tired tractor spreader, 2 years old; Corn and grain elevator, 30 ft. with gasoline engine; Buzz saw. MILK EQUIPMENT Two deLaval single unit magnet motor and pipe for 28 cows; 11 milk cans; 1 electric water heatfer; 2 solution tanks; Pails, etc. V.' hp motor with Dunlop grinder; 4 Row boats; 5 Picaic tables;, 85 hens. FEED 700 bu, good ear corn in crib; 300 bu. Clinton oats; 20 toas loose alio. 15 tons timothy hay (may be baled by sale time). MISCELLANEOUS -- Cyl corn Shejler, fanning mill, 8-ft. Dempster drill, drive belts (1 canvas, 1 rubber), scraper, Mill blinder, anvil and forge, barrels, buzz-saw, kettle. 7 milk cans, 2 sterilising tanks, etc. TRI CK -- 1935 Ford V-8 Mi ton pick-up truck. ' Elmer J. Schumacher, < Owner FROELICH A WICK, Auctioneers Public Auction "Service Co., r Clerk AUCTION MISCELLANEOUS JANITOK SERVICE - H\> cknn woodwork, fl »ors, windows., walls and all otho»- odd jobn.- Daily week ly, monthly or soasoihPv. Reasonable prices. M'JIfl r Janitor Srrv ice, Don D-^wi-v, Mgr. Pfcjn? Mc 32tf |OR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADkNQ MACHINES. Service on all I Henry 430-J lakes. Also ribbons for all makes; I 1 .carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.. | ELECTRIC PROBLEMS? --Do you Woodstock. Phone 549. 7.|fjhf»ye electrical problems!-Lei^-B«b ------ -- [solve thiyn. No job too big or too ' tt)R SALE--Generators, annaturea.j sinnii. Call McHenrv 569-R-l 32-6 , tarters, fuel pumps, distributor* ' . mltage regulators and ignition parts ! SAW FILING -- Hand/band cir- 6r Ford and all other cars. Seaco I cular and crosscut saws. At Peterales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. \ son Boat Shop. Route 120,- Mcilvobods. Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. 47-tt' Henry, Illinois. •34-4 BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROPE R T Y , B U S I N E S S E S . KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND Smart Set Beauty Shop Riverside Hotel McHenry 861 Will cut and curi to please you. 34-4 n A TV PHONE 421-J, McHenry, 111. , McHENRY lltf ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax ConJOR SALE--Johns-ManvlUe Horn* sultant. Phone Fox Lake 50'!2. 30tf Insulation, installed by The Wali- % **111 Co. For estimate, call Leo J. „«ni», pmu to .t*. . Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf ® ITH--We car do BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil Copying and framing. FOR SALE -- Infants' wear, cost ume jewelry, ceramics, bone china I paintings _ Jamps, glassware, ideal Xmas gifts; j CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS • 11 moderately prTced. The Hem- AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK S Uley C.ife Shop, opposite depot, Fox 1 STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mcpike, 111, 25-tf ,| Henry. Phone 27§, 40-tf I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 * 1 1 1 M I I I I I I I I M'lMl 11 "I MM ;» Helen Weber Say^ ITS WINTER GRIME / m causes sandpaper action in your clothes -- it's economical to have them A cleaned often. For the Finest and Safest Cleaning bring that suit or dress In now. ' McHenry Cleaners Phoae 194-M 108 Eton St. Helea Waber. Mar. J WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLfifDS--New line of removable slat and Bauticx orginal blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M 1 Fri. evening, Sat. or Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27-tf O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 80. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shopped 15-tf Ed Yogel, Aactioaeer, Solon Mills Phone Richmond 264 Having decided to quit farming, will sell at Public Auction on farm located 4 miles east of Richmond on Route 173. 2 miles north Spring, Grove at English Prairie. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18 Commencing at 11:30 A;M. sharp the following described property to-wit: 90 HEAD of LIVESTOCK ! \ Consisting of SS HEAD MILK COTTS 20 UaernsejN, 3 Hoisteins, mostly fresh, balance sprlaciag; i Gnernsej heifers, 6 months to 1 year old, vaccinatedt 1 pare bred Gnernsey bull, 2 years old. feeding hogs, weight HO to ISO lbs. Team of bay horses, weight 3600 lbs. Set breeching harness. FEED 600 bales timothy hay, 1800 bu. Vicland oats, 1300 bushels ear corn, 150 bales straw, 30 ft. silage in 16-ft. silo. MACHINERY Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor on NEWS FROM THE ^ fOR FUN RINK AnQ Qehri) Latest gossip from the poller" rink: All the fellows and girls were surprised to see our well known police officer, Joseph C. Grobel, ,trying out the floor Friday night, and doing a fine job. too. Heard his wife can skate also, wonder when she will join him. The great Casanova, has been seen lately with a new girl friend. Wonder if it's the real thing this time or is it pust another on his long list of names in his little olack book? Wally N., MvHenry's Casanova, has been seen lately with a new girl friend. Wonder if its the real thing now or is it Just another on his long list of names in his little black book ? It has been' noticed that John Wolowic has three bandaged fingers, did you fall, John? Grace KJlday has been'_ looking for the song, "Whv Can't We Get Along" op every juke box. / but seems to have no luck. Lennie enjoyed skating to the song "Mickey" when Dorothy played it last week. Don Fluger and Elsie Smith iiave been seen skating together lately and seem to be enjoying .hemselves. There was a nice crowd of new Lolks from Waukegan and Anitoch it the rink l«8t Saturday night. One man from out of town had a ne k poloroid camera and he took a few snaps of the crowd. Dorothy Weber did a beautiful job of "The Skaters Waltz" Sunday evening. LEO SCHEID, Owner McHenry State Bank, Clerking AUCTION On Long Grov.e Road, being 3 miles east of Barriagton, 3 miles south of Lake Zurich, 6 northwest of Palatine, on SATURDAY, JAN. 14 alfalfa hay in barnt 16 ft. of all- rubber with cultivator and-power age in 14 ft. silo/ 450 bales of |wower, F-20 Farmall tractor 011 straw; quantity (of loose straw; Irubber with cult., Allis Chalmers quantity of shredrail stalks; quan- Hodel 60 combine with pick-up tity of household g(k)ds. j attachment and straw spreader, A. TERMS--All sums of S25.00 and » Pl?W- N'cD ' 2"214 >,low under that amount cash; over that I, Jl ' 4*se^- 2"®^- amount a credit of six months at 6 t ®n Brunt dr,u- 12"'^ per cent will be given on notes ap-, S°r ^ P,anter Wkh |PnTVecdredUt\einIl7vk m^y0n^e8,r" ! Graln b,ower <new>' McD sidp mfn,. h L y, ar~n*®- delivery rake. McD. hay loader. . H ,,urc a8! 18 TdG ,N® I Gehl silo filler, 14 inch, 40-ft. pipe, property to be removed until settled | McO corn binder with roll out farrier, 7-ft. Dunham cultipacker, McD. corn planter with fert. attach., McD. 6-ft. mower, horse cultivator, 225 ft. (rood hay rope. McD. tractor spreader on rubber, 1 years old, iron wheel wagon with rack, hog feeder and hog waterer, electric emery wheel, post drill press, 3 gas drums, oil burning tank heater, electric fence. M1LKIN(> EQI1PMENT Surge milking machine. 2 single miles'unit pumps and new motor, pipe jHfie for 40 head cattle, Losee elee- J trie heater, 12 milk cans. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of *-yt£0O\ or under, cash; over that K A M Lanrh Wagon 1 amount a cred't of six months tinfe1 COMMENCING at 11:00 O'CLOCK f* !;l,interest OIV note8 acceptah,° 21 HEAD OF CATTLE -- Hal. stein, Guernsey and Swiss cows, I 17 1 (onsiNting of 7 springers, 3 with; HITS. LCOd Vail AVCT? ralf at side, 4 first calf heifers! _ J (re<'enHy fresh), S open yearling A . Owaar heifers, heifer 10 months old, bal- Bank of Richmond, Clerking an<> milking good. Well bred Hoi-1 stein boll, 1H months old. 4 of tke springers are coming with their first calves. T. B. and Bangs tested. PONY, HORSES and HARNESS --3 good black horses, bay pony, 5 years old; new harness (never i LEGALS SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTED -- Experiem- ed office manager, personnel, traffic and shipping. Youiig? aggressive and ambitious. Write Box 02 care of Plaindealer. 35 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FBITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. or Chicago,'Lincols 1333. . 2-t.f WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce, Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenrv, 111. 22tf HKLP WANTED -- Women and girls wanted fcr telephone survey worj£, in your own home. Good pay. No experience necessary. If you have c pleasant voice write Robert W. Slimmer, Sterling North West Agency, 2753 West North avenue, Chicago, III. HELP WANTED -- Part time credit investigators on a fee basis to cover several towns in McHenry county. Prefer retired or semi-retired individuals having connections with banks and financial institutions. Address replies Raymond Reiber, care Dunn and Bradstrcetr 300 West Adams St., Chicago. 35 2 HELP WANTED -- PART TIME Need two ladies to demonstrate Yardley Plastics on the Party Plan. Pleasant work - Average t40$50 weekly. Write Lola'. Peferion. Rt. 3, Box 380, McHenry or call Cary 6164. 35 4 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- 4 room furnished apartment on MeCullom Lake. Oil heat hot water a'nd electricity, will rent from now 'til June. Write Box 10, care PlnindeaW *35 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Ahastas'ia Miller, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 6, tor on rubber, Ford 2-bot pick-up ^J50'a* thC C,alm dat® in the e8tate plow Ford 7-ft. pick-up tractor disc. 3-RPr> wrwiH t j pending used). MACHINERY - McD . 2 hot. tractor plow. P & O single bottom tractor plow, McD. 15-30 tractor, mechanically good, 1949 Ford trac- Anastusia Miller, Deceased, disc, 3-sec. wood drae 3-8ec"Llnd ' E?n.^lng in the County Court of Bay wood drag, Vm Brunt 8-tt I lv*c^lenry County, Illinois, and that grain drill with grass seed at- ^ ,'la,p,s may be flled a*ain8t said ta< hm«u. M-H 8-ft traotor d?sc ^ "aid "»le (good condltloTi), »„ii,y Si"""""" »' crusher, M-H corn planter with ROY J. MILLER, fertilizer attachment, M-H 6-ft. oil i c RUSSEL ALLFN AiTlf bath mower, dump rake. M-H j 236?L M^n St^et push-type hhy loader. M-H side Woodstock Hllnois delivery rake, new Case silo filler ; (pjf. 1°° ,, ia with pipe. McD. manure spreader. 1 ( 12-19 26) Harvey hammer mill, burr mill, McD. corn binder, McC. grain binder, 2 steel wagons and racks, Appleton 6-rolI shredder (very good condition),steel wheel wagon and bo*. Wood Bros. 22-in cylinder body thresher. FEED -- 200 bushj»lB oats, 1.000 bushels corn, 60<Fc:bales 2nd cut alfalfa, 10 ft. allage in 14-ft. *IHIHtHIIIHHIHIimiltmillliniHHmillUIHlH'iHiMHtiffi The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRY8TAL LAKE. ILL. SfeHenry* Co's. Leading Theatre Raincoat Haal Om way of preventing the hood of your plastic raincoat from blowing off in blustery rainy tifeather is to take a tip from the girl who fastens the edge of her hood to her forehead with a strip of transpar ent cellophane tape. It stays put in a high wind and the tape Is invisible immwHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiii ( PHONE 3 P SIILUg FRI. - SAT., Jan. 1B>14 Richard Travis Helen Wemtrott ia "ALASKA PATROL" John Emery Tantara Gera h THE GAY INTRI DERS" Sl'N. - *ON„ JAN. 1&.1« Sonday Con't From S:4fi P.M. Walter Pigeon Ethel Barrymore la "THE RED DA9UPE" A true story of the Red Menace along the Danabe. < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I * * 1 ' ' 1 l l" Mrs. Edward Todd and son, John Edward,; returned to their Johnsburg home last Thursday from St. Therese h°sr>',a'- Waukegan. The infant was th" first McHenry area baby born In 1960. \ TI E. - WED. - THFR8. JAN. 17-18-19 Ricardo Mentalban ^ George Marphy la "BORDER INCIDENT" FRI. - SAT., JAN 18-14 Matinee Sat. 2>30 P.M. Fredrio March In • Th« Technicolor Special "CHRISTOPHER COLl'MBI'S" Along with Co-Hit Tim Holt . : In «t!HE RUSTLEBS** Also Color Cartoon SUN. - MO>^ JAN. 15-lfi Matifnee Sunday 2:80 P. M. Shirley Temple Barry Fltsgerald In "THE STORY OF SEABISCl'IT" Color by Technicolor STARTS TUESDAY, JAN. 17 . Randolph Scott •FIGHTING MAN of^THIT PLAINS" B? Technicolor SAFE-HOMES AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED IN FAKMtHOME WEEK •S'% ' i.': Ji\- ;,«v v. 1 > 4 • """! WEEKLY CROSSWORD PU SILENT STAR 3 Paradise 4 Lair 5 Area measure C Courageous r TTTIT1„ ^ Exist 15 Rule of order ® Bambooliipl ^ 16 Arabian gulf *rass HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured * silent film star 19 High card tS Duck 14 Russian city 17 Run away 18 Scale of pay 19 Half an em 20 Brighi colol 21 Period 23 Like 24 South America (abbr) 25 Has on 29 Tangl#. ;' i 30 Decay.. 31 Heroic 33 Famous opera 34 Part of circle 36 By wa y of 37 Flies 39 Paid notice 40 Steamship "/'• (abbr.) tl Inquire 43 Skill 45 Musical note 46 Abound 49 Island 51 Celebration 53 Auricle 54 Appeal 55 Foot path 56 Greek letter 57 Malt drinks 58 Deserves VERTICAL 1 Beverage I Conceals 27 Slender stick 44 CcBtnki, 28 Stellar bodies 45 Be afraM «ff 46 Golf dCViM 47 Dine 48 Age 80Oil-- 51 Brother • 52kCeasort8 of • cloth 9 Aluminum (Symbol) 10 Winglike part 29 Mineral 11 Feline silicatt 12 Female sheep 32 For 17 Iron (symbol) 33 Hei|> < 18 Route (abbr.) 35 Donkey 20 Rodent 36 Huge tub 22 Be indebted 38 Male sheep 23 Spaces 40 Silk-like cloth 54 VittNT 24 Baglike part 42 Murder 559ymbolfoC 26 Operatic solo 43 Exclamation teQurioai 1 2 \ s - r 0 II 44 lb m it I ?r •S So 2i a 24 u io it if % IV 44 Pi U il 38 MP H" HI 4*i i •ft 44 44 HI *•4 SO 51 kr r S5 51 A' m Safe-Homes awards will be presented to two Illinois counties during the I960 Farm and Home Week. Miss Gladys Ward, home management specialist. University of Illinois college of agriculture, will give the awards to the two 'Safest homes" counties in Illlu »is on Wednesday, Feb. 8. These two counties will receive iwards on the basis of the largest percentage of enrolled families eportiag no home accidents, and lie lowest percentage of home iccidents among total number of umilies enrolled. The"*'Tse of the Family Food Dollar" is another subject which wi!! be discusscd during Farm and Home Week. Professor Margaret Reid, University of Illinois econmce department, will give facts amounting to $157,500,000 accord- , "t"?° about where that food money is .tag to Arnold J. Rauen. Pistakee 1 going. j Bay, state director, U. S. Treas- [ Homemakers will also learn urySavings Bonds Division "for how to save time aad energy dur- , Illinois. :ig Farm and Home Week. Dr. National leaders of the American Elaine Knowles Weaver, associate Legion. American Veterans of professor of home management. Ohio St^te University, will speak on "Less Fatigue for Homemakers." SUGGEST SOUND WAYS World War II. Disabled American tinn VfjiTV ANQ Trt TTCfB ^etcrans. the Military Order ef J!UK VHilCftAWS 1U USB World Wars, and Veterans of INSURANCE DIVIDENDS Foreign Wars have written their local units saying, "We believe m , one of the wisest ways veteraiia The U. S. Treasury Savings can use tjje money is to buy Bonds division for Illinois has xjnited States Savings Bonds and suggested three sound ways for provide funds for education, re- World War II veterans in Illinois tircment. reserves and emergento use their National Service Life 0jes »• ' Nationally, at&ut 16,000.000 The three suggestions are (ila Wor,d War " veterans will repay °o,KlI.T" bu"" need; aud (31 inveM part of iho ^LI I»WI",1'- dividends in some form of saving »h ,uch U S. Savings Bond., ^ wS Wa'r M "eTeranTin SS»! .»• s Bond. .r. will receive NSL1 dividends, able at banks, post offices. ings and loan associations aai issuing agencies, Baaea Apples far Laack . : r:L Medium to small size apple* Hfti excellentfor children's lunch boxe* FOR LOVE OR MONEY" NEW PLAY OF THEATRE GUILD The Woodstock Players will prosent "For Love Or Money" at the Opera House at S::<0 o'clock on Friday, Saturday a'nd Sunday evenings of this week. Jan. 13. 14 and in. It is recommended for adults only. \ The story concerns distinguished 40-year-old Preston Mitchell, star of a Broadway production, who found a rain-draggled young woman oil his doorstep the very stormy evening of the day Mitchell has burled his wife. He takes the homeless girl into his house and tongues begin to wag. The boy next door falls in love with the girl and one situation is born. The leading lady of Mitchell's show is in love with him and suspects the younger woman of "irt^ tentions" on the aging actor and acts accordingly. Thus the second situation arises. •Before the surprise ending, there are lots of laughs that add up to a full evening of entertainment. * Baft Coal Haalage Railroads moved in 1948 about 81 per cent of the bituminous coal mined in the United States. MrHEWBY, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT* JAN. 18-14 Spencer Tracy . - Katherine Hepharn "ADAM'S RIB" Cartoon and Novelty SI N. - HON* JAN. 14-16 ^ In Technicolor Shirley Temple Barr? Fitzgerald Lon McOalllster THE STORY OF sfkABIftCITP World Sews and Cartoon TI ES. - WED., JAN. 17-18 In Technicolor Ingrld Bergman Joseph fotteai TNDER CAPRICORN" Cartoon and Novelty STARTING THURSDAY Humphrey Bogart Alexander Kaox (1) "TOKYO JOE" Alaska Adventure Del Cambre Eve Miller (2) "ARCTIC FURY" E ACCURACY FOR HEALTH f. Latin is not a dead language to us because used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring your preBcripttoas to us. NYE DRUG STORE (0olqr«in^CM(| --~r PHONE 26 McHEKRI m As#. Fat ALL PICTURES Ct/UW6B> AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! klNGSIZi Q u A L I T V SNAPSHOT* tm'* wAibum V PER ROLL Ja au«kV.'7a» . i ^ WATTLES DRUG STORE 51& Main Street Phone 450 XcHeavy ^.

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