Pt,, T "ftlTj. M. •Jfrfa t, • •»•! V.'-aiMt, '&••"• -'.iv " ': •• ; • '.'• " ;, -V ' : : ' rS'^X, ' . >i ' -r- • *• • »; ;V. ' * *' -•• V^* A*.-t u *:». *. ..I .<•• -t *• A tA . • .- " " Thortday, January 26, 1950 CLASSIFIED S E C T I O N Because of the great number of fhwrffled ads which appear la the Flatndesler each week, we have t found ft impossible to keep books on snoh small accounts. There- - fore, in the future, only ads which an paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 , o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. 7WW3 B .*!/#. X/PT il; , .. , > j V ft i *;*«r yw t> • «#*« VS'--, *&• WE BALE--Zenith console eoa- -bination radio-phonograph $80.0(1; grey Storkline folding buggy #10.00; American Flyer train 3 locomotive, • automatic switches, $75.00 Wonder Lake 898. *37 FOR SALS TOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold ease beer of all kinds, comc tl> the Sportsman's Inn,- where SK,d fellows meet; all kinds of ines and paiikage goods to take Wt at the lu., est prices, 513 Main street. A1 Pliannenstill, prop. 23tf FOB BALE---Oils burners, stokers, furnaces, plumbing, heating and Metal Service. iry 51'1-w-l *36-2 luriiiircof mil ty 1 *lg j llval>il a\ electrical supplies. Sheet *^Work. Petersen Sales & 8 • Pit one McHenry W-. v ., ...II. S. NO. 1 APPLES $1.25 per bu. • ^Hden Delicious Jonathans Sweet' Cider and Applet Butter' MO8SLEY HILL ORCHARD S. W. Corner of Route U. 8. 12 and 111. 22 Near Lake Zurich, 111. ' 36 fl FOB SALE--C rosiey Shelvedor refrigerator. Can be seen ut E. ' iMalsch home or call 669*R-1 Me- Henry. 36-lf PC® SALE--3 Ih^T Sea King out board motor used less than 50 ' hours. Very reasonable. Phone Mc Meniy 170* or 678-M 2. #37 FOR SALE -- A Healthy home-- with .Rexair--the Water Machitte ;jj|-- Cleaner -- Humidifier -- Vaporizer. Carl Barnickol, Box 211, ' McHenry. 34tf PIAlfOS -- 40 BfiHes from Higfc . Prices. Januarv Clearance Rales -- ww find used, Spinets and Grand Pianos -- all. can he bought at tremendous savings. Call Elgin 780. 1>AV{D E. STARK PIANO CO. -Qor. W. Chicago and Union StB., Elgin, 111. ' 33-4 .FOB SALB White birch fire- ••placc 4 wood, any length. John E. Ehinc ej^, "Ph one 1- 0, -R ichmond-, 11-1. *35-4 FOB SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubf. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round pake, Route No. 2, Round Lake $670. Corner of routes IgO and Wilson rrtad. ' 32tf FOR 8ALE -- Antique. Clothing -- for family. Farmals. "This clothing (vin good condition." Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. itr 10 p.m. 8undays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale, % mile West Terra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346 R l. _ 32tf KB BALE--TYPEWRITERS', ADWO MACHINES. Service on all flakes. Also ribbons for all makes; • jfcarbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-fcf |OR SALE--Generators, armatures, garters, fuel pumps', distributor* --toltage regulators and ignition parts t>r Ford and all other cars. Seaco feles & 8ervice, Lilymoor, Fred J. ftrobods. Prop. - Tel. McHenry 183. -- 47-tf BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM , SfcAKK WONDER LAKE. FABMS, ^TOOIOR LOTS, RESOBT PROPE R T Y , B U S I N E S S E S . KNOX SEAL ESTATE, 405 BICHMOND ROAD. PHONE McHENRY 421-J, McHenry, 111. lltf FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Homt Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Btilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf _XOB SALE -- £ pc. living room ..Set. 9x11 broadlnom rug with pad; wftanip tables; 9x13 rug with pad and o pc. chrome kitchen set. Very reasonable. A. Stilling. Phone McHenry 297-J FOB SALE--Firewood, dry oak furnace wood, any length J. W. RaycrHt't. McHenry 298-R. *37 FOR SALE --20 tons top quality "loose alfalfa hay. Alco 10 tons mixed liny. Anna Dejon, Crystal Lake 1302-M 1. 37 FOB SALE--Capons, 7 to 9 lbs., 60c lb. live weight. Dressed and drawn, no extra charge. Will deliver. Drop penny post card. Albert Schmelzer, Route 1, West McHenry, III. *37-2 FOB SALE -- 3-pc. sectional set. table model Handy-Hot wash ma chine, pair boy's shoe type roller skates, size 10, also skate case. Please call after 5 p. m. 530-R 1. . 37 ITOB SALE--Dining room set, living room set, 9x12 rug, oil stove, restaurant size gas stove, refrigerator, bar stools. A. G. Paluch, phone ."!49 or 52-M. . 37 FOR SALE--10 ft. x 10 ft. up and over door for .truck or car. Wood with 2 row of panel wiiyjows complete with lock, and hardware. Antonson's Candies, 306 Elm St., Tin vs. 31 and 120. 37 FOB SALE--Modern 7-room brick home. Good location. Garage, automatic heat. Arthur Toriyan, 311 Richmond Road. *37 TOR SALE--Thirty tons first.-and seeond cutting alfalfa in bales. Call McTT.^nry 619-M-2. *37 Take Advantage of Our Low Prices- -Get That GUARANTEED Used Car or Track Today. •'47--DODGE 4-l)oor Sedan, Low Mileage--Very Special Care. *17--PLYMOUTH 8pec. DeLuxe Sedan, Real Economy and Beauty Here. '46--DODGE 2-Door Sedan, Can't Go Wrong on This. '•16--BUIOK 4-Door': Sedan, Low Price--High Quality. '41--DODGE Town Sedan •41--PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan '4 I--FORD 4-Door Sedan '*9--F*OrfTlAC 4-Door Sedan *37--FORD 2-Door Sedan '47--DODGE % Ton Picktip '37--DODGE 14-Ton pickup '45---DODGE 2-Ton Chassis '47" STUDERA KEF 2-Ton Chassis Plus More Oars--Many Trucks At 8. BLAKE MOTOR SALE8 301 E. Pearl Street McH«iry Phone 156 37 mSOEIXAKEOUS JANITOB SERVICE U\. ,>1< nil Awoodwork, fl.»ors, windows, w:ills M'ld flH Other odd jol»». Daily weekly, monthly or sc.isoiril'v. Rtfisr.n nble prices. M'lT n r Tnuitor Serv i.'e, Don D'wcy, Mgr. Ph):u McHenry 430-J. i 32tf ELECTRIC PBOBtiEMfl? --Do jou have electrical problems 1 Let Bob solve them. No job too big or too smnll. Ca*l McHenry 569-R-l 32-6 SAW FILING Hand, band circular and crosscutsaws. At Peterton Boat ' Shop. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois. •34-4 Smart Set Beaatjr Shop Riverside Hotel McHenry Ho! Will Qut and curl to ple&se you. 34-4 ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE -- Records instahed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 5902. 30tf GARBAGE OOUJgQtlirO -- Let m dispose of your garbage each week, or oftencr if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 805. tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install. pump. Mil Bacon, 20$ Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25 tf (LOGGED SEWERt Have tin electric rdd cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanltai v Co.. Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned Wv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie iImIT, Prop. Tel. McHerry 290. 29-ti ACCOUNTANT Available Now For «" ^Income Tax Returns ' Part jof Full Time. Bookkeeping • - Audits * • . Call: 291 or Write: E. Roenau ^•08 8;: Green St. McHenry, 111. WINDOW SHADES--OR VBNETIAN BLINDS--New line . of removable slat aud Rauflex orginal blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640 Wfc^pivision street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry '651-M-l Pri. evening, Sat. or Snn. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington 8t. •10-tf Woodstock. 111. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noomn, BOO 80. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shopped 15-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB PRITfc, BEALTOB, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37v or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of ponltry. Call ns for price. Boris Produce, Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women and jiirls. 200 North RiVersidfe Drive. McHenry, 111. " 22tf HELP WANTED -- Women and girls wanted fcr telephone survey work in your own home. Good pay. No experience necessary. If you hfive c pleasant voice WTite Robert W. Slimmer, Sterling North West Agency, 2753 West North avenue, Chicago, 111. tHl Maitllll Y PLAINDEALEE NASH rf600f» '48 NASH Custom Amb. '48 NASH "600M '47 PLYMOUTH 47 NASH'»"600M . '47 NASH Amb.,. '46 NASH 4,600!' . '46 FORD Conv. *40 NASH - LAF. '39 CHEVROLET '39 CHRYSLER '38 DODCHfe '37 NASH ^ 37 PONTIAC ... 36 CHEVROLET • 1550 1400 1100 1100 '1300 885 W0 350 300 300 225 100 150 ;; " ; 165 IX)WNS NASH SALES IM ELM STREET , PHONE McHKNRf 481 .. .: »•** *AIm TewhMr Seprli®-^- KAY S. GI HRKE William H. Russell tvd William 1 Sullivan, Anctloneern HELP WANTED -- PART TIME Need two ladies to demonstrate _ Vardlev Plastics 011 the Party Plan, i Pleasant work - Average $40-$50 weekly. Write Lola Peterson, Rt. H, Box 380, McHenry or call Car? 6164. » 35-4 Having decMed to quit' larming and move to towtt, will sell at Public Auction, on the farm known as the Martin Perenshioe farm, located 3 miles South of Chemurfg; 6 miles Sbuthwest of Harvard, 5 miles Southeast of Capron, 10 mil£8 North of Marengo, and 10 niilea Northeast o| jQard^i Prairie On Thursday, Feb 2nd ItlO commencing at , 11 a.m. o'clock sharp the folttfwing described property, towit: - 77 HEAD af LIVESTOCK r(insisting of S2 kfil •( Hereford feeding rattle, wL 4M lbs.; These cattle would be good (or 4-H pro. Jwts 5 20 Head of Chester White Gilt* bred t SO Head of Feeder pigs, >wi 125-IM IIin.; 1 Pore Bred Chester White Boar, S00 lbs. ream Roan Horses, 10 yrs. old, 1 ftig rubber tired wagons; 2 Flare top wagon boxes; 2 Hay racks; 1 3-Horse Wisconsin Air cooled motor with clutch; Steel wheel wagon. All above machinery is in A-l Condition. 20 Individual Hog Houses; 3 Steel hog feeders; 2 Steel *ater tanks; 2 roUs snow fence; 2 Double Unit Universal Milking Machine and pump; Milk pails aud strainers; Stewart Electric cow clippers; 2 set of breeching harness; Platform scales; Shallow well Pressure Pump; 300 Chick brooder; chick waterers, and feeders; Forks, Shovels, baskets and many other articles too numerous to mention. Kalamazoo wood and coal 'range. AN this Is a large sale, it will be necessary to start promptly at ll o'clock. Not Responsible for Accidents SENECA GRANGE WILL FURNISH LUNCH shocks of corn hi ffteld; 9 Jftie fall pigs; Cowboy tank heater; 2 solution tanks; New Stewart cow clippers; Double harness; DeLaval Milking Miachine, 2 units, motor and pump, pipeline for 20 cows;- 3 ton of mixed oat hay, loose in bam; 2 stacks of mixed hay; 10 inch hammer mill; 3 new h»v ..pulleys; Individual hog house; Electric motor for deep freeze unit; Forge; * Steel sides and ends, 4 ft. high, 12 ft. loag, will fit Chevrolet dump truck; F 14 Tractor and Cult., on rubber. new tires, fluid; Single row cultivator; broadcast seeder; Dump rake; Side delivery rake; Wood wheel wagon; Iron wheel wagon; 2 work horses, a 4 yr. old gelding and an 8 yr. old mare, mother and son, white faced, bays, weight about 3,300; 12 8-gal. milk canB; Gasoline milk house heater; New strainer; Wench; 2 gas bar- >rels; Pile of used planks, some used 2x4's; Small quantity of used inch lumber; Forks, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Not Responsible for Accidents TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25', in cash, with balance payable Monthly in six installments at f>ry after proper' Arrangement's for credit are made; No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. Alien Barry, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance' Corporation. TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25'.j in cash, with --FIRST--NATIONAL--BANK balance payable monthly in six installments at 6' ,* after proper arrangements for credit are made. NO finance or carrying charge will 1)4 added to purchase price. ItAY S. GUHRKE, Owner KIN8EY ft BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - Remodeling Cabinet Work For estimates: l*el. McHenrv 893-J Or Woodstock 1359-W . 29 9 BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PMBI1KI8 TO US--We car deliver anything from f^snapshvt to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS* PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WOR WICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 875. 40-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. . Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. a lJj-tf MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Typing Mimeographing Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Route 14 Woodstook. Tel. Woodstock 1462-M. 10-tt (jfOR SALE -- Bedroom set, television set, gasoline hwn mower, gRs stove, and few miscellaneous items. Call McHenry 480 M. *37 • POR ft ALE -- 1 -- Mj cubic ft. deep freeze, used very little; priccd reasonable. Round dining room tablo ~and buffet. Plionc Wqodstock 5r.t» J X. 37 PAINTING^- Decorating and paper hanging. Thirty years experience. Free estimates. C. Gustafson, phone McHenry 665-J-l. *36-2 BARBER 8H0P RING WOOD, ILL. i Aerbra from Chemical Plant Prop. Ray Frisbee 1 --*• •86-2 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest caul ?rices paid for cows, horses an< ogs; no help needed to load. Dav •md night. Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling* Rendering Works Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. 3« tf Helen Weber Says: Clean Clothes Wear Longer! . . . a n d look better too! Let lis help you give the en I ire family's wardrobe a better appearance. McHenry Cleaners Mmm K4-M 10« 1'" . Mgr. MM tm< f n U O m i M > i IIHIMHMH4 »M* Ml HELP WANTED--Adult to care for children 2 and 4 years old, five days a week; mother employed; located in Johnsburg. hours vary; transportation furnished; no housework. Tel. McHenrv 587-M-2. 37 HELP WANTED--2 salesmen, between 35 and 40 years of age. Apply in person at West McHenry Motors, Rt. 31, West McHeury. 37 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Sleeping room for one person or couple. Garage furnished. Phone 544-R-l. 37 LOST--Light brown dog. Answers to name of "Sandy." Beleived to he lost in McHenrv or vicinity. Child's pet. $10 reward. Phone Richmond 689. *37 Insurance Cor- TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY--Will give away 2 dandy puppvs 9 weeks old. Will be large handsome dogs, altho thev are mongrels. Nice for children. McTI. iu v (>L'2 M-2. *37 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Reliable couple employed in McHenry Hosiery Mills want house or apt. unfurnished in or near McHenry. Prefer 2 bedrooms but can manage with one. No children. Will furnish references. Call McHenrv Hosierv Mills. 850-W.^ ' 37 FIRST NATIONAL HANK OK Wl. MW Itm. ykrA - > tj WOODSTOCK Clerking ( Member Federal Reserve 850 Bales second cutting attul- Federal Deposit fa and clover; 850 Bales second , poration. cutting alfalfa; 900 Bales Clover and Timothy,, mixed hay; 400 Bales Straw; 800 Bu. 2 yrs pld Seed Oats, testing 34 lbs.; 200 Bu. this last year's oats; 300 bu. corn in crib; 12 ft. Silage in 16 ft. silo. MACHINERY McCormick Deering Model M. Tractor; John Deere Model A Tractor with cultivator; Ford Ferguson Tractor with front eud Manure Loader; Model 6A Case Combine with motor and pick-up attachment; New Holland Baler;. McCormick Deering No. 24 Mounted Corn Picker; McCormick Deering Power Corn Binder with bundle loader and wagon hitch; 2 Farm and Personal Property at Auction WILLIAM H. KI SSU.L and W I L L I A M B . S l U I V A N Auctioneers Having sold my dairy and all of my personal property ^o AJnn Barry, Mr. Barrv will sell the following items at Public Auction, at my farm located 3 miles East of Harvard, on what is known as the Bergman Farm on the Harvard McCormick Deering power grain Cemetery Road, 9 miles Northwest binders; McCormick Deering 10 ft. diBc; McCormick Deering 14 ' 3-Bottom plow on rubber; McCormick Deering 18" 2-Bottom Plow; 4-Section Steel drag; Model B-40 Gehl Silo filler, with 50 ft. of pipe; 10 ft. Grain drill with grass seed attachment; John Deere No. 999 Corn Planter frith fertilizer attachment; 10 ft. "McCormick Deering Cultipacker; McCormick Deering Manure Loader for Model M Tractor; 40 ft. Little. Giant elevator with speed jack and wagon lift; David Bradley Power Corn Shelter; 14" Grain Buster Hammer Mill; New I<!ea Model 10 Manure Spreader oa . rubber; McCormick Deering Side delivery rake: McCormick Deering No. 9 7-ft. mower; 4 McCormick Deer- January Tire Sale B. F. Goodrich Tires «S«0x1o •£0x15 . fs70xlo . 7t4M>xl.» . 7tioxir> • 0:4)0x16 , «;r>0xl6 7:00x16 . 5:;>0x17 - 7:00x17 . 7:00x18 . 6:60x20 . "KWxSO . 7:50x20 . 8:2«x*0 . 9:00x80 . Ii:60x20 : VI1M7 14.76 14.03 ....... HJ8 15.68 . .... 12.25 15.07 ......... 17.36 .....v 12.40 28.00 ....... 31.44 24^6 8L»2 11.40 54^0 67^4 86^4 v Tax Net Inclndei I^OWNS NASH SALES am, gjpggT TEL. McHENRY 184 McHENRY, ILLINOIS of Woodstock, and 4 miles Southwest of Alden. on Sunday, Jan. 29th 1950 commencing at 12 o'clock, the following personal property, towit: 4 tined hay fork; 200 ft. new hay rope; Tandem 8 ft. disc; Oil bath pump jack and motor, new; 2-14 Horse electric motors: Emery wheel; 37 G. M. C. cab over engine truck; Manure spreader: Appleton sliredder; John Deere hay loader, steel: 4 section ste(?l harrow; 2 section spring tooth liarrow; 5 ft. mower; 2 hay 'racks; 180 shocks of corn in field; b0 NMMttllHllllllHIIIIIIINIIIIIIIItHIIIIIHIIIIIIIII'MIMilllNi. The Beautiful EL T0VAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Jfcilwtry' (Vs. Leading Theatre - FRI., J AX. 26-27 Robert t'uiiuuing hi .*TRE BLACK B(K»KH -"BAT.'ONLY * JA>. 28 WnndM Hendrlx Claude KaHs# in OF SI RRKMJER" Leonard Palmer WILL SELL HIS FARM AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME PLACE. This farm is 80 ag£es. all tillable. 63 acres under cultivation. S room house, electricity and telephone. 1 mile off of Blacktop. Good basement barn, room fcr 20<"cowb. heifer barn, shed, granary. siiia.ll corn crib, garage, machine shed, chicken house and hog house, milkliouse. 14 acres of new clover seeding last year; 12 acres of 2 year old Alfalfa seeding, good. This farm has accommodated 28 head of stock. Land is very good soil. TERMS •--- for sale of farm will be 10' r deposited o^ day of sale, an additional 25'« on Monday. January 30th at which time a contract will be furnished. Balance due in cash when title is accepted by purchaser's attorney. Leonard and Gladys Palmer, Owners EKLY CROSSWORD PUZZU v WRITER HORIZONTAL 65 Concludes 1 Pictured 66 Dined author and 67 Employer* historian. VERTICAL H. G. -- iPale < Single | Before BfWr.Hr ,nir.. 3Prevaricator 4 Tardier J® £**f°d t Steamship ,,T*dr (sbbr.) IS Excitement • Uneven /1T3A 14 15 At present It Paid notice 20 Commotion 52 Musical note 53 Dove's call 38 Sketch 37 Solar body 30 Loaf fishes 33 Heroic 34 Not 3T34 hours 39 British school 41 Standard of value 4S Ttiberculosb (sbbr.) 44Lrir ««8eeks 24 Ancient 26 Senses 28 We 29 Short sleep 31 Sorrowful 33 Tribunal 7 Midday . 3 And (Latin) 12 Worship 13 Inspires reference 15 Help 17 Either 13 High card 13 Female deer 21 Narrow strip 43 Color 45 Negative 47 Transactions 501 52 Attend 54 Tiny part 56 Type i 35 Passing fancy 53 Pish eggs 36 Make a , 60 Distant mistake 38 Shout , 46 Bora 42 Unyielding •1 Measures doth 63 Sun god - 64 Chinese 43 Doctor (abfar.) 43 Age •1 Moo, as a cow 83430 shsets 31 He has wltlw many i •78kfll Vital force Xngsfoln water sport 69 River (Sp.) 34 Part at flower GEORGE WITT AUCTION WOODSTOCK, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Egg PrsdueMen Farm flocks laid 3,576,000,000 eggS in September. 1940--s record number for the month, 2 per cent more thsn in September, 1948, and 19 per cent above the 1938-47 av- •rsge. Feed PuI1ets~ Enough When pullets show signs of losing weight they are flashing danger signals. They cannot lose weight long snd keep laying. • Complete tine or iieebe live*took .•tniedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. S-tf Ed Vogel, Auctioneer Sonol Mills, Illinois (Caving decided to quit farming I will sell at Public Auction on the Vaupell farm located on the north side of Griswold Lake, five miles southeast of McHenry on the East River Road, three miles south of Lily Lake on Sunday, February 5 I960 beginning At 12:00 o'clock skarp the following .described property: 32 HEAD of LIVESTOCK li head of Holsteln milk rows seven fresh and the rest close springers; S heifers, one year old; 8 heifers, from 4 months to 10 months old; 1 three year old Hoistein ball; H good feeding hogs; 1 good work trsra. MACHINERY Far ma 11 Tractor on Rubber with cultivator; 7-ft. McD Tractor Disc; McD 14 inch Tractor Plo<v: McD corn planteV with fertilizer attachment; McD stogie row corn picker; corn binder; grain binder, 18 inch; Threshing machine in good order; Good rubber tired wagon with rack; 2-wheel trailer; Bet drags; John D. manure Bpreader; McD Side Delivery rake; Dump rake; End gate seeder. MILK EQUIPMENT McD double unit milking machine with motor pump and pipe line; Farm Mas heater; 8 milk cans; 2 *^'h.V§ tanks; pails and strainers. ^ FEED 1500 bu. corn; 300 bu. ClintdMr^ oats; 100 bu. Rye; 5 ft. sileage fli J? 14-ft. silo; quantity of loo# || straw; 100 Leghorn pullets; 2 500* Electric brooders; 1 % h.p. Motor; •:« 1 % h.p. Motor. « | Large quantity of housebote ' furniture and many other article#-1 - - too numerous to mention. ; • ^ TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 uk,4 | under that amount cash; over amount n credit of six months at g , per cent will be given on npteo ap- , - ; proved by the clerk. Anyone desU* y ing credit kindly make arranger ,'i ments before purchase >s made. Nmproperty to be remove*. settlell f for. « George Witt, Chvncl McHENRY STATE BANK, ClertH^ Feeding Cattle The chief merit of feeding cattlt on pasture is not that it saves grab! but that better use Is made of grain. v-* i FRIDAY and SAT1KIIAY JAN. 27-28 THRILL to the Northwest's wildest Rodeo! PHONE 32 siiiue MATINEES at 3 >30 P.M. JjJUSP ss he tnuuples A snarling, Fear- Crased wolf pack! SEE the fslgary Stampede! "NORTHWEST STAMPEDE" PIliMED IN GORGEOUS CINECOLOR -- Co-HIt -- AND BABY MAKES THREE' » -- Als« -- Color Cartoon --"The Screw Ball" STARTS SUNDAY, JAN. 29th. First Time ANY WHERE COME EARLY FOR PROMPT SEATS! SI N. - MON„ JAN. 29-30 Sundav ( on't From* 2:45 P.M. I>onald Crisp Lassie In "CHALLENGE TO LASSIE* (Technicolor) A Great Dog in a great story. You'll love It's humor and wurmth. cwee " T -BARBARA u"r TIE. - WED. - THUR. ---#AN. 31 - FEB. Ut Ye venae DeCarlo I Charles Coburn In WHO Tam i Tni: WEST" ^ (In Teehnleoler)* • MUSIC I HEW KMC! MBW im •ffemrift Popular Price IPT ^LARRY PARKS JOIrfON SINGS AGAIN This Picture Has Played Everywhere At Increased Admissions. Now Yoa Can Se« It At REGULAR MIL LER THEATRE PRICES! WATCH FOR SPECIAL CHILD&ENS' SHOWS STARTING SATURDAY. FEB. 11§!» " tsprcUt AL)ftEl) FEATURES Safety Ptas Sanitary safety pins are of stainless steel that won't rode even after long- use. tf" •'! '"I i * *. # ^ a . <'V McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRI. • SAT* JAN. *7-38 Wayne Morris Janis Paige D THE YOt'NtiEK-- BROTHERS" Leo farrillo Ihiaran (2) "THE (iAY AMIGO" tj SUN. - MON* JAN. SM3 Virginia Mays Milton Bert*^ "ALWAYS LEAYE THEM i' LAUGHING" World News and Ci •» • - , V TUESDAY JAN. U Dorothy Lamonr Rriaa Doalety (1) "THE LUCKY STIFF" Martha Srott Jeffrey Lynn; -- (2) "STRANGE BARGAIN" STARTIM; WEDNESDAY In Cefor Lnrry Parks Barbara Hlh "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN* THE REST OF THE-* JOISON STORY # •rtctitwuf,