• r jpv7»-"v-'rw*;rv»,*r"y+x • «* '•W\ *"< ' . ~N> : < % if '"/Kii- K-~ ®3SJHK *E .'J . ' '"< M "*-->•* - - ••«' • ••' tW'v" > "' -"*• •" l».. "</* V «'> IC'^^w , •• 'i . - -' 5 *v* \ ' ? ^ " '* *' * *"' "v ' ' .•*•««». V.I- A-.^ry • -'.ja^ •£.- 'k,... a&dL* *i .? ••£.;• j, • •.'-«» , >" ?":7;JP- $•*? '^*- •SMjtMi^t.t: tjOJR XeHMry Men Attended , State Tracing School Among those attending the second annual^ Custom Spray Operators' training school, held at the University of Illinois college ut „ agriculture at Urbana, on Jan, 17, 18 and 19, were Laurence Anderson and Lyle Anderson of Mc- Henry. v Laurence Anderson, of the Dairyman's Supply Company, has beea engaged in the selling anil field research of agricultural chemicals and spraying equipment tor the past three years ks well as j£?!ng associated with pesticide Control work in 1946 when serving in the army. Lyle Anderson Owner of Anderson Tree Service, has bean doing tree spraying for th* past twelve years in this area. .Sines 1947 . Mr. Anderson has done 'considerable field, park and urban work for pest and weed control. . While most of the interest centred around corn borer control tad city fly and mosquito control, the three days were filled with ^a§ny facts and tips on many sub- ^JWks. One of many tips was to apply the right chemical, in the proper amounts, at the correct time. ""^rouTTh^fjpra^jcEoo^^aUrence Anderson went directly to a twoday dealers meeting held for distributors of John Bean, sprayers and food handling equipment, where new equipment was the main topic of discussion. < NEARBY NEWS .... *... _ . OPEN 1I0FSK a One o* the most eventful nights in the history of the Fox Riv »r Grove school will take place on Friday, Feb. 10, when opbii houa« will be observed at the beautiful new schol buildiug. An excelleutly planned program which will •*< of great interest net only to the parents of the stude its, but to all other residents of the village ani guests of neighboring conimunitie? will be presented. The objectives of this open house are three-fold - first, to acquaint the parents with what is being done by their youngsters at school; second, to inspect the completed new building nowhousing the "future citlte-.is" of our community, and third, to briust the parents and friends into contact with' the personnel Qjf- th<» school. ' .'v . . • - ViH'.- Complete line of .Lee's, poultry remedies at Wattles Drugstore, Me Henry. | 8 tf - ~g- : J WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and-Greasing DRIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 811 we also have Anti-Freeze of all kinds - > 24 Hour Towing Service NO RENTAL UNITS VACANT BECAUSE OF FEDERAL CONTROL The contention that hundreds of rental units here have been forced off the market because the owners can't afford to keep them goiug under federal rent control is completely fallacious, according to J. Edwin Porter, associate rent director for Lake and McHenry counties. . "1 do not know of a single rental unit that is being held vacant vacant because the rent ceiling is too low to meet operating expenpes, but if there are such cases, I'll be glad to meet with the owners and show them that there is no sound baBis for their action in withdrawing their properties from the rental market," Porter declared. The rent official pojnted out that congress specifically directed the housing expeditor t<S assure landlords of a fair net operating income whon adjusting rent*. In liner with this mandate. ONE now mpkes adjustments which Mt only protect the owner against operating at a loss, but provide a margin, after operating expenses and allowance for depreciation. equal te 25 to 20 percent of annual rental income. "The plain fact is that the owner of rental property can get an adjustment for any reason that would justify a rental increase Hi fre bargaining with his tenant'under a competitive rental market," the rent director stated. "The only type of increase he is prevented from getting IB any Inflationary incrase resulting from the housing shortage." To illustrate.his point, the director named these principal conditions u'nder which a. landlord can seek a rent increase: 1. When he makes a major capital investment to his property, such as the addition of a bath- PUBLIC AUCTION ' ' of ^ - 40 REGISTERED IirROC GILTS *• V Bred to-Farraw in February, Match, awd-'At^-1-- . ^ > Saturday,» February 4th. 1950 -, . .. """"KOO p.m.- We had 12 official*toll litters and 14 P. R. litters and raised per litter ta 1949. These gilts are the better ones from these litters and are bred to some of the best boars in the breed. The grand champion of barrows over all breeds In the 4-H and P.P-A. shows in the Kane County Fair was bought in dam at our winter sale last year. Sale will be held in heated sale barn 2 miles ea*t aAd 2 miles south of Elgin or 3 miles west of Bartlett. FRED OTTIMGER A 80NH Route 4, Box 2tt Stela, Ulteels PHONK Elgin 21«2j4 SI.MER MIDIIENDORF, Auctioneer H. W. Schmidt £ SON JOLMTO TRUCK PRICES room. porch, etc. r 1. When he provides additional services or equipment for his tenant' such as a garage, improved heating, Venetian blinds or even a larger refrigerator than previously supplied. 3. Whea he has not been compensated for a substantial increase in the cost of operating and maintaining the housing accommodations. Under this, landlords may get adjustments covering increased taxes, insurance, fuel and other operating costs. When his maximum rent is below the rent generally prevailing for comparable units la th* area on the maximum rent date. 6. Wheto an increase is justified, ender the regulations, because of a substantial iucpease in the number of people occupying the dwelling unit. *<». Whea he is not getting a fair net operating income froa^ *If rental property. Bevliie Tuberbtfioliik ' • .Bovine tuberculosis has now be come so scarce that veterinary schools lometimes hsve difficulty in locating tuberculous cattle foi study bt students. "Xmas* fhe X ln Xmas is the Qreeifc letter "chi"--written X--and "chi" is the initial letter of the Greek word ter Christ ;jbr^er your rubber stamps at Tlit ^fliiadealer. STRICTLY FRESH A MASSACHUSETTS educator says colleges are turning out too many "half-baked" degreeholders. This is going to make a lot of people hot under the collar. • • • Having failed In their efforts to repeal the Taft-Hartley law, labor leaders are expected to go all-out in the next election to try to repeal Senator Taft. • • • Finances are colleges' major problem these days, headline says. I Tell that one to a Dad with two .daughters in college. Predictions for the auto Indus* try: Dealers will not fare quite so well this year as last; the car buyer will be king. Pedestrians, as usual, will be run down. i • » • Lots of small businessmen are finding tougher going these days. Particularly noticeable is • pinch in men's shoes. Kesd luc i.aul Ads. Customers' Corner Do yon kaow the manager of your A&P store? If not, we suggest you get to know him. You'll find him friendly and helpful. It is his job to see that your A&P is adequately stocked Mid staffed; and that you are entirely satisfied with the food and service you get. What suggestions have you that will help your A&P manager do a better job . . . that will make your A&P a better place to shop? Please write: KMSTIMIS IMpBrmMBif A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue ---- ---- New York 17, N. Y. REDUCED FOX DELUXE FROZEN FRYING CHICKENS CUT 1'P lb, 73c to$i25°° Now you can save up to $125 on a new Dodge "Job-Rated" Truck. Every Dodge "Job-Rated" Truck at these new iow prices is the same truck--with the same equipment--as before the price reduction. These new low prices have been made possible through the greater public acceptance Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks have enjoyed. ¥ou continue to benefit from the advantages of such exclusive Dodge features, as proper weight distribution to carry your load better . .. short turning diameters for easier handling . . . shorter wheelbases and shorter over-all lengths to accommodate standard bodies. All of this means greater truck value than ever before! It means lower delivered prices--plus unmatched Dodere economy, performance, and dependability. Come in today! Get the new low deliverelPprice on the Dodge "Job- Rated" Truck that fits your job--the truck that will save you money today--and every day you use it. SEE IS TODAY FOR k DOLLAR-SAVING DEAL A S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES INC. 801 PEARL ST. McHENRY, ILL. -- H is. N e e e e e PK6. SOK A CHANOE IN MENU! ^ SMOKED BACON SQUARES * M* MICKELBERRY'S lb. 49c MICKELBERRY S 1 lb. roll lb. 33c BAL0N6NA SAUSAGE MICKELBERRYS PORK SAUSAGE MICKELBERRYS SKINLESS FRANKS WILSONS SMOKED PICNIC lb. 49c A&P COFFEE! MtlDVtO MEUOW L EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE lit 99c RICH ANO FULL-SODIFD RED CIRCLE COFFEE VIGOROUS AND WINEY BOKAR COFFEE 13 63c EXTRA FANC9L PO* A REAL TREAT! Delicious Apples RTXAS ETOWN. SWEET JUICY Seedless Grapefruit e ee • SANTA CLA*A. MED. SIZE ----^--• : - -- CIAIKI C TAWOT.A Sansweet Prunes. . . . . . 2^ 39* PUDDINGS FLORIDA Crown, Crftp Tendtr Hoichtd Cilery FANCY STAW" 5« DAIRY DFUCl RCADY-TO-CAT--RWALO t9k Stow eor!#c 'LIGHTS! OVEN TREATS! 3-. wmmimmm KING SI2e S N A P S H O T S ALL PCTURES OHAA6CD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! "-'fV rik'-i 49# PERR0U.JI aunut**-*ex&9 * * - ivj WATTLES DRUG STORE * 515 Street Phone 490 J FANCY QUALITY PLAIN Ot . • ALMOND NO . 2 - i V: <pWART e • • I k-at. • • • T»H, ORANGE JAKE eAUFKMP IONA YELLOWCLIM® HALVES e • e e e ... > iniii»> m FRUIT COCKTAIL 2^* HERSHEY BARS GREAT NORTHERN BEANS DEL MONTE CORN DOLE PINEAPPLE SLICED CHUNKS OR6EMS e • • * TOUT TISSUE rr...... 4-2S* FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLESI ANN PAGF HIGH QUALITY FOODS! ANN RAGE . .3 -29* SALAD DRESSINGANN RAGE WITH TOMATO SAUCE e • e e VANILLA Oil ^ . CHOCOLATE ' • + ANN RAGE CAN* OR MAPLE SYRUP ^ 89e WISCONSIN SHARP A ' JANE PARKER CbeMar Cheese L, Sflft Petate Chip!.. OHEOO-RIT CARAMEL OketM Foatf . ,OAF 73C PM«R R«llt 29c •UFFET Clieete Feed L,O LAIF 69c LATTICE TOP Raitla Me ••INCH ETA .... siuWv DEL RICH MARGARINE FOR TABLE Oft RAKING L' ^flc e e CTN. KRE-MEL PUDDIN&S CHOC. OR VANILLA . 3«« 25e NESTLES EVERREAOY COCOA Tasty and 8 oz. Wholesome pkp 30 A VALUEI GLIM MAKES DISHES SPARKLE e • e EACH 29s A VALUE CAMEO CLEAN?"! FOR A CLEANER KITCHEN TRY IT 2-23' OLD DUTCH CLEANSER CLEANS FAST * . 2 ™ 2 5 e TU TONE GRAND TASTlNO I0OZ. ANOCOLOREO PKG. I9e •AIO CLEANSER RUttT 2 ins 25e RIGHT OFF JUNKET FOR YOUR PUDDINGS nc OSCAR MAYER BAR44KIEBEEF ITS DELICIOUS. 12-OZ. EASY TO FIX e e e TIN 45 GOOO LUCK 0LE0MAR6AMHE FOR COOKING LB. OR RAKING e e RKG. 28* SCHULZE I BURCH SALTINES THE 4 M I LI. RACK e e e e RKG. 29* CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES FOR YOUR NICER THINGS e e e e RKG. 26 SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP THE OVAL SHARED CAKE 4< ^22C RROTEX SOFT ANO LOW RRICEO 3 22e KITCHEN KLENZER I MAKES CLEANING EASY e e e e "i .*>J -If % $