Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1950, p. 11

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.r-. v- :./• T . >Vfr^ ^ r«, w-r-/*»•. n.^r** ^ ?* v-^. • • ••.'»•-• _ T.. ^,| 4 r \\'t,--i .; * «.<J. j""1" 1,1 "" j'"f" t ::& - t sentry*.? - -ry|3»- """ V .»•/, if mm* I Thursday, February, 2,1950 RlNGWOOD * (If Mrs. Oeorce Ikmrd) The Community club will bold its meeting at the school house Friay evening, Feb. 3. There will Si hobby show and everyone is rited. The Horn* Circle will meet with Mr a. Lena Peet, Thursday, Feb. t. John, Jr., and Jerry Hogan entertained a group of friends at their home Sunday afternoon in Honor of their birthday. Games irere played and lunch was served. Community Night was observed it the Methodist church Sunday fveaing. The men's quartet of JUchmond sang several selections and Rev. Smith of Wauconda gave talk. Lunch was served in the Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith •laited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith, Friday afternoon. Mr. ang Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, and Karen Woodberry of Richmond spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Bob Brennan, Duane Andreas, Herb Engle and Jay Cristy attended the basketball game at the Chicago Stadium Saturday evening. *Jr- Mr» Clarence Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams were Sunday dinner gpieata in the Irving May home at Johnsburg. Other guests were MT. and Mrs. Albert Adams of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni attended a birthday party for his mother in Chicago, Saturday evening. Jack Brennan of Elkhorn spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. home. •H 1 61)urch dining room. This community was saddened i»y the death of one „pf its beloved residents, Mrs. Ben Walkington, who passed away at the Wood- Stock hospital Friday night. She •was buried in Ringwood on TueafVtay afternoon. Miss Lizzie Davis, Mrs. Sam Siooksbury, Frank Davis and son Ffank, Jr., of Laurenceburg, • Tenn., were called here by the djpQth of Mrs. Ben Walkington. "*Mr. and Mrs. Pheips Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich,, Jr., home. Mrs. Ed Raue/ and daughter, Jfcan, spent Sunday in Chicago. 'Mi*, and Mrs. Ainger and family W Hebron spent Sunday with ^Uer parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sttepard. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas' and family visited his mother, Mrs. Mlngel Andreas, who has be-en . quite ill at Marengo, Sunday afteraaori. -IWis Phyllis McCannon of Big nock spent a few days tlie past Week with her grandmother, Mrs. Rose Jerpson. Btily DeWolf of McHenry visited {jpHehds here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. lister Carr and Mrs. Wm. McCantton wer« visitors at Woodstock Friday afternoon. ; Miss Dorothy Linassi of Chicago fljWWt Saturday with her uncle %d aunt, Mrs. Wm. Pagni. Vf PLAINDEAUfiH am i it* iii - „. . . v; *.*«• * , v.. , +* FARM ADVISER'S OOIOCXIVTS (Willtam Tamraeua. Farm Advlaor) General custom among the farmera in ithia area is all right, but it is wrong, too. Take tor instance Farm and Home t)av attenders. 1 noticed quite a few. of the older farmers who are semi-retired aad I know their sons were home working. The old boy could go, but the one who would or could profit most from our presentations was too busy to be there. I'm not kidding myself any--the old fellows were there because the> would see their friends there an«i it was something to go to. The $64 question is how to gt? the young fellows there. One plat that works is the veterans "p«» i 'JiM Todd Nolan, supa«Tl>of' ci township, wha contacted the meeting Jan. 2S. Todd explained tat the-job training" course. We g< Mr. and -Mrs. Lenard Brown of (roin to 100 there to our month Clarendon Hills spent the weekend with his father. S. W. Brown. Bob Clentine spent the weekend with his parents at Delevan. Wis. Mrs. Andrew Hawiey of Fox River Grove visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Saturday. *1 Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Smith and sons, Frank and Sam, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and daughter, Sandra, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and celebrated Sammy's eleventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons of Richmond spent Sunday in the Beatty-low home Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond. Mrs. Rose Jepscm and neph€V; Stanley Jepson, spent Sunday in the Roland McCannon home at Big Rock, 111. Mr. and Mtb. Robert Schuetz* and daughter. Ruth, of Milwaukee spent the weekend with her'father Dr. Wm. Hepburn. Mrs. Marie Wegner and" sons visited relatives at Elgin, Sunday. ly or oftener sessions at the Wood stock Community high school. Oi course, they have to attend U fulfill their requirements, but ». number of them have told us tha they no longer consider our coifn ty-wide sessions as another re quired meeting, but something they look forward to. They realize the value of the tn formation they get there and wha is more important they keep thei minds more active and are mor» conscious of community happen ings. With most people who takt an active part in community af fairs, it is a hobby to, do so. An' the more people in a communit> with such a hobby, the better the community is to live in. Our last two veterans' sessions held on Jan. 12 and 26, were on county government. Our thanks are generous to those county of ficials who took part, especially Dangers ef Ndat Excessive noise it a definite health and safety hazard on the streets, in the office, factory and home. New York City police department safety bureau, says unnecessary noises increase traffic accidents. A needless blast of an auto horn may injure pedestrians or ether drivers. CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn fnrnitnro, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsbnrg, III Phone 683-J-l duties of the toWjuifeip Sdptrvisor aad the towaahif toad commissioner and how. o«v local tatrfcshipa finance ti)«tr r*Ma, and tha. problems arising frofe this,. It interesting to note the tttgei Mr. Nolan gav« abMgt the ahmial town ipMUnl questions ware directed tb him which indicated dlaaattofftdtton on the pSrt of th« qaastlomer trftn the performance of the local road commissioner. Rf only natural that a township offiolal will ft a much better job when the peopl* 61 the township watch him and raak« constructive criticisms. I can see in ray own case that it the Farm Bureau board didn't meet monthly with a good attendance, and it the annual meeting waa attended by mly a handful of people, toy performance would get pretty atoppy. (t's only human to be proud ot your work and do a good Job If t is noticed. Your monthly meeting will be the < :econd Tuesday In April. Qb and rind out what it Is all about S6 you can criticise intelligently and n that way b« bclpftil In fosterng better local government. Too much criticism is based on rumor md "they" say. Find out who 'they" are The January 13 meettag was also a very interesting one, with State's Attorney Don Wicks giving i very concise description of what liappens in the court house. He took the example of Joe Blow from Hebron, whose fatlier had just passed away and left the heira a farm and two lota ip town. Joe also decides to get married. He comes to th» court house and attends to all these thfcife arid while th«re. pays his taxes, too. When fee gets ready to go home he finds his new Cadillac has been stolen so he returns to the court house for help. The sheriff finds his car in Sycamore. Joe admits he left his key in it and was fined $25 fotthat. Others present were Lester Edinger. circuit clerk; Henry A. Nulla, county treasurer; Richard Tazswell, county superintendent of schools; and Ray Dusenberry, of the board of review. Each spoke briefly on his work. • Winter mfc,-'" V '• « Winter Is the ideal t|mi for woilt to the farm woodlot. Toni Permanent Wave Kite. $1 oed #2.00. Wattles ~ mg Store. 8ft Complete line of Lee's poultry medies at Wattles Dr&g Store. Jenry. g-tf FLOOR TIL^ ASPHALT and RUBBER : also PLASTIC WALL TILE " J. M. STANGARONE 661-J-l or 196*E McHenry, 111. JOSEPH X. WAflOIB Attorney Hit-lBv *•9 Wankegan Road (RFD Si WEST MeHENRY. ILL. Phone McHenry 4W-W 1950 Brightea Up The New Ye* WiA Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Custom Made . Slipoovwm Pillows Bedspreads Venetian COMPLETE UPH0L8TIEY SERVICE mas** OTBROX CAKDS \TRS STATIONERY I Community Interior 904 S. Green St. Phen# lIcHenrj ISO 1950 1950 AAARCH OF DIMES January 26, 1950 Dear Friends; The story of polio in 1949--A year that will go down as the worst in the recorded history of the disease has been told in many ways. Your newspapers and radios have reported with accuracy the tragic news of outbreaks in all sections of the nation with 43 cases and 4 deaths here in McHenry County, six of Aaaon • in our own township. The strides the National Foundation has made in its long range, full-scale approach to the subject of Infantile Paralysis, tlie gains that have been made in almost twelve years of tedious, conscientious, work--all these could he wiped out in a matter of months by the cost of Polio in the tragic year 1949. •< Due to the tremendeons expense created by the late epidemic, the treasury oif both our National and County Chapters has been depleted. In McHenry County we raised a little over $11,000 in the 1949 March of Dimes campaign. The county expense alone from January 1 to December 31, 1949 was very close to $24,000. Yon can readily see the urgent need of funds. . Owing to the fact that there will be 110 house to house canvas, may I therefore" appeal to you to kindly eonsider giving as much as is possible" so that the fight against polio may be continued and that we all may help victims to Uve-^and to > live active, useful, normal lives. Checks may be made payable to Robert L. Weber, Treasurer, Polio Fund, Me- Henry, Illinois. Gratefully yours, RAY McGEE Chairman, McHenry March of Dimes. HlfiHFST CASH PRICES poM ffsr Ueu«l and Crippled Horses, CattNjn an«l Hog*- Sanitary Power Leaf* int; Tankage an.l Meat KrrajM Mf *ale. Phones Arlington Height* lift or .McHenry 314. Reverse 'barge*. Palatine Rendering Serr- -HARLES 8. PARKER. AtterM> (Jo*lyn St. Parker) Offiee Hours: Wednesday Afternoon#--l&e-SiA# Office--Koehr Supply Company, , a 542 Mkfij Street, West McHenry 't•* J Woodstock 1135 IMPORTANT NOTICE To the Voters of McHenry County •n Only properly registered electors may vote In the Primary Election to be held April 11, i960, ap provided by the Permanent Registration of Electors Law of Illinois. it . > <r The provision allowing a non-registered voter to be registered on the day of election 13 NOW A I# LONGER IN FORCE AND EFFECT VOTERS who will be TWENTY-ONB YEARS OF AGE on or before Primary Day, April il, MUST REGISTER FOR VOTING on or before March 13, 1950. .*• • REGISTERED VOTERS who have CHANGED THEIR NAME •t least 28 days before election, must register anew on or before March 13, 1950. ^ , ' REGISTERED VOTERS who have MOVED FROM ONE PRECINCT TO ANOTHER within tfe« ' County since last registering, or from one address to another within the precinct of their residence, MUST APPEAR before the County Clerk or the proper registration officer and sign an application for change of residence, stating the old and new address, on or before March 13, 1950. Voters who have moved from one address to another within the precinct of their residence within 28 days of the Election, can vote bv affidavit. """ VOTERS who are REGISTERED IN ANOTHER COUNTY and are now residents of McHenry County MUST REGISTER in McHenry County on or before March 13, 1950. ' ** ' . Properly Registered Voters Do Not Have To Re-register •' , •' .• -r--'- ^ REGISTERED VOTERS who have not voted in any Primary or General Election for over a period of four years must reinstate their registration, either in the Office of the County Clerk or the proper precinct registration official on or before March 13, 1950. / To qualify for registration you must be a citizen of the United States, of the age of 21 or oh the date of the next Primary Election, April 11, 1950 and on the date of said Primary Section you must have a residence of one year in the State of Illinois, 90 days in McHenry County and 30 days in the precinct or district in which you live. f i. . The County Clerk's office at Wood stack is open from 8:(f0 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. except Satttr- . <4^ya, and on Saturdays is open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and any elector can register at said effice up to and including March 13, 1950.- ^ For your convenience, any one of the following Special Deputy County Clerks and Deputy >H#Cistration Officers will register you or take care of your registration in the community in -<-l^ich yon live "p *o and including March 13.1950. -- *. OLLIE B. NELSON. Riley MRS. HAROLD HYDE. Locuat. 8i.' Marengo iiRS. ANNA Bv PHILLIPS, Dnnbam IIERS. LEONA B. WISE, 102 W. Parli St. Harvard IS. R. GAST, Alden ^ ; MRS. MAMIE TORNQW, Haftlatid.--. P. W. ANDREWS, Seneca MRS. MARGARET E. DWYER, Httntley HAROLD S. THAYER, Hebron - fcHX) KARLS, Richmond CHARLES J. FREUND, Spring Groye ALBERT KRAUSE, McHenry * JUSTUS KELLNERr Wonder Lake WALTER REED; Ridgefield MARCELLA J. BERG. Algonquin FRANK H. NAGEL, Fox River Grove j#ftVTN L. LEGROS, Fox River Grove. POY L. MENTCH, Cary HARRY C. SHALES. Crystal Lake Please take care of your voting registration ad that you will be able to vote, for the awBofiyour choice at the said Primary Election. ^ , " "v-' ig*?-- y-. raymSnd d. woods County Clerk, McHenry County. JUL FOX .ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE - « R. 1. RINGWOOD, ILL Electric Wirini? Motor Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4«2 yf-. •: TERNON KNOX 2;^' Attorney- At-Law Cor. Green and Ehn Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Aftarnee-- Other Days Rv Appohifent . Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay $6 to S25 for Old Hera«* |«es for down horses and eattWfc MATTS MINK RANCH I Johnsburg - Spring Grove Real Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD ?; HOGS, HORSES AND CATT» * We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONSi Excavating ^nntractem Trucking, Hydraulic anH Crane Service t -ROAD BUILDING-- Tel. <»4-M . McHenry, fl| <•••••}& < > • "W E. E. PFASLEE, D. G, Chiroprarter ISO S. t.reen St-, McMeery Office Honrs, Dally except Tkindn 8 to 12 I:» te a Men* Wed. and FrU, Eveaiar 7 to • Phone McHenry StS-R MeHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 4§4 One Mile South of McHeary On Route 31 Flowers for all occasional FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer. Trumpet PlayedjT formerly with Anton Weeks, lxima, Ray Noble, Griff Willi Chicago and Oriental Theatr organizing fall classes. Call Ma» Henry 53S-J-1 for appointment interview. Telephone No. 30A ' \ STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGW| Insurance agents for all property^ in the heat e« West McHenry. Illinoi« INSURANCE -i EARL R. WALSH 1 Fire, Anto, Farm & Ufein*am| Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES . ' When yon need of any kind Phone 43 or 118-MUreen & Elm Tel. Wonder Lake 41S DR. R. H. WATKIKMh Dentist ^ --Office Hoara-- Tata., Thurs., ft Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Brenings by Appointmeat j Lookout Paint Wonder lata, II FRANK S. MAY . Trucking % 3and--Black Dirt--Crashed Graffl Light Excavating -- Limeataair Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 58I-M-1 R1 McHenry ^ AL'S WELDING AND SERVICE 601 Main SU, McHevy Electric Portable Weldlag ; Acetylene Welding and CattiagL ALEX W. W1RFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l ar 4M M'HENRY. ILL. WILUAM M. CARROLL, JR. A ttorney-at-law llOVt Benton St. • Phone Woodstock 13S4 Woodstock, niiaoia DR. MARTIN R. STONI CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green & Elm Tues„ Thars. & Sat Thursdays 9:30 to iiM Tnesduvs and Saturdays la § TeL HcHearv 438 WELDING Maintenance and Ceastractia* Portshle Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 61-1 909 Sooth Green SU McHeary, IE VERN THELEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Track far Hire Tel. McHenry 588-R 2 or 500-W-fc Box 172. Rt. 1. McHeary DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. ta S p. # Except Tharedaya f Evenings by AppantaHl DR. R- DeROME -- Deatia* ~ 120 Greea Oliaat Phone 292-J McHeary . Office Hears: Oa.a.l»lf except Wedaesday. all <iar Wednesday. freaiagt Iqr '..ilk-:'

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