~V vw*'1 r v" "w / * * , >r < r~* ? »? ^ - * % v, ^ sr z '*- (4 v »/,"<*" ' ' \* ,' ; V/ -***' >v. ,</f '"' • •.'-r-."••.:•'*•> i «£ v is: Kbmry •, 1»#0, "*Vr. . /•'!"'"' " " ' ' " fr s«»?«w :,. "if: fc*i.^r J,4' >.: !*'.*.- « ptAnnwALEa •sav "'•-"vv.*.- z*> < iMOUON LAKE On Para4t Yardsttck) At a Folks: a regular monthly meeting Lthe board of directors of, the perty owners Association, fteld at the beach house Sunday 'afternoon, Chris D'Vore was electid to the office of president by a unanimous rote. Mr. D'Vore repiaCea A1 Wetler, who resigned .from this office after years of ^wprykie as director, secretary, treasurer and president. Mr. Wetle's latest business ventre in- ,-Lexingtoa, Ky., necessiites establishing residence in that city t>y Mjirch 16. ;,*.A vote, of thanks, and best Irishes for a suocessful future fere extended to Mr. Wetle by the tt«w president and all membrs dt the board of directors. " Those present at last Sunday's jkAteeting were, William Creutz, ^William Walker, Art Nelson, Paul Struck, A1 Zowada, Kfen Ebey, Jr., fodCarl Knauer. this group will have their annual Vakrnttae party. The Shamrocks Athletic Club, headed by Frank Rourke, will entertain their guests at a Valentine party at McDonald's on the same evening so as it looks from here "There will be a hot time in the old town that night." unquote. ^ It is quite evident from the num her of signatures of registered Mc- Best wishes for a pleasant vacation were expressed by the members of the Hickory Creek farms Pinochle Club to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith at a farewell party held at the farms' recreation hall last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo §tayth received surprise gifts whiqr were not to be opened until they reached their destination, Florida. The Smiths, accompanied by Mr. an4 Mirs. Ben Smith, left Wednesday on a two weeks' motor trip to the sunny south, with Palm Beach and Miami on their itinerary. ' Among those present at Monday evening's festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Chas Diedrich, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Bennett, Mr. and Mrs, Ray -Claughwater, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Ray Etten and Edward "Jeff" Jefferson. Ticklers By George Charles Blake and. Walter Geralt are back in civvies, after doing their bit in Uncle Sam's army. An eighteen month stretch <gUllom Lake residents on the j in Texas convinced the boys that petition for incorporation of Mc- Oullom Lake as a village, that the Welfare and /-future progress of our communlty\is of vital Interest Jo all. i . /More thkn three times the required number of signatures appeared on the petition when the canvass was completed last Sun- 4ay -On presentation of this petition, Ifee county court will set a date fbr an election, at which time all registered voters of McCullom Lake will cast their ballot for or against the measure. Notice of this election will appear !n future publications of your local paper. there is -ttO place like the «bbd- old U. S. A. / £ Peter NtHted, George Werner and Bill Rochelle were the blue rfbbon winners at the American i; Legion masqtteradfe last Saturday evening. . v Pete took top honors as the poor Stan's Dorothy Lamour, George e*me in second as Little Lord P^untelroy while Bill showed as riding master of Barnum and Alleys. A good tint* was bail by all. The 8crewey Doeen will pro- Tide a lot of entertainment at Roy- A1 on Saturday evening, when Cogratulations to: * Harry Reiin'er on his twentyninth birthday anniversary Feb. 24. * : •>. .. Sandra Lock on her twelXth birthday Feb. 8. Adios Lake Pungo, N. C. All the original land surveys around x,ake Pungo in North Carolina are tied to an ancient cypress tree on the lake shore, the stump of which is still standing. Meerschaum, which is German for "sea-froth," is a figurative name. It is an old designation for the mineral now called "sepiolite," which comes from a Greek word meaning "cuttle-fish," an allusion to the fact that the mineral is light and porous, like the bone of the cuttle-fish. For centuries Turkey has been the chief source, though some has been found in New Mexico and Pennsylvania. L & H TELEVISION^ EMERSON and MOTOROLA x SALES -- SERVICE « Phon* 403 604 Front St or 663*Rr$ , ^ [• Wast MeHenry, Illinois tfUfeliiiMil AUCTION do farm known as Geo. Druce farm, located 1 mile east of Grayslatte, Vfc mile north of Highwky 120, 3/4 mile east of Highway 21, 1 'mile west of Highway 45. 10 miles south or Antioch, 6 miles south of Lake Villa, 7 miles north- West of Libertyville, % mile north of Grayslake Out Door Theatre, on ^ Sunday, February 12 ( onmenring at 1:0® o'clock f ATTLE -- S bred heifers, 2 Gter. and 1 Hoi.; 1 Jersey heifer, S" os.$ld! 1 Hoi. stork bull. 0(;s--4 Chester White gilts, bred; 2 purebred Duroc boars. MACHINERY-- Case corn planter (fert. attach.), 16-in. walk plow, 7-ft. tractor disc, 8-ft. fert. spreader, hay loader, McD. tractor on rubber and 2-row cultivator (good" cond.), Super Six front e*ad loader, McD. 3-bot. tractor plow (good cond.), J. D. tractor disc (like new), McD. 8-ft. grain drill (with fert. attach, and grass seed attach , good cond.)), A. C. model "70" combine on rubber with Scour KJeen and pick-up attach, (good cond.), McD. 7-ft. trailer type power hiower, J. D. corn hinder (with bilndle carrier, good cond.), McD. silo filler (with filler and dist. pipe), rubber Jtired wagon rack, bammermlll (good cond.), Mcp. corn bundle loader 'Oitr, I'm worried! Junior brought tomo of hit litttefrfind* into tho library and th«y*rt to quiot it >iightm» mot*' Bison's Eadoraaee The endurance of the American bison was remarkable. He could tire out three sets of horses, often running 40 miles at a time. Artificial Flo Clean artificial wax flow*» by dipping them up and dowt) in good dry cleaning fluid, such naptha or gasoline. A'.#*. 1950 Brighten Up The New Year With . . . C u s t o m H a d e . . Draperiti Slipcover*. Curtain/ Fillows Valances Bedspreads Cornices Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SJ5RVICE CABS ft TBUCKg -- Model "A" Ford coupe, 1935 Chev. 4-door sedan, 1938 Ford V-8 1V& ton truck, with new grain box. FURKITI-RE-- Some household furniture including pot-type oil heater, comb, gas and coal kitchen range, 2 coal heaters, oil burner, new Kenemore 4 burner bottle gas stove, with oven; Coldspot 8-cu. ft. refrigerator, 2 radios, 3-piece parlor set, 8-piece dining room fcet. Deep-freeze (doubble bbl.), antique table (100 yrs. old). FEED -- 1,000 bushels Clinton oats. MILK EQUIPMENT -- Farm Master milking machine, 1 double unit, complete with motor, pump and pipe. BEN CURL, Prop Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Pfeblle Auction Ser. C*n Clerk DEDICATION Nearly 700 people thronged the new $175,000 Capron consolidated grade school last week Sunday during dedication ceremonies to inspect the modern, and up-to date facilities for education. A fully equipped kitchen serves hot lunches to the children at noon. The gymnasium, 52 by 80 feet, will seat 600. The Stage, 16 by 31 feet, has a blue and silver curtain with the school letters centered in silver. White House Sensation Dolljr Madison started a tradition when she first served tee cream at the White house. At the second -inaugural ball the frozen delicacy so Impressed the assembled company that It has been served at important functions ever since. The president's wife taught her servants to make ice cream with a "pot free*«r," shaking the mix in a pan of salt and ice. From where I Joe Marsh "Left-Handed Compliment" -Community Interior 204 S. Green St. Phone MeHenry 480 V V VVVV VVVVVVVV • • • • 1 / is cordially invited to attend |the GRAND OPENING of WEST McHENRY MOTORS New Packard Garage, on Route 31 across from Roller Rink Owned and operated by David Hill f 1 2 P. M. until midnite Free Lunch Old and New Time Dancing Music by The Country Boys from Radio Station WEXI St. Charles , , J See where a bank in Denver Is ; putting In left-handed checkbooks. They figure their southpaw depositors deserve just as much consideration mm the right handers. Time was when it was believed that left-handed people had no right to exist at alL If a youngster showed signs of using his left hand, his parenta were supposed to br«ek htm of the habit--to form him to use his right. 1 But today most doctors will tell you that changing a child's natu-> ml left-handed tendency usually causes more harm than good. Stammering and other nervous disorders often get their start that way with children. From where I sit, if • ssaa waste to use his left hand--that's JUi business. It's not such a good Idea to make anyone do things our way, Just because we think It's right. Personally, I think a mellow glass ef beer Is the finest beverage on earth. If you happen to prefer a Coke--rwhy, go to it! Only leave sm the same freedom ef choice, weal Copyright, 1950, Umitmd Stttoa Answi Fomndmtiem Spinach alone is a nutritious food, but it can alto he used to advantage in combination dishes, omelets, souffles, soups, and meat loaf. "'"5^11„^^".F"^- *, • - -s OPIIATOrQ Tittl An ultra-modern costing $1,767, arrived tt vard Community hospital week. The new equipment ered last JulT and Women's Auxiliary of tfce Community Hospital Inc. The latest in surgery ment, the table can be adjustsdL various heights to suit th« of surgeons. Arm rests and features make it a new hospital addition. Several elk* ployees of Starline, Inc., anlosM the 7^° pound table.. Early ordering of atfalCa recommended if you are to flM variety and amount you want. THE fQX HOLE LOUNGE Vfv; ' RIVERSIDE HOTKt, S MeHENSV, ILL. •^ i' nil In' I PRESENTS EGON STURM Piano Sensation! (Direct From 2 Tears At Town Casino^ Ghicago) NIGHTLY (Except Monday t •••r •: • ..." '•ijf r '.i. ic Bedccwts ..'.why W Join the millions of satisfied users--try the warmth-without-weight sleeping comfort of the famous GE Electric Blanket in your own home--absolutely free. Use a brand-new GE Electqp Blanket (yoitir choice of rose, blue, green or cedar) on your own bed ^. relax and sleep under its lightweight warmth. Then, after* 10 days, if you're not convinced that the GE Electric Blanket provides the most restful sleeping comfort you've ever known, yon can return the blanket. There is no obligation whatever. Come in or call your nearest Public Service Company store today for your 10-day free trial, brand-new GE Electric Blankftt. 10-Day Trial Gl Eltctric Blank#! Fluffy wool face for flmcy warmth end kfouty, cotton backing for greater durability. Washable. Luscious shad** of rose, Hue, cedar and green, with matching 2" rayon satin binding. General Electric. Automatic Blanket* from $39.95. * Y*vr neighborhood dealer «lsoh«s • shpke sfOCsnd ffMr elettrU fer yaw wuslirt PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of HORTNIKll ILLIfiOll-- , :-:r