< % » « / ' « » t t t W i < t W & i n . & S 1 M Uncle Sam Says SBttTKS Xb Umm dan at sacesslvsly high MU o( living and acute ihortaie of MMtU <|«krt(ri, many people •ko mw Ml so before art renting mw and small apartmcntB to m ***** or ttfnanti. Perhaps flux do Hot realtt* that any yew taeoais over their deductible MpciiMl for maintaining tfcest income-producing quarters is Mhiict to federal ux. It ie the fMiriMM* of thia article to help the** peofrle fid all who have rental _ no portion of the which you have in tng space you may dedtot 1<H)rper cent of th§y oper nth* expeass^ bat of course you may not Claim anv items which arc chargeable to the cost of the building. If you lire fa the building; a part of which you rent to tenants, ytou must prorate the expenses. That* attributable to Bpace you occapy may not be claimed as deductions on your return. For instance, if you occupy one apartment in a six-apartment building which you own, one-sixth of the expense is not deductable because the Space is used for your personal convenience. If any of your family or friends live in part of your income-producing building rent free, you may not claim any expenses on their portion, because the rental value of the space they occupy and the operating expense off that space is in the nature of a gift to them. Only maintenance and r:i>uirs are chargeable kgulnst rental income for the year. The repairs must be Incidental, and rcu^t not add to the value or prolons the life of the property. The following items are classified as operating expenses and are deductible against rental income in Schedule B on Page; 2 of Form 1040: Painting of the outside of your building. Painting and papering the inside of space occupied by tenants. Depreciation on building. • Depreciation on insulation and other capital items. Janitor's salary and bis supplies lor maintenance of the building. Coal, oil or gas heat Minor repairs but no major replacementa. Insurance -Agent's commission*. tick- pointing. Witter tax. ftaal estate taxes on the rented portion are deductible in Schedule B, |jat the taxes prorated to your pei'SWMil quarters may. be deducted only as itemised deductions, under the heading "Taxes" on; Page 3 of the return, since they are not operating ejgpnses and are •entirely non-buttae#ft deductions. Iqtereet on mortgage for the pn party,. Vat un the rental portion oalyJ^. The baqpfttf on your personal quarters is deductible on -Page- 3 only under "Interest". Repairs, but not replacements, 'are allowable on roofs, porches, fences, stair carpets, doors, windows, tfdetralka, refrigerators, washing machines and heating units. fcttioe the bsrdoa of proof for all deriactto*! is on the taxpayer, it is vitally JmtMrtant that you keep itl-itomk lDr operating expenses, aotttatwhen your return Is rudited you dm substantiate all expttNa cental Ccmeerntag rthtal lncodte and expanse, we dtt Ttot dtsCUAs the question of eagltat expenditures which are not eOansas, bat represent additional cost of the building, apartments or stores you rent to tenants. Depreciation is allowable on such improvements based on the life of'the asset's and on the income-producing portion only. You mav claim in each tax able year the amount of the depreciation prorated for that year. We urge you to keep a care ful record and also receipts of your payments for all such items, so that if you sell y6ur property you can produce these receipts snd receive credit . as additional cost of the property at that time. Among such items are the following which are not operating expense but coet of capital items which should be added to the original value of the property: Porches, window sashes, doors, storm windows, screens or fences. New stair carpet. f, Gutters and down spout*. SfET New roof or insulation. New rooms or remodeling* 'old ones. Remodeling outside of house. SidewaIk or foundation...under ,thf building. -j/'-'"' Washing machines. ; Refrigerators. CV • V? ^ New furnace, bailers , or hot water heaters. You should determine the number of these items can serve a useful purpose and -then claim a depreciation percentage. t)f the cost, based 6ft the "useful' life. Whether you claim depreciation or not, it will be deducted from the cost to determine the adjusted basis of the property. You cannot accrue depreciation, so if you fail to claim it in one year you lose the benefit of it. However, it is charged against you at the time of the sale even if not claimed. The items below Jtffe not dfeduct-. able expenses but are added to the original eost of .your., property. Fee for "surveying your ^operty to determine correct boundry lines. Legal expense for clearing or. d e f e n d i n g t i t l e . " r - * • " Expense of bringing title upto- date. Laying new streets or alleys. : Laying new water pipes and sewers. "Measure Your Own Progress" sheiUl be the ambition ef every one ef m> nieces and nephews now that : we arc .'n the mid-Twentteih Century' ~ at pasture -kMid value and anything U brings over that for other , purposes would have to go t# the (Wmilam Tipmeas- Rifm AdHlDl) government, so the owner is not «lUing to sell under those cir- *ii r *•••, jMtnlUnces.5 Secondly, I would Alien Kline, president or - V»»live to get permission to build a American Farm Bureau, aMe * n&nSe, permission to buy the lunv very significant ^addreaa. at .S^WRtn ber and othefe. materials, and perand Home Week last Thursday, mission "to hire the labor to build I-Ie fiaitl last fall he spent a week-, it. All those Tknow T couldn't get end in England, partftdjjje Ihiiit-^ beC&lise I have a house." lnK H wltb "ome acqa.iwmrm b. i hi>» ra,Se the colw. . w*"°. wilch- the. wort* looked to i?0 The host, an English' was a most gracious host seemed "to be quite.. wef}ltty, ing in ^ huge three-atopy ,h with window sills, a fqof Ark^." first floor was for living, the "Second for sleeping, and tfiie for servants, of which he had' six to keep the place in iiie home was in the village, h&rever/ crowded in. with M tlil'jjtyf ,s, . ...nnpefibr goods wbj^ were shif firmer', "all pvfer' the World,' looked to iost and jtnatice'^o iohmiie'and 'siettle 1 year. You have seen this conntry grow into Ui greatest power on' earth. That progress can. be meassred, b|t how abont yourselves? How mach Irve yon Saved toward that bright and secure financial fat ore to which everyone aspires? If not now •n investor in U. S. Savings Bonds ther? is no better Mine to start than TODAY. START SAVING IN 19M FOa 1960. Enroll for the automatic Wity of piUny up Savings Bonds where /Ow «»erK, or if self-employed, the 1 ond-ArMoith Plan where you bank. U.S. TrMmry Dtpmmtm Kline said to his host as they walked over the wide acres outside the village, "If f were you, I would build a modern cottage up on this hill ^ith only five rooms, a huge picture window overlooking this view, and I would put in every gadget that has been invented to save labor so that no servants would be juecessary." His English host said, "No you for JtafLticie ¥&ohwifee 'and eisttle lafatd^i ""'over the world. Does this sou^id tiUfr? Isn't the (ft 3. looked to $Way WW?",; Vu i Th«; two countries npjt,, comparable in uny manner, regardless of what[ soiue n»ay. sa^. Production of goods in E/iglfind js. aliaost $t(\i>pad b'y go^feVnment regulation. Conaeqilcntly, very little ' HOW •5*>waHh fs hieing crtated. ing back to-the rolling "acre^ he had inv^rtsd ta cowj in •nA $1.94 ift 194*. Weil,., at least he hap no .l^bor bos* Wfco s«ys he canT do tc and if working cfRidiAeitt don't suit him he can buy a ."package" (an and put it in One of windows. Corn borers are with 'is by the hilltops.. Ridding our county of serious damage in ±!»>0 will take community action. I? a farmer doesn't' plow for rats apd do a good job, his neighbors should call on Mm In a body t>id find out if . doesn't know about the fadt, it a cahm^ign is on. x^y ^hould^ . .ly until Ire is plpWlng Clean and if hf can't get s^qlk* under may-, be he will need help^in patting his' plow so tit will plow qiean. Clean; piewlng 'will ki^ 9$ per cent of the borerf. Likewise anv farmer thitt plants corn' before M^y 20 should be caHdd" on by a group of neighbors to' find out if he doesn't'know about IWjinay. kHM4hi^MaMSISSSNSkMMSMSM%»'« •'ifci---,. yon fn a few ensss, but bo done. Any fsrmof' he is going to pi spray to control borers through his hati- He just1 know the facts. Late Plw&m JU» aft entjtp munity can Ire. jwf cent fective, while the best codtrol insecticides in 19 experiments the college in 1949 yere only per cent effective. 8|>raytng money while late planting Last year, with planting from May5 to June 2§ tried, yielded the highest, with yis) dropping off in each dl (iom that dote according to College of Agriculture, wily taxes to have this work earl on and mo to tell you afcolt' it. you aren't going to follow it. One way to beat the corn bors# is to go to grass-legume farming; * j u j t f i i ' i r m Attsrn«y-at4«w • > , i Wa«NKM (W Amt WEST McHENRY. ILL. Phone MeHenry 492-W HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for ( Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs--Sanitary Power Load- '--Tankage and Meat Scraps fer e. Phones Arlington Heights _J or McHenry 814. Ueveraa CHarges. Palatine Rendering Serf# lea. I • I I ; CQARLES S. PARKER, Attori(|f| (Joslyn- ft Parter) •*" • v P f f l c e H o u r s : < . f . v i ' i . Wedasisday Aftemoohs-i-li^^Hl^1' Office--JKoehr Supply Company;" '.[i Order your nibber stamps a| 9^ Plaindealer. . I hone--] Woodstock ,1135 d.h of McHenry. tOhnty; Ac<50j*dlhg to the Illinois Crop and Livestock Repotting Service, there were seventy-seven milk cows per square mifV J4n. 1, 1949: Jan 1, 1948, there were 48,700 milk co^rs on oyr 624 square miles valued at $10,053,QUO and on Jan. 1, 1949, there were 48,300 milk cows valued at $11,712,200. Figuring 7,000 pounds per cow and the average - Annas ' t. A gfc d supply of humus and a graniliu structure increase the soil's cc?«city to hoki water and yst p>jrmtt excess water to draiii away ^'resly. p ? --'• - * •'; butterfly Fllk^ ;>,• ~ The b, vJttbrfly fish often swims backward:, its tail appearing to be 1 its head. CQMPip THEE SERVICE \ TUBE TSBPWg.i.v.-;,^;-; i f t - f f - r * i f f - * j u i c e s . •a tH>lfA¥lktf i * SM eontroi ,! .1 ... ,t „ .-v „.)* irfy and teosqufti ANDERSON-TREfclSERYfCE f MpHenry 724 DEADLY DRIVERS Youngsters of the driving ispecies are most1 deadly, ly, the Chicago Motor Club warns. Drivers in the 16-year-old group have nine times as many accidents as do drivers of 45 to 50. Sixteeayear- olds cause one traffic death in every 2,000,000 miles driven on the average, records show. Mature drivers in the 45 to 50 age group average one fatal accident in every 21,000,000 miles. Next best drivers are those in the 40 to 45 age group with an average of «ne death to every 19,000,000 miles. Second mose dangerous are drivers 'front 20 to 25 years old, with an storage of. one fatality for every 8,000,000 miles driven. "SPEEDY" by McHENRY OARAGE WKH-I CAN DEMofenave MOW WELL THE BRAKES '• WERE REPAIRED BY - ' DIDNTy I WASN'T "MLKINCIDXX) I WAS TALKING TO NW .BCYfTOieND/ 604 FRONT STREET . .1 ' i l l J Diamond T Trucks Willys-Overland Sales PHONE 403 7W y golf atqaio- Motor supschools. DRITER Like learninc to s or tennis, tt»d coi^t superior, perfortnatuoe!. bile dHying, the G Club ptdnte=Mt Tltft plied-mor»-than 2ft with the necessary. material an information to establish dr training courses, in addition text,material, g«i|» sheets instraiti6aa to be WmA by p in teaching their Vjgjngsters. Official records S"°w the startling results between the skilled and 'dub' driving, Influenced by the courses. For example, 250 youthful drivers without expert instruction in a six months period had thirteen accidents, injuring eleven persons, in nine of which the driver was declared legally at fault A similar trained group had 5 accidents resulting in no injuries But two of the trained drivers were held responslblo-ior the ac cidents. i'ti; •r s.: tfAWttlNGBEAUTY THRIFTY PRICES PLASTIC TILE »Y ?! i®-. £ || t v - •? RIVERSIDE HOTtt . • . ft v ^ McHEHRY, nJU • « m r , - -<w' .* • - fbbsbnts EGON STURM Piano Sensation! (Direct From 2 Team At Town Caaiafc Cbic«^oi) NIGHTLY (^xqept Monday plannect artment means to you! Service A |iai IllCllMill Til# of smart, modern boauty. T^e envy of f** IHtMbi ami so «asy to daan. Poys f^r itself in 13^^, . . . ladivldual tiles, heavtav defper, for that custom tiled look. CalMH molded right thru tile cannot chip, peel or scratch off. •asists siolstare; won't warp, shrink; or stain with iodine, •*» in tWlly iNistsI and diarbleixed e<^ors of dkii d«^th'aiid intn. _ * KtTBBXE and ASPHALT FLOOK TILE -- M.STANGARONE Ml-J-l or 1M-B ' McHENRY, ILL. KNOWLEDGE SELF-SERVICE MEATS : Jewel didn't jump into the self-ssW?" ice meat business. To handle selfservice meats properly requires skill, knowledge and experience. Jewel spent many months of testing and .research before the first Jewel ready- 1'packaged meat department was open- ,jed in Elmhurst. Even then nattr prott- Crystal Lake Homemakers with oiie J>f the most efficient and well-planned selfservice markets in the country. PACKAGING in sanitary, protective cellophane does not improve the meat, nor does it harm the meat. Ready-packaged meatft It Jewel are the sapi^ top quality Extra Value,- , . ,. ... Sfim^meats that have pleased Jewel Cttfto- T'lems arose and were qmcl^Diit^ $ fi Wf for so many years, the packaging ed. Now, after almost twdiyearf of ^ ^ completely protects the fresh&MS experience Jewel has nifte «ett- Aa^uality from the 4ime the meat arrives service meat departments. ' S^-your Crystal Lake Jewel, to the moment With the aid of continuous research you place it in your home refrigerator. You and practical store experieno^JfiWel . can't beat the quality and freshness of Jewel is properly staffed and equipped *tp meat anywhere! > ""fjaf • * . MEATS POULTRY >'i j/- • ^ • "• ^ >K,I -• •X$ji ELECTRIC SERVICE 1 WONDER LAKE 1 '• **. * 1 , R I N G W O O D , I L L . Etoctric Wiring Motor Reps^R ' Pumps Sold snd Repaired ^ TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 , J VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Lsw -- Cor. Orson and Elm Sts., McHeni^v" Tuesday snd Friday Afternoofi Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUY -- We psy $6 to $25 for Old Horsey | less for down horses vtul cattla> ™ MATTS MINK RANCH lohnrirar^ - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 ! CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD ' ; HOGS, HORSES AND CATTl^f We pay phone charges 1 ! \ - jV: 1 A. P. PREUND SONS ,T >' \ . EkcsvstJng cantmtMv <» » iW WM n I Truckiag, Hydraulic ' and Ctane Service • ^ K-ROAD' BUILDING-- I TeL S94»M MeHenry, IB E. E. PEASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor 120 S. Green St, McMenry Office Hours, Dally except Thursday 9 to 12 1:30 to 5 Mon* Wed. and Fri., Evening. 7 to 9 Phone McHenry M2-B MCHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all occasions 1 - fALL CLASSES Of INSTRUCTION ; Kafl Knauer, Trumpet Piaffcr, formerly with Anton Weeljs, Caua Loma, Ray Noble, Griff Williams* and .qriei^taj'. Theatres, orgaKTailig 'fall cUfcsee.' 'Call Mo- Henry B33-J-1 for appointment and interview. " No. 30# &nBHUKSPERGBM insurance agenis for all glasses if property in the best companies. West McHenry. Illinois INSURANCE. EA£L R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life insnran-- Representiny RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of sny kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lace 4J8 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- f. Yues., Thurs., & 8at. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Lookont_Point__Wond^er Lake, 111 FRANK S. MAY Trucking •Sand--Blsck Dirt--Crushed Grave/ Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry --4-- o at Jewel is designed to protect your family's health. The meat arrives in refrigerated trucks and is immediately placed in refrigerated coolers. It is cut up in temperature controlled rooms. It is sealed in sanitary, protective cellophane in an air conditioned packaging room. You can see or yourself that this room is spotless--as clean as your own kitchen. FOR DEPENDABLE meats and careful handling, you can shop with complete confidence at your Crystal Lake Jewel self-service meat de?, partment -- one of the finest in the land! Designed Fbr Easier Shopping _ 207 EAST BRINK ST. j£h AL'S WELDING AND REPAlfe SERVICE* 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weld«ig and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY. ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law HOVa Benton St. Phone Woodstock 18Sf Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN It. STONE O CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner CJreen & Elm Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Tharodays 9:30 i« 5:30 Tuesdays and Saturdays to 8 TeL McHenry 438 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J , •09 South Green St., McHenry, I1| ft ^Uusd-.? ; LimestoHf-- VB>N THELlfeN „ ' - Trucking Gravel Black Dirt _ Track for Hire ^•1. McHenry &88-B-2 or 588-W-l Bo* 172. Rt. 1, McHenry - OR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian „ . On Bl^iway 31--Office and Hoa|l V Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. 4 Except Thursdays. Evenings by Appointment --^JpR. R. DeROME V --Dentist -- -420 Green Street PKone 292-J McHenry Office Hoars: 10 a. m. to • p. ra» except Wednesday. Oftlce closed all day Wednesday. -- - < •- Evenings by appointments oat|\