Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1950, p. 2

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^7* V.* f *V}' v° 1 rV**£* * % ^r" ^ ^ .^yt^yrif IO %•' & CHARLES GULL SCOUT NOTES WMMM iwy ftanliy at !Me BMUfr, 111., by tlw McHenry Pib- Itaftlfcg Company, lot P. ,T..A. Editor Adele Frochlich Fathers' btmd v Meoad-elaM matter at Ifte poatoffle« at McHenry, I1L, nndir tka act of May S, 1879. Tear $2.50 PFWfffflBPB HIHRKsMbrntftJI s I V *•• f MARY WENTWQE^ FORMER RESIDE] BURIED ON SATURDAY • & •<• MI-8, Mary Wentworth, 83 'years old, who made her home with her daughter and husband, the Loren Edingers, in McHenry many years ago, died Wednesday evening, Feb. 8. She had resided in Woodstock for several years. • The deceased was born on Nov. 28, 1886, in Red Oak, 14., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers. She was married to Warres Wentworth sixty-five years ago and' for a time they made their home iu Hebro:i and Harvard. Mr. Wentworth .died twenty >ears ago and since.tiuU timo-Siie laaided with Mrs. ESdlnger. Other survivors ' itaclude a t:«Mqghter, Mrs. Efrt ; Given j JUf Voodstook, a son, R6y,_jln Canada! tvjo grandchildren, ffre greatgrandchildren and |a 'Sister, Mrs. «iUe Gross, at Mbrpvia, Calif. Services were held on Saturday aternooa at 2 o'clock from the Morwin funeral home in Woodet. ck, with Rev. A. J. Tavenner of tho Methodist church officiating. Be rial was in Oakland cemetery. funeral servicer* were hild wW weewk» Thursday ,, awf4t«e.rvni4otvoynM J wrr * ivn lUM rcw» 61 at • . av Charles Starr Owen, 86 yej*r» fjfjai.. at the ftefrion clilb. Friends who passed any.-the previous Tuesday, Feb. $rMr."Qwen waB the son of pionggt; jeaidents in. the McHenry comW^MB^ad speiil-TWa early life here^r yyr . SA*EC-PRIX^ TOWS • A'Very beautiful winter wedding was solemnized a\-- St."" Mary's church, iMcHenry,; tnfc -Saturday, Feb.- 11,' %hen Mieft ATWn& Samec, daughter of John Samec, became the bride of Mr. John Prince, son of Mr. and Mrs: Calvin Prince of Wofl^er L#ke^^ Rgv. JY. Eugene ^aumtrottyt; afitciateri ait the ceremoat^ *fa^rjil|fenin»e£ al 8 o^clbc|rlfc tithe af6«noon„-jk| nefcepttbn "fotlowea "the1'servWt" It» the Samec home oa Center street. Start «f New Style? The wmdd's first office building with a stainless steel extoripc^ws recently d^mpleted at Schtottdfcydy, ' Members of the , Leaders' club voted to change its name to the Adult Girl Scout Organization at its breakfast meeting on Feb. 7 at the home of Mrs. William Green. Three new leaders were* invested and received scout ping, from the organization president, Mrs. Frank Kans. They were Elsie Olson of Troop No. 3, Evelyn Krukow of Troop No. 2 and Joan Kenne-beck of Troop No. 7. Mrs. Harold Vance received a pin and was commended for her part as first president and giving assistance in organizing units- Tentative plans were made for a pagent to be presented to the public on AprU: 21 fit the high school auditorium^' Troop No. 1 enjoyed a skatiag party at the community pond re cently- Each girl brought her own lunch and hot chocolate was served at the- home of Mrs. Edward Tony an by their . leaders, Avis Gans and Mtanie Green. Agnes ^iK-ltassiyteiij;,. >• 'v' -TIOOJ) No. '3 'will' have investltinfe feferrim xofi Feb; 21 7:30 -are invited to attend Evelyn Krukow will entertain at her home on March 7, meeting to begin at 9:30 a.m. SQUARE DANCE FESTIVAL "To make the best better" at 9 O'clock Saturday evening, Feb. 25, at the Woodstock Armory, the Circle 8 Square Dance Group and the Rural' Youth of McHenry county invite you to attend a grand square dance party. Don Mc- Clay, well known throughout Fox Valley, will do the calling, with Clayton Anderson's music. At $1.20 per couple, you will meet your neighbors i'a blue jeans and calico, helping the 4-H ToWtf movement. Rolled Thin Stainless steel can be rolled lntq, strips thinner than a human hair. - A stack of 1,000 pieces would be only one inch high. -rwr -r Sp'ert Model* For Style «ReYae A meeting of -the Pre-Teen club was held last Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Toddler Shop, with thirty girls pre lent. The baby sitting service ins ituted by the club was discussed and models were selected for the Community P. T. A. show, to be held in March. They are the ArVdson twins, Marlene and Carol. Margaret Hultsch performed with her puppets while the girls san~ in accompaniment. The hobby of Margaret is now on display at the shop, where It will remain until the next meeting on Feb. 26. tJMk rtalaed < > . t W.i Clab \ I*: "I I'! M: s. C. H. Duker was hostess to meirbers of the Evening Bridge club at her home last week Wednesday evening. Prises were nifrtted by Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. George Lindsay. Ftox Valley Camp To Sponsor Party , Fcx River Valley Camp, R.N.A., la sponsoring a public party on Thursday, Feb. 23 at the Woodman Hall in West McHenry. A cafeteria style supper will be served at 7 o'clock, followed by a card party.- RiVe "view Camp Meeting Feb. 21 Rivervierw Camp R.NJL, la planning an important meeting for % o'clock on Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, £ t the K. of C. hall. All members are urged to attepd. Circle 1 Card Party Cide 1 of the W.3.C.S. of the Community Methodist church Is sponsoring a dessert-card party on Thursday, Feb. 23, at the Legion Home. The party will begin at 1 o'clock in the afteraoto and is open to the public. •MMiiii Make flip to the lull Ban of Yen* C©-0p.' MUm N.W. of Elgin en Rout* 20 McHenry Fqunde Night C. D. of A, WJS.C.S. Mohthly fbeCbiK --r Pot Mit* Luncjievp . T^rtJommwMty Methodist CfmlxnMi-I-p.m. ; Fetoreatyll G|rl!i:jStuvenHe F^te^t«r Me«|h#-- St. Mary's-St. Patssk's School Hail--7 p.UJk . .Fefcniw, I m«tWiaatiwi~> Grade ScKootVI : Elvervibw Camp, R.N K. ot XL HaJl. r., Zebmwr.SBL^ ' Dessert Carjd^wtjr --I Home1 P.t|J. -- Spoi isored hy Cli^le 1, ct'fe./ . A Public Party -- Wotodtam: i Haji ,-T Sponsored' l^y' Fox 4m tr Valley Camp, R.N'iA. ^7 : ' Fdwiary rt*; , Pre-Teen C^B|KH9tin|%; i yd ? I; ; f;V , 53?; ) tvi Third * and Final' Day £JS: ImmtfniaaHpn Prog^fCDV^3^^ Grade School. M a r c h i V i . Dinner. 8po^sojrid.<w' ^RS.GiS. of Community Hk^idwt: Church-- 5:30 to 7:30 ufch liall. MarQ^BB Rummage- Sal&£t9t$*"-Hall--Spbn- _SQr^-fcrj«rcfe -3, ^:.».C.S.: r »•**•»«• *+*+44 * 1.C& AMONG THE SICK: Mr. and Mrs; Nick M. Justen, daughter^ Jacqueline,, antf!, granddaughter, Gffeta Marie Martin, visited tn the Jpsepft Justen home in Richmond on Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Hafrier. of. Grass Lake Spent the weekend with Mrs. Anna Adams. Mrs. Thomas Kane was called to Chicago last Saturday by tlie death of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Sunday . ., , Aliss .Eileen. ?Fit?geratc|; of -Oak Ffark isp»-u.t ih^ jye^kpn^.a^u Mon.^ ^ay at h^r.luta^Wt., J i ;l ;.Jlr. ai^a. Mrfi,-tedwar^[ Perry^ttnd daughter' and husband', Mr; & Mrs; Williams,."of Elgin, JWr.,aii^ Mrs. ,Charles pwea and Cfliver OWan o! Skpkie aQd Aiissp ^2t^i«jl ( Oypa • of Dekalb atjtendcwl jyie|;funeral of Q. S^Oweaa in KfJIenEy ias^ .j^hafrs- , .. : \ Clarence Feiereisel, who is a student at the University of Illinois, spent the weekend with, his parents;':Mr'.• and Mrs..-Clarence Feiereisel. Mr. aad Mrs. M. E. Clark are enjoying a ntoiith'$' vactitidn lii Florida. • " : Alvln3Vrigm^a#ij b^fc 4 meflfcal fdCient at. thjPWafeafe&c ihogpiftal: &wtvxne Ooiifc ef» ^SBt^food Tender went a tonsillectolh# at the W/wiat^lr hnapft^l ; ||A, , ^St week. ' CARD OF THAXKSL i "Would like to take this'opportunity to thank' friends and neighbors/ for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations Of cars and the other kindnesses extended in my bereavement. I am especially grateful to the pallbearers jand to Mrs. C. W. Goodell arid Warren Jones, who furnished tlie' muiic for the service'of my fatheti Henry A . A a j u a J & k y . ' : ' ' f0' 1 MfeS. LILLIAN t!OX*« i ' ' -)• > • . J.H <i i.'. <!>•/«<• til' "I1 Hi-- l»i "t rii, j , . ..... Sgt. and Mrs. C. J. Milinac of Newport, R. I., announce the birth of a daughter, their first child; on Feb. 11. She has been nawed Cotfaie Lee. Mrs.' Milinac Is the former June Patzke of McHenry. Sgt. Miiinac was a Lily Lake resident before entering army service. , 1 0 ' Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Prouty. of Rtiigwood are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 8 at the Woodstock hospital. A son was born on Feb. 9 ^t the lWjyoc|8t6ck and Jars. Keiipeth .McJDootiM. , Wopd- Btaicfc*' iMi^ * iSle v DbaaKT maid^ jh|s home here several years ago! jMr. .aiif iMa-s. 'Carl Wanm annouac- e th^ ibirth of;a!7 ,1b. 10 oz. ^atigiitar at tlpp Woodstock hospjtal. ftn Fpb. ip;, ^he has ^ea nan>ed .Carla. TJJiey halve one otljer. VhU<|{ * a < jdaugh^erj ? Gfeta I > Marie. -Mys.r Ma^tfea |s ,the >,former Marie Jiisten.i;, i ii , ' Mr. and Mfsi" Bernard Matchen Ar^the parents' ef- a 'daughter, born •on Feb. t at St; Therese1 ti6spital, Waukegan. She has been named Suzanne. The Matchens have two other children, Bob and Bernard. r. and Mrs. Lawrence Freund are the parents of a daughter, their first child, born on Feb. 10 at th.e Woodstock hospital, weighing (5 lb. 14 oz. Mrs. Freund is the former Dorothy Pfan'neus.till., Aretle Tern -/ The arctic tern, sea bird which breeds on the seacoasts from New England to the northernmost islands of the Arctic Ocean, has been! called the "migration champion of the world." .This long-distance traveler makes a flight of about 11,000 miles twice yearly. Order your robber stamps at The Plai6dealefi " ' j nnftU ' The eyesight of the kingbihi la so keen that, he can spot a liny Insect 50 yards away. I.'IHM H 'rtn^^t your dot lar In 1950, but the dollar will b§ harder to get. too. -m- AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION vuf rrll Hi ' \ . i * •• i M )> \ •> v v- . T?r { > . < fJV CASH THAt FLOWS FROM T0DR PfM In. every city of the United States many people 'i Can take a piece of paper, write a few yyqtdsi . at^d a signature and, presto! -- dipy can pay ^ bills. Sach is the magic of the checking, ac-* count system which, through the cooperation of American banks, enables over 90% of the ^ country's business to be settled this modern way. You too can enjoy the convenience of carrying your money in your fountain pen £ and paying bills conveniently with checks. McHENRY STATE BANK i '""-"'t t'.'rtii*".' ^Member Federal Reserve System ' < Member t Federal Deposit Insurance Oorporatlon,,'i FEAST YOUR EYES ON THESE NATIONAL SAVINGS FOR FAST DAYS A HE A MKMim hWllw» d Al«k«. LUXURY FUKES-UMT TUNA IR"i cSha yNWmtRr OHIL UPfrkkt* <M LMew*. t*fM taM«a . TH Mara. IIONEPiO SPAGHETTI wltk CkMMR** If«|*»HI Try It Myl 4 TMMto tan MM. IfrOz. Can UMfi Nplmn V«|«lMta| BEANS Tafcto-TMTFY DM* INMI SMM. T LTOL --" " MM» «r Ai - 14-Oz. 'Sit FEA R F frimmJ ..AT5T' mi - > r. Wtere 866 for YOUKMII thai tift 4*l9ht6i» with a NATIONAL )|EC(XtDi^-H^una6lecle4 artiiiadlly nred daughtasa pI.Holstein bulls, KXOW IN service have ah ay^age of 476 lbs. fat. 2x. 305 day. znatura 6quivalent baaia. iSAi TOMATO JUICE | a 4*Keu ^ y SBlWem ..2^25' m . 3 V ^ szrljr JStfc,* ^rrpr '•v.. ' ' CmZI nniiM ^13* ««WKIMOT Z^23* teVCKMKUT 2 «« 29* NOBTHEBN ILLINOIS 9REEDING CO-OP. ^ DUHDII, ILLINOIS IlHnok' OLDEST <m4 BEST PROVED Artificicd Breeding Sarvico and it only costs $7.00 a cow. HOLSTEOf • GUERNSEY • SHOWN SWISS • OEBSEY - r .. MILKING SHORTHORN !W Ifniii :McHlenry County -- Woodstock 1313 > - Lake County -- Grayslake 6251 •• *. . the fare to onywhoro UCH TOILET SOAP. ir 2S« Cailwin t6«M*t TWLEf SOAP .3^23* , }ttt 1 It PALM0UVE .... 3^22* 10T1 MOH »UBI WITH T SUPER SUIS.... .^25* •MIP. RIMISHIM MAT •mem »IRT VUICKLT CLEANSER. .2 ~23« IMWi Twr HAet »»wMa KLENZEt f'^ICp FAB SUDSER . .n, Z5* TVOM Mr MNMSNNI Nrfrfi •A "AB IMN MXIIIH M» AM ptmo .X^rZS* vftsuosift . ^;25* Cm» fntt't Hntlt *Mn SAUMRESSMG 39' 1-Lfc. CAN impbeli's Fiaest 9MHty TOMATO SOOP CampbWirt Ve^etariaa Style A VEGETABLE SOUP.. .333" Ckeal Style Crated it STJtB-KIST THIW......'"35'.,.... - rdu-iuuu SHRIMP... " 35-fffiy ^*' • C^lf»r«l« l« MutiH tM-- «r Twrtv %m-- I MI MMI ilagfcPPlififc ^ RED SllMl .i. %3f UMMS ..... 2"^ J5" I ™ • -S29« ' • -fciiilm »--«ty Ummmtrn • *" " "" STtfMQST TIM . »MKTII I «KwrweM" i- ' V-. > Vaa cmw'I «»••» VMMV UK.9UMRB . 3^25* IBaEMM Sll" r»> «*» i wr m 1 a no™** rap WITHFUP... life SITJAt "rr^y TARTAR NA2EL MffLtsrkw'S* r\ £- C«I»TALL~4 CHOICE TAStT N».3«| >IMOND CHOCOLATE SUCHARO SQUARES 3 SpvwMI " iSifnm«EfT..SJ7* O u, VMERICAI tmctt,... 5? 17* Crall'i Kay A*. >•!«••» h» »•» lltll 4k . _ AA. CHErDAlt CREESE .... ^29* eMAH CJEESE ... 2&29° [CIICESE SPKAi •«*«•%» 1« UMB«MEIt6REESE...*£;33a | Kraft's Pr*<ti«t4 CIMM IM4 £Z *** '*»!» flWtt "ti y •M«gawa7» JSStmr \ 131VO*. Cant 2 •« 63 MUHon... •= «-. VELVEETA CNEESE SPREAI 2 & €9*1 MUMaSin Ski J " if Jtea are Hch oaly an they gltt •He who fires fre«t senrlc«8 3lr RAYMOND J. IELLY •> yeniocratic Frlaiary April li, - ?- ' '• ^(iTATS | REPRESENTATIVE !•%/. % 8th Seaatortal iHstrlct /§Ak®, McHearj, Beoae ConnilN » «8EKD KELLt TO SPRINGFIELD" LAWYER -- TEACUft r POSTMASTER HIPOWEt Hi-powia RIES H.500 Can H*. Palm Beach, Fla. St. PetacrKbaric, li'la. .. Ja<-ks<jnyill«>, Fla. .... Atlanta. (>a. . irtk. .r„. Chattanooga. Tt>nn. LOR Antrolcs. ( al. m tfranrlsco; < aL . OB4 Rouad .« Way Trip #28.6,1 JS8.7.» PfcQrtitx M U.D" 41.00 Sacramento, (u. *. S8J.» 39^>.t El PaNo Texan 26^0 Suit Lake ( lty, Utah 29J»:> 2^1 l>emer, Colo. 21UM» SO^iO Alliuquerqae, N. M. .... 24.70 21.2« ISew York, >. T.* 14JH) (>S.70 WushhiKtoii. 1>. ('. 1SUJ."> 6H.IU Boston* Mass. UUta &U9 M.W 48.10 SHM 49M *4.15 24.1» 1A TfeUtV PINE LUNCHEON MEAT HMMmSNM SWIPT'S--KIODKS 10VC IT H--tsftj I *N«I» Ug EXTRA Mvingi en round-trip font I r_ tWSTa* falra) * PlM*antly-wanii*4, tmoofhrMing SupirCo»tli» * No trVltti wonhi, •• car trouble, or driving strain • Station! right in hoart of oach town for information on Expanse-Paid Tours, so* your Greyhound ajtnl «r WtU* to Greyhound TravoI luroou, 29 N. 7th St., JNiimMVelta. GREYHOUND BUS TERMINAL FaWhlal P.uic Servant G R E Y H 0 U F J PfAMIT BUTTER -. •WAKPAST OP CHAMPIONS ^ WHEAI1ES...... YOU'LL MI A.KICK OUT KIX CRUNCHY PUFFS T»if THKlit OF CHILDHOOD |A OILICIOUS aiEM» •ABST'ETT IMt yf- PUUSUIW MKMttS C0MIES. ^=.2^25< wniuw. sMS" Sffifj-- LSTuus. iclj* SSHS" "»"• •WiM KUmt «•»«*. is ia- --'j* « « i n s l T taqr«an-Ci% lc*bm HEAD LEnUCE ;,7«j tei .y 15' f NATIONAL FOOD STORES Larf* Snw4*II CAULIFLOWER •• I» li»n 4Ccw *«"••«« iwimi mu raw RED GRAPES 2-2f PIneappU". . FM foi JWCC fo»«» lofV Siw Tube Tomatoes '£ 19° OFatntlcdy.a F h!strgl4r«t ^ A T I C> K A I HIRWiiP •LsL s. .vi'.v G YOU BETTER _ SAVING White CELERY _-=.]5s im m A«fou PEARS 2^29* MUCIN Amit Rome Beautys 3 ^ 2|* ® -- 4% 17910-.39» -- iiowin 4 - 21 W

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