Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1950, p. 5

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f®® BIM OtiiCTaton, traitvra, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales k, Service, Liliymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. 47tf -tlr if the gnat uamber of' WPMtlKtbl week, w« tare found it fapoafUi to keep Mn on rach small accounts. Therefoca, In the future, only ads which an paid for before this section of the paper |o« to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will bp printed. FOR SALS FOR BATiTS -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, con* to the > Sportsman's |nn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and {tankage goods to take out at the lovest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Pliannenstill, prop. 23tf I V. 8. NO, li APPLES ,,, • :»j fife te ' i;; G»ldefl Delicious Jonsthaas U Sweet Cider and Apple Butter MOSSLEY HUL ORCHARD j; f f; 8. W. Corner of - :»oute U. 8. 12 and 111. 82 Near Lake Zurich, 111. FOR 8ALE -- 1937 Packard 120, four door sedan. McHenry Garage, 604 Front Street, MeHenry, 111. « 38-tf §' FOR SALE--Crosley Shelvedor refrigerator. Can be seen at EV Malseh home or call 600-ft-l Mt Henry. 36-tf FOR HALE -- A Healthy home-- with Rexafr--the Water Machine -- Cleaner -- Humidifier -- Vaporiser. Carl Barnickol, Box 211, McHenry. S4tf MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Rnnd. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service ....40-tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNINO--Repairing and Refiiiishing, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. AO-tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We elean WOQ^hvork, floors, windows, trails. Daily, wix'kly, monthly or si'fsoually. Reasonable prices. Mellenrv Janitor Service, D(ii» Dewey, Mgr. Plidnc-'MeHenry 4:>0 ,T. 32 tf FOR BABY SITTERS--In your lieiglibortidod, call Pre Teen flab, the Tod^eri Hhoj)k McHevy 746. ' " ' '38-tf l- o: w•. tMm1--'-'-- {• OenftzMtgr aad :Bv Boons,. Remodeling, Oab ; Estimates Often Phone S93-J •ork •»V8 SAW FILING -- Hand, band, circular and crosscut saws. At E. G. Peterson, Route 120, McHenry* Illinois. Tel. 57-J. *38-4 ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. Elmer P. Certified Tax Consultant.. Pv «« Fox Lake 5962. 30tf f-»'* • ra!i d ' - : <#; •te~ FOR SALE--Used combines: 1938 A C 60 All Crop, 1938 A C 40 All Crop, 1947 W-C Tractor with cultivator. E, J. Sheldon, Gray slake. 111. Phone 7911. *39-3 ihiv •All- C-ll- Jk f•? •% •V f * 5^ y i•f FOB " SALE --' Evergreensv trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. 32tf FOR SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formals. "This clothing in good condition." Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to H> p.m. Sundays, 11:M a.m. to 6:00 pjm. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale, % mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is On Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346 R l. 32tf ^TYPEWRITERS, AP ,--30. Service /on all . Jiak^t. Alio ril4>ens for all rt*tke^; 1a&vn il l Kiltz, Qfcy St, •'fwroflsfock.' Phoiie 349. 7fi FOR SALE--McD. front end loader for Model II or M Fafmall tractor; «esd very 'Httte. 'Rojr vO.'Davisi, Round Lake, 111., Box 217. Phone Round Lake 4545. *40 2 WELLfi DRIItUtb. WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump; Bill Ba'con, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone, 187. »;« • Sfitf PIANOS -- 40 Miles From High Prices. 10th Annivcisary Warehouse Sale. See us this month of Febraury for tremendous;"savings on newyand uesd Spinet and Grand Piano?: Call Elgin 780. DAVID B, STARK PIANO CO. Cor. 'W. Chicago and Union St., Elgin, 111. 38-4 ^ARG.IlTNS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRT, McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROPE R T Y , B U 8 I N E 8 8 E 8 . KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND r o a d , p h o n e Mchenry 421-J, McHenry, 111. ntf FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Hon* Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf • * • V •> t t t • ALL YEAR HOMES FOR 8ALE PI8TAKEE; near Villa Club, r> rooms, 2 large lots. Ideal location. Price $7500. WONDER LAKE* 5 rooms,. oil •heat, on Blacktop lioad. Price $7500. ORCHARD BEACH; 7 rooms, hot pir gas heat, inclosed porch, 2 car garage, exlra lot, for vcgfctahle garden, water front, A-l ^condition Price $16,500. ^ ' McCULLOM LAKE; G room modern residence. Automatic Oil heat, recreation room, large basement asbestos cement floor. 3 lots beautifully landscaped. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1!).50<». For Appointment call jJACOR FRITZ - REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37 or Chicago, Lin-' coin'9 1333. • ' 39tf FOR SALE --White enamel cookstove; 3 ton fire, wood, also baled hay and straw. Call MeHeary 5*4 W 1. * *40 FOR SALE -- ^A vacuum cleaner eliminator Rexair, the Water machine. Service--Supplies. Carl Bar nickol, McHenry. *40 tf BRnte TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large fnuralB, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS A 5 D SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf MIMEOGRAPK SERVICE - Typing - Mimeographing - Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Route 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 1452-M. 10-tf Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattled Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hog?; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let u* dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route Jo*VE/H3ii, P» <X <Bqx Stft Mc Hetirv. Phono 365;' , - "~ru* tf . . . . . , fAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned ky Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Muff, Fiop. Tel. MoHcrry ?90. 29-tf I ACCdlJNTANT vailatlfc N ow For 1 i, 5ncom»a4"a x^Rt'^ras.^. . ffs||tl|f FuljrTime Bookjkc%ili g ncoin f Fu „ Audits * Call: 291 or Write: E. Roenau 308 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--Ne*W line of removable slat and linuflex orginal blinds and tapes. Bonderized an<l galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5040 W. Division street', Chicago. Phone 'Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 051-M 1 Fri. evening, Sat. or Sun. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington 8t, 30-tf Woodstock, 111. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonen, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce, Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Avon cosmetics. Est. 188ft, has opening for ambitious women who wants extra money-. Manager will arrange prompt interview in your home. Write Mrs. Eva, Huffstutler, P. O. Box 86, Dixon, Illinois. 3S-»4-ty; | » >*' 11*11 < •'» » M 1 I » • I 1 l < l i Helen W Clean Clothed J t Longer Stop in and ask about our Free Playing Cards. McHenry Cleaners " . -- Phone 104-M 10S Ela St. -- He!en Weber. Mgr. ' - S -- .'MMV ^ MS Auto Stores and Filling Stations selling reputablo products!. Higfc commissions with good thatfcM for advancement. Write *7 Doafe owler. Box 334, Woodstoek or 'houe 464 - JX. 4Qtf ®®L WANTED-- For pressing, experience not necessary, will teaCh.' Apply iu perso<i at Local Cleaners; f . 40 HELP WANTED -- Man caretaker reliable and sober. Good wnges, room and" board. Mnst cook for himself for a short period. Apphjf during dayj Wing and Fin Hunt ing and Fishing Club, Sullivan Lake, Box 623, Inglcside, 111. Phone MeHenrv 647-J-2. 40 HELP WANTED --- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenry, 111. 22tf SITUATION WANTED SITUAtlOJC WANTED--Will reeOTer your old lampshade attractively, any size or shape. Professional hand woTk. For charges and other information call Mrs. Usemau, McHenry 680-W-L. 38-4 FOR RENT FOR RENT--3 room modern apart ment for rent, with oil heat, gas and electricity; furnished, or unfurnished. Ca|l 530-M-l. 40 LOST W)BT -- Eye Glasses, between McHenry Recreation and Green and Elm street corners, tall 377. 40 AUCTION On Cherry Valley Road, % mile south of Mason Hill Road, 3/4 mile south of Bull Valley Road, % mile north of Spring Valley Road, 5 miles southeast of Woodstock, 5 miles southwest of MeHenrv. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Commencing at 10:80 o'clock K & M LUNCH WAGON CATTLE--41 yoang choice Holstein milk rowftt 1 Guernsey milk row, 1 Brown Swiss row, consls ting of IS springers, 8 recently fresh, balance bred bark and milk Ing good. 13 of above are first or second calf heifers. The first calf heifers are vaccinated. 9 vaccinated Holstein heifers, from S weeks to 14 months old, open. Two of these heifers were shown at fairs and won rihhons. S of above heifers are registered. 2 Register er Holsteln balls and 1 Holstein bull - eligible for registration. In this herd there are 10 Reg' istered anlmils. POULTRY -- S mated geese, '2 Muscovy ducks. MACHINESY-rMcD. model "H" tractor 6a rubber with high compression! head, starter, lights, PTO power lift, 5 speeds forward (like new); McD. delayed lift tractor cultivator with new type disc hitlers; F. |F. tractor on rubber, recently overhauled, fluid in tires; F. F. pick-up plow, F. F. 2-row cultivator. F- Jie^vy dujy 5-ljt. sifle mofttftatf •niotevr," T.' phrtey, Fl2 tractor (rubber in front), with 2- row tractor cultivator and 16-in. pick-up plow; new McD. No. 62 combine, on rubber, with pick-up attachment: Scour-Kleen and mounted*motor; Mtoori Bros, sftl&c rpw i-orn .picket* New HQiUugl t»l- •r ; (itfinf tie. eif. cbni.), ft. tractor disc, new Meel dhig, with folrfhig draw bar; Case 2-bot. 14-in. tractor plow, new J. D. fertilizer spreaderrMcD. 6-ft. grain drill, D. B. silo filler,, with 60 ft. of pipe; rubber tired wagon and grain box, J. D. No. 999 corn planter, with fertilizer attachment and tractor hitch; J. D. hammermill, McD. com binder, large rotary hoe, D. B. tractor manure spreader on rubber, like new; McD. manure spreader, buzz saw. EEE1>--400 bushels Clinton oats, 400 bushels rye, 80 bushels barley, 1,200 bushels ear corn, 200 tons 1st and 2nd cut alfalfa, 25 tons oat hay, 20 ft. silage, 16 ft. silage. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Surge milking machine, 3 single units, complete; McD. milking machine, 2 double units, new stainless steel pails. Rite-Way double unit pail, 2 sterilizing tanks, electric water heater, 20 milk cans, Babcock milk testing outfit, 3 sterilizing racks. MISCELLANEOUS -- Large trapaulin, electric motors, pressure tanks, F. F. tractor chains, McD. "H" tractor chains, battery charger, pump jack, wheelbarrow, James silage cart (on rubber), 2 rolls new poultry netting, chicken equipment, 3 show halters and Kin nlrots TRUCKS -- 1941 Dodge 1% ton truck. 2 spt«d axle, with 16 ft. cattle rack (mech. good, good tires: 1937 Ford V-8 1% ton truck, platform body. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -- Some household furniture, including very old rocker, (platform type), 2 antique chairs, kitchen cabinet. Simplex mangle, Youtli bed, double bed, 4 army bunk bed^ oil burner, library table, couch, combination bookcase and desk- Usual Public Auct. Ser. Co. terjns. , Not responsible in case of accident. _ JOHN WOLOWKJ, Prop. Russell and Sullivan, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., (Iffk Macaroni ferying macaroni in jhe street* was once a common sight in many Italian cities. Today this is against the liaw. Most factories have drying rooms but many persons still dry the macaroni on rooftops. Atomic Energy It took eight years from inception to Invent a workable atom bomb. It may take decades to get atomic energy into harness to do an industrial job. Dairy (Jtensfla •' One essential in producing a good quality of milk and cream is to wash and sterilize ail dairy* uten* sila properly. C N i O S l A '49 NASH 'W-;. '48 NASH '48 NASH '47 MASH •47 NA8H Amfcijp •4* NASH '40 PACKARD AmtL-t; .ESWta-' i: k::, m elm inn CAR '40 LINCOLN ZEPHVm f«0 NASH-LUr •S9 '38 DODGE '37 NABB '37 fONTIAC '36 CHSVKOLET and Sat NASH SALES r : v PBONS McHKNIY *! 8«rrk« -- .108. * Ed Voget, Auctioneer s? rah in nonths old; & l{ 1 Hoi MALM8TROM AUCTION ! William H. Rassel ait William B. SulUvan, AmUmmt^ 4 Having rented my farm for cash, 1 will sell at public auction all my personal property located on the MalmstroQi farm, situated 2 miles south of Greenwood an<l, 5 miles northwest of Woodstock on the Woodstock - Greenwood blacktop road on SATURDAY, FEB. 18 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following described property, to-wit: . 40 Head of Livestock - % Consisting of 25 Cows; 7 open year heifers; one 2:year old bull; one 1-year old bull; 6 calves 4 to 6 months old. Feed ~ iOO bales of good lat'and 2nd cutting alfalfa, SO ft. tilaca, 100 bales of straw. Machinery 1949 Model A John Deere tractor with power-trol and rake matte, J. D. field chopper with corn atod hay, attachment with motor; new John Deere blower with pipe on rubber. ,r • • / • <i ».j> i . New; fpbn elevator with telectrtc motor and 7:ft." drag and down spouts on rubberf i01 single row semi-mounted picker; John Deere; Massey Harri% 6-ft. combine with pickup attachment, Hnrvcv 1 ^Irtf ' hammermill a^id 75 ft, be If. 10-ft' Int'l Harvest^ tandfm l^favy duty; 4-sec* eteel dfa# W'tfh felding drawbar, 8-bot. 16-inch Int'l Harvester plow on rubber, Case 3-section cultipaicker, 2 Int'l Harvester rubber tire wagon and racks," Int'l Harvester rubber tire- wagon and flare box, flare bok. Int'l Harvester No. 200 Model H manure spreader on rubber. John Deere side rake, J. D. No. 5 power mower, 7-ft. eut-; Baumaa 12-ft. phosphate spreader oa rubber, International Harvester lime spreader, Appleton silo filler, 4938 -- 1 >,4-ton Ford truck with tight grain box, 1000-11). scales, 10-ft. grain drill, bob sled, 2 ventilators. Case 10-ft. taoidem disc. Mllkhoase Equipment Universal milker with two double units, electric hot water heater, waah tank, 20 milk cans, electric milk stirrar. MiwelbuMoit Rubber tire wheel barrow, John Oster electric clippers, snow fcnee, cement mixer, forks, shovel* and other small tools too numerotfs to mention. TERMiS:--Credit will be extend^ ed by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6%, after proper arrangements for credit are made. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. Seneca Grange twill serve lunch Mrs. Petra Malmstrom The Ht«t* Bank af Woodstock* Clerking DAIRY and FEED AT AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL and WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Auctioneers AHUHsUmlae Drugs . Anti - fcistanctine drugs are so «all«d tecaus^ they inhibit river* production of • mysterious bodj^ substance, histamine, which causes^ cells to act abnormally and prodace the sneezes, sniffles, watery eyes and nasal discharge symptomatic of colds and other allergic reactions. Livestock Diseases Most livestock diseases cQ be prevented by good management-- that is, right feeding, proper shelter, cleanliness of stables, ,pas-^ tures, boosts, rand general equipment The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Neubacher Farm in Hartland Township, 6 miles West of Woodstock, 1 mile North of 14 and 1VS miles West of Hartland on FRIDAY, FEB. 17th I960 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock the following described personal property, to-wit: 48 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of 24 choice Holsteln milch cows 8 of which are close springers, 7 fresh within the last six weeks, and balance fall and wlater cows, it Holsteln heifers, 7 months old; & Holsteln heifers, 6 months old; 8 Holstein heifers, 4 months old and 2 Holsteln heifers, 10 months old. The reason fot selling the llerd Is I am moving to the Cooljr farm on Rontc 17f>, where the dairy Is being furnished. 11 Dnroc Jersey gilts, of which 9 are registered. FEED 1400 bales of alfalfa am* brome, first cqtting; 300 bales of alfalfa and brome, second cutting; 4 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo; 700 bushels of ear corn. Pipeline for.'24 cows. i- Stewart electric co# Clipper, up*'. 75 laying hens. Not Responsible For Aaeldents TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25^ in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements for credit are made. No finance or carrying charge will b4 added to purchase price. CLARK HAGER, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Chap Soey The only thing Chinese about chop suey is the name. Chop suey means "miscellaneous pieces," and that the dish of that name originated right here in the United States. Having decided to quit farming, I wHl seH at public feactiofc on the fa>m known as the old'Tige Farm located on the Crystal fiak* blacktop road one mile soutlTwiest of Mc- Henrf, six "miles north of Crystal, Lake on Wednesday, Feb. 22 1M0 starting at 12:00 o\:tack sharp the following described property: 34 HEAD tf WESTOCK 1% good milk rows, & of sale, I close « anee milking gaod - steins; S heifers mm late spring; 1 keVer old; 1 heifer elghi heifers „ seven months stein bull* foarteen «ptHn old; 1 Holstein bull* eight mantis old. These cows are all Til tU Bangs tested, A team of good work horses and harness, Sorrel Mare, 9 , years, weight 1600; Black Mare, 11 years weight 1100, ... 4 brood sows hired to farrow la April, weight aboat tifi each. MACHINERY Case tractor model VAC on rubbor with lights, starter, cultivator, mounted plow, hydraulic lift, in good condition; Case side delivery rake, used 2 seasons; Rubber tiredwagon and rack, like new; 10 inch hammer mill; McD. corn binder; A. C. combine; McD. 6-ft. Mower; 8-ft cultipacker; 7-ft. tractW disc; Ford V-8 pickup truck; MdK corn, planter and fertilizer attachment and 100 rod of check wlm; Steel, wagon with grain box; d^digate seeder; 3 section drag; * Dump rake; New Idea manure sgpfFJder; Papec silo filler; Scaletrwjieelbarrow; Hay fork and rofieV pulleys, silo cart, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous: to mention. * r. DAIRY EQUIPMENT McD. milker, complete with pump, motor and pipe line for 20 cows; Two double units: 20 milk cans; Pails, strainers, heaters and wash tanks. ' POULTRY and EQUIPMENT & About 150 hens, laying good: "Coal Brooder; Electric Brooder; Water fountains and feeders; 4x4 feed room and feed barrells.' FEED 10 ton baled alfalfa; 4 ton mixed hay; 12 ft. good corn sileage in 14 ft. silo; 250 bu. Vickland oats; 400 Clinton oats: 2000 bu. of good hard ear corn in crib. ' HOUSEHOLD UOQDS 9x12 .rug: 9x 15 Itnotciim: drv stove and few othfer frotser hold articles. Not Responsible ' For Acatdeat* • TERMS--All sums of S25.0(V and under that amount "ash; ovei^that amount a credit of six monthB at G per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone dtair- Ing credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled (or. JOS. M. FREUND, Owner McHenry State Bank, Clewing Hickory Creek Cow , ,T Completes 365-Day Test Milkmaid Ormsby Pride, a registered Holstein-Friesian cow owned by Hickory Creek Farms, McCullom Lake, has completed a 365-day production test of 983 pound3 of butterfat and 27,493 pounds of milk made in advanced registry; Testing was supervised by the University of Illinois, in cooperation with The Holstein-Friesian Association of America. This cow was milked three times daily and was 5 years 10 months of age when she began her test period. Complete line of Lee's poalti? remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. t-tf IS WORTH MORE , Y CROSSWORD PUZZIE •iff 1 lift PIT BOMWNTAL 93 CondDttaa IPktum^ M Half-em " anlnua 4 It ----i feline • It Itt) JM (abbr.) 80 Inr (contr.) VERTICAL 1 Adhexa 3 Malt drink 3 Symbol for tantalum 4 Angers slotflj itfaer eagl* 18 Girl's name dieepfold StlMsunita 94 Exalt agad IS Councils 13 Aeriform fuel 34 Babble 14 Symbol fw tin 3.5 Morsel IKlilyJS 37 Station IT Sheltered side (abbr.) Hera's Km 19 Sk etchers 20 Meals 33 Penetrate 25 Endures 30 Turn aside 31 Esteem 33 More fatik 40 Toward SI Uncommon 2 Metal 3 Postscript • - .(abbr.) 48 Light brotMk 48 Priority (prefix) 60 Paid (abbr.) S2 Symbol lor iron 39 Like JO War fed 33 Stair MMuiltot 36 Czars MUvtortod («bbr.) SlDtvtsb 44 Was Mated Waste allowance fTBoat paddle* dI Gwtau plant ^ fiber 4ISMM' 81 InternatiomA .. ..• •" I n i t t i n - • i - - f< S3 At liberty ' • WESTERN UNITED ABLE TO OFFER GAS TO 1,300 DWELLINGS The Wester. United Gas and Electric cobipanv last Friday ask- ^d, the- Illinois Commerce Commission for permission to offer gas heat to more single family dwellings in the seventy-two communities' served by the company. Installation by the utility of additiohal gas storage capacity to lu>lp meet peak loads makes thid pbsslble. Murray D. Smith. Western United president, said. More than- 12,000 unfilled requests for gas heat were on file with.the company as of Dec. :>1. 1949. The l,o«K" r.w installations will go to those at the top of tjhis Waiting list. Smith said. The Commission has restricted the number of gas heat users since July, 1946, to protect the general Kus supply. Sincq then gas lioat, installation* have added only: with' cotmmissfoii approval as additional gas or storage facilities beciaiptti available. , , - During this th«oo ajid one-half ypar period. "Western United has RmmiiiiiiiiiniHiiiimmmimimtnmnnmi^niMMnh The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry' Co's. Leading' Theatre FBI. Robert Yam* SAT. FEB. 17-18 Barbara Hale . . m , BABY MAKfeS THREE** SI N. - MOV Ft!K. Sandaj Coat. From £:4» P. M. John I'ajne Gall Russell ia CAPTAIN CHINA" Mutinv on the high seas in a raging melodrama of men as bold as the wares, 1 --» , 'i •. 1 •-- been able to add over 6.000 gas j heating customers. Smith esti-1| mated that the 1,300 to be author- ' ized would take care of all re- ^ quests up to Jan. t, i*»9. • ,| Tliose who receive authority to I use gas in their furnaces are ox- i pected to have their installations made before the beginning of the | 1950-51 heating season :iext t"»ll. The company plans to notify J eligible customers as soon as pos- « sible following receipt «t coBa^-<- mission approval. > j Sea Horse The sea horse, a small oddlyshaped fish that lives in the sea. has the distinction of being the only fish which has a grasping taiL This fish is so small that its head ia sometimes preserved,' fitted on a wood base, and used as a chess* IBML .7- Meat Grinder . After using your meat grinder, run a piece of bread through it to clean off the knives. It will be much easier to was3. XeHEXRY, ILLINOIS \ • FRI. - SAT. FEB. 17-18 ' Robert Taylor John Hediak Arlene Dahl -AMBCSir Cartoon aad Novelty 1 MM, FEB. 19-90 Jaiet Lelrh TCES. - WEI>. • THl'KS. FEB. mn^huWn 4 m * Errol Fljna Greer (larsoa in •*THAT FORSYTHE WOMAN" (In Technicolor) aiaiiMnBiHiMiiiiHiiHHinHiiiiitumBiinHiHWwnMW! SCN. - MOS. Robert MHelium WendeH Corey - . .7^ "HOLIDAY AFFAIR** World >ews . Cartoon "i| UWUWJWS^AWJUWUWWA j| TI ES. . WED^ FEB. 21-23 ' la Color f ^ Margaret O'Brien ^ Dean fHe<lwrtl ..1 lo «THE SE( Rfrr liARDEV* s "'.H • la Color Rj»y Rogers Andy Define 5 (2) "THK FAR FRONTIER" | STARTING THI RSDAT Spencer Tracj James Mewait -MALAYA"-.: *?mi' kINGSIZE Q U A L_ I T V SNAPSHOTS AS A TRADE-IN ON A 1 ; i WILLYS STAtiON WAGON , , , < , OR TRUCK J¥o«'U thiak you have hlt fhi^ jack pot when you get our big allowance on your old car or truck. Come in and ask about the k>ag trades we are making. ALL PICTURES eMMSB) AT NO EXTRA CNAME1 _ m *Aibum Do Conorete Work When" there Is not danger of freezing, concrete work can be done around the farmstead. Agri« cultural engineers list paving th^ feeding lot or barnyard, concrete walks between buildings, and a concrete stop flanking each foundation wait iffiVode-Qmo io McHENRY GARAGE Willys-Overland Sales . | 604 JTroal Street Phone 403 HcHenrf, UL WATTLES ^406 MUd Street Y PER ROLL £» f I A/** sue on jxqt, ' Q Oi FILM 69*-# £t&>* _ DRUG STORE Mcfienry Phone 450

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