Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1950, p. 9

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It has been declared un- 'Jp- safe for general traffic, and yet there is no other way in which some of the traffic can be regula- . ted except across this bridge. On Tuesday, at the regular meeting of the township supervisors, Charles j. Miller, township super- ,. ";Visor for McHenry township,, pttet sented a petition to the board for u new bridge over the creek. There *.„'• ... were 150 names on the petition. • Sv The cost of a view bridge is estiinati'd at $50,000,/ jp A special committee to investi- •gate the matter was appointed by •"•>:.'...Math Schmitt, chairman of the guests included Chicle's two grandmothers, Mrs, Jmbms ana Mrs. Horton. " ' <'• BKIKFIKS Barbara Smale and Esther Stei'aie were guests at Northwestern tlilitary and Naval Academy at ,ake Geneva last Saturday for a ormal dance. Their escorts were ; JBarnev Corrigan and Ronnie l^re-dricksen, both sophomores at the prep school. Mrs. Ivar Fredfieksen drove the girls to Lake Geneva.--T. P. Mathews is a little better .after his long and trying illness.--Mrs. Louise Scott is home from the Woodstock hospital afttr having undergone surgery.- The Carl Martins have welcomed another little daughter. Her name is Carla. She is- the second child of the Martins, who have artothc. daughter, Gretta Marie.--Mrs. De' Tallnian is ill at her home. gjboard. iitod aindGnn Auxiliary ; < I'lau Special Party ; On Saturday night, Feb. 25 there will be » .special party at Rolaine Grill to iommenioraie Washington's birthday. The party sponsored by the Rod and Gun Auxiliary, Will feature a number o£ games .ft and a surprise program. Everyone is invited to be pre- . .sent. («y in Teacher Starts Tiimbtiiig Classes Fred Zaadier, gymnasium teach- ' er at Harrison school, has started a tumbling class at Christ the King Ohurcn each Saturday n.iming between 9 and 11 a.n. There is to be a series of fifteen lessons at a cost of only $6.50. Those chil- A dren wishing to participate in - theKe lessons should be at the church next Saturday morning. Both boys and girls are welcome. M'oiider Woods ASS'H. I'lans Card Party The parties sponsored by the AVonder Woods Association are becoming among this winter's outstanding social events. Each month they have given a party of some kind' to which the public has been invited. Their last party, a hardtimes dance, was both a social and financial success. -- The March party will be held ut the Mill Inn a°ad will be a card party. The date hasn't yet be«n decided upon. Christ the Klimr Catholic CHurcl Officials for 1950 His Excellency John J. Boylan bishop of Rockford, has announced the appointment, cf Thomas P Mathews and Charles , Pike, laj counsultors 11 rustecs). The Rev. Fr. J. A. Vanderpool ^pastor, has appointed Charles Pikt as official church treasurer, Ec ^Valdy. head usher; -Frank White la charge of l>uikli-tgs and grounds; Joseph Sullivan, in charge ot youth work; Carl-Marx, organist; and .Mrs?" Frank White, regent OT Mary. Tlit- following officers have been elected: Altar and l'osary So^ety Mrs. R. Sullivan, presiucut; Mrs L. Marke, vice-president; Mrs. P. Nolan, secretary-treasurer. • , Holy Ncnie Society W. J. Lowrey, president; Joseph Sullivan, vice-president; Frank Wiiite, secretary; O. Kirsten, treasurer. Fr. Vanderpool wishes to express his sincere thanks to the officers of 1949 of both societies for the efficient and cooperative manner in which they performed; especially Mrs. E. Waldy and Thomas Horan. C1IICKIE IS TWO Kiddies from far and near came To help "Chickie" James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles James, celebrate his second birthday on Feb. 15. The party was complete with paper hats, ice cream, cake and toys. , Movies were taken of the youngsters; among whom were. Clayty, 111 and Cheryl Horton, Johnny and Jimmy Hansen, Mickey, Jackie. Patty and Bobby Hansen, Ricky Ruzicka, Kathy Lawrey. Rut hie Wilson, Sandra Lee Granger, Norma Swearengen," Lee Fuhur, Bonnie; and Rickie Repan. The mothers of the little guests assisted in the game« and with the refreshments. Besides the mothers of the guests, oth?r adult NEW QUIET AT " HIGHWAY SPEEDS Gospel Tenter >'ews " Ampng the visitors at our services last Sunday, Feb. 19.,,was Mrs. Paul Rosell of Austin, Texas. With her husband. Rev. Rosell, she laboured for many years on the mission field in the Belgian Congo. We were happy to have a greeting and a testamony from her at the evening service. The pastor is conducting a Bible class at Wooster Lake on Wednesday evenings during the montl? of March. These Bible studies pre sponsored b£ the Bible church of Lake V511a and are open to the public. Attending the "Round -¥v" of the Williams BAy Bible Camp. At Midwest Bible church in Chicago last .Monday eveniug, were Mi. and Mrs. Dfck Oldson, Dean and Don, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Gabrielson, Annette Glauser, Joan and Clayton Dornbush, Melvin Jones, Helen Tronsen, Dorothy an^l Nancy Botts avid Pastor and Mrs. Anderson. Again we Cordially invite one and all to our services on Sundiay. held according to 'he regular schedule. Midweek services are held on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. The pastor is speaking on prophetic ..subjects on Sunday moriiing8. "1 was slad when they said unto me. let us go into the house of the Lord."--Psalm 122:1.; V V V V V V V V Vv'rV SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charlaa Freoud) ; Quite a few from here attended the polio dance at the high schoo gynj i^vjlichmond recently, l'bert was a Wl^firrtwd present and the da'hee was a Mge success. .Mr. and Mrs. Fraiitf- Mikoliet I?eve returned from a trip to Florida and Mexico. While there they visited friends of theirs, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Siebern. The firemen held tbejr regular meeting at the fire nouse last wpek. After the meeting there was in evening at cards and refreshments were served. A party of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer on Monday night of last week for a steak fry. The evening was spent at cards and visiting rind at lunch time all enjoyed big juicy steaks. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford, Ray May. Joseph P. Freund, Charles Martin, Edward May, Charles May and Charles Freund. Mrs. George W. May, Georgia May and Mary Ann Klaus spent Saturday afternoon at Waukegm. The Math Schmitts havt- returned home from their trip down south and Mr. and Mrs. Kattner are back to their home in town. The Wicks family of Chicago visited in the Steadman home on Sunday. Arthur Rauen and Roy Barker of Chicago were callers in town on Sunday. Among those from here who attended the party following the Forester bowling tournament were Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc^ MMler, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and Mr. pnd Mrs. JB. 1 Charles Freund. The party was held in the St. Mary-St Patrick hall. There was a buffet supper, speeches and dancing and everyone reports having had a very nice time. The team in which Clarence Miller and Leander Lay bowled were in first place end thev won a (op prize and trophies for each member of the team. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family spent a recent evening with Mr. atfd Airs. Pay May. Need rubber stamps? Of flCi at The Plaindealer. Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. About 30 pounds of lard ts rendered from the average American hog. 2. Softball. 3. Peter Cooper's "Tom Thumb," on Aug. 28. 1830. 4. The Library of Congress tn .Washington. 5. The main building has four floors; the east and west wings are one-story. fractal Len Estimates are that the U.S. is losing 200' 40-asre farR>s (8,000 acres) a day through erosion.' r i""» Umber Products North Carolina ranks first in tha U.S. in number of lumber and basic tirhber products plants. T* ;'•••• Today DR. HENRY FREUND . OPTOMETRIST At 186 S. Green St., McHenry* . (Closed Thursday Afternoons) C* . in whispers at 50 thanks to "sound-conditioning" . . ., a 13-way ---stronger "Lifeguard""- Body . . . and Ford's new "hushed" V-8. And outside new baked-on colors .Make Ford more beautiful tlun ever. Eyee Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Honrs Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 8:30 PHONE McHENRY 452 •UMF" HOTTElf "^MORC HIP AND SHOULDER ROOM Inside, you drive on non-sag front seats that are fuam rubber eusliioned. 'l'lic most hip and shouifbr moot m iocdV field. "Hydra-Coil" and '"Para- Flex" Springs blot the ' bumps out of your way. Together with Ford's "Mid Ship" Kide in the low, level ecnter section you're in for a new liigb lneomfort. 35% EASIER ACTING BRAKES Feature* like Ford's 35^ easier-acting "King-Sit* Brakes keep you safe. ^ ou stop on a dime, at a tiptoe touch, thanks to this "Magic Action" of tbese great '50 Ford brake*. A V-8 FOR LESS THAN MOST SIXES The new, super-quiet V-8 is the same type engine in America's costliest cars, yet it's yours for hundreds The one fine car in the low-price Named New York Fashion Academy Sheets. Ford As "Fashion far" Afrain This Year! There's a in jour future^ with a fotsre built in! TEST DRIVE" the one fine^mt in the low-price field at your FORD DEALER'S SO MUCH FOR SioO LITTLE Once you drive a '50 Ford anil see . . . hear . . . and •j feel for yourself its power, 1 quality and comfort-- you'll be amazed at all the car you get for so little money. BUSS MOTOR SALES ST. v , McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 1 Till? TNi EXHIBIT AT THE CHICAGO AUTOMOBILE SHOW THIS WEEK-INTERNATIONAL AMPHtTMAUR 9 THE FOX HOLE LOUNGE UVEBSIDE HOTBL keHSMRY, ILL. PBESSNTS EGON STURM Piano Sensation! (Direct From 2 Years At Town Casino, Chicago) NIGHTLY (Except Monday ee the ; JOSEPH X. WAYSIft*^ Attorney-mt-law 8®4 Waukefan Road (|f^ WEST McHENRY. ILL. Phone McHenry ^p2>W A IOHEST r \Sfl PKITBS p«M far I'ead and Crippled HWSPS, faith land Hogs -Sanitary Power Loadklng-- Tankage and .Meat Merap» far I sale. Phones Arlin^toN He|f(M* ,'lltt or MeHettry 31L Kev«(rs« C'hanres. Palatine Rendering Sert« Ire. NEW HOLLAND'S NEW BALER CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney | (Joslyn & Parket) • / Office Hours: ^ :?§ Wednesday Afternoons--1 -Office--Koehr Supply Compaa'y, •42 M»fn Street, West McHenrf' ^ I hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1133 *10 EXCIUSIVE FEA™ A OX ELECTRIC SERVIC6 WONDER LAKE S Here's &9 best beding news since New Holland started • to mechanize haying nearly 10 years ago. A streamlined ; Baler designed by the same Farm Engineers that gavcp you t^e fin\ completely automatic hay baler. Mark it , as a; " : "must" today for your next trip to town. See for yayurself why New Hollcmd's new Baler at a new low coert is a better buy than fever before. f Just check a few of these exclusive New HoUfcmd fea* tuxes: Bales held under compression while they're tied. Special Straw Baling Springs--work with the "Upiformatic Bale Control to produce heavier straw bales, Gapocity-- up to ten tons per hour. Faster Baling^--ties up to seyen bales per minute. SEE IT NOW ATI GEORGE P. FREUND SALES and SERVICE Phone 420 ^Test McHenrv, Illinois NEW HOLLAND W^canyf forget 1, RING WOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 Homo FurnH.iiic Hi cov.-i ing '* $nd' Repairing 2" y;"jir» txixirieafto Phone rist;tk»»' .Vil-li l VIC'S iTiioLsmr, skkvicb RR. 1. Pistaqua Heights ~ 7 Mcllt-nry, 111. * : VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday AfternooM Other Days By Appointaieel Phone McHenry 43 » -- WANTED TO BUTT -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, lees for down horses and. cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnaburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTL9 We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service «_ *-ROAD BUILDING-- TeL ^4-M McHenry, IB E. E. PEASLEE, I>. C. Chiropractor 10 8. ttreen St., Mdlmuir Office Hoars, '• Daily except Thursday 9 to IS 1:30 to » - Mon^ Wed. and Fri^ Eftnii 7 to » Phone McHenry StS>R J • •1 . McHENRY FLORAL Ca « Phone 464 Otoe Mile? South of McHenrf On Route 31 v , Flowers for all occasional »* FALL CLASSES OF v INSTRUCTION ^ .Karl p. Knauer, T r u in pet, ^laysr, fonp^rly with Anton Weeks. Qicw Xtoma, Ray Noble, Griff tVilliaiu*- ^Chicago and Oriental Theatres, Organizing fall classes. Call BiCpenry 533-J-l for appointment and Interview. m For q 5-day w--k 'A6.23 Average of all McHenry £ JM1 VA Telephone Operators Is. • . prop-rate McHenry | Telephone Operators .earn an average of • Compare It-for steady work Actual studies ii| local communities show your telephone operator's wages are in line with^ those paid by other local companies to people of similar skills and experience. Now, her CWA-CIO union demands more.- In considering these demands, we can't forget that your money pays telephone wages. *7fte Telephone Company is a good plate to work" You've heard that often. Here's why: She gets seven paid holidays a year. She is entitled to paid vacations of two /weeks with her second year of service. (Three weeks with her 15th year.) She is protected by a liberal sickness and death benefit plan, without a penny's coftt to her. - ----- •. ---- Operators and all telephone people are covered by a retirement plan which includes a $100 a month minimum pension including m The operator gets regular raises from the beginning until she reaches the top sca|e. Three out of four operators will get such raises this year--without asking for them, without striking for them. . She enjoys steady work. Telephone wages are ahead of living costs Illinois Bell operators have had nine general wage increases since 1940, including three since the war. These were in addition to tke regular "progression" raises. Their earnings ™ have increased 139%, while living cbdts dM-Sssp: up only 74%. This is one big reason why we had to telephone rates in 1949. -- ^ ^Telephone No. 300 BTOFFEL & R EIHANSPERGEK Insurance agents for all classes sf property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illiaoia INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH tiff, Unto, Farm & I.iie 1 Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind . Phone 43 or 118-JI & El» McHeafr s;M Tel. Wonder I^ike *18 DR. R. H. W ATKINS i Dentist ^ --Office Hours--j} Tues., Thurs., ft Sete 9 a. m. to 5 p. nC Evenings by Appoiuuaent ^Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IS. FRANK S. MAf ... . ' Trucking '. 3awd " Black Dirt--CrushedGra**. K Light Excavating -- LiatestojM1 Truck for Hire s ^ Phcne McHenry 580-M-l - R-l McHenry S WELDING AND ^ICEPAflf SERVICE ~: 601 Main St.. McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene WeliK.ig and--Cuttifg ;, ALEX W. WIRFS, Operat«t Phone 615-W-l or 1RI * M'HENRY. ILL. WILLIAM M. CARUOLL, Attorney-at-law ' 1101,2 Benton St. >ne Woodstock 13*1 Woodstock. Illinois JB. DR. MARTIN It. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Offke Corner tireen A. II"» Tnes„ Thurs. & Thursday;) 9:30 ia &:30 TaesdaTs anil .Satuniaj% to 8_ Tel. Mc•Henry In our bargaining to determine Whether W« should agree to any further wage increases,' we are mindful that it's your money that pays the bill. ILLINOIS BBLL TELEPHONE COMPANY WELDING jpaintenance and , Con$tractiae Portable Kguipinent i H. B. VANCE -- McHoury 51JT IDS South Greem St., Mffhiry, U £3 or phone for free booklet--"The Tejppjxme Company is a Good Place to Work." LinestaA* -- VERX TUFI EN J-U Trucking ... ' Gravel Bi#«k Dirt ^ Truck for Hire . *el. McHenry 588-R-2 or 538-W-^;'^ Bo* 172. Rt. 1. McHenry ^ J DR. H. S. FIKE Veteriuarlan On Highway 31--Office and H« T Tet McHenry 31 ,ftffics Hottrs: 1 p. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointaieat DR. R. DeROME •' -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry lloars; lit a. w. I" * I*- sfc except Wednesday- Ortleo adi day Wednesday. --- i'»eniags bj appoiatewel^

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