fw - jp,? ".' : XTy tunnua MM. ETTA WATTLB8 LAID TO REST ON *' THURSDAY, FEB. 16 Ke.^ €. Cttllef Ti ^|gtyM*| Before P.T.A. i|fe^ St. MaryVSt. Patrick's P.T.A. v/,>will bora Its nnt meeting in the . parochial school hall oa Wedaes- ^fftday. March 1, at 3 p.m. Guest 4' |kHPea'ter will b« Fr. Edward C. ^•j^CoaJriey. ;||: J'U nf« Aunl••';••,L, I J Scholarship *1 The Woman's Club of Dundee is f r *|pl;inning for its annual scholar- I' Hliip benefit, which will include a ;fejj?!faiauan show to be presented by T* Marshall Field & Co. It will be | id in the Dundee high school ca ' » Saturday. March 4, at 2 o'clock. * v There will be seating accommo- 1 .i,.tions for 1,500 women at this annual affair, which is for the 'sl'-irpose of raising money for the "'Woman's Club music and scholarship funds, which are used to help needy students from the surrounding countryside. Preceding the fashion show and FfS tea, musical entertainment will be . t araished by Mr. and Mrs. George * .-adlow and Miss Kathryn Sadlow. ^iV&Mr. Sadlow is a well known teachi- of instrumental music, in Dunv (ioe and their daughter, a liapil of Jfi•""UIobA Raisa.' 'is also a tfch nt r-d, »'.//'.lancing tea'>.}«•. L. I. KICKS HOME AT McCULLOM LAKE AFTER WEDDING TRIP MRS ETTA. WATTLES elebrttes 'tore* Birthtatf Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frcuiid ere Friday evening guests in the >me of Mr. and Mrs. John Borge- »n at Big Foot Prairie . A social • eaing was enjoyed, with the cele- »rie«. •'Wt; (!rcle I At Spencer Home Mrs. William Spencer will be iu jte-ss to members of Circle 3 of W.S.C.S. at her home next W dnesd&y, March 1, The meeting begin at 1:30 o'clock. * For Tallej Camp To Cancel Sapper i JX River Valley Camp, K.N.A., har cancelled plans for a cafeteria sup;>eT which was to be field Thursday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. Howeve". the public card party will I'A 1 eld as planned on that evening at f':15 o'clock in the Woodman Hal!. • 4 • • surprised On .lirthdar ~ A surprise "Itfrtiiflay IMMPty was pive;i in honor of Ethel Quaiulancc at her home in JohnsbuiK Photo by Klein's Studio MRS. L. E. KICK .Announcement was' made this past week of the marriage of Miss Margaret Joan Alde'abrook of West McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Blish of Woodstock, to Mr. Louis Edward Kick of West McHenry. son of Hofac* J. Kick of Oxford, Wis. The wedding took place at 2 o'clock on the afternoon atioa at three blrthflny auuiver- ^ 4 at the Richmond Community church. Rev. Wm. Overton Officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her grandfather, A. C. Kenaeberg, was charming in an eggshell satin gown, floor length, and a fivestrand pearl necklace. Her bridal bouquet was made up of carnations. Miss Aldeubrook's attendents were Patricia Ann Schapiro as maid of honor and Maxine Schapiro as bridesmaid. The former was attired in an orchid taffeta gown and carried yellow carnations, while the latter chose yellow taffeta and orchid carnations. Kathleen Kick and El'cn Mary Padgett were flower girls and Charles Kick, Jr., acted as ripg bearer. Music was furnished by Mrs. Frances Wood, church organist. A reception was held at the home of the bride's grandparents following the service, after which last Monday. She received many | ^}je couple left on a trip into Wis SM i'.eai; .iful gifts from the guest... |L*y- falku employees at the Admiral oration who were responsible for vile party. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. William Barth, Mr. and Mr3. Al. ilerg, Mr. and Mrs. William Selfc, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kunz, Mar- Eio-« el8on, Lorraine Luka, George • ; ildtf; ke, Barbara Homburg, Lena " Burn leister, Theresa Schindler, Mr. ;.nd MrB. Leo Peterson, Betty l,s, ivellc Mrs. Albie Falk, Kenneth I'*;.' lasRheimer, Dan Christie, Janice 0Jt'" justei, Louella Scholtz, and Mr. j * and .Irs. Daniel DaiL v' ^ ," r. r. of A. PIMS , jliDsiuess Meeting. I ' " L-: t Thursday evening members * Vf the C. D. of A. met in the>K. of . . t ' t'. hi.11 to enjoy a social meeting Ijlf ^ud >-ie fourth party in the current > «ard tournament. Prizes were jiwar.Jed as follows: Mary Zim- ,11c ri ann, Anna Heimer, Eleanor ? F' i.:...id, Frances Bauer and Catherine Weber, in pinochle; Nettie Finn.ng in auction bridge;. Lauraaync Thennes, Bertha Jensen, TMarij Powers and Rita Martin in f.int. act bridge. Lunch was served by Mary Vycital and her committee, with table and hall decoratic J in keeping with Valentine's J'ay. t'lthel McGee will be chairman of the next business meeting, which is ; chaduled for March 2. hodist Church lHi.aer March • rhose who have in years past t>ccn patrons of the dinners which ai 5 given twice a year by the varies. Circles of the Methodist < i.urch will be pleased to learn t! one is being planned for the r AT fut.ure, Thursday, March 9. Tving will begin at 5:30 and ( 4»tinue until 7:30. The W.S.C.S. (.f. the church will be in charge of ; i« dinner, which will be served i;:Jthe church hall. Adultfc will be . ittitted for $1.!»0 and < liildr«n .jr 75 centum ' -- - -- • • • tteyer Baby ( hrUt^ned „ The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer » hristttned "Deborah Lynn", at baptiriiaal ^erv ices held last week at St. Patrick's church, Rev. Fr. Sweeney officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. George Lahey of Chicago. 0cunty-Wide Square Dance Scheduled For Feb. 25 consin. They are now at home at McCullom Lake. The bride attended the Waller high school in Chicago and is a member of the Richmond Keystone Rural. The bridegroom received his education at Libertyville high school and was a member of the Libertyville Boys' Club. IN MEMORIAM No one knows, Marion how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you; Life has never been the same. Loving Father and Mother Mr. and MrsT&oe Wegener •41 CARD OF THAXKS To those persons who have been so kind and generous to us through my husband's recent illness, we sincerely than£ you. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schosanski 41 _fiobble Gum are becoming a larger market. Hitherto, it Adults bubble gum was only kids that bought the gum. Tu'neral services were conducted last Thursday afternoon at 2. o'colck from the Peter M. Justen funeral home for Mrs. Etta Wat* ties, widow of Frank Wattles, who passed awav at the home. of her daughter. Mrs. Cjianccey Harrison, in Ringwood onf> Tuesday, Feb. 14. She celebrated her seventy-seventh birthday anniversary on Jan. 3. Etta Thomas was born in 1873 in Greenwood township, the eldest child of Julius and Lucy Thomas. She was united in, marriage to Frank H. Watties on Jan. 27, 1889, at Genoa City, Wis., and to this union* three children - were born, Mrs. Harrison, Howard and Glenn Wattles of West McHenry. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Laura Sherman of McHenry and Mrs. Arthur Whiting of Woodstock; two brothers, William Thomas and Merritt Thomas of Woodstock; five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. For about seven years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wattles lived on the old homestead two miles west of Mchenry, after which they moved to McHenry, where they resided in the same home on Main street - for fifty years. Mrs. Wattles was ii charter member of fror River Valley camp, R.N.A., and was Very active - inlodge work, having been oracle for a "mimber of years and later treasurer. She was also a member of the Eastern Star chapter. Her favorite hobby was carrying out her natural talent for needleworkf She was fond of making rugs and quilts and at the time of her death had only seven floral pieccs to add to a beautiful blue embroidered tablecloth. Her patience and skill won the admiration of all who knew her. Many friends and acquaintances called at the funeral home prior to rites on "Thursday to pay last respects iu one of McHenry's respected pioneer residents. wards, in Boise, Vt. and Mrs. William SpMcer visited in the home of her daughter and husband, the Richard Stengers, in Kalamazoo, Mich., last week. Mrs. Frank Meyer and Mrs. Donald Meyer attended a pink and blu«* shower for the former's niece, Mrs. Arbutus Swanson of Wauconda, at the Forrest Geary home in Libertyville one' evening last week. Mrs. Anna Phalm of Woodstock ias been spending some time visiting Mrs. John Phalin. j Maurice Foley has been spending some time visiting relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mr3. Walter Caiey left by train this pas>: week for a vacation trip to California, • Mr and Mrs. Jack Altman fend family of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., are visiting in the Frank Hay hdnie. Mr. Altman has been transferred by the telephone company to Gary, Ind. Until he finds living quarters for his family they, will remain with her parents. Jeanne Morgan of Elkhoru. Wis., visited in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shphfy jjj! ,El«ihurst spent thfe weekend In the Frank Weingart home. ' RESIDENCE CHANGES The JameB Larkin family has moved from the Mrs. Anna Sloan apartment on Park avenue to the recently completed Herman Schaej ffer place on First avenue. The house they vacated i.s being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fredricksen. who resided in the Town House. • horse's Teeth . fjfH* of the horse's teeth Is important, because even the best rations will not nourish an animal that is unable to chew properly. ThurMby, Ftbruiury 23, 1950 ' 1 • A CARD OF TRANK8 . We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of the death of Mrs. Etta Wattles. Wt appreciated tjie8£ reiiiembrancee greatly. : :&>. •41 . Tflip FAMILY J. ft' "'!J . '--*?•? MARRIAGE iJCESSES Harry L. Crowley and Jbhanna Lynch, McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who remembered me with masses, prayers and cards while I was in ihe hospital. I especially wish to. thank the Altar and Rosary Sodality, the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's church fbr their rifts; also all those who helped to make our Christmas a happy one. 41 MRS. MILDRED MJLLKR Lampshades Warping Of fine lampshades can be reduced by using stainless steel wire to make a high strength frame. FILOOR TILE . ,~.f ASPHALT uid RTOB* , " also • ' ^ PLASTIC WALL TILS ' J. M. STANGARONE 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, 111. 312 ELM STREET The Finest - Children's Wear i McHENfcY PHONE 746 ratal* utwm Left-over potato can be saved 1: a covered dish fo the refrigerator to be used in a tasty dish the next day. . • * • 7 . V Livestock Feeding In livestock feeding, vitamins A and D are probably the ones most likely to b|._ pfee;ent. m insufficient amounts.' * '• 7=B*= AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION n t t SOMETHING FOR NOTHING? i jvernment has nothing to give that it does not, first or last, take from the people who produce or earn. Taking from some to give to others can be the beginning of loss of free* dom. It is only by working and saving as individuals that we can produce lasting benefits for all. A growing account in the bank, built op by systeipatic deposits out of earnings, represehts Ae kind of security for which industrious and Jbrifty American citizens aire constantly striving. McMENRY STATE BANK Member federal Reserve System Maftbpr Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The sweefesf sfory ever Pe rsonais Mike and Mary Purvey of Crystal Lake spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey. Saturday visitors in the Purvey home weie Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of DesPlaines and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duetz and- son of Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and family of Chicago spent the weekend visiting Mrs. John Phalin. Mrs. Phalin and Mrs. Anna Phalin returned home with them for a few days. Miss Maurie Taylor and Miss Helen Stevens were Chicago callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelley a'nd baby spent Saturday with relatives m the southern part of the state. Mrs. Eddie Meath returned home recently from a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ed- TRUCKnBinri^lKD CMC TRUCKS m r:~' &• ir J«tly thMllhlM, Y SAFEDGE TUMBLER PURE FRUIT FLAVORS -- ALL NATCO FANCY QUALITY JELLIES in CINDERELLA TUMBLERS CHOICE of FLAVORS AND DESIGNS. PUIM--Vmwnb CMUaf la ttataton rtxtf wM mtt lit trim >w • <ilim ** «•"•»•» «k* <taw» f nnu^ , ' "wlZMl " T'1P"XC' HM*d aMf, rMtKlm* M**h VH.- -> mhw «ritt «to • Cmrramf J*Ny • MIMC? yM will afala , w4 ^ t MORE BIG VALUES FOR CINDERELLA'S COMING OUT PARTY AT NATIONAL COMPLETE SET OF 8 For Only FRUIT COCKTAIL D«4 Mnh Fancy A A F.««, Died G,.PM ..d NE'VL Jr II • CK.«i« H..,y su«« Syrur mm U FANCY PEACHES D«l Moat* FlMSt A 0^ CU, Ph<U- NO. 2'/j O "J SMI*,«.wWy S«u^ .r Syrup. HiIvh <• nick Cm / ale FANCY PINEAPPLE IM Moaf* Fancy " %.• 27« fjjU^pjjE juice^39* Smklite DEVILS CAKE . Ukby'i Str«l>w A BABY FOODS 3 SYRUP*. 27*Z 66* IJVDDWM ... 3 22' ^ 35° GiafiERSNAPS.. .'£19< 29c fr«t Pack Ck*cal««a THIM Ml M.at. RED SALMI Cah>*H ar Waf^-foU PINK SALMON m / WIILE 21,111 CASES LAST 'MISSION PEACHES C6l«lnUflm P mScwIMm*t tMa nr of Tra*-Ripar>ad Califaiaia Svqar Syrvp--PacLad ty ~Oal --Yo« Know Th«y'r« Good--Yoa'r* Sara Hwy'ra a Valaa at lib Kaeard Law Mea. H.V/i 35 tASTI THUil sst HOW «oo» THtY UAUT AMI! BARTLETT PEARS wv Mvnv nwTvt CU'*1. CW IrifM Halvat H*. 2Vj *|fl a MmhA-TkM ia Hmyj «•» /!({ KERNEL CORN Pal Maa ta >aMii jh ABB Cmm* £m&c GOLDEN CORN Dal Maata Craaai Styla jk ^ - TkaJtaMt. tick Ca^CmT., h« M J0J •Ifl SM 4 ^ 43e if Pal Maata EaHy •ordaa ASPARAGUS TIPS ^29 fee « Z3 MAINE SARDtKEs3 29 TUNA FLAKES . Oaap Brawa A LINT'S BEANSS M ft C CmM a SPASNETTI . 3 CalHarala--la Taanta ar 25' OVAL UIINES2 S.' 35* Hatca fncy ^aality TOMATO JUSCE TOIPTASTECWFEE 63 Ma«t«aal MaW Brawa 'N Sana _ JA NOT CROSS ROLLS 19 NATIONAL'S WHITE SLICBD Those interested in square dancing are invited to attead the county- wide event which will be held in .tile Armory in Woodstock on Sa^rday night, Feb. 25. sponsored by. the Circle 8^ group in conjunctiva with the Rural Youth organization. Miss Marion Simon, home advlf">r, has destributed tickets to all 'Wmbers of the Rural Youth for previous sale or they may be purchased at the door. Music will be furnished by Clayton Anderson aud his orchestra, with Don McClay as caller. Charles Vycital of McHenry is on the executive committee of the Circle S group. Dairy Feed The only vitamins needed by dairy cow* under usual condition* jpgt vttamint A ftnd D.. Th* won! is spreading ind l»it--fh»t light-medium GMCa for 1950 are the beat buys . in the whole light-medium «. field! There are plenty of rea- "lom why thesa new GMCs goffer even better performance »nd greater economy than the quick-stepping, money-saving . GMCs of the past. They're easier riding, easier driving ... Improved to provide more comfort for the driver, more profit Thm GMC'THM* Checkmd" uaad truck emblem fa yoyr guidm (0 9 Omttmr buy. • for the owner on every score. Last, but far from least, they are products of the General Motors division that's the world's largest exclusive producer of commercial vehicles . . . that has, in addition to its own ultra-modern facilities, full access to the unparalleled GM research and proving operations that continually work to make "more and better thlnsrs for more oeople." TOP TASTE BREAD.. NATIONAL MAID PLAIN OR SUGARED DONUTS .. VACUUM PACK CO NATCO COFFEE... . ORANGE PKKOE NATCO TEA BAGS .. IXTftA THIN--IN "CRISPER BAG" SALERNO SALTINES , CANDT COATCD M&M CHOCOLATE . , 1 IB. LOAF CTN. ooz. 1 IB. CAN N«t«a Poaay paaMy _ . Api SALAIMESSHN.25* Nil Cnawy SALAIMESSHN ^35* Haaal Risk. Taaly M f%d SAABWKa SKEAl.. ~ 25' GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 25c Extra Lory 44 and 54 Sise Front Horida aid Texas A TREAT FOR THE KIDS--HY-CRADE POTATO STIX GLENOALE CLUR CHEESE SPREAD R. I. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front ?tr»et McHenry, Illinois 7 OZ 2w OZ. , FtovMa GaWtnla FMda ORANGES LEMONS TANGERINES 39* >«. 39c -17. • a flr Pmri Otltry FrwirVmiN .... TdCii W^iWciui Jtpfbi. faa^Mta Kanprl»... MMaton .. v 15' 39*SV* '.... »ir . 3-Me •• 39* UEMCAN FAMILY tow j-22c CAMAY BATH CAMAY TOILET SOAP 3::: 22c DUZ SUDSER Mr fewer--WW* BNM CHILI COR CARNE 25' Hy Fewer--le Iwii TAMALES . . . . ~<rW" JunVrTAMALES ^"SS* C»ii~ iHMIm SOLID TUNA . . 'aSS* Ohk. »l WIM RITE SIZE TWM. •2 35' DOB CANDY .. •srlf IVORY FLAKES ' a25* IVORY SHOW -15*. IVORY SOAP 2»25* IVORY SOAP 2s19* miE WWTC .4 tr 27* SWEETHEART 4 ^ 32* SWEEmART 4^ 22* MAT.2^25* P*6 LAIRMV SOAP 3^21' 0XYD0L SOAP POWDER ^25* SPICXSPMI •X23* SPICaMSPAl •X.7J* V X