£!T,l' impj) !^pvi '" *,-»u |^ *'•• 1 1rJ*r Oj|l'Thws4Wr„«ijbrs«7^t/itgw r^ '"^ *• •IUP11 WPffR howoh fl^si) O MUENRY PLAINOEALER Published every Thursday at Mc- Henry, III., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. , BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH. Editor. Entered as second-class matter at the postofftce at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATE J J«r , jr.. f&SO Plahidealer Want Ads No ads counted less than 2K awards: 75c minimum. X Insertion 78c ' (Count "5 Words per lint) 2Bc service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. [Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per litte. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. NATfONAlT 6PITQ R lj FOR SALE *9d>-- FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold ease beer of all kinds, come to the „ Sportsman's Inn, where Rood fellows meet; .all kinds of Mines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Pliaiinenstill, prop. 23tf U. S. NO. 1 APPLES 91.25 per bu. Golden Delicious J-onatlians ---lid b«m II1S19' • . •Sweet Cider and Apple Butter M0SSL5Y HILL ORCHARD ••„h fei. W. Corner of fitfflioutp IT. S. 12 and III. KS> ••:.- Near Lake Zurich, IH>. 3G-C Modi FOR 8AU3 -- A'Healthy liome-- Q* t ,£with llexair--the Water Machine It,__ cleaner --- Humidifier- -- Vap Carl Barnikol. - Iiox 211, 3-1 tf ~~ * omcr. . . WtlOYMcHenrv. •tuA ; ; FOR SALE--Used combines: . 1938 "^A-t: (!0 All Crop, 1938 A-C 40 A\\ Crop, 1947 W C Tractor with culti vatwi, il. ,T. Sheldon, Uravslake, III. Phone 7911. * *39-3 711 FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, § 'shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, ' Round Lake 3f>70. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. ' 32tf . FOR SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formals. "This clothing in good condition." Miscellaneous ""items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, ^ thru "Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.in. P--Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to (i:00 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. m.Consignment and Resale, %A mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1340-R-l. y 32tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD - DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, ^carbon paper. L. V. Kiltr., Clav St. ock. Phone 549. ' ' 71 FOR SALE -- 'A vacuum cleaner eliminator Rexair, the WaUr ma chine. Service--supplies. Carl Bar nickol, Mi-Honrv. a40tf ALL YEAR HOMES. FOR SALE PISTAKEE; near Villa Club 5 rcoms, 2 large lots. Ideal location, Price .fliklO. WONDER LAKE: 5 rooms, oil heat, on Blacktop Road. Price $7500. ORCHARD BEACH; 7 rooms, hot air heat, inclosed porch, 2 car garage, extra lot for vegetable garden, water front, A-l condition. Trice. $10,500. , McGULLOM LAKE; C> room modern residence. Automatic Oil heat, recreation room, larger 1 >:isomeiit asbestos cement floor. 3 lots beautifully landscaped. This home must Tie seen to be -appreciated. Price $19,500. For Apointment call JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McIIenry 37 or Chicago, Lin <*0ii 9-1333. 39tf 'TRICES ARE THE LOWEST, Yet Values Are The Highest. Here at Blakes'-" v>,.-v '4£ - PLYMOUTH Tudor Sedan. Out standing value here. ' •47 DOlX.iE .Custom 4 Door] Fully equipped. .Special care! '47 DODGE 2 Door. Sedan. Economy Plus Beauty. *47 PL V MO 1 * T H-feDo<yr High quality aud performance. '46 BU1CK "Super" Sedan. Big car - Low price. '46 DOIHJE 2 Door Sedan. '41 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan. '39 NASH 2 Door Sedan '38 DODGE 4 Door Sedan. More Cars And A Wide Selection Of Trucks "GUARANTEED DEPENDABLE" A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. Pearl Street McHenry Phone 156 LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY With complete line of tools, wishes to contact party or parties interested in dealers franchise in McHenry, Illinois. Write Box 41 care of Me H e n r v P l a i n d e a l e r . 4 1 3 FOR SALE--Miscellaneous restaurant equipment, good -condition, Snuffy's Place, 126 Riverside Dr., McHenry, Phone 14 after 6 p.m. 41tf FOR SALE--Glass for all cars; installation if desired. Community Auto Supply. Rtes. 120 and 31. Tel. McHenry 778. 41 FOR SALE^-Ootwi 1931 Model A Ford, 2-door sedan. Community Auto Supply. Iites. 120 and 31. Tel Me Henrv 778. 41 FOR SALE--To settle estate; 8' room house at 412 Main street McHenry. Howard Wattles, Phones 162 and 320. \ *41-2 MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Roa-.l. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tt" EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf Woodstock. tf FOR SALE--McD. front end loader for Model H or M F-uuiall tractor; used very little. Roy C. Davisi, Round Lake, 111., Box: 217. -Phone Round Lake 4545. *40 2 JANITOR SERVICE -- Wc clean woodwork, floors, windows, walls j Daily, weekly, monthly or season- I'ally. Reasonable prices. McHenry j Janitor Service, l>on Dewcv, Mgr. « Phone McIIeniv 43*0 J. * 32tf C. D. Contractor and Homes, Remodeling, Oat JBstlMaU. OH»l« Phone 893-J Work **#-8 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let u# dispose of voor garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular jeat round route John E. Hill, P, 0. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf WELLS DRILLED" (JITDRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 2t>6 Main Street, McHenry, Telephone 187.- ~ 26ti HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddit- s Sanitarv Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Telv, McIIenry 290. 29tf WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of removable fliu and Bauflcx otiginft! I>linds and tapes. Bonderigcd and galvanized Acrnc metal. Sterling V'indow Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening, 8aty rr Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service . ' 67%f 0. 1. H. DIEHL •:,> Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St; » Woodstock, 1)1. 30tf ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. K1« mer, P. Adams, Certified Tax Con' sultant. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 30tf CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE-- Re-upholstering, repairing, and restyling. Large selection of samples. Free pick up and delivery. M. B. Upholstery, 308 West Elm Street. Phone Mcllenrv 812. 41-2 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W CHILD CARE--Will care for child in mv home. Verv- good references. Tel. McHenry 695-J-2. 41 WANTED WANTED--Home in family With children for 6-months old hqusebroken puppy, part bird dog. All shots for distemper and, rabies given. To Be Given /away. Tel. McIIenry 853. , " ^1 WANTED--Bookkeeping and gen eral office work, experienced. Call Miss H. ZetMmaier, Waucouda 5133. *41 WANTED -- Jobbers a&d direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commi3sions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 33i, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repai*-. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, \fcHehrv. (Front part of CHaire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. ROM Produce. Harvard 607 ,T-E. 85tf FOE RENT FOR RENT--Building at Fox Lake, 111. Ideal location for drive in Hamburger stand. Living quarters upstairs. 1*65 per mouth rent. Furnished for living. Phone 38#. 41 PIANOS -- 40 Miles From High Prices. 10th 'Anniversary Warehouse Sale. See us this month of February for treinendous savings on new and used Spinet and Grand Pianos. Call Elgin 780. DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago and Union St., Elgin, 111. 38 4 BARGAINF -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROPERTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND R O A D. PHONE McHENRY 421-J, McHenry, III lltf FOR BABY SITTERS--In your neighborhood, call Pre-Teen club, the Toddler Shop, McHenry, 746. 38tf MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE - Typing - Mimeographing - Adressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Route 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 1452-M. lOtf SAW FILING -- fland, band cir cular and crosscut saws. At E. G. 'Peterson, Route 120, McHenry, Illinois. Tel. 57-J. ' *38-4 FOR SALE---Johns-Mauville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fi 11 Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE --Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars.^Seaco Sales & Service, Lilvmoor, Fred .T. ----- i^Trtjoda, Prop. Tel McHenry 1X3. - 47tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings.- Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mcllenrv. Phone 275. 40tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for. c»ws, horses and hogs; n:- help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; .reverse charges. ' 36tf Helen Weber Say's: V * THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A HAPPY--WELL SATISFIED CUSTOMER. --if you're ilot one of ours liow -- better try as and i you'll be ha^py too. McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 103 Elm St. FOR RENT--Store basement 20x48 ft., Heated suitable for light manufacturing. Located in Lily Lake on Highway 120. Call McHenry 615-R-2 between 5 and 7 p.m. 41tf FOR RENT--Apartment in Town Club, 201 Ri/erside Drive. Tel Mcllenrv 12. 41 FOR RENT--l Sleeping kitchen privileges. Either 2 ladies or mother and child. Call G05-M-1. *41 ROOM FOR RENT--Loeated at 105 Court street. Tel. McIIenr;- 134 M. *41 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Employed couple desires three-rooitt apartment in McHenry, furnished or unfurnished. Tel AIcHenry 543-M-l. •4! WANTED TO RENT--Small house or apartment or would consider a caretakers job with living quarters for niididle aged couple, best of refercaces. Call George Witt, McIIenry 571-RT. *41-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTE^--Jobbcra to call on Aiiio Stores and Filling Stations selling reputable products. High commissions with good chsnces for advancement. Write R. Duane Fowler, Box 334, Woodstock or Phone 4I54-.1X. 40tf HELP-WANTED Woi^en and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. Mc Henrv'. 111. 22tf HELP WANTED-- Girl or voting woman wanted for general store work. Experience helpful, but .lot necessary. 41 GIRL WANTED-- For pressing, ex perieace not ueccssarv, will teach. Apply in person at Local Clwiters. SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED--Will re cover your old lampshade attractively. any size or shape. Proffes sional hand work. For charges and other information eall Mrs. Uscman. McHenry 680-W-l. 38-4 LOST LOST--Black calfskin, hand tooled coiu purse. Initialed T. B. In or near Bolger's Drug Store, February »>th. If found call McIIenry 728. *41 LOST---Ladies yellow gold Bulova wrist watch. Lost between Green Street and railroad depot. Reward. Phone 145-R. *41 CAR SALE CHOOSE A '49 NASH "600" '48 NASH Custom '48 NASH "600". '47 NASH "600" '47 NASH Amb. ^ '46 NASH "600" USED CAR '40 LINCOLN ZEPHYft '40 NASH-LAF. '39 CHRYSLER '38 DODGE '37 NASH '36 CHEVROLET '40 PACKARD Oonv.vi: - Open Evenings DOW^p JSTASH SALES ' - 406 ELM STREET . PH0>E McHENRY 481 1 -- Also lowing Service -- - SWEDELIU9 AUCTION W. H. Rl'SSELL and W. B. STLLIVAA', Anrtloneers The undersigned, having rented hl3 farm on shares will sell the machinery, equipment and feed at Public Auction on his farm lV-i miles North of U. S. 14 from Twinkling Star, 1 mile East of Strtland Station, and 4% mll«s orthwest of Woodstock, oii Saturday, Feb. 25th 1950 commencing at 12 o'clock, to-wit: MACHINERY P 20 McCormJck Deering Farmall, with scoop and cultivator; F 30 McCormiek Deering Tractor; G. 1. Corn picker; MfcCormick Deering Power cornbinder; John Deere corn planter; E Z Flow lime Spieader; McCormick Deeriag silo filler; 2- Sec. Drag;* VanBrundt Seeder; McCormick Deering 5 ft. mower; McCormick Deering side delivery rake; M & M 5* Combine with motor, practically new; cut 100 acres; 2 bottom Case plow; New Idea ha; loader; McCormick Deering wagon loader and hitch; McCormick Deering 7' power mow- SL8eviUt,H0 aCrCS: 4 8et drag. New Idea manure spr'e ader; ITALIC" AITTIOX SERVICE CO^ McCormick Deering 9' disc; McCormick Deering 3 bottom plow; McCormick Deering Hi-Speed wagon and rack; Rubber tired wfcgon and rack; Grain elevator; Electric brooder; New Holland Hammer Mill; 2 6"x76" Drive l*lts, nearly new; Feed cart; 1936 1% ton Chevrolet truck;200 gal. gas tank. i ^ MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS 1 If. P. electric motor; V4 H. P. El9Ctrip motor; buzz saw; ^ 1 \ L> H. P. gas engine with centrificftl pump; Stewart clippers model 61; Cow-Boy tank heater; Emery grinder; 250' hay rope; grapple fork; Large amount of small tools used in the operation of Dairy Farm too numerous to mention. M1LKHOUSE EQI'IPMENT 4 units Surge milker; 14 uiilk cans, heater and tanks. LIVESTOCK 1 W. F. Steer, wt. 500 lbs.; Team Rny Horse*, 9 »r. old and harness; S Bred Poland China sows, due to farrow In February. FEED 800 bu. corn; 15 ton alfalfa and brome May, baled; 30' silage in 14' silo. Not Responsible For Accidehts Seaeca Orange will serve lunch TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in caBh, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements for credit are made. No finance or carrying charge will' be added to purchase price. R. F. Ande&on Swedelius, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK QF WOODSTOCK,, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Bulk Producer May Remedy Diet Needs Misunderstanding of what constitutes healthy functioning of the intestinal tract produced a^eneration that uses remedies aoout which they know nothing, and which can do irreparable damage, a doctor writes in "Better Health" magarine. In an article entitled "The Right Remedy for Constipation", Dr. C. V. fiyipritt decries the habit of "witchdoctoring" with irritant cathartics which supposedly treat the condition butway actually be "one of its most common roots." Dr. Everitt asks:- "Since constipation represents a blockage #f food residue in the colon* what can be done to help the situation?" He outlines six steps which anyone can undertake -- planned diet with plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, eight glasses of water daily, moderate outdoor exercise, regularity, avoidance of strong drugs, and mechanical aids. Dr. Everitt mentions Saraka, containing basaorin imported from India, as a mechanical aid, explaining that mechanical bulk producers "taken with water, swell into a gelatinous mass that provides the necessary bulk" for normal intestinal habit*. ea AUCTION On Deerfield Road, east af Saunders Road, being 4 miles northeast of Wheeling. 3 miles south of Half Day, i ni'le west of Deer field, on Saturday, Feb. 25th Commencing at 12:80 o'clock CATTLE-^-59 choice Jersey milk cows, consisting of 9 springers, 1 with calf at side, 7 recently fresh, balance bred back and milking good. Registered Jersey bull. 5 year** old, well behaved. Kegistered Jersey bull 5 year* old; Registered Jersey bull* 12 months old, ready for sen ice, a very promising animal. , This Is a young herd, there being 22 first calf heifers and 9 second calf heifers. Calfhood vaccin< atlon has been practiced for many years. The average herd test is ."i.Jir't. 2 Registered cows. T. B. and Hangs tested. EEE1>--o00 bushels oats, 20 ft. silage, 10 tons baled hay. MILKING EQIIPENT -- Empire milking machine, complete; 24 milk cans. 1 sterilizing tank, electric water heater. John B. Southworth, Prop. M.B.G News The Lord gate- u» a blessed time with Brothec- Swanaon breaking to us the bread of life. The folks at the Bible church surely fplt the Lord speaking to us through him. We were sorry more weren't out for the services but we do praise God for those that did come. Monday of this weak we had our first full-fledged teachers' meeting and felt much encouraged wltb all that was done. We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Robert lirookg for opening their home to us and for the willingness of all to shouldcr the responsibilities of tht work. God has been good in giving us these dear frie';ids. Next Wednesday will be the last evening in this series for the Bible study in^the Harmony of the Cospels. If vbu have not yet joined us in this prayer and Bible study fellowship you will receive a warm welcome. It's at 8 p.m. In March we shall be studying in the Book of the Philippians. Next Sunday, the 'Lord willing, Erwin Osterberg, .tenor soloist from Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, will be with us and the pastqr will briag the messages. For the morning worship service the subject will be "Law of Right and Law of Love." In the evening we shall attempt by God's grace pn "Why Gamble?" You are invited, whoever and wherever you are. "You're- always welcome here." '•> - T- DONALD G. LIBERTY, adv. Pastor Clerk Russell' & Siillltaii, Anlttoheers Woed«toek and Mareng«, 111. Anthracite Coal Anthracite is coal of greatest geologic age which contains a high percentage of fixed carbon and correspondingly little volatile matter. It is mined in the ' United Mates primarily in eastern Pennsylvania in an aggregate tonnage that in 1948 amounted to less than nine per cent of the bituminous coal production. Its markets are primarily for domestic heating, and competitively anthracite is practically a separate industry. Sources of Heat Coal, petroleum, * and natural gas are the "fossil" fuels in the earth's crust, and next to natural sunshine they are mankind's principal sources of heat and power. Their energy-producing constituents are the atoms of hydrogen and carbon. DELAY IN 1950 CORN PLANTING - URGED OF FARMERS Illinois farmers were advi6ed ast week to delay corn planting until May 1 ft because of a "grim" corn borer threat this year. Some 4,000 farmers attending Farm and Home Week at the University of Illinois were told their best chance of holding down the borer is through starvation of the first generation. That, two etontologi8ts said, means postponing corn planting until May 15, even if earlier weather is favorable. Planting should be finished by June 1 to miss the second generation of borers, they said. G. C. Decker, entromoligist for the state natural history surve-y, said in a talk given last week, 'corn borer losses in Illinois for 1949 have been variously estimated at. from 50 to 250 million bushels. It seems safe to say the actual reduction in yield was over 50 million bushels, and that 10 percent of the crop produced was dropped on the ground during picking operations. "The outlook for 1960 is grim, indeed. It is apparent that Illinois farmers dare not long ignore the corn borer problem or consider it lightly," Decker said. H. B. Petty, entomology professor at the university, said, "We arc like the sleep-walker whose next step may be a 50-foot drop. Our potential threat is not to be reckoned with lightly, since serious and grave losses in. the cora crop may occur:" May Nat Be Flattering Green can be used succesfully on an area of any sice and ..In any section of the household. Be careful, however, not to use too yellow • green when painting bathroom' walls. Near the mirror where you face yourself in the morning, it has an unflattering effect on the complexion. It makes you not-sosure- that-you-feel-too-well. Ostrich Contrary to popular belief, the ostrich doesn't bury its head in the sand when danger is near. Folks get that impression because of the bird's habit of resting its head, by stretching out -its neck along the sand. COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP On All Makes of Cars Plugs, Points, Ignition- ;v==sss.^.:.,i. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY WEST McHENRY MOTORS F Across Frcm Roller Rnk PHONE 872-R WEEKLY^CitbSSWORb PU | NATUHAyttT NOBttftNtAL 4 Toward 1,8 Pictured poet 7 DM^se 13 Angry tMorttT 14 Rower *" 15 Fruit m the palm IS Italian river 19 Site of shot -- 1* Electrical term 1? 20 Type of cloth 20 9 Rug»-- (abbr.) 1 0 m e a s u r e 11 Rough lava 12 Distinct parts 16 Hebrew letter 2l Qiever 24 Leaf of the ibtH 21 Coif term SUkworm Color Father Neat Here's the il" b r r fi .. 32 Anger 46Xra 34 Compass point 47 Proselyte «t 33 Debit note Judaism (abbr.) 48 New 2f^trii?*pS 3Father ZMlatlo HNtat 21 Dry *7 He was tiao a *agrs&-- ^eh--Hbo lor The Platndeator;-- . DEALER'S PRICE TO YOU On FIRST LINE WORT'S SERVICE lOf Richmond Road Phone 356 31 Animals 3|Leases 40 Grafted (her.) 41 Phut. « Symbol for 4S AViHie (•bbr) 4lPa&*lilj 4* Vlll*' 4iM|«MfM 54WhUker» SS He man se Apparel VftKTICAL I Conceit lExpwttr SBtmuMe wood spirit 4 Route (abbr.) 3 Biblical pronoun 31 Rodent - 38 Musteline kmifflflu 37 Slant T 39 Transmit* 41 Affirm 42 Pint (abbr.) 43 Decigram Guinea port •0 Myself II And 52 Right (__ 53 Steamship (abbr.) 54 Board (abbr.) STIUCTLY FRESH VOU fhould use as much care in wlpctlng a dog as in choosing a marriaft partner, an animal expert advifef. Certainly, it's not easy tp get rid of a dog onct you have it. • • The World Bank, faefore grantlot tha TD**« • loan, wants the country to ftllow MK ft*e antarpriaa. Tlgm WB will b4 willing to talk Turkey. • • • All this discussion about when the 20th Cfntury actually started has got some of us wondering whan it will all end. , itmmiiiiiiiauiuitHmtitiiiniinitiuiiuniiiiiu»MniiiHi The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL tAKK lUl ^ )lcIIenry, (Vs. Leading Theaire FRI. • SAT, EtLMify Glenda FarreU George Montgdfcar? in «LlrLtr BELLE" SI N. . MON^ FEB. TT-37 Sanday Cea't From iili P.X. Spencer Tracy JantM Stewart tn ; '• *<HALA¥V^:vvr Two brave men fightta# against overwhelming odds to help America win the Pacific war. TCES. . WED. - TRTTT' FEB. 38 • MAR. 1-3 Ann Blyth Percy (Pa Kettle) Kilbride in "FREE FOR ALL* tfllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIItlUIIIHtUIMINttllltlHIIUHIHUniHIHtn H 0 1 I.C E h - Vehicle licenses are now d Sixty day grace period will' end ...... February 28. Penalty of 50 cents per month will be- in effect on- Mardit 11 CITY OF MfcHENRT Taxpayers can sit back and relax, there will be no new taxes, says a news magazine. But it's the old ones that have got us on edge • • • When tha U. S, got the Atom bomb, Russia felt site had to rush an A-bomb out. Whichever one gets the mightier Hydrogen bomb first, the other had better get tha H- out • * * Uncle Sam is dying the surplus* potatoes blue before destroying! them. Is that, maybe, in honor of the taxpayer who feels that way because of the $100,000 hft paid for them? Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FBI. . SAT„ FEB. Spencer Tracy • James Stewart '"MALAYA* ' Cartoon and Novelty SI N. f MOX„ FEB. M47 Rosalind Rassell Robert Cammlngs Marie McDonald Harry Davenport "TELL rr TO THE Wortd News • Buggs Bamy Cartoon TIES. (ONE DAY ONLY) )rson Welles Nancy £a!ld "BLACK MAGIC* , Also Short Subjects WED. • THI RSL, MARCH 1-2 todray Trotter Richard Base^iart "TENSION* . Cartoon and Nov^tgr fM ,:a* . &§* f ACCURACY FOR HEALTH is not a dead language to us because it i& used constantly -by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring; your prescriptions to ns. , Np DRUG >-<r :-.VPH0NZ 2i