M l i t l l l I I 1 1 I I I 11 HIM IM i i I HI I I I :t*y Vanesee Bolls)' 4-H flib Display •At Bonders Office • During 4-H Week ./This is National 4-H Week, and* SQ call attention to that fact, three of the 4-H club members , from here have set up a display in the window of the Wonder Lake Builder's office. This display shows 4pne of the projects a girl in 4-H work can pursue. "The 4-H clubs of Wonder Lake •re composed of two groups of girls: the Handy Helpers, little girls from 10 to 13; the Busy Bumble Bees, girls from 13 to 20. The program runs from March until September of each year and is extension work through the University of Illinois. Through 4-H, the girls learn to cook, sew, bake, , <^n, mend, choose clothing, good tVboming, good health and good fellowship. The 4-H stands for health, hands, hiiad and heart and the four-point Ittrngram is emphasised to bring out the best to make a more complete entity. ^ If you would like to join one of the .4-H clubs, just drop a penny postcard to Sharon Sells, Rt. 1, Ringwood, or call 128 and register your name. A meeting will be callpd before the end of the month to «Ofcanise-the clubs for I960 season. The memberb responsible for the 4*W display were: Geraldine Cor* niler, Peggy Selsdorf and Sharon Sells. Ijflir Frtedricksen kindly lent tfiem the window spate. school. Leaders are Mrs. Elaine Spuehr, Mrs. Betty Wilkinson, Mrs. Vera. Meling, and Mrs. Joyce Specht. Any little girl between the ages of 7 and 1Q will be welcomed to the Brownie troop. They are now preparing for intermediate work. The Brownies need uniforms. Has a Brownie at your house outgrown a uniform? Call Mrs. Wilkinson. Perhaps it will fet one of the Browqies. Room Mothers At Harrison School u Plan KeSale Sli«|> The room mothers of Harrison school met at the home of Mrs. tip ward Wilkinson last Tuesday •Md plane were made for a resale shop which will belong to the school find will be operated by the mothers. All clothing for the shop will either be donated outright, o» can be marked for whatever the owner waftts for it; the shop will mark It up with a reasonable profit. The clothes must be (1) clean; (8) in first-cluss condition;' and (3) clearly tagged with the price ID those put up for sale. *A place for the shop has not yet been decided upon but articles for it will be accepted on Saturday, March 11, between 10 and noon; and on March 18, when the clothing goes on sale. Until a definite -place for the shop has been established, the sale will be conducted at Harrison School. .Have your children outgrown some of the'r garments? Garments in good enough condition that anther chi|d can get. goocL use at mem ? Bring them to the school on March 11 and March 18. Room mothers will be on hand to accept tpem. - Ill-Male Ballet r " * Rlngwoo<» Ckanh s Do yon rem^nber the Ballet Moose? That all-male chorus in q^inty ballet skirts? Another allmasculine lineup will do jtist as dainty a dance in the basement of #je Ringwood church on March 15 a't 8:15 p.m. for the benefit of the church building fund. Wouldn't you like to see some of the farmers frpm around Ringwood, participating in a dance? John Hogan, for instance or Paul Walkington? , Have a good laugh and help the Ringwood folks build a betiei Church. Mark this on your calendar. A must. Mrs. Virginia Goriby is the dance instructor. grownje Scouts Meet Wednesday* At Wilkinson's Wonder Lake's BroWM# Scouts •re meeting in the basement of the Howard Wilkinson home. Wonder Center, every Wednesday after Happy Birthday To Tea... * You» You, and Yoa. March is full of birthday celebrations. Four in Hickory Falls a^e observing their natal days this month. Mrs. Uldena Haught had hers on the fourth; Mrs. Lillian Nicholson observed hers on the eighth; Paul Nolan passes a landmark on the tenth; and Mrs. Ella Buckley is getting re*dy to celebrate on the nineteenth. On Monday;, Fred Hansen of Wonder Center was receiving congrfilulattans. March 3 was the day that Sam Wyatt added another year; and on March. 15 Justus Kellner will be 31 again. Two days later, Mrs. Myrtle Fuller will observe another birthday; on March is Paul Reuter, Jr., will be 13; and on March 27 Mrs. William Wright of the Handy Pantry will celebrate one day after her granddaughter, Karen Knapp. has a birthday. The League of Women Voters of Woodstock is sponsoring a candidates' meeting on April 5 at'tlic opera house. Woodstock, and will introduce at that time all candidates for state representative, for county superintendent of schools, and for sheriff. The public is invited to attend th4 meeting, for which there irf im admission charged. BRIEF! ES Mrs. Paul Nolan left Friday afternoon, for a ten-day motor trip to Mississippi. Chicago relatives accompanied her on the trip. --Junior 4-H leaders, Sharon Sells, and Geraldine Cormier, were both in attendance at the 4-H leader's banquet held at St. John's church, Woodstock, Saturday. Both were given mother-of-pearl lockets to which were attached the four-leaf clover symbol of 4-H.--Mr. and Mrs. Paul Irwin, Chicago, were weekend visitors at the home of M&\ and Mrs. Stanley Wilson. "Stan" is going to teach his brother- in-law how to ice-fish.--Pell Woodward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Woodward is on leave. He will not go to Japan as he thought but will report-to a camp in Colorado.-- Ray and Ariine Kamp Guzzardo, McHenry, are the parents of a son, born March 2. -- Helen Hurley, Chicago, celebrated her birthday at the Wonder Woods home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Wurn. Mrs. Frances Riegel and Mrs. Alma Marx visited T. P. Mathews at the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday - afternoon.^-Mrs: William Whipple, and her sister-in-law, Mrfe. John DeLong, Evanston, left Sunday for Florida, where they will stay until April.--Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, Formerly of Genoa. 111., are now permanent residents in Wonder Woods. Mrs. tteLong is the widow of the late Rev. Delong, former pastor at the Greenwood church.--A; note from Lillian and Ricky Forsberg says that Florida is just the ticket. Rick likes the t beach and Lillian likes sightseeing. The weather has been balmy for them.--Jean Hay is ill at her home with a kidney infection. Jean would appreciate cards from her friends, or a personal call.--Slfc mey be confined for weeks.---Lynn Wilkinson is recovering from Urn mumps.--Mrs. Louise Dick isjinuiother victim of fnuinps.-- Christ The 'King Church Whether or not you have kissed the blarney stone, you will ^rant to eat gome of that palatable, corned beef and cabbage on Friday, March J7. Come and compare it with that at Harding's famous corned beef. We'll be expecting you. Sunday, March 12, will be communion day for the Holy Name Society. Have that friend of yours receive with you on that day. Important meeting after mass. • r JAMES VANDERPOOL, Pastor. Gospel (eater News We call attention to the Youth For Christ Rally at the Free Methodist church in Woodstock next Saturday evening, March 11, at 7:45.fA very excellent program will be presented, with Ken Anderson, noted writer and author of many books, as speaker. Burton Hedstrom of Chicago will be in charge of the singing and Rose Arzoomanian, famed soprano, will be heard. The Wonder I^ake group will meet at the Gospel Center at 7 o'clock, where transportation will be provided for all who desire to go. We are looking for a large delegation. The "King's Men," outstanding singing evangelists, will be with us here at the Gospel Center in" a series of meetings, beginning' Wednesday evening, March 15, continuing over Sunday the nineteenth. Their program for every uight includes gospel music, chalk talks and object (esboas. services every "night (including Saturday), at 8 o'clock. Sunday services at 10 and 11 a.in. and 7r45 p.m. We welcome one and all to the services next Lord's Day, March 12 10 a.m. Sunday Bible School, 11 o'clock. Morning Worship service tjjjd the Evening Gospel service at 7:45. A special attraction at thiB meeting will be the Siqgspiration and the social hour at the close of the regular meeting. LANDLORDS NOW COMPENSATED FOR INCREASE IN COSTS MOSEY INN " BXNGWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop Pish Fry on Fridays -J 1950 Brighten Up The New Year With Draperies Curtains Made . . Slipcovers Pillows Bedspreads Venetian Bliiuls Valances Cornices COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE • O" !"•1 Community Interior 204 8. Chreln St. •Pfeon® McHenry 490 Landlords in the Lake-Mcllcmry county rental area are continuing to get dollar-for-dollar rent increases covering higher costs of operating rent property if they make proper petition to the rent office, it |vas stated l>y J. Edwin Porter, associate rent director. The practical1 effect of changes in rent increases, and to speed up the job of handling the landlords' requests, the rent office has. simplified its procedures^ the rent official said. \ "We are going all the way helping landlords, particularly those who own just one or a few properties on which the rent has not changed, to get rent increases to compensate for the boost in prices of fuel, taxes, utilities and other expenses," Pprter declared. "All the landlord has to do is let us know what he is now paying for those items bought for his rental property and we can calculate the amount his costs have gone up without requiring him to show expenses four to six years ago." While the new method is intended to help^the amalLlandiojqdgwho btiB never "had S refit adjustment? the rent official said it will also benefit the landlord whose costs continued to increase after a rent adjustment. "In other words,"' he added, "landlords will be fully compensated for higher operating costs. Every rent boost made under this policy will be necessary and justified by good business standards." TWICE TOLD . T A L E S . •f Interest Taken From the Files of the Plaiadealer .. mt Years An fifty years ago On May 15, 1897, the Journal was founded and with the issue of March 8, 1900, passes into the hands of the Flaindealer Company. From the outset the Journal has done well. Nevertheless, it had long been apparant that, though two papers in this town can furnish a living for both, the returns are not sufficiently large to justify the e'fort involved to produce them. Fred Ooodmai? of Chicago was here and spent Sunday witta his parents,.. Prof, and Mrs. GcxMinan. Mrs* John Welch died at her home near Griswold Lake last Friday morning, aged 85 years. Mrs. Welch leaves three children, William of McHenry and Patrick and Mary Welch of St. Paul. Funeral serVic.es were conducted by Rey. Fr. O'Neill ami the inter-: ment took place; at; St. • Patrick's church.' 4, " • ' • r/;vv; V-v' FORTY YEARS 4fcO A boy baby arrived at the.bome of Mr. and Mrs. John Wirts March 4. At a recent meeting of the Belgian Horse Co., Peter Died rich, was given trie job of traveling ithclrt stallion the coming year. Walter Walsh, tax collector for the township of Nunda. wishes to state that next Tuesday, March 15, will be the last day that he .will be in McHenry for the purppse of collecting taxes. The length of-the sleighing season this winter has broken ail records in this locality. The first SJiow fell on the night of Dec. 5 and since then sleighing has been fairly good. The night of Jan. 7 was the coldest. The indicator went down to, 20 degrees below Zero. Four times it has, registered 15 degrees below zerd's rjOnireh &•. Mary's OatboUc Church ' 1 •tsMea: | Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. fioly Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. "onfessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Mstrr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO A grand prize masquerade dance will take place at the Polly Prim tavern east of the Fox River no&^ this city on Tuesday, ,evening, March 17. The music will , be furnished by Al. Noonan's Poijly(£rfm orchestra. Prizes include the following: Best dressed gent, 45- in gold, donated by West McIIctyry State,Bank; best dressed lady, $5 in gold, donated by Fox Valley State Bank. "The Centerville Business Men's Association of McHenry" is the "new name chosen for the new organization recently formed by bus- ' iness and professional iw ••Oree* street,^nteA ferred to as-Gentervill was chosen at the second'* uiVeting ; held at Mrs. Nellie Bacon's restaur i rant. I A. J. Kennedy and W. T. Rilev !of Chicago have rented the store 'room in the Laures block on the west side and will open therein , next Saturday a first class radio shop: M ilieu uy uuh- 11 a J» TltetT of 'orHnipfA' relle. Thejfiame HIGHWAY? DEATHS Motor vehicle accidents on the highways of Illinois killed 162 persons during January, according to Charles P. Casey, director of the state Department of Public Works and Buildings. In January last year there were 126 such deaths. •The highest number of January traffic fatalities sincc the ^nd of the war wds 2Q1 in 1946. APPEAR OH TV A Barrir.gton higji school Square j Dance club set was featuied on : the television show. Square Dance Time", over WENR-TV at • 8 p.m. Saturday. March 4. The ;iO-i»iinute | program originated in the CBS Civic Opera House studios. The ! Barrington students' part on the I program was was the .presentation I of a medley of cowboy dances. St. Patrick's Catholic Chwch Masses: Sunday: 8:00; 9:30 and 11:0«. Daily Mass: 7:00. " Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:00. distributed at 6:30, 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and. JK Confessions: • ; Saturdays: 4:00 to 5^:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thursdays before Fu-st Fridays: 4:00 _~to 5:00 p. m. and 7100 to 8:00 p. ni. ,ftev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Eton Evangelical bat&eran Cfcarclk (The Church of the Lutheran Hour)' 408. John Street West Mcllenry, Illinois, "Sunday School: 9 a. m. Sunday Worship Servieet 10:15 a. m. You arc cordially invited to atlend i»ur services. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. Community Methodist Charcb •'Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on sSeond Wednesriuy of mentli at 8 p. ui. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family ** come and wofakip with us, •' V^avne R. Price, Pastor. McHenry Blltle Church IW S- Green Street (Pries BIdg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. ni, Sunday Worship, 11 a. in. Young People's Service, .? p.m. Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 601-J-2 , St. John's Catholic Church Johnsburg , Masses: 4 Sunday: 8:00 and Hi:00. 7' Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00.-- --- Weekdays: 8:00. First Fridays 1^185 and 8:00. CqnfesMdns: ' First Friday: 8:00. - Confessions: *' Saturdays: 2:30 and till* Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Hev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. . Christ The King Mlssl«l Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 8:90 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:0#. Confessions: Sunday: Before each Mass. Holy Days: 6:16 and 7:00 to 7:45 j Catechetical Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. m. Rev. James A. Vanderpool, Administrator. Gospel Center" Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (NonBectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a; m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p. m. ~ Prayer meeting, Thursday-- fkiOO p. m. Bring the family with you to Sunday 8choeJ and Worship Services. There is ^rplteo, and a Welcome for everyone. FRANK W. 4NDER6ON, • Pastor. , Ringwood Chnrch Ringwood, HI. Sunday: Public Worship, 9i90. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve sing, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3, Thursday befere First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev." Joseph M. Blitsch. St Peter's Ca'holic Church, drove Masses: '4 > Sunday--8n|&: l^OO and 11:00. Holy Days:)p%30 and 9:00. St. Joseph's Chareh Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. f Daily: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Millar, St. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Prlest-in-Charge Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave. Sundays: 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 10 a.m. Sunday School at the Mission House. On 3rd Sunday of the month at Church for Family Eucharist. 11a.m. Morning Prayer excep\ • for 1st Sunday of the month and holy days when there is Holy Eucharist. Sermon and Choir. Holy Days (Prayer Book). 6:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist. FATALLY INJURED Edward J. Ferris. 30. of St. Charles, manager of a ranch owned by his father, Edward, a wealthy Chicago broker, in San Rafael Valley, Ariz., was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon of last week when he lost control of his car and it overturned down an em bankment on route 82 near Nogales. Ariz. It was just a year ago pn March 11 that a brother. Richard A. -Ferris, 22,. met death, in _ motor accident on Main street in St. Charles. Weak, Tired, Nervous topless Men Cat MmVW I 8*? Bood-bye to thorn weak, al- ViCSr,VltBtty "S» <>u« ]u»t to blooodr in alarvcko uoftf- rww. vnaMve pwlenJty oIrro fne. fCtt ot up freosvhe,r b bey m edvdSyn tiiit. Ostrex ooDUioa Iron for blood plus •uppiomontary S3»Uj5£ ' JnUtff?^tory rtae wv?ina?. vicor. riuiity. bolter nc5er*vkes!,e tt8h ^ii v ery SpeSp. For iiie At ill dnii mom - WHEN IN NEED OP ^ , Auto Repairing and Greasing DRIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 811 we also have Anti-Freeze of all kindi 24 Hour Towing Service DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST -- At 136 S. Oreen St., McHenry . - (Closed Thursday Afternoon^)-- Vyts Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis INK Dtlly: • 12 and 1 to ft--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to t:S0 PHONE McHENRY 452 Home Improvements lust u lifetime MADE WITH Q uick Delivery Any T 1 m < A r y w h •. For dozens of improvements SLrouad your home or place of business, no other material offers the service and economy asfwwfe, permanent concrete. READY-MIXED CONCRETE Helps your contractor give you a better job with less muss • . . . If you are planning a new walk, driveway, foundation, porch or garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way with Ready-Mixed Concrete, Ask Your Contractor or Call Us For Heated Ready-Btix. / McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J fir* stone TRUCK, TRACTOR AND PASSENGER TIRES Liberal trade in allowance on your old tires regardless of condition. FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS TIRE CHAINS SNOW AND MUD TIRES TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZES BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. Methanol Anti Freeze In Your Container $1.00 per gaL 806 Front Street McHenry, III WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tabes -- Batteries -- AceeSMriea and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed lV«t rosary Tire PSene 894 Weekdays : JOSEPH X. WATNFIB Attornejr-at-law Bfl Waukegan Road (RFD m I WEST McHENRY. ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid Iw Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattt* and H<»^h--Sanitary Power Lead* ing--Tankage and Meat Scraps fsr sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or MeHenry 314. Reverse Chances. Palatin«> Rendering 8erv« lee. CHARLES S. PARKER, AtterMy (Joslyn & Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons-- Office--Koehr Supply Company, 542 MaPn Street, West McHenry I'kone--McHenry 486 - Woodstock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICB : WONDER LAKE ( R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repair*' Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4tt Home Furniture Recovering and Repairing 20 years experience Phone Pistakee 551-R-l » • VIC'S I'PHOLSTERY SERVICE. ' RR. 1, Pistaqua Heights MeHenry, 111. w j VERNON KNOX Attomey-At-Law Cor. Oreen and Elm Bts., McPeuiy Tuesday and Friday Aftei Other Days By Appointment Phone McHeury 43 --• WANTED TO BUT -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horas% less for down horses »nd cattlsw MATTS MINK RANCH Jidinsburx - Sprint Grove Rati Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTltli We pay phone charges Tet A. P. FREUND SON%^ Excavating Contractors ' Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service ' ^ -ROAD BUILDING-- J4-M McHenry, Dl E. E. PEASLEE, B. & Chiropractor ISO s. (•reen St, Office Hoars, Dally ex -ep4 Thnrsday ' , » t o 12 1 : 3 6 t o * ' lonH Wed. and FrL, Brtshyv 7 to • . Phort Henry 8M-R McHENRY FLORAL CQw jS: Phone 464 One Mile South of McHesirf -- _ _ _ _ -- -- -- -- _ FALL CLASSES OF "v INSTRrCTlOH Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Players;9 formerly with Anton WeekB. OasufM'"V Lorna, Ray Noble, Griff Williama.f Chicago and Oriental Theatre^ K organizing fall classes. Call Me>^| Henry 533-J-l for appointment aiMlf* interview. On Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! Telephone No. 366 STOFFEL & REIHANSP nourance agents for all property in the best com West McHenry. Illinois tl INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Repfesentiny RELIABLE COMPANOM When you need Msram of snv kind Phgne 43 or 118-M Ureen & Elm McHtBQ - Tel. Wonder Lake 4U t DR. R. H. WATKlNft . Dentist -^Office Hours-- Tuss., Thurs., * Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake. FRANK S. MAT Trucking •Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Grave Light Excavating -- 1 imist--i Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 58#-M-l R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St^ McH< Electric Portable W« Acetylene Weldiag and C« ALEX W. WIRFS. Operaisr Phone 615-W-l or 464 M HENRY. ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL. JB. ' Attorney-at-law UOVa Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock. Illinois DR. MART1> R. STOXI CHIROI'Ii ACTOR Office Corner Green & tta Tues^ Thnrs. & Sat. Thursdays !*:S0 U 4:36 Tuesdays an.! Satsruays te 9 Tel. .MrH. ;;r> m ~ WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 969 South Green St* McHenry, DL Sand VERN THELKN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire T«L MeHenry 588-K-2 or 5SS-W-1 Box 172. Rt. 1. McHenry OPEN BfEXIXGS AKD SUNDAYS A. DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to S p. • Except Thursdays Evenings by Appokstsssat ,V;. DR. R. DeROMB . -- Dentist -- ^ 126 Green Street Phone 292-J McHeMT Office Hours: 16 a. n. to except Wednesday. all dtoy Wednesday. EYealnf) by