Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1950, p. 3

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. wc." ttoursday, March 9, 1950 „>»?>•*»- ->, 4n , . 7^ v «- '- •" *••• - -«- . - i £ THE McHENRY P LAXNDKALKS V' "tv >S>r** < m 1 wTntif m'"Hi^ ••'" "• ^iM?4 ^P" IS 3S1 , B *1 rINCtOCKTOUy, PG6&Z,Z WANT VOUTD WITNEY THAT I'M MAILING X3UR. MOTHERS LETTER... C/MON $H&<£ ALWAV5- COMPLAINING ABOUT MV B£IN£> £0 AB^ENTr MIND&P ABOUT THEM! MOVE Acrivm TO MAIL 1 I •Till vv, (by f. FltEUNDS tie Sehaettgen) {;•- ^ Now and then we find four generations of women in one family, but it is rare indeed to find four generations of men in one family, and rarer to find thetn all In the same community. The family of Anthony P. Freund has these four generations of living, men and three more generations of aneesters who also lived in the McHenry-Johnsburg district. Tony's grandfather came to Amhad helped to* mfcfee the upper' Fox river the thing of beauty it has become. He has dredged many flarts of^the river, as well aB private lakes and channels. He dredged Lily Lake, Wonder Lake and other places as far north as Maditdfc. In the «ar|y days he used horses and scrapers to excavate basements and also drove the horses in the Fox River and scraped the shore. Mr. Freund has done dredging work in sixteen different lakes and fifteen new subdivisions. This Photo by A. Wot wick, McHenry erica in 1850 and brought his mother with him. Tony's father was then a boy. Tony's father, Stephen H. Freund, is at 85 still erect physically and alert mentally and vitally iatercated in the community as well as in the affairs of his large family. He has had a noteworthy career. He was a county supervisor for thirty years and several times a member of the Board of Review, He was assessor for one term. For sixteen years he was a member of the Elgin Butter Board. He retired at the age of 78 but still manafee his Orchard Beach farm. During his political career he fought constantly to get McHenry its share of improvements. He fought, too, to get the most value for the public money. His fighting spirit and sense of economy gained for- McHenry county the 3tate highway and the bridge over it. The county paid for the right of way, but the state built the road and bridge. To him belongs the credit for all the state roads in the township. He has been a distinct assc-t to this community and at 85 is still a grand old man. His son, Tony, has inherited that spirit of aggressiveness. Tony was born at Johnsburg. At the age of 20 be started the Riverside Dairy. From that he went fnto farming at the Orchard Beach farms and it was while thus engaged that he started his dredging and excavating business. This has been his career. He had the first rubber-tired dump truck in the vicinity twenty-six years ago. He POWERFUL! QUICK ACTING! Concentrated R o o I a w a y Sewer Cleaner offersquicker action on fibre u» tree rootJ end dogged tewer linos thon ever previoudy enper^r.ced. This it the lotatt scientific method to liquify, dissolve and saponify grccip, sludge, hair, doth, etc., in sewer lines. Does not affect Plumbing, Orangeburg Pipe, Tile, etc. MADE BY TNI MAKERS OF CAMP CESIPOOi t SIPTIC TANK ClEANEft AND CONQITIONIt lf1,iMi..i--ii.n •rm. Cavllu Pet. OS, •BtS. VI M . oe. pmL ALTHOFF'S HDWE. 284 West McHearr has really made so much of this territory into the beautiful lakes region it now has become. He also dredged at Glenview airport in an area of abolt forty square miles. About five years ago the A. P. Freund Sons Company bought an army "Duck". This versatile piece of machinery is used to refuel the dredges and it is also used as a tug boat. Since the boys have been operating the business they they have had quite a lot of publicity because they recently moved 100,000 cubic yards of dirt in three months. Thie lfe considered quite a feat. Tony Freund's latest project is the building of a canal or channel to the Fox River. This will make it possible to reach the river from his new Mlllstreain subdivision development. This will be called A. P. Freund's Millstream Park and he is keeping it a residential section of houses of very good quality. Geo. Tonyan has already built five brick houses in this new subdivisision. It is in this subdivision that To'ay is building his new home, on Elm street facing the Legion Park. This home is an ultra-modern ranch house -with a beautiful stone exterior. Tony has been and still is active in civic affairs. He is an officer in the McHenry Business Men's Association He is head of the Holy Name society and is a deputy grand knight in the Knights of Columbus. Probably the nearest thing to his heart in the realm of his diversified interests is the handling of the junior baseball team. He also donated the ball park. He "retired" not too long ago. We say retired with many reservations because he still had his hand in so many things. His sons are now carrying on the dredging business and following the family tradition of success. At present they art dredging and widening the Fox river as part of the state's program to beautify the Fox river. This year they will complete the dredging, deepening the river to six feet in the center and 100 feet in width as far as Burton's Bridge. When it is finally completed as far as the dam, it will be possible to go down river by boat to Algonquin. Rep. Tom Bolger is responsible for getting the appropriation for this undertaking. Tony might have been successful had he remained a bachelor, but we believe that his wife has been an inspiration and a silent partner hi his career. She hfis brought up a family of seven ' attractive girls and four fine boys, which is a great credit to her and to Tony. Three of the four boys now operate the A. P. Freunds Son3. Co., and the fourth and youngest will become a member when he finishes school. Three of the girls were nurses before their marriage. It is almost unbelievable that one family could produce so many attractive girls. Mrs. Freund and Tony were married in 1914. She was Margaret Blake and was born at the Blake homestead right here in McHenry. The Freunds built a house on Richmond Road in 1928. a very live there, with four of the chil dren still at home. Donald and Margie are still in school. Dorothy is a phone operator and probably most McHenry people have said hello to her at some time or other. If they could see the attractive girl behind the "hello" they would pray for televised phon ^ service. Marian, another one i T the good looking Freund clan, s a career girl also. She is a boo . teeper. Mrs. Freund is a lovely lady who undergtan.'s her family well. But her strong I'nniily feeling does not exclude outside interests. She is quite a social minded person and is "on the go" constantly. She has a pleasant manner toward people that reaches out and enfolds thein. She enjoys her family so much that once a month she stages a family reunion. This is so important an event that the Freunds' new home will have a huge kitchen and dining room on the ground floor especially built for the gathering of the clan. There is a great fireplace there (bo and when all of them are gathered 'round. Tony's cup of happiness must be filled to overflowing. These are the Freunds. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to express our thanks for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the many * other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. MRS LUCY ZENS DOWE MR. "AND MRS. R. J. FRISBY, SR. •43 JOHN ZENS FLOOR TILE ASPHALT and RUBBER also PLASTIC WALL TILE J. M. STANGARONE 661J1 or 196 R McHenry, III. COOKS CORNER '• (by Marie Sehaettgen) " Now that Lent is with us again and so many meatless days ahead to cope with, you might like to have a few tricks up your sleeve-- tricks with tuna fish, for instance. Tuna is a versatile creature. It tastes like chicken or it tastes like fish. But most of us like it especially on those days when we caa't have steak or chops. linked Potatoes With Tuna Bake well-sorubbed potatoes until well done. Remove from oven and cut small criscross on top. While potatoes are baking prepare tuna in this manner: Tuna chunks may be used nicely in this recipe. Place contents of can of tuna in strainer and rinse with boiling water to remove oil. Prepare a thin white sanoe ^ith 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tab'eHpoons flour and LV.> cups milk. Add tuna to cream sauce and add one small can of peas drained and a small can of mushroom phx-es. Keep hot or reheat when potatoes are baked. Place a baked potatoe on each plate and enlarge "the criscrosses to a good-sized depression. Spoon the tuna mixture into this depression and ovar potatoe. Serve piping hot with hot rolls and tea. The tuna can be combined with any left over chicken on meat days and this winning trick will get you a good hand. > Even for those sharp ones who »W|ll 'recognize tlu tuna, it is 'pleasant Page Ttot# mmmmrnrnis"; combination. Note to Author: ^ t ( pleasant corner house and they still We do appreciate the- double LEGALS ELECTION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given tliat in pursuance of an order of the Couaty Court of McHenry County entered on the 6th day of March, 1950 on the,petition filed in said court a special election will be held on Saturday the 25th day of March, 1950, between the hours of six o'clock A.M. and five o'clock P.M.; of that day within the limits of the territory described as follows : The East half of the SE% of the NEV of Section 21 (except the South half thereof) containing 10 acres of land more- or less. ALSO part of Section No. 22 bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 22,J which point is 89.0 feet South/from the North West corner thereof, said point also being in the center of the Highway: thence South on the \N est line of said section, a distance of 1886.7'5 feet-more or less to a point which is 658.75 feet North fr^m the Southwest corner of Cht' Northwest Quarter of said Section 22: thence East in a straight line 1324.7 feet more or less to a point on the east line of the West half of th£ Northwest Quarter of. said Section 22, said point being 656.2 feel North from the Southeast corner thereof; thence South on said line thereof 65(5.2 feet to the South line of the Northwest quarter of said Section: thence East on the South line of the Northwest Quartet^ of said section a distance of 1325.3 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said Northwest quarter; thence Northeasterly on a line which forms an angle of 45 degrees and r>r> minutes to the left from the last described line produced for a distance of 925.9 feet more or less to a point in the center of. the highway, which extend in a northwesterly and Southeasterly direction across said Section 22; thrnce Northwesterly on a line which forms an interior angle of 80 degrees and 42 minutes with the last described lint', being along the centerline of said highway for a distance of 292.6 ft. thence in the center of said highway being on a line which forms an angle of 9 degrees and 11 minutes to the left from the last described line produced northwesterly for a distance of 889.6 feet to the angle in said highway; thence in the center line of said highway, being on a line which forms an angle of 6 degrees and 10 minutes to the right from the last described line produced Northwesterly for a distance of 115&8 feet to the angle in said highway; thence in the center Of said MghWay on a line which spacing. t makes for miujli easier setting.--But there are fftAs of us hen- and I would feeja*-ful ftUttty sampling that line apple*'l»i0 AH by myself. 1 Tits Qiiera tor. P. 8. We'll furnish lUe Read the Want Acfcl $ W corder's Office of Mcllenry County. Illinois in Briok 4 of Plats, page 86 and containing an area of 103.6ft acres more or less. All of above described property lying in Township 45 North of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County. Illinois. rfor the purpose of submitting to the legal voters residing - within the limits of the territory described, the question of whether the above described territory shall be organized , as a Village under the General Law of this State to be known as the Village of McCullom Lake. It- has been further ordered by said court that the legal voters of said described territory shall deposit their ballots at the polling place to be held at the Bcacji House within the proposed limits of the proposed Village oMMcCullonT^ Lake. • HENRY L. CO\vUX \ . .. Judge of (^>jiiity Court •« MtHeurv, Illilioiv Attornpj" for TVtitiyn^' verxon i. Crystal Lake. Illinois' „ Notice of flection VILLAGE OF ISLAND LAKE . N'OTUIv is - II K UK in VKX. that pvirsuuil^' ti> ini tn.tli'f CrtUiity .Iiul^e «>t' •'Likf (-I llinois,' :nr H f«»«-"t T<> ii VA*-'i i 1 "njn S:»tur<lxi v, . tlie .. 1 st • ij'riy uf April, A. lK i'H.'iO;', tiijit a* ..siiijl- Kl'iii-Uuit earli «(uaHt'ied.' legal 'rc^iicat' within'the Village of Island . I.4ikV, County of Lake and Mi*Ht>nry. State of Illinois, shall liavc.the right to cast a ballot for the following Vll^ lage Official's: ONK (1) VILLAGE PHKSIDKNT ONK.(l) VILLAGE CLKIJK six (0) vilkaok ri{,r,vn:i-;s ONK (1) -•• I'OLU-K MAOISTUAT.K that tile places of holding said Election' shall ho at the polling places (fescribcd as: Precinct- No. I. Lake County., llollcV .Service Station, S. K. Corner Highway i7(5 .".ml Mylitli Park Road, Unijle within the limits of tlie Village of island Lake, and I'recim-t No. 1', Mdh'iirv County, First Congregational Chmcli of Inland Lake, South side of'Highway 17H. between "Gates No- - and Xo. .3, Koiite 3, within the limits of •the Village of -Island Lake; that the polls of said Election will be opened at six o'clock in the morn* ing, and will close :.t Five o'clock in the event.ig of that daV, -.DATED this 14th dav of February, A. D. 01P.-0. ' \iIXAlU> K. Ill'LSE County Judge of Lake County--H+d--Judge «f the County Court of Lake Conn t v, : ilinois. JAY R 'MORSE. County Clerk, of Lake 1920 Fashions Relegated to Past as Museum Piece m The flapper-of the early Twenties will riot return to haunt the fashions of predicted Warner Brothers at their annual New York fashion show, "Figure Talk." The byword for spring and summer '.fashums is "naturalness" in body line. The new and exciting necklines dejr.arid »e!l ro'inded curves---the slim trim skirts insist on well- --thus. Fashion marches on! Ooutitv, HI. forms An angle of 0 degrees aiTd--MEXn 56 minUtes to the left from the last TiOX describe® line produced northwesterly for £ distance of 1404.4 feet more or yBsj'to the place of beginning. FKcepting and reserving ffljom J<ot8 20, 21. 22 and 23 as n bfs the Plat of Oak Glen wncK IN THE MATTER OF THE A1V PLICATION OF WONDER LAKE VOLUNTEER sion as recorded in the Re- I Zoning rnrrc DKPAUTXT. AN ILLINOIS' COKPO-liAFOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY that in compliance with the provisions of the 1U ILenry . County Ordinaire, relative, to a riftEN change, or variation of tW Zoning clasHifii-atkvin/ti- public hearing will be "heard before the Board in.connection with tile appi'cution of WONDER LAKE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, AX ILLINOIS CORPORATION", relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification, that the following- described real estate be changed fiom that of Residence. District ('•R-l1') Classification to ltus!n"ss District ("R-2") classification : Loi ° in I'.ioc'k 9 in Indian Ridge Subdivision l'n:t Xo. 2, in Sections f» and 7. Township 45 North. Range S, Eii-*t of the Third Principal Meridian. in McHenry County. Illinois. The '.-.earing will be held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, April 4th, '. itaO, in t!ro County Court Room in the Court House in Woodstock. Illinois, at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. . Dated this 9th day of March, A. D. '1950. McllENRY COUNTY ZONING HOARD OF APPEALS by Harold J. Bacon. Its Chairjnan. Joseph X: Waynne. """• ^ Attorney foir pet|ti<jnei^.y' (Pub March !>) KOM.KU TURKEY Now the housewife can buy her turkey much as she does sausage-- in a pliafilm casing. Boneless turkey prepare'd in this piann^r Is available on the fro.-.-.*: ",od market. A roll of this turkey recently displayed at the Ak-Sar-Ben Poultry Show in Omaha by the Fairmont Creamery proved very interesting. It was about four, inches in diameter and sixteen inches long, weighing oix pounds. Instructions called for roasting thirty minutes per pound weight at 325 degrees. Carving instructions printed on the casing informed that dark meat cgjuld he sliced from one end and light meat from the other. ;-i There is nothing that will solire so many of the pork producer's problems as an abundance of good forage. To make your money stretch, soak it away in .U. S. Savings Bonds. SPRING IS COMING Get Ready For Your Spring Work Now! Let Us Put Your Farm Equipment In Tip Top Shape. ALL WORK GUARANTEED McHENRY BLACKSMITH SHOP FRONT STREET McHENRY r«M in HENRY J. TAYlOS. AtttkHlM. »r»ry Mtxhy MMhg. r. MOTE THEME STYLE LIMES WELL. They're straight out of the Buick Riviera biK>k -- ami they cloak inttrjcvt that are roomy as much-higher-priced cart. FORE AND AFT - a Beauty and a Buf 7l$,a PRINTING FOR ALL NEEDS Our extensive facilities and wide experience make it possible to provide you with a quality printing job, up matter what your needs. Prices are moderate. Call us today! McHENRY PLAINDEALER ltt GREEN ST. PHONE 170 It's lithe, long and lovely--and it calls not just for one look, but for two. See how this sleek Sedan looks coming down the road--bold grill work shining, broad bonnet purring with power, and the wide, curving, unbroken sweep of a one-piece windshield giving you horizonwide outlook. / * nd spot the pretty picture you make going away. Tte broad, wrap-around rear window and topside styling in the Buick Riviera manner. The graceful, spacious trunk, the "double bubble" taillights, the sense of high-fashion fleetness in everything from rear'fender lines to the curve of the roof. Yes. that's beauty--beauty in the unmistakable Buick manner. But observe also: Interiors are extra roomy in all dimensions. The biggest you can buy for the money, we believe-- and bigger than many higher-priced cars. And, since this is a Buick Super, there's sensational new power under the hood--Buick's own F-263 Fireball straight-eight, this year's big news in valve-in-head power* Yes. when you go stepping in this one, you'll really step--with roominess and top-drawer styling and the level going of all-coil springing-ves. and Dynaflow Drive* too, if you choose--making your pleasure complete. The price? Well, drop in on yojir Buick dealer, ask about the Super 126 and be prepared for happy listening. Here's a buy--so grand a buy you'll lose no time getting behind a Buick wheel. •Standard on RO ADM ASTER, optional at extra coat OH SUPEK and SPECIAL modets. ftahu-- lib tfc«M a BUICK'S THE BUT HIGHiJ-CO*MtSSION Finball *a(v*-<«i-fc«ad power m mnginn, five hp ratings. CN»w F-263 mngin* in SlIPFt mod*l*.t * NIW-MTTCKN STYLING, wUh bumper-guard grilles, tap+r-throvgk fenders, "double bubble" taillights • WID£-ANGLE VISIBILITY, etose-up road view both forward and back • TKAFFIC-HANDY SIZC, lest over-all length for easier parking and garaging, short Htrning radius • EXTRA-WIDE SEATS cradled between the aulas • SOFT BUICK RIOi, from all-coil springing, Safety-Bide rims, lowpressure tires, ride-steadying torque-tube • DYNAfLOW MfVf standard on all KMOAUSrciS, optionaf at extra cost on Si*HI mnd SMECfAl fries • WIDC AftJMY Of MOPilS with todf by Fisher. HftfATEYfZ VOC/tf P&Ct OS "Setter toy Sufctfjk our tat Phmmm ymr MUICK 4--Imr it m <«--Mtretfwi -Might Mo*rI R. I. 403 FRONT ST. PHONE 6 When better automobile* mre bmiit MViCML ttili build them . * . MOTOR SALES McHENRY, ILL.

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