Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1950, p. 5

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MUENRY PlAiOEALEB Published every Thursday at Mc- Henry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc„ NATIONAL EDITORIAL Ia#c5'@n HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Jobbers to call on Auio Stores and Filling Stations selling reputable products. High commissions w»ii good chances for advancement. J W-rite B. Duane Fowler, Box 334, Woodstock or Phouc 464 JX. 40t# WANTED WOMEN AND OIBLSW. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FROEHUCH, Editor, Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry, 111., under the act of May S, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION KATE 1 Yonr ALSO , • Plaindealer Want Ads No ads counted less than 25 words. 75c minimum. 1 insertion ' (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. " AUTOMOTIVE We have openings now for'women and girls toscw ladies appa rel. Ham while you learn simplified sewing taught by the assembly line sy» tem. 40 hour week. No Saturday \vork,*0 ou ca11it%>t earn .less than ?.)(• 'pel hour but can make a jot more, depending on you. Pleasant surroundings. Apply in person" at our office for an interview. RIVERSIDE MANUFACTURING COMPANY < 200 Riverside Drive McHejiry, IUi - - ^ 43tf HELP WANTED-^ (Jjrl or young woman wanted for general store work. Experience 'liijpTul,*; but ' not necessary^ 'RolgerV Wrug. -.43 WANTED--Wnitressnt Mi Place. Tel. McHenry 377.. 43 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--1948 Crosley Station Wagon, like new. Call, McHenry 5.I0M 2. -43-2 - FOR tiALB --2 ° wheel trailer, new tires, fcji; 534 W 1. Size 4' by .S', Call McHenry *43 BUSINESS SERVICE COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 •Anderson Tree Service 40tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGaN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We cluan woodwork, floors, windows, walls Daily, weekly, monthly or season ally. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. Phone Mclleniv 430-.I. 32tf FOR BABY SITTERS--1 n your neighborhood, call Pre Teen club, the Toddler Shop, McHenry, 746. 38tf HAVE YOUT. CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, -06 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let MIS dispose of your garbage each wCeK, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me Henry, Phone 365. tf ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE Records installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Connuitant. Phone Fox Lake 596-. 30tf PAINTING--Decorating and paper hanging. Thirty years experience. Free estimates. C. Gustafson, phone McHenry 665-J-l. 42-2 C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. Woodstock, 111. * " 30 tf C. D. KINSBY Contractor and Builder Homes, 'Remodeling, Cabinet Work Estimates Given Phone 893-J »&>-8 LAMP SHADES--Don't forget your shades when you spring clean. Will re-cover them regardless of size or shape. For more information, call Mrs. Usetnan, phone , 'McHenry 680 W 1. *43-3 Inedible by-products of the hog represent about 2Vfc ppr cent of the liv^ weight of the animal. LOST--B ro w n rosary with hea\y cross. Please return to Mrs. Mary Dowe, McHenry, 111. 43 3 H. P. SUA KING OUTBOARD MOTOR * STAND Perfect numing condition -- Used Less than 50 Honrs Cheap if taken at once Phone 170 or 678-M-2 tf FOX SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formats. "This clothing in good condition/' Miscellaneous items^Opep all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. it. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale, % mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, tfrystal Lake 1346-11-1. fr 32tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITER8.~AD^ DING MACHINES. Servicc oil all makes. Also ribbons for all makes. carbon paper. L. V. Ki(tz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR THE PERFECT GRADUA TION GIFT"--Civc a Smith-Corona "Portable/ typewriter. Free Home demonstrations. ^^11 t'ox Lake 3148. USED CAR SALE CHOOSE A YOU CAN USUALLY EXPECT 2 to 6 dozen more eggs per bird per year from Hv Line chickens than fron.i average standard-bred farirt flocks. Hy-Lines, bred like good hybrid corn, have made that in crease in official laying tests, Hv Line tests, and 011 customers' farms. Order your Hy-Line chicks from us now. McHenry Mills, Inc., West McHenry, III., Phone 818. 42 DEAD ANIMAL8 -- Highest cash prices, paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf FOR SALE WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN^ BLINDS--New line of re movable Hat and Bauflcx original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling V'indow Shade Ac Venetian Blind Co.,, 5640 W. Division street, Chi cago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening. Sat. cr Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27tf LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY With complete line of tools, wishes to contact party or parties interest ed in dealers franchise in McHenry, Illinois. Write Box 41 care of McHenry Plaindealer. *41 3 FOR SALE--Johtis-Manville Home hisulntioTT} installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call I/fco J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE --Generators, armatures, starters, fuel puinps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf FOR BALE -- A vacuum cleaner eliminator Rexair, the Water ma chine. Service--suppftca. Uarl Bar i.iickol, McHenry.. *40tf PIANOS 40 Miles From High Prices SPINET & GRAND PIANOS Baldwin, Kimball, Cable, Wurliteer, Oulbransen; Lester, Betsey-Ross; New and Used Call Elgin 780 DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago & Union 8ts. Elgin. III. Wahl's Office Equipment Sales New- Portable typewriters, adding machines, and cash registers. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Call Fox Lake 3148. *42 2 FOR SALE -- Beer - for" your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kilids of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 83tf NO. 1 APPLES $1.25 per bu. . . "Golden Delicious Jonathans . ••' Hwoet Cider and Apple Butter MOSSLEY HILL ARCHARD S. W. Corner of Route U. 8. 12 and 111. 82 „ Near ,Lake Zurich, III. ' * 42-5 FOR SALE-- Used Thor waslior; white enamel laundry tub. 20x21; modern oak extension table; oak china closet, trailer. Tel. McHenrv 263. 43 sCkan Clothe» VSMT Longer . . . . . . Clean Clothes Wear Longer « Helen Weber Says: Easter and Spring Housecleaning r Means Glean Clothes and Clean Home. Bring Your Clothes Drapes, Covers, Spreads, Curtains, und Rugs Hi NOW-- Don't * McHenry Cleaners Phone 164-M 103 Ela St XSeon Clothes Wear Long e f . . . C han Clothes Wear Longer BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WOR WICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry, Phone 275. 40tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Coruer of routes 120 and Wil son road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf USKP CAR 40 NASH 2 Dr. '39 CHRYSLER '38 DODGE ^ '37 NASH 37 PONTIAC T 37 FORD i '36 CHEVROLET Open Evenings k DOWNS NASH SALES jus ELM 49 NASH Amb. '49 NASH "600" \ '48 NASH ^Custom Amb^ '47 NASH "60a" -i '47 NASH Amb. ' - '46 NA^H "600" . '40 PACKARD Conv; ; PH«VI - "'"-- Also Towing Service XeHENRT 48i WANTED WANTED--llonie in family with children for 6 months old house broken puppy, part bird dog. All shots for distemper and rabies giv en. To Be Given awav. Tel. iMe- Henrv.853. , ' 41 LARGE AUCTION WILLIAM II. RCSSKLL MBd WILLIA> B. Sl'LLIVAJi Auctioneers FOR SALE--A corn porcelian gas stove. (Jood condition, $10.00. Li»xver (rear apt. Tucker Bldg.. Riverside ind Pearl Htreets. *43 POR SALE--One 9x12 Wilton rug and pa^; one 9\12 Ksiniuk rug; one inahoganv Duncan Py'fc table.- Phone Wonder Lake 880. 43 FOR SALE--English Pointer pups, pedigreed. Out of Bcrvity Top Flight. Ready for hunting in fall. Call McHenry 504 M 2. 43 FOR SALE -- Mueller coal fnriiifce. 24 inch with fan, motor and 'controls. Only $65.00. Phone 84-W„ *43 FOR SALE--Holstein bulls for sale. Kenneth ('rain. Wonder Lake. *43 FOR SALE--1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa. Hugh J. O'Brien, Phone Waueonda 231^ 4.'ttf FOR SALE--Hy-Line chicks mature rapidly, feather fast, develop into paving pullets and cockerels earlv. lly-Line chicks; bred like good hv lirid "orn, usually reach 50 per cent production in 5V. to months. Order your Hy-Line chicks from as now. McHenry Mills, Inc.. West McHcnrv. 111. Phone 815. 43 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Store basement 20x48 ft., heated suitable for, light maitu facturing. Located in Lily Lake on Highway 120. Call McHenry 615-R-2 between 5 and 7 p.m. 41tf FOR RENT--Apartment, one room with bath and shower. 110 kitchen; adults only. Apply at Buck's Town Club. Tel McHenry 12. 42 FOR RENT--Three large double sleeping rooms, one w'th private entrance; also two single rooms: reasonable rates, lei. McHenry 853. 42 FOR RENT ,<-- Furnished modem year around home, five rooms, oil iieat and ho< water. Overlooking Wonder Lakci, April 1 to October 1. \Vrrite M. D. Church, "Wonder Lake, Route 1, Ringwood, III. *43 FOR RENT--At Crystal Lake; near lake. 2-bedroom, modern home, available March 18; $80 per month. Call Crystal Lake 1370-R-2. 43 FOR RENT - Three large double sleeping rooms, one with private entrance; "also two single rooms; reasonable rates. Tel. McHenry 853. 43-2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Small house or apartment or would consider, a caretakers job witii living quarters for mididle aged couple, bfeet of ref erences. Call George Witt, McHenrv 571 R 1. *41-'2 WANTED TO RENT -- McHonry business man and wife wish to rent i"> or 7 room home, in or near Mc Henry. Can furnish best of reil erences. Pantrv- Delicacies, Phone 754. " ' • 42tf WANTED TO RENT--3 to 5 room house or apartment. In or-near Mc Henrv. Cau furnish best of refer ences. Phone Richmond 142 or write H. O. Box 205, Richmond. 43-3 WANTED TO RENT--Small house or apartment of would consider a c:1retakefs fob with living quarters for middle aged couple, best-of • references. Call George Witt, McHenry 57J-R-1. 43tf Wool fabrics have been unearthed in the ruins of villages inhabited by the Swiss lake dwellers ten thousand yeare ago. WANTED--Bookkeeping and general office work, experienced. C»l! Miss H. Zet'Imaier, Waueonda 5133. *41 WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with libera conimiiisions. Manufacturers rep re sentative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood' stock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41 tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 80. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) - 15tf WANTED TOBUY ANTED TO BUY -- all kinds poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf REAL ESTATE ALL YEAR HOM^o FOR SALE PISTAKEE; near Villa Club 5 rcoms, 2 large lots. Ideal location, Price $75,>0. WONDER LAKE; 5 rooms, oil heat , on Blacktop Road. Price'$7500. ORCHARD BEACH; 7 rooms, hoi air gas heat, iuclosed porcli, 2 tttr garage, extra lot for vegetulile garden, water front, A-l condition. Price, $10,500. McCULLOM LAKE; 1! room modem residence. Automatic Oil heat,'recreation room, large basement asbestos cement floor. 3 lots beautifully landscaped. This home must he seen to be appreciated. Price $10,500. For Apoiutmciit call" JACOB FRITZ REALTOR, in Johnsburg; Tel. McHenrv 37 jr Chicago, Lin colli 9 1333. " 3!)t f BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROP ERTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND ROAD. PHONE McHENRY 421-J, McHenry, III lltf SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE Homes, Remodeling. Roofing, Siding SPECIAL 7-Room Ranch Type Home $5,995.00 Terms on nil w^rk PR EE KSTI MATES Phone Wonder Lake <>0H after 5 " * PUN INS. OO. *43 4 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change In Schedule WESTERN UNITED GAS AND fcXECTKlC COMPANY hereby gives notice to the public that It has riled with the Illinois Commerce Commission oj n1 1 1Fc ebmru uamryj 15, 1950', . a .c ancel.l.a tion of Kates 91 (2), Gas service -- House Heating. This Is an obsolete rate under which no customers are being »ei ved Further Information may be obtained with respect thereto either from thts Company or by addressinK the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission ;it Sorlnjifleld. Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in schedule mav be Inspected by any Interested party at any business office of this Company. WKS^KKN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY /•/ C. E. COLLINS • Vice President . Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! . The undersigned, having sold his farm to Frank I'rban, will sell at Public Auction on the farm fornit-rly'known as the LEONAltDTl'UNER Farm, 4V& miles South and West of Hebron, 1% miles North and West of Woodstock. I1,*. West of 47 from Palmer's Corners, and 1 Vfe miles East of Woodstock -•-Alden Blacktop Road on Thursday, March 16 I1K0 commencing at 9:30 A.M., the following described personal property. towit: AS THIS IS POSSIBLY THE LARGEST SALE THAT WILL BE HELD IN McHENRY COVNTY IN THE SPRING OF. 1950, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START ON TIME. AT 9:30 O'CLOCK A.M. 82 HEAD of LIVESTOCK <-on*itttinfr of 46 rknlw llolNtriu Cows, 2 Brown Swiss Cows. This is 1111 outstanding dairy of om*. good producers, high test, lug. and a miniver of close sprint? cr« and fre^Ji cows by auction date. 13 choice 2 year old heifers, calf nood jkrciniited: 11 ((-months to > carl in? Iieifers. ealfhood vaeein nted. l |>ure bred Holstein Hull, 1 Holstein hull 1 year old; 1 Holstein bull 6 months old: 1 hall calf. Anyone desiring replacements or heifers for the bnildintr u|t of 11 iriiotl dairy of cows ran secure the right kind of dairy cattle at this sale. ....BECAUSE OF THE SIZE OF THIS SALE, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START SELLING THE LIVESTOCK AT 1 O'CLOCK. 5 choice brood sows: 1 boar. FEED 1800 bushels ear corn; 800 bushels oats; 15 ton second cutting alfalfa Jiay. baled; IS ton first cutting alfalfa liav. baled: 12 feet silage in 16 ft. silo: 1 ton cow mineral: ."> tons of straw. MArHIXKRY AMI MIH( KLLAM:OI S EQI IPMEBiT Model 20 Oliver Tractor and cultivator; W. C. 40 Allis Chalmers Tractor and cultivator; W.D. Allis Chalmers Tractor; Case 6' Combine, Model A, 2 yrs. old; Oliver 3 bottom 14" plow; McCormick Deering 2 bottom tractor plow 14"; Allis ChalmeTs 2 Bot. 14" rftow; McCormick Deerring T Tractor •Disc; John Deere single Tractor Disc; McCormick Deerhig Spring tooth Field Cultivator; 2 Colby .rubber tired wagons with steel boxes and hay racks; Gehl Hammer Mill with cutter hfead; New idea Manure Spreader on rubber; Qliver, Grain and Hay elevator with Hoist and motor; Allis Chalmers 2 row corn picker; Rubber tired wagon and box; McCormick Deering power corn binder; Papec Silo Filler; Allis Chalmers Roto Baler: Bundle Loader and Bundle CarrieT and Hitch; Allis Chalmers 4 bar Side Delivery Rake; Allis Chalmers power mower; McCormick Deering Horse Mower; John Deere Corn planter, with fertilizer: John Deere Manure spreader: 6r roll Appleton corn husker: Corn .shelter; Grain Blower; Fan Mill; International 3/4 Ton Truck; Buzz Saw; Brooder house; Hog house; Hog Feeder; Electric Clippers; Quantity of steel fence posts and wire; Quantity of lumber; 50' rubber drive belt. MILKHOl'SE EqriPMENT 3 sifigle DeLaval unit milking machine; 1 double unit Universal machine; 20 milk cans^ 2 electric water heaters; Pails and strainers; Cream seperator; Tank heater; Decor Sprayer. 9 foot Deep Freeze; Quantity of household furniture. Many Other Articles Too Numerous To Mention. THIS IS A IiARGE SALE, AND THE MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD IN THE FORENOON. SALE OF CATTLE WILL BE STARTED AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP. SENECA GRANGE WILL 6BRVE LUNCH TERMS- Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements are made tor credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. JOHN B. KOLNIK, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK. Clerking Mejnber Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 43-2 WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 POLITICIAN Here's the HORIZONTAL 1,4 Pictured politician 10 Gratuity 13 Excitement 14 Bird 15 Lyric poem 16 Distribute 18 Infants ^ 19 Enemies 20 South America (ab.) 21 Dance step 23 Australian A bird 25 Street C«b.) 26 Toupee' , 27 Urchin 29 Twi tirtnfi ' 3 1 J u m p s f - f j , ' 34 Rowing-stick 35 Rodent' / 36 Iron 39 Admi 41 Drink slowly 42Plaything 43 Spain (ab.) 45 Grain " 47 Male b'oCcp • 48 East Indies (ab.) Ty:-- 50 Sound . 52 Urn 55 Finishes 57 Age 58 Tell 60 Lubricant 51 Spider's hon.c 12 Makes spcech 13 Houte (ab.) VERTICAL 1 Jellies 3 Plan 3 Witticism , 4 Folio (ab.) 5 Skills 6 River (Sp.) 7 Fate 8 Otherwise 9 Biblical pronoun 10 Also 11 Roman date 12 Annoyance 17 Narrative poem 30 Conflict 32 Standard of value . 33 Pigpen 37 Father 19 Noxious odor 38 Er.emy agent AjToVJ 22 Era 24 Unit of wire measurement 26 Telegraphs, 28 Social event ,,46 Always 29 Upper part 47 Network of 39 Greek letter 40 Alaskan city 43 Boil slowly 44 Skin opening nerves 49 Prepare for publication 49 Island • Slterab 53 Winglit* 54 Was seated 56 Neither 58 International . language' 59 Ells Scotch, (ab.) f *1- 3H- / j K lii& TrSik £ m TV. AUCTION Located on Highway 176 (Ttorra Cotta Road), being 1 mile east of Crystal Lake, mile west of the intersection of Highway 31 and 176, 7 miles south of Mjcllenry, V4 mile west of Rieland and Bree liu plement store on Saturday, March 11 ( oiuiiieneiuK at 10:30 o'clock Ladies of Seneca lirange will Snir Lunch »8 HEAI> LIVESTOCK--80 Holnfeln row« and 1 (iuernsej cow. Consisting of H springers, N fresh past 44 days, balance milking irood, Holstein bull. Average herd test, X.H%. T. B. and Bangs tested. SAMPLE HORSE AMI TACK - Brown saddle stallion, weight*1,000 lbs.. 4 years old, gentle. 2 saddler., 1 bridle. HO(>S--4 purebred Hampshire sows, due to farrow early in April; 2 purebred Hampshire boars. POI'I-TRY--'.» New Hampshire pullets, 6 mated Rauen ducks. TRACTORS AND »ACHI?iERT new McD. "M" tractor, on rubber, starter, lights and fluid in tires; new J. D. "A" tractor, on rubber, starter, lights and fluid in tires: J. D "A" tractor, on rubber, starter lights atid fluid in tires (with new high compression motor); new J. D. 226 mounted com picker, J. D. 2-row power lift cultivator, McD. 3-bot. 14-in. tractor plow (on rubber), J. D. 2-bot. 16-in. tractor plow, J. D. 8-ft. tractor graih drill (with fert. and grass seed attachs.), new J. D. 4-row corn planter, new 4-sec. drag and a complete line of other machinery. FARM PROMTE--180 bushels wheat. 300 bushels barley. 1.000 bushels corn. 15 tons baled'1st cut alfalfa: 25 tons 2^id cut alfalfa. 5 tons clover hay. 15 ft. silage, 200 bales of straw. ,| I DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Surge milking machine. 4 single units, complete; Dairyland electric water heater, 40 milk cans, electric milk stirrer, electric clippers. TRl'i'Ji--Ford V-8 pick-up truck. MISCELLANEOUS--McD. 2 lip. gas engine. 2 new Jaiuesway feed carts, rubber tired wheelbarrow, overhead gas tank and t-tand. pressure tank, jet pump, 60 ft. endless belt. 2 electric fence controllers, barrels, motor oil, hay fork, 2 feed bunks, scales, stocktank, 2 sets of harness. CROWN BARN CLEANER Com plete with 2 electric motors (ex. cond.); power lawn mower, paint sprayer. SOME HOUSEHOLD MMIDS Including heating stove and 3'gas stoves (bottle and natural gas). llllllltllllllMIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIItllll'illilllUlll The Beautiful ELTOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. MrHonry' IV11. Leading Theatre Usual Public Auction Service Co. tenns. Net responsible in case of >1 accident. S. S. Fourman, Ownfr^l" I KI. - SAT^ MAK, 10-11 Ray Miliand Florence Marly .In - 7 -SEALED VERDICT" New Smeit Styfing-Mere for Your Money In the New COfiOnDDO Jubilee Model 94V O' Buy of th« Y*er O D*ubU Wall Tub e l«v*ll Wrine*r Washes a big 9 lb. wash iiiickly, gently and thoronghi! This Week's Special Aato Ironing Board - Pad and Coter Value-- $7.19 * SPEC IAL -- $5.45 Hie ffiendhr Store Rnt to Bank McHenry, lft AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION 13Y REASON OK THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PARTNERSHIP OF MAYER & ECKHOUSE, Cattle-DealerB of Libertyville. IUinois, the following assets; 1949 Dodge, one and one-half ton truck, 194S Dodge, half ton pick-up truck, ' 1948 International Tractor, Model H, with plow and cultivator, 1 Manure Spreader, 1 Gasoline Tank. will be sold at auction to the highest bidders for cash at the Charles Kerry Farm East of outdoor theatre, Route 120, Grayslake, Illinois, on Wednesday, March 15, 1950 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. . < jalios Mayor - Walter S. Eckhonse SI N. . MONm MAR. 12-1.1 Sunday ( on'l From SltS P.M. Olivia DeHat illaitd • Montgomery Cleft In fitxgerald and Whitman, Auctioneers Cry still take and DeKalb, III. Public Auction Ser Co. Clerk NOTICE OF CLAIM DATB Estate of Jaeolt Schaefer De- ••eased. Notice is hereby given to all persons tliat April 1^."»0, is the c)aira d:ite iirtlie^'xtsite or Jaeoli Sehaefer. IK-eeised, pending in the Cou.ity (\uirt of McHenry County. Illinois, and. tliat claims may be filM^ against the said estate-oir or l»efo* s»nid date wilhwithout issua'n e of* summons. FLORENCE W. (iRKCORY .. _• Exeeatot VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer, Crvstal Lakv, Illinois. 42-3 ' I 41 BIG SHIPMENT of Wisconsin Cows and --fieifert/ T.B. and Bangs Tested (Close-Up and Fresh) JULIUS MAYER HILLSIDE FARM ~"S. W. Corner Rt. 120 and 63 PHONE LIBERTYVILLE ^ »THi; HKIKKSS" What was the se<-ret behind the bolted doors of a Washington Mansion! TI ES. . WED. - THl RS. MARCH 1J-1&-16 Jane Havoc John Russell lu «fME STORY or MOLLY X" IIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK.illlllllllllUllltlllllllllllMMIIIIIl: Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FBI. - SAT„ MARCH HM1 loan Dai is Andy Devine tl) -XlilLTRAVELlNti SALESWOMAN" t.eiie A a try Sheila Ryan (2) -Ht LE TRAIN" Sl U. • HON. MARCH 13-18 In Color Charily Laughtoii Franchot. Tone Burgess Meredith "THE MAN ON THE EIFFEL TO WEB" World News and Carto«« TIES MARCH H (ONE DAY) (<eor)ce Raft Virginia Mmjm (1) "BED LIliHT" Jiinrs and Mairgle (2) "JAt KPOT JITTERS" WED. • TH1RSM MARCH 15-1C In Technicolor l.reer t.arson Errol Flynn Walter Pidfreon Robert Yona$ "THAT FORSYTHE WOMAN ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is not a dead language to us Oecause it is used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring your prescriptions to us NYE DRUG tttal4|r«CA Aqenc*} PHONE 26

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