Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1950, p. 7

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'IT;*w*7 ,3 \ „( .. _'. *j •••l i.*•t£.' #*• '* W '/*> r iJ - ,f "s "if *" f¥ iw> r?* "' *""••' • ;*v- *•• •'. > **#i W&w* THE MoHEHRYPLHNMAIJER 'i V® ' • $&:• Thmnd*jr, March t, 19C(fe INCOME TAX Contrffeitlon |l4 'amounts of money yMi pay to an organization incorporated for charitable, religious, scientific, literary, educational or govern- -.-'.'Jijaental purposes are deductible. ' frorided it is incorporated within - , ;|he Uaited States or any of its 'Aossessions or under their laws. Contributions must be'teade to an * Organization which does not dis- •trlbute its earnings to a specified (individuals only, or that is not * Iherely a political organization disgeminating propaganda or lobbying for or against local or national legislation. . :'5f The amount of allowable contri- •jfrutionfl may not exceed 15 per ; : v;|§ent of tlie adjusted gross income Ijm Line 6, Page 1 of the white ^ rorm 1040, and may be claimed t; «nly when itemized deductions are v I Indicated. They may not be claim- ;fd on the Yellow Form 1040, or '• Form 1040 when computing tax according to the tax table, since an ^0 allowance of approximately 10 per cent has been made in the tax table . for deductions. I A contribution must actually be aid and not merely pledged for hose who are on the cash receipts 'fend • disbursements basis, and also ;those who are on the accrual basis. • You cannot claim the value of any Service you render to a qualified organization. If you donate something besides cash (other than services) you nrtist have authentic [J^nippraisal of thfe property at the market value as on the date you donate it. When & partnership makes contributions, tfhe prorated share of these contributions is deductible on the income tax returns of the Individual / partners, according to the percentage of distributive income each member receives: and Is limited to 15 per cent of the adjusted gross income on the individual return of each partner. , When a husband and wife file a . Joint return the percentage of allowable contributions remains at 15 per cent of the adjusted grosq Income on Line 6, Page 1 of the white Form 1040, regardless of the amount in excess of the percentage of the income each may have contributed. Contributions to the following organizations are deductible: . Churches (not tuition you may pay for a child attending a church school.) U. S. war veteran ^and auxiliary organizations. Red Cross, Salvation Army, Volunteers of America and Community Chests. Religious, educational, scientific institutions and their alumni groups. Special Christmas funds or binds of similar nature established by clubs and lodges for charitable purposes (but not the dues to these organizations.) ' Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, Boy Scouts and similar groups. Daughters of the American Revolution and other group» which perpetuate the principles on which our nation was founded, and those of its states and otliear subdivisions. Some fantions 1. Do not send check, money order, postal note or return to ,tJif Chicago office when you are liable for filing in another collection district. 2. Do not send postage stamps hi lieu of payment of your tiix liability, because they are hot acceptable. 3. Do not send cash.. 4. Do not .ae^d a personal check with your return when yon do not have the funds in the bank to cover the amount. . 5. Do not send one check, postal note or money order to cover payment on several returns. Send a separate check, postal note or money order with each °return. 6. Do not send correspondence or returns intended for tfle Department of Revenue, State of Illinois, to the Federal Office of the Collector qf Internal Revenue, U.S. Court House. 7. Do not attach bills, protests, correspondence, etc., for a prior year to your 1949 return. 8. Do not send any remittances or correspondence without specifying the class of tax (income, estate, excise, narcotic, tobacco, etc.) and the year or period for which the remittance or correspondence is intended. that there is no transposition of figures. 13. Do not send in a bank cashier's check without indicating your name and address on the check or on a slip of paper attached to the check. Specify the class and period for which check is intended. Please do not forget that you must attach to your tax return every Form W-2 that you received from your employers, for 1949 salaries or wages. To prevent the loss of these Forms you should pin or staple them to your return. File early if you expect a refund. spros o?r THE FRONT PAGE Scarcely a newspaper or radio program but what has been giving potatoes pretty important space during recent weeks. They have literally heroine a political football. The subsidy program has resulted in the Government buying a good many potatoes and under recently announced provisions these potatoes can go back on the land for fertilizer. There are several reasons for such a surplus of potatoes. For one thing we do not eat aa many as we used to a few yeirS back. Per capita consumption is now approximately 100 lbs; a few years ago it was 120 pou'.ids and about the time of World War I it was ISO pounds. In tnaQy Kurop^an countries per capita consumption is from 400 to 500 pounds. Secondly, the science of potato production has gone forward by leaps and bounds. New varities, ' fertilizer,- mechanical spraying all coupled with a good deal of "know how" on the part of the producer, has increased yields to the nth degree., EMILY POST AT HOME BUT HSElI AT THE WHEEL 9. Do not fail to sign your personal check. 10. Do not make check payable to Commissioner of Internal Revenue. It should be made to the Collector of Internal Revenue. 11. Do not post-date your checks. 12. Do not send in your check without verifying the figures with the written amount, taking care MONEY TALK* Corn, dried fish, buuets, powder, hand-wrought tenpenny nails, and fire-water, or whiskey, were all used from time to time by the American colonies, but the most important forms . of uncoined money were wampum and tobacco. What makes an automobile driver an Emily Post as a host and a heel behind the wheel? The answer to that question would go a long way toward solving the traffic accident ^problem which brings death to more than 30,000 Americans every year, the National Safety Council says. Common courtesy is so important to safe driving that the month of March has been designated by the Council for a nationwide campaign on motor manners. The propaganda guns will be leveled at these six highbinders of the highway: GANGWAY «!*S -- This is the fellow who gallantly holds th« door open for the ladies or patiently waits his turn at a buffet luncheon. But at the wheel he's a "me-first" guy who bluffs out the right-of-way at every intersection, weaves and jockeys through heavy traffic and forces pedestrians to jump for their lives whett turning corners: . SI1> SfATBACli -- "What's the rish?" is his motto at home when it*s time to" mow the lawn or dress for dinner. Biit the minute he climbs in his car, every second counts. He roars away from stoplights. fudges on stop signs, slides his passenders off the seat when he stops, and on the open road kee|ta the speed needle around the 70 mark. KOMK1E KlLEROOk -- This character lectures his son op play ing the game according to the rules. At the bridge table he's a junior grade Culbertson when he quotes chapter and verse to his partner. But to him traffic regulations were written by dopes, an# he breaks them every time he thinks he can get away with it TOM TOOTER --• At home and in business, he believes that a "soft answer turneth away wrath' feut at the wheel he has a horn for m brain and blasts his way through traffic by sheer volume of sound. Many a pedestrian is prematurely gray from meeting him. BERT BULLHEAD -- This fellow can be either a driver or a pedestrian. He just won't give in to the other guy. He carries a great big chip on his shoulder and dares anyone to knock it off. But in the drawing room his friends think he is an agreeable cuss. GIL GALAHAD -- In his home, this fellow insists that you take the most comfortable chair or have the last piece of steak. But don't try to take the last parking space fronr him, or he'll lock fenders with you. at the drop of a hat. FOR SEPTIC TANKS & CESSPOOLS! LI A \kj M A K E Y O U R P R I V A T E H U I f S E W E R A G E S Y S T t M A WELL B A L A N C E D U N I T Order your rubber stamps at. The Plaindealer. Half Of Veterans Awarded Their CM Refund Checks ' GI life insurance refund checks have now been written for more than half the veterans who have gotten iu their applicati< ?>>; lor shares in the ?2,?00 000,000 dividend. Officials said this month that a tabulation A*, the close of operations showed the "treasury had mailed checks to 7,153,804 of the 14,225,000 men and women who have applied. The checks come to a total of $1,275,836,886.21 -- an average of about $180 each. Order your rubber stamps at The 'Plaindealer. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattle's Drug Store, McHenrv. 8-tf CLARENCE S SHOP Foil line -of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's - sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. .Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsbnrjr, 111 Phone 583-J-l Renew that subscripOoB ft Plaindealer now! W lif FROZEN FOOD ^• AV VVVVVVAV VAV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VVTTT UNCO BLEACH FOR ALL-AROUND !7C HOUSEHOLD • • <?T. • STL. NESTLFS MORSELS SEMISWEET 7-OZ. PKG. Track Lettering • • Show Card»^- Window Lettering Silk Screen Printing SIGNS Bcotphlite Reflective Signs McBENRY SIGN SERVICE PHONE 440-R FOX STREET Ct$SfO°L • Starts Septic Action' • Stimulates Bactefto -jM| e Eliminates Odors'* Camp Cesspool and Septic Tank Conditioner worin ow ft nprtjrffcn principle. It ttertl Mpnc Action Immediately. tt corrects the chemical structure of the material in the cesspool or ttptic tank. It feeds the bac- *Ate. C-- N t . O f f . k t . its. tat. Off. M«i teria and they work and raptodec* by. jh* minkxwjo convert sludge jinto Hqud. if nwr t--psuf or septic Soak is too small for your reqwii---->s,«se Conditioner and see remits. 3, 6. 12, AND 30 LB. C0NMIMBS ALTHOFFS HDWE. 20c " KOSTO BRAND--FAVOIMTESI LEMON PIE FILLING PUDDINGS, VANILLA. CttQC.. TAPIOCA PUDDING PXG. 8e UfiBY BRAND BABY POODS APPROVED CY DOCTORS 3$ JARS . FLAVORKIST BtliR CHOKIES TASIY RICH 10-OZ. IN MOTE* • PKG. 27 PLANTER'S PHONE 284 WEST McHENRY, ILL. t % Here's the best and most at lowest cost car S: I > Hm Stylel ine Pe Iw 4-Poor Sedas ^ W* ^ ^ ^ . ... .. ._ Jm CHEVROLET FIRST... and Finest... at Lowest Cost! dwvraUh/i Hi* only cor that brings you those outstanding features at /owes# prices . . . NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER • NEW TWO-TONE FISHER INTERIORS • CENTER-POINT STEERING • CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY • LONGEST, HEAVIEST LOWPRICED CAR • CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES with Dubl-Ltfe rivetless linings • EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWN--OPERATE--MAINTAIN. POWER£FFIA& AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION iCombination of Powerglide Transmission and 105-h.p. I engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. This car alone prcrrfdes the trim and tailored beauty of Body by Fisher, at lowest cost! This car alone offers a choice of the finest in automatic or standard drives, at lowest cost! This car alone gives all the advantages of Valve-in-Head Engine performance--including the most powerful engine in its field--at lowest cost! And so it goes through every phase of motor car value; for only Chevrolet offers so many features of highest-priced automobiles at the lowest prices! Come in and see the Chevrolet for '50-- fir$t and finest at lowest cast! v XLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 377 McHENRY, ILLINOIS V mmiL PEANUTS ,or «Kc • » e e TIN qgqj HERB-OX BOUILLON CUBES |A( • • • PKG. IU GRAND FOP SOUPS OR GRAVY SWIFT'S KEATS FOR BABIES oz AAC * • TIN YOUR CHILD J'/2-OZ. Wttt LOVE IT LUX TOILET SOAP •ATM ||C «; • • *• SIZE || RICH LATHSR ^ALWAYS A GOOD BUY! BREEZE FOB YOUR DiSHKl R • e e e PKG. GERBER'S OATMEAL FOR YOUR ' 8 OZ. |Qg BABY e e e e e PKG. 18 FOR LESS WORK USE-- SILVER DUST A TIME SAVER GIANT P^E • • e e • PKG. Q F PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP SH A «ES AA( • e il CAKES STAY FRESH LONGER WISCONSIN MILD Customers CHE0DAR CBEESE 1/ Corner ITS NEWI AMERICAN OR PIMENTO (IHMII la MM wiile:» do bMlaait. W» try to MT* that rotiag by RIOIN( HM tollowiaq thingt: I. Giving o«r cntom »ri fooj t*M Mrvlc* et low rlco. •olinq booottly Md loir I y with oar catt o e i i r t , o a r ptiori, and oar rotitor*. araishlae |«k* ana g< aiti*s 'for advaaeoant to tha local cltiioa* wko work for us. 4. Coo ptritlif ia worthy title ectlvt* ttoi. Aro wi food cHhm la your town? If aot, wi weuM comieor It t favor if yoa woaM M as kaow. PtaaM wrHo: eatfoiMrt ••feftoas Dopertinoat Air Pee4 Stores 410 UiMm Awoaee New Verb 17. N. V. CRTAM RICH Cottage Gheesr. •ORDEN'S OR PHILADflPHIA Cream Cheese.. 2 KRAFT AMERICAN ' Grated Cheese... • CTN. Li. CHEB-0-BIT CHEESE FOM r 2ie DAIRY MANO SALfSO Oft UNSALTBt Whipped Buffer... 37' 3-OZ. PKGS. FROM NEAR-BY FARMS 31' Large Fresh Eggs Dozen IN CTNJ 2-OZ- 1R« PKG. 19 J feCTN. S VARIETIESSWIR'V CHEO-O-HT " Cheese Spread t is 29* Cheese Footf . WISCONSIN SHARf _ KRAFT'S VELVEEtA * ^ Cheddar Cheese... u. 69* Cheese Food.... 75* FRESH. HOMOGENIZED Fresh Milk , Canned Foods COLD STREAM IRAN0 P i i k . i f t i W i 3 l e PACKED IN OILI Maine SaNinot 3 *tms 23c THANK rOU IRAND Blaokborrios NO Tm 19c SLICED, CHUNKS. 0EMS. CRUSHED Dolo Pintapplt NO MOTT BRAND Apple Juiaa BROADCAST BRAND Pifs Foot BANQUET BRAND Cut-up Chicken MADISON BRAN0 Dlir Pickles nN227c 25c .....^r 27# 78c IVORY BRAND |T _ FLOATS BATH SOAP 2 BATH A7C CAKES £ § KEEK NICE THINGS NtCt! RINSO RINSO WHITE. RINSO BRIGHT • PKG IVORY BRAND SOAP FLAKES CLEANS CLOTHES CLEANER • • • • PKG. 26° A GREAT PRODUCT D U Z v IT DUZ •• . EVERYTHING^* • PKG. 26 moz. ... .JAR 27c Preserve . . . 8 SNIDER BRAND Tomato Catsup NEW LOW PRICE Campbell's Soup 2l0riNOsz 33c ££$1.00 '%?? 17o BAKED TREATS! MARVEL POPPY SEED--RROWN N' Servo Rolls <#£ 17c MARVEL WHITE-MOWN ;N' Serve Rolls <£?; ISc 0 S • • JANE PARKER J«UY »UE0 OonutS PKC OF ;29c Super-Right Meats Ready to Eat or Smoked Picnics lb. 35c Corn King Sliced Bacon .. Wilson's Bacon Squares... Cap'n John's Fish Fillets Ocean Perch 1 lb. Pkg. 45c Cod Fillets 1 lb. Pkg. 43c Hadock Fillets 1 lb. Pkg. 53c Salom Steaks 1 lb. Pkg. 63c Jumbo Shrimp 1 lb Pkg. 89c SLICED Halibut Steaks 1 lb Pkg. 59c A&P COFFEE! MILD AND MELLOW Eight 0'Clock iaI 07c RICH ANO ^ULL^OOLIO Red Circle . £« 70c VIGOROUS ANO WIN** Bokar .... J»£g 72C lb. 43c lb. 23c A VALUE SPIC and SPAN NO 'ING < EASY TO LINIT STAI SAVES TIME 0K 12-OZ. AND WORK "WHITE FOR LIE!" OXYDOL USE " OXYDOL • * • PKG. 26* FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES CALIFORNIA . , EATING ORANGES'" WIXKSAP EATING APPLES FRESH SPINACH FLORIDA CUCUMBERS CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE FLORIDA CELERY McCLURE POTATOES "snas Dos. 39c 200 SI2B Dot. 53o . t lb. Box 87e 10 ox. Bag lde 2 For 23B Lg. Size 2 For 2 For _ 10 lb. Bag 49o TIME SAVING FOR YOUR DISHES V EL m, 4£< • PKG. £ Q A SUNcR.VALUEl supeft SUDS FOR A^ClPER 26e WAfltf • • • • PKG NEW MIRACLE CLEANSER CUTS FAST MAX CLEANSER 6MAH A arc • • • ^ CANS GARDEN BRANO TEA NAPKINS 10* B0 COUNT • • • • • HCG CUTS WASHING IN TWO , 1 TOPS FOR LAUNDRY F A B 26® CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES 26' GRAND FOR DAINTY THINGS'* HCG A VALUE! | STRONGHEART OORAX DOG FOOD HOUSEWIVES R-OZ. • > FAVORITE • • • KG Wc FOR YOUR A*5^-OZ.A||C j PET • • • TINS £9 I " •"'f w vanf."

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