Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1950, p. 11

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T " \ - * * , k - . - ' * ; - ^.tt^ s k i Y PLAINDEALER ^V". - ^':'^Mf SELF PROPELLED CAR TESTED BY C 6r N. W. hek-i»roi>elle<i railway passenger | suburban servic e ol Chicago aiu: v inatically air-conuttioneG and has car which is being tested during | North Western Railway Company I seating capacity for ninty pessen- lie week of February in The car diesfl-powercd. auto I ggeerr:s . *»•»• •!• K1 •!'•!•• »•!• '1'•!*• *i •!• I-i- News From Wonder Lake i (by Vane8f,e Sells.) The board of the Indian Ridge ^Improvement Association nu t at the- home of Guy O. Henderson Saturday aiglit. Present were : Allan Scliinike, Karen Widen, i'aui Matz^Jane Setzler, Steve Vacula and Henry Setzler, president of the organization. Guests present included Charles Miller, Percy Cormier and Wilhelm Martin. - . * Prior to the regular meeting, a general discussion with the guecsts and directors all participating was held on the condition of ilie roads. About seven very bad mudholes ™™JKill be fixed; general graveling of all roads will be done as soon as the weather permits; and two more dry wells will be constructed. ----Steve Vacula will advertise for bids on these dry wells in the very near futui^e. During"' the meeting which followed the discussion, all recommendations were incorporate^ into the official business. '0 All other organizations- have been notified that the annual picnic of the association will take place July 22-23, A general spring meeting of all property owners in Indian Kidge has been set for May 2JS, the time and place to be announced later. county is now financially ready to assist anyone who is a heart, speech, or limb cripple. v Carl Durkee, psychologist and consultant to the 'teachers of Ale- Henry county, will speak Tiiurs- Iday evening to the members of the Community Club. Mr. Durkee will tell of the adjustments necessary j in the lives of children and the importance of cooperation between the school and the home. The meeting starts at 8 p.m. in the school. The Community Club's resale shop will officially open for business on Saturday between the hours of 10 and 4. Many fine bargains in childrens' and adults' clothing will be available. Proceeds front the sa(es go to the school. So much interest has been showa ** Iff tile tumbling classes being con- --ducted each Saturday by Freil Zandier, physical education instruc- ^tor at Harrison school, that a preschool group is being organized. The little folks are to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marl is Hansen at 11:15 a.m. Saturdays and participate in instruction for a full half hour. Those interested fcj these classes can contact Airs. Hansen, either in person or by ..telephone. School-age children nieet at Christ the King chijroh at 9 a.m. Saturdays! c Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Tallmnn left Sunday for Marietta, Ohio, where Mrs. Tallman caught a plane for Stonington, Conn., the, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rao^ Delagra'nge. Mrs. Tallman expects that some type of service will be held in honor of her brother, Reginald Delafcrange. who disappeared following a-plat^e crash a week ago Saturday. Bife of one plane, which is telieved fo have fallen into the sea, have been washed ashore. The four flyers in the two planes involved ar^ believed to have perished. The Tatlman children are staying with Ifriendrf here in Wonder Lake: Jack with Leonard fTaughts. Sue dividing her time with Ruth Redman and Velma Sinclair. BKIKIIES^. „ Joanne Resheske and Peggy Selsdorf, were present at a'pajama party held at the home of Faith Langworthy, Hueman subdivision, McHenry, on Friday night. The party was to honor the birthday of Nancy Sieinon and Kay Freund, both of whom are celebrating their seventeenth birthdays this week-- The all-star basketball game last Thursday at McHenry high school might have been called the Wonder Lake stars, there Were so many Wonder Lake girls on the teams. Mary Boldt, Joanne Resheske, Peggy Selsdorf, Esther Steinle and Uarbara Smale were all on the sophomore team with Joanne making top score. Sally Smale and Joan P.iggers were on the. senior team, with Joan top scorer. The sophomores won over the freshmen, 20-11; the juniors trounced the seniors, 20-14--Barbara Sellek was official storekeeper.-- Mrs. P. L.. Cormier has been laid up with a strep, throat. McHenry. Monsignor Nix has been «away enjoying a much needed rest. . Gospel Center News In spite of treacherous roads in our hills last Sunday, there was a good turnout, to Sunday School and Services. A number of visitors from Chicago and Aurora were with us at the morning service. We had a very good representation from the Gospel Center at the Youth for Christ Rally i« the Woodstock Free Methodist church last Saturday the eleventh. The program given was indeed something extraordinary. This week, beginning ' Wednesday, the fifteenth, there are special meeting being held here, every night, including Saturday, at 8:30 o'clock. Our Guest speakers and musicians are 'The King's Men" <Lind(|uist Brothers) of Chicago. They will also be with us over next Sunday, the nineteenth, at .10 and 11 a.m. Their program of music, chalk talks and object lessons, is riot "only interesting but also constructive, with a definite spiritual emphasis. A Gospel and Christ-centered ministry. It is something both young and old want to hear. It's a real treat. You can't afford to nviss it. Come, and bring a friend.. riirlst the King Church Hop-along Cassidy and bring that Beautiful Doll to the corned beef and cabbage dinner Friday evening. March 17. This will J>e our las.t invitation, will you accept? -Serving hours: 6 to .8:30 p.m. Fr. J. A. Vanderpool has be-en saying daily mass at St. Mary's, IHES OF mrRlKS Charles Porep. .".5. Walworth, Wis., who was critically injured in an auto-truck crash early Friday morning, died at 3:30 a.m. Saturday in the Harvard hospital. Porep lost an arm and leg in the accident, which occurred on Rt. 14, a short distance north of Harvard. He was driver of an auto which crashed into two trucks. His companion, William Kolls, 22, Harvard, was also injured. Dry Perlad Experiments show that a young Cow needs 70-75 days dry period, -and older cows need 40-45 days dry period. It has been proved that by decreasing the length of the dry period you decrease th« milk production during the next lactation period. ' Complete line of Lee's poult, reined vs at Wattles Drug Store. M Ffpurv •» • Have you seen the 4-H display in the window of the -Wonder Lake ^Builders and Supply Co.? Created by three of the local 4-H'ers, it will be photographed this Thursday, to be used in the'photogravure section of the monthly publication put out by the Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois. The Easter seals have jtowHwit These are the seals which aid -erippled folks throughout the United States. A unit in McHenrv FLOOR TILE ASPHALT and RUBBER also PLASTIC WALL TILE J. M. STANGARONE 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, 111. IT'S TRUE! MONEY REALLY DOES GO 0 LOOKING FOR PEOPLE : MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION PftAGJUyiEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop - \ Fish Fry on Fridays » This is a story about looking for people. Tracers Company of America announced completion of a search In which is has located over $3,000,000 lor 45.000 persons who never dreamed their moldy stocks were worth anything. "There are at least 800,000 other puzzled Americans who hold such obsolete stacks," observed George A. Parker, financial expert and general manager of the New York City firm. "These individuals do mii know the value of their old fancy paper. Dormant or extinct ->tocks do not appear on any stock, curb or over-the-counter listings' Hence, their owners are convinced hey have no value." But there are thousands of cases in - this stock /-researcher's expert? ence that prove thenj wrong. 1 ntii-' viduarrequests to check these apparently lifeless securities have ecoveied anywhere from*"$50 to *»<i,000 for their o.Wiiers. ' "It is a shari»e;"\ Parker//-skill. That such a host - of good Amf r. can citizens many o£ iheni widows and others in moderate circumstances -dt> riot kl)ow .Uu\\ have much-needed money coining t» them." He added that the story of this three-year search, which is only the beginning • of a much lengthier one, woilld fill a book. "It is the dramatic story of an • unending • stream of oid. heavily thumbed and dog-eared securities from all over the nation, posing over my desk." Parker wuigp*Nii. All these were sent in by hopeful individuals for Parkers researching-- he has facilities for checking any stock or bond dating as far back as 1S60, Some of them, the--expert -carefully pointed out, are indeed worthless. But many others paid,off with an unexpected bonanza for their owners. One of these was a bond datng back to 1872. Files of Tracers Company show that people in every state in the union profited from this recently awakened curiosity in supposedly worthless securities. There was H. M. Mathews of Clendale. Calif., who dug three^Torgptten bonds out of his attic. They had been issued by the Ogdenhurg & Lake Champlain Railway Company, which went into trusteeship in 1930 Tracers revealed to Mathews that his bonds were worth monev -a total of $r»47.r.O. ~ In Ohio there was Mrs. Jessie 11. Holden. who wrote that she had accidently burned up 2..r>00 shares of stock in the Preston Oil Company. which she had bought at two cents a share in 1924. Tracers Company determined for her that they were worth $i.r>0 plus 50 new shares in accumulated dividends and conversions. In connection with this case. Parker pointed out that even if a stock is lost or destroyed, there is usually a record of legal ownership and the legal owner ran collect full value. --- -n,e Safest Way M '* AT/OM NICK KELLER WILL AGAIN SEEK RETURN TO ILLINOIS HOUSE State Representative Nick Keller (Republican, Waukegari) recent l.\ announced his candidacy for return to the Illinois i*.ouse oL. Representatives Keller represents the Eighth Senatorial district. com posed of Boone. Lake and McHenry counties. , , Dujring the last session of the General Assembly lieprOocntatiw Keller introduced anu se.-ured the passage of several bills of particular interest to |he> voters in his district. Among other laws he sponsored and secured the passage of i.<: hill which improved' the police pension act with- ttve olijectHif M ' suring its solvency. , V, , safety.- •"/ O ut of the total nuinber. ^ sixteen bills he sponsored or sponsored t during the "leven became law. Representative Keller has resented his district for the ^ seven sessions of tlur legislature. !'uring this time he has been peciaily interested ifi ail active legislation related to establishing -ij »-o:>d pension Iuvvs for various -tate. county and municipal ployees, / strengthening the njon school system, legislation aidi. u the teaching profession, encouraging and aiding small bus- !iT-ss. elimination of racial andSft; religious 'discrimination. aiding . tabor, protecting fish and game nd encoiinigmg the creation of*^ state parks.«and recreation in his • i:strict . . . / ,//, ;:v//y;'^:v •• Orange Juice on of frozen trated orcnge juice has increased *. / r£p:'dly during .the last few years and resetted a/ total"of. 10 \3.Uqns ' las&ison • rS-' '< :* v."V '• • ' " -'::r America's school cliiliiren boug1' about 1. s. ; Saving - Stamps in ilie past school years, the Treasury department state*, in addition to a lar^e number of I S. Savings Bonds with saved up stamps. -a*"-'- _ . Read the Want,Ads! , Wool Fiber* The scales on wool fibers overlap like shingles or fit into each other like tiles. Wool fibers grow in groups of five to 12 in the skin Complete line of1 Lee's poult/ry irettiedies n't 'TSXttiey i)ru{* Store. •McHenry.. N t f QT. WHITE ENAMEL, Reg. 1.98 .154" SASH BRUSH, Reg. 1.09 COACH HKNHJSS O.. C. (Dixie) O'Hara. head basketball coach assistant football coach at the Woodstock Community high school for the past ft ... years, extended his resignation -at a meeting of the high school board of education last week It was accepted. . truck? on fO Leghorn Fleck About 60 to 75 per cent of a White Leghorn flock should be pullets, since pullets of good quality are usually more profitable as layers than are yearlings and two-year* old hens. You will be surprised at the money you can save by trading now--more surprised at the way 'Jeep' Trucks cut hauling costs to the bone. If your present "equipment needs frequent Tcpairs or service, don't drive it another day without getting our high-dollar appraisal. McHENRY GARAGE WILLYS OVERLAND SALES " TELEPHONE 403 ^ 604 FRONT ST. MtfflENRY, ILL, REGULAR 3.07 Buy the new, non-yellowingf wMto HOMEguard enamel, and a balanced brush, and SAVE! You need both! COVERS WALLS AND WOODWORK ! HOMEguard ONE COAT FLAT An oil base paint. One coat does the job. Easy to apply. Week-End Specials CLOPAY DRAPES Ohwicc of M.niy 1'attorns Rt»^. 7J*o pr. 3 pr. $1. OVENEX Kitchenwam Choice of ' J.elly Cake Pan Oblong Biscuit Pan Tea Hiscuit Patt __-- Reg. 2">c Value CHOICE 19c each 3 0^ (ja mE(c4. a u t h o r i z e d DEALER W Next Door To Bank McHenry ItCKErHIDUGTIOH 69E8 UP 1..'ROCKET*PRICES 61 DOWN! lM£ff PMf Mlfff HEAR THE KING'S MEN (Mn<l<|ui*f Brothers i>f r>Jcntro) - • At the Gospel Center -- Wonder Lake MARCH 15--19 - Every Night at 8 o'clock Stirrintr Tesiiinonhils Chalk Talks - Object Lesson*) Sinfrbiff the Old ami New Gospel Sonirs with Accordian and Guitar Music ------A Real Treat -^r-.Don't Miss It "rr-- COME! B r i n g a F r i e n d . COME! Hy+*-Mmic I), Nou>. . . yon can buy the action »'« flf the higfti way .a«t a netv UI nvpri.c• e!r rTnh an1k s. tAo,. AthL_e e_ n_«t.h• us•i a_ .s*t?i c reception- ami Overwhelming popularitv of the flashing new Futuramic "8H." Ohlsinoliile iioh offers this lowest-priced "Kocket" Kn«rine car at an even lower price! .Now you can thrill to the. "Rocket" Engine's smooth-surging res|ionsfrff at a lower price! Now you can enjoy the super* FLASH) JUST ANNOUNCED . NMOthiHH, the estra driving rase of new Whirlaway Hvdra-Matic Dri.e -at a lower price! Now all the flowing lifauty of Foturainic stvling, the cushioned comfort of Oldsinoltilc's "Air-borne ri.:»" ib yours at a lower price! This is truly the value "1. ;.sijline -*f the year! But don't t^e our word, tsi've • ':«;*!!. Iiake a date with the brilli«iiit-qe» "Jo <ur Oldsinobile dealerV! • p ~ A GENERAL MOTORS *" ' OLDSMOBILE ON ON see IfitMlIk ItclH R. I. OVERTON motor SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 -- McHENRY, ILL.

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