Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1950, p. 5

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<***£**& rix**. ar *»*»•»• ^^iF'-1 *££;**** • " " ••• • * •'•'•' • - . . . .V"', , " ** A *"?T TOT HCKWSY PLAIHDEALHt ^-^-Thursday, March 16; 1950 CLASSIFIED IOESOI IOBOI M HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry PubiBshing Company,' Inc. BUSINESS SERVICE <t NATIONA4 EDITORIAL LAMP SHADES--Don't forget your shades when you £|>ring dean. Will re-cover tliem regardless of size or shape. For more information, rail j Mrs. t'seinan, phone" MeHeurv 6M0-W-1. • *43;i |Asg»cgT0M m. BURFEINDT, Gen. Mhnager. >I)ELE FROEHLICH, Editor. i; Entered as r second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., Under the act of May 8, 1879. % SUBSCRIPTION HATE < 1 Tear ... t&Stt / ' Plaindealer Want Ads .• • • *• . No ads counted less than 25 v; irords. 75c minimum. V • : .;,jl insertion : 75c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge *on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading'notice 15c per" line. 9 Waiit Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE--1948 Crosley Station Wagon, like new. Call Mcllciirv 530-M-l *4:5^ TOR SALE--1940 Poutiae Tudor Sedan. Tel. McHenry 403, McHenry a Garage, (504 Front St., McHenrv, 9 v 44tf FOR SALE-- 1947 Nasli sedanctte, fully equipped low milage, excellent condition, reasonably priced. Also black coat, fox trimmed, size 14, elieap. Phone Mellenj-y <>34-R-2, *44 FOR SALE-- Auto glass for all cars. Community Auto Supply, phone Mellenrv 778. 44 BUSINESS SERVICE COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tf K XPERT PIANO AND OROAN TUNING--R epairiug and Refinitdiing, work fully guaranteed. Used gianos for sale. E. Zabotli, call 04)1- lect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean woodwork, floors, windows, walls • Daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally- Reasonable prices. McIIenry Janitor Service, Hon Dewey, Mgr. Phone Mclleniy 430-J. 32tf FOR BABY SITTERS--In your neighborhood, call Pre Teen club, the Toddler Shop, McHenry, 746. 38tf HAVE YOWE CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff. Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. " 26tf RESALE SHOP -- A-t Harrison school, Wonder Lake, opens March IN. Many fine bargains available. Look tlieni over' between the 1h>uiof 10 and 4. 44 "^helFWANTSD RfcLP WANTED--Jobbers to call 011 Auio Stores and Filling Stations selling reputable products. High commissions with good chances for advancement, Write , ii. Duane Fowler, Box . 334* Woodstock or Phone "464-JX. 40tf WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS We hjtre openings now for women and girls to sew ladies apparel, learn while you learn simplified sewing taught by the assembly line sys tem. 40 hour week. No Saturday Vvork. Vou cannot earn less than 75c per hour but can make a lot more, depending 011 you. Pleasant surroundings. Apply in person at our office for an interview. RIVERSIDE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 200 Riverside Drive.... McHenry, 111. 43 tf FOR 8AT«B -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formats. "This clothing in good condition." Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 pjn. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. R. l>ietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and ResaJle, *4 inilo west Terra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346-11 1. 32tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. , 7tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; ul> help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can^de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing'. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'K STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mellenrv. Phone 275. 40tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wil sou road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf HELP WANTED--New industry, in town, wants men and women to work in assembly line, light work; good wages; good hours. Business .•pens April 1. Write Box 42 care of Mellenrv Plaindealer. *44-2 HELP WANTED -- Girl or young ••voman wanted for generkl- .'store work.. Experience helpful, but not lecessary. Bolger's Drug. 44 FOR SALE WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New liue of re movable flav and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acmc metal. Sterling V'indow Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640_ W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or MeHeurv 651 M l Fri. evening. Sat. i.-r Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27tf FOR 8ALK -Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed- by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call l^eo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition part® for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf FOR SALE -- A vacuum cleaner eliminator Rexair. the Water machine. Service'--supplies. -Carl Bar uiekol, McHenry. ,--__l40tf HARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of jour garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274,'McHenry, Phone 365. tf ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE - Records Installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. El mer P. Adama, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 596-. 30tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phoiis 808-W 526 Washington St. Woodstock, HI. 30tf C. D. KINSEY - • _ - Contractor and Builder fTHomes, Remodeling, Cabinet Work Estimates Given Phone 893-J *39 8 FOR THAT SPRING DECORATING-- i >apcr hanging and painting, see Joseph M. Freund, 700 Center Street pr call 93-J. .' *44-4 PIANOS 40 Miles From High Prices SPINET & GRAND PIANOS Baldwin, Kimball, Cable, Wurlitzer, Gulbransen; Lester,. Betsey-Ross; New and Used Call Elgin 780 DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago & Union Sts. Elgin, 111. FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where stood fellows meet; all kinds of Wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf NO. 1 APPLES $1.25 per bu. Golden Delicious Jonathans Sweet Cider and Apple Butter MOSSLEY HILL ARCHARD S. W. Corner of - Route U. 8. 12 and. III. 22 Near Lake Zurich, UL 42-5 3 H. P. SEA KING OUTBOARD MOTOR & STAND Perfect running condition -- Used Less than 50 Hours . fhcap if taken at once Phone 170 .or 678-M-2 tf Chan Clothe* Wear Longer ...... Clean Clothes Wear tonge* Helen Weber Says: TO BE CLEAN FOR EASTER and GLEAN FOR SPRING Get Busy Now and and ' ^ Bring It In McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 103 Elm St. Wear Long** FOR SALE--1st and 2nd cuttiug alfalfa. Hugh J. O'Brien, Phone Waucouda 2317. 43tf FOR SALE--Studio console piano, like new. priced reasonably. A. J Schneider, 500 Mill street, McHenry. Phone 53-R. 44 FOR SALE--Complete line of mufflers. tail ,pipe and exhaust pipe. Community Auto Supply. Phone 778. 44 FOR SALE--Sofa-bed covered in brown plastic leather suitable for child's room, recreation room, porch or trailer; good condition $15.00. Small lounge chafr, two mouths old. spring seat, upholstered in ivory Duran plastic, #20.00. Call 223 M. *44 FOR SALE -- Electric portable washing machine, reasonable. See L. Nimsgren, 105 Broad Street. *44 FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter 1946 model. Good Condition. Call 775 J. *44 FOR SALE-- Dresser, chifferobe, bed, dining room table and chairs. Mrs. Jacob Bickler, East River Road. Tel. McHenrv 276-R. 44 FOR SALE--Mueller coal furnace. -4 inch with fan, motor and con trols. Cheap. Phone 84-W *44 FOR SALE--Chinese Ming trees Lovely: for table or .fireplace decoration. Mrs. Ben Conuer, Rt. 31 Phone McHenrv 611-M-2. *44 FOR SALE--^-Barber shop and baild ing about 18x24. Lease can be secured on present location for 2 years. See Fred Kamholz, West McHenry, 111. *44 FpR SALE--Youngstowir kitchen equipment. For free estimates and information on models, call Rich tnond 649., Write Weldon Andreas." liingwood. 111. 44- USED CAR SALE CHOOSE A USBP CAR 49 NASH Amb. '49 NASH "606° '48 NASH Custom Amb. '47 NASH Amb; : ' . '46 NASH "600" *40, PACKARD Conv* V 40 NASH 2 Dr. 'S9 CHRYSLER '38 DODGE -37 NASH V ! ^ PONTIAfe 37 FORD LARGE AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL and WILLIAN B. SI LLIVAN Auctioneers FOR SALE--21 ft. Universal house trailer, gas stove, uses propane or butane, ice box, sleeps four. Telephone McHenry 799-R. * *44 FOR1 SALE---Residence; 6 rooms, bath; 2 screened-in porches: full basement with laundry; hot water heat. Garage 22x2<»: two chicken houses 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. bv 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to.sell. 715 Ceuter St., West McHenry. Owner on premises. Tel. 278 J. * 44tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-- Three large double sleeping rooms, one with private entrance; also two single rooms; reasonable rates. Tel. McHenry 853. 43 2 .FOR RENT -- Forty acres plow land; barn and silo. Three miles from Richmond, Phone Graeeland 2-*281. '44 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- McHonry business man and wife with to rent 6 or 7 room home, in or near Mc Henry. Can furnish best of ref erences. Pantrv Delicacies, Phone 754. " 42tf WANTJD TO RENT--3 to 5 room house or apartment. In or near Mc Henry, (.'an furnish best of refer Alices. Phone Richmond 142 or write P. O. Box 205, Richmond. 43 3 WANTED TO RENT--Garage near McHenry Plaindealer office. Phone 170. 44tf Need rubber stampsT Order at The Plaindealer. 4 '* Prepare Your Car For Spring We have a Complete Line of Parts for All Makes and Models Community Anto Supply Rts. 110 and SI ' Phone 778 "Little Store Wlth'A'Bffc Snppl)" Evenings; i;P DOWNS NASH SALES M6 £L» STREET PH0>E McUEi\Rr 48X Also Towing Service -- ' % WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal comminsions. Manufacturers representative. R. Dtiane Fowler. Wood stock, Box 331, Phone 464 JX. 4Itt" WANTED--Watches and Jewelry, repai'. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf WANTtD-- Part Time miscellati eous bookkeeping or typing to do at home. Will pick up, and deliver. Write Box"'339 McHenry Plain dealer. 44 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Work wanted, farmer, experienced, married and two small children. References. Write John Gowey, Box 52. Wales, Wise. *44-2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607 J-2. 35tf WANTED TO BUY--Home in or near McHenry. State price and location. Write care McHenry Plaindealer, Box 43. *44 WANTED TO BUY Used Baby bed, uiattress. Call 170 Saturdav 8 to 4:30. 44 ALL YEAR HOtt&S FOR SALE FlSTAKEE; near Villa Club 5 rcoms, 2 large lots. Ideal- location, Price $7500. ^ WONDER LAKE: 5 rooms, oil heat, on Blacktop Road. Price $7500. ORCHARD BEACH; 7 rooms, hot air gas heat, inclosed porch, 2 car garage, extra lot for vegetable garden water front, A-l condition, Price, $16,500. McCULLOM LAKE; 6 room modern residence. Automatic Oil heat, recreation room, Jarge basement asbestos cement floor. 3 lots beautifully landscaped. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Price $19,500. For Apointmcnt call JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37 or Chicago, Lin coin «9 1333. 39tf SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE < Homes, Remodeling. Roofing, Siding SPECIAL 7-Room Ranch Type Home $5,995.00 Terms on all work FRKK KSTIMATE8 Phone Wonder hake d!** after 5 p.m. AIRSPUN INS. CO. *43-4 BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARMS --CHOTCE LOTS. RESORT PRO PERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL.--LICENSED ILL. ANI) WIS. BROKER. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf LOST AND FOUND LOST--Wallet..-Tuesday evening in vicinity of Colony Theatre. Papers valuable only to owner. Return to John Rogers, Rt. 2, MeHeurv, III., or call 596 R-l. ' *44 WILCOX -- kOHEI, AUCTION William H. Russell and William It. Sullivan. Auctioneer^ The undersigned, having dccided to quit farming, the- farm having been leased, will sell at Public Auction oil the farm 8 miles West of Woodstock, 3 miles East of Route 23, 7 liiil^s North of Marengo, 7 miles South of Harvard, miles west of Bubbling Over to Nihan's Corners, 1 mile South of Nihan's Corners, and mile East of the O'Leary-Wurtzinger Road, on Tuesday, March 21st commencing at 12 o'clock, the following described personal 'property. to-wit: 54 HEAD of LIVESTOCK Including choice dairy cows, most I) llolstciii, 2 lloMcin stock bulls, 4 bred heifers, 2 open heifers, IS iiHinthK old, 8 calves 6 months old. Ilelfers and calves calfhood vaccinated. 5 Chester White sows, 1 Chester White Boar. Team of horses and harness. FEED lafti of silage in 14 ft. stto; 10 ton of alfalfa hay; 200 bushels of corn. MACHINERY W. C. Allis Chalmers Tractor anil Cultivator; (J. P. Case Tractor aud Cultivator; John lJeere Planter with Fertilizer attachment; G. I. Corn Picker, 2 yrs. old; 9' McCormick Deering Grain Drill; John Deere Combination Hammer aud Roughage Mill; Broadcast seeder; Allis Chalmers 5' Combine with pickup attachment; New Idea Manure .-Spreader; McCormick Deering Corn Binder; Papec Silo Filler; Rubber tired Lindsay wagon, new; Hay rack; Mower; Rubber tired wagon and rack; John Deere 2 bot. 14" Tractor Plow; Flare Grain Box; McCormick Deering Side Rake; Heavy Duty Bog Disc; 4 sec. steel drag. MlLKIIOrNE EQriPMKMT 3 Unit Surge Milking Machine; 26 Milk cans; Sterilizing tanks; Water Heater. Also all small tools and equipment too numerous to mention. Lunch Wagon On Grounds Not Responsible for Accidents TERjyiS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements for credit are made. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. DAVE WILCOX and THOMAS KOHEL, Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK. Clerking Member Federal Reserve and federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Read the Want Ads! *1. i j. Crush wit yo»",mok*1 "** car ash WV- 3. Drown your camp**-**1 •vary 4. A* about tha taw *lora re** of trash. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Kstate of Jacob 8chaefer Be ceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sous that April 3, l^iiO, is the claim date in the estate 0/ Jacob Schaefer, Deceased, pend ing in the Couutv Coiirt of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims ma}' be filed against the said estate on or before said date withwithout issuance of summons. FLORENCE W. GREGORY Executor VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer, < rystal Lake, Illinois.. 4" ^! The undersigned, having sold his farm to Frank Urban, will sell at Public Auction on the farm formerly known as the LEONARDTURNER Farm, 4% miles South and West of Hebron, 7V£ miles North and West of Woodstock, lVa West of 47 from Palmer's Corners, and 1% miles East of Woodstock --Alden Blacktop Road on Thursday, March 16 1930 commencing at 9:30 A.M., the following described personal property, towit: AS THIS IS POSSIBLY THE LARGEST SALE THAT WILL BE WELD IN McHENRY COUNTY IN THE SPRING OF 1950. IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START ON TIME, AT 9:30 O'CLOCK A.M. 82 HEAD of LIVESTOCK ronsistiiifr of 46 choice Holsteln Cows, 2 Brow* Swiss Cows. This is ati otttstMndinjr dairy of c*ows, good producers, high test- Ing, mid 11 1111111 her of close springers and fresh cows by auction date. IS choice 2 year old heifers, calf* hood vaccinated: II 6-months to yearling heifers, calfhood vaccinated, 1 pure bred Holsteln Bull, 1 Holsteln bnll I year old; 1 Holsteln ball 6 months old; 1 bnll ealf. Anyone desiring replacements or heifers for the building op of a good dairy of cows can secure the right kind of dairy cattle at this sale. * ...BECAUSE OF TITE SIZE OF THIS SALE, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START SELLING THE LIVESTOCK AT 1 O'CLOCK. . 5 choice brood sows; 1 boar. FEED 1800 bushels ear corn; 800 bushels oats; 15 ton second cutting alfalfa hay. baled; 18 ton first cutting alfalfa hay, baled; 12 feet silage in 16 ft. silo; 1 ton cow mineral; 3 tons of straw. MACHINERY AND MISt ELLANEOl S E<|1 IPMEXT Model 20 Oliver Tractor and cultivator; W. C. 40 Allis .Chalmers Tractor and cultivator; W.D. Allis Chalmers Tractor; Case 6' Combine. Model A, 2 yrs. old; Oliver 3 bottom 14" plow; McCormick Deering 2 bottom tractor plow 14": Allis Chalmers 2 Bot. 14" plow; McCormick Deering 7' Tractor Disc; John Deere single Tractor Disc; McCormick Deering Spring tooth Field -Cultivator: 2 Colby rubber tired wagons with steel boxes and hay racks; Gehl Hammer Mill with cutter head; New Idea Manure Spreader on rubber; Oliver Grain and Hay elevator with Hoist and motor; Allis Chalmers 2 row corn picker; Rubber tired wagon and box; McCormick Deering power corn binder; Papec Silo Filler; Allis Chalmers Roto Baler: Bundle Loader and Bundle Carrier and Hitch; Allis Chalmers 4 bar Side Delivery Rake; Allis Chalmers power mower; McCormick Deering Horse Mower; John Deere Corn planter, with fertilizer; John Deere Manure spreader; 6 roll Appleton corn husker; Corn sheller; Grain Blower; Fan Mill; International 3/4 Ton Truck; Buzz Saw; Brooder house; Hog house; Hog Feeder; Electric Clippers; Quantity of steel fence posts aud wire; Quantity of lumber; 60' rubber drive belt. MILKHOI'SE EQUIPMENT 3 single DeLaval unit milking machine; 1 double unit Universal machine: 20 milk cans; 2 electric water heaters; Pails and strainers; Cream seperator; Tank heater; Decor Sprayer. 9 foot Deep Freeze; Quantity of household furniture. Many Other Articles Too Numerous To Mention. THIS IS A LARGE SALE. AND THE MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD IN THE FORENOON. SALE OF CATTLE WILL BE STARTED AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP. SENECA GRANGE WILL SERVE LUNCH TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements arc made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. JOHN B. KOLNIK, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK. Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corpora tion. 43-2 NOTICE OF FLECTION VILLAOE OF ISLAND LAKE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to. an order of tho Coynty Judge of Lake County, Illinois, an Election will be held on •Saturday, the 1st day of April, A. I). 19.>0: that at said l'Hect in a each qualified. legal voter resident within the Village of Island Lako, County of Lake and Mellenrv, State of Illinois, shall have the right' to' cast a ballot for the following' Village Officials: t ONE (1) VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE (1) VILLAGE CLERK SIX (6) VILLAGE'TRUSTEES ONE (I) POLICE 'MAGISTRATE that the places of holding said Election shall be at the polling Places described as: I'recin. t N<> 1. Lake County, Holle's Service sVa tion,,S. E. Curlier Highway 17<> and Mylith Park Road, Route- 2, >\itjmi the limits of tSie VjUage of Island Lake, and Precitict No. 2, McHenry County, First Congregational Church of Island Lake, South *ide of High wav 170, between 'Gatcm ^'o. l' and County Court Room in the County* Court House in tbe City of Wood-wx; stock, McHenry County, Illinoia the hour of (three) 3 p.m. on theti. 4th day of April 1950. Ail perMMk#^ interested therein may attend and| be heard. E •f McHENRY COUNTY ZONING! BOARD OF APPEALS <• hy R. F. Dusenberry*; It's Secretary! (SEAL) .... (Published March 16th 1950). : ki ' - . . j COMING EVENTS Livestock Germs The germs of several deadly livestock diseases live in the soil and may enter the body along with feed or through wounds or breaks in the skin. WATCHES GLEANED and REPAIRED 1 Week Service All Work Guaranteed 514 W. Main St McHenry, PHONE 12S-J VOTE FOR VOGEL FOR SALE R1NGW00D DRUG STORE STORE FIXTURES MERCHANDISE Doing Good Business Terms Can Be Arranged S.W. BROWN Ringwood. Ill, Phone Richmond 651 No. 3, Route .5, within the'-limit'* of the Village of Island hake; that the polls of said Election Will V.e opened at ,six o'clock in the morn ing, and will clone r.t Five oVlocH in the evening of that day. v ; j ,I)A1 Ell; this 14th dav of KVIuuarv. A. D. l«io. ': ' V . :"MlNARi>-^.:;:^tfL^^ V: •' County Judge of Lake County and Judge of the County Court of Lake Coun ty, Illinois. AY B. MORSE, ounty Clerk of Lake 'ouutv. 111. , ' l.-' i.'"-,: is STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY. ss. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HUGH KIRK AND DOROTHY KIRK FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHeury County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of McHenry Connty Zoning ordinance relative to a change in classification from "Farming (F)." and "Residential (R-^l •" to "Business (B1 B2l" of the following described property : The South one-half (% > of the East fractional half of the South west quarter (Vi> of section number thirty-six (36) in Township Number forty-five (45) North, of range ^number eight (8) Eas> of the third* Principal Meridian with all of the exceptions as stated in instrument number 119782 in Book 221 of Deeds oil page lt>0 recorded March 16th, 1936, at the McHenry County Recorder's Office, ______ Also the South forty feet (40t'of lot number one (1) of Fair Oaka Subdivision as recorded June 20th. 1942 in Instrument number 16;?»5S^. Book 252 of Deeds on pap*1 r>47 in same Recorder's Office. All said land lying, being and situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Said hearing shall be held in the iHlllltlllllllllllllllllillllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiilHllVtllimiiiih The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILK McHenry' to's. Leading Theatre FRI. . HAT* MAR. 17-18 Veronica Lake billy IMYolf In * '•MH'T IT ROMANTIC* SI N. . MON„ MAR. 1».*0 Sunday Uou'L From 2: ii P.M. Red Skeltoa Arlene Da hi !• . SOUTHERN YANKEE** Was was never like this as Red Skclton romps his way through a rial of fun; TUES. - WEI). - TH( RS. MARCH 21-S2-23 Ingrid Bergman Joseph Cotton in . "UNDER CAPRICORN" (In Techuieolor) IIHIUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*' March IS. ' *. -*'4$ C. D. of A. Card Tournament--- ^ ' of C. Hali March 17 Lunehemi aifd Card and Buncq \%S Party--^St.. Peter's School Audi torium. Spring Crove-^-i p.m. March 19 „ Instrumental and Vocal Program--^ ; • High School Auditorium--Pre* .J sented By "-High School Contest's -Groups--S: 15 p.m. •*>', -March 21 third and Final Day In tmmuni* V zation. Program--Public Grad#' ..School.. instated .Meeting df McHenry Lodgc^ -No. laS, AF & .AM--Third Degreff * Work. Riverview Camp, JR..N. A. Anniversary Party. March 28 Fox River Valley Camp R.N.A„ Anniversary Dinner and Party. March 2ft Old Time Dancing--American gion Home. Marrh 2« Musical Program -- High School Auditorium--S:15 p.m. March 27 McHenry Business Men's Association. March W-31 Rummage Sale^-City Hall--Sponsored by Circle 3, W.S.C.S. April 2 Band Concert--High School Awi£» torium. April 8 Zioii Lutheran Ladies Aid Bak» Sale--1 p.m. - Zlon Lutherafc Church Basement. April 12 St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P,TJL April 23 "Spring Heirs" Style Revue--M<&- .Henry Cominu'nity High School-?t Sponsored by St. Patrick's P.T.A. Stare RmI Crops Beets, turnips, carrots, and _ bagas will keep longer when stored in bulk if some form of ventilation is provided. Orange crates at baskets are good for this purpose Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FKL - SAT. MAR. I7-1H R«d Cameron Adrian Baatk "BRIMSTON E" ^ also Cartoon -- News ami,. Vaudeville Days SI N. - MON„ MAE. Susan Hay ward Dana Andrews *M¥ FOOLISH HEART*' Cartoon and World News This Picture is not reeonunendU d for children. TI ES. - WED* MAR. 21-22 Lloyd Bridges Adrian Booth (1) "HIDEOUT" l<ia Lapino Ulenn Fort (2) "LI ST FOR (iOLD* STARTING THURSDAY Julm Wayne Adele John Agar "SANDS OF I WO JIMA" ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the medicine in your prescriptiaa may weigh less than an ounce but you know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE DRUG STORE .j ^ : ttfalyggn • FT" r PHONE 26 McHENKl

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