Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1950, p. 5

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y, March 23, 1 CLASSIFIED IOE aoEaoi ioaoi locaoi M HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing (jfompany, Inc. BUSINESS SERVICE NATIONAL EDITORIAL #c5t@m W. BURFEINDT, Ge'/i. Manager. J^LOELB FROEHLICH, Editor. /\y*^ Entered as second-class matter lit the postoffice at McHenry, III.; gander the act of May 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATE " :$tf$ .V-----;- Plaindealer Want Ads • f No ads counted less'.than 25 Words. 75c minimum. • • I in sermon1 75c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ad*. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. • Want Ads close promptly at 10 a m. Wednesday. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE--1940 Pontine Tudor Sedan. Tel. McHenry 403, McHenry Garage, 004 Front Kt., McHenry, 44tf ^ FOR SALE (i uaraiiteed factory reconditioned Chevrolet head, $10.50. ~ Community Auto Supply, Route No. 120, McHenry, 111. 1'hone 77S. -43 BUSINESS SERVICE ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Klm&r P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake .r)!»<i2. 45tf i$ COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 AiHlersirir Trr--^ Kprvire . 401 j' FOR THAT SPRING DECORAT ING--paper hanging and painting, see Joseph M. Freund, 700 Center. Street or call 93-J. *44 4 HEL?WANTED~ HELP WANTED--Jobbers to call on Auto Stores and Pilliug Stations 'wiling .reputable products.'. High commissions with good chances for advancement. , Write R. - Duane Fowler, Bojt 334, Wpbdstock or Phone 404-.TX. -40tf •';/ .7 WANTED ;V VWOMEN AND GIRLS We have openings now for women and girls to sew ladies apparel. Earn while you learn simplified sewing taught by the assembly line* .sys tefn. 40^ hour week. *io Saturday work. You caunht earn " less than 75c "per hour but can make a lot. more, depending on you. Pleasant surroundings. Apply "in person at our office for an interview. RIVERSIDE MANUFACTURING COMPANY L00 Riverside Drive.... McHenry, 111. 4:uf HELP ^ WANTED--New industry, in town, wants men and women to work in assembly line, light work; good wages; good hours. Business opens April 1. Write Box 42 care •tf MfFJeiirv Plaindealer. *44 2 HELP WANTED -- Waitress for restaurant work. Apply in person at Cinema drill, next to Colony theatre. *45 EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Kefinish fcjg, work fully guaranteed. Used -pianos for sale. K. Zaboth, call col feet, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean ^Woodwork, floors, windows, walls Daily, weekly, monthly or season ally. Reasonable prices. McH»*nry iQf Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. i'hone Mcllenrv 430-J. 32tf IFOR BABY SITTERS ---In your neighborhood, call Pre Teen club, the /Toddler Shop, McHenry, 740. 3Xtf HAVE YOUE, CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddies Sanitary Service. Kddie Huff, Prop, Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN W^TER SYSTEM VVe sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 200 Main Street, Mcllenrv. Telephone 167. ' 2dtf OARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oft.ener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular vear round route John E. Hill, P.* O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf C. J. H. DIEHL~^ Woodstock Piano Tuner ^ Phone 208 W r>2fi Washington St. Woodstock, 111. 30tf C. D. KINSEY Contractor and Builder Homes, Remodeling, Cabinet Work Estimates Given Phone 893-J *39 8 I«, A MP SHADES--Don't forget your 'rihades when you ppring clean. Will re-cover them regardless of size or ^ shape. For more information*. call Mrs. Useman, phone McHenrv 680 W-1. *43 3 OPPORTUNITY Major tractor and farm machinery franchise available in this vicinity. Want aggressive farm minded man or partnership with $20,000. Excellent earnings and ip^ixlid returns on investment. Wrik Bo* 44 care McHenry Plaindenler. *45 HELP WANTED--Day cook. Apply at The Nook, lit.. 31, corner 'Front and Mhiu streets, West McHenry. 45 WANTED--Two men, one for general farming, one for assistant herdsman for beef cattle. Modern house, electricity, furnace, bath, good schools, (iive references and experience. («. W. Rossetter, Wads worth, Illinois. Tele. Lake. Villa :!328. -Li: 45 ?AP OAT T FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meetj all kinds of wines^ and package\goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf 3 H. P. SEA KINO OUTBOARD MOTOR * STAND Perfect running condition -- Head Less than 50 Hoars Cheap if taken at once Phone 170 or 678-M-2 v tf FOR SALE --r Antiques. Clothing for family. Formats. "This clothing in good condition." Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cottn Road; Consignment and Resale, % mile west. Tetfra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346-R ]. . 32tf NO. 1- APPLES •?.' >•' $1.25 per bu. Ocdden Delirious Jonathans; Sweet Cider and Apple Butterf^: MOSSLEY HILL ORCHARD > S. W. Corner of Rente U. S. 12 and IU. 22 1 Near Lake Zurich, 111. 42 5 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for rows, horses and hogs; n:> help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 30tf FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees* shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitz.en Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. ' 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wil son road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOR SALE -1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa. Hugh J. O'Brien, Phone Wauconda 2317. 43tf FOR SALE--Residence; 6 rooms, bath; 2 screened in porches; full basement, with laundry; hot water heat. Oarage 22x20; two chicken houses 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. by 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to sell. 715 Center St., West McHenrv. Owner on premises. Tel. 278 J. " 44tf WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of removable flat- and Kauflex original Minds and tapes. Honderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., J)040 W. Division street, Chi «*ago. Phone Coluinhus 1-8743 or McHenry (151 M-l Fri. evening, Sat. <:r Sun. Free estimates. All workguaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27tf FOR SALE -Professional hair'dryt'r- j almost new. Priced right '»>• <|uU'K sale. Tel. McHenry 575'-W-1 45 THE Mc&ENKY PLAINDEALEE USED CAR SALE ; U *<! * f f 7^ CHOOSI A USEP CAR 49 NASH Amb. '49 NASH "600° 48 NASH Custom Amb '47 NASH Amb. '46 NASH "600>* '40 PACKARD Cont^ V 40 NASH 2 Dr. *39 CHRYSLER ^38 DODGE '37 NASH $7 PONTIAO 37 FORD ^ Evenings DOWNS NASH SALES 4KEIMSTRECT PHONE MrRCMRT 481 - Also Towlag Service-- WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Mcllonry business man and wife wish to rent 6 or 7 room home, in or near Mc Henry. Can Curniah best of ref erences. i'antry Delicacies. Phone 754. 42tf WANTED TO RENT--3 to 5 room house or apartment. In or near Mc Henry. Can furnish best of refer ences. Phone Richmond 142 or write P. O. Box 205, Richmond. 43-3 WANTED TO RENT--Oarage near McHenry 1'laiudenler office. Phone 44tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--42 inch Tlior mangle. Tel.. McHenry 147 M. ' 45 FOR SALE-- Living room suite, $15.00. Phone McHenrv 677-R-l. *45 FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, 1946 model, very good condition, $45.00. Call John Rogers, Mcllenrv 775 J. *45 FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE--( ienerators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition paru for Ford and all other ears. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Nvoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 1.S3. 47tf FOR SALE -- A vacuum cleaner eliminator Rexair, the Water ma chine. Service--supplies. Carl Bar nickol, McHenry. . #40tf PIANOS 40 Miles From High Prices SPINET & CRAND PIANOS Baldwin, Kimball, Cable, Wurlitzer, (lulhranaen; Lester, Betsev-Ross; New and Used Call Elgin 780 DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO. Cor. W. Chicago & Union Sts. Elgin, III. BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIE8. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc Henry. Phone, 275. 40tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W Chan Ctothn W*arLong*r . . . . . . Gfcut Clothw Witoxlong** Helen Weber Says: The Finest Easter Treat Awaits Your Spring Ward robe and Household Drapes, Spreads, etc. -- But don't wait; bring them in now. fifr McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 1M EIb St Chthm Wiwr langtr uW>. Own Cfotfc-- WwLoagm FOR SALE--Voungstown kitc.h«n equipment. For free estimates and informal ion on models, cull Rich mond 049. Write Weldou Andreas, liingwood, Til. *45 FOR SALE--Skyline chopper, coin plete with blower and row-crop attachment. Like new. Phone \fr Henry 047 W 2. *4,1-2 FOR SALE--Storkline baby car riag<f and pa<l, $12.00; Plav pen. •*4.00. Call 058 W 2. * 45 FOR SALE--1000 bu. oats for sale. 2 year old heavy oats. Call Round Lake 2223, Frank Ehredt. "45 FOR SALE--1st and 2nd cutting al falfa hay, com, wheat and soy beans. • DeLavaJ milking machine, used 9 months. Call Majestic 041 Y 3. *W. Itndd, Ournee, III. (Lake county). *45 FOR SALE--Popcorn, 5 lbs for $1. John Skeets, Spring Grove, III., phouc Richmond 480. *45 PROPERTY OWNERS fki:k estimates All Kinds of Roofing Asbestos. Insul Brick, Stone and Shake Shingle ^tiding. Rock Wool Insulation Lightening Rods Eve Troughs Durfee Bros. Roofing Co. Jack Scott, Rep. Tele. 456-R 45tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--3 room apt. at Lily Lake. Please inquire at Lily Lake Grocery or phone 554 M-l. 45 FARM TO RENT--130 acres (50 acres highland 80 acres muck) with or without buildings. Route 31 1 mile south of Msllenry. Phone Chicago, New Castle 1-2822. *45 FOR RENT--Kooin for rent, 105 Court street. 1 block from business section. Phone 134 M. *45 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers repre sentative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood stock, Box 334, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repa»r. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Slioppe.) 15tf ALL YEAR HOansS FOR SALE PISTAKEE; near Villa Club 5 rroms, 2 large lots. Ideal location, Price $7500. WONDER LAKE: :> rooms, oil heat, on Blacktop Road. Price $7500. ORCHARD BEACH; 7 rooms, hot air gas heat, inclosed porch, 2 car garage, extra lot -for vegetable garden, water front, A-l condition, Price, $10,500. ' McCULLOM LAKE; 6 room modern residence. Automatic Oil heat, re«- reation room, large basement ashes tos cement floor. 3. lots beautiful)^ landscaped. This home must be see> to be appreciated. Price $19,50(1. For Apoiiituient call JACOB FRITZ • REALTOR, in Johnsbtirg,' Tel. McHenry 37 jr Chicago, Liti coin 9-1333. 39tf SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE Homes, Kemodeling, Roofing, Sidine SPECIAL 7-Room Ranch T/pe Home $5,995.00 ' Terms on all ^ FREE ESTIMATES Phone Wonder Lake 0S>8 after 5 n.iij. AIRSPUN INS. CO. *43-4 ELECTION NOTICE For Board of Education Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the Sth day of April 1950. an election wi|| |,0 ttl Mcllenrv (>rade. School in Seh«>ol District Xo. 15 County of Mcllenrv and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing. <>\K PRESIDENT and 2 Mem bers of the Board of Education: for the full term/ The Polls will be opened nt VpMV o'clock n«on, and close /-MS~.r»:.!0 o'clock P.M.. of the same'day. Bv order of the Board of Educa <ion of said District. Dated this 20th day of March 1950. ELMER J. FREUND, President. Attest: HUBETPr^rSMlTH, Secretary.- • • ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ^ Notice ia hereby given to the Jegal voters, residents of ihe Town of McHenry in the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeting of said Town will take place on Tuesday. April Fourth, A.D. 1950 being the f"irst Tuesday of said month fit the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., at the Town Clerk's Office for the trans itctio'i of th« miscellaneous business of the said town; and after a Moderator having Wen elected, will -proceed to head and consider re ports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Town and decide on BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARMS -CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PRO PERTV. BUS1N ESSKS. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL'.--LICENSED ILL. AND WIS. BROKER. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf FOR SALE--By owner Cape Cod year round home. Auto. Oil Heat, fully carpeted, Venetian blinds, real fire place, corner lot, two car gar age, School bus and stores. Very reasonable. See Ray Von Ha lupus. Beach and Hilltop roads, . Wonder Lake. *45 FOR SALE -- 3 room shell type house, deep well, needs finishing. Call Wonder Lake 173. *45 3 FOR SALE -- 7 room modernized home, all conveniences, auto, oil heat, 2 car garage, Large barn 27 acres of land, on highway lL'0, landscaped, fruit trees, etc. Wavane 492W. i4rt 3 FOR SALE--4 room house in Mc Cullom Lake complete basement, automatic oil heat, finished attic, paved driveway. Garage in base ment, 2 enr garage in rear. Phone 569 J 1. 4,-, ^ FOR SALE--Lake, front, five room furnished year 'round home, in Wonder Center. Oil heat, new pier, boat, and Johnson motor. Tile cabi rtet kitchen, tile bath, newly land scaped, very private. Owner 'moving to California. $17,000/ Call Wonder Lake 273. 45 LOST AND FOUND The' Beautiful EL T0VAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. HfHwry' Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. . SAT., MAR. 24-26 Phyllis Calvert Melvyn Donglas la "MY OWN TRITE LOVE" SI N. • MAR. 26-27 Sunday (Wt. From 2:4ft P.M. RarliarH Stanwyck James Mason In "EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" (Jet set for fireworks, when two girls clash over one guy, who Isn'l worth it. TI ES. - WED. • THI RS. MAR. 2N.29.S0 A ndrey Totter Richard Baseharl in "TENSION" •MMMfflNIHIIIIWMIIIimillllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllMlll such measures as may. in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Oiven under niv hand at Mc- "°vth day of M:.,reh- H. WALTER ANDERSON * Town Clerk. ELECTION NOTICE For Board of Education' Notiofr is hereby given that on Saturday, the Sth day of April 1950. au election will be held at. McHenrv ^jtv Hall in School District! No. 1.»(5 County of McHenrv and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing 'J Membe°rs of the Board Of Education: For The Full Term. ^ The Polls will be opened at 1^2 o'clock Noon. and. close at 7:00 ft'cnlek P.M., of the* same day : ^ By order of the Board 'of Eduction of said District." Dated this 20th day of" March 1050. - ... "'.--Vi - v • _ ' P r e s i d e n t ; Attest': '.rc:; IT. REIN!! AN^PERGER^* ; Secretary.- . PILING 5EADL^^;¥? FOR CITY ELECTION FRIDAY, MARCH 24 : ; Activity In the special 6lty election to be held April 28th to fill vaarancies in the offices of City Treasurer and two Aldermen is gaining momentum as the filing deadline1 draws very near. Petitions must be filed not later than Friday of this week. March 24th. Up to this point only two petitions have been filed. Thomas F. Bolger has filed for the office of Treasurer and Leo G. Rothermel for Alderman In Ward No. 3. It is understood that other poti^ tiona are being circulated and at least one contest may develop. Chicken-Of-Tomorrow Contest Closes March 25 ^ Better hurry if you're planning to enter the Junior Chicken-of- Toniorrow contest, because the deadline for entries is midnight, Saturday, March 25. Clarence Ems. contest committee chairmai , savs interest has been growing the last week or so, and he e-xpects a targe number of last-minute entries. The contest, aimed at growing a better meat type bird, is open to all Illinois youth under 21 years of age. Prizes include at least $300 in cash, a 30-inch, gold-plated trophy for the state winner, plaques, ribbons, and certificates. Your local hatcheryman can explain details of the contest, and he probably has entry blanks. Yon might also check with your vo-ag teacher or farm adviser. WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE SEA AUTHOR | Here's the Answer HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured writer of sea stories, 11 Space < 22 Daybreak (comb, form) IS Skin opening ^Forenoon 14 Males 4 Each (ab.) 5 Fowl 6 Temporary bed 7 Notary public (ab.) 8 Circular 9 Arrival (ab.) 10 Lair QtBNOj Hd3S0T 4 (ab.) 16 Therefore 19 Near 51 Us •22 Louisiana (ab.) 23 Erbium (symbol) 24 Plentiful 26 News notices 15 Insects • 17 Vase 18 Barrier 20 Possess ;; 22 Smadest 25 Prepares fo*; publication 29 Provide with weapons SO Strike lightly 27 Tantalum 81 Italian river (symbol) 32 Him 53 Lubricant 35 Spoil 38 Poor 41 Follow after 48 Fish eggs 45 Cost of services 46 Lyric poem 48 Musical instrument 31 Exist 54 Sanction £6 Southeast (ab.) 87 Mix MHe is • TR8HCAL 1 Jelly 1 Native metal Slfruumlts 28 Spain (ab.) 33 Upon 34 Id est (ab.) 36 Symbol for gold J7 With refer* *' ence to 39 Nocturnal vision 40 Exclamation 41 Electrical en- ^neer (ab.) 42 Beneath . (poetic) 44 Measure of cloth 45 Iron (symbol) (46 Removed . 47 Through (prefix} 49 united States * ship (ab.) . . 50 Beverage 52 River (Sjp.) 53 Make a mistake ; < '••••. 55 Toward 57 Streev (ijiF' A U C T I O N Colony lfeHENRT, ILLINOIS FRI. . SAT„ MAR. 24-26 John Wayne A dele Mara John Agar __JSANDS OF I WO JIKjUL , News and Cartoon SI N. - M0N„ MAR. 26-27 Hamphrejr Rogart Eleanor Parker "Chain Liuim:NiN<r World News and Cartoon TI ES. - WED., MAR. 28-2# George Raft Pat O'Rrlen Ella Raines (1) "A DANGEROUS . PROFESSION" .lohnnyWelanialler ---- Virginia flrey (2) "JFN^LE JIMSTARTING THI RS. MAR. 80 In Color Errol Flynn Alexis Smith "MONTANA" FOUND--Tan puppy in Bay View Lane at Pistakee Bay. Owner inav elaim by phoning .r>74 J 2. *4?) WANTED -- Used windows and doors, also milk pasteurizer. Hur rison Bros., Ringwood, 111. Phone Richmond 688. *45 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Work wanted, farmer, experienced, Married and two small children. References. Write John Oowey, Box 52, Wales, Wise. *44 2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store McHenry. §tf NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINO Notice in hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the Tow.i of Me Henry in the County of McHenry. •State of IllinoiH, for the fiscal vear beginning March 28. 1950, and end ing March 2li, 15*51, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at McHenry Post Office from and after 1 o'clock P.M. 25th of March, 1950. Notice if further given hereby that a public hearing on said bud get and appropriation ordinance will be held at 1 o'clock P.M., 4th day of April, 1950, at Town Clerk's Office in this Town, and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the electors at the annual town meeting to be held at 2 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, April 4th, 1950. Dated this twenty-first day of March, 1950. MATH M RmmiTay - Btfpt-rvisor. H. W. ANDERSON, Clerk. I Subscribe for The Plaindealer DONT FORGET TO ~ . PREPARE FOR SPRING On Highway l7tl, 4 miles east of Libertyville, V* mile went of' „ 41. 'A mile east of Highway 42A. 10 miles north of Deerfield, 6 mllcp south"of Grand Ave., 6 miles south of Ournee, on SATURDAY, APRIL 1 ? J . CoiamMicinfr at 1:00 o'clock y * K I M Lnnch Wairon Watch fir A art lea Aliens. NEW MeCORMU K-IIFERING MACHINERY 2 Mcl> "M" tractors, on rubber with starter, lights, wheel weights, fluid in tires, PTO, power lift; 2 McD. 3-hot. 14-in. tractor plows with I^anre coulters (Hi. lift an^ Hi. speed); McD. 10-ft. tractor dise: Mcli. 7-ft. tractor mower; McD. 4% row Hi. speed corn planter, with fertilizer attachment (on rubber); 4»' bar side delivery rake, on rubber (Hi. speed!. MISCELLANEOCS MACHINERY--M-ll "101 Jr." tractor on rubber, with starter, lights; M-H 2-row power lift cultivator; M-H mounted corn planter; McD. 7-ft. grain dt^ll (good cond.l; Oehl silo filler and pipe; McD. manure spreader; McD. corn binder, with new bundle car* tier. NEW MILKING EQUIPMENT--McD. milking machine. 2 single unita» complete with motor, pump and pipe (2 extra pails); McD. 6 can milfc' cooler; electric water heater; can rack; 2 sterilizing tanks, pails, strainers. etc. MISCELLANEOUS--New 75 ft. endless belt, over-head gas tank (300 gal.), 2 sets breeching harness, new electric fence controller, 150 steel posts, hose, 160 rds. barb wire, 6 rolls new snow fence, 20 woode<n stanchions (new lbr.), gal: tank, barrels, large amount of railroad ties. FEE1I--50 tons baled alfalfa hay. 45 tone baled mixed hay, 100 bald* of straw. * TRITK-- 1935 Ford V-8 lVfc ton truck, with platform body. | Usual Pub. Auct. Ser. Co. terms. Not responsible in case of accident^ JO-KEN FARM. Prop. Froellrh, Wick and K. Wick, Aucts. Public Auction Service C«w Clecfll A U C T I O N > "j RAVENGLEN FARMS On Hwy. No. 173, % mi. west of Hwy. No. 45, 3 mi. east'of Antiocl^ 10 mi. west of Zion, 2 mi. south of Wis.-lll. State Line, 8 mi. northewllof Grayslake, on " WM* Sunday, March 26 at 10:30 A. M. sharp. f. Lunch On Groirnds Complete line of excellent machinery, including McD. "H~ tra«h>T. M-H "101 Sr." tract., Mc D "W9" tractor. McD. "A" tract. 2 Fox fiaM choppers, Seaman Tiller. M-II Self Propelled combine, new Holland baler, 4 Cobey wagons* with boxes for chopping feed. 2 McD. grate drills. Bean Haymaker mower (crushes juice from plant, and you call bale same day), and a complete line of machinery. Misc. Mdse.. including, electric welder, air compressor, paint sprajft^ er Huski garden tractor, plumber's tools, blacksmith tools, bolts, twlk# pipe fittings, elec. motors, etc. RAVENGLEN FARMS ARNOLD, TOSSEY & LI'NlKiREN, Mgrs. CHANDLER & ELFERS Auctioneers Rl'SSELL ft SULLIYA* , Public A net. Ser. Co^ Clerk, RurlingtoB, WIs^ SS«W Ha8R*t looked miich like spring tiiii week but tho weat'liermaircan't ly foolod for long'. Ilo predicts that tbc wookond will bring mild breezes and fair skies. Uppermos^hi the thoughts of the enthusiastic garden ers is the day when they ean turn over the soil and put in Hie seeds which not too many months, later will mean fresh vegetables on the dinner table. • Don't wait until the last minute to stock up on those garden tools which you will be sure to need very, very soon. Come in today and select from our Quality stock. It will make gardening pleasant for even those who ordinarily have an aversion to such work. To tlie real garden j Nickels Hardware Maiiy-Street Phone 2 West McHenry l"M lit !• i"i' •! 1 'i1111 i '«• 'i' •» •» <• f j. 4, .j. •;. ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is not a dead language to us because it ia used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring your prescriptions to us. NYE DRUG STORE -- • -------- --* '"""4 PHONE as v McHENmi • * • - -

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