Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1950, p. 7

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% JiWWI'J M1 JBV - L '«&W*^i5iW«J|iinjW"MP , •'J.'WWM'"" J.^«iiiiKjiJ9iii •• March 2d, l ~|4»w '•*" ,,\ ^*" >" f*j; A v • --' _ -r1 ^> '* tT : 2™S22!i; > V,:-. > .&;• • H M t H M H i n i l l l l •iJ N«w« Fro*i bonder lake I H I I I I M I I I I I U K I I I I I I (by TaMtM Ml# Qeahtf Clerk Woods ICIMKI Tax Rate for District Jio. S6. , The new tax rate for our dis- . fTict, juBt released by County <2lerk R. D. Woods, totals 2.238. iPtae breakdown is as follows: Township, .069; county, .149; road and bridge, .331; fire district, .023; wb school, 156-.565; and Harrlibn, 36; 1.101. Thus, on every $100 evaluation •'el property, taxes will be a little OVer |2.23. Note that each figure to carried over to millsl Actually, tor township a total of six and lline-tentha cents is paid on each flOO; and fourteen and nine-tenth fente for county offices, etc. a gift. Mrs. Barney Donash and daughter, Gerfttdine, joined auxiliary that evening. her the fn. Mary Ruzicka arprhed Saturday . . , Birthday Party When Richie Ruzicka took his ^-!i»ife, Marion, to dinner Saturday jiyening at the Grill, she thought - that was a pretty nice birthday present However, Richie then took - her to the home of Mariu% and Jeanette Hansen, where a groum, Of their friends were awaiting to aurprise her. • All of those present were dressed as children and they spent the ^venlng playing games dragged up l^ora their youthful memories. Lat- ®r, gifts were beBtowed upon the guest of honor. i • The guests included, besides # those mentioned, Roger and Ethel Hansen, Chuck and Virginia James, Stanley and Harriet Wilson, Gerl trude and Bill Nielsen and Don and Rose Ruzicka of Woodstock. Three File, Unopposed, For Vacancies on , JIarrifton School Board Three petitions have l>een filed for the vacancies coming upon the •chool board. Mrs. Alice Noren, Clerk of the board, goes out of office as does Marius Hansen and Mel Sellek, president of the board. Mel Sellek has filed for the position as president, for a term Of one year. Robert Doerrfeld and Marius Hansen have filed for the two board positions, each of which are for three-year terms. Mrs. (yNoren did not fileto run again. v Voting for thesy positions will ^ "take place on April 8 at the school. Hours during which the polls are open will be posted iu several public places. American fagfen Celebrates Birthdays There was a double celebration at the American Legion post Thursday of last week. It was the . Legion's thirty-first birthday and wJthe local post's second birthday. •Wrhe Legion Auxiliary entertained the post with a buffet dinner and presented the post members with Carl Darker Speaktt To f omnanity Club Carl Durkee, child guidance specialist for the county, was featured speaker at the meeting of the Community Club March 16. Mrs. Myrtle Davidson, president of the club, introduced Mr. Durkee and Mrs. Axel Raedel, who presented three piano selections. Be Mare and Vote On Special Election For Road Bonds When you vote at the' primary, you will be given a separkte ballot on^which the voter is asked to vote oh whether or not a $2,000,000 bond issue should be passed to accelerate the couitty'8 road program. This particular issue Will be carried by the maqority of those voting in the election. None of the roads scheduled for hardtopping on the proposed program are in McHenry township, but many of them are important farm-to-market roads In various sections of the county, and Mrs. Victor Milbrandt. Mrs. <29, there will be a potluck Loral Couple Will 7'^ Operate Dining Room< ; ^ Of Rolafne Grill Beginning April 1, the dining room of the Rolaine Grill will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Reigel, Indian Ridge. For the past nine years, Mr. Riegel has been associated with a big cafeteria in Chicago which specialized hi fine foods. During the period when the Mill Inn was operated by the Strongs and KnowHons, the Riegels served the patrons there on Saturdays and Sundays and will be remembered from there by some of the older residents. The grand opening under the new management, will be Saturday, April 1. The Repans. A1 and Libby, will continue to operate the bar section of the Grill. MR BKIKFIKS and Mrs. William Pala, Mr. Gertrude Watkias, Mrs. Gladys Watkins, and Mrs. Charlotte Mayer were among those to see the Ringwood ballet darlings when they tripped the light fantastic in the spring festival at the Rtngwood Methodist, church. The ballet was composed of some of Ringwood's finest businessmen and farmers. --One of the farmers forgot to take off his long underwear and thus became the first ballet dancer to simultaneously wear longies and a tutu.--Mrs. Grace Sellek has been ill with the jXu.--John Lathrop, principal of Harrison school, Mrs. Alice Noren and Mel Sellek, both of the school board, were all present at a meeting of all the county's school administrators and school board members held in the Richmond high school Monday evening. Mrs. Harold Wohnrade was a member of the serving committee in the Lutheran church, where all had dinner prior to the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corrado, Indian Ridge, are parents of their fourth son, born March 13 at Woodstock hospital.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Von Bampus, Wickline Bay, are parents of a little colleen, born March 17. They have a son, Stephen, tc welcome the newcomer, who is the seventh grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Von Bampus, Shore Hills.--Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Rambaugh and Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson are spending a delightful vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla.--^Vhen young Tom Mathews celebrated his twenty-first birthday last week, one guest made an outstanding effort to be present. That person was his dad, T. P. Mathews, who has been desparately ill in the Woodstock hospitkl, but who came home via ambulance to be present at his son's majority. Christ The Kfng Church , The pastor, the Rev. J. iA. Vaaderpool and the members of the committee in charge of the cornedbeef- and-cabbage dinner served Friday,' extend thanks to the hundreds who chose to partake of the food. The next big doings will be a bake sale, April 82. Later, April spaghetti dinner followed t$ social evening. Oospel Ceatar lfewt The Ministry of the "King's Men" (Liodqulat Brothers) of Chicago was moat acceptable and proved a great blessing to many. The attendance was good; a number of friends never seen at the Gospel Center before, came to enjoy the meetings. The pastor conducted the funeral service for Mrs.,, Cora Flanders on Sunday afternoon, March 19, at the Peter Justens chapel. Mrs. Flanders was born and raised in this vicinity, spending practically all her life in and around Rtngwood. At her departure from this life on Thursday evening, March 16th, she had reached the ripe old age of 85 This coming Sunday, Mkrch 26 will be our Missionary Sunday, with special emphasis on home j and foreign missions at all servives. The pastor will preach at the 11 o'clock morning service. Ia the evening, at 7:45, the Rev. David H. Johnson, general director of the Evangelical Alliance Mission, will be the speaker. Mr. Johnson, having traveled extensively on the mission fields in China, Japan. India and Africa, has a wealth of up-to-date information concerning the work in these various fields. He will also show interesting missionary pictures from China i Africa. \\ Vote for a man who caa Win la the fall! HAROLD A. (Had) VOGEL Republican Candidate for State Representative Has the support of Lake county to Win In November Three votes for Vogel In tile prl mary will give McHenry and Boone counties the real represen tation they have been without for twenty years. ELECTION APRIL U, i960 STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY TO MEET IN AUKOKA MARCH 39 The Illinois State Medical Society will hold a meeting in Aurora, Illinois, at the Leland hotel, Wednesday, March 29, at #hich experts in the various fields of medicine will britig to local physicians the newer trends in their specialties. Known as a Postgraduate Conference, the fleeting is offered to doctors of medicine in the first councilor district comprising the counties of Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Kane, McHenry,Ogle, Stephenson and Winnebago. The program has been arranged by the Postgraduate Education committee of the. Illinois State Medical Society, of which Dr. Robert S. Berghoff, Chicago. i& chairman. The Kane County Medical Society will act as host for the conference, with Dr. Douglas C. Hurley, Elgin, president, presiding, - LOST PUPPY Two little girls were heartbroken this week over the disappearance of their Cocker Spaniel puppy, which wandered away from home and failed to return. They are Carole and Cathy Johns, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Johns, Elgin. The dog's name is "Taffy". He is seven-months-old and light tan in color. Carole and Cathy are the nieces of Mrs. Nellie Bacon of McHenry,, Order your rubber. The Plaindealef. stamps at Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Last year's drop in per capita income of persons on farms was the first since 1938, according to a U.S.D.A. report- Renew that subscription to. the Plaindealer now! r"RennTThafTSE535^ . Plaindealer now! Vote For 9 Peter A. Freund DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, APRIL 11, 1950 3RD PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN 4'Your Vote, Will Be Appreciated" » U "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE MNMVIa IWm,wuwj W, h*' Own tonuin* Bar rood-toy* to tboM mtk. al- **y* tired tMttnn or umram- MM due juat to bk>od'« lack at Ib*f tvepjt enit yoIrfo nv.i tOaclitty u Mp ftr aoahr, *b fec ,p OoppTy Sanb Iw. ittrr Itoer Tote and Support Appreciated WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE / /1 / %i * .* *' ' r // A / / '/ ' > M i t t * TRUCK TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES We Have a Complete iLine of Snow & Mud Tires TIRE CHAINS TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZES . BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off, for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. Methanol Anti Freeze In Your Container $1.00 per git WALTER J. FREUND Urea -- Tubes -- Batteriee Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repair(gj§ AU Work Guaranteed Phone SM _ West MeHenff OPEH xrEjmres AJTD SUNDAYI ^ / ARMOym VIENNA SAHSAK 20 TASTE PLEASING e e e e 4-OZ. TIN DASH DOG FOOD DOGS LOVE IT TALL • TIN 14* KARO SYRUP I.LB. ITL 16 BROADCAST VIENNA SAUSA8E DELICIOUS-- 20e GRAND EATING 4-OZ. • TIN BROADCAST SUCW DRIED BEEF 30* 2ft-6Z. FOR FRYING OR BAKINGI CRISCO FOR BEST RESULTS TRY IT • 3-16. TIN 01 BROADCAST GNU G0N GABNE 27 WHAT A MEAL! e e • e e 16-OZ. TIN BROADCAST POTTED MEAT I0e A GOOD HUNCH 8»/,-OZ. FOR LUNCH • e e TIN BROADCAST HAM ALA KING "•oi. 47c • • • TIN Y| SAVE FUSS. II-OZ. SAVE MUSS B0L0EN-S0YA MIX FOR PANCAKES 20-OZ. AAC • • • LL RED STAR YEAST ACTIVE DRY YEAST • e J CAKES 3^ NESTLE'S CHQC. BLOCKS KIDS love in ^oz-JQc • e e CAKE l|J| SWIFTS PREM TRY IT--YOU'LL 12-OZ. BUY IT AGAIN ,2°Z i|6 e • TIN if | OSCAR MAYER WIENERS FOR LUNCHES 12-OZ. OR PARTIES ES ^AC • e • TIN WILSON'S MOR BEEF AND 12-OZ. PORK • • • • t TIN 45( iron tor Mood piua iu| . #0C. Try Oitrex TODIO T*M«ta tar Mt DM Jtan, Tjtor, ntalltr. better MTTM, thli nnr fiw. For Ml* M «U (tn« aton* nvyrtn. - Hey. wsteq cw xt>o ToHiEf efeOclrM iM I^e R-TMo ? rr C0M5 GREAT, SPEEOV- I DONT 6C£ HOW 1MB SEPVICE DEPtOF THEM NICK MILLER'S *HENRYGMA6E CAN PUT SO MUCH WP A CAR DIAMOND T TRUCKS 604 Front Street WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES Phone 403 "A«P SURE IS A BIIDGET-SAVER FOR IIS!" thrifty. k*«plM prditi taw mm4 mmm« th* Mvhfi oa t« cuitiurt m H* form mt *v*rv4av tow vrtaii. Rautt? S«MH >rt|iti att • Ma >m> «t AftP . . . «Hw 4my, FOODS Mil £*P '-UTI SOU SALAO DRESSIliB' ' ' '3""^z2&> KETCHUP * * * '"*">43* PRESERVE "' " I* Maeareaf ffANUr Buffer %3I' "X3f «»«A«E0 " MR tin. '27* Customers' Corner What do yoN think of •«r dairy d«partm«iit»? We take qnat paias It plm these deportments so that all dairy products are assembled at one convenient spot. Do we carry the varieties yon prefer? Are these products , cat in the sites yon • most frequently nse? Are they packaged the way yon like them? H yon hove any suggestions that will help •s improve our dairy d»- Crtments and serve you t t e r , please let as know. Please write: Customer Relations Department, A&P Food Stores 480 Lexington Avenue New York 17. N. Y. * J*"riZ20' A&P MEAT VALUES 10 lb. avf.. 75c lb. AOAR'S CANNED HAMS SUNNYFIELD COOKER PICNIC HAMS BANNER BACON SQUARHI ::: SLICED BOILED HAM M!CKELBERRY BRAND SKINLESS FRANKS Ml CKELBERRY FRESH OR SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE MIKELBERRY FRESH PORK SAUSAGE LINKS . ... CORN. KINO SLICED BACON SMOKED HERRING OR WHITING CORTON'S . CODFISH 1 lb. pkg. 55c : 39c lb. 23c 99c lb. 49c lb. 49c lb. 49c lb. 39c lb. 39c lb. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM A&P! SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 2 for 23c VALENCIA ORANGES ^' ^39 RED POTATOES. . . Sib.33 CUBAN OROWN MJ^NESOM G»OWN_._ _ FRESH PINEAPPLE . . . N* YELLOW ONIONS . . .3 * 10* FRESH BAKED TREATS! BIG VALUES IN GROGERIES! \ MARVEL'S OWN ROLLS SLICED OR HALVED BROWN 'N SERVE. . . o?° K* I0NA PEACHES 41* JAML PARKER CONTADINA BRAND HOT CROSS BUNS 25* TOMATO PASTE.... 3 tSI" 29° JANE PARKER COLDSTREAM BRAND POTATO CHIPS . . . . i£ 59* PINK SALMON ..... tai^N 37* 25° JANE PARKER GLAZED SULTANA BRAND RAISED D0NUTS ... <?f2 33* TUHA FLAKES. . . . . 6-OZ. TIN TASTY DAIRY DELIGHTS!" 33° WISCONSIN FANCT SWISS CHEESE. . . LB. * VARIETIES--SWIFT'S CHEESE SPREADS • • 2 JAKS 29* AMERICAN OR PIMENTO CHED-0-BIT. ..... *"• IMPORTED SWISS BRUYERE « • • • • • PKG. 50* 16* KRAFT'S AMERICAN CHICKEN. BEEF, CHICKEN NOODLE. VEGETABLE REEF CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 2'°^: CUT-UP BANQUET CHICKEH . iLV^79< SLICED. GEMS. CHUNKS, CRUSHED BOLE'S PINEAPPLE ....N^27* SNIDER BRAND TOMATO CATSUP , . . . ^ I7« ATL-PURPOSEI SUNNYFIELD FLOUR. $1.63 BRLGHL SAIL BRATED CHEESE.... &z SOAP FLAKES..... 17* GRANULATED BEET SIIBAR . . . . . til tie MILO AND MELLOW 8 0'Gleek Coffee RICH ANO FULL BODIE9 Red Circle Ceffet^-a^e 70c VIGOROUS AND WINET * Beker Ceffee £172* 1 \kV \ovh\ SVove BABY FOODS .jhtiiwd md Homof«n!z*d 3 4*-OZ. TINS FOR BAKINO TRY SWIFTNING * Th e e eQ TIN f f ALSO FOR FRYING DEL RICH OLEO HIGH QUALITY, UL LOW COST • e • PR©. 31 ILUE RIBBON NAPKINS NO LAUNDRY MIN WORRIES • • • • PKG. 18' „ , KITCHEN CHARM WAXED PAPER 20* i Gnat for I2S-FT. Lunch Wripphf • ROLL SHE CAKE IMPROVBR SPRY PURE-ALL 3-UL VEGETABLE • • • • TIN 81* KINGSFORD CORN STARCH 14* SENSATIONALLY SUPER • • • LB. • JRG. ARGO CORN STARCH 13* EASY TO USE • # ft LB. • KG. A VALUE! SURF FOR YOOR DISHES ^ 9fi« • • • • PKG. | CLEANSER A REAL WORKER • • 2 cans 25* CAMEO CLEANSER TO DO BETTER A 9 9C€ JOB • £ CANS LUX BATH SOAP FEEL FRESHER BATH ||f LONGER • • • • CAKE || irS SPEEDY SUPER SUDS A SUPER VALUE R LARGE A£C • • • • • PKG. ZD ' RINSO WHITB RINSO RINSO •RIGHT • • • • PKG. LIFEBUOY BATH SOAP *S BATH ||g > . • • • • • C A K E | |

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