Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1950, p. 8

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/ *; '• /* " *<* A! *s&-f \" 1 3 JB,; • ft * *«ivr fy. ffc •* •:>•«• ", * .-,'^t'^ ' ' ^ \ '• ^ . ,1'* - V"\ '^.', -«•-*. ' * ;i< s^--. THlMcMMT TCJUMiALtft1 ttiex TOLD ! TALKS ' ef lament Tik« Kna " Mm Pllea ef tk« Pleiadealer •-- • of twn 4*i ...,- v vy - H ...1 4 t^rTY YEARS A«» e bavr. two indications that t»Hn|i la kere, "vis: wild " greee C flying north and tbe bell of scissor grinder was heard on fBr streets. Henry Boehmer £ Company of tiki Woodstock city creamery have fcftde contracts with their patrons fir tbe next seven months at 87 etnts per 100. They are receiving •,©00 pounds jrf milk daily and More farmer* have promised to trlng their mlfk. ' John Kaiser, an old resident of tfcHenry county, .(lied at his home treat of Woodstock^ Saturday, Jlarch 31, aged 62 years. Last fall an association was termed in McHenry to use all honorable means to get manufacturers to locate here. Now the Borden Condensing Company has sent. • representative here to look over the ground and report. As far as ire were able to learn they were tfcvorably impressed with the out- Wok and so reported. . Gilbert Bros., are making many tMiprovements in their store in anticipation of a heavy s prink trade which is sure to fall to the lot of enterprising firm. A'.:, FORTY YEARS AGO Dr. C. H. Fegerrs, Sr.. who for ever one-quarter century practiced medicine here and at Johnsberg, has disposed of his home and practice to Dr. N. J. Nye of Johnsborg. --] You can't keep from laughing When you see "Papa's Boy." For the production, Messrs. Greenleaf and Bane have provided special scenery for each and every act. Laugh? You Are certain to do so if you see "Papa's Boy" at the Central Opera House April 10. Joseph Rothermel, Sr., an emplo> ee at the Hunter-Weckler boat factory, has moved into his new home situated in the Crook addition to McHenry. John E. Freund, the cigar maker employed in the factory of N. E. Barblan, will also erect, a new home in the same addition. Simon Michels • has moved his family from Johnsburg to the Mrs. Schaefer cottage on east Waukegan street. Mr. Michaels expects to become an employee at the Terra Cotta factor* Margaret Wilson, Richard Stenger, Eleanor Phalia, Carl Blckler. Robert Green, Mildred Welch. Elola Boyle, George Phalin, Dorothy Knox, William Bickler. Elmer Kinaala and Albert Barbian. The Little Symphony orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Tallmadge. will tarnish the music. TWENTY-FIVE - YEARS AGO In the hush, of the' early dawn on Fridays April 3, the Ange-Kof Death entered the home of Michael Conway and silently, gently called to her heavenly home the devoted wife and mother. N. H Petesch, who a short time since disposed of his drug business in /his city, has rented office, quarters in the John H. Stilling tV"e shop on Pearl stceet .and is now actively engaged in the real estate business in this city. - Building activities are now on tiie boom. At this time thei-e are two new homes under construction within the city limits. They belong to Patrick Cleary and Dr. X. J. Nye. But two contests are to be waged at the annual city election which is scheduled for Tuesday. April 21. One of the contests will be for the office of Mayor. F. H. Wattles and John Stoffel are the candidates. The other content will be between H. C. Hughes and P. W. Frett for alderman of the second ward. "The Country Cousin" will be given at St. Patrick's church hall Easter Monday and Tuesday, April 13 and 14. The cast: Ruth Kent, NEW OAR* PACKAGES NOW AVAILABLE FOR SHIPMENT TO EUROPE Marion Phlnney. executive secretary of the American Red Cross office, Woodstock, announced today that there are two new CARE packages which can be sent to Germany and other European countries. The "East German Meat Package" can be sent to people throughout the Russian zone in Germany, with the exception of Berlin. The package contains sixty-four ounces of beef and gravy; sixty ounces pork; and forty-eight ounces baeon. It costs $8.25. ' There is also ah "all-meat" packagc for $10 which can be sent to Austria. France,. Great Britain^ Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and Norway^ This package cannot be seat to Germany. Application blanks for these packages may be procured at the Red CToss office, 180M: NO. Benton St., Woodstock. Cross Eyei The cross-eyed child has difficulty making the two eyes work together, so he turns one out of the way and uses the other. Virtually all eases can be corrected. rf „r * , * r • * '- v ^ V , i . ' i mi Wii i . I ' ' - ".Wmn HEALTH TALKS „*»£ * " j|',V S "I hava a atnua" Is i"tommon and inaccurate remark of the victim of sinus tnfectton. Normally everyone afto^r a, certain age hat not o*« but «if|it afttotes, which ai'e little caiiili or cavities in the facial bones of i^e skull, the educational committee Of the Illinois State Medical Society reveals in a Health Talk. If an inifectlon is present in one of these canals, it is called sinusitis. There are the i^eattry or paranasal siuuses.- wltieifcv lie within the bony .structure bf the skull; the frontal sinusee, located jqst above the root dt (tM nose; the antrums situated In ' the cheek bones; the remaining two are behind the inner nasal cavity. « Interestingly enough, the frontal sinuses are not present at birth, but begin their formation at about the seventh or eighth year. When infection attacks any one of the sinuses, the complaint is characterised with symptoms much like the common cold-- sneezing, tickling and itching of the nasal passages, draining of the nasal secreajjoqs^and a soreness in the affected, ^re^s. Because of the swelling of tfye' pasal tissue, there is difficulty in breathing. It is believed that tlie function of the sinuses is to lighten the weight of the skull and give resonance and quality to the human voice. They also help . in conm M I L L I N N Formerly Barnard's Mill North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge TELEVISION COCKTAILS LIQUOR -- WINES BEER' " COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED From 0 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY . _ » • W E C A T E B T O P A R T I E S , . Prank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond 312 n a ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the medicine in your prescription may weigh less than an ounce but you know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription'. Every tiniest measurement is made witl^ keei^ aq> v curacy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordered. 1fou can always trust us for acctiracyr *"" NYE PHONE 26 dltiontng inhaled air by warming and moistening It. Allergy seems to be a factor in many bases of sinusitis. Just as the sufferer with hay fever registers his complaint in a thick, nasal voice, so does the victim of sinusitis. Some of the newer medications have been beneficial in relieving sinusitis, particularly in the acute stage. However, very often the condition becomes chronic, the passages swell and close, thus preventing drainage of the Infectious secretions. When this occurs, easy draiaafi, It la by changing la the nasal PMMfti are present, positions when lying down that These create an Obalrocttail trhle% wp e^ok th« emaUanai. each sejk of canals Is helped to ultimately eauees sytaMouts thai 0,1 mlmle those of •tnusitis; On rethe right tide the lift side statises i M - wUl drain. jmoval, all trace* of the dtaturb- The victim of sinusitis is the Mce disappear. target for many marketed "cure-1 *a examination rules out the, alls". Inhalators, sprays, pledgetq presence of bactefla or sensWvity, coataining medications are among products packaged to relieve tbe sufferer. Because the lining of the nose and its general makeup Is sensitive, a person would be wise to refrain from their use unless recommended by a physician. More instruments very often are re-. harm than good canjp accomplishquired to open the passages, ed, unless properly administered. Strangely, the location of the sin-1 An examination is in order beuses in the head does not aid in! cause frequently polyps or growths to rai votm o? mmt coons - ; W«( th« tBderslgned» «ho were tha aeabers of tlie Boards of SAucatloa under vhoa Blchard L« Tatewell was last employe, without habitation, racq-- hia to voters of McHenry County with tho hop* «nd " ) expectation that he will ba flected to fil^ tha offica of County Superintendent af 8<^oais4 ^ ^ Mr. Tazewell was appointed bjr tha Board if - . IWjfervisors to fill tha unexpired tara of Mr* »: licCannon and i*» we believe, entitled to b* returnad to office on the bails of •i 1. HIS EXCELLENT EDUCATIONAL BACKWOtJ!® t, HIS RECORD AS A SCHOOL KECUTTV* 3. HIS RECORD A8 COUNTY SUPERINTEKDERT OF SCHOOLS 'Bo^rd of Bdaeati<m of D'itrict lo. 126 City of Harvard Board of mucati'lt ttf Harvard Community High 9ahool District, BO. 199 ° -'•S/t//* i *niL fTTT i i x-rays prove that no malformation It is frequency tk the person since of**1- tensicfh Is 'a factor In fhiaF ^lstu^ J S5 hence, til * Complete line of Beebe H<reeto«:k remedies at Wattles Drug- Store MeHwrr. ^ «»f J ; - _ -1 r * • *:V ' * ' - < tv veliest ihq^ Jftent* of nil ¥-a corsage, tiouquet o r potted plant of her favotite Spring Wooms. Ord« ••JiSflfAv. ai in m Np matter your choice our ffewere are fragrant and fresh from out own greenhouse*, deliver. ' ' r .J?. ' MdHenry Floral PHONE 404' 1 Mile South of McHenry on Rt. 31 eauete isevfnl' - : A-, %»; .s: ivtf! r.vt - ' 1. For o t • t McHENRll ADVKRTI8EMENT ADVBRTI8KMKNT ADVERTISED '^NT ADVKRTifiiaiKMr^ '• w m * .» A Good Record! * ft • in the 66th General Assembly! Iv Voted For: Consolidated Primary kllot J An Adcquoti Education Prograii • Gaiteway Amondmont Method of Constitutional Revision Workmen's Conipoosatimi Benefits • Veterinary Research Program M Improved Rural Hre Protection '• Sound Pension Legislation • Improved Township Roadt Voted Against : : ' * 4 t Ineroasiag tha Salts Tax • llnllmltod Lleoaslnf Pawart ...,* Jw • --'p* r * • Abolition of TownsMp Local •ovornmont • DoflcHPlMMMlog tof Stato' > • CommnnlstlnflllraHoa #" 9IUII IIITITimNI > j* .'i Re-elect Harvey Peaison Your State Representative for yoke, McHenry & Boom Counties v VOTE FOR Honesty . •. Ability Sincerity.:. Diligence Vote Republican M * * # EX^IAWWI... W WORLD WAK II » » » get Modem lmmdr> & fiset a won<3^1rfiii hew wastiert ^fyer ; ironer work on washday,.; while fou take life easy. Now do Jaoodry the Carefree, leisurely way! • ^ '•> Modem Chth»t Wathvr Your clothes are washed cleaner, rinsed and spun-driad evap lbett you thought possible ... without wringer, rinse tubs or lifting heavy, wet clothes. Just put soiled dothes in, o short tima later take tham out--reoffy ckKm-»ready for drying. ttor Snhmir Wbdbar Mbdel ^ " ; . 344C with Svpf-A&tator. r:-„ $199.50 IntfthanydU* umb--$79*rB --converts doffcti wosfier te ) Automatic ClotAes Oiyer I.,- Nd waiting for >».ath«r wirti cm dutomatk 1 ^ . clothes dryer. Rain or thine ... winter, sulnmf r V..,, v f v doy or raght.». you .wash Ml dry clothes when- V ./-f, . aver you like. Simply toke clttthes from the washer, 111 ^ place them in tlie dryer aod set the oontrot. kt o ' >| matter of minutes you r^mav^ them dbmp-dry fck . V * Zoning--or completely dty far storft^. Benefot dot^iDfjf^MjNW t wMi avfemohc kirn leiNk $199.9$ fox extra). ^ I: •' : : '.tvv k .1 Join the many homo" makers who are away with laundry ; ^ labor . •. get moderfir laundry aqalpiyewf.» Awtomatk Ironer ^|b» cut ireatof time In holf... when you use a modern automatic ironer. Oothes hove Hie "profeisionar look yOv want... and what a pleasure-- to sit relaxed and merely guida dothes through your automatic ironer! finleii Ironer Medal R-200 with s#ream#»ed M catoil cover. $199.95 (State tax extra). PU 90% down.. . take ufn to 24 months to poy the balance with your Servk» ' , $iH. See the latest lauedry appliaaces at your dealer's or our nearest store^ (t ^ : SERVICI COMPANY Of NORTHERN ILLINOIS •sta:"

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