¥*'•• •i 18, lm ENUMERATORTMAKES VISIT ;i > 1i mi|u rn ifi ii HI till ^Busiest people in McHenry township this monlh are tLe CCOBUS -takers. Above is pictured Mc- Hcary's enumerator Mrs. Carol Bolger, as she records information given by Mr. and Mrs. Nicfc E. Barbian. Mr. and'Mrs. Barbian, 82 and 80 years of age, respectively, are among the city's oldest and most respected residents and last October celebrated their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Barbian was born on a Johnsburg farm and her husband in a native of Chicago. He has resided here since 1871, after being driven from his home in that city by the big Chicago fire. Both are in good health and very actiye, each belying, with their nimble step and young appeariuico. their more than eighty years. Mr. Barbian, who once operated a large cigar factbry where the PltUndealer office is now located, still operates, on a small scale, the otily remaining such factory in northern Illinois. Personals George Tonyan and Louis Althoff have returned from an extended trip to the Southwest. Edwin .P. Walsh of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. jftThe Renard Blum family of Elmwopd Park fepent Easter weekend in "McHenry. Maufice Foley of Western State Teachers college at Macomb and Miss Julia froley of DeKalb were weekend visitor's at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, spent & few* days the, last week at Morrison, 111. *• 'ft Mrs. John Bolger -and children vlfiited hi Rockford last weekend. Mrs. Eleanor Foley and chil- ' dren spent Easter Sunday in Chicago. They were accompanied by Jltnmv Mahoney, who had been spending a few days in the Foley home. Easter visitois in the Arthur Smith, Sr., home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sinitb, Mr. and Mrs. ^rthur Smith, Jr., and baby and vRss Marion Smith of Chicago. Weekend guests in the Martin Conway home were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and^ son, Dennis, of Rockton, 111., and Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park. John McGee of Loras college, Dubuque, Iowa, spent the Easter vacation with his parents, the Ray MicGees. James Winkelman of Beloit college enjoyed the Easter holida* with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman. William Herdrich, who is attending the University of Illinois, spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Cora Herdrich, in the Edwin Hetterman home. Ed. Murphy of DesMoines, Iowa, spent the weekend at his home here. M}BS Mary Jean Doherty, who attends Rosary college, River Forest, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, the Paul Dohertys. Mrs. Edith Hayes is spending this week with relatives in Chicago. _ Mrs. Gilbert Bunn of Philadelphia, Pa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley and family, at McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Dalin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Massmann of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mrs. Frank Thurlwell on Saturday. Jacob Buss of Chicago was a McHenry visitor on Sunday. William Lawrence and Fred Casper visited in the Frank Tonyan home in Fox Lake on Su'nday evening. Miss Marguerite Johnson of Wheaton spent the Easter vacation with her parents, the George Johnsons. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller entertained ' the following on Easter Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Purvey and children of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and daughter, Jeanne, of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and family and Bob Becker of McHenry. Mrs. Albert Vales returned home last week from St. Petersburg, Fla., where she had been visiting friends since JanuaVy. Mr. and Mrs. William Vales and daughters, Louise and M^ry Margaret, of Cicero spent Easter Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Albert ~ Vales. TODD GONCEfcT TO BE PRIM5NTKD SATURDAY, SUNDAY Tfca Todd all-boy to Ilotfgle" concert, which has scored such j; c 't «w-cess in fhe midwest in surh metropolitan '-enters |as Toledo and Indianj apoMa, will make its home town oerl'orniance at the Woodstock Opcia House on Saturday and Sunday, April 15 and 16. This ve.-patile group of youngsters. who range from 12 to 17 yea<-* of age, offer an evening of en(ert».ii>meiit unique in the school boy field. The program might be termed a "cross section of music", from the classics of Bach to modern rhythih of Boogie. Soloists are always an interesting feature of the show. Music lovers who hear the boys from year to year of!en show great concern when they say, "I hope Bobby's voice hasn't changed yet," or "Do you think Jimmy's voice will crack this season?" . The soloists have earned that distinction through lofag training and hard work. They must measure up to the exacting standards of performance and showmanship to occupy the spotlight, not as a little jboy speaking a piece before a doting mother and father but a professional entertainer before the most critical unbiased audience. At present, Mr. Hendrickson, the director, is training boys who will be soloists in two or three years. Of special interest this year are 12-year-old Ronnie Velgia singer, 15-year-old Jimmy Kinnane,, soprano and dancer, and David1 Njaa of Crystal Lake, pianist. The cowboy act never fails to bring enthuiastic applause from a delighted audience and this year it is peppier than ever. Bach to Boogie is sponsored in county performance by the woman's auxiliary of the Woodstock hospital. • Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. George Stilling in McHenry. They are $1.20 for adults and fifty cents for children. *«. Mary's Oathnlic Okveh titwi: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, *0:00, 11:8C. Holy Days: 6:00, 8.00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:0®. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00, Confessions: ' Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Mssr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. , JOINS MARINKS Duane Bacon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon, signed up with flie marines last week and is now serving at Parris Island, S. Car. Speeding on U.8. street# and highways last year injured 318,- 700 men, women and children. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Mawee: Sunday: 8:00; 9:30 and 11:00. Daily Mass: 7:00. We.* Dnys: 7:00 and 7:|0. Jj First Fridays: 7:00. distributed at 6:30, 7:00, doting the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8?ty0 p. m., and on Thurs days before Prat Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. 81 on Evangelical fcutherah Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) 408 John Street • . , v West McHenry, Illinois.,.., Sunday School: 9 a.m. * Sunday Worship Service: 10:16 a. m. - You arc cordially invited to attend our services. Rev. Carl A. Lobltz, Pastor. Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. o Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. in. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family come and worship with us. - Wayne B. Price, Pastor. McHenry Bible Church IM S. Green Street (Pries Bldf.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. Young People's Service, 7 p.m. .Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 601-J-2 8t. John's Catholic Church Johnsburc Masses: ' Sunday: 8:00 and 1U:U0.' Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. , ? First Friday: 0:85 and 8:0fr. oafesaions: Saturdays: 7.10 to 8 and 8:80 to 8. Thursday before First Friday-- ' 8:80 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Blltsch. It Peter's Cs'holic Ghonfc, Spring Orors Sunday--8;CC, 10»« i*J 11:80. „ Holy Days: 0:30 and 9:uw. * Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:16. 1 Thursday before First Friday--- 2:30 and 7:15. Hev. John L. Daleideu, Pastor. Sundays: 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 18 a.m. Sunday School at til Mission House. On 3rd Sunday of the month at Church for Family Eucharist. 11a.m. Morning Prayer except far 1st Sunday of the month and holy days when there is Holy Kucharist. Sermon and Cfaeir. Holy Days (Prayer Book). 6:304 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Lenten Schedule: Daily celebration: 6:30 Monday, Wednesday astd and Friday. 9:00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Week nlghtK: 8:00: Litany and Evening prayer with sermon. Christ The King fhnrch Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. J Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Suuday: Before each Mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 7:45 r • \ . Catechetical Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. m. R*v. James A. Vanderpool, administrator. Gospel Center 'Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. a. Morning Worship: a. m. Runday Evening Service: 7:45 p. m. Thrayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 p. m. Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Blngwood Church Ringwood, 111. Sunday: Public Worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve ning, Rev. Charles Stevens, Psitar. St. Joseph's Charck Richmond, Illinois Sunday: S:00 and 10:00. Daily: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pas to?. St Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Priest-in-Charge Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave. IN MEMOR1AM In loving memory of our dear husband and father, grandfather, John Edmier. who passed a#ay three years ago, April 16% 1947. It's lonesome here without you, Sand and weary the way. Life has not been the same to us Since you were called away. How often do we treat the path That leads, us to; the grave, . where rests the one we levied *b much, ; , • ;• But whom we couldn't save. Loving wife Emille, Sons, Daughter-fci-Law and grand- ; v children. • • . FARD OF THANKS , I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who visited me, offered prayers and sent cards while I was confined to the hospital. *48 FRANCES MICHELS CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to thank relatives, neighbors and friends for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars, food and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We especially wish to thank Father Daleiden and the good SisterB who were such a comfort. Everything was greatly appreciated. THE FRED MEYER FAMILY •48 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murpfc?" are the parents of a daughter* born at the Woodstock hospital on April 2. Mr. a^d Mrs. Harold Stilling are^ the parents of a son, born at the ; Woodstock hospital on April 8. AMONG THE SICK Leo Thurlwell underwent snr-^ gery at Hines hospital last weelL Mrs. Albert Purvey was a med* ical patient in the Woodstock iM* ^ pital this past week. > <T, ,r* SrND'AY DEBATE .The Community Series' wilf bring to Woodstock on Sunday evening, April 16, at 8 p.m. a de4 bate between two well known per*" sons, Nortnan Thomas, perennial candidate for president on the Socialist ticket, editor and author^ and Dr. William M. McGovern of Northwestern University, scholar of world affairs. They. will dehatef, on the subject, "Socialism. Com-r/ munism and Capitalism." Th#^ meeting will take place at high school hi Woodstock. BIES IN CRASH 7 A 23-year-old Des Plaines nuu| was killed last week in a plan^ crash near the A. H. Sporledet farm, Schaumbarg road, about miles east of Barrington road» The dead man is Lloyd Head* Greenview street, Des Plainest Sporleder noticed the- crashed plane at about 2:30 p.m. When h» investigated, he found the body of the young man. 5 >•*: V15S MEMBERSHIP ^ l he Grays>ake Community high school received admission to fair" membership in the North Central {Association of Secondary Schoolf I and - Colleges two weeks ago at; the final session of the associa-p tion's annual convention aft tha MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued in McHenry county this past week to George E. Goranson and Carolyn E. Tackett of McCullom Lake. Palmer House in Chica announced* by Mr. I* principal. wa«; Order your rubber stamp* at Ik (*laindealer. WEEK ONLY WARE PAPER TOWELS Reg. 16*. 9 • Per u Roll ENAMCL COV. SAUCE POT TO^ A covered pot with « qt many uses. Easy to A* clean. Eiitremely dur- #1 able. I ENAMEL DBL. BOILER Features a wid«, quick heating bot- •om. Made of a goad grade site! with tough smooth enamel coating. Cap. 2 qts. ENAMEL REFRIGERATOR PAN Oblong in shape lor space saving, Can also be wsed for cooking pur peses. Six* 12ftxlx4 la. $| .29 finerJjist offtfames Qn harth / \Jr. ••• m A • 4' * /t%: *" 'H: , 'if,.. .09 • in hondling. steel. 12 qwart ENAMEL DISH PAN With roll rim I Made of heavy capacity. ENAMEL COFFEE BOILER larg* sice for church dinners, banpicnics, etc. Wooden carrying 9"P and pouring handle. Cap. 10% qts. or 42 cups. ENAMEL PERCOLATOR An excellent seamless percolator furnished with enamel imet. ENAMEL WATER PAIL <2 q*. capacity. White with black trim. Seamless heavy gauge steel. Wood grip. « ENAMEL TEA KETTLE White with black trim. Quick heating wide bottom and easy tilt spout. Wood grip. Capacity^ qts. • cur $|.4» ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE MAIN 8TBKET PHONE 284 McHKNKY, ILLINOIS JF YOU had in your hand a list of all the Meople in the world who own and ride in Cadillac cars, we think you'd agree that you Could search in vain for another list of equal ttze--and greater distinction. Cadillac is the great common meeting ground for the world's distinguished people. fVherever the car is available, it has become Almost the automatic companion for out- Standing personal achievement. Naturally, only long-continued goodness could have placed Cadillac in such an enviable position. Its owners, are too numerous, too varied and too intelligent to have been won and held by anything save quality^ alone. And yet, such is the magic of Cadillac's manufacturing ingenuity, that this internationally distinguished car is available at a. price which makes it a great practical value. The lowest-priced Cadillac model--the lovely "Sixty-One"--actually costs less than certai n models of numerous other makes of cars. The great Cadillac engine is so economical to operate that gasoline mileage actually approaches that of the smallest, more economical cars. In a recent officially-supervised economy run, three Cadillac cars averaged better than twenty-two miles to the gallon for 751 miles! And there,is simply no practical limit to_ the car's endurance. It is merely a question of how long you wish to keep it and drive it. Tift full lifespan of a Cadillac has never been accurately measured. In view of all this, isn't it the part of wisdoitj to add your own name to the list of those who own this distinguished car? This is a wonderful year for moving up to Cadillac. The car has never been so beautiful, so' luxurious--so utterly thrilling to ride in and drive. It is an everlasting satisfaction to utillMl 'and possess. Better come in and talk it over. We'd be most happy to see you--any time. But please hear in mind that every day you delay will cost you its price in pleasure and satisfaction. '-•V.:* i OVERTONIjCADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY , PHONS tt 400 FKONT STREET McHENKY, ILLINOIS