Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1950, p. 16

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- -!*r' ,, I m, m j ? ' ' -mm » pv-. .1 t jr w * * v f ; • v., ™,rjgi jr» •• ?y> ^is, THE BOARD OF SUPEftVlSOgg, MtgEMtT #i(9iMw»»M*a»'W'" ' etwo %mm WMIVP^'j - 11M8 99.99o.oo 9 IS O Scrap iron U.M Sawyer ratets •-- *.0§ Less cnam BlltUd1 estimates thara Cliiry for the care or *jr County, Illinois, paof roads «n appropriate County highway Hi Um sum or 94,000 until the of this Board, of Which la respectfully sub- T. F. NOLAN JOHN J. FILIP CARL E. WITTMUS AUG, W. RUTH r. B. BECK , Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County, Illinois A request of the Public Service QMI|WB)r of Northern Illinois for K'BllMlon to Install anchors on two MgtaUl existing poles in Dorr Town- Stttp wan presented and upon motl «lk duly made and carried was (nutted, subject to the approval of QM County Superintendent of Highe Committee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital pre- Mtntad the following report, which an motion of Supr. Wright and duly gscondad by Supr. Sterne and the SU being called was declared unanuualy adopted, to-wit: - , Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of supervisors of McHenry County: Tour McHenry County Homei, Yferm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on May 4th, 1949 and Mdlted bills for the month of April ff4t and respectfully submit the following report recommending the fcatne be paid. Miller Patton Baking Company, bread Woodstock Daily Sentinel, advertising Bono Jfdw. Co., supplies ... Baimiaier's Store, tobacco, groceries, etc. ...1 >Wl. Blue Food Mart, gro- MiifB ~.. Kemp's Hatchery A Feed Co., ^aSteken feed Rosenthal Lumber ft Fuel Co., paint Sr. Wm. J. Gay, veterinarian C. F. Gumprecht, sharpen plow shares Roland MoCannon, potatoes*, prunes from surplus George A. Greene, potatoes Thomas J- Webb Co., coffee .... Lttdwig Wilson Company, freight on soap, mops, etc. Johaeon Sheet Metal Shop, re- -9 81.75 2.20 38.15 -- 79.85 92.0« 63.15 38.49 f.00 9.00 6.75 43.00 99.73 1.58 9.00 19.00 9.37 .... If.50 _. 11.95 pairs coffee broiler Boyce Service Station, gasoline K L Bakkom ft Co., repair parts Chi«ii|a Motor Club, auto dua* Crystal Lake Farm Store, repair parts Sawyer Biscuit Company, crackars 29.99 Ideal OU Company, fuel oil.... 184.78 ). T, Day, cleaning septic tanks 98.80 John Sexton A Co.. groceries 153.42 True Value Store, supplies .... 8.33 *fevrt|eK Company, brooder, screen wire, etc 82.44 ArwelL Inc., pest control 18.06 OlSers Jobbing House, sup..... 31.60 FaMic Service of Nor. 111., electricity 72.08 V. Mueller ft Co., hosp. sup 7.55 R. & Andrew Co., feed and grlndnar .....140.70 eareaoe Aavang, seed oats 42.50 B. P. Kraft Feed Co., seeds .... 63.35 Botts Welding Service, rep. 1.61 f. W. Wool worth, clothing -- 4.82 Rgia Dally Courier News, advertising -- , 1.38 Dally News FvUisMifc Ok, advertising -- 1.5« Rookferd Morning Star, • advertising 1-5" Wauhagaa News Sun, adv 3.16 J«l A See Laundry, laundry 1.33 Hubert's Pharmacy, medicines 49.07 lltiwr C. Allen. incidentals 71.50 Bather C. Allen, salary 200.00 Helen Blahea. salary 1!® S® Henry Knaack. wages 175.00 Battle Nichols, wages 99.00 Leena Krejca. wages 49.39 Herrr KreJoa* wagwa 54.21 & ' %A"r cream nlf calf sold 11,253.09 978-64 49.00 8134.64 134.64 ,ZL 33.137.45 May 4. 1949 To the Chairman and the Honor gfcle Board of Supervisors of McHenry Cennty, Woodstock, Illinois. Tour McHenry County Home. Pmhk and Hospital Cbmipittee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bills for payment aa follows. Permanent Improvement Running Expense -- Clothing TohacCo sskh*. 9 84.38 1,388.89 9.61 .. 69.47 69.92 . 160.00 . 413.59 .. 194.79 Total 12,262.09 Lm cream *M »79 94 calf so>lldd .......... 46.0# 3124.64 131.64 92,127.45 .Tear Committee met with Mr. Wetland of the Public Service Company who reported that the company would move the power lines and transformer away from the buildings to a new location without flharge to the county. The regular monthly inspection of grounds, live stock and buildings revealed everything to be in good condition. There being no further business, your Committee, on motion daly made and seconded adjourned. ; FRANK B. McCONNELL, - S Chairman J feARL E. WITTMUS B. C. COT ALMER AAVANG AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and upon motion of Asst. Supr. McConnel] and duly sfceonded by Supr. Mackeben and declared carried, said claims were referred to the proper committees aM the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. (D. S- T.) for commit- ' tee work llM O'CLOCK V. M. (B. 9. *•) The Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their nswi as appeared of record in tto morning session, excepting Supr. Wright and Slavin of Marengo and Hartland Townships, respectively. (•A Asst. Supr. Rosenthal of Algon- Townslvip. constituting a quor Trtfe Value Hardware Store Haack ft Hogan Royal Curtlss Company Crystal Lake Herald Columbia Ribbon ft Carbon Mfg. Co 11.15 The Haloid Company 1.6T P. O. Knuth Company 19.98 Ooerlita Becknell Co. ...... 9.72 Pearl Schults 10.60 .John R. Tambone, M. D. (Glaser) 10.00 O. K. Nelson. M. D.. (Staser) 10.00 Woodstock Daily Sentinel .... 9.90 Fred C. Bau 9.48 Rarly American Bakery 69.52 Frank H. Hoffman 99.61 R. W. Schults 94.01 Schoepperle's Grocery ft Mkt. 97.31 Oakside Dairy Products 9.39 John Altenbach w-- 7.00 Lester Bacon 91.00 Sabina Bau - 14.00 Warren Berg ••.•••-. 14-00 Harry K. Beu --.--..... 1 14.00 •W. C. Coghlan -- 7.00 Charles Corey -- 31.00 Henry J. Faerher ...... 7.00 Fred S. Gay .; • 49.00 Frank E. Keller* ..... 7.00 Fred Krens ..~-- 14.00 George Morris lu. 49.00 Vivian Seaman* ;.... 7.00 Ralph Stewart -- .7.00 Harold G. Fo* - 189.00 Vernon W. Kays ................ ... 140.00 Clyde C. Miner 68.00 Hazel Wilke 38.00 Roland SfcCannon 166.00 Illinois Bell Tel. Co. 399.49 Supr. Sal. Mileage-1- v August W. Ruth 93:40 C. Perry Wright 312.20 Carl E. Wittmue 92.00 F. E. Beck 190 30 Elmer C. Coy .. 11.20 Ray Slavin G. J. Carroll ... 63.50 Chas. T. Dunning ...i_.-- 1 0 . 2 0 Roscoe Glenn 11.40 Harley Mackeben ..... 179.20 T. F. Nolan 160.30 Aimer Aavang -- 32.110 Stanley Cornue 23.40 Frank B. McConnell ................ 24.40 Frank May 200.60 Math N. Schmltt ..... 134.40 Theodore W. 8teme .---- 11.20 John J. Filip ...» 139.20 Augustus M. Maxwell 39.00 A. B. McConnell 30.40 Paul Rosenthal -- 32.00 City of Woodstock 147.07 8abina Bau 100.00 Alice Jones 150.00 Vestie Muldooa 196:00 Dale Symonds 200.00 Grant Nolan 215.00 Lyle R. Hutchinson 340.00 George Swank 215.00 Frank J. Kaiser 215.00 Thomas P. Bolger 76.00 All of which is respectfully aubmtted. JOHN J. FILIP, Chm CHARLES T. DUNNING A. B. McCONNELL AUG. W. RUTH ALMER AAVANG The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ruth and duly seconded by Supr. {[lip and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wt: May 10, A. D. 1949 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined al clams presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed tp issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Elgin Catholic Charities, (Bllecki) 9 90.00 St. Vincent's Home for Chil., (Reh) 50.66 Lisle Manuel Trng. ft Indust. (Jasien) 90.00 Lutheran Child Welfare (Daymond) 40.00 Dlocesah Catholic Charities, (Glossoh) 90.00 House of the Good Shepherd, Harvey) 40.00 Louis Long, (DeLine) 40.00 Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nattan) 40.00 Mrs. Melvin Fleming. (Shay9 90.00 Mrs. William Efc'scb, (Ketchum) 40.00 John H. Deardorff, (Ketchum) 90.00 Mrp. Cassius Sweatman, (Steadman) 40.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 49.63 Minnie Brlgham. (Ketchum) 40.00 Allendale Farm School, (Holmes) - 99.50 Louise M. Brooks, dependt, chil. $16.66; pro off trav exp $37.85 44.01 Lake County T. B. San., care T. B. patients 3.193.60 All of which is respectfully aubmittetl. E. C. COT, Chairman A. B. McCONNELL ROSCOB QLBVN % W. STHRNB STANLEY H. CORN®® tion of the banks of McHenry County be approved and that all of aald hanks be authorised to continue aft depositories of the funds of the County Treasurer and Ex-Offlclo County Collector of McHenry County and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Buildings, together with communlcatons of acknowledgement of Senator Ray Paddock and Representative Harvey Pearson, and MFT. allotment fof the month of April, 1949, were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting for the good of McHenry County, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Coy to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. MATH N. SCHMITT. Chairman Attest: R. D: WOODS. Clerk. Regular June Meeting 1949 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenny County met In regular session at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Monday. the 13th day of Jtdhe. A. D. 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. (DST). The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors present participating after which the roll was called by the Clerk and the following members responded to1 their names, to-wit: August W. Ruth. C. Perry Wright. Car E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, Elmer Coy, Ray Slavin Charles T. Punning, Roscoe Glenn. Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang, Stanley H. Cornue. Frank B. McConnel, Frank May, Math N. Schmtt, Theodore Sterne, John J. Flip, and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell. A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosentha, constituting a ful board present. The minutes of the Special May 1949 meeting were read and on motion made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The following eport of the County Treasurer for the month of May, 1949 was presented and read and upon motion made by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Slavin was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Ooaatr Treasurer's Report Por the Month of May, 1M». Beeelpta Balance Forward 9981,831.46 General Fund 9 511.40 Suprs.. County Home ........ 587.30 Supt., County Home0 79.37 Chm. License Committee 4,750.00 Dependent Chidren 606.34 County Officers Fees 3.60 Highway Fund 1,257.33 Pers. Prop. Back Taxes.... 118.95 Hghway Fines 554.00 Tax Paid under protest ....6,435.90 Inheritance Tax Acc't 341.91 111. Municipal Ret. Fund' 1,985.92 Motor Fuel Account 2S.S78.03~ Hwy. Payroll Clear. Acct. 5,101.86 Escrow Account State's Attorney's fund.. Tota, Receipts 175.00 701.00 .53,187.79 Grand Total 9394,009.94 Bapendlturea County Orders 928,229.58 Coroners Jurors' orders 22vl0 County Court Jurors 168.60 Probaton Officer 261.30 County Treas. salary .... 270.60 Clerks Salaries ............1,450.74 8tamps and Express --.... 25.74 General Fund 287-73 Bouty Orders - 16.0# Highway Orders .7,536.71 ' Inheritance Taxes 48.810.1$ II. Municipal Ret. Fund ....3,993.05 Motor Fuel Orders 11,936.62 Twp. Road-State A pp. 1,7X7.94 Payroll Orders 6,136.25 Escrow Account 1,083.33 Institute Orders 2.00 ........110,948.40 223,060.14 The Committee on Claims, Labor, Pits and Supplies presented the follyslai report, which on motion of 0p0r. • Nolaa and duly seconded by 9mr. May and the roll being called, lia1 declared unanimously adopted, t*-wlt: May 10. A. D. 1949 |tr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of "Supervisors: • Tour 'Committee on Labor, Fees, and' 8appties Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined at)' claims presented to them, and rewommend the payhnent of the fol- I0<wlng, and that the Clerk be directed to > tsfiue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the MTOtal rfraounta allowed, as follows. Thornber Co 9 38.80 1 Illinois Pub. Co 997.00 Oft Supply Co. 10." 80 Dally Sentinel .... 60.40 ~ >h Company 12.30 11 Co. -- 3.57 23.21 w lie raid ........ 4».65 md Car Market Ric . - 84.00 Company ......j--479.91 nitions Co. ........ ,40.50 lor, M. D. .......... 10.00 M. D 10.00 Co. Sapt. Hwy. 158.30 17.02 60.00 19.84 taurant 64.60 Senr. 10.00 Company 1*0.99 Laboratores .204.17 12.04 CM. '>!-• m a-, tiNi The Chairman of the Board Math N. Schmltt, addressed the Board and stated that Roy Kent a member of the McHenry Couny Zoning Boafd of Appeals was present at the meeting and he would at this time like to introduce Mr. Kent to the Board. Mr. Kent then tthanked the Board for their assistance in the past and stated that the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals would like to request a filing cabinet for use in their work together with some additional means of correcting the maps in connection with ther appeals and the consideration of additional salary for their secretary. Mr. Kent explained that the work of the Board had become quite complex and required these aforesaid facilities, it being necessary to have a filing system and also some means of making it possible to check a map for any corrections at time of an inquiry. The work of the secretary has become very heavy and detailed, necessitating an additional sum from his regular per diem to compensate him for the work involved outside of the regular meetings. Mr. Kent further stated that the three year term of Frank Nagel of Fox Rver Grove. Illinos was about to expire. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Flip that the request of Mr. Kent as a member of the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals be referred to the Purchasing Commttee and to the Fees and Salaries Committee. Supr. Wittmus addressed the Board and stated that he f<>lt that some action should be taken on the application of Hugh Benjamin and Ellen Strang for variation of the McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance as presented to the McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Board of Appeals quite some time ago. This application has been tabled until such time as some action has been taken to the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. Supr. Beck stated that he felt that the Board was now in a position to give further consideration to the application. After some further discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report of the Board of Appeals be approved and adopted by this Board and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County be amended conforming to said report, and that afl maps pertaining to zoning now on file in the county clerk's office be changed showing the new classification of the property of the petitioners and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved and the ordinance amended, said report being In the words and figures following, to-wit: Copy on file in the County Clerk's office. Statements of condition at the close of business on March 32, 1949 of all the banks of McHenry County, Illinois, excepting the First National Bank of Woodstock, whose call was of April 11, 1949, were present ed to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved, by Sunr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Beck thatt the statements of the condi- Total Exuenditures ... Balance Bay 31, 1948 9334,009.34 The above and foregoing report i«r true and correct. according to my beat knowledge and belief. v- HENRT A. NULLE. Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of June, jy949. R. D. WOODS, (8eal) County Clerk The Committee on McHenry Coun ty Home, Farm and Hospitad presented the following Report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. McCo'nnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben and the rol being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on June 8th, 1949 and audited bills for the month of May, 1949 and respectfully . submit the following report recommending the same be paid. Crystal Lake Farm Store, machnery parts 9 34.80 H. |f. Cowan, sharpening lawn mower 2.75 Kemp's Hatchery ft Feed Co., chicken feed 39.40 George Cairns Jr., well pit .... 155.00 Royal Bue Food Mart., ( groceries Ideal Oil Co., fuel oil ...1 Schurtleff Co., umber, screen wire, etc Bannister's Genera Store, tob., groceries, clothing ... Olsen's Jobbing House, sash cord, faucet R. O. Andrew Co., feed and grinding R. F. Backus, electrical wiring 475.00 Hohn Hardware Co., supplies 19.68 Dr. Wm. j. Gay, veterinarian 9.60 Botts Weding Serv., corn panter repairs .90 Arwell, Inc., pest control 19.00 Herbert H. Busse, garden plants .u. 10.88 Public service of Nor. IIL, electricity Boyce Service Station, gasolne and oii Sawyer Biscuit Company, crackers 23.10 173.42 38.99 «9.47 9.21 143.00 989.1ft 989.16 99.15 99.15 93,480.95 The regular monthly inspection of Grounds, Buildings and Live Stock revealed everything to be in good condition. There being no further business, your committee, on motion duly made and seconded adjourned. FRANK B. McCONNELL, Chairman ALMER AAVANG B. C. COY CARL K WITTMUS AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the followng report. to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry - County, Illinois: . . ' The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before thein. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 2tfrd day of May, 1949, to receive bids for tail-gate delivery of gravel on Town roada under the Township Roads--State Appropriation Fund, Senate Bill 378. The low bidders, their unit prices per cubic yard and the amount of the contract are listed as follows: DunhamTwp., Joe Perenchlo, 1.55 per cu. yd, $7,025,10 Greenwood Twp., Russell R. L-' Reed. 1,63 per cu. yd 6.869L49 Hartland Twp., O'Leary Bros.; 1.59 per cu. yd 7,304.08 Dorr, Twp., C. Lake Truck. & Exc. Co., 1.81 per cu. yd. 9,794.98 Grafton Twp., C. Lake Truck. & Exc Co, 175 per cu. yd. 3,187.08 Algonquin Twp., C. Lake Truck. & Hxc. Co., 1.85 per cu. yd. 2,279.47 McHenry Twp., E. M. Melahn Const. Co.. 1.44 per cu. yd. 9,990.00 McHenry Twp., E. M. Melahn Const. Co.. 1.62 per cu. yd. 4,700.14 Marengo Twp., Floyd M. Griebel, - 1.79 per cu. yd 1 182.60 Seneca Twp., Floyd M. Griebel, 1.88 per cu. yd - 2,342.78 Coral Twp., Floyd M. Griebel, 1.85. per cu. yd 1,936.33 Alden Twp., Harvard Gra^ ft Lime Co., Inc., 1.57 per # cu. yd 9.692.01 Burton Twp., McHenry Sand ft Or a. Co., 1.64 per cu. yd. 1,529.^ Total of Contracts $56,019.99 We decided to recommend that the work be awarded to the foregoing low bidders at the prices bid, subject to State approval. State approval has een received and the work is about to start. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 31st day of May, 1949, to receive bids for asphalt work on Town Roads under the Township Roads--State Appropriation Fund, Senate Bill 378. The low bidders, their unit prices and total bids in the three Towns are listed as follows: Chemung Twp., §ec. 1-T, Suburban oil Company, asphalt 0.1475 per gal., Sand $2.70 per ton $3,454.43 Chemung Twp., sec. 2, Suburban Oil Co., asphalt 0.1475 per gallon, Sand $2.70 per ton 2,5^9.90 Chemung Twp., Sec. 3, Suburban Oil Co., asphalt 0.1476, per gallon, sand $2.70 per ton 2*301.94 Hebron Twp., Sec. 1(C)-T, Suburban Oil Co., asphalt v;' prime 0.16 per gallon, S. 2, 0.1475 per gallon, sand $2.50 per ton #,flt.76 Nunda Twp, Sec. 1(A)-T, Suburban oil Co., asphat A-l treatment: asphalt and prime, cover and sea, 0.16 per gallon, aggregate cover coat, $3.90 per ton, seal $3.80 per " ton, preparation, of base, 1 $0.05 per «q. yd . 3,806.47 Nunda Twp., Sec. 1(D)-T, Suburban OH Co.. asphalt A-l treatment: (The same prices were bid on this section as on the amove section in Nunda). Total bid 9,280.09 Total of Contracts ....$23,003.00 We awarded the work and materials involved to the above named low bidder, subject to State Approval. 1 We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 11th day of June, 1949, and audited and ordered paid bill* of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery aand labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $4,310.5« Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as folows: Sections 3, 14 $ 235.94 Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12 .... 696.81 Sections 4, 17 308.84 Sectiions -6, 6 125.84 Sections 4, 16, 19 340.77 Section 13, 15 and ordersd goM< mants la the inii We have reoei nols Bell Telaphona Highway Permit Apj 4tate Division NQv. 9 work along f. A. mung Township. Illinois. We reeommend that Permit be passed at this tlma. We have reeelved from 1 fuel tax funds rental on Cou owned machinery included above report |49.99>--PMjfol No. 2--Maintenance, 9969. _ 33T--Construction, $59.39 from thai State or Illinois for rafnad of st*t« tax on 1894 galoas of tmctoc 9EM-- Check fio. D 741999. 9306.14 IMm E. M. Melahn Construction Company for 110.341 barrels of cement, and also Check No. 49997 in the amount of 9297.99 from Booh* County for their share of the cost of repairing three bridges on tha Boone-McHenry County Lino--aald amount of $227.66 is to reimtnuTM the County Aid Building Bridges Fundi of McHenry County. We haV« turned all of the above mentioned amounts over to the County Treasurer for the County road fund, which said sm is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes Including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery or for Improvements for buildings to house machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway fund in the sum of $3500 until the next meeting of the Board. All of which is respectfully' Submitted. T. F. NOLAN JOHN J. FILIP AUG. W. RUTH », v F. B. BECK >v\' CARL E. WITTMUg ; - Road and Bridge Comrafttw McHenry County, Illinois It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. May that tha report of the Committee on Roada and Bridges be approved' and adopted by this sqi penvo 9u|«q 1104 Off) pua pitofl Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following State-Aid and M. F. T. Construction Resolutions were presented and read to the Board, towit: Copy of these on file in the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the Resolutions be approved and adopted by thin Board, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolutions approved and adopted. A request tor permission made by the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for a permit to' extend their lines on certain road-ways in Chemung Township was presented. Said Request having previously been approved by the Road and Bridge Committee of this Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by 8upr. Beck 'and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the Permit be granted, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk. Sheriff and Treasurer and Ex-Officio Collector were presented. And upon motion duly made and carried were referred to the proper committees for report. The Chairman called upon the two political parties as represented hy the memberahlp of the Board of Supervisors for suggestions of electors to act as Judges and Clerks of Election and also for the designation of polling places for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County for the ensuing year. After the selection was made It was regularly moved by Supr. Cornue andduly seconded by Supr. Sterne and declared carried that Bald selectlona- be referred to the Committee on Elections for report. The Zoning Board of Appeads operating nder the McHenry County,' Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance presented the following Report, to-ylt: Copy on fila In the County Clerk** office. -- 72.20 99.33 99 Al Miller Patton Baking Co., bread 77.68 Hubert Pharmacy, medicines.. 47.76 John Sexton ft Co.. groceries 116.44 Montgomery Ward ft Co., clothing 1.26 Thomas J. Webb Co., coffee.... 36.60 F. W. Woolworth ft Co., sup. 11.88 Ludwlg Wilson Co., laundry supplies 139.35 O. J. Carroll, seed corn 48.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., tel. 2 mos. 101.45 E. L. Bakkom ft Co.. pump, instalation and supplies .... 782.60 Esther C. Allen, Incidentals 72.60 Esther C. Allen, salary 200.00 Helen Bisbee. salary 140.00 Henry Knaack, wages 176.00 Hattie Nichols, wages 85.00 Ijeona Krejca. wages 113.32 Harry Krejca, wages 141.68 Less cream sold Scrap iron sold .... Sawyer Co., rebate 985.07 12.00 2.09 99,690.00 99,490.95 June 8, 1949 To the Chairman and'the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Ilinois: Your McHenry" Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bills for payment as follows recommending they be paid. Permanent Improvements ..$1,447.55 Running expense 1,896.18 Clothing Tobacco ... M!:r. Diet 5.69 86.32 <7.74 198.00 .900.08 >415.28 $6,482.51 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: Municipal Employees Retirement Fund--MFT share for pension 9 236.19 Patrol Sec. No. 1. maintenance labor and materials 16.65 Patro Sec. No. 2. maintenance, labor and materials 586.08 Right of Way, engi. labor .... 102.24 Section 33T. engi. labor and materials 227.09 Section 34, engi. labor and materlas 89.63 Sec. 36, engi. abor and mat. 366.86 Bee. 83T, const, labor and materials .7,605.61 \ $9,118.34 Bills were audited and ordered paid by the Right of Way Committee for Section 35 M. F. T. otherwise known as the Huntey-Algonquln Road In the amount of $7,704.17. Bils were audited and ordered paid out of Township Roads--State Appropriation funds. Senate Bill 378, follows: Engineering, labor and mat. $397.72 We expect to let the asphalt seal coat for the Woodstock-Alden Koad, from Boat's corner northerly through the Village of Alden, also on road from Frankllnvlle south to State Route 176. Said letting to be on or about June 27, 1949. I We also expect to let two bridges and a concrete culvert on the Huntley- Algonqnln Road on or about June 30, 1949. One bridge is 40 foot span, the other 30 foot span and the culvert Is 8 foot span. The last piece of Right of way on the Huntley-Algonquin road was received Wednesday, June 8, 1949, and the construction work is now underway. We expect to advertise for the necesnary materlas on this job In the near future. If satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Contractor, we may oil the State Aid road throuKh the Village of Chemung from State Route 173 in connection with the oiling of the Town of Chemung road through Lawrence under the State Town plan mentioned heretofore. Approximately one-half (V4) mile ofroad Is Involved. UWe may also seal the two (3<) mile section known as the Bay Road in the Town of McHenry. The original construction Resolution for the Huntley-Algonquln Road was oassed in 1948 and did not cover the changes in alignment near Algonquin and north of Huntley. The estimated cost was $72,- 500. To correct these technicalities and estimates, we recommend that theattached resolution correcting the State Aid Route changes and also the other attached supplemental construction resolution on the above named road be passed by this Board at_ this t|m«. We have made several trips of Inspection of the County Road system . i-JO'i vJi'J It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Becfl that the Report, of the Zoning Board of Appeals he approved and adopted by Jhls Board", and that the McHenry^ County Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance be amended to conform to' the Report Insofar as the action of the Board of Appeals effects the property of the petitioners more fully, outlined In the said petitions and applications filed with and made a part of the Report, and that all maps now on file In the County Clerk's office pertaining to County zoning be changed to conform to said report; And the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus. Beck, Coy, Slavin Dunning, Glenn Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May. Sterne and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman decared the report approved and adopted and the Ordinance amended. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and on motion of Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Coy and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adourned to 1:80 o'clock P. M. (D. S. T.) for committee work, liao O'OMTI V.R(B.9. *.» The Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session constituting a full Board present The Committee on Claims. Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: June 19. A. D. 1949 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen 6f the BOard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, *nd recommend the payment of the following. and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Frank Thornber Co. P. O. Knuth Co. Klrwln Slide Film L*h. :. Klltx Office Service Northern 111. Publications P.F. Pettibone A Co Goerlltz-Becknell Co Roland McCannon Byers Printing Company Burgess, Anderson ft Tate .... Woodstock Daily. Sentinel Co. Sldwell Studio Edwin H. Cooka American Law Book, Co Harry C. Daniels 9949.97 - IM7 9.64 1.106-61 . 29.45 . 96.28 . 93.80 . ?Iti. 64 190.76 21.50 99.00 8.00 96.00 90.00 134.99 129:90 1,899.26 126.15 Thaodore 8. Mttler Eugene Rosaman . jsE nfcu Zola ^ 14.00 roM S. Fo* 199.00 rTMn W. Kays. 119.90 yds C. Miner .... Haaal Wltke R. f. Duaenberty K. J. DMiaen Harold I. ~ Frank it Ifagi ::::::: Frad c.^tau, Sheriff Wpodrtook Dally Sentinel The Harvard Herald Frank Thornber Co I,l76.d0 lawyer's Co-op Puh. Co. Iluipio Republcan News .... Supr. Sal. Jllleage-- Auguat W, Ruth .......-- C. Perry Wright --U... Carl B. WlttnUMP. E. Becl! E. C. Co* Ray SUtvln -- Charles T. Dunning Roscoe Glenn ' Harley Mackeben ...,4^.55 .... T. F. Nolan Aimer Aavang ..I...™.:; Stanley H. Cornue ..........-- Frank B. McConnell Frank May Math N. Schmltt Theodore W. Sterne John J. Filip A. M. Maxwell A. B. McConnell Paul Rosenthal Charles H. Ackman City of Woodstock .. Alice Jones Sabina Bau George K- Swank .. Grant Nolan Lyle Hutchinson Frank J, Kaiser .. Sylvester Muldoon Dale Symonds Thomas P. Bolger .. All of which is respectfully submitted- JOHN J. fTTLIP,, Chairman CHARLES T. DUNNING AUG. W. RUTH ALMER AAVANG A. B. McCONNELL The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning and the roll being, called, was declared unanimously adopted, towlt: 190.90 194.70 149.5(0 199.00 12.40 21.40 71.40 ... 226.40 ... 180.80 J2.10 1.40 ... 122.20 ... 166.20 197.20 ... 11.30 ... 233.00 ... 11.00 ... 20.40 ... 11.00 ... 22.40 ... 125.11 ... 160.00 ... 100.00 ... 215.00 ... 915.00 ... 240.00 ... 21E 00 ... 196.00 ... 200.00 76.00 Raymond I>. Woods, Co. Clk. 913.30 O. E. Nelson. M. D 30.00 C- E. Wittenberg, M. D 10.00 B. B. Neuchlller, M. D. 40.00 Charles F. Hayes ..u... 40.00 O. M. Kerns :......„.™ 10.00 Pearl Schults 97.00 C. L. Tryon 106.10 Thomas B. Merwin 34.75 Woodstock Trucking Serv 10.00 United Research Lab. 201.60 Lein Chemical Co 24.86 Ludwig Wilson Company 84.62 E. L. Bakkom ft Co., Inc. 6.64 The Bohn Hardware Co. ........ 9.38 The C. H. Hanson Co. 19.00 True Value Hardware Store 16.99 R. O. Andrew Co 99.16 Ero Erickaon '. 60.09 Illinois Bell Telephone 279.36 Frank Thornber Co 97.83 U. S. Sanitary Specialties .... 13.68 Fred C. Bau 101.90 Conway Dairy 20.92 8choepperle Grocery ft Mkt. 99-98 Royal Blue Food Mart. 99.10 w*«terp United Gas ft BUo. 2,?6 Bchuett Grocery ' Nick J. Adams ............ Sabina Bau !ttat Ji'-at SSI: t9 June 13, A. D. 1949 Ir, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the folowlng, and the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Dependent Children-- Lutheran Child Welfare Assn. (Daymond) $ 40.00 Lisle Manual Trng. it In- Ddusi. (Jasien) St. Vincent's Home for Children, (Roh) House of the Good Shepherd, (Harvey) Allendale Farm School,. (llolmes) Chicago Industrial Home, (Shay) (Dalzlel) (Fiesman) 280.00 Diocesan Catholic Charities, (Glosson) Elgin Catholic Charities, (Bleleckl) Louis Long (DeLine) Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nattan) 1 Mrs. Edward Redding. (Dalaiel) Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 40.00 Mrs. Minnie Brlgham, (Kctchum) 40.00 Mrs. Melvin Fleming, (flhay) 20.00 Mrs. Cassius Sw'eatman, (Sweatman) 40.00 Mrs. Wm. Eiblsch, (Ketchum) 40.00 John H. Deardorff, (Ketchum) 79.14 Louise M. Brooks, dependant children 938.62; pro off frsAr exp $21.60 X... 60.12 All og which is. respectfully submitted. ( Lake County T. B, San., care T. B. patients 3.094 SO E. C. COT, Chairman. A. B. McCONNELL STANLEY H. CORNUB T. W. STERNE ROSCOE GLENN 80.00 <0.00 40.00 42.00 90.00 30.00 29.00 4<B.OO 30.00 The Committee on Elections, to whom was referred the selection of Judges and Clerks of Election and designation of Polling places for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County for the ensuing year a» made by the two political parties represented on the Board of Supervisors, present the following report, to-wit: To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Election would beg leace to submit the following list of Judges and Clerks of Elections as selected by the two political parties represented on the Board of Supervisors of McHenryCounty, for the year 1049, together with the Polling Places of each Precinct and District In said County, to-wlt: Riley--Polling Place, Town Hall. Riley Twp., 111. Judges: August W. Ruth. Iola Anthony, George T. Anderson, Marengo. 11., RR No. 2: Clerks: William H. Ardell, Walter Dahlman, David McKee, Marengo, 111., RR No. 2. Marengo 1--Polling Place, Stewart's Garage. No. State St.. Marengo, III Judges: C. Perry Wright, Ernest C. Robb, Daniel Kanaly, Marengo. Ill, Clerks: Mildred T. Hyde. Carlton Robb, Regina A. Hlggins, Marengo, 111. Marengo 2--Polling Place, Community Bldg., W. Prairie 8t., Marengo, 111. Judges: Raymond F. Dusenbefry, Harry H. Buelt, Harley W. Delta, Marengo, 111. Clerks: Laura Balrd Jessie Jobe George M. Hance, Marengo, 111. Dunham--Polling Place, Scnool House Diet. 128, Dunham Twp.. 111. Judges: Card E. Wittmus, Claude 0. Faglea, Raymond M. Brlckley, Harvard. 111. R. F. D. Clerks: Anna Philips. Goldie Mao Camp. Margaret D. Whipple. Harvard, 111., R. F. D. Chemung 1--Polling Place, Episcopal Pariah House, E. Sumner St., Harvardd II. Judges: Charles J. Vlerck, Clara H. Scnroeder, Dan V. Coughlin. Harvard, 111. Clerks: Madge C. Ebert, Lula Barter. Theresa N. Hereley, Harvard, III. Chemung 2--Polling Place, Fire Knglne House. West Front Btr., Har vard. III. Judges: Frank E. Beck. Walter N. Johnson, John B. Howard. Harvard, 111. Clerks: Agnes H Freer Lillian M. Yates, Catherine M O'Connor, Harvard, III. Chemung 3--Polling Place. Ambler Bldg.. Chemung Village. Judges: l^aslle A. Douglas, Enfred R. Plhl. Tracy K. Seaver. Harvard, ill. Clerks: Darlene E. Esmon, Agnes J Hutchinson. Helen M. Colcord, Harvard, 111. Chemung 4--Polling Place, American Legion Hall, North Ayer St., Harvard. III. Judges: Arthur R. Kolts, Blanche H. Durtlap, John M. Raeder Harvard I. Clerks: Ora B. MacRae, Esther M. Brann, Laura C. O'Brien, Harvard, 111. Alden--Polling Place, Town Hall In Vllage of Alden Ill| Judges: Elmer C. Coy. Frank w. Seefeldt^ Alden, III., G. W. Flltsgerald. RFD No. 1. Harvard, III. Clerks: Frank Staab, Lester Weter, Alden, IIL, WIHIam OBalley. RFD No. 1 Harvard, 111. _ _ Hartland--Polling Pace, 8hurtlelTo Store, Hartland Twp.. IIL Judgea: Raymond M. Slavin. No. 1. -v.'oodstocl:, 111., Henry Callahan. Anne M. Callahan Harvard, tl.. Carles: Mayrae Tornowfi Box 133, Rri^JVT'«rws,,!ioo5S£ £r.P No, H|J, njilf larks: Rev Andrews. Marengo, ill, RFD No. f, L4o B. Beebe, Woodstock, 111., RFD No. 3, Wilmot N. Snerwln. Woodstock, 111., RFD No. 1. Coral--Pol 1 lng Place, Village Hail, Union, 111. Judge#: Roscoe Glenn, Union. 111., RFD No. 1, Henry Miller, William Gabl, Union. 111. Clarks: Margaret M. Tracy Clara NorthrOp, Antoinette Bchildgen, Unioh, 111. Grafton 1--Polling Place, Village Hall, Huntley. 111. Judges: Harley Mackeben, Ella W. Carroll, Norma M. Garlleb, Huntley, 111. Cerks: Margaret E. Dwyer, Marie H. Rugg, Forence M. Farley, Huntley. 111. Grafton 2--Polling Place, Fred Schutt's Cottage, Laktnrood, Crystal Lake, 111. Judges: Bdl|h M. Eldred, qeorge W. Moffat, Irene M. Koltweit, Crystal Lake. 111. Clerks, Elisabeth Jacobs, Mildred M. Jedllcka, Haael E. O'Malley, Crystal Lake, 111. Dorr 1--Polling Place, Harding's Garage. 210 E. Madison and Calhoun St8., Woodstock, II. Judges: Thomas F. Nolan, 999 MoHenry Ave., Woodstock, 111., Abraim M. McConnell. RFD, Woodstock* III., Arthur J. Desmond, 524 Fremont St., Woodstock, 111. Clerks: film ma C. Peeler, 327 Vine St., Woodstock, III., Lillian D. Prest, 422 E. Jackson St., Woodstock 111., Anne Baler, RFD Woodstock, III. Dorr 2--Polling Place, Townsend's Garage, 417 Clay St., Woodstock. 111.. Judges: Alfred H. Kletnme, 8 2 5 C l a y s t r e e t . W o o d s t o c k , Illinois, Mrs. Laura Kiel. 914 Clay St., Woodstock, 11.1. Ralph Austin, 1109 Wheeler St., Woodstock, 111. Clerks: Alvina F. Brodernian. 914 Clay St., Woodstock, III., Lillie A.. Beard, 116 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, 111., Emma 8. Johnson, 118 North 8t., Woodstock. 111. Dorr 3--Polling Place, Room under County Treasurer's Office, Court House, Woodstock. 111. Judges: Mary Frances Murphy. 240 Washingto St., Woodstock, 111., Karlen H. Cooney, Lincoln Ave., Woodstock 111., Harold P. Evans, 227 Lincoln Ave.. Woodatock. 111. Clarks: P. Doris Schroeder, 441 Dane 8t., Woodstock, IIL, Jean 8mith. Woodstock, 111., Mary Sheehy 641 Washington St., Woodstock, 111, Dorr 4--Polling Place, 8. E. Corner of City Hall, Dean and Calhoun Sts., Woodstock, 111. Judges: T. Lester drifting, 357 Tryon St., Wood- Stock, 111. Elmer E. Carlson, Woodstock, lllu Eugene M. Phillips, 726 Dean St., Woodstock 111. Clerks: Frances E. Battern, 229 Gritting Ave., Woodstock, .JI1., Alice A. Charles, 532 Austin Ave., Woodstock, 111., Margaret D. Freund, 316 Johnson Ave., Woodstock, 111. Dorr 5 -- Polling Place, Abbott's Store, Ridgefield, 1U. Judges: Walter M. Reed, Ray H. Abbott. Frank Church, Ridgefield, 111. Clerks: Ella M. Walkup, Leola I. Reed, RFD No. 2, Woodstock, II., Nellie L. Church, Ridgefield, 111. Greenwood---Polling Place, ToWn Hall, Village of Greenwood, /111. Judges: Aimer Aavang, RFD Nto. 3, Woodstock, 111., Howard J. Walkington, RFD Rlngwood, 111., Oliver Reed, RFD No. 3, Woodstock 111. Woodstock, III., Olivene Walkinrton, RFD, Ringwood, 111., Lena M. Reed, RFD No. 3, Woodstock. 111. Hebron--Polling Place. Town Hall. Hebron, 111. Judges. Stanley H. Cornue, Harold C. Spooner, John P. O'Holleran, Hebron, 111. Clerks: Harold S. Thayer, J. A. Hbrehled, Albert W. Mathison, Jr., Hebron, 111. Richmond--Polling Place, Memorial Hall, Richmond, 111. Judges: Franfl B. McConnell, Howard E. Vogel, Henry F. Greeley, Richmond, 111. Clerks: Alice M. Bell, Bertha Peet, .NeUle Glbbs, Richmond, 111. Burton--Polling Placc, Town Hall, . Spring Grove, 911. Judges: Frank May, C. L. Stevens, Anton Meyer, Spring Grove. 111. Clerks: Charles Gillespie. Spring Grove, 111., Charles N. May. Richmond, 111., Mary Nlmngfcrn, Spring Grove, 111. McHenry 1-- Polling Place,' Royal Blue Store, Ringwooa, 111. Judges: Claytop Harrison, Ringwood, 111., Carl J. Hallstrom, N. Stanley Hunt, Ringwood, 111., RFD No. 1. Clerks: Viola M. Low. Flora Carr, Rose Tonyan, Ringwood, 111., RFD No. 1. McHenry £--Polling Place, City Hall. West McHenry, III. Judges: Vera L. Purvey, Arnold Anderson, Vera B. Kane, West McHenry, ill. Clerks: Lina Kllday. Elsie M. Smith, Alice Lindsay, "West McHenry, 111. McHenry 3--Polling Place, Blakes Garage, McHenry, 111. Judges: Math N. Schmltt, Albert Krause, Maud Rothermel, McHenry. III. Clerks: Mary A., Freund, H. Walter Anderson, Elvera 8. Durland, McHenry, IIL McHenry 4--Polling Place, -Bildners Barber Shop, Johnsburg, 111. Judges: Peter Freund, Jr., William J. Meyers, Joseph King. McHenry, 111., RFD No. 1. Clerks: Catherine M. Freund, iHlda May, Agnes K. Freund. RFD No. 1, McHenry, III. Nunda 1--Piling Place Inar Johnson Garage at Barrevllle.. Judges Charles E. Behan, Charles J. Schroeder, Herbert E. Barton, RFD No. 1, Crystal Lake. Clerks: Mary Ellen Flanagan, Evelyn A. Yerkey, Ruth Dietrich, Crystal LaJte, 111. Nunda 2--Polling Place, City Hall, Crystal Lake, II. Judges: Theodore W. Sterne, RFD No. 1, Crystal Lake, 111., Matilda Doherty, RFD No. 1, W. McHenry. 111., Charles Gumprecht, Crystal Lake, 111. Clerks: Martha A. Feffer, Crystal Lake, lit, Gladya E. Stanek. 444 2nd St., Crystal Lake, III., Warren E. Swenson, 486 Illinois St.. Crystal Lake, 111. Nunda 8>--Polling Place, Odd Fellows Hall, Crystal Lake, lli. Judges: Paul J. Doherty, RFD MoHenry, 111., John C. Flotow, 19 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake. 111^, Charles S. Pingry, 131 Grant 8t.. Crystal Lake. HI. Clerks: Lenore M. Schneider, 6l Grant St., Crystal Lake, 111., Helen T. Lowell, Joseph A. McAndrews, RFD No. 1, W. McHenry, 111. Algonquin 1--Polling Place, Village Hall, Algonquin, III. Judges: Walter H. Schuett, Algonquin, 111., Wendell A. Haverkampf, Box 280, Algonquin, 111., John A. Dvorak, Algonquin, 111. Clerks: Claude C. Lace, C. J. Ebel, Robert T. Cayeny, Agonquln, 111. Algonquin 2--Polling Place, Virginia St., Pump House, Crystal Lake, Judges: Paul F. Rosenthal, Frank E. Bohl. James L. Kiley, Crystal Lake, 111. Clerks: Paul W. Rauhut. Sidney W. Nelson, Helen G. Nermand, Crystal Lake, 111. Algonquin 3--Polling Place, Village Hall. Cary, 111. Judges: John J. Filip, Julian F. Lasansky, Paul L. Wium. Crysta Lake. 111. Clerks: El burn F. Mentch. Rose IK Pokomy, Elsie Ij^oeft. Cary, III. Algonquin 4--Polling Place. Village HalL Fox River Grove, III. Judges: Rose J. Dvorak, Joseph S. Sersen, Arthur G. Goets, Fox River Grove, 111. Clerks: Anna F. Radous, Anna Hlpbil, Linda V. Tejcek, Fox River Grove, 111. Algonquin 5--Polling Place, Board ofTSducation Dlst. No. 47 Junior High School, Crystal Lake. 111. Judges: A. Ernest Schroeder, Ruth M. Krumme, Clifton M. Millar. Crystal Lake. III. Clerks: Marge Lindahl, Luelia Reddersdorf, Lester J. Ebel, Crystal Lake. IIL Your Committee would therefore recommend that the above and foregoing' selections of Judges and Clerks of Elections for the various Precincts and Districts in McHenry County as made for the ensuing year, by the two political parties represented on said Board, be approved, and that the Clerk of the Board be directed to ille reports on said selections yth the County Court of McHenry County. All of which la respectfully submitted, this 6th day of June, A. D. 1949. CHARLE8 T. DUNNING, Chairman «ARLKY MACKEBF.N AVMOND M. SLAVIN AUG. W. RUTH It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded „ JSSBSB? In Seneca Twp., ill. Judges: Charles tions be adopted by this Board and t^at tha County Clerk be dtc*et«« to file a report f tha selections so triads with tike County Court af MoHenry County for the confirmation atld appointment and the roll being U called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Witt* V* mus. Beck, Coy Slavin Dunning, |p Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, A Aavang, Corune, McConnell. May, gtfrne and Filip knd Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and McConnell voted Aye. Nay none. Tha Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the report adopted. The question of dividing certain election districts In McHenry and Nunda Townships for the convenience of the electors therein was brought to the attention of the Board and the Clerk presented and read the following official opinion, rendered by thtf Attorney General of the State of Illinois concerning the division of Election precincts and districts under th* nr«unt State law. Said opinion having been secured the State's Attorney of McHenry County upon request of the Elections Conynittee of thia Board, to-wit: Copy %on file in the County Clerk's office. V The Chairman, Math N. Schmltt. of M<{Henry Township and Supr. Sterne of Nunda Township both stated that it was their opinion that a great many of thp electors In their Townships -had to travel too far to reach their polling place as the precincts In said Townships are now organized, and Supr. Sterne suggested that the red-dividing of the districts In question be referred back to the Committee on Elections and that at the clos# of busines* this day that the Regular June Meeting be adjotyned to the Second Tuesday of July to see if something could be done concerning said matter. " A communication received from Arthur L. Webster, a real estate broker of Wheaton, Illinois, concerning the sale of 78.8-4 acres of land with buildings adjoining the County Farm on the South in Section 23 of Hartland Township was presented and read to the Board, and after some discussion, upon motion duly made and carried was referred to the County Home Commit-' •tee for investigation and report. A notice was received from the State of Illinois HouslngAuthority that the term of office of Frank Nagel of Fox Rixer Grove, as a member of the McHenry County Housing Authority would expire on June 18, 194ft It was' thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that Frank Nagel be re-appointed as a mebmer of the McHenry County Illinois Housing Authority for a full five year term, ending June 18, 1954, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the appo'ntment made. The question of the. re-appointment and contract of Dr. B. Kennelly as County Veterinarian ^vas brought to the attention of the Board. Supr. Ray Slavin, Chairman of the Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle addressed the Board and stated that his committee met with Dr. Kennelly concerning said matter, and that Dr. Kennelly at said meeting asked for a raise of $1,320.00 per year over and above that part of his salary that he receives from McHeniy County, and it was the opinion or the Committee that they should advertise for bids for the job. and that he felt that a qualified County Veterinarian could be employed for th same money that is now being paid. Asst. Supr. McConnell a member of sad committee, stated that he felt that the salary now being paid for the work being done was sufficient, and that he wasn't sure of the present conditions concerning reactors but that a year ago .there were many violations. After some further discussion with regard to said matter it was regulary moved by Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth that the question of a County Veterinarian be referred back to the Committee in charge, giving said committee full power to act, and the roll being called the Chalrluun declared the. action unanimously carried. The question of the purchase of a Squad car for the Sheriff was brouKht to the attention of the Board, by the Chairman, Math N. Schmltt. He stated that there was a great deal of petty crime going on In the County and that it was his opinion that the Sheriff did not have the proper equipment to combat it and that he felt that something shoud be done about It. Supr. Beck stated that It was his opinion that taverns should be policed and that a squad car operating eight hours per day or r\lght could do a lot of good in the enforcement of the McHenry County Liquor Control Act, as to closing hours. Several other Supervisors voiced their oplnlons concerning the suppression of crime in McHenry County, after which it was regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded hy Supr. Filip that said matter be referred to the Sheriff's Committee for a report at the next meeting of thin Board. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr.. Mackeben of Grafton Township addressed the Board and stated that to him the McHenry County road system had back-in-the-woods flavor, and that he thought it was about time that the County adopted some kind of a program concerning county roads, and that he did not believe that the County was big enough to be in the construction business, and that It was a common practice that al of the McHenry County Road maintenance men would be working on one road Improvement, while malntalnance work on other roads lagged. Supr. Maokeben stated that he was not In any way crtlciaing the Road and Bridge Committee or the Highway Department' but that he did feel that something should be done concerning road matter, and that he would move at this time that the Road and Bridge Committee make a complete study of1 all road matters, as to V>w many miles of road that are now on the program to b« Improved, and how many miles of road now under construction, and how many miles of road needing repair. Said motion was duly secoded by Supr. Dunning. Several Suprs. spoke concerning road problems in their townships. Supr. NolaSl. Chairman of- the Road and Hrldge Committed stated that he felt that the present tax rate allowed the Highway Department under the Butler Act was not sufficient during these times, to properly repair and maintain the existing County Roads, and that he wanted the Board to know that his committee would make a thorough Investigation and report. After some further discussion the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. l-v s*. im 8upr. Cornue of Hebron Township addressed the Board and stated that recently the Sheriff of McHenry County eonflsrated many gambling devices from certain tavern keepers operating In McHenry County, and that several suits have been filed against said tavern owners, and that he felt that the Board had greater power over the question of gambling thany anyone else, and that» he would move at this time that "the Board of Supervisors support the County Liquor Commission in ac- M tively following up known viOlatora of tavern licenses, with apropriate penalties In the form of license suspension, and that he would request in his motion a roll call vote. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. McConnell. Supr. Mackeben. Chairman of the Liquor Control Commission, acting under the appointment of the Liquor Control Commissioner of McHenry County, stated that as ^ong as he had been a member of the Lienor Contro Commission that they hid never denied a hearing to tavern keepers where written com- 1>iai*ts were filed, and that the Liquor Control Commissioner and his assiatants were not police officers. w' » After some further discussion with regard to said matter the .Chairman directed the Clert to call the roll on Supr. Cornue's motion, and the • - W . »- yn it * V ^ r - 1 rirfMffrtiifiriiiife' -h 111'tiitn"*'

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