Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1950, p. 5

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- ' - f t , . ' • • • . * ' - **.'•' • -*r *"i^v"*• «• , M»y 11, two - >- , >-,*» iv' • - »»•.«. ]* ,(,» t+tjrum *»4 # w. . -'f: ,;;• • ' $ / . CLASSIFIED mm puntDEALER 1# I^f.Pcu blished every Thursday at Mc- Jfenry, 111., by tbe McHenry Pub- Itehing Company, Inc. H 1 ' ATIONAL EDITORI AKOCCAT . #. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. <ff)ELE FROEHLICH, Editor. • Entered aB second-class matter fH the postoffice at McHeinry, 111., Vjbder the act of May 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATE Tear 82.60 Plaindealer Want Ads gis| No ads counted les& than , 25 fiords. 75c minimum; ~ V _i insertion. (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on ajl blind «*s. Cash with orderr. S Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum ^ Reading notice 15c per line. ^ Want Ads close promptly at 10 i(jm. Wednesday. AUTOMOTIVE 1*>R SALE-- '37 Chevrolet black sedan; good looking car; good run ning ami good tiros. Call a Iter f> pirn. McHenry fiC.'Jl. 52 roE SALE--1940 Chevrolet, master Meluxe, excellent condition. Wonder f«unke. (V! Hebron ,:.r>_'-L' FOR SALE--Con vert il.le 1941 Cliev rdlet, new top, new paint job and in --v4ry go^d condition. Tel. 488-M. *f>2 FOR SALE--Model C.T-2A Universal -Jeep. MeHenrv Garage, (504 Front-St., Tel. 40.5." o2tf BUSINESS SERVICE ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, AND TAX SERVICE - Record* installed and maintained. Klmer 1'. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Pox Lake f>9(ii.'. 4T>tf __ COMPLETE TREE SERVICE SI9 Wnukeyan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service * 40tf BXPEBT PIANO AND OROAH TUNING--Repairing and Rcfinish ing, work fully guaranteed. Used «tlanos for sale. E. Zaboth, call col ect, Lake Zurich .1102. 40 ti JANITOR*"SiiRVICE -- We clean woodwork, floors, windows, walls Pfeily, weekly, monthly or Reason ally. Reasonable prices. MeH»>Hry Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr Phone MeHenrv 430 J. 32tl' FOR BABY SITTERS--In your neighborhood, call Pro-Teen club, t$e Toddler Shop, McHenry, 740. { 38tl .FCTAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catch oaains, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon 20(> Alain Street- McHenry. Telephone 167. ' 2«tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. P Woodstock, CI. 8(>tf TREE SPRAYING FRANK W. HKN1CEL Volo Illinois - P. O. Round Lake, III. Phone McHenry 543-.T-1 40tf GARBAOE COLLECTINO -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Bo* 274, Me £fjtonry, Phone 365. tf ^ O. D. KINBEY Contractor and Builder Remodeling, Cabinet Work Estimates Given * Phone 893-J. 48-7 BUSINESS SERVICE SAVE SAVE -- SAVE Homes, Remodeliug, Roofing, Hidintr . SPECIAL 7 Room Ranch Type Home 95,996.00 Terms on all work. FREE ESTIMATES Phone Wonder Lake 698 after 5 t>.m AIR8PUN INS. CO. * . • *51-4 •TREE SPRAYING' 0ARDEN PLOWING J. W. Raycraft McHenry 298-R 48tf LANDSCAPING Hedges, slirubs dud evergreens trimmed of replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Flower beds prepared and planted. Guaranteed. Walter Aevernian, Golf .Course Subd. Phone 210-J. Me Henry. jjotf NOW READY TO SHOW-. Good quality Hereford and Angus steers Suitable for cheap feed or grass, weighing from 500 to 800 pounds. At the farm on Route No. 20, two miles west of Belvidere, 111. Visit ors always welcome, whether you want one or a hundred. No she-stuff at present. TI. L. Dunning. 4S-4 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; n? help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wlieeliug No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf "llELPWANTED WANTED -- Bookkeeper, full time, good working conditions. State <|iialifications and experience. Write IU>x 2A care McHenry Plaindealer. HELP WANTED--.Jobbers to call on Auio Stores and Filling Stations selling reputable products. High commissions with good chances for advancement. Write R. Duane Fowler, Box 334, Woodstock or Phone 464-JX. 40tf HELP WANTED--'Needed inunedi ately. Women and girls with cashier experience for part time work. Good wages. Write Box 58, .•/o McHenry Plaindealer. 51-2 HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 i>. in. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51 tf WU -- Beer - for year ice oold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn. where *©od fellows meet; all kinds of Nines aad package goods to takeoat at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 PhanaenrtUl, prop. 23tf WW TOD* PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLBMS TO US-- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTOR*, ITLMB AND SUPPLIES. WORWICKf STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf FOB SALB--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper.,L. V. Kilts, Clay St". Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry VON OONCRBTB PRODUCTS OO. Phone McHenry 788-W WINDOW BHADB8--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of re movable plat and Banflex origins! blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade St Venetian Blind Co., 5040 W. Division street, Chi <*ago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening, Rat. cr Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. 27tf FOR SALE--1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa. Hugh J. O'Brien, Phone Wauconda 2317. 43tf .In FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping, Pit.zen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 357(). Corner of routes 120 and Wil son road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannen still. 49tf OUTBOARD MOTOR 3 hp. Sea King Motor with stand, practically new. Used less than 60 hours. Phone 170 or 678-M-2. VAUGHAfr'S GRASS SEED Lawn fertilizer, peat moss, garden bedding and vegetable plants. Spraying material / for healthy growth. Elm Street Florist, Phone 401. 51 tf PIANOS -- 40 Miles From High Prices. A Happy Future for your children With a New Spinet Piano. Call lis todav. Elgin 780. DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO. Crtr. W. Chicago and Union St. Elgin, 111. 50-4 FOR SALE--14 ft. Thompson boat witli mahogany deck, center deck, steering wheel nnd 10 HP Johnson outboard motor. Cheap. Call MeHenrv 658-M-2. *52 HELP WANTED--Man wanted for general nursery work. Inquire -at Pitzen's Nursery. Phone Round Lake 5570. 49tf FARM EXPERIENCE REQUIRED .V Salesman will be hired by major feed company for permanent, fulliine work in tlris vicinity. Horn? iii-jlits. No ntoek or credit to carry, lietter - than - average earnings. Thorough training on job. Must have dependable car. Age 25 to 50. Only sober, serious-minded, reliable inon will be considered. For confix ilential appointment, reply Box*-A9, care MeHenrv Plaindealer. *52 FOR SALE--1% galvanized pipe 12 ft. long; hand power wrenches; 190- lb. anvil; blacksmith box vice; 2 heavy benches; 3Vjxl0, soft wood plank, 11 ft. long; bench drill press, galvanized tank, copper bottom. 180 gallon; -2-wheel trailer; chicken coon for 12 chickens. Tel. McHenry 698-M-l. *52 FOB SALE--Neseo electric roaster, perfect condition. Very reasonable. Phone McHenry 594-W-2. 52 FOR SALE -- DeLuxe Storkline baby buggy. Phone McHenry 422 j_ setf HELP WANTED--Married man to run farm; must be sober and indus trious; state experience and refer •'nees. Box 228, Richmond, III. 52 HELP WANTED-- Female pastry -ook. Apply Pantry Delicacies or "all 754. " 62 2 HELP WANTED-- Female help for seaming and inspecting ladies nylon hosiery. Apply at McHenry Hosiery Mill between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. 52-2 rOK SALE POR SALE--Johns-Manville Hoine insulation, ikstallcd by The Wall- Pill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition part? for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. TeJ McHenry 183. 47tf Chan CkthM WwLongt Chan Chiht Wiwlanff Helen Weber Says: You'll Look Better la Clothes Cleaned Better and 'We Clean Better, So You'll Feel Better. Our Hi# Playing G**ds Are In McHenry Gleaners Phm 194-M tet .-.X' Oothm Iftar£M0*r .*«•«• Chan CWbi lfiar toflfif rw FOR SALE--Rowboats, built to or der. 14 ft. unpainted boats, $70.00. Phone McHenry 561-M-l. 52-4 FOR SALE--Good used tires and tubes, 650x20, $10.00; Also 700x20, $12.00; 1936 Chevrolet truck parts l'l" ton; 1936 new Chevrolet motor complete less than 4,000 miles and 5 speed transmission ready to install, $98.00; complete heavy duty rear end with springs ton, like new, •75.00; brand new radiator 1 month in use, $24.00; windshield, gener ator, oarburator, etc. Fredrick's Service Station, Ingleside, 111., High way 59A and Grand Avenue. *52 FOR SALE-- Reed sun room set; china cabinet, chairs, etc. Also new Evinrude outboard motor. Phone McHenry 276-J. *52 FOR SALE -- Studio coueh, other household items, reasonable. Dining Room set, , $35.00. Call McHenry 468-J, Sunday or Monday 52 FOR SALE -- Round dining room table, 3 leaves, pads, chairs and buf fet mav be had by calling McHenry 545-J-l Rundav 10 to 4. 52 3 FOR SALE -- Registered Yorkshire Wosy, never sired a litter of less than ten pigs; 25 bushels of cleaned barley, Moore variety; John Deere corn cultivator for Model A. Tel. MeHenrv 886. *52 FOB 8ALE-- 120 ft. ornament:)) wicke£ wire plus 120 ft. 2x4's; 17 cedar posts; steel gate; $40 if removed. 9x12 maroon carpeting, $35. Tel. MeHenrv 471 R. 52 70S BENT--3 room unfurnished cottage, McCullom Lake. Couple •referred. Ben J. Schaefer, Mc- /Vllom Lake. *52 FOR SALE-- Venetian blinds nnd ninronn figured davenport. Tel. Mc Hetirv 759 It. 52 FOB RENT--R. N. A. Hall on Main St. available for public parties and meetings.' Rates reasonable. Tel. 128-W or 53-M. 52tf FOB BENT--Two garages on East Waukegani road, McHenry. Mrs. Rose Freund, phone 2l4-R. 52 FOR RENT--Modern 3-room apt., 2 bedrooms, showtr, kitchen. Newly furnished $30.00 per week. North-east corner cf Route 12 and Qnienton Road. 2 miles from Lake Zurich. Call Lake Zurich 4315. *51-2 FOR RENT--Modern 4 room apt., adults onlv. Chapel Hill. Phone MeHenrv 668 M 1 52 FOB RENT--Combination sleeping and living room; private entrance and t bath; excellent meals; garage space. McHenry. business man pre ferred. Tel. 853: 51tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. 'Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTEQ-t-Watches and JeWelry repai*. Anthony Noowati. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf SITUATIONW ANTED^ LOST AND FOUND LOST--Girl's bicycle, blue trimmed, with basket. Ellen Clark, phone 728. 72 SPRING GROVE SEWING--Coats, dresses, children's cloth#*. Call McHenry 79!)-It. 52 WANTEFTCTBUY WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Water front cottage by month or season, 2 adults, best references. Call MeHenrv 695- W-2. *52 REAL ESTATE ALL YEAR HOMfcS r'Cl. SALE PlSTAKEE; near Villa Club 5 rooms, 2 large lots. Ideal location, Price $7500. WONDER LAKE: 5 rooms on Blacktop Road. Price $6,850. RIVERSIDE DRIVE: 5 rooms and breakfnst room, four car garage and work shop, new hot air furnace, laundry tub, recreation rooih also river front lot across the road, included, for appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, in JOHNSBURG, .Tel. McHenry 37. 49tf Off *»»* Charles Fretta*) A grOttp of ladies spent a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. J. J. Freund in honor of her birthday on Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles May. Cards were the afternoon's diversion and prizes' went to BJrs. Math Freund, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. T. Olsen, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Mrs. L. Van Every. After cards a .lovely lunch was served. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Frank Tinney entertained members of her club. Gantes of five-hundred were played and prize winners were Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mts. Tinney and j Mrs. Alice Wagner. Refreshments j were served to complete the party, i Mrs. Arthur Kattner was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday night. A delicious lunch of chicken a la king and strawberry short cake was served, after which cards were played. Tlume receiving prizes were Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Kattner and Mrs. Ray May. Mrs. Al Schweitzer will entertain the club, in •lime. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter. Linda, of Lily Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgorn and son, Frankie, of McHenry |were visitors in the Math Nltns- 'gern home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and I family visited friends in Chicago on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frettnd and family attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miehels at St. Mary's hall in McHenry on Sunday. The first ball game of the season played at the local diamond on Sunday afternoon was won by the Spring Grove team, defeating Johnsburg by a score of 7 to 5. Gene Christensen's home run with the bases loaded was greatly responsible for the winning score. FOR BALfe--One garage, 12x20. Tel. McHenry 856. Worts Service station, intersection Rtes. 31 and 120. *52 FOR SALE-- Three beehives with complete equipment and book; $40 value, $25. Tel. Round Lake 3327. 52 ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Cloth ing in Good Condition for (he en ttrt family. Open Monday to Satur day, 1 p. m. to 10 n. m., Sunday. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cbttn Rd. Consignment and Resale Antique Shop. % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 3L Crvstsl Lake 1346 It 1. 51 tf *OR SALB--New 8 ft. Browman meat case, single duty. Verv ron sonable. Jensen's Bakery. Crystal Lake, III. Phone Crystal Ldke 178. - ' *512 FOR RENT FOB SALE--2 family modern brick home, forced air heat, 4 rooms on first floor, 3 rooms upstairs, fully insulated, storm windows, eorncr lot and garage. Must be seen to be appieciated. T'all after 5 p.m. or all day Sunday. Phone McHenry 537 W-l. 51-4 FOB BALE--Small year round home in McCullom Lake. Completely insulated, running water, knotty pine interior. Wired for electric range. 2 large lots. Full price $2800.00. A. W. Brand, McCullom Lake, 7th house south from Roy Al Inn., 52 FOR SALE -- Residence, 6 rooms, bath, basement, automatic gas heat, 2 car garage, large lot. Close to depot, stores, churches and schools. Priced for quick sale. Call McHenry 685-R-l. . *52 FOR SALE--Residence; Grooms, bath; 2 screened-in porches; full basement with laundry; hot water heat. Garage 22x20; two chicken houses 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. by 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to sell. 715 Center St., West McHenry. Owner on premises. Tel. 278-J. 44tf FOB SALE--5 -room home, living room, 2 bedrooms, utility room, cabinet kitchen, bath, fully insulated, automatic oil heat, electric water heater, enclosed porch, ga rage. Emerald Park, McHenry, III. Phone McHenry 634-R 2. 52 FOB BALE--Home on McCullom Lake, 7 rooms; 3 closed porches; 4 bedrooms; 170 ft. lake front, 240. ft. deep, 24 fruit trees. All fenced in. 3 metal boats. Reasonable. Phone MeHenrv 698-M-l. *52 Public Pulse .AU communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer inntee its readers to express their pinions in these columns.) The recent indifference of P.T.A. Members and all parents to last month's safety movie, "Last Date," was especially disheartening in the face of-McHenry's traffic problem. The movie was written up In a national weekly, an N.B.C. announcer spent fifteen minutes discussing it on a national network; and eighteen out of 252 P.T.A. members came. Teen-Age drivers must be controlled by their parents. In McHenry, with a potential summer population of 16,800 and a real population of 1,600, we can't as a city afford adequate police patrols. It is up to the parents united, as in P.T.A., to control the situation. I understand the teen-agers laughingly call the road to Volo "Death Row". Do we have to kill a few of them off before we do anything about it? At its next meeting, the P.T.A. is having a discussion panel made up of three teachers and three parents on "What's Wrong With The Parents." I think I know. It's Indifference. ESTA MEEKER LEGALS . ' Tj •T/f •• •!; • r\> j/ *J -V"; r ' '*„ • . k NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PRORATE OF WILL STATE OF ILLINOIS McHENRY COUNTY, ss. To ROY S. BUESS and the unknown next of kin and heirs at law of GEORGE W. THIELL, Deceased, late of McHenry County, Illinois. You are hereby notified that application has been made to the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, for the probate of the will of GEORGE W. THIELL, deceased, and that the hearing of the proof of said will has been set hy said Cpurt for the 5th day of Jutie A. D. 1950, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon at the Court House in Woodstock in said County, when and where you can appear, if you see fit, and show cause, if arw yqu have why said will should mit be admitted •to JJ '• R. D. Woods, County Clerk April1950 ' COURT SEAL (Pub. May .4-11-18) NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ANTON MALOCHLEB AND ZELDA MALOCHLEB FOR .VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, relative to a change or variation of the /.oiling classification, a hearing will be heard before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of Anton Malochleb and Zelda Malochleb relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification that the lot four hereinafter described be changed from that of Residence District classification to that of Business District B1 and that applicants be permitted to have three..cottages on lot five hereinafter described, which cottages have been on said premises for some time past. Said real estate is more fully described at: Lots 4 and 5 of the Stilling Columbia- Park Subdivision according to plat, recorded with Recorder of McHenry County in Book 3 of Plats on page 50; belhg situated in the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18. Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3r£ P.M., McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing will be held at 4 P.M. on Tuesday, ]May 23rd. 1950. in the City Hall. McHenry. Illinois, at -which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to stich application will be entitled to be heard. Dated this 8th day of May, 1950. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS by Harold J. Bacon. Chairman. Joseph X. Waynne, Attorney for petitioners, ~™~"" (Pub. May 11) WEEKLY CROSSWORD PRESIDENT HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured former U. 3. president; IS Carriage 14 Walk 15 Woody plant 16 Dutch measure 17 Substance VERTICAL 1 Speedily 2 Tree limb SMsle sheep 4 Forenoon (ab.) 5 Gaping 6 Entangle 7 Ignited 8 Newspaper paragraphs^: JUJJI !JPfl 19 Abstract being 0 £arai"p^ 20 Code NapSe^.J Court (ab.) on (ab.) 10 Mineral rock 21 Spinning toy 22 Manuscripts (ab.) 24 Delirium 26 was the 42 Port tallest of all 43CMndi» V. S. -presidents (ab.) WOtlCK OK flAIM DATE Estate of Robert Walter Wright, Deceased. . Notice Is hereby given to all persons that July 3rd, 1950, is the claim date In the estate of Robert Walter Wright, Deceased, pending In thf( County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERALD J. CAREY, Administrator. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney at Law , \ . Woodatock. Illinois. (Pub. May 11. 18, 2S) 11 One who lends 12 Birds' homes 17 Month (ab.) tremens (ab.) 1® 25 Reverberate Violent 27Love god. ,, 30 Golf devices 23 Sh,p 32 At this place 34 Area measure 35 Erect 36 European country (var.) 37 God of war "39 Place (ab.) 40 Oriental nurse 43 Solar disk .44 Minced oath ^ 46 Great (ab.) 47 Toward 49 Either 80 Railroad (ab.) 81 Edge 83 He was t nicknamed "Honest 54 Ireland 56 Son of Seth (Bib.) 87 Weird 98 Animates Fastest Stairways People who ride the fastest moving stairways in the United States hardly notice the difference in speed. Two units at Rockefeller Center in New York, travel 125 feet a minute, while all standard moving stairways in this country move 90 feet or slower. 45 Attire 48 Upon 49 Pram S2R«nsim village .:yg 2T Sloping way 29 Verbal 31 Babylonian deity 33 Dawn goddess 53 35 Narrow inlet the 37 Dress family 38 Of the thing 55 Symbol Hr 41 Symbol for nickel silver 56 And (Lath# rr n Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store. McHenry. 8tf milllltllllltlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIinHHIIW'llllUIIMIt The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. MrHeary* Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT„ MAY 12.18 George Montgomery Marie Windsor hi "DAKOTA LILL" •; (In Color) SI N. - M0N„ MAY 14.16 Sunday Con*t. From 2:45 P.M. Ring Crosby Coleen Gray In "RIOINtt HIGH" Yonll laugh till yoar sides ache with Bfng In one of his best pictures in a long time. TI ES. . WED. . THI RS. MAY 16-1M8 Kelly Teresa Pelli In "BLACK HAND" nil lliilliimii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiuiiiii mitt mitiiiiHiHi NOTICE Open House at the new Central Certified Food Store, Thursday, evening. May 18. Free coffee and doughnuts. 58 McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRL . SAT, MAY 11-18 John Wayne Yeru Ratoioa 0|lf«F Hardy Marie Windsor *THE FIGHTING V - 4 KKXTCCKUI* Cartoon aad News. ~ * SUN. . MONn MAY 14-H * Blag Crosby Coleen Gray Charles Blckford Perry KQhriie "RIDING HIGH" Y^WPld News and Carteea TI ES. - WEB* MAY M>11 David Brian Clead Janaaa, Ih "INTRUDER IN THE DUST** Cartoon aad Novelty THURSDAY, MAY 18 ^ (Ia Color) Robert Preston Robert Sterling ( kill wnis Cathy Dawns "THE SUNDOWNERS* BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARMS --CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PRO- < PERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX1 REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL.--LICENSED ILL. AND WIS. BROKER, PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf FOB SALE--! -room house, double far garage; 5 lots; running, bath, electricity; 120 feet from highway. $5,000. Call MeHenrv 130- R. *5'j. FOB SALE-- House only 10-2S, 1 room and porch. Carl G. Sxvausoii, 44 Orchard Roach. Phone McHenry 2-W after fi p.m. Will aeeept reasonable offer. „52-3 FOB SALE--Tii McCullom Lake, 4 room yeiir round home, fuHv insulated, floor furiiace, bath fimiished. Phone 547-J. *52:2 FOR SALE -- Nicely wooded lot, <>7x140 ft. City water, gas nnd electricity. 5 minute walk to North Western station. Call 292-R. *52 NOTICE Our new Certified Food Store will be open for business Saturday, May 13. 52 W# have lovely Gibion cards that say . . , , "To Mom With love oik MOTHERS DAY!" FOB SALE--Wonder Lake fi room year around home. Automatic hot water, oil heat, tiled kitchen and bath,. Garage and utilitv room attached. Lot 60x150 ft. Price $8,700. Paul Reuter, Sunset DriVe, Phone 081. *52 NOTICE Our new .Certififd Food Store will bo open for business Saturday. May 13. r 62 ailLLEjg FRI. - SAT., MAY 12-18 Mat. Saturday, 1:30 P.M. frflKAT S8N6-WT NWOmNK! A U T RY,*3r MULE TRAIN A COUMOU MCTVM Sen-- Play by (Strati Oriffcty • D*«cta4 by JOHN CMltSM by MfeMNO SCMCFEJi • A tf* AUTftY PW0UCTWH Co-Hit "BOMBA ON PANTHER ISLAND* FOR SALB--G lots good location. $300 Wauconda 5313. in per Lily lot. Lak?, Phono 52 SI N. - MOX„ MAY 14«lo Matinee SunM 2:30 P.M. FOR RENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath shower, plenty of hot water. Tel. MeHenrv | 853. - 46tf I WW[«j»,| i •• . I BOMB FOR BALE River Front Johnsburg--nice residence 5 rms. porch & util. rm. on Fox River, Reas. taxes--will assist in financing. Offered at $8.000--L. A. Oeiss Co., 100 W. Monroe, Rm.* 1405, Chicago. 52 •. • 80 stop iti white our . selections ere complete. Nye Drug Store 128 Riverside Drive McHenry STARTS TrES., MAY 18 • f '111 I i •» >1' •!• 1 •{' 1 'i < 'I14 i !• t » fHiii^OUTDOOR rr GRAYSLAKE RT 120 & 21 • if- "il STARTS FRIDAY For (1) Big Week , EXCLUSIVE SHOWING ~ DIRECT FROM CHICAGO'S LOOP * Box Office Opens At 7:15 Continuous Shows From Children 12 and Under Admitted Free ** 4

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