Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1950, p. 8

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:W-*S < ^ «• **]».>wvfe'* X \V*-v$ mmmmm z.$m . •».* i «M*ft4<W<4K ft**-" Vi'iW •«. » *« -4* ».*» m^S 4"J < • f$9*& v«uffi 1 • .'• <.,";»:": ;' " ; - . r ^ ' ' - ~ r ' 7 r r : ~ > i p x t m b j , *»y », i w o f / : * ' < Tmrnm. Fim Adrtior) a /# Wtar *> gr««n plants turn yel- -- cool weather? Nitrogen plant* green and logically It; of It available to them cause them to lose their color. It so happens that n tn the organic matter in 11 starts to "boil off" at 50 degrees and is then iiMlllable to plants. If the temper- " re Is below 50, as it has been |j, nitrification has not proled, censequeatly the yellowing C' K!•e»nn«e•t.h Fl.a,k.e , J.r,. , -oxf Bull• Va,ly, put 160 pounds of ammonium ^Itrats per acre on a piece of oats and it |U wt in tfiWH dayp and £rk green In color. He did not f^nd cin^Bttural purification, t put reapply aV^Pable nitrogen pn. Nltrpipm' iQ ferUltfer Is water luible at any temperature above ins asd serves jits test pur- - -- Marwgo C«oii»uahas a mysterious qq (he front lawn someone v flight explain >r simply. Whether the 150 pounds per on oats will cause such rank that lodging will take remains to*be seen. M Hughes, Woodstock, led to Washington for conwith the senate agricul- B on May ^8. "Right; 'the'Held" is a good place to formation apparently. Hu£>es says that in commenthigh costs in Washington* old was discovered in Calprice's there were three what they were in Washington. Since gold was discovered in Washington the situation tends to be reversed. Ope thing I cant understand Is why farmers growl about taxes being high and then elect men to go to Springfield and appropMate $2,000,000 per year to run the University of Illinois. In turn, the University, toeing run by conscientious men. try to provide the taxpayer with facts found by research that he can use to his advantage in his business. Then he refuses to use them. I refer to our corn borer Information. We have found that clean plowing will control corn borer 98 per cent. What better information would a good farmer want to control thcm'on his farm? It posts practically the same to plow clean as it does to plow ragged like so much of it is done. Here is control . at no cost. Instead, Mr. Farmer goes out and pays a sprayer $3 to $4 per acre for a 50 to 7(j^percent control job. Planting date insures further control. Whep five years of data all oyer Illinois, for which tbouer of glv- J gapda of dollars were spent to obtain, show May 26 as being the date, between May 5 and June r>. when best yields were obtained and also about the 4ate for best corn borer control and farmers generally disregard the entire program, I wonder why I bounce my gums around the way I do. Incidentally, it's my job to tell you and sell you on this research information. I just hate to see good tax money wasted that way. I learned yesterday of a big taxpayer in the county who planted corn May 3, byt of course, has planted it over since. Earl Schults and sons of Marengo are enthusiastic about Yorkshire hogs. The boy has done very well with his 4-H project starting with some gilts. Good livestock will always be a focal point of interest on a farm. Dan Reuter, Marengo, says he is in no hurry to plant corn. I helped W. R. Garrison . of Woodstock, out of the manure pile with his front end loader. Says he is producing a ton of milk a day. The manure had been piled along the fence during the "soft" weather last spring. Wesley Rice on Malone's farm east of Woodstock, is out fifty acres of alfalfa pasture. He is discing, sowing oats and sweet clover. The oats will be pastured off and the sWeet clover pastured this fall. Crop Notes From Harkelmaa ' IVof'l. ' A crop of weeds sprouted now and disced out will not show up in the corn. One quarter to one half pound 2-4-D acid per acre will kill wild mustard. Canada thistle and binderweed need one half to one poun<} at bud stoge More than one treatment may be needed and sometimes thistle re quires two or more years. Drainage ditch- bruch when carefully sprayed when fully leafed out with a .2 per cent solution of a mixture of 2-4-D and 2-4-5-T. Probably retrfeatment Will be needed for absolute kill. TCA shows promise for quackgrass at 80 to 100 pounds per acre in June after disking or clipping. It will prove very expensive. Should soy beans be fertilized? Hill drop or band fertilizer does not pay unless there Is a severeshortage of potash. Best results are obtained from testing, broadcast fertilization and © '* good rotation. " ' " * " Sudan should be seeded ill May, 20 pounds per acre and pastured at lj! to 14 inches high. i HENRY FREW * optometrist r*;]m^yrn^ . -m •fikt 136 S. Green St., McH U j;. i.- Hosed TJrorsdayAfternooM jt • • _____ l\v Eyes Examined -- Glasses FittedI vs%; i Ytofial Training -- Vtoaal RcfeabilKattoH • Csaipletc Visaal Analysis $om Daily: 9 to 18 and l to B--Saturday Evsnivgi: 6:00 to f:S© . PflONB MclfENIJY 452 CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, Irird houses, picnic tables, porch and laWn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. 1 Cabinet^^S^h to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. ' Screens and blinds made to order*, t1 » . . I' i * j k - I CLARENCE SMITH Jmhnrc, XP. Phone 8SS^-1 fb*i klNGSIZE SNAPSHOTS *AtBm PICTURES OKAHCD \T CHAB6E! |Phoito as or hail up .... No oiatter tt» time of day or night i; . . flWaqrp at your ready-» ^Nnti to take you safely and' [ >iaM(ly 7m destination. i njcffeiiry Gabi Phone 723 PER ROLL QtXFK*69<>/6£XaQ* WATTLES DRUG STORE 6Ui M*io 8tr«A McHeau ^ ! Phone 460 14- m... m husky, IttxuricHiS new 1?50 Packarad nhiiggpb^tt ---- p o p u l ar, n^-HP,^ pas- •tO^er Club Sedan--at less t|jan you <1 pay for some' of today's s^es/ Only 2272.20* •fNgvwd h*r«--statt, tocml taxes, il Ml, and white stdewall* ($31), xlrOf (Prices may vary slightly in adjoining areas became of trii+tpbfration . esj . r k-:' Mm inctodac feeder stiiefds, direction ftignak, trunk and courtesy --and" <na|Ur other desirable lures that^c^P «kt|| qn""pfi«- >rc! A generous, faU-valuq air lowance for your present car. An allowance which, in most cases, can put you in a new 1950 Packard Eight with no cash, outlay ... and keep your mqnthly payments low. So--before you get serious about any car--in any price tlass--you owe it to yourself to get & yi///- value appraisal figure, fxom your Packard dealer^ on the car you'se. driving now! Do it now and be all set for the grandest touring season you've eVer known.' ' " % ASK TH 0 <MAM - WHO OWNI<ON»r NawMt, greatest drive sensallonl tCKAtD UlTRAMATIC DRIVf ixdusively yours, ft yjfduced extra cost, on ojl 1950 Packards! ' wm want yew to dfive ill EIGHT 130-HP SUPER 1 AO-HP "M McHENRY MOTORS ROUTE ^1 1TE8T McHENRY, ILLIHOIS • t # & & NO nui we »owie|i m eyey MMUMMWMI WQMoc war N«wf / • • • Wf W |iT«fW Maka plMK to ipand MM IMII po«ilbt» tlm« t* your kHcMn ttlil Mp* r« dtlldMi itmptitt' IMIII from HM men* r«adv-to->«rv* or MI«(o-priMra foodi at rowr friendly Jml flwr'll MIA vou tpynd l*u I lot* l» kltcbM . - __ and Vm'II hav* RMar* Mm* far 'hi* wNk your family. > • , SAWIAIY WAS^AIU ^AftlCI . CMOICI of rmsoeiuM! 6OIH| ?ood CLAPP'S BABY FOOD STtilNID ID jr " ' 6^S»* 1 FOR TASTY MEALS IN A JIFFY Starkist Chunk Style Tuna CM UK* 6-OZ. CAN A daHcafaly (lav^rkd light Wat tim«r AN EOONOMICAL REFRESHING BEVERAGE "The Non-Carbonat»d OWIM Ofinjl MM*'?® W TJE MEAT C0UMTEH 5EBIfE ^0BRS£(.F AMD SAV{ tm fOWAROj'S i # 0 + a . m f f W H ivory Cut |,; HERPS A TASTT TI1U| SAM||U Jewel Potato Salad *w«l Nuh I. D ^ pric*d^ AIM^'7 * *" **«* t is i HANKED--SKINNED '• to it u, h »'• AVERAGE Htar* imnt b« lata, salad J'Z BUTT PIECE * TO 7 LBS. WHO* OI. fut, - 1 fdWr famflf to dd« Wcfout Mtato Salad -- dlcad potatoai » I *k mayoivc «ltrli and «m --mildly Hams sr»» «g CQ, ICEWTE. SUCIS ISRTIJF LL"» BULTC FRFSHLY SMOKED %'i ' -Xf t IN THE REFRIGERATOR JAL--PMMSUN StitfN Olives . CANDY COATED "GEMJ"--M. I M. A m ' m -- UIIOWIjllR • •,-CEUO PKG. A TASTY TIME SAVER--ILUEIROOK Pork «ul feait 2££I5* HOKMEL OR ARMOUR STAR I# ARMOUR. ST4R AND OSCAR MAYER T TO II CaRned |B«S I.B. AYS. UNOX--IMPO|TED HOLLAND FOR YOUR SAUM) CREATIONS BLUEBROOK NO.t^M|c Apricot Raives • CAN £M WE DELIGHTFUL VARIETIES TO CHOOSE A FAVORITE SALAD DRESSINJG 9HA*T fL-# MR MAKE A TASTY SALAD DEMING'S RED ALASKA Salmpit ALL FLAVORS--CANFIELD'S Popplnq Oil and Corn DEV/KIS Ra^spiierries NourUMno and Economical in OBB PICHTQI tipSwl ^49 Navy Betas 2 - O 2 5 * FortlfUd Wltk Llvar--Oath D«| Fm4 2qwsil 2DNIL' ^M--SAIERNP SPRAYKIST--FORDHOOIC ftfcln or Koth«r Stvl»* EtHSARI ftfS Stic COA«D SONOWASI 5M5* Guns . ARMOUR CANN» MEAJSFO* A PICNIC IN A JIFFYI ^M01^ u-dz. *A| Tre«t .^41 j •mmW Mpui'S ^ I? W-OZ.^ COMWHAnOHfAC.nAM.C S000«S.f«AS^.i]5 ovt*--° 'W • CAN LKTtS ARMpU DELICIOUS, T^STY--GOLD BQN0 SWEET 4%LB. CAN • • ROUS BUTTER* |Q, AH0 ITIX.....«e. |9 D6UCIOUS CHICKEN NOOpLE CampbeH's Soup ioy2-oz. ALL DepartmentcT" Open Until 9 P. M. ON Friday Nights 207 East Brink 8tre«t Crystal Lake Nm Chili Con QirM 31* Qw ARMOUR-SCORNED : ^ ^ iMflnk .. •ISIS' °1£!&\£&n£r HAOJUtBMIS MCG. flr to NM ClorSa* P«CMV-OmM| ••LB. 4U CTN. l4^lo«jmki Olwy POTATO CHIPS IS,02. QQa BOX W tacaH^at tatrlM. C«feaa • T - »*i Co&M SPRY .. CJ-ALBN. WFHRU » SavaHfa Fackal S*ap la MM Balk Siaa iHX SIMP BATH SIZE 44| BARS '. Mrtl* Facial Cara at Mllllaat LUX SOAP 3 BRAERGS. I 23* AMrtca't #««arlta Salad OS WBSSOR Oil ^ 25® •A* "*** ®e*® "f* Ataadaal. Loig Ladlaq Sad* ^2§• lmFl8kBS.r^25c • • • VKG. Fata Suatklna l« Taw 1 • • • 25' For Pratty Calarad WadMMaa Bronze.. • 35'

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