Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1950, p. 13

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HmmmWwmm Wonder Lake W I I I 4 I H I I I 1 1 I I » I » » ! » • • (by Vanessa SallM) ' - . dt! Sfmrn- rs .^Xvfcatertala AC Jldlkfri' Tea V. The Girl Scoil^ W their mothers Sunday afternoon in the Legion hall at 2 p.m. Prior W saving, the girls presented a protPkm of Scouting. Participating in the program were Judy Baatie.'i, Betty Wright, Cora jean Henthorne, Sandra SellB, Barbara Mahal, Orva Tronsen and Jean Selsdorf. Mrs..Del Tallman, Scout Leader, explained the meaning of the trefoil and presented a gift to Orva Tronse'.a as the Scout who had a<> cpmplished the most In the past months. .Mrs. Tallmart announced that Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop would be the new co-leader of the troop. She said that Mrs. Robert Doerrfeld and Mrs. Wallace Sinclair had assisted the g|rls in securing hostess badges. The latter (wo had the girls come to their homes so that training in introductions, setting a table and planning menus Hjfild be practiced. ^Mrs. Tallman explained that the Scouts have been invited to participate, as a troop, in the junior county fair the latter part of July. An exhibit will be planned. Janet Grill, formerly * Scout, sang two songs between skits, given by Girl Scouts. Rod Mi Gu Girls Plan Ire Cream Horlal An ice cream social will be held June 3 by the Rod and Gun club's auxiliary. The social will be held in Wonder Center next to Silk's store and will feature homemade cake and ice cream. There will be games and entertainment. The youngsters from the Ringwood grade school will present dances. The senior 4-H club members will assist with the serving, which is slated to start at 7 p.m. The Rod and Gun Auxiliary met Wednesday to make further for the social. Wrfjrlit* Welcome " Third Oanprhter Mr. and Mrs. C. 1* Wright, Wickline Bay, are parents of their sixth child and third daughter, born May 6, in Woodstock hospital. The baby has been named Sarah Kay. Edward Aademife C New Head Of 0okont Point 'The Annual meeting offhe Lookout Point Property Owner's Association was held Sunday in the Moschel home, with Mrs. Moschel, outgoing vice-president, presiding in the absence of the outgoing president, Peter Bench. Edward Anderson is the new president; Gloria Steffenhagen, vice-president; Bernice Moachel, «cretary; Edna Duttko, treasur- ; Ed Hoffman, ways-and-nieans chairman; and Leanette Hoffman, road commissioner. ~ ~~ July 30 was set as the date for the annual picnic of the organization. A beach commissioner has yet to 1>e appointed for Lookout Point. Elmer Murphy Heads Rod and Gun flab , Elmer Murphy watf selected chairman of the board of directors «f the Wonder Lake Rod and Gun Club Sunday. The chairman and other officers were selected after twelve board members and two alternates had,, been elected. James Selsdorf was elected vice chairman; William Silk, secretary; and Gail Wrede, treasurer. Other directors are Frank Wendt, Ernest Mayer, Fred Sells, Frank Wish, Tony Bogus, Elmer Raske, Charles Garbe, A1 Repan, Nick Halseth and Joseph Kolar, Jr. Wish and Halseth are alternates. Following the election, two bylaw changes were voted upon. The Rod and Gun Club will plan a big membership drive for next month and will endeavor to get new blood into the club. Residents from outside Wonder Lake will be taken into membership. 10 T« Gradaate From 8th Grade f,\T7 p.ff Graduation at Harrison school will take plpce May 26, with 10 graduates receiving their certificates. Those leaving the 8th grade are: Ronald Vacula, Clifford Ohlson, Philip Armstrong, David Bott, Shirley Saransc, Mary Ann Martin, Gertrude Smith, ; t>troUijr Bott and Janet Grill. The League of Women Voters have Joined with the township road commissioner in attempting to stop the' strewing of* grabage along tha roads. The women, as well as any ether interested cititerts, are asked to watch for cars which strew the waste material along the highways making a nuisance and health menace. The numbers of such cars are to be taken and phoned at once to Charles Miller, MeHenry, and warrants will ba ajrtira oat for {be depredatora. / be in the Syndicate office evefy Thursday afternoon for the con -ventenaa. of those who wish legal advice. "N Saturday is Poppy Day in Wonder Lake. Mrs. Nancy Elbersen, chairman for the American Legion auxiliary, and her volunteer workers plan to be out early. The senior 4-H members will assist In selling the poppies. ^ OFF TO WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Trortsen, Sr., and daughter, Orva, are off to Wisconsin next week to spend another summer in the north wood* Mrs. Marie Sullivan and daughter, Catherine, Haverhill, Mass., are. house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meiswinkel, Indian Ridge. Mrs. Sullivan is Mrs. Meiswlnkel's mother. Linda Meiswinkel Is glad to have her grandmother and aunt to visit. . * Kenneth Aadlae Breaks Wrist Kenneth Audino, who will be t years old Memorial Day, has bad another in a long series of accidents. Kenneth fell from a piece of playground equipment at Harrison school ^nd broke his right wrist. Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Audino, Indian Ridge. . !>r. ft. I.. Ranr*** Opens Office In Wonder Lake H^ara Dr. 8. L. Ruggero, physician and surgeon, has opened his office at the Wonder Lake drug store at Wondej- Lake and Ringwood Drives, Hickory Falla. Office hours are from 1 to 5 p.m. and from 7-9 p.m. daily except Wednesdays and Sundays. Other hours by appointmept only. Since the doctor h§| no phone, he must be contacted personally. In case of emergency call the Cardinal store. Wonder Lake 9610. Bees Plan Party ami Horseback Riding May 18, the Busy Bumble' Bees 4-H club met at the home of Jean Hay. They discussed a horse-back riding party for June 3. Dorothy Bott gave a talk • < on clothes suitable for the tall and short girls. Several talks are scheduled for the next meeting at Barbara Sellek's June 2 at 7:30 p.m. , All g'^s in high schdiol or past 13 years old and under 20. are In vited . tf ioiA the Buajr Bun»bje Bees. Station Wagon Will £ Be In Memorial Parade;' The Red Cross statl"WSfbft will be in the Memorial Day parade when it takes place at 10:30 a.m. next Tuesday. The wagon has been lent to the Wonder Lake branch for the occasion because it is the newest in the county. The Wonder Lake fund drive, the first independent drive In the Lake's history, was one of th« first to go over the top. Atfwuey Arrive! In Wonder Lake. Another professional man has opened an office in Wonder Lake. Attorney William Carroll, Jr., will t)onald Fritx, Crystal Lake, last week. Gordon Fossum was her accompanist. ' : Sunday night ^$0MeHenry Chon^ Club gave its annual concert and Mrs. Cristy was a Wonder Lake member of the chorus. Others who sang were Ethel Hansen and Delia Cheney. Christ The King Church The members of the parish extend deep sympathy to the tamily of the late Mrs. Willig. ' > May 27 is the date for the reception and ball at the Bridge, MeHenry. Everyone is invited. There will be a big church carnival in June. A lot of work will be necessary before the event. Men of the parish are asked to come out any Tuesday, Thursday or Friday evening and lend a hand.' Those having an over abundance of flowers are asked to bring sotng to tlie church for thp, altar, u «• Gospel Center Xews Bob Johnson, field director Of the Evangelical Free Church Youth Fellowship, Was the much | appreciated speaker at our morning Worship Service last Sunday, the twenty-first. He also address SHOOT OI T WINDOWS ; Twenty window panes, valued at $60, were shot out of the George Thomas residence Thursday, according to a report made in the sheriff's office. Thomas, who lives in Riverside, 111., said that the windows had been shot out with buckshot. ' , About two weeks ago, the. Thomas home was broken into via a rear door and $250 in lamps and * erobiaation radi# were stolen. • SANG AT WE1TOING Mrs. Clara Cristy was soloist at the wedding of Darlene Welle and The next You til For Christ rally in MeHenry county will be held in Veterans Acres park at Crystal Lake at 7:4^ in the evening of Saturday, June 3. The speaker engaged is Rev. Gregory Tingson, former Y.F.C. director of the Philippines. We cordially invite one and all to be with us next Sunday, May 28, in our Sunday Bible School at 10 and Church services at 11:00 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. If you are looking for a place of worship, nonsecterlan and Independent of any denominational control, but where the Word of God is believed, preached and accepted as the only infallable rule for teaching and living, we lnyftg. you and Welcome you: - ; ; Between the northern and" southern boundries of Illinois, there is a difference of about four and one-half in growing seasons. Services Friday For Mrs. Frieda Willig - Funeral services wen? ftetfl at 10 o'clock Friday morning at Our Lady of Grace church, Chicago, for Mrs. Frieda Willig, 50. who died in the Woodstock hospital on Monday. Burial of the Wonder Lake wuinan was In St. Joseph's cemetery. V Survivors Include the widower, Anthony; four children. James A., Leona Stihech, Richard A. and Betty Lou; also three brothers, two sisters and two grandsons. Mixed farm fertilizers were first produced jn Baltimore aver 100 years ago. There were over a million home freezer units in Illinois ill 1949. according to University of Illinois College of Agriculture estimates. With: the exception of Canada, Australia and the Unite-d States, most of the major livestock-proed the ^oung People's Bible class, during areas of th^sjworld have Again we Were privileged to meet people attending our Sunday School and services for the first time. foot and mouth disease\says the U. S. D. A. Read the Want Acs! 4 tk MOSEY INN _ RINQWOOD * » - ' TCLEVISIOtf PEAOEE BEER FRED BOWMAN, tnf. Fish Try on Fridays FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Cordially invites you to attend A Free Lecture on Christian Science ^,>•1 : ENTITLED . CHRIST AN sciENOi m The Science Th*t* Meetf the Human Need" JOHN S. 8AMM0NS, O.S. of Chicago, Illinois Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church* The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts. In the Woodstock Community High School Auditorium West South Street Sunday Evening, May 28, at 8:30 O'clock D.8.T. .. .. 1 ' m L & H j TELEVISION I EMERSON and MOTOROLA I ^ SALES -- SERVICE £h«ae 403 604 Front St or 653-R-2 West MeHenry, Illinois Try Our Drug Store First We carry a complete line of Drugs, Cosmetics, Candies, Vitamins, B$by Needs, Films, Fountain Service, Stationary, Bfcplogicals and Cigarettes. ! I ^RELIABLE PRESCRIPTIONS I I WONDER LAKE DRUGS , % " J - P . J . BACK, R. P h . D . Ringwood Drive and Summerville Ave. Phllie Wonder Lake 591 Wonder Lake, 111. RESIDENCE CIAMII Mr. and Mrs. Qua Vnrnm4 aaii, family have moved from the bom* of Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider to their new ho#e ' ln "Rlisrrf<s Drive. ; .y Mr. and Mrs. Srneat &ohr hal* moved from Center street to their home at Arlington Heighta, i-:y Alnwttan Indians kxig ground grasrhoppers acorn meal, and dried the for winter hoarding. Certain of the Southwest, as well as in liu»i» co and elsewhere, still utilise aquatic and other Insects for food, prepared in various ways. One dish hi a baked loaf of mashed and 1 water flie> PfPP TREE SERVICE . 'TREE FEEDING • * Trees - Z'lf SPRAYING XL ; * Weed Control " * Fly and ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road MeHenry 724 TMIER SHOP We must make room for our Summer Merchandise. , SPECIAL IFOR 1 PLUS $1.00 SALE Buy one article »t regular prioe and get another for just $1.00 ^ ...-.-•vav^ . COAIS trorrS : [I BATS DXE88KS Sti Selection and size limited so find a Mend and come early . * mt 4' OFF On Any Single Purchase 312 ELM STREET PHONttt* Sfr vi McHENRT far Dollar* ASIMIM'I J|(rs<fk( Etgkt C«r »Uk CM m^drm-HrnUe Brfw youeWtbeata GptiomtU om M modth at ixtr• cJit. Psirtr'PsfliMl SUrer Strmmh Bmitmmm-Ckmlem •! Six mr ClfU World Mmmmmmmd I«mI Mmemrd far EessMUf mmd Lmm§ Utm Character Is wrllten all over III Coups CMaMn llisssiliisr Chieftain CMaAsh 2-Door •nVBRHilVr ^ 1 VVW «voon CUuhmki a » as s s as s a • $1671.00 a s s s • • s t IUJS-98 • s * s • • • • • • • « 9 1 H 4 J M * * * ! • • • .% K.X * • as • > « • i s ^ s a • $ 1 7 8 4 . 0 0 * • • • • . • ^-s • a 9174&M Mwtrafd--ChMtaki Dm Luxm Tirnirii rilh Cb«p« • With white lidew+ll tir«, immtftr wing tm*r4s mmdfmiftr tkifUl.| 99174M jtii tit wttdtls t&jsj s VfT C>1 hm*11 s Bi&kt §t It's a wonderful feeling to take die wheel of a magnificent new Pontiac convertible--to feel the pride of driving a car with character in every line and action* Naturally, the convertible Is die sweetheart of die Silver Streaks, a car with a manner all its own! But character is a basic Pontiac ingredient--one that adds greatly to the joy of owning aad diving any model you choose. « ' ^ Qvery new Pontiac has diaracter written alf over ft and stamped deep into its background. That's an important reason why dollar for dollar, you can't beat * Pontiac! Come in and see for yourself. OVERTON: CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. , V _i 400 FRONT STRUT PHONE 17 McHENRY, fLL. ATV(W*D006£06M£*5#0tV! I . m aw-«c m TireLrfe New Truck Economy Come in 'May1 &*m iMdHuUtMirikb A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. - 301 East Pearl Street ^

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