Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1950, p. 14

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W> niUM aat© travel to 10 perrtBM last year, the Chicago Clwb's to*ring tmreau estlitijr. Id family trip* to resort areas are making tklt Km greatest vacation season tn IMory, according to IndicatkNW at the state park* in Illinois, llMpil Wisconsin and Michigan. Hi Lincoln country near Springfield Is having a banner jfHr, Ths Lincoln home, the tdmb •ad monument, and the Sangamon county courthouse are Springfield's main tourist lnter- »' J •-»-» .v 4- ' • SL , « *1 * J* /ii v <. •?*-- » «*"•J * Thursday > Kay $5, In New Salem State park, on 111. 17 near Springfield, an authentic •hop where Lincoln worked between 1831 and 1837, is set among twenty-three replica cabins of the period. The frontier Ahd ^ioneer< " days of early Illinois are recalled Ib this accurate historical setting. Northeast of this area is Starved Bock state park, Illinois' most highly developed park region. Located on 111. 71, Jtast west of Ottawa. the park offers a dance pavilion. a children's play ground, campgrounds. a souvernlr shop and ft lodge. This was the site of Fort The l»k^v country and woods of Wisconsin afford some of the best fishing available in the middle west. Far- removed from the rag weed pollen belt, the North Woods are a haven for hay fever sufferers in late August and early September Lake resorts are the chief attrac- H0U8EH0LD GOODS AUCTION V ffce Say Billings heme, 2 blocks west on RL II fwn h|jf» acctlen II • II, opposite cemetery, WaaConda, 111. SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1950 1^ »t 1:00 P. M. fjv;-,' ttk reems fnrnKare complete • everything gee*. Dlalng room set; Bed room sets; Living Room set; extra rockers; tables; lamps; etc* Rags; Norge Refrigerator; gas raage; Kitchen sets; Extra tables and rhairs; Lawa Faraltara Mi ami ether Items to aaaieroas to mention. *ERMS-€ash. RAY BILLING, Prop. •<¥:•. rORBST B. GBUNEWALD, Auctioned WA0OOKDA, ILL. Mi St. Louis, built by LaSalle In IMS. A mile and a half south of Starred Rock Is Matthlessen sUte park where yon can picnic among waterfalls, " caves > and cliffs. Canyon trails, a deer reservation and a stockade and blockhouse are ideal scenic locales. Blackhawk state park, on in. I near Rock Island, White Pines Forest state park, four miles west of Oregon, 111., Apple River Capyon park, off 111.. 78 near the Wisconsin line, and Oebhard Woods, on U. S. 6 near Morris, 111., are some of the leading park areas. In Indiana, the sand dunes are Ideal for picnics. Swimming in the lake, boating, yachting, canoeing or loafing on the beach are the favorite occupations. The International Friendship gardens are located one and a half fnlles east of Michigan City. They contain one of the state's moat extensive plantings of formal gardens, ornamental plants, shrubbery and tion of Michigan, which abounds in groves along the road*lde where picnic table* have been provided. * -v;w DON H. MURDOCH ELECTED PRESIDENT OF KIWANIS GROUfr Delegates attending the thirtyfifth annual convention of Kiwanis International at Miami elected a prominent Canadian business leader to head the organisation la the year ahead. Officers of the Kiwanis Club of McHenry Township were Informed that Don Ifc Murdoch, president of the Peerless Laundry, Ltd., at Winnipeg, Manitoba, would succeed J. Hugh Jackson, Palo Alto, Calif., as president of Kiwanis Interaatleaal, which aaw. pom than I40f claha throagfcbat the United States, Canada, Slaifra, Hawaii and the Tukon Territory. A Klwanian for aeventeean year! Murdoch is director of the Senior Board of Trade at Winnipeg, chairman of the Associated Laaaderers. Cleaners and Allied Trades of Manitoba, and director oL the Canadian Research Institute .of Launderers, Cleaner* and Allied Trade*. The new president, who will assume office August 1, served a* vice-president of Kiwanis International during the past yearv He also has been an International trustee and governor of the western Canada Kiwanis district. A* a veteran of World War I, he fought with the Canadian army In France, Belgium and Germany. Ice Cream Stf AFSENOH VANILLA FRENCH CHOCOLATE FRENCH 8TAWBEK&7 / •i Richsr -- Smoother -- Tastier l • * Try it the Hftzl Tirol BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street, McHenry, 111. City Council COUNCIL ROOM * May IS. I960 The City Council met In regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson. Freund, Rothermel, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: None. Motion by Freund, seconded by Thennes, that the minutes of the annual meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Vycital, seconded : by Freund, ihat the minutes of the regular meeting held May 1, 1950 be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund. seconded by Anderson, to pay Interest due June 1st In the amount of $260.00 and service charge in the amount of $5.00 to American National Bank and Trust Company on funding bonds. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Thennes, to pass resolution designating the MeHenry State Ban$i as depository of,funds for the City Treasurer. Motion carried. Reports of committees and dei partment lidads were received by the Council. Motion by Althoff, seconded b| Rothermel, to adjourn. Motion carried, | GEORGE P, FREUND, Mayor. EARL It WALSH, City Clerk. . * \ on Beautiful Pistakee Bay of the Resort Season Saturday and Sunday MAY 27th and 28th -0- Modern Oocktail Lounge -- The Best of Food Gome and Hear ED KLEMME and His Strollers Dining Room Open EVery Day Telephone Pistakee 378 Sw1" Illinois raaks sar«ath In Approximately tS percent of all jUnlted States in the use of wheat raised |g sold directly, fba ' flcial Insemination on dflry herda balance being kept on the-Cum fbr j according to latest government feed and seed. | figures. £ v: T ^ IPWH IF IT'S WILSON WEAR ITS FAULTLESS J "V. ^ " • j. .• % They've done it agkfti pars--a really bright new idea ia ^•Shirts for leisure hour activity. It's f. many-colored, original Wilson Brother* pattern in fine cotton fabric that's easy ni wash, is ready to wear without ironing. Trim* * fitting knit bottom, Gaucho collar. Loof| ihcm over today! r $2.50 ' Other Skipper T Shirts *V to $2.9|! " . McGEE'S _ 117 SO. OREXN ST McHKRSV . V C ' i • ' -1"; • ' . • f 4 * CUSTOMER'S OPPORTUNITY DAY AT ALTHOFF'S : > SATURDAY, MAY 27th •1'ir # 501 MAIN ST., McHENRY, ILL. r: KN0BGE 10% On All Refrigerators For Opportunity - :: Day Only! wHh sxdwiivs SIIF-D-FR0STER Systam Mraom wniu tou ,tu»r Tli# only doily, OVIOMBHC DT* Imltr ... Mid* m«m and work ...Mwt Mm* and monay. Fopd* fwoin tafaly chUWd during dafretting . . . frosM food* and km cubos wnnln undhturbad. SUPIR-FRSIZKR CNIST. For frason food*, ico euba*. aiid froson doMorta. Spaca fsr S|. Nm. of fraMH iloraft* H ICS CUSCS totaling «fc».k». SUKR-COtDf ACK holds kwgo qMantity moats noar frooting. FULL-WIDTH HYDIOVOIR ke«pt as much at a bushol of fruits and vogeta.bUs crisp, moist and gard«n-fr«sh. TILTAMN at bottom provides Handy dry storage for mostusod cans, bottWs, packagos. ADJUSTAftLE SHELF SPACI... ov*r 14 tquar* foot . . . takes whole case tall bottles . . . provides handy shelf for small, oasily-hidden packages. ji'*' INDIAN HEADDRESS FOB THE KIDS! These blf Iadlaa War Boaaets--printed la 'fall color--leak Jast like the real things! Take SOBM ho«e for the kids. QaantJtles are Ihalted .. . while tkey last. REGULAR 40c CAN DU-KWIK ENAMEL Briny tkls coapoa to oar store darlag this special sale. It eaOtles yoa to»a FREE can of DU-KWIK ENAMEL, regularly selling at 40c. While ear limited ^aantltles last! FINEST QUALITY House Paint Covers 60# sg f|| 9 coats per galloa. Por beanty, long wear aad ecoaomy. Hides betlir -- spreads fartker. la many attractive colors. PER GALLON ONE 0OAT Flat Wall Soft, velvety pastels aad attractive aiediaai colors. Easy oa tke eyes -- aad washable! Cavers most sarfaces with oaly oae coat «... FSR GALLON SATIN FINISH Semi-Gloss Ideal for walls, celllags aad woodwork. Beaatlfles aay room, especially kitchaa a»4 hatkrooak Eaay la apply« easy to cleaa ..... PER GALLON aioH White Enamel Fischer, representing the • • ite Corp^ will demonstrate proper way to iron anything an automatic ironer. &&&••'••* A WW'-•' • i* 1 ' 'If' „ % ' Jnst like tke flalsh oa yoar refrigerator -- brlgkt, durable, beantiful! Matches porcelain flxtares of bathroom aad kitchea. Washable! PER QUART Chief PORCH ft FLOOR This fine quality, mar-resistant enamel beaatlfles floors, porches, baseboardp f stairs! Protective aad long-wearlag, la all popalar colors! ... PER QUARp S^23 SOU $122 Mr. Bill Ruth representing Clicago Paiqts will fete 90 hand to I help you with your painting problems. fxes DEMONSTRATION OUR CUSTOMERS' OFPORTUHITY DAY H t w n a m . . . G R A N D P K I Z t t l T'i-' MAY 27 S S ABETH S I M P S O N . Chicago Horn# Economics Expert, will show you how to bake, broil and cook on the Roper Range. She'll be glad jljlielp you with your cooking problem*. * |fera's your opportunity to watch an expert cook--and Itin this wonderful cooking combination boeidea! •- nn A d m i s s i o n 4# FREB Rociptt I® all FREE R t f l i f t r a t i o n f o r t h t BIG c o m b i n a t i o n a w a r d MtW HOPtll RANGE with exclusive "staggered top" burner arraagenisaft .. 3-in-.l oven ,.. handy .broiler... FHterglas iamilation for cool kitcken oomfprt, aad ea«y-to-cfcaw Perms-Lustre porcelain finish. , r i 1 i'^FP M*it 0RI-GA9 a ctafpltte installation df * JDri«G*s with Deluxe auto> ' matic'system, the bette|| fuel, dean, safe, modern with two 60 lb. Dri*Gat Jcyliaders. . :<S "T • .• - ,,W<' ' -:7. •• i . 'J.< ••••: k;'M •«$••• THE BETTER fnnitiMf. fiifi ? - • ' _ < • . ' - . A., ... .. .. ...S. J

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