Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1950, p. 2

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m corsage, a gift of the congregation. Announcement was made of the card party which will be given by Lutheran Ladies Aid at 8 p.m. en June 13 in the Legion Home. Personals AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION GOLD STAR MOTHERS ESPECIALLY HONORED BY LEGION AUXn. IA&Y i MARRIAGE INSTITUTE . Dr. Bertha M. Shafer, professor JH Northwestern University, will MBlact a "Marriage Institute" ^ftnniiy evenings, June 11, M, and • UBder the auspices of the Luth- "TBtpu church of Richmond. Dr. is an eminent marriage !i%»unselor and has lectured in tnaay cities throughout the United More devils later Altar and Sale May S7 -/ V The Altar and Rosary sodality Tlbf St. Patriot's church to"«ponsor- Ing a bake sale, to be held at the ^Paorge- Justen a<ad Son sfore on the corner of Green and Elm jftreets on Saturday morning, May 47, beginning at 10 a.m. Mrs. \,*tleorge Kane fend Mrs. Charles £torso are co-chairmen of the sale. ."'-I \ • -4, • ' The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Freund of Grand avenue was christened "Carol Ann" at SL Mary's church last Sunday. Sponsors were Diane Freund and George Stenger. Following the christening, the following were entertained in the Freund home: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Diane and Ckarlene, the George By and Carl . „ M ; >,*.•- : 4* Mrs. Jack Phalin was guest of |«nor at a pink and blue shower l«Ad at the home of Mrs. Kenneth * "jfcnrns in Woodstock last Ffiday Wtf. Prires for games were #warded to Mrs. Herbert Harri- Mrs. IxMiis Diedrich, Mrs. $VKanas Phalin, Mrs. Lawrence ilPreirtid and Mrs. Lester Page, all Af McHenry, aid Mrs. John Giles CiBd Marcia Kerns of Woodstock. i#<fcer who ateaded from here were Hb«. Mafccrt Ittchardeu® and Mrs. yiWMii S|»enc«r. Lar««B-Wili»elm VofB Saturday Ifisd Loretta Larsen, daughter ||( the Lee Larsens of McCullom ;XAke, and Mr. Richard Wilhelm •tff Wonder Lake were married in a fceauttful 4 o'clock nuptial servibe at' the Community Methodist last Saturday. Rev. Wayne rice officiaed at the wedding, j' The chnrch was attractively decorated with bouquets of flowers. Music was furnished by Mrs. J6. W. Goodetl on the organ and rarrea Jones was soloist. Attending the couple were MIrs Jparoi Ann Marticke as maid , ,i|( tenor and Ronald Wilhelm as SeM man. Following a wedding trip, the foapte plans to make h^ir home in Woodstock. Both are graduates W the McHenry higtu scboel. BMcb Freaad Saaday The little daughter of Mr. and ?$ru. Harold H. Freund of Elm was christened "Mary EUen" i|Mtt Sunday at SL Mary's church, sponsors were Marilyn Freuad atfd James Freund. aunt and uncle t$ the infant. Following the service, a social afternoon was enjoyed, after which supper was WTed. Attending were Mr. and Joseph L. Freund, the Donald Freffad family, Doris Jean, ilyn «ud Mel via Tr«w*4 and P. T. A. Last Meeting ^ ' The last nffee^";rt:l)&vtf*itaon of the* St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P.T.A. will be held at 3 o'clock o7i Wednesday, May SI. in the parochial school hall. Election of officers will take place and the entertainment will consist of choral speaking and musical selections by the fift* grade pupils. •Hme Wedding Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hettermann of Jolvnsburg (Dorothy Herdrlch) and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyk of Chicago (Henrietta Herdrich) held a double celebration of their wedding anniversaries in Chicago this month. The couples were married on the same date, two years apart, the Hettermanns twelve1 years ago and the Boyks ten years ago. rommnnitj Club To Meet Jane • The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community Club will be held on Tuesday evening, June 6, at Hettermann's tavern. The committee in chsrge includes Joe King. BH1 Klapperich, Bill Kreutzer, Leo Kortemeir and Walter Koiicki. C. ». of A. Plan* Pet'Lork Supper The C D. of A. met in the K. of C. hall on May 18 for a social gathering. Winners in cards were Marie Yegge and Marie Powers in contract bridge; Elizabeu Thompson in auction bridge; Jean Thall in canasta; Helen Weber, Anna Rodenkirk, Rose Freund and Rose Huemana in pinochle. Lunch was served by Eileen Hogan and her 1 committee. A pot-luck supper is being planned for June 1 in St Mary's-St. (Patrick's school hall, to start .promptly at 7 o'clock. Each mem- ,ber is asked to bring a dish to pass. The dinner will be followed by initiation of new members and installation of officers. ffn-TMM Plan Party 4the Pre-Teen club htll Its last EUng at the Toddler Shop Satly, May 20. at which time Ka£h- _ _ A^glese brought her hobbfes. Shirley Berthaux will display hers .Jit the next meeting. | A party for eighth grade graduates was planned, with the following committee appointed to «omt»lete details: Shirley Thurl- ^well, Pat Long, Mary Kay Stenger, -"Julia Tonyan, Penny Fike and , $Urtey Berthaux. This will be in tjhe form of a hike Jane 7. I?* lesson concernad "Children from 2 to 5", and was -- given fey Mary Kauss. The M*t meeting wttl 1m June S. QWitei Daughter . M Harold J. Frevads Panel Wwisnloi At P. T. A. Meeting Hie McHenry Community P.T.A. will hold its last meeting of the year at the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight (Thursday). Mrs. Roy Whitchurch of Belvidere, chairman of District 21, will be present to install new. officers for the coming year. There will be a panel discussion ata the subject, "What's Wrong With The Parents," with three teachers, Mr. Schoenholtz, Mrs. Richardson and Miss Kinney, and three parents, Mrs. Jessnp, Mrs. Stinespring and Mr. Meeker taking part. FM Annual A , Church Supper The first annual church supper at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church was held on Tuesday evening of this week. Preceding the meal. Pastor Carl Lobitz gave an interesting talk on the history of the church. A short but lovely program was presented by the choir and there were also piano numbers by Clifford Kiehl, Jr., and piano duets by Donald Aeverman and Joe Wilier. A moving picture was •shown on "Lincoln In The White House". Mrs. Minnie Block, oldest charter member, was presented with a McHenry Country Club So the public will become iDeqtiainted with our CMf Clnb and Dining Room Service we will serve H:-: ' <>' . - * French Fried Perch i-.,r !>•: .V-* • • • tncinding french fried potatoes, salad and coffee. Friday June 2, 5 P:M: to 9P:M: g'^ | and Every Friday thereafter CENTS Cocktails if you them, as ywi like them. Come and Meet Helen and Doc. The American Legion Auxiliary entertained their Gold Star mothers and wives Monday evening with a smorgasbord. The guests and officers were presented with a beautiful colonial corsage by Eddie Meath, president, depicting the Legion colors of blue and gold. The potted plants, gifts of the McHenry county council, added to the attractiveness of the table decorations, Dorothy M. Miller, chairman, who so ably called the games, kept the players at a peak of excitement with the exchanging of prizes. Mrs. Louella Stevenson, of Kingwood, honored guest Of the evening, succeeded in capturing a prize. During tile meeting, Poppy Day arrangements were completed. The Poppy Posters are now on dis-- play in the merchants' windows. Minnie Green. Agnes Buch, Alice Itarbian. J#"u*»tte Vance and Henritta Vycttal 4ere chosen as delegates to attend the district convention at Glen Ellen; June 11. Frances Machen and Delia Fromvd are in charge of arrangments for the Memorial Day parade. Anyone wishing to ride, please contact either chairman as a car will be provided by the Legion for this purpose. Henritta Vycital, rehabilitation chairman, and members entertained the boys at Downey this month. Only those who have given their time to these veterans realize what it means to them to have vipitors. Our next Downey night is June 8. We leave the American Legion home at 6 p.m., and welcome anyone who would like to help us in making these boys hap-, pier. The McHenry unit wishes to thank the "young folks" who helped to lighten the hearts of the "old folks" at the Hartland Home Sunday. Those entertaining were Mary Kay Freund, Mary Ann Bolger, Mary Ann Wiedrich and Bob Baer. Nettie Fleming, who does, so much for the shut-ins, made a carnation corsage for each lady. Accompanying Nettie were Mr. Flemming, Lillian Bolger, Lillian Stilling, Agnes Buch, Mrs. George Freurnd and Alice Barbian. pepped up joined in singing such jaunty sohgs as, "Take Me Out To The Ball Game." Mrs. Allen, tendont, tton for the thanks the American Legion Attx iliary for the refreshaie»ts. Initiation for new members 6? the Auxiliary will be held in Hebron June 2. SUPERVISORS AIR DEFENSE IN COUNTY NAMED , , <9 v £ Supervisors for air dienl#^ servation posts to be established in thirt^-nitie northern Illinois counties have been narnftd by municipal authorities . Maj. G'en. Leo M. Boyl.e state director of Civil Defense, reported to Governor Adlai E. Stevenson this week. The Illinois posts are established at the request of the secretary of defense as part of nationwide system to be linked with United States air force's radar warning system. They will be' located in counties north 6f a line from Danville, Urbana, Peoria and Rock Island. Each observation post will have a staff of twehty-three men and women volunteers to be selected by the supervisor. They will receive training under the TJIrwtion of the Eastern Air -Defense Force of the U.S. air force.. Supervisors named |n| McHenry eoulity and the towns. «ey supervise follow; McHenry, Albert S. Blake; Union, William D. Force; Huntley, Oliver Hansen; Woodstock, George A. Harding; Crystal Lake, Francis J. Schepers; Harvard, John O'Connor, Jr.; Greenwood, Lee B. Baker; and Richmond, Richard C. Burton. i*. •! «fr •?"> 'I1 t"l BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miranti of Chicago announce the birtn of a sod, weighing 7 lbs., on May 10. The baby is the first child born to the Mirantis (MarvDouglas). Proud grandmother Is W"?. Velma Douglas of McHenry. The mother is graduating from the College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, and the father from Loyola University School tit Medicine, lioth in June. Read the Want Ads. fun for the whole family! -- and healthful too. Try these picnic supplies to add more comfort and convenience. Every item is top-; $ most quality at a downright thrifty price! m's'wte/rs ' PIICNIIC *« 4O BASK EL Makes picnici«( «a<i«r sad inefe fun. It is tturdy--made ef wevea VACtttfM m $3.39 t fillM capac- Hy, gUx«4 pottery iMtr liner. Knpi Mi 1*4 liquid* k*t m COM m lM| a 24kMit. , Vacuum "Bottle 11.49 Pint six* vacuum boltlt. MM glait ino* r container, talcvt standard rafillt. Plailk imprcgnalad fabric outer Gasoline Lantern $9.95 Official Mm SOFT •ALL 65c G!vm a brilliant whit* light. B««t f o r c a m p i n g , farm or home lit 2 mantl* ftyt* hold* I qt. of full. kW, i Hunting Knife $3.25 Oelimo quality hand honod, mirror finith blada- Laathar handla 4 - inch blado, 6 incha* ovorall langth. SCOOT AXE TrittSM •2.98 Powerful , Electric ffick M. J .oqueliaie, ) Tuesday evening after few weeks with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Phannenstlll. Donald Kinsala of BataVla spent the weekend visiting McHenry relatives. MrB. ter, Jaoq and Mrs. B. J. John, in Walter* Warner and Mrs. William Johns and daughter of Elgin visited relatives here on Friday evening. Miss Nadyne Lewis, at St. spent tiie weekend with her parents. Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park visited tfi the home of her parents, the Martin Con ways, last weekend. Mr. and M^s. Ralph Walkup of rural Woodstock attended the choral club concert fca McHenry last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodtz of Crystal Lake attended the choral club program Sunday evening. Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck and daughter of Phoenix, Arts., are visiting relatives here. Mrs. John Freund and daughter, Diane, spej^ several days last week viaitjstg in the Walter Manning home in Oak Park. On Thursday they attended the First Communion service in which John Manning was one of the class. Mr. Freund spent Sunday in Oak Park and his family accompanied him home. Mr. and Mrs'. Leo Blake visited in the Walter Manning home in Oak Park on Sunday. • I I I H H H 'lflf AMONG THE SICK t 'M' 1' I < I * f»t i| 'H"H' Mrs. Sabina Boyle has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Robert Kralowetjs underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. CENOL BOG MA& BOMI CONTAINS O.D^T. ' AND FYMTHMfM Full residual action. One bomb takes <pi about 72 rooms. Ketp ynr kmut hutet free tkis yemr. A Cemel Bemk •-t * • wtf 4*#.- t BOLGERS DRUG STORE -i 11*1 CLARA BECKMAJV WES Mrs. Clara Beckman of 1936 Plaine of Mrs. Paul Albert of McHenry, died on Saturday. She was the widow of the late Alfred Beck- Survivors include four children, Mrs. Pearl Kusch, Walter Edward C. Beckman and Mrs. Albert. bald at 1^0 .o'clock on Tu afternoon at the chapel at Lincoln avenue, with burial In Acacia Park. SKIN MAGIC For a Clear Complexion 8kfn Irritations-- SOOTHES - HEALS CONDITIONS Safe For Babies Just Apply With The lM»i ; Dries In A "Jiffy" SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY* OFFER •• - Save 60 cents- V I:-; |! Helene Distributing Co. 8M4 SherMan Rd^ Zlon, IIL Enclosed please find $1.00. Please mail me one bottle of "Skin Magic". , v. Name Address ftiiar Paying 16 monthly bills wkfa CMh tued no • a tiresomi dhore for this housewife; Traffii!?^-. «lelays, walking from store to store, and waifr^ V ing in liaes - made it a two-hour task. But checking accoimt changed all dial. Now takes 1/4th -the time to write and mail checkt in payment. You can euily cut your ing time 75% by paying your bills this mo<&V era way. Open an account with us and try ic» > McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Eesenre 8y«leli' Federal Deposit Smmmmm JapmuoB -- AfMiaATE i Our Everyday Low Price and Our Policy -- You' Mxb\ Be Satisfied. * That is Our Beat Advertisemen* i ' . » ">•: . f , A Well Pleased O««tomiir! ; ^ • • ' ' » • • We are not trying to get rick. believe in live and let Him Our buying power for 1400 storfes gives as a'saVing that iB passed V^riir "We sell quality merchandise at a pripe you can't afford lb miss« i * * ^ CRICK'S GROCERY - • McCullom Lake . . - .• .4 /'* t, : ) ! lrB4CNOLY / f^OVAI f^LUh ^8SB STORl. S 6£St QUALITY ALWAYS STORE HOURS: SUNDAYS I A. M. to 6 P. M. ' WEEK DAYS B A. M. to 7 P. M. Take the Key.., - • , i . • Take a Ride . • • Take the Leader! Chevrolet is FIRST ... and Rnest ., . at Lowest G>st! VYCITAL'S pome ia. , .4ri»e home the facts of Chevrolet's greater all-round perforptance with economy . . . and you'll decide to drive home in a new Chevrolet! <> You'll experience extra-value in every phase pf Chevrolet road-action ... in its fleet and frugal Valve-in-Head Engine performance . . . |n its finer driving and riding ease ... in the 4**"* * *" enviable view afforded by its curved windshield h. »;«> Panoramic Visibility ... and ill its greater < all-round safety-protection. Come in--today! Drive home these facts to your own complete satisfaction! And you'll be quick to agree that Chevrolet is first and finest at lowest cost! -«imt Orlvm Mk M lecM ... FIRST ... and Rneat.. . isr tmiNO AMO COMKMtT AT LOWEST COST Drhn horn* thli fatfl... PltST ... and nnetl for ALL-IOUND SAfSTY AT IOWIST «OST AMERICA'S BEST SCUM VRO J • MHW fait fottl... VINO AND"I ware Sheet Metal Shop AMERICA'S BUT BUT 0me im. . Drive the Cohvlnce yourself Chevrolet's PtRSTl*. and Finest.... at '.u\ . .. v $ . • • CLARK CHEVROLET SALES ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS .US FH0NE277 Co* L.

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