Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1950, p. 5

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- M, ,? •'•'1• ' 5;* , * J ' w* U.C f I '? •* tf •/'# # *,**" * *';" • ^ \r«t •* \ £ , *-» • * *" * v.** '-<. " •.- *« - -v * A- ' ; T' ® |"» ' ', „, * '"v" *\ ~ 4 -*. •» *'v: *'•» • ~tr'h":* ,?«,., £•...'* t&.'.- • k& * '-** *®l* •$? 4.S$* K • « y i» , „"*>,»' v ' c f ^ •• • t , . • -tf . •< T ; '.. 1 £?s:jKJtt FOR SALE SITUATION WANTED REAL ESTATE IHWRY rUUNDEALER ' Published every Thursday at Mc- J§bnry, III., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. » NATIONAL 'jr. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELB FROEHLICH, Editor. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., Pander the act of May 8,-1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATE .'&;¥«ar .USt ' Plaindealer Want Ads v '.:. No ads counted less than 25 words. 75c minimum. I Insertion 75c (Count 6 words per line) 26e, service charge on all blind £jpds. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. Want Ads close promptly At 10 *.tn. Wednesday. AUTOMOTIVE FOR BALI!--Model OJ-2A Universal 'Jeep. McHenry Garage, 604 Protit St., Tel. 403. 52tf OR SALE--1949 Willys One ton tfucl$ two-wheel drive. McHcnry Garage, G04 Front St., McHenry, Tel. 403. 2tf FOR SALE--'40 4-door Dodge, A-l condition. Private . owner. For inforniiit ion Phone McHenry 52-J. *2 BUSINESS SERVICE .ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, 'AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 45tf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tf TFFCPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinish log, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for salt*. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean v/oodwork, floors, windows, walls •>ally, wcfckly, Aonthly orf season ally. Reasonable prices. McH«nry Janitor Service, l>on Dewey, Mgr. Phone McHenry 430-J. 32tf FOR BABY SITTERS--In your neighborhood, call Pre Teen club, tile Toddler Bhop, McHenry, 746. 38t.f HAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catch '^basing, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf BUSINESS SERVICE NOW ia THE TIME--Spray your Jawa for dandelions and other Weeds. Wm. Ahrens, 607 Front St.. West McHenry, 111. 1.3 TREE SPRAYING GARDEN PLOWING* ^ J. W. Raycraft Phono McHenry 298-R 48tf LANDSCAPING Hodges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Flower beds prepared and planted. Guaranteed. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subd. Phone 210-J. McHenry. 52tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for • cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges, 36tf FOR SALE \ FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf .FOR im -- Beer - for year ice cold case beer of all kinds, eome te the Sportsman's Inn, where g»od fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 PhannenejUll, prop. 23tf BRING TOUR FHOTOORAPHIO PROBLEMS TO US-- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to Urge morals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AMD SUPPLIES. WORWICKfs ffTtTDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 875. 40tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MA0HXME8. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St' Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCBB Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W FOR SALE Bargain-- New, stUl boxed 52 gal. Rlieem electric hot water heater and Bruncr Supreme water softener, 60,000 grains capacity for 29 grain water. Also bedroom set, 3 piece; 3 pieec Rata an poreh set; 4 burner dri-gas stove; also misc. items. 232-R. Call McHenry ?2 FOR SALE--1948 Lyman boat and motor; double cockpit; 33 H.P. Evinrude motor, like new, will sacrifice, Call over weekend McHenry 695M 1. 2 FOR BALE--Brand new Crown 4- huruer gas range-; new vacuum cleaner sold at cost price. Bjorkraan Hardware, Riverside Drive, McHenry Tel. 72^2. 2tf FOR SALE--Ice cold beer, 6 cans for 85c; also all other kinds of liquor. .T & K Tavern, Route 120. Lily Lake. 2 WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of removable rial and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening, Sat. cr Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and twto weeks' service. 27tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47 tf FOR SALE-- 1 % galvanized pipe 12 ft. long; hand power winches. 190- lb. anvil; blacksmith box vice; 2 heavy benches; 3V_.xl0, soft wood plank, 11 ft. long;galvauized tank, copper bottom, 180 gallon; chicken coop for 12 chickens. 4" Centrifigal saud suction pump. Tel McHenrv 698-M-l. **2 FOR SALE -- ,'Weiaor it Sons, grand player piano incl. 60 rdlls and cabinet. Call McHenry 616-J-l. *2 FOR SALE--1950 Cushman nrator scooter, used 2 weeks, $295. Call Wauconda 3773. *2 FOR SALE -- Two Evinrude outboard motors 5 H.P.; one sailboat, cat boat type. T. IP. Mathews, Wonder Lake 306. *2 FOR SALE--Golf (Hubs, 5 irons 3 woods. Registered $29.00. Phone 147-W. • *2-2 FOR SALE -- 6 cu. ft. Weatinghouse refrigerator,; 4 room Duo- Therm oil stove; Universal Gas range; all like new. Phone McHenry <539-W-l. *2-2 FOR SALE -- 1 new 6 cu. ft. May- Uig deepfreeze, was • $269.00 now tiUy^ $169.00. Carey Electric Shop. 2 FOR SALE -- FARMERS, 1 new Ireland hay hoist was $110.00 will sell for $79.00, also 1 new G.E. 6 ;in milk cooler, was $399.00 now $290.0(1. Carey Electric Shop. 2 FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Bound Lake, Aoute No. 2, Round Lake 3570, Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 0 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold ease beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phanncn still. 49tf VAUGHAN'S GRASS SEED Lawn fertilizer, peat moss, garden bedding and vegetable plants. Spraying material for healthy growth. Elm Street Florist, Phone 401. 51 tf FOR SALE--1% galvanized pipe 12 ft. long; hand power wrenches; 190- 1b. anvil; blacksmith box vice; 2 heavy benches; 3%xl0, soft wood plank, 11 ft. long; bench drill press, galvanized tank, copper bottom, 180 gallon; 2-wheel trailer; chicken coop for 12 chickens. Tel. McHenry 698-M-l. 1 FOR SALE -- Round dining room table, 3 leaves, pads, chairs aud buffet may be had by calling McHeary 54.r)'.T-l Sunday 10* to 4. 52-3 ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Cloth ing in Good Condition for the eutlre family. Formats. Open Mon. to 8at., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale andt Antique Shop, % mile west Terra' Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 134T> R 1. t 51 tf FOR SALE--White enamel rangette with oven control, $50,00. Stork line .baby carriage, like new, $22.50. Phone McHenry 765-J. FOR SALE -- Certified 100 day Wisconsin Hybrid. 464 seed corn, lnfge flats. Free delivery to your farm in McHenry county. $7.90 per bushel. Pell-Bari Farms, Inc., phone Woodstock 1130. 2-B SITUATION WANTED -- General carpenter work done by day or contract. Attic, basement flats and porch enclosures. Reasonable. Call Karl Hammer, McHenry 520-R-l. •1-4 SITUATION WANTED -- Waitress part time. Evenings or weekends. I'lione 627-M-2. 2 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry ropai*. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf WANTED--Male bird dog, black and white, year old; must be house broken. Phone McHenry 853. 2tf WANTED TO BUY™ FOR RENT FOR RENT--To employed men only, rooms And good meals; bath shower, pleuty of hot water. Tel. McHenry 853. 46tf FOR RENT--R. X. A. Hall on Main St, available for public parties alnd meetings. Hates reasonable. Tel. 128 W or 53-M. 52tf FOR RENT--Combination sleeping and living room; private entrance and bath; excellent meals; garage space. McHenry business man preferred. Tel. H53. 51tf WANTED TO BUY -- »11 kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf WANTED TO RENT ° WANTED TO RENT--Cottage close to lake or river from July 15 to 21. Tcj^ Harrington 1138. 2 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--10 acres good alfalfa hay. Call Frank Regner, McHenry «47.-R-l. »2 FOR RENT--Pasture for heifers. Call McHenry 616-J-l. *2 FOR RENT--Two bedroom cottage on Fox river, near Johnsburg bridge for summer season. Bert Rngstrom, phone McHenry 502-W-2. 2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED- - Waitress wanted, part or full lime. Mosley Cafe, 314 Klin St. Phone 393. 1-2 FOR BALE--Coleman automate oil hot water heater, like new. 100 gal. oil tank. Call McHenry 423-M. •2 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumpB. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 2dtf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. ' Woodstock, I1L i sotf TREE SPRAYING FRANK W. HENKEL Volo Illinois - P. O. Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-l . 46tf C. D. KINSEY Contractor and Builder Homes, Remodeling, Cabinet Work Estimates Given Phone 893-J. K. ' ' 48-7 DECORATING Paper hanging and painting. Jos. M. Freund, Phone 93-J, 700 Center Street. *2 4 •ARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week. Or oftener if desired. Reasonable fates. Regular year round route fohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf FOR SALE -- Front end loader for Ford Ferguson. Like new. Also 15 lectric chick brooders. Capacity 100 each. Phone Fox Lake 5315. FOR SALE--Upright piano, $25.00; !»xl2 braide<| rug, $15.00; slip covered sofa, chair and ottoman. $25.00. gas range, $15.00. Call Richmond 949. *1 FOR SALE -- Gas range, misc. furniture, Evinrude outboard motor. Call McHenry 276 J. *2 FOR SALE -- Wotnens shoe roller skates, size 6, white like now. also case. Price $12.50. Call McHenrv 52 J. *2 FOR SALE -- 14% ft. Lyman boat with 10 H.P. Johnson Seahorse racing motor; new Whizzcr motor bike with side ear frame and wheel. G. I. Tractor with all attachments, snow plow, disc, cultivators, gar den plow and sicklebar. Phone 261. •2 FOR SALE -- 9 pc. carved oak dining room set. Walnut bed and dress or set. One 3/4 size bed and one full size with springs. 1 walnut cocktail table. Phone Wonder Lake 836. 2 FOR SALE--Rowfeoats, built to or der, 14 ft. unpainted boats, $70.00. Phone McHenry 561-M-l. 52-4 * Ctaa'Cteft* Wwloag* , Helen Weber Says: FOR SALE--Three service Holstein bulls. Call McHenry 590-M-2. ^teve Danke. "1-3 FOR SALE--Spring fryers, between I and 4% lbs. Call D. Buck, Cry stal Lake 1322-W-2. •1-2 FOR SALE--Thor automatic washer never used since installation of new mechanism u«d new motor. A real bargain. L. D. Anderson, 519 Waukegan Rbad. 1-tf FOR SALE -- Yonngstown kitchen sinks, wall and base cabinets. Free estimates, call Richmond 649 or write Weldon Andreas, Riagwood, Ml. *2 HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry, Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. in. to p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf HOMES FOR SALB JOHNSBURG 4 rooms and bath, enclosed pofeh. Price $8,000.00. Owner will take offer. McCULLOM LAKE 5 rooms aiu^ bath, heat, cement basement, garage attached. {Price $8,500, take offer. ' McHENRY 7 rooms, on 2nd, powder room (on first, fino location on Richmond road. WONDER LAKE 4 rooms and bath, oil heat, asbestos tile floor in basement, a neat clean home for small family. Price $8,500. ALSO 3 rooms - Modern tile kitchen tile bath. New solid maple furniture, carpeting wall to wall, gas floor space heat «u, new 2 car garage, built-in laundry tubs, house insulated. Immediate possession. Price $7,0(10.00. McHENRY In Millstream Subd. See our new plans for the new CAPE COD BRICK HOMES now in construction. For appointment call (Mr. Fritz or Hank Nell) JACOB FRliTZ REAL ESTATE in JOHNSBURG, PHONE McHENRY 37. 1-tf HELP WANTED--Man for general work on golf course. Write Box 65, care -McHenry Plaiudealer. *2-2 HELP WANTED--Tool room lathe hand 10 years experience. Apply in person. Electric, Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, 111. 2 HELP WANTED--Girl for general office work in Wonder Lake. Experienced. References required, care Box 66, McHenry Plaindealer. 2 HELP WANTED -- Experienced waitress wanted. Salary plu« commission. Apply at Cinema Grill. *2 HELP WANTED--Part time waitress. Inquire at Art & Lee's. Phone 396. 2 HELP WANTED--Oirls for inspecting. See Homer Fitzgerald, Local Cr> omers 2 FOR SALB -- Full sized down filled comforter. Set of Book of Knowledge with bookcase. Oil imintings aud pictures. Berkey and Gav Walnut China Cabinet. Mr- Henry 769 J. *2 J HELP WANTED--Girl or young j woman for general housework, own room and bath, two adults, $.">(). James F. Mraz, Pistakee Bay. Ph»ne 1S7 R after 6 p.m. 2 4 FOR SALB -- Oil heater, heats 5 rooms, good condition. $25.00. See Saturday or Sunday. Mrs. Frank; new house at Hickory Grange Subdv.. sreh. 2 FOR SALE -- Three windows, '26x30 (6 lights each) good for chicken coop; $1 apiece. Tel McHenry '^3 J. ' 2 FOR SALE -- Beautiful 9 piece Houdurus mahogany dining room let. 9 years old. $200.00. Table tads and glass top for buffet in- •luded. Paul Baltrum, Emerald Park phone 529 .1 2. 2 HELP WANTED-- Waitresses. Cull McHenry 377. 2tf HELP WANTED -- Saleslady ex perieneed preferred, to work in ladies' readv-to-wear; full «r . part time. Gamble's. 2 HELP WANTED--Woman to wash dishes 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. $1.00 per hour. Phone 853. , 2 SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE--McCullom Lake Home, 7 rooms and bath, 3 bedrooms up- .fctuirs, large den, kitchen, knotty pine dining room, living room with natural fireplace and canvassed walls. Carpeted, living room, dining room, hall and stairway. Marlite tile kitchen and bath room. Finished basement, laundry room. Birch panel rumpus room and asphalt tile floors. Large closets and fruit closet, electric hot water heater. 2 car garage, 3 lots wooded and beautifully landscaped with shrubs and flowers. Outside patio and fireplace. Paved street. Completely insulated, forced hot air furnace with stoker. Large' picture windows, white stone driveway, steel Venetian blinds, pickct fence enclosed. Must be seen to be appreciated. Write Box 64, care of McHenry Plaindealer. *1-2 MORE THAN A HOUSE A picturesque hilltop home nestled among stately white oaks overlooking private lake, in a friendly community, 3 bedrooms, custom built ranch tyj>e, 120 ft. frontage knotty pine paneling thru out cobblestone fireplace, electric, cabinet kitchen, oil heat, enclosed porch, cement patio, 2 car garage, guest "powder room. All conveniences handy, sacrifice for quick sale bv owner. Furnished or unfurnished, must be seen to appreciate. Phone Wonder Lake 766, A. F. Johnston, Cedar road, Ringwood, 111. 1 FOR SALE--2 family modern brick home, forced air heat, 4 rooms on first floor, 3 rooms upstairs, fully insulated, storm windows, corner lot and garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call after 5 p.m. or all da^ Sunday. Phone McHenry 53 51-4 FOR SALB--Residence; 6 rooms, bath; 2 screened)n porches; full basement with laundry; hot water heat. Garage 22x20; two chicken houses 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. by 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to sell. 715 Center St., West McHenry. Owner on premises. Tel. 278 J. 44tf FOR SALE--Inf McCullom Lake, 4 room year round home, fully insulated, floor furnace, bath, furnished. Phono 547-J-l. 1-2 FOR SALE-- House only 10-28, 1 room and poreh. Carl G. Swanson, 44 Orchard Beach. Phon6 McHcnry 52-W after 6 p.m. Will accept reasonable offer. 52-3 BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARM8 --CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROPERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL.--LICENS ED ILL. AND WIS. BROKER. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf FOR SALE--100x200 ft. homesites, gas. electricity, water. Two minutes to town, one minute to Fox River. Walter J. Walsh, McHenrv <508 JM. »2 FOR SALE -- Home en McCullom Lake, six rooms furnished, 4 lots, 100' lake front. Fenced in, 2 car garage, Running water, storm windows, Boat, ideal location. McHenrv 053 M-l. FOR SALE -- 2 lots near lake, Indian Ridge # Subdivision Wonder Lake. Lots No. 30 and 31, Bl. 6, 41 by 135' ea. Price $400 ea. J. E. Carey, Twin Lakes, Wis. »•>.« RESIDENCE CHANGES The Harold Lyle family tup moved from Woodstock to the George. Scheid farm at Griswold Lake. Mr. Scheid !g making his home with his daughter and family, the Nick B. Freunds. Mr. and Mrs. Norton L. Penney have moved from Chicago to Island Lake, where they recently purchased a home from Herbert G. Newcomb. The Penaeys have two daughters, 11 years and 2 months old. Mr. Penney is a Chicago attorney. Mrs. Jacob Bickler and daughter have moved from Fox street to her home near Spring Grove. OIPf ntr, 27th READY TO SERVE THE PUBLIC »-vW. »§r ,'-d . „ • ijnL. ' Johnson s Beef-Burger and Waffle Shop . Just East of Btfdge on Route 120 Formerly Mrs. Thompson's In EHsabefMan During the reign of Queen El!$»- beth, the painters at signs som» times encountered difficulties <•*««» the portraits they MtsM " B(RI£D I> McHENRY Funeral services'for Mrs. Raymond Owen were held ill Chicago at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, with burial in Woodland cemetery, cause painted McHenry, beside her late husband.. of her majesty were not sufficiently Mr. Owen «u i former local reel- • complimentary. Many of the dent. : traits were chepped up and tnisaCF . by the queen's order and prorls-- - " Biggest Market ' tioos were made regarding the CM* "**• MOM than 100 coffee are currently bought and sold in the United States, which Is the greatest coffee consuming nation in the world Last year the United States drank as much as all the rest of the world uce>d ia the Inst 15 years. Sandboxes The need for "cutting oft and rounding the sharp corners of sandboxes and for frequently straining the sand In them, to eliminate pieces of glass, nails, or other sharp objects which might cut or scratch the child," should not be overlooked. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. , 8tf The Beautiful EL T0VAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry' Co's. Lead lag Theatre FRI. . SAT., MAT 9t-t7 - Daaa Andrews fSasai Haywari ia *MY FOOLISH HEART" ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE-- Five rooms in \Voodei| Kstatex, Pistakee Bay. Autofliatir oil heat, full basement, gas, electric, fully insulated, use of fine bathing beach, and pier, must be seen to l>c appreciated. For appointment call Mr. Fritz, or Hank Nell, in Johns , burg, Tel. Mrllenry, 37. 2tf SEWING--Coats, dresses, children's clothes. Call McHenry 799-R. 13 ftfij All Pur Coats brought in •Te c&neDully }iaudled by Elgin's Leading Fujfieiv B. J. YAFFE As for your winter clothes it's safer -- much saler to lave them cleaned now. Our new playing cards are in. , e .. •. . . McHenry Gleaners 1M-M an BaA' McHenry Blacksmith Shop WE DO ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK LAWN MOWER SHARPENING ALL TYPES OF WELDING GENERAL BLACKSMITH WORK 800 FRONT ST. WEST McHENRY SUIT. • MOJi., MAY 28-29 Sunday font. From 2iU PJK. Willlan Holdea Joaa Cantffeld la '"DEAR WIMS* A Top-Kllght Comedy with a riot of laughs for all the family. TI ES. . WED. - THI BS. MAY 8041 • JUNE 1 Bay MHIaad Rosailed BasseU la -A WOMAN OF DISTINCTION*" ttWIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWl F R Y E R S t TO 3 LBS. PAH SXADT ALSO PACKAGED FOR FREEZES "From Pen to Pan Tute the Difference" -- WILL DELIVER -- ; ; * PHONE McHXHKY 699-M4 Johnsburg Poultry Farm SPRING FEVER IS HERE AT LAST , Hpring Fever was slo|r in catching up with many of us tliis* year, but mofct every one-lias resloved to make up for lost time. * Now tliat warm weather has finally arrived and we have a reasonable assurance that it will be 'here to stay, have you thought about playing hookey 8ome day and enjoying a few hours of fishing? Or how about treating the family to one of those enjoyable weekend picnic^wthich you found so relaxing so many .month8 agof - . | "For those active individuals definition of "leisure" includes the more strenuous type of activity, gardening wiil doubtless occupy tlieir spare time in the future. , .Whatever your idea of pleasure may be, we can help you to have a better time. Stop in today and make your selection from a fine supply o£ garden tools or fishing and picnic items. r Nickels Hardware ^ Main Street Phone 2 " ' West McHenry PHONE 3 2 3IILLE6 WOODS I OC* ILL FRI. . SAT., MAY 9C-27 Matinee Sat. at 2:S0 P.M. "BLUE GRASS OF KENTUCKY" t, (la daecolor) and -DAVY CROCKETT, INDIAN SCOUT" SUN. • MON* MAY 2S-S9 Matiaee Sua. at 2:M P.M. •THE KID FROM TEXAS" (Bjr Terhaiceler) Pins Laarel and Hardy la "BLOCK HEADS" , Potato Dtaaaaea Tbe knife used in cutting palate seed can spread potato dlaaaaNM * • Watch for our Customers' port unity day. May 27, at AlthotTi Hardware. 1-t •; -- " Sperlal MEMORIAL DAY SHOW TUESDAY, MAY Sffth At iiW P. and Contlnalng throagh Thursday Night, Jane I. "MA AND PA KETTLE QO TO TOWN" •rHENRY, ILLINOIS FRL • SAT* MAY Red SfcHtea Gloria Da lata "THE YELLOW CAB MAN* Cartooa and Sparta 4 SUN. - MON* MAY (la Techalceler) Maareea OUara ' ftpi Vlanat Price . Jeka «BAGDAD" World News aad Carteaa TI ES. . WED* MAY Jlfl Claadette Colbert rant uewaaa -THREE CAME HOME" Also Short Sabjeda THUBS. . FBI* JINK 14 Joha DaH Pegg -DEADLY IS TIE FEMALB* rt* 411 i .^OUTDOOR rr ORAYSLAKE RT 120 & 2i WED. - THURS. - FRI. and SAT., MAT 24-25-36-27 TECHNICOLOR MNf cuMiussr PETFR GODFREY WIMTTCN BV MUMM SKmcn MON. - TUKS., MAY 28^29-30 KID bom |WSS cMot&y df STUg A UNIVtRSAl WTERHAnONAi PCTUtt Box Office Opens At 7:15 Children 12 and Under Admitted Fill • Continuous Sbows Pfwi Busk

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