WMM&M J* ;l _ YEM-AHOTte CHICAGO FAIR . * rf, •:« •* , v J>U ' *V* ^ n « - ^ % e ( * ** *- * inTii'iti^H'i rfpjjy ii Lwn B. LAr, fMtat ef the Rtilmd Fair of IMS and (imrt freoa Ml), tarns mr iimjmIi «f CM«Wi lake front •••is «• Keatt Chandler, inllfcil ef the New Chlcare «ff lMf. Watehta* are (left) DmM MaeMaster, raU fair reaeral (right center) Cmfcjr Kelly, executive manarer < fear's project. : CHICAGO (Special)--Thinfs are on the city'* lake front 'ien these dun as Oiicafo prepares lot another mammott exposition that is expected to draw prtetton from all over the country :f t» be known as the "Chicago IFatr of I960" and to be presented 3*1 the same site where more than <MR.W spectators witnessed the Bpttaal Railroad Fair in IMS and 1MI, the new Fair wfll open en June M and run through Labor Instead of being a one-industry like the rail exposition, this gear's event will be a oscular IrorkTs fair in scope. Deslgned.to emphasise the achievements of hi- Uttstiy, commerce, agriculture and jrtsBCs that have contributed to M American heritage, exhibits #ffl be centered about major companies In all lines of endeavor that ittve eontrfbuted most directly to tied era living. Wherever possible, •tress wfll be laid on the radical ittnovatilons these institutions have In.the making for the future. ' i .As In the case of the rail fair mn exhibits will be "live" presen- Urtlons. well saturated with dra- , |(W>tte entertainment Instead of the dead displays usually seen at strictly trade fairs. Prime attention is also being given to special events like the "Wheels A-Rolling," the pageant that drew more than 2,700,000 spectators in the past two summers here. Its successor, especially written ior this year's Fair, will be "Frontiers of Freedom." a 14- scene extravaganza showing all the major steps in American progress from William Penn's treaty with the Indians to the scientific developments of today, r Anticipating that major attendance will come from family groups, as in all previous Chicago fairs, most entertainment areas will be designed with a special appeal for the youngsters. These will be located at selected intervals between the more serious industrial exhibits to keep the new Fair in proper balance between its heavier and lighter themes. According to Crosby Kelly, the Fair's executive manager, visitors will be assured a full day's entertainment at a cost in. keeping with the most modest pocxetbook. This economy program will\pply particularly to the fun feat the several new dining places to make their appearance on the Fair's 55-acre grounds. T LEGALS fN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HENRY J. STILLING AND CHRISTINE STILLING FOlt VARIATION IN ZONING TO4S9IFICATI0N UNDER THE EXISTING ZONING ORDINANCE, NtfrlCB IS HEREBY GIVEN: in compliance with the prttvtafttts of the McHenry County JBantalC Ordinance relative to 4 cfcinfce' or variation of the xcraingj classifications a public hearing,. wQI -fite had before the Board of Appeals In connection with the •intention of HENRY J. STILLING AND CHRI8TINE STILLING ulinr the provision of a contract |p sell that the soning classification of the following described rt«l. eeUte he varied to permit the, nee of the following described pro perty Cor the operation of aa Out ipeor."Drive In" Theatre. . A tract of land lying and situ- .tlted' D» Che Southwest Quarter of BectknC SO, Tpwnship 45 North, Binge 9 Edat of the Third principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point at the point l0f Intersection of the Nora* line Of said quarter aecti?s and the I Weet line of said quarter section; I thence South along said section Mae CM feet to a point; thence VMt on a line parallel with the North quarter section line 660 feet to a point; thence North along a line parallel with the said section line to a point on the North line of said quarter section; thence West along said quarter section line to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. The hearing will be held at 3 o'colck P.M. on Tuesday June 13th, 1950 in the City Hall of the .City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. Mchenry county zoning BOARD OF APPEALS, by Harold J. Bacon, Its chairman (Pub. May ZH NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THOMAS H. KANE AND CELONA KANE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMMENDMENT OF ZONINGi ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification a public hearing will be had before the Board of Ap peals tn connection with the application of THOMAS H. KANE AND CELONA KANE that the toning classification of the following described real estate be changed to a "B-l" classification on the property below described: Commencing at a point on the West side of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, 60 rods South of the Northwest corner of s^id quarter sections for a P. O. B., thence South on a line parallel with the % Section line tor a distance of 85 feet; thence East at right angles and on a line parallel, with the North Section line a distance of 75 feet; thence North at right angles and on a line parallel with the West % Section line a distance of 85 feet; thence West at right angles and on a parallel to the North Section line to a place of beginning; said land being situated in the Township of McHenry. County of McHenry and State of Illinois. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, June 13, 1950 in the City Hall of the City of McHenry. Illinoi* at which time and place any person or persons desiring^ to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. by Harold Bacon, Its Chairman. (Pab. May 25) variation of the folkrwtac **^ H«nCI OF FHUUC MKAmilta cribed property in accordant* the prayer of the Petition fBei fith said Board: Lot 43 of Owes, Stenger Allen's first addition to McHenry^ Illinois in accordance with plat thereof aa recorded in Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, Said hearing shall be heart lq the City Hall in the City of Mc* Henry, McHenry County, Illinois, at the hour of 4:00 P.M. on the 13th day of June ^950. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY „ COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. By Harold J. Bacon, m ' Its Chairman. iioTirB IN THE MATTER OF THE AP* PLICATION, OF MRS. M,_ C. LILLY FOk VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a MouitcleatUtuf? Without Rexair? See the New REXAIR How. v It also shampoos rugs and Upholstery -- Mothproofs CARL BARNICKOL •cHENRT * I ... McHenry CM-W-f BA-8-08M Service -- Supplies Ktitttl! OF CLAIJf flXTE Estate of Robert Walter Wright, Deceased. Notice is hereby given^ to- *H-; persons that July SraT 1950, is the claim date in the estate of Rj»b$xt Walter Wright, Deceased, pending; in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that olnhne may be filed against the aald estate on or before said date without Issuance of summons. GERALD J. CAREY, Administrator. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, J*. Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. May 11, 18,26) - -- f Notice Is hereby given that a tentative budget and oppropriaten ordinanoe for road and bridge purpoaes of llcHenry Township ttt the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning March 28th, 1950, and ending March 26th 1961, will be on file «nd conveniently available to public inspection at McHenry Post Office from and after ten o'clock A.M., Saturday, May 27, 1960. Notice is further given that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 8 o'clock P.M., 27th day, Jane, 1950, at Town Clerk's office in this township, and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the Highway Commissioner at a meeting to be held at Town Clerk's .Office at 9 o'clock P.M., 27th day, June, 1950. CHARLES J. MILLER Highway Commissioner. WALTER ANDERSON* Clerk. Cottipftt* line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf AN automatic pan greaser A bakers sails for about 98600; Say, that's quite a roll of doughl • • • Secretary of the Treasury Snyder says -we will have a savings bond drive this spring "to stir interest" Well, it's the Interest we're thinking of whan wa buy the bonds. • • • Dentists are one of the three largest professional groups In the 17. S. No wondeff look at all thj pull they bnve. Watch tor our Customers' Opportunity day, May 2?*<fti Althoff's Hardware. . i 1-8 w TR . - OUR FISH EVERT FRIDAY * Fifty Cents p Served from 5 p. m. 0 MANOR HOUSE 2 . Miles West Wauoonda on Rt. 176 V TeL Wauconda 4114 Usse In IStt Befo r e standard time was' adopted In lfltt there were over so time nones in the United States. •#ip An estimated 17,000 women In United States die annually of c ears which are uterine in J. f ; . . -"%• ^ivenide Bake Shop will be open Every. |. londay starting May 29, Jppra. Salf Say Decoration 1 - . 'KYI V - TOWNE THEATRE Grand Avenue . f: Fox Lake, Illinokk Doors Open 6:30 C.D.T. * SAT. - SUN. - MON., May 27-28-29 Warner BrosC 'SILVER LINING' Sweetheart* I big new song-dance romance! ^ plan ynr kttcin this HEW, sun way! Now you can have fmm planning your kitchen with our marvelous new Curtis Kitchen Planning Kit! You can fit miniature Curtis cabinets right into a little room (hat's scaled to the size of your kitchen-- choosing exactly the combinations that fit your needs and your budget. Stop in and use our Curffa Kitchen Planning Kit--let it help make your new kitchen.spore charming and more convenient! There's no obligation! McHenry Lombcr Cn. 611 Wain St. McHefcr?, 1U PHONE 40 FOR TOUR -DANCING IB S I* 'PLEASURE OOMS TO THE BRIDGE BALLROOM n Sunday, May 28 Monday, May 29 and Every Friday and Satm^ ^ day Tbereafter. ' Music by ART THOMS and His Apes of Melody Songs by JANIE LIE ; Rt. 120! East of Bridge HcHemry, 111. VT -- We Cater To Pasties -- Old Style Lager Served SHI£S TH£ WOODS AND MUSIC NAU AMERIOAS HSAXT! 4 "JAMES BARTON-CUDDLES SAKALL-GENE • • oweno •» SCWCM KAV wr MC« *OSC. MCLWLU SH««EiS0N 4 KIO I 1AVID BUTLER TUES. - WED. - THURS., MAY 30-31, JUNE 1 •if.,:. about - My wife's a pretty busy woman-though I could leave out the "busy" tad etUl be right 1 Big old house. Three Iflda. Lota to do all the time. ' Butahe manages fine. "I*ve got a wonderful helper," she often says. **Runa errands tor me, tarries messages to and irom my friends, gets help qilteltty when I need it and a lot of my shopping. Hever «omplalns, never tijAe off or vacations. And works 24 hours a day ftMPiust a f«w nickels." I|he means our telei, of course. We've .. nld that to a b)isy Iptiljjieeper. the telephone ^rjjWft 'About the biggest ' » III the % * A Wi FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1950 neme Made Clam Chowder - Deep Fried Pike • French Frys - Green Tossed Salad 91jM French Fried Shrimp served with French Fries and Salad S JO Fish Fry M SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1950 Bill Barhefm here again at the piano Solo-Vox, to entertain yts wf|h all the new aad old favorites. MAY 30, 1950 -- TUESDAY NIGHT SOCIAL FREE OUTDOOR MOVIES STARTING THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1959 "LIFE OF RILEY" With Wn. Bendlx and James Gleason and also selected HIAWATHA Leads Mtn Bike Style Trend, with NEW "SHver Anniversary" Medals . . . Acclaimed Sverywhere the Style Leader CJLUB LILYMOOR ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS MINNOW BUCKETS SCHROEDER IRON WORKS of McHenry, 111. Announces The Opening of their Show Room Marble Top Tables fer all occasions Weather Vanes Lanterns Flower Stands and Brackets Name Plates Fireplace fixtures also Flexscreen an^other articles too numerous to mention. Ornamental railings, Beams, Colamns. Steel Sash and tiy|Ur Hie seamless float ring can't spring a leak! Lifetime floater bucket of galvan* i*ed steel, with trolling ringt Perfbraled galvanized k»* %et. Big 10 qt. capacity. A red summertime value ft| the flthermanl "St. Croix** Model--Deluxe! THJUVUMUL BIKES 95 Betty Lym • tdar Btdpm hMH MMni NaMck'Stn Mhai WALTER LANG « LAMAR Mn Screen Pley by Lamer Trottl • Bated on the Novel by fi«nK% Oilbreth. Jr. end Crnettlne QUbretti Corey e "Softi-Guard" Crash Bars e Guaranteed nMFk »w" Frame • Sta-Kleen Plastic 1.11 Per Week, Haedle Bar Grips "'"Ml • Xlra Air Wide Base Rims 46 f HONE McHENRY 617-M-l Camp Iuqi $2.69 (Hum loler Skates MSeelh Bend" 3-Tiece BomImm Fly Rods HIAWATHAgaionthe 'MmImuI Tsp vV:?hr yomgitore. lace* |va. K**p* hat or cold! grain «N treelM ^'tsalliw to* Mrap|t. |kM» «Wi fsil keei ImmIqr to SUV I7} WNh extra Hp; »en*-t>yW*d flnlth) nickel-plated tcrewloddng reel »eat. 9' length. OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS tedJHot Roaster 24c Hold 2 chop* or 3 wlf iwnl 24* han4l«--no moro burnt fbtgtrsl #" Itambvrgrill 29c fry honiburg art or heccwontfeg* HN*yow >i*nk «r» Phone 459 Selected Shorts -- Cartoon FRI. - SAT., JUNE 2-3 'THE SCREEN'S AFLAME mm SWASHBUGKLTNG ADVENTURE!J sferriag YVONNE PECARLO PHIUPFRIEND EIT NWUS^I E r/ ^ ilk UNCNESTEK • ANDREA KINS -- Ample Parking Space _ ,SJ . . . . . ys , • "... 3 -V